34r goanabtau QIIampÎrn MILTON. ONTARIO P.bi.h.4 e£.-Y Th-.da Ai-. A.thoe.4 ...d o«a.. i. Pffl Oti- .b obsas. .1 .44e...PPr.U-t" d . AOVETIS90 5455d-.timticaho. . si . b. *as es .. b a ,5aa .-y pssasfa. .0tb.aid, 0 à -.5. . e.L s -t.. dh «tbb..-'sh .a - lg. d= pl:ldb-g d5,h.1s.h has4eu..*.d aM == 4i..dos c. d Su..iuid...-uit. a C , i. 4e.5h. .4 th. ub -.na- -~s.P..Ic..4idhby... à dffli--tb G. ARLOP DILLO. L51:s. 5.i,.- O05e. . . ils 5s-..s.Miii. T.I.ph- .N.- ED"-"IT ORIAL A New Fac Readers wiii notice a differeoce this meek n the type f ace used in these edirerial columnq. In the advertisements and in some of the head- legs the same faces may be found. We have replâced our former 10 pt. type w;th the nemest book a.nd advertising face. tf i. known in the rade as "Linotype Sparton Bouk mith Sparton Heavy." tf i. une of the atest face. te be mede available on typesetting machines end one of the mn.: popular bnok faces in use to-day. Wftîle thse nem face gives thse impression of being wider and more open tf actualiy occupies les$ space in thse entire alphabet than the faces whiclt have been repiaced. The nid type served ua moul but became so badly morn that tf mas aecoary Io disuard tf. The nem selection mas made after careful study. We hope you mili like tf and tsatt i ii add te ynur reading pleasore- Canada& Eoleit.. Over seven hundred candidates haen een no.ninated acrosa Canada for the federal generel etection on Monday, June 27, and tf is eopected tat possibly as many as one tfmusand candi- dates iiibcain the field mhen officiai nommnat- tons close Mnnday, Jue 13, in most of the countrys 260 constiluencies. Tme constituen- cie. - Halifax and Oueens in Prince Edmard sland-return tmo members each, bringing to 262 the number of members to haeiectnd. There were 245 members in the aest House. Last meek the Liberais had nominalnd 242 candidates; Progressive Coniservativns, 210; C. C. ., 154; Labor-Pragressives, t7; Social Credil, 22; Union of Electors, 26, and other miner groups t7. Representation is dided as failows: Newi- foundiand, 7; Prince Edmard Isand, 4; Nouat Scotia, 13, Nem Brunsmick, 10; Ounknc, 73; Ontario, 83; Manitoba, 1; Saskatcheman, 20;a Aberta, 17; British Columbia, if; Yukon, i-a total of 262. Since 1896 the Cooservations have had ni- aven leaders, the Liberale thren. Progressive1 Conservatives or kv their ther va,,-,,.have,. k,.a led by Pnmeii Tupper, Sorden, Meighen, .. vBein- aecaii5piiin nett, Hanson, Manion, raydon, rackeneanef U.S.cateriste paid $1.3 billien le State guse- Drem. Over thse saine ueried nf ime Lierais lientaue ast ynar. the average gasniine tee have bean directed by Laurier, Kleg, St. Laurent. bnîng 4.35c a galeon. Ti is l ie, cnmpared to Since t896 Lihrais have woen mv elections, chut Canadiens have to psy in gasoline taa. inhile lIse Censervallons have vniy bknvsucceee_-------- ful i two.Work le certaiely pregressing en the highmay - ------ belceen Milton and Acton and malorists miii ha "May 1 Iniss'eopt" giad ta keow tIse inm tram tIse hiii'lop aI Spey- 'More thae 90% of radio commerciale and side is even better than en the tormer iading aou Schwerin, radio research Iead tld a Chicagio audience. That conclusion may come as a sur- priae t0 thosa mIsa fooStIshe bis, bat net 10 the long-saffeing public. No porson in hi. righl mmnd mouid epact a oncert audience to put up miSIs a performance tuddod eeery fem minutes with a boest for somebodys soap, patent mediine, molnr fuel, or what-haneyou.SEven a free concert in tIse parts mouldnt ttract many people undar those conditions. Vol mIes il cames 10 radio, many sponsors aem nta 56mb tIsaI this sort nf thing s actuaily apprecianed. it'e loauhd they cvuld ibis mnek thecm caý anether bank and echeai holiday and of course government offices bud lIse day ton. iadussry casnnI muaIsconn- cerned chose birlhduy it cas Ihat mas being marked. Mlton has cetainiy had very favorable cearIser conditions for installation oethlIe Samers. Last inIer mas so mild tIsaI construction mas possible right titrough and certainiy mcl meather is net giving un interference le tIse morkts iis music ïace du i, î ait,, vn i "Miay t interrupt tae prognanta osay a tam mords aais used 13 per cent. leshuIter ie about '"-TIse Financisl Pott. ebnuany thon inte lame monSh les poar, ol- hugh tIse total output et croamory