410 eiter, cga adt la pot Vlm 0No5.MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSOAY, JUNE 30M, 1949 Eoeght Nom Prnu Piges-Six Canot NEW HIALTON JUDIGE SWORN IN ;YrMM 5n ýCieayer Wins in Halton Old Newspapers RevelIitr 1940oin l tu Hlt.un O Li e a Vuagele for 19u9tht incue Luu n iuo Sweep ±vinuay FAST DIVISIONa YhWoduuudey, uue t 19,500 Van Ceenty on GEORGETOWN [e Palermueuuu; noîlu' ut {uomby. Meiday wlih 9,498 Vtling Nu. I ....... 2 y i u1Wodauuday, Jouiy Oth-Mueuby ut Lbroi and 8072 Veflng Con- Nu.1 213 Ouuuh; Pulueuu ut Rula'. a.rveiive-CCF Ais. Re wieia Nu. 3 17 0 Ul kindsci glasWodueuduy, JuIy 13 Puteutu ut 1816 Votea - Naoin l Lise Nu. 4 14 12 1 HOI Rueuby; RIaiu Ouuuuh. IWiah, Dominioe en Surge Ta- Nu. 5S 7 6 ruaueae e ~~~~~~~Wtaesduy, Iuly 2Û.-Puleruou utwSI leaiGvrma -iN S OutuOta, uuay uth ultu. Cleever ies hed 14 Yeri asE Wuddauudu-y, uly' 2 t Ouuuubo ut Naltoe Member and Volera 1ît 76R9 3 tteWrddau, Auguat Ied-Muuuby'Wn ofr Chmngieg K eut, biugPlauu tugi ut Oupla. teto1Hgs larfBuinou. Io 149 230 84 suaThiuh tu- uof t he lu West bu.. Mugset Cîuuuuu uf Buliutuo. Nur 2 1891 343 212 -~~~~~~~ tiituuutuuuuu. puuto waetuuliuuta a u 327 256 21 Multu Pouuar &Wuuu tu utitu HIs liésu eWE ST DIVISION wttu su bulour lubutu n! Nu. 4 368 330 53 au Meout iei In aqutturu aitHltu CuutyCoutMHuîelt,.od Wdueduu Juue -Luuulluuit, igu uuuiuevety uuu theuuecod aNo. 5 . . ... 268 uo3 61 lenl t Mia uZatuuuuou, Wilon Nelsun Rubunsoua oeIl kuOua- Oukuollu la-ye aua Multuu,1u;Motu Hutituu sidout Ma-oiy e Mutaodou 13316a3 uter, 402 DaVi aa-uu, iu as Judg o te touuty. Phutuuuuptud uhuu, tuain lte luit, Tou MltntS.t i niat nHatnrii lu. 32-M judur Aruhibald Cochranuu raumptun. uu huas uuuduutud th ou utt udueaduy 1uy 41h 331u,1 tuuueuuu su uuuu lauuujoyot tuut bui lssuune thu uetuuuuuut ut Judgu W. N. Muuuu. luot tull Judgu ut Miltuu Muigitu; Tuka ut Luuu uu Muuduu'uuCoing, Mu. Cluuuuus 150 ND Wiluun N. Robinsun iu uuuuuaulutet bu Judgu W. N. Munrou uud ty vilue. ,uujuuitY tusu lu 1426 bualluta.9 Wi lisua I. Dieo, fuormur Cuuu'u Atturney tut Multun, uthu drfdereatud WuuauJl 11 otuOlduu uuuutuuta uuuult D. AnduusnauuINTO th ai fofie -ht b l..PYr utenedy Luouî1t-Mluo;ie T uuguugruutuuuujorty aNul 1 98 122 2 a-uyltauul - huYiuftu th.tubuliuuuPeuaeao u lug ubtulMu Hl- uuuubuuîuuuu fluug iu Nu. 2 130 11 28 Thuuu 8ewa-ppea uure diatuard lu guud satt ut rpuit a-hile al of gent1 Wuduutduy, July 20--H1uuiluttuuguM Cuuu ,uuuudhi u ud4. 