THE CANADIAN CHAMPION obe eGauabtan Qchampion CILITON. ONTARIO Pnhl.had ZonTh..adarAann Anh.das..e«-d d.»s eil, POnu Ottea Dstae81t. t... SUUS~8 1~fan~ ~ mi- U-- ànmsislasta and mure peuple put itii a prouctive building copacity ut doing sumethitg usofel. Giron enuugh bodies lu continue at the preent rote of reguatien and restrictiienef prugresu ln build- ing and other fields and ten years miiimittes cemplete ebliteratiee of jterest ini prugressanod a majerity desire to leave things as they are aed averd trouble.- - - - - - .h ul. 1 desli1-- s Youe Decition MBZTSS A- lia .slsalne Neut Maeday wiil be tiectien cday acrets thi& Aumh! te~m d, et Onslmes iâ 1- great Duminion. We du net bengtatu te ,et h eaanadleg tba it _te association for meaeuring publie upinion and ane ise mea pn"di shtd tharefere havea noprédlictions te moka un the eo.asd aniue b, m9" detla _d e rauult ef Mundap's veîing. Se offhertpredictians nsn â s .sChamel..àcslnM e. dle sIga ad be théa dneelseean i atO sn«"e-,."l tJ. tee nd me are ingad mth unes daires that thap are opt thnt 0mm.Ilim-Yaef nennai lamd neeaanal Se taearr. We'il leava the colering and the eletian The.M-aalnst. las OlUt -anl l fmaaad .nnm PesPrtimlthan 0 es mas t et (amuh adv*rmetlam pradictouetate asu-called experts, whieh ara an 50.-P- -.iedulaith. .anoaitnee Ia wh aola saemeae-Pit ed yuch '0 alurapu oueidin great numbers in the citias.. . AuLer SILLSOi. o The impurtant îhlcg fur eveyCanpondise tu Dcaln.a . unira-. . l caa ien du un Menday ijeta vute. Ba big eneugh, show Taiaeu..N,. lem- cnser nough te hava an upinion ted bock up that opinion w.ith yourot e. The bullot bue is _____________________________ the uni malhud bp mhich public upinion vu e b peortial guagrd. Canada and avery thar 1I 1mut sertup coma ind ef geveromant. 'a' IRI L c Monda ispour day te choosa thoee rho liiiform Ihel gcunrnmant of the net ve paurs. A Timely Topin Maeoyuuîdncicion and rngiclnl il as a Canadian Soealîha if hol Sucre lirb il cold, but Wr 'for Ganada. libe o litla modaraliuc and a ariatioon in the weothan, and afler ail, Ihal le cihat appeale tau PITORtAL NOTES muet paopla. W'oa lot rach cf hou manp doys itsb aen cînva wa had a good rinfali. Dccinnc Day is a wnrh from to-morrew and t daent mattan much hcm macp, but mc i Canada', biggesl familp juin ic the acante. Ic agrea ite bran much tfolong. M ontlW uutc rvncu-_divIevofdrajn about the meathar and bemoan the fot Ihat il oteprvnsuiednthcnfirao. isluuodry and eunllthecolin locc of gromth Earinaion tim icuc aboulourand afînH un forme and gardrns. Bul affn, alil, hales about cocllncng lhrocgh the astee roconrkc, cludaclu ail me van do about il. cranydsret uce n aea n The mralhar cap irrlaîn pou, bol you van't iybehldy gat the urothar cureataI ou, no mallnr hou pou Iîybnhldy talb about il or ochat namnu poo mep userlu expraespour runlempt cf mlc beaeouor. Pou ln u nu cf the lad Itha vienenglectnd lu uhire justhav taliv wih te