R L . . RORMMSN MANUFACrIIU4G ;CosAp"yr Lesser Plant Food Sbui ias a few copenhinglafor W-OLhatlatenaeeed & ECOt"r IrC, A~.m .telorames01n tthe leser plant federer O " ~ A p. 11=AL.J03 Seorpir n alrCeia eP a leoclar ntjned fertiliser li am.dd CKNJT R aaeI IN G and other fl<m4Ion W he laîlte genhlta ai faier1 MALE and FEMALE and poluat? It woojl b.lie ýute FUR EOIL UBIJE SAIS ~& SVCB Bruc MéKrr econsult tht e onty agrilcoallure Broem am r Apiallcnts ShOuldAPPIYl iComnpanya Offie PrisentttI0or O temat itie, anNEIL MePHAIL Botwee 2 an 4 p.m Mondy to Fiday f an ngrltulnclcoUege and unir Ce i«S Belven 2 nd 4 in. ondayto Fideyeclty, betaole pnylng a larger pri re a t.PI*n. A4JMtoo for fertlier lalmed tl atgnlin APPLLINCU ami PIXTU _______________________________________________________________jlsser plant fod. il eny e fettd abtaVite extra collt In anneonary. Mot of the mlned1 fertllzeta aeld Th___________________________ Ia Canada contate lia addition ta olitrojlen, Phoaphorle acld and pot- Raih, aoire atneeatm, calcium am, soîphor and traces of the otier nie- oaeota Tttey conaalocalcium and &xîphr ocoouae lte aaperpleteph a eam .u HUGHES CLEAVES. M.P. Rte oaed onotlxed fertllzers e la aN C hxueOcaciu dm aulplte and - a iu i calciouo Phosphate wltlch lna add. To the Eleeîors o f Halîon: lilon 10 auPppylag pltoephoriclc acd 1 îyltI, of lt ,o,'k Ioli uPPIlîe bottacalcum anedcone oui clehoo te pssk l tyof ^,airto leur.Mont mlxedfrizescn Imite1,0 ol h ,i> Va îy vn or tain "acph nne d f llome]nteatonn he Ftoî I IPool o )(st o t t s iller anfdIis auPplleabot ont- 90 Now on Sale u t pt hbjono,.tnlh,,:onki,uniad ag001 t amile h tho e oooolitof th, N' ""aid-have heco getlng mîttef fertiliseent land rlceotooo e, . goid,dol o ttg tlenoleneer plant fonda (in th,. Saloodavo )ll'o,ciog th,'s. o r Oa 0l tttaie wtlloutaertobelez w M i tooî -. M Drro(o I,e0ooood alIa o ld o, 0il f.A O fl îî0~~Iýeoliog oenBitih Colubia othalt lcbl ld 1 ho oooo theOroly polo thatld col kid s f eaaer pIant food&a1 WR ARE CLEARING THE BALANCE 0F OUR P,)ssiblyýeurean vealimaiII . ul hsba o atod moitgancee are lupseinede oî ti,,,,,i" oneed ooly lamder very epeela SPRINO STOCK 0F C m a yslfi"]arti on tOjo t0h,, N00 ,,odîoo odlyVetreerp f ...dlaoi 001es 1001as Oo-v milinsan m y am ge ,o gog to vIte Pechotps ilovaljulît loic y i bcadnr pr c ibed hdtmigon spar. b h0reoog0Oold aulhoritles on ter Ladies' noaLs, Suas, Shorties lot The Newounttdlan o te es10 00 0 ille lntre e ntooaleo roodîdvof otAt emarkbyLow Prcen losttIhejo depostain t,, 001 y 1.PTT lU oetoît Me. rewlprooo 0t.Si-bP HERE AND SAVE bte l"o etercdool on co- 1 Theo BrlithMlntry of Food La Î.dooa.lîo1-hisoises abooou hool toying front farmera large nuaent- Satisfaction Goaraneed Or Your Mcney lefunded lIeu 0f polntoendtaits Oulrwere apporroîly assettod aI Ihe Ot andueolan feef for Ilveenol.T PHONE 112 If vcaluooe a, valu0 e o us ae o Ig frn ra Scarfe & Company are pleased to be peased tb knoW that Scarfe's alder oftCanaa paY a itle here the crop la af t înalty t Iloe b r21h000 Io r. lo larte eon8tag n t areat. et Io î OdIeprtl otent 0 f t and ln tnse.0%Chydrat e t tr find Scarfes finishes of a consistently manytolhertquaiiîy unes. For de)1 o theopoliticien.