ami c SIOBPIAL SPITAL sourgen .88eet 38.u a"treet 1*7-8 pe Ba195 -2 MiCEO [CnR Du IK elle Armna INSON ler, me. umplon 01116. 54 f o5nry Fmibu ulIdong. Maina 70 >SKIN ARDT mBidg.. rurunte ING lIng. Muta.w [aphone 197 ;COCI MON07 a Thatre a may be Extraction oarphne 65w 2-5 p. 8-9 loy AHN oe 56 m1116 AY GLASS TUMBLERS ('l,<P Pruuf lnrdoaail Pyrex Ci- ,0ube. aoI 10 ustand lOt fau, ln Wi taod 9o !-bir . ndo12»1, SCREEN CLOTIi <tOr: ut 01189a tu.pîau oor rouieef loI106 $1.29 aira., a ai aloao 610.q.f. 20C SCREEN INSERTS tiardwoaidfaaai4 coruuuad ulith goud quaity wrrrooag, adjutabl. 22" te 36" 85C SCREN DOORS $3.95 and ap 00040 nao, OO.d 616h aI. jI vrnoiub esperstI" ouila oBrdt ta uea Door Door Catches Ltcb Sts AaIistck. AUTOMATIC MODEL K SeM o ipriki. ny si*. iclte fem 5 to 50 feet wlth tam f diel o thdii.ther. range fur th ido aoaronaauaTh. Rai. Kng Ao 06000c NODEL H STANDARD Perim 1.0 for eo<a.O< âenly ..rd.d arcase 300 gal- for iuy h<od o 20 l.. proror- ýi.g t.l- lou etproroun i...Xpib HEDGE 1TMMER H OSIENOM. Chainea-po.d. 60 sBaid MaIndiiuai rror dallfu tsoi t, doa iis. The' oootioo of -the poOoooo of th 3'thrc orrooO tu have s0080011 ed o the dsoiples the restoationof u îo:'oeî, <o thry auh Jeas ifHe la abottîo rtorr the hooadooo 10' 1.020. H:o 0nswer0ilplieu that th. kingdooo :0 00010104<0ta0bhorotord t0 lsr.cll oa, 1 25-27; 9: 7; Jet. 23: 5. , ;3.: 1-20 Eoîh '36: 23-2; 37: 24-2; Hloo 3. 0. 5; Joel 3: 16-21; A,,, :000l-1 15«.But inothe ooot I ::ph.t:î . 'y Ho tellshe.1 Ihat IGod hoo 'reerd he hoouîodgo of limes0and ueaoooî lu Hialf (Malt. 20; 36; Rh. 13: 32; Oral. 29: Jusostolb:thro atteton o. 06 <ho viatt otOo 1 luooeroti6101 duoty o ,itnessjng for Hou. Whoo jthoy hould ecev e hhoigdoai He duc.0.<t0i0close; 00h00thry uhould 1001010 00010r Heo doru ot dourluai 0h00 the Hoy Ghosl hud 00610 0700 throo(R. V.). Thoy 000014 00< have owe0000 011ibroh. Houe fooli:h ho for u10 o y 10 0000 fo Christ until orohave soght aud; ohîained the haptiu610vith the Holyl Ghoot. The o poorofo the Hoy Ghot wa00 001 6100017for the pur- phOesr f 0101002thoro happy, bol for thopoîposeof um0aing hem 1 "0<- ooooes,<(2 ;4. 0-12, 31, 33: 5:322 9: 17, 20). They w01000t0 hrgoiho-r 01:10000:g rght hcre10 hcy mr 01n h000e Holy Ghost 01000000l004 -in Jeou:oloo. Thoy 00000 tuou <02 11110101; theo go o tlhc 0001061 0r:ghhoooîo the despoored Saoaritan, Aller opîahoog thool 010141. 0hi10 lhcy 0101 lokiof. H:o loîl hrgan to Iroîr the ooîth. This <las Hiu o::ght t ' 20:0211il. He had l«flod Ho: haods o <o h<îutho61 as He fini shed he 01100201 :Loho 24. 