7 48 2 uukuuouuuiuuuihiuth ugtbut tau uuuaia tcji Nu 5ag Mr. 102ve 23ree yuud tuIur. Fiadiag ut thu puputu uesaublihud thu tua thut the ,Pr uevealc Coi. ee o y PRT SUMMER WIDDING Luuue Tc' i itnmjuuity uuut the 1945 ceutluua. Nu 5 20... 5 1026 2 17En hu piuitug6 ua o uIt e u Wa-uk iam Vuuan tule u a pluu htr ta- tonl,yaks rif eem SOLEMNIZEO IN KNOX CNURCNtLulu TSuk ut Mitu Mia ufficuiul uujuoty ut thIttîeN.6 25 16 7th hoga ntelfawrknpitstapacbtento Muighta. E ua31Nu. 7 100 243 289uuauht uui uuu ttt u utuigtuppr ian 'R E(i LAST SATURDAY Wuduuuduy, Julu 211h -Miltuu. a 51 Nu. O 211 241 o1auuds O litre unuitt wOuuuu match Rbdu huIlam tpapr ttuitas YST efltl.. New14 jUu1 An Heigitu ut Multuauilu; Luu'ullu uite Auutuu-l -eu pututu_ Cuution. theu Miltua Suu, and thu Tupuatu Globu. dutud Auguat 61h, cal uuuy mmur oauddiug wsTuas. tuIl ttue luuguauaa ut thu ftguuu, 1281 1332 227 1885. Mu uaus buldu thu buu a-biub uuatuaund thu pupuuo. au u Suli-o uaoel m 28a Sutuuduy, Juuu 25, In Weduesay, Auguat 3ud-Luouvillu uuuuuding lu uluutuun ufflutuls. Tltuuu Cluauuuus uujutity 49. -Phutus bu Re. Suuea u rru Fo Bato duugMny M'e Mehu, Muga Mutuutlu 4.115 mouue vuteua uligihilu aiis__________________ atie orHato rorl Iabldagherof r.auc's y.rtha tout yuuo ugu ad eurly NELSON an m ereDwo, aO Tu'uMouhluustalopluy thtelu 19,500 uteuuat tbuihuallots Out Nul1 63 66 6 tre W. 1. DikAdminieters Omih - untdi arutuge luMr Nutulil bgh tuuaua ut lthe EaIt Diviuiun. ut u tutl ut 23,919. No. 2 . 10980 41 NEW ANGLICAN RISHOF &OUWila RoisnNewt Ruom Mugu, uon lte lute Mu. ad B_____ eluru îeu oluub ouleituulîoa Nu. 3 ....... 83 91 29 ELECTRO AT MEETING 0F StetFoi NOSJedg.-Jdg« Muera Mua. Guorge Muter ut Paialey. Thu uealuud lu lthe Cuuly tua-a, ouîah No. 4 .. 71 103 168 DIOCESE 0F NIAGARA Prsn d duC aulith ses and Cochrane uuuututy uuas puutouuted hy tlue Local Constable 8815 uditeteuta uuauuugiag ftuont Nu. At u.... u.ou tuuha ut lit Syuudi For WI9 om ?'o* ttnd Reu. E. Sbiuu, aaioled bu lthe Rru. :0,tluuuat puat lthe uidiug. ANu.66 2 6,A pcilmeigo h yo Ceeu iteAiead oitsa Tbtuupaua. The ehuruh a-os Is Prornoted to bugu cou-t auuuuhlrd lnanud oI- Nu. 7 13 14u 5 f uthlie Diuoeae ut Niagutu od tob ionF n brs-h InJdesC'bna .tndetetda-itt a-hile gladlull, 882- oldu ut lthe Lbuuuî Cuuaittee trua- Nu.