wathr, heter o np ndiorial cmmentollst ourrb concvrning letf horn t inmlhIemahr, 1ahe OFalhnr'c Day or nnglncl mac ounîlouhnd and A geod cord might bnaid o,dsaouftenna cnlarndunerponnll ndnnd. gued word csnt caid hrn il vould bn foî the weoîher in Milon. Il i-cl vouldo I have benu On of thn unnoplemord hrodingc me nolicnd bauanallH intr long orlthicsummer,îhau last nnbînrad 'Rrcvoring fmOpran . .1 camr cvclectee n pogîss. Juc iaie Now mont thal individuel haera cub1avl for mhat il weuld hava brrn libe lot inIer, if thrîn di scussion in thoce fîinndlp lîtlli convrerons bd bean alotufcnomeandîthiccommeîr flthnrn had bern a lotuof rin. Bga eeoreîionc 0re hire mae rIn the - - - - - -- -- - Nasgawea eternrnil ercmonth. If you ment lu mert al of the past and preet er.- Time t0 Check Costa dentsc,thn pla c e t Brouoilîr the n d cf July. A litIle nasios le the businresboom uap - teach ail uf ce a leseun, assearle The Fînancrol Bp thn ime mccl of ounr rader rrad Ihece Pust. Aler reportieg thel tht curîenet trecion columne, the rdrlor wiii be cn Buffalo atlecding a le he nitd Saîn lenotnaolp e""eiuu as conubencion cf mrnblp edîtore from Ontario and alormisîs would haeunecebae thn Pet1 Oerc Mnhopn therconelion hradquaîtere States: "Seme me sure uf trmpuraîp loaudomn are arr condîlîcceci. cas hava muaI salularp effecte. Foî menp mcc s- -- uf business itmillneculîîcnamocî deiableeand A fin and dnerîurd tribule ec sperd lot (onu unerdue re-examicarion of cotte and the neluMIDbaIhecmim îrpaqet crrction orpecie labin therbsinressSomnuof uscau'l rncall anyother incumbrnteof plembieg mhch daoeluped dcrng wm er oI. ' the uffiur cf Cîown Atorny in Hllun and nn "Andfor stiff coller, eftvcollar andno collar cornalon hubchlmedgîpad murbers, il con bre amîghlp elîmclating remioder * homen llonerlandrg treucîtrn ihendMî that compaîîîoielebecb and thal thrre ie pro- Dha nesndgtohepiintaMr oucnd evonumic as vieil as mural lruth in the ik adage about e fair day', icorh for a fair cdope Marking a Balot To mark a cros, ulîf e blackh yod pennili baside a namr on ea ruslp onapr uould se thnp oac'f cee thn danger bnforn pou duo. Whru oo driv,precicn car, curlepndrcuionuin uîderto bn prnparnd foroanpcnforrcenndangrs 'ilhaîmap cîop upernod ofpyou. Do't forget 1 t1at ustca little lescaenand aliîîle morencnnd lie one of theresiest thr-gs inthenmorldpet mepuurlpooyourUFlrfni the Caeadiec Press reports that in the 1945 gen eral eleclion nearlp 60,000 bllots unIe rn1cled Wo Ihavn grar dffîcullp in mahîog rnfnrnncn becauselthemnere imprupnrl marbrd and r iumrnuhu Achlcropm e" l s aticipatnd thal, e non thn nînclural licI miii hoj nnpscuorring oul 'Alcuholice Unenrmoue," and mach hrgher thît peur. there iib il or nm1uuth thn noemplnc nn en eeof Ontario'c k qoor greater number cf rn1nuled ballote. auru enk trhlattel should be mure n ic ir Tbre are menpeurong wapeuloeiarmnge averagenconversatiun. Wn haenthnucunîp'c ballot, all ofmwhichuellIfor