îfile fiigh quality which guarantees satis- Srac- atsacin, e yu 0~ound hat 0ba 11 10,1___-t faction at ail timiles. You wili also Scarfe dealer. 11Iol1maooooeot.i hoaioohe, 0 Qehe,1h. LDo SCARFE & C~O. le pa v0y100o s s ho ilool a oho, býr«ýn LI MITED inaUrty. Dring he Pas wee Me.at Houd Office *Brantford, Ont. of.i .cd Ooto,'.Coooecoî,eof0thd 2949 phrs Mae a cetlcoîor1,g stztI'.l, eh h l'Ooho,,,d s0,0,00,2o 0,oer . s ' e pookîog Oc,' th,'Y eord nd.,o elt ,ai E,,ol 0R îc,-Ii n omination The,' oIo' oo I ait focIl 2- of The l'h ,cO, hiîi,,,l ,,am e ,',o00.,C e'kqiL th I1,1 ma palïii -t CC A! AioFU l. ,eic- -- ,,,,W.' c f e PC le 1in. m onfd eh Aoc aelloemca Ie - ,îend S. t,, , ,, chort 'flOle Of1 In o h- , l0 0'I tre) , o a I ,,,o I er i f osle Titi te WlwarmtouandT cttrM Rertgrall Ty itopieh . an gae oý odtePn wP octioncl afiee ol1 1.lci lIee001, ool t î,î t YOic nncesr ortem inaffcien roto ..oi'î h0c cy 1-1 lik; ih. , leMo 0100Ifii !ci i t d a l , ti.0 0 h H p o l l e d o l O o ,' f i t c t r a t t r l .i t i î t n r n 0 u t eur a i S t a ttch e h nervationao ooahofooc.th, l c1000, e 1h, 1,001 t,,(,) Thl 1 bhcl'a ,o llw o ,o,,to me, ehlo.0 to n d befi n d C o n loo hc oo iloyoaooleoibisotraither c.okl Tit Fcoodci. th bi .ýutlthel Middle or ,ho w k &thep lonTine 7t he vott î fltertiimaiitho . d ine item in ohor - oc o - ]te othe go of o. 'tilromorfont bugt toa. f,r Wh le ooo.10 teoloaicrs c b .'itt la îoîtlagtge at jlttttb Ev aemllp o- oh ooflo)Lh'. o'o do,oho o xol- OcOc îolîta ce001h as i n alad wo Ofîttiî11 <101 tti g c iflwo candno ie qaitc fIa ra h z Y n r e e c o r d t o d p o i o o i . geo t e L db e î pa t h h l hT h isgr t u t o fa ndg o iti iti r o i î os imtloeea r 0 or laipariia i.î. î.rydtritaît tondrdtîuiMonacc.1at1, t o e h c a e t o e io u ,li W e c. o c Af1 9 4 . T e le oi tPe o d oh l A e i af o t(I fv oter ili0i l i p a r t a n p o e ati Iecneao ic ne .c a v i* foe npcb to Il aort io',humainan he rîttereîl litet.aveittnenîthe lTa.er Coeeedina-t-etao atc l.o imot - tt her-dowah, uc- 00nieh Ldhocol t l e tt r o l .h t o t e î r dlfo ha 00 odt a ot no r I 111ncr alitas or'i ao ancoftht t.Lacetieaselede o aîra an ohaeyu c i i guresihccal pac o ( tciller dutolf theio'îîooîr ofof humbo e l i o r to oohl 000 oIlthe lo.t fo ieI lia AtttOurPat, i Rerg ao N W in h f o o, . I l ..t,,, II el t f h,, a(.ret naî,t lîtiol leadea. er tigelcir on. H a chi ate ie nndef. Thiers ilhyaf tueaclatirtahe.a., fini]t abatdihic ac ieve m ente haveem ad SkP inybatUh- Olitb nie roof rcCel nineetadn uatelaero i ue Cnda gar one! ig sa b ut- of l îa rv ( y p Io i, ca r aeri a e . a pe ouupla.e an nsi ct h ta tatp e AleittlitCOaaae