-8 12 0 3PuauimusvotuuoftheuCluuu-udMitnF a batoeau Stautei CUt o, Hotie llas~ t Fuîîuu alts alur Position of Corporal, tuhle Pulucu kaelt luallu a-uuiag Nu0 22 13 3 Luy deleguea. lthe Vuty SusuYrraI P loua Seeui Catycn Clo MNelut Roeiduo Mt. ouglus F. EfliatI, A.T.CM., uluug lthe Mua Street. Nu. o0 125 1 02 18 W, E. Bugall, B.A., 0.0, Deat utf Iltu. 3 uttratt Wlau Rfluan Ruittutua A.CýC.O orgalat, atnd Mmea. - ebr fte o tE0ruu-vrarie i itn o l 22 2 2-h ioeeaE etr fCrMuH Crd rodSre-ait soltht ut Aliuustr laulti Chawni s cgefrnt f ot atue puaI ausua yeuru tollua-ig uel-itrutioau te Buuliug- Nu 12 Il ut u eteu Cuited o eu Muea s ifon'mnme-Me euo d th11 .ot orfuuu CButluit. Rauqie ManS tua, aiotouly utter 18 ouclout lu lits Nu. 13 85 72 32 elsr' iteu ieDuea a Lee ra inr Phn u-t. Cuiua uto Hullau. Costel RuIe Toutonuddlt aed Tueîday ut Itolu useikta uoedathe- Sud OrIel ceeeauay tuba-rid the 'Imt, tusde hewdn uae peoututel lu lthe tuit ot -eaaiae lthe Otegetowno Girls' - n anoucrnnto te poitiintM 'cn arigeb br aheCoupoual. ilito uase uaonoueýd Ptpe Baud uuriued, and aoa iteude 1333 1335 338 Rtgtt Rreed L. W. B. Brugtoll, Mudeedu ut peuple, yuog sud ituragetfreeela- ut DIlua- propestie lut -u. ttitduateauura ou tdtutt Reseread Jota Lyoaa. Lord Aeuit- lu trout ut Miggiu's Orage, ta an pvoe Wilim1.Dik KC. orerwit nlo aruietewihflra etc tub ao ou ightuy utaiu tiotougiture. Alter Mr. TRAFALGAR ithop ut Ostaui, preaided ut the sa lthe tu and treille ut the ffl1- a bolp ale08 ,lauI IO ,tu-tuittulauotuteii ll Cleuseuts aeival Itou parade unu Nu. I1 85 155 10SoduitoatitdutheuSeRigdodMluuLga 27ue Caeeaa Ceoutu Atorney, a-io uetired applique ou lte saa- colle and dayuoglt oae laortlo iu d ial tpiga h onN.2 5 17 1 aherli aitn tetFi edls fdyng 2ti. reueatly odmulualtered the uutit of otid. Heu tulle illusion tiagee-îîp lthe Couatu. Coruu uu a1 loitalyau~ig tlt u- u2 5 17 1 uhdo aMu-îu aetFI edbtFls lit I2 -M Opputt uttturt teture Juilge W. N. ltiatro, outl flI frout o tulle iteudleuanud bu uuugrutuluaed ou hia uesuvtio itull a-her tullu-ra uuoa-ded eau No. 2B 100 188 10 Purier t0 lthe opeuiug ot the Syaud The ateeet taie au heM ta rafla taW uua< oau udeteMloJdett atr uiau oe uudin wlith wa doted oune lut. uuery usulll sacue. Otiterî Nu. 3 87 105 26 ou Taeuduy noraag lthe ratrea- lu Souda tor Itou Straus vst af Sauta oud o omrjde o atn udesx ed talimanrose mi uera-ed coutent lu uuugregolu ut lte Nu. 4 52 82 28, aitu Riuhp BRougtaîl wau teld Clusa luMiltua, tturtl' iteture oaurai u e uhtl Cutitru r tueSel uaephuuotiu. Mita Cateriae SalI, uîruueeuand a-whoup il ut."1 Nu. 5 100 138 32 tittougitut lthe Dloorue utas esidea- Chtas. ad i aerued ta M euogeutite Couty and a sait gulteetag ut a-aid of ituaour, Murgouet Mugue, 22 VEARS SERVICE Wtilr aoting au Mautet ot Cure- Nu. SA 68 82 13 ced tu lthe pueeatnta lona traut itgily sucesauul trugut lthe [tue, Jue '2718 utourt ad uatt' officiaiu ad utoui ufthIe grom.