JUNI23r&leuTHE CANADIAN CHAMPION VOTE CANADA ONE GOOD *TERM DESERVES ANOTHER h'as cc ced cn Bulingtoc High Sclsovl Board; Councios, Reeve and Mayor of Towe et Bust.agton; Membr Hoeof Comscoes 14years Chairma War Expenditures Comttee, Chairman Baning and Commerce Comsettee. Dear Fieads- Sceet1935I1have had the hoorof represensinghs riding attawca. Iee dsthe ork young enough in life that notoaithstandng fourtee years of srice, 1tam sillyoung enoogh taoffe myslf for re-election at 56 yeassof age. Yo ill recall thatmwhen 1first took office in 1935, tmes mare oery bad. Todcay the over-alI picture sa far as Canada is concerned -as neyer better. 1 do eot suggest that Lbesal gocernmeat poticies have bean the only cause of the im-poement, bot 1 keow me wmdl ail agsee thot mse gooermect potices help. Dacong my term of office, 1 have sncerely tsed te give you the type of represeetatioa at Ottawa that yo mould like tahave. My services have always bee aviabe tatllof my constituents tespectiveof their party affiliation s. I s an open secret that the membess of ecesy political party differ ie theit viema, and that my position inthe Liberal paty has beeat the reform end of the grocp. thave amays stauchly supported social service tagislation, and have had an active part in the introduction of the Uneecptoyment I ototance measare, the Family Altawaeces measore aed the impsooamect of the Otd Age Pensions tegstatioe. Hotding aews cahich t do, it s eeedtass for me ta add that 1 milaot ba content oetil our OId Age Pensions psogsam is fctty implemeetedi, aed antil oas Public Hcalth Bil is rcplcmented, aed oeti oct Uc employmect t esurance Legislatioe lacludes the added featos of saocgs. At the present time, macyof ouscorkesare payeg uepoycentrcsutacewho wille e- recee anybcecifits. While t have eea the Post Office building or Georgetowne compieted, acd cem Post Offices bult at bath Bostington acd Oabctlc scce t1935, there are still three smaller communities cn the ideg catitted ta public buildings. Uedes present conditions, buildieg of homes msts have precedcice, bot I1caould libe ta have the appas- tcety of a furthar term of office in order ta sec that these thsce ssaallercs omoatics do bacc the postal buildings taowhich thcy are eertled. tcnold also ike tahavecthc oppotuiy of secg Lom Rcral Housing projccts builr for Oid Age Pccsioness ineeary muncipality in thc idinff, smilar ta what mc bavecic Burlingtoa. Dusing myrterm of office,t1have also succecdad ic having permanent mharf stroctores huit as bath Brocte acd Oakville, to take the place of the old moodea stsuctureseahich aesaocostly taomoaia, and I1right add that at both Broe and Oakcillcmc om haveiacd harbous îst as goadas yocmwilfad aywhasc ontheGraLabes cn municipalities of comparable siae. In this campaign, yo are told that it s tma for a chaage, aad that the presect Lberoi admiaistrationa s otd acd resd. 1 aced aot emind pou that aatmithstaadiag the vasy graat apsat coaditiaa of the world at large, Canada ta day is mote praspesoos thaa she bas easr been bafora. This i saggast, did cas came abaat by accideat, bat by carafai planning. Colanel Dram is pledged ta fire thasa plaaaars as bureaucrats as ha calis them. Do yaa ma ths dcle? As ta the kbaral administratian biag alid acd tirad, this of course aftea happans mhaa a party has bacc ia affica fat maey yaars, bat it daas aat aacessariiy happea. May i remiad yaa that the aaiy tma cabinet escsters mho have baca ia affice sinca i becama poar napreseatatice ara the Rt. Haa. C. D. Home and the Rt. Hoa. J. G. Gardiner, bath cf mham ara highiy experienced and are stillinl theis prima. Al af the ather mambars of the cabnet hava baaa neer appaiermeats fram time ta ime, and fiva af tham are lacs thae fi fty years cf aga. r has almays bee ha policy cf the Libarai paty ta pramate yacag mcnancd retire the alid cees, ln addition, me hava a cisats l cccqmenmh csae beqaredfor future appitmrrtr Ocr, hne 7t Yus sinrcly, l-lugties CL-avec. VOTE TO RE-ELECT HUGHES, CLEAVI FORHALTON AVOID A STALEMATE VOTE LIBERAL PubIlshed by 1h. MalIcS Liberaf KEEP DO YOU WANT A HARD HITTING AND EXPERIENCED MEMBER* Hughes Cleaver DON'T SWAP PERFORMA NC E FOR PROMISES AL ei' *Lets Gie Pajllshsd by the f ioDmAT fil J. "dAI. ZOSPEROUS T and wish ta t ha, beeni BEST C 1 PE