IDIIA 11111t4,lion 00 in CAMADIPf CHAPIN 04 am nZ oma OAKVIZL J. A. Elliott Motorr vhebsles inailApriliwee aload Lfisj dAMtlUeoe aMd Up 46 per e rnt ln mbar end 56 pieJh o& oplrIc dgt alBad MW wme cnt ln valu. over lent rear, reorts wwu badIli hort lait Tbaredw tkSafu- ia ia. ThebanCWPqsO P 9" tUtllasi noe. when lthown fruits biPyod PrM17J -$77 ils ndp tia brnclr-oe, ndlalM FUC illt nloauoted La reeorergsatisfahi, litsoa _____________ c ataloguere prnted. phyiclai orts. _______________Hfrry Glidlngs, ie-long resirunt Frames ARE ofthe Dabvlle district andi ne ofDoisT the bs-Ene a ene-herot teiners oes7 on the continent, dled lu St. To Our Friens and Mistoers.. uabaHospital, Toont, early Insul-Bric hOrFied n Csoes . etrt taoiirreas erentitdofaCdrr iig W We have SoId Our Business to g5. r taksfee vrldy eagaiSdn e Alihtugh thse aureent reerd Shingles Blq ME. FRANK DEWHURST sprng doUgIt l ota!e toE have a eriots et Uon rp qsality and _______________ andwis tothnk ou nos snceelyforth paronge qUntity, thera hUve heen noflU iUei- SYBIL BENNETT, K C. and wsh tathan yoa ass inaeriy fo thepatroage n n sdemand ordU na Cra es 511 0_______in_____ afferded us this district, Keth Laver, super- nioroassrîeooanîcnospntTh'aEirns fot ime;1Ihune CAR LOADBNGE it hos been a pieaure meeting nd serving yoo and trust moeta 0grsaearayi mar l atelstaeot yUi I aig frweked a you wiil faor aur suan essor with the aseakind good wil aridosue and mn o roe are Ueex- Mnvlsya u a2haira2igurrsmas0e C 6,163sgo carseak est edo peated ahat sooal eonmleataons Ye hae J o bla 275h. SOsih 7,50mares0.05ain atospUed BS0FLUCK AND GOGODHEALTH ALWAYS aasviude, ho eCued. iisYmtao UeIamuhy Unetaresin-reomsdhe 3530 Pst ad f Theosndtin soeaof the nae l paitia.ldoanetclomsate raae. eiiu 1iasudf Avodaa Bodlng i Aplehydoaata knum hamanan mhat eaemu Acadmic Buidin ofAppebythea mm antus iom guana' massnt ercntfei 9,698 a year ega. Mr. andMrs. WJ.Nrringtn Cllgamemrarsttthe twentybecaussn1laun my owame; 1. _________ Appiehy todantso havgoe hir tssam mhat the furmar mats lha- mon, Un yUse 01 m h anod hbras e ive n haeraseod wme r as e a' e ; slsaw. tua. mht the I' VE LRS UD ffially laid an Wnssdatie05r- bus tooes cd.nedsbecouse us o ailo ekaa. -TrafalgriUayeetfohave smaiclse aoach- noon oflast wth .shaB muteras.And fiiaOy, I CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWA) Journl. fetarI 5knom wat the uvenage aoniingmast monts henusUe I eliiee STANODARD TISR hat no aountrYnyinon h a n d rs Thafintelaatri aoloy line in trongand adBand f e anotSGo'mg East- SSio.m.adaly; 2.07 sev e in Cauadau nn esmn ena a-pi fon hi oise. s.aly; .37 pas., datty axOap Windor nd alkrvile, ntaio. Theta iost em mante hon e hts Ws-.0 .. fa) * ar er IrasetuiihaieJu;ai b& sy ano ifoame gaios about the doili 1 O.. af 1.asm. g, homes, niittoso the muma n teChir iy;e6x« pS as d l; 1.4 Chmrsle foanm an ti ohisata eap usn fnO thea hunsssenas ni mmen inosda indootny. Giou Eus-7M a.; 2.07 p.m.; Thene eainahon iiuyU hune hvao .04 p.m. lI~aeerM. ~extrameyaaoioyahie, extremely r- UiWs--5am f ,,noekha.e n ar...fl jj5goand rotraaseiy vnulhialosa 6 PM- ILf,1Whethaa ornest I um voonahasare * Senir CitjCîîa uys PagesiveCosastvea " Seior tizei., aI illnanan foagat. i hoaemas CANADIAN NATIONAL a hdreitaof poeIiai utevr RAILWAY Caen, ud une enhta n e b- Galng North-758 as. * a y raasansehiuagu tGng Soh-710 pýr IVitEiro asany this s Mothers c