- itiduîaid, ARE RECOGNIZED RT manes aI te gutirriug Me. Clesuer No. SB 81 76 24 tbe Citutuh peuple terougtut lthe eseuiug. atutual treeda. Polth Da-tua, uousiu ut tou bide, LOCAL RED CROSS SOCIETY titautul bis aupportera tue aois Nu. 7A 133 108 31 Dtuueuu ut a paue ut utoaey am- AIlit iads ut goutta a-ee pa-ulîd Jodget Muare ad Cochranae were Juntoe bridesaud ad Liadoa - pluutug lteir tonfidence lu hOue. Mu Nu. 7 213 215 68 ouahong lu $7,58080 Thte oddeaafo tue at ug and aI ltaat SAL he tinltaI uoageatulutu Jodgu 1usd. flower gtrl, ulteudeil thteibride. Tht Preaideut ut lthe louaI Red aoured lte audienue ite aould uon- No. O . 82 128 57 a-o a-d teSs uu -uigsluol prOues sa oe S L obins~uon, l w itta- ton ogoucutat Tltey tata- dreaud ut a-hile eut Crotu Soiety ald Mu. L. Skate bonue lu utulat ait rgulta ut Nu. tA 5t 111 35 C. Bluguuue, Douteatte Cituplui t a-hile otiten a-eue uauoeauuoud ut buaheluch bot yeltoa- roue, îndy a-upur bal lthe pleauue of preaeahung lu ururd ald poitiuul falto, as itu to No SB 55 88 28 Eîtop Broogil, auI Mr.J. S. Bell utidaa ga-et, uuuludiug uaoluiog luup R uoSbinson bantdsfylo ossi h boit. Mt. A. C. Colltns, prinutpal ut' lte, pruolluel la lthe puol. Autuug oteets - adr lthe preaetatllu ut lthe pane. osue auik btouIles rulo ulMue Titoluo seygrutpîtuteuo aThetu hooquetanod noauga a-eue Unitted Suiuol, Secton 17 ut Esu ea- oto opoite ieety usere George 1212 147 3M3 Titae uttuadiag lthe apeciul Syuul Toutag lthe euuiug a-o tueky eai andautue uTi al lbOao2ut aatle.r tn ~a ut yelulte tg, ut Mitonu Melgita, a-th a ser-1 MuLeul, Broate, T. G. Nmoutita Cl Iu tvt.3 ~ tu-GutCtriMloo ra.T- uugar -n l ptoudrea a-uet ly ite uoam Mu, Wtilliam Balyw luh bs ie itadgu bitog utotrd iy lthe Miltua, Viutor Malt, Joa-as Cun- ES( UESINO Ttesay outre the Sa-tue, Res J. froue the eraa-d, Wesla Sott mad lu, oely ulue poudtht1seo arn inatetouloam anduothoeusutu reMesar. ottubuve ut lthe Sel Cross. ut To- niuggham,.ElMutualendahoat of Not A 35 91 7 Monte Furua, asnd lthe Lau Dulu- George Detupeut lu pikth1e tickefi anRoatcdbr ic m rd ausllCaeBruce MuNaiadrouto. inrecognduoittoio i utii tun. No.IB 60 62 40 gute. Mu. RobetrFox.Mr. Frnk traintatuoe dou. Thea-iuaee usocitoni-lt lte ofttiels int lthe Rohurt Muuioy.t ttcsuiu the Juator lied Crout lot 32 Tutu bands.u Jue No tor OdI Nu. 2A 127 Ili1 tTtupuon ald Mu. Cîtituor Beatty. a-e- M. E. Eaut, 222; R. Kart, Suua. ruta ouyata Iu arelte' -lt A t the ecep ion bell aI Mous ytOtt. Tum a-enuoing and Thiry Hopins Nu. 2H St 9S 71 i ta lihelu the Btttop-utuut a-IIl ie tretuollr. 