50, 51). H went up wooh His han stetîhed 0ou inb rdoît ion, and Thî'y h0101 He 201000deo t hey 0201 Hoooîloarly. They ouu Hhuo unt:1 the- Cloud. the Sheh<ooh glory, 100h H:mout001o! heir oght (<o!. Ex. 10. 9' 34' 5;."a 910 ; Po. 1 04: 3). Wc ill bc -civclîd 0p <010 that "O<od ooorîday :<Thro. 4: 17). Ho of Cod inour bhhol. t. p0c0.0e0 pl0ce for us :Hoh. 9 24; Jno 14: 2). ally oeîoo'o(Rom 8: 34; Hoh. 7: 25) and Hiao rîroruîr thor n.w goaruoteeso 000PrsrorIhorboro alter <luo 12; 26). III The Retorning Chrost, 10-14. They ulaned Iheir ryru 10 001 aiother gloopar of Hou and lhro stood Ihor tuoho'T 71m00.6in o'h:<o':,f! 1h11 16: 5; L:Oo 4 0 1I1 J. HOEY & Son CONMRCTORS CONCRETE AND CINDER BLOCKS (Ail Si>) SAND and GRAVEL -PHONES - Re.idence, Milton 162r23 Okvil. 755 or 13720 Pit, G..rgultaia, U,14 DedStock IIRE,$2.50 each ~CATTLE8 $2.5Oach4 IHOGS,.50cieper ew.d Accrigjbuîze and,,, Cati ColIect GaIt 2718J THÉ CANADIAN CHAMPION YfflI Deha8~WM»hCLEAamG IlTe Sunday School AUCTION SALE KI emon Ii SybiliBENNES, KCC. 0F, i80flm 00"84 E U6'G014T11U3s261949 Prorue nilv. » Teunefgndbv rcle Goidrn Tit- Lu, 1am iutb youu oae-bh ariila mforth at "g "e aluhayî, lu theuc'lR ufthea g." o Mat.28 2. ATIJIWAY 117431 10h G'<¶o at.2:2.Cuaiailgnt'ai.Otp..DST. -~~~~ ~LeouuoTot-Mat 28: 18-20; Auc. îfcalg 1: 4.10L HORShead,SuIAI;tlNES-Gry Exosiutio- 1. The Prrlanent iowrr'lÙ l 01j Mrrhing urdaru lîfor vry Christian 1 . Po90 awrubarSeof o Maît. 28: 1820.8f1rlavyI o M arori; Cllurs. Bbtura rouiiniiiug tbeai, Jriui CGS-Brindlè Cua. fraib nou dluruartutbdlu:plo Ot ouour-brd 8Black Cow .lol !brain tthat l.. urr abouthu rorr, ula. olai. beikn febradlufrbroJe u lh. eyr. t o meiv, nth.Feb' 2ICalvai 4 weeiod THRMS 61'-oou.Iug eira lba aluutborty In ipduLTity d EQI2IPMET - THERMOb aveuoodou a rlbh Tboiaamo 2MOSiaioaPu1Ieti,8Ourb id:200 l:PZ Y WATE ed 0 ho nemgSumex o oobrels,8 woraunid C a JUG ;PY SWAT8R uuprud.i odu. oooa oiuuger fouaitais tendon. etc. - loir euu= utour fsuflartty FnI fMji31Mjq.ý5- Drrrlug I 11 Gallon Cap- 'w týththOemanad beOause wd out GrainBidr ft asy Haris a acity, gazed stoip lu 6eigh tbruu ad luditte Mwr tMaris tPIDinew poery Inruoru hc . Ilt a tbe Foîbor wob rdba., 0061: lined'but p. be.toudlthls outhorily upun te etbaHC.Goniurt oodu o2 o Ml.1:2;Jo :3;1Cor. GadenoO* ar n Seuter 0014 0. 15: 27). 'hil utohrtyi or"n ieux!dCuttasg fiuo;lRay Furb- Far,, Wsand auFi Racb; Ford boxes; flIOh.over allperos and tbla dlrrTank; Quotity uf Snuow in <hOeaen nd eth adbou Jno. Fence; Faru e; G lr;0 Drunua; M 7.;Eh1:2122; 1 Pet. 3: 22; Furbu; Cboiuu; Sbovels Etc.;A1uo* ~4'7 ""abut 5tonsof short Wheat Straw; $4.451.2 lix ;u Lord4 of al (A. International 12-ble Drill: lut. 3 e.:-eb I0< H had Itisuolhooity F2101-Tmlo o htoh, 0100<4 <au Joo. 17: 5; <Barry.rorr< 010<xu87h; Urighl ELÈCRIC-FÂH Col. 1' 16), bt gave oi p tou6abe Pano, steel harh.rercellttour'e - - A,: attrctive la i 041. ide atooroolot for or 0<61 Phil. 2: 6-8; 0. ode h Bl to u d;Ra. gbt M b!!1 lad -.Rodaiuu inish jb Cor. O:9). It wau rlorrd to Hi 00001;boul Brdtov; Rougot o:<boifroufrrd 00' purpoerinu:rutiouluglMu Ifrur; Kur-IMoler Orroary; DOUBLE BURNER :ol:ote authorily <ras lu inspire the 2S< :ou4'OdS orlo: $795 disciplero o' o ur0ge0fr t hir olut 6ffîîrrjng attrss ; L lrrTe HOT PLATE odertaking, Noo Jrou hado Ibru,. Oji Laipu; Elotrie Toaslo:-' Choo'm, 2 UitHo laInnart ."go". Misfirst ord i snnrs laMiIhCaeuttelr Boorl aniLadls: RI 00mi fala. Dra ul r- " ~" I' 2<, ul 01rdE Oal.:; Milh Scles; Odd c".1fiih*Doeno r- c e: Mat.I: ,bt MH o blioru; Eu oCratru: Oîherr 26101 <0u00.6000151 0060600Spor:i àc:7 =a t0 dsciples ou "go". They 00000 lu Houuobold Elleclo. saso l~1l 9. -io :002.11 thoe0..,Id" (Rh 16: 15). TERMS: CASH Sttlroorol oilh $5.50 Clerk day of Sole. No Reserer hb HaIin gon, 0he we 0 to alor the. poop:irtor hao 0014 hi, lfa'om uodn II. h, secdin Ch :0V Ac)1:W. NATKINSON. <r :~j ,u, 11.Tho Aoîrd:g Ch:oOAî. . ; HINI3LEV & ELL TT.I Roofing Producta ý'l sell o lot of Brantford SeaieldIn SiolonR. lu inaulation bosrd is cuaiplètely seaird 1 in oisture. proofsasphat ... 100% effective ini aiy weatlir. Fnceuito reaeaible toare. eut brick-or tone block. Resists fare. Requiroa no psining. Cu doms fuel bill. Iflt5pensive, 600!" e Aab for "Brantford" AsphiatShiaglesi-Rol Roofiaga . Building Payera Rouf Conans 'aiBl asicr Fluer- iag - Warproofing Mairial, a-2aila.ap - Roo8angs. Milton Lumber & Coal DARLINGCompany & u 1 ANDAAI -n of Automaic $875 hoo:o o Y Ik:g:ot glorooupromise to cheer tbe di- cafj ICmpnyare nleased to riple 64and mae i rasy for thal no ~ o loer that &pot, Jesuswas the appointment o a new "ti J s wih a a Inu dealer in this community. You wil t.r t h7 .0 oand uit -find Scarfe's finahea of a consisteaiîly c-.t b1 h=ui 2 high quality which guarantees satis- 1;Phii- 3: 20.21,;Rb :2;j, faction at aU i ises. You wiIl also 14 ;2 Ti..4 ;2Thes. 1: 7-10). TRi o ai o f our Lrd la e th grt bupe outhe church dua-lng HJ bsneLL. 2 3;Rv.2;SCARFI I ta Neeci Able 20i). e(~ Publathod by ILS M I'a W ant. - Ad - Able H.Mw neuaml - M n be pleased to know that Scarfe's make a finish for every surface- inside and outside--House. Painta- 'Varn-O-Lac", Interior Glou a s many other quality Unes. For "Surface Satisfaction", a __ u Scarfe denler. 'E &ACO0. Kil't" Ç~ Evryoneentitled toN OAK LL LTON READY - MIX! CONCRETE! PHONE OAKVLLLE 928: ............. WEHV 4 ilIon, On. ines BICK i bAD Es