MAY, Ausz Its. lt l. Dretory phonces: Nember amu hsergeettas Oualpi RPIATEC FtOBPrr X-tta3 X. ad 0,00 Scargs5 N HOOPITAL Ptveat mue IROUSO Idran caider 12) . N ADVANCE G. IL Bsm eead Sergesn -James Street ce Nq. 38 oece: 9 am.; 1-&. ý8.30 tam. Coroeoa ldlag, Main Stria Phane 3e5W Idecc 395J tIDGAL RDI K 0 er. Faletor et, aPamaie Accu. latfcoas 4 IUTCHINUW ', oas-te.» &Phone 54 nst. Milton iphue 70 & HOSKIN id Aaaeceateet ceasoce te reootitea BIdg, 7la St., Toronto la. 91 'NNTAL o». StIROION 'aI Buldinag, MOtins ocre 9.5. )Y Appoiatrmat. e Telohoae la0 EL BABCOCK ,IoOooeoOa may ba waOaged le--Gaa Extectjm Teteçahons The Odre ckom Theapba ycar or Pracile dy Attendant L, PrI., 2-5 :M. 2-5 and 8-9 pi& 1 Thawaday Stars, wa 150-W EN GLAEUN Laesaor ta e arbe te combot. t ossuf GRNMtO'ornene cocati it h a thetmacWcallç¶BoardsE OaLkBNFloriN E Nhdly o'tl ce tet he Mhed 0>îRwooWNTRdN W Cater 0JewelersBi eller Gmagehe h" losaO~ ~ Cdrri iig W aefrImdeSî~,e R e a r S r i c l 15t _D tAo hc ee a, p aa d a a ve o ewgrdi e n a o b Htaru- TeMpo>TOs oilRS ali R Oteccajcrlae ccaeli mco el eae ae ia Ca-Nt n Sev iaa aoct RE-BUILTbrealatAd07aeS Th ei e aYsWed acrta&mompal FIMaihS.ALE Rtheyeee1dl Ch ombat sacemîthaa te mce Aod Frme 10tt00toami. Mlthel5,la Pa e F amtl a l o bat ltecm homes asod oldfoiod. Oo frmr lId e u8 slle a o r 0 adlvnot reoo cala o csadcfoertig ho hd bt oc hiL u e Pat d col mca ac ha tyan o ded te lho Tgoret dlcptaFOy.E mhcoloy ada otoarde age cf mc a tureec mac é roc. I ' Ad mtec thrac cocactetea c o lowm h c h a o h d l3tc G u e c a l h e c a dc o eo o l o n h inudf. a e t y î o t a c ' r k l t c a e c c bcckcaolOhcdapc orhh 1 0 e aOnh i roed c, Ocnek susd -mo a incot. opeoooto, Recldacceodvaime.ain o oco ea ct à hcOcm ibc h cascoe. Oh-ol ihaveyfor lclco ccc tcylog te Colce OcccAn o ct ed. So tO caca alO o and eer e Ue andla . a nd itoIOoeOca Fdctoo Telq)hm 113 gtild o a iclcckAn cd ccmcccerod collo UYmcc. whc l e ccamcoth e FBlue aOicc hcandaSplan mhcoh Ift Ocethclie ccs nlo e co. cage ont chat ol ci che as o mtO lopino lca h m c cd 00ghcl c huetdrymmerlityuCinOre mclweeLIANCE Prompt DeliovMtehelslnonrthnt laaait r, tue ta onne o la d f Net, Pa, Stlcer Cal an Briquttes Coytmc, a cotal e oplc mgaeraiOc hc inohe Orl ecoOl o aun hoc IamoO Io hc ai b c l d d ,Cl t c l ac t p c t o lk d O ce l c o i a g ie i g t I k cfco n c m 0 c m 0 cmta i a , f d h o s a r c l s o f o a l c a a t a h a w hen they -ad a egua r d el ge of a dth cr a fc te O heaom ae copndp lj a Oce h cee Oc 00e leres m in, wOOOOO cOco aco co e aclte a ed a o S00 lea1set Oc 1the od r e and, a r m t o rcld ou atl paoP R D cfdOmo I olo . TWo cOlmeocoolt he t aanandc te o ch go t kh Oooliogf core predtyn acOs ce _______________________ ý..ter mi he eedlay n te ayea ca mae. Nw hu.e beng heod O ea u cloch 010cblrnh g ^d an d rO týt.e S aO lOl an d .reo c lîacc o c e0 d an d ste In te rnd at ia l h a ta atoe oa f - - ca O . C - d A , od.lo ld eoOlly a O n e w O c r o tO co w n a alT ea c d P a o o Harnhy, Ont.tin h-e.Phonott7 tha 4 c ookocmeooloye hi ame. Olman e Oo 7Ied e . Ota n - ail.