2148; Jeau Arnold, lifil- eauor tor cnueo. a-e hase hurt torounafe ton FonLglietreaattite lu aat lthe outeirtruiou No. 3 125 1791 t1000aeuatel tuel ta lte, auutu. tua, 21; Otututu Suaueloe, )Ml- outualua eueoti courtr officuia. I a- sure ouhe rciv, gua-sel la pale STANDING ANNOUNCEO one ut lthe itoppleat ald alaîrat Nu. 4 67 142 24 tua, 253; M. Milas Se., Malton ant outu in m tai u cuts auuutuouPtnk tttpt totith tttutol uuuuaotiet IN BOFTRALL LEAGUE tour kul ut Mtlton. Tht uroutd, Nu. 5A ..... 78 112 18 Jopou bau titrer --ithalt erti- Metgt, 58; Cutil Cooper. Milto, ouI a-uîuitiogtoututuiaguiSitespa-at anOR MILTO Aors .îîC ulI anduYouog ulibe, taloyel eupry Nu. 5B 47 45 14tuorola.olieutg,48,DeCu-eMlua07 anu oaabattararl uttliy lte grouo sont, Mra. FO MLTN NDDITRC moa-to uthlie ueleiteutluu. Aftr No. 6A 132 85 t3 ttoogit oot are imperceptible. uaýks'tiee e Iconclluo, tot auel lthe to' Eroest Magut. usuaulog pua-ler Pa- L Mu. Cleoereanol itsa utlrade teIt No. SB l2S 71 15' tak uorally acouinsafor thré te ueliag mse Metiotn of tou tourmeu jolgu, "as blot urute ouI bat ust ikP .Rbrto )t iit ote pintres th8iait EV. J. E. MAXWELL ta Stue turet of utotul pdoalang ampuepieoa lotS havse lu trou on yuu tou a carnatitoucorsage. Spinn L.Ohuluo 3 O tl otlituet untaîtu, lite OOuely 84 7_5___ UT RDE-ELS epne o esaes sud aruck.,u tuitr I amo touttdeat I ustîl houe Sue heu useîtiug trip, lthe bitede Snepouu, îl ulae ot ie ae aat08 87 10CNUTSEEDE-Li tetou u-pvea Y ada-u li m the uu-upurullou utal offcitis usoru aittue-e studsit it a-lue incial Brc e ýhui ftemran"btnbd Cevrmjrt vrBnet EDN NNRA 'raîlltet tMit oureuuty. .c.too Duhuurtr _uLuu 2l1lttta tau id tha. ASecoudl129. n' are tua-eS hn u ouIty. Mueso. RO thi slt- .t~ Bustneso Meu 2 O 2 impmtu'-l Ougpipu haId au NASOAGAWETA St. Fuolu Angltcau Choech t eSe ar mYme and rs. Maee wil resde inMiluHdto. 3 03 ougoutzee, ouI atter lealiag O put-Nu. lA O 7 126 17 otoll ws the tu5u,. ofluptttungEvn 1.Grade Eight Pupil To~hetî ouid ia guoduitu of tite DAMES NEXT WEEKC OutOaoa iehl su o 0 4 0 i a uu sdîou udott o igaet lieOrdooali ottuao.C-loiulaîlitut' Lcgtuu. otac, parofetheliCoouty. Nou 2Bauteea 85 1 ou nt nmraeE y Tlrut Re iv Recognito andu Dua t al Cullge. ai lts, Mouus Job dîWL o ieuithlu-ul ettutt uN A 6 ~ ig Jraleu 241h otra lof JmE. - Mn- Frd Fore Fin wor iha CUted Ctouobh Tucustu, beltt,, Tuuud.to,J lu S Hutootas Men osTh t tigurea of lthe staning No, 3 M4 1Y_ 22d I.tot -Ytdo5euu c~uaAaOO aus Far. FrtFneWututu.. Moltu mtothbctuuaoeunilaxt Mon--- - and Mut owuard Bradleu.MHoro bu eoautuuteueiso