rmncîîor Somn of înet fPow cf lîqoorin Our histurp the moct the mest commun arc. uicg enp cymbol uther outînts and thn longeet hoors of calin thon a crues, merkrcg the ballet for moer thon ---------- unetcandidate uciinginbor coloed pevcil; wrir Jonr harbencnoend acthe movlhuofmnd- ig in a amr, and markingthe ballot in acp.dingsuhich brings taminci henqestion or may that can latnriruadrtothe idenification ofltheîuhere heuc"tmf giig wvdding acinrerpar vuter. pîncente erîgînetedu eords clatir thet il mec It map net beqgenereilu bkouvn thel if a in rmay. In medieltimes if was hecustomr voteemuke a miebeeon hicballotînd relec forlfrendlluaprncrnt a leuwilheacreîh of itinetime, hemap havd ilbeckand gel afrec.cmiuner hrncshr had ied cith hnr hcbaud for oee. The original one ic dsccrded es 'epemird." lovnnlp Pur e erc te cymbeimen the heîmenp be- but ifinstead ofbandingmiîbc. h pmîsmicîno ieued vecearp teeep amarriege guicgthat the ballet bue, il 'iii ho "re1nirno long COi the Pftrehnrh vmorep, the voule guI What'c ba e s Ont ut the dterrenle lu mure mprcunmencî bothIn< tht homes and business, le the crop of OuI ut 106,000 Ford worbere afferled bp o Onpectoes, ruguiotiueu, etc. that rup up and receel 24-dap sîrihe, onlp a frm thoueand attend- chéenge the drease plan inte a coInglomerotion te ed the meeting mhich voîrd te go bock ta werk. Upeet wilh appruol fur a multitude of goerning The strika cuet the murbar and the vempanp about boches. Scientce and histtur have mada tome $77 million. tl mouid eeem to ba about ime .Wiocderful developments, bel incoepotsd ltu that me had o bit mura damocravp in Laor tday reguiatiunt, they leave ligile roum Unions, so that unip a handtul ut mec caneol t.Imaginative liniduel rho si lobfaes o decida policiat ton the great rmalunitp mhivh toa Inhis individuatinne. is daricg, or it ne intaeet lenurbol their Uion does, even though linto h.esperiment ut building whot ho they are itaily atfected by aey devisiucs made. ~ oe.~fryn..e~ s emer egeltion :tOht tht3000Omen ehouid deida rubat ON ITS WAY A Car of "Cascade" WedternHard Ceai - Dativery 09 Cr Pollock and Campbell Maametmorn HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS MEMORIAL RNGRAVUNG 62 Waer St, Northa GALT TELEPH 0" t -t - DANCING - EVERY SATURDAY NIGHI Acton Park Pavillon Bob Manoines Orchestra g P.m. ADMISSION sioc LIVINGSTON Etumîinoue and Antracite Stokers Up Te Date Oiu Bursers SERVICE AND PARTS AT VOUO CAL RUILDERS' SUPPLIES Lime Hardwall, GYPTEX CEMENT Alabastine COKE R. S. Adams Stores Ltd. MILTON BUY NOWI Thons inter has beau a mures oppoueime tmasluckah suon ceered goudo, esnpeltny nt hunt le, prices We stilO hans ample suppue-bey by tegn o ees uor ue yssmmer cuttage. TRIS SALE LASTS U3IT5L JULY lot AYLMfER tPEAS S 2 - ý IIOLe27c AYLMER CORNOOLDEN KENTL 2 T2.