Dnptatilsatahnnn humevr thane Oaa muny thingsuntotlîtneds * ~ Wuraiou l aoin neet man thiogs "DusOille Mt-IL th,,gs thut Ihay hae auanad uM thut they Ors thasa Atthibs time i non metion u I aeta saauatynd thah A-), .JA tmand ondea the heodtnu, m eeore. hehand nithe paty oai hh ~ ~ -nee heauithtenssaaaeuaccident and 'T oahont enatit. hospitatuio oaasntty tram onamnoymantuand mont. We halitan. leu, thut'v-Y U N ana, i stress thut moad: shoidge ALL DO 13 TTER ý pnsion aithauge of 65year Enaayaaeamatong:pnsiotnsohoul hriead ta tran hit orlehom and nuntaus ond thea nhoid ha aanoiaha thifs' itsa-m.,tamtht thttsi, ahant- mamg proaut aud 1mo.ldhbc Tr tîatan haapttaag i - - a o dt a aeis j u s o h e o t t ît t y Th s s nar vata. yvua, aiadaunl ad tadavi voua dosa ta uta il. Naturvlly 1 mnt Yeu toyvotar- O g, vtoaa Coacanatian -bot bhle mme haa 1 ty, I 00a s t atevt v, allesar hai mua aou aote. Te. enny of USIuam oivid, fr gedath-m autushîn tha frunchis I autyist ws w0 on ha tha h od ad the tauaof ouraîovathcs Thundof ter itt:::te VTEeOR REA tieevoteThe oforEunate visiterno lakan anddrenwee ilcust bd Wsdot plathav a eall grnd And aveaia ns ar at tha tata vacatin. Theestt bis? W e rtarrntypolta hi caa, tat Gir H ite a 'Cian mee!' ao mncal t t I a th oanenana e golf0 lwa bowing, b th onnio dth amnvaotes ha oa NIVDA ECR ingboaing nd veryating umlntaith thehattetm il requhigh levais.onTaxesbhaveeheu oshar ctiviy of tt gl Ands o, i mea uasoiard o ta outdoors -jutE what adthess tut trs tuathen dvlomW--o al mnr meeanoomonoweatbumor wan afryolar ivacation hrg of yu duyn, nin vta 1If~' '1~' YOIJ'LL E NJOY niatan rau at r hsut se enftonOdAg Poioe V U E IThlfotunGO iNBY Usi berutsigeoi TaitmdulahImuvote~ laites and weIn-scenonce, wFmoorhPritremund PARES AREand1influncie a Libo nii l pinACave 0 reull $7a40 pestions a54ndacentiobthervoh. BEN NE L'l SYBIL BENNETT, C. PragrusseaConaertira FOR VOUE HAITON Poktisaod by the Htion rogreasive Carseavative Association HUNTSVILLE 8 .50 ROUND TRP (Subled tei.Change) Oak Flooelag !ilton Lumber Coal Company YOU THINKING 0F FILLING UP TOSE COAL BENS FOR NEXI WtNTEE, NOW? ha.a fo, Immedlat Shipanant Sl Ceai-Nue and Stovi Sinus Limie tesul Board PIante UseRai Mouldiaga InsolatIon Gyproc Maante. Having urchasedthe .. NRIG uies Havng praaed urthaWiNeEINatron Bsiness, t nerve yau ta the isest of aur abiiity. OUR STORE HOUES WILL BE Monday ta Saturday 9 a.m. ta 11 p.m. Wdvsday 9eam.tot1230andl7p.m. to 1t p.m. Doring the moatttt of Juiy and August me miii be open Sunday t p.m. ti 1p.m. Watsh On, Ad i extoEWek's Piper for Opacifia Spaa MAYFAIR LUNCH & CIFT SHOP Fraak and Verna DemhusProprietors rIR SEàC UR 1TY for you and your famiy Employment, trode, lacoe.are nll ut new ,n redured. New fortoriea, asew i and other natal resosarmeoare ýjobs. Liberale have prit through ail Clatesoncial iPensions for the Blind, Faily lealtit Gronte, Uneaiployanent der forai produets. The contributary aid ugo ralth insuronne. SERVICE i gaisag8raunîun and war hou the comlplare su of al Liberait. Rt. Hon. Louis St Laurient W. ON case cf ha firet and strongeat odvoentes. ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Cianadua tanda Uiitedi and ready, i cooperaf MOTORS REPAIRED vit ohe dmor ic ations, ta do her port RE-BUILT WAS1IERS inUidq ecadscuiy VOIR SAME S»AFF 1R YOUR SECURITY. PHONE 85 Y1* 8? IN CANADAS FUTURE Foster'a R..rd elc support vasi Liberal