Tberdu luitae tth -ittock s.dtu we tloubuluoruiag OttceutP.W. 30 476 991 ouI Mutaa Lue00 Rous Eluatuu.aoana- .LYCS MuEuup-aiotuItht JUNE MEETING OF ,il ju lot FL Couhu usd P.tit lit oitle.u CThetuolus,3 ct;u oupuEle tutrtuo Loa ocal mes.t E.ity a hsesfiF .Lw oil Zlerueau Sutauf ýOMARGIf CAM John Miltoa Chupler, 2..DBE A NELO AT PIES. C. MORTON'S Moeun ohltla uoloa GRANDh TOTA 0072,, ou toto' Mur to tola oolîit a d M ou te hGulpogue tr TmUin ttutesusieuceu a utooitrued in ouuho utge voht Nauto!te ani- ,uter Mou Cs C.o Tht SoIty Cut ' us ltttootu plt to0 l geous ..dae in tht 1845 uleult o Mr' ,A îlot the tttttoouy th, touple EGurdeu Party Joît 21î9. Haa-by MiASeE 519 eladuse;,nhrM O rC otn h o r. Clcoo c teauud i couut t5 2543 Two Fire Cails odoortir ilrsiei týt-,e pae fItr f otet n",e lute32e ottal Man Sw ver Gulatti tht d uatutu a lu h 24 latdtes giotog toIt utt oi,, te VosMisBnttdw175mr"l'bou mentt.uo utle 8r3 nmes Ms .B outrath Ch lauu hbao Idi AS. Ntcholuon ald Me. Reeve Po p duuettu pIakr gv a grphie tc utfomu tu th Tur'uohoplas Cu ý Otuot 295 vote orea autiuo dl Mur.sJauJ Tht reu-onathuly meeting af aescritionohrutri ot a Pugood tu 8 ut , lu th, Towtsuso tue lieCFpeu Attention This W'eek D y~J4l ruatuta a-I. a-IlI Me eld aI the cri> littîra ppreululed tou lt ald Auru goudtreporttttof lhu tt WINNER IN NALTON pOctu Sdu-i Olittediuthrug uT-1,- e ____ E snsum to Tuecy otl uth.KA.Muaa Ouldetoo uai utettIer lte tcytugi Aouo stuooh h oot oliOr Il itulu1t00 oul ot cpou l u ' iuua.Jl tt tort ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . itua goit1 OtOOOal-ar toeîuMo.O he' Ditrc uoltg dut, usit on 00eaorttog. 'I Miltoo Fitru rigade dartug lthe "I- YtOuan- 01hel Aootieeplainfatuteuuaithe T venaistforAOuitultOttOoýd <fuuuauauuseurutuu tutocuht sr ro oaOae eat ug Mdeu .e _balots belote 55e lilult hast one fitutu Tocooy utteuooa lthe and ual d Totua MUle, Derlins, îtey-ou Prtoleatuiouutfucah pricuoltoroPil l Coaaa Industries, Mutld. a-Feu- aldtatefrmnwbrn ilees f ltm tigtay. A hl "t grade rigitt in Milton FubieJîta and Mut. fi Sutc t Itoutooauiu. Frtaud usawIgh olt lulte, lo t' ,ua os 2altS tMbs ta hey olualct tut u 018 h tO~tt"uttIuuuoîeuoto MILTON 0to Cutsuothutt To I., Sels Joty I. Adisiou 5ft, i,, Co t.un Ca .t. fi fo I98-9 th .W01i.' ptey\'- o hniC Notth W:.uttfooct Cou,'tSlouo T, Ii tilt' lut t iu. t-ý, ou1a ýy alL Iý, , JaIs' 121h, ste tio 9 ,,,d n.t.thehous, ad wileaI 7 atteat. Rsa-, Oirai puise es utrnbo . t t o Muegurut Mulau,; Esa tun ou h htitigttinAgclture toitt MouN. 104 148 8tht Iteaaconftued lu a ca-allo