-37 AYLMER SUCCOTABH "IN19 c AYLMER TOMATOIES IlOZ 19c 0 AYLMEIR C^TSUP 2 a" 23c PEASÇ Tiger CATSvUP *ois120 210 20-r Ayhner CHILI SAUCE on- 19C 3~ Aylmner PE0CHE'STIN 26e AYLMER PANCTuor CHuI C cruIiePINEAPPLE A " Z..3o W axy PINEAPPLE JUICE "OL' ns 21c TID DITS PINEAPPLE L-O ý, 3ec Beans Aylmer PUMPKIN "m.Nms î 2u-uZ GREEN PEA SOUP 00-75c TONM115e DILL PICKLES O",,jus '27o tPECIAL - ATIMER AYL14ER BABY VOODS 3 tiNse23c BOSTON BROWNr Ayluucr Junior COJSTARD 28&~iqozi1C PORK a-d JELL-O or LUSHUS POWERec2 17c MEANS LIRRY'S MILKEV RuTEeuno2 Y 27c 20Fancy PINK SALMON TIN5 2 20cz.250LIBBY'S SAUER KDAUT 28ý Iz 7, IVERT ".Rà"* - OATA"EAOS LARG GINGER ALE 300E 0 0OcOS OPEOLA.L - AYLMER 081000E TOMATO JUICE 3 "-23c PEANUT BUTTER16-OL JR 370 OMAOo EEA IROMAR COFFIEE 1 B53o DANDEE TEA PKG38c, c. 75o Ioz HEINZ VINEGAR wo 2o TIN 9 HORNE'S PUNCH -I L33o TMRTRWRR KERNEL CORN 1W m16rA. PO"BmROTO SWEET UMMEDPICKLES aun 45e JAM PCI RED COHOE SALMON N-"350 JAR ' Wrý7-"qGRAPE JICF 'lp --rrll - _39 PRINCESS FLAKES n-.2C 01 ATLMEI SOUP VMET M gc C O EMLES RAISINS lA 150 FLAICS VPRENCR'S MUSTAIRD eioc,13c jj Pard DOO or CAT FOOD 214 270 CAULIFLOWER ......... NEW POMMEOS . 2Sc WIiTE ONUONS...... 4 lb. 28c NOT NOUSE TOMATOES b. 25C .39C Gypron PLUN BING HEATINO undl Main Si. - MiltonOnt. Tom Haines PLASTERANM BRICK SAND, CEMENT & ROAD GRAVEL, LOOM & CERSa POOL STONE Phone 113r22 B« X 2~Goetown Cm ~wuai»oe pop.,, Alatint COAL THU ffVMBN CU P. .1 - phones: C r.r Cu doMSeu. M LTON V HOTAL (PeInaI.> VJM¶IONQ Houa. 2.30Pma. tii4.90 P... 7.00 p.m. to 8.10 p&. <No Chldresaunde 12) RATSIN ADVANCE i5ea-Pivate- l'elvate - -.PHONE 216 - MA3) DR. G.IL SYM Phll"a" surengen OtOle-James Street6 PhonteRNe 38 j Office Houes: 9 am.; 14.ý 7-8.30pani. Coroner CDIL J.W. McCUTCHUN Fan-mera' Building, Mai Strot Offole tlooee-4 an.;1* -9 4p. Reaevnce 395J LEGAL DOCK & DOCK W. L DICK, K. 0. K. Y. DICK Barrinlr, Solicitors Brou- Street, oppoite Arnun . Telephone 4 T. A. RUTCHINSON Barlastsn, Snlllte, Ebe. Offic-Nuut Door Champion Ota Main treeý-Miton Telephone 54 GEORGE a ELLIOI Barelate, Solicitor, Nnlarp ,Pbe office-ie Former&' Building, Main Street. Milto Telephune 70 LEVER & HOSKIN Chaaeed Aýmtens Scaccescoru le JENKINS *&tHARDY 1305 Meropolitac Bide.. 44 Victoria St., Toonate FI&. 9131 DENTAL DRL G. A. KING DENTAL SUIRGEION office iRoyal Building, Mihle - Heurs 9-5. Eveninlgn by Appoinuanenl. X-Ray Service Telophone 1M MR F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SURGEON Officeovoer Prineeo Theatre Nighl Appeunuanenis ay eny arrenged X-lhuy Service-Gnu Extrarline Heur, 9 teu5 Telephane 05w NIELI - The ChinoPreoho , Dengisa. Theerplt 1710 Year of Pratice Lady Attendant Mo.Tues., ri.2-5 Ilpas jWrr.Sci., 2-5 and 8-9 p-m. Cluund Thursday 0cr Druarru Store, Oeargetovea Phoneu 110-W OPTICAL CRSTENGLAHN Succeer 10 H. CLAIDD Fer Appointieenelo Phone 56M111. S. A. FAY Phoer205 SCREiN CL me&ute1la nl sites, 20C SCREEN UNS tlcrdmmod taan uith gomi qualltn- mnjut&lbls 22", 85C It'a Nee It'sà Y' 1 l DOUBLE BU HOT PLA t Und ieHotPIna 0.m inish. D« ciespeela l mI $550