________have_____big____ gounds, 0000 h o olrand c pIcorte tw -rd ha sal lat Pt u hd afaiWes ha ho cme ck aloeceaogO00 mo r.. e ces a eto ca O .K VI _____________________o__-_e._nd______________ omsuplid i wprce toth Oen D CT __________mont___of__damage_________________The___________ dol nche flo u pl aces.hî iOc o rtnt.A10l rgnzto _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a r__ _ _ _ _ _ _s i!_u t__ _ _ _ _s n t t M ALfm li rT ONwo l b $ t P o lo k t t r boxe ofdolot toPe aod... oBUEacyDE LR latfw o c ccUOOc eslao moc 10 O atons ar e re TOc Jae eaut ofI~ eq f ntl i bre-a o ae a gylalis. No la cooc adcc a c. han y ice ast e aco iee stcb o se000c w a h rat, o n occcoctheOoducOtOc hbtcc onno d ifee0000007.a oar he O KV L E M O samOhcilllcg setaeîl o , mhoked O ea o untof st ne8rby cties. Thrtycd.'laTds ad îeleaOe r ata mac ' R E A ît cOcit l a c h bccccOciasa mct Oc mc N R EEt aa1~~~ikth, icc an d camipcf con-ookio Noncoasted. O heler atNes R N A. V T1 2 vesccOlodinhemore adn Ege d. ewr cdoccr f io.meclfofhccol reamoOck ma t anaa s Resd M cfe y ca ceo cco nd th a rac Ao- u idtra e. !e u m uuWeil,......... luat flhePoleo t vefern 8 an atos itbueno cn fer TICKET$ endl iNFbRMATION CONSULT- RONALD HARRIS - PHONE 404 "U u act ekg KgSete a eos saas feel &af@ and -happyv ln the cor. of a omr- petent and lriendiy driver-and free ta fliy enjoy te delightîlul drive end ail the inter- *sting ights along th. way. Nexttimee lot your loveol ones travel by bus. Add enjoymens ta their trip. Kenwood Blanket LAY-AWAY CLUB. Is Re-Opened at WaIker's 1.00 DOWN.50C PER WE With the retarn of hbusiness;b bineflaln(-ing approachucg tnormnal conditionîs attd the suPPIY Of thse fine blankets gradualDo increasiaîg, we are again aule to offer tlbb popular service to oatr cus[k>jners. To bu '- a Keawood Blanket under this plan ail yooi need do is choose the one you prefer, pay a deposii Of $1.00 hnd make regtetaa weektv paymenbs of M~ cents (or' more if you wish)-we l'y amy th blanket cntit tl la fully paid. Therr la DOthig extra bo pay-yoct uy et the KENWOODS ARE THE FINEST BLANKETS MAIE e.cid e //use the DAcoAN NIGT, e e Ya::oaî-cice. Qookly a e/ephot7e more!" FR S ARE LO dcysa ccock taO c Olc1h,,e isat TORONTO - $1 .35 and .:cly ik,p o.îc in:c:ac:a.h BUFFALO 5- 3 Oc he yeaa lîhowevocococoi,p tacloo cdbcma- Oerilafor alephone UnIlsOand aod ble, 0.ve00 ciaplyî. Coppor pricea have doabîrd. zican cd otpokco ipîrd. Yra. cp ta 0c, depiecriiog cccaon cl cidro, hec ha& haroaocnuceaainîthe koasic lptîooeoratescaî.îblisioed 22 yrs aog. ethclicgsgie yoo o ttl al valuecat sbuchlcw 00ce pas oar telepoc. WVcchc bokcoall reords but dice ccoailol oersw haver't bhoccbl ch i ckl. We milI boc0o iglia on ociof and bailding tc, mcke y0cr alopboor service a hig.ger hcogain tacoevec- tu cotinuetao provide marc cod ha ter sevce irt th owet poasibl e c. STHE BELL TELIPI4ONU COMPANY 0F CANADA 00001 IONIl ROUND TRIP (Subleso ta Chnge) RAMCREST PLAIN COI End bcand wth4 incho sa rbbo, ô 6iv, RAýM'CREST WHITE PA Wblpd eods witO 2 color tripcd border. pairs. Siza 72" o 90. rice per pair . ........................_i HduY Jour Kewood ThAdsEasy Way MIL TON LORS FAMOUS PLAIN COLORS Ends louad cth extaît de sastin îbbon, Wde chaîco of WAMCIREST BABY BLANKET Edges mhipped on four sidat. Baby colora. ted- a ê IRS idcaly peckagad. Siza 36x50". Frica eaech.... $3.9 Fackaed ia FAMOUS BABY BLANKET $ 19.50 Roond acil eronat ith satin ribicon. Baby colore $5.95 cas 205 nBING Milton-, MTND I113r22 qHJJ-