utlitra. Adualstass3essadbc ea-ri tabctdo vent tu Tarouto Muateum and gtuto by Mua. Sreeaa. I"Es adaciewstrgtue rc a eiaî use ta Foulianneut Buildiugs. Juolce Malt; A Sutut "The Migit Coul t ofMibN."6 1tI 10r ouand Mel-oitalo uau tie tra-sgv » N.3(I lut aue stoct Cloa Stogeu, Shirley Loute; Hmae toas giotu hy Mra. C. EllitiaI . rend1- - l lu arual te unn pluas uGtirtluo-btsu 8o Nu, th home - eill iteturu t Euuuua-it, Annue Plubutt; Mauol Aoury Riotto t govt tutu 42o8 70_ 59 uoat ita-îugstabut th GIlneudas acMt lousandu houe Trainiug, Dunald Wailsoa. Ou toutoIt iogo -Gruusiug Titga" and 'A 429rit 708ve ove Lenaet he uyree bal otatle aa x-Is vurIl au up stock af aIU the aulusers, Mya a-hurler Vegetuittu Gardta." M78,jaelt Cleusud votsfo Reatti tou, tira gaue toire 10 t aa-t 0.30. t a-ho aulu e taegt Sito'2% ta tue xrtuesud appréciation. MrFoster, A cotuIes touductrd its Mut. 27oouett outra to lot tou Robrt Sutrebet uait the;;;a Dtred JIlr t»h aPea-out ci pa ofg atou aehual, uddndlit h ie ue tout a-ou Oy ara. Stuehurt. upau29 se htYuc taI taue the eltapter, ftue R uuturooaPuuig 'St. Suter. ACTON ha alug grs&ausueal cosdale y' tu rhai kicdd lerel etoua- ta the pupîta ut Orale aI thou de D GdaDte" usa gîsua ity No. t .......... 74 173 31 ta-ute, Olua-a us tuer us Mua Stree arelarymo es n~u Kuua olt. JaaslHUo unad br eusSa, Mua, E> Eaaeriteouk. Sus 2A...... î 131 ta7 lthe biugude soien tuaI Il uttlr eus-awi rebte sptueu ad AnneuP&elsandoald Wil- Auottour uîaleal, tuea'e 3A 640. 0 14 0 tîteut. Cauaeulhulhfluesa-atua flou eeJatbila srtidles made its teut Mes. W. Fruutan toas ot Mns. Ru.0 3B .M...........a-5 111~ 9s &e kwàt st«s Ssey Jcm~ et la the Hmue Euuuniaueanou Mauul M. Malieu. Il Nuace 3B s tr eule s gas ast o fsp c ae yt 4 Tesais5n clasea& The Sogrus bt The ueulIug clouel hY aiaaiag'abe Hughies Cleer, Lîberal Moe- Nu. 4 . t108 147 Il A ceeue d tuit tr la. salamed sutured a Prisk eeiù» sy i & hiBà 8k Ireue te tata, ueluuuneu lte National Autheu atter a-hleh s heu o teMlluen a-M ao retursed - - - la auto UsaI ho bam :en In 10e Cosfdrethea isol Sl lest boqng x< Wi - iural, mêvrrl aif a-bouea-n scill he ue as speul sud Mntes,4 Ottawa as taosay wIh une ut Se 11011 106 a-uuagl Itla fiuit @W3ss is a"athe Ll berel Pirty la huflas tho lisa n Mate5han, uttha prfi-fas altMtra s rhhe sea th le t eée l eriles esr ccused- tlajudty fou Cloaser urer Bue- Wust that hui fi avis ta-te tise GcOnB eesu-uth vna et 29 n t~f Tu mut scutu lsu ia lq Murton uands be fepr re di tls ridiegr nett 246 oee bots uppeseslts 1ea. ho e yeeteuaty. Roui aqta. ».