butter for te - - - -- - - -- -flrst tire. monthis of *it. yoar mas 8.5 pan cent. Fnly Heurthîgier. It mil te. inso before te butter- Feirmers throughasl Canada are oaslly stemn- margarine ituation la aSobllzod. poeddInto xclloment about assy ncreasen la--- --- 11o1ls ratéa. A loi frolgiti raies are lomer Mr. A. D. McKtirck, for over f ifly pears odîtor s Canadaoiony oter count-y I. the world, of ltno OrangevîlleBSnner, mîlI ha miaaodi, nol 111,4111 trminse afici het no tndaalry la Canada only In hua asen conmunlty, but In tho noms- «WzW&lsy not egriculure, lita. h. pay htgiter paper flold et the Do)mInIon. I mas aur prlv. *qls lipi aa .elaeoia bowm itsfor twenfy-five >rorsHe R~fii.r~ lie maos pld asàdineîptanos h. Il m inflm ence for tels àrý hepfuine mud@Imorlllimasnlong atng.i CHORE BOY iLoVacuum) Harold C. Fay PLUMBING and HEATING JOHN Or,. SITON PRONE 423J CASH FOIR DIAS COWS 8 2.50 ea. HORSES4$2.50 ea. HOGS..50 per cwt. taei5 du M&ebo mi ia HILTON- THE CANADIAN CHAMPION farmers recelve in the way of carnings for their work that thse cnntrast is eery striking. Homever, farmers re ont intolerant, and Milton theî' usuale put ap mith this, and aniy mish tIlat they mare doieg as mail in thse malter cf earn. Recollections ingo as the raiimay werkers, mite are indusîrinus and efficient mev carrying out responsibie On the other hand, il has coma as a big Fifty Years Ago shoots te Canadien furmers ta heur il suggested Taen froso 1h.e Oion aoflTse by raimay unions that the morking mnek ons rail-' - hmliaJue9 U ways shouid aniy be forty hours. This seems Fîid nommas, Humer Dixn, no.d quite beyond the bounsis of reason. Hencny Oprousn, cheeiod ln front Torno on Sundov mnrning. Thoy Parcers cannet merk ferry hours a meens.rfund the rsud froin Ookni0csai- JusIte kenp the ordinary farm going means à muai lospasohie frein sud. minimum of sevcnty toeieghty hours a w» If James Robinson, farmeciy of Mil- ion, haOrnapponid Pouilae a forty hnur menk gees into affect t thse samne Magsratein a ndi for the omunie!- rate of psy per week, as the raiimay unions re- politina ni Roi Portoge and Knn- quet, it unquestinnabiy means grestiy increased wusrn. A fine bank bhun mss raiaod on epense for the railmays fer mages, and in the Ji Jamelu. i'sfurc nean theBOnyne end, as crtainiy os possible, higiter freigits rates, os Thusduy odieronun. The struc- - - - - - - - - -ure la 6d'x56'sad the contrvcenrs oece Mnasrs. Peaouv asd Hagonsy. Th. Mehod Materi Littae Durng the heavy ihundrsouc r cmarters urnte chether the tan raie is high un Sucdsy sorniîîu, Chrir. King, andithe assescent low et vice versa. The of As, ayeucg mn oefsab-ai25 vyass issiruelkv yluuhlnîeu chii I same amuntfcaneyis requred tepayfer sandingath duravofti;1 he servicesîinaey muîcpaity. Lst ynar, ceîeushed .andcoi s ialicd' Wartn had ata ratof 65cills,sandthenam- BckiimOin uicideoniic.iidiand ont aisnd therenuder mas $46,343, of chich îeperîcd Keg us icecucicu and $33,724 mus fer tome purpeses and $12619; iooe ail cîuka agin. for c shele, thnerepective rares being 47.3 sud DIED 177 mille. HOFFRNAN-In Milice. June OSO. Mary Kel ly, eaifehefOnlaie Possîkly feeling that a 65-miii rate lenks Oiinici Hcafeon, Guelph, igcd kad" and gave the teo undesirable publicito. 47yas the Ceuncîl arrseged te greatiy i ecrease tIse Twenty Years Ago assessment, ie order te reduce the tan rate. TIse resuit is that this yesr Wiarten hss a tan Tsken ffensthe Edithon oif The rate of 49 milis, bof thse amaunt nf taons tn be tàsndia Chwnspios, Jue,, 1i929 raisnd le practicasly thse same at $46899, or A piit er ase e eonerd kv mîthîn $500 ef last years amnunt. Thse amnunt Cioninv Leameni ef Hornhv, hune eaised fer tece purpeses ha. dropped front SienS> su tripleta no Tuesdov. The $33,724 te $3t,924, and the amoont raised fer un xrieîuri, uais i8i Tisurudy thse cheels ha. increased frsm $12,619 te nighi the npenolu hund econert of $14.975. Stated le tcrms of miii rate, this year these insun kv the Mison ClOoens t le 33.36 for tome surioses and 15.64 for Bucd wan eelentmitactiouen. scheels, a total ef 49, agasinst 47.3 fnr tome par- Thucsaie iight dueîou the sommenr poses and 17.7 fer schois [ast ynsr, a tatal of cusoan. 65 mlls.Mci. Diiff, mîdeceofeth1e iuin 65 mlis.Thomas Dort, ceehnuid her 92nd Municipal services muet ha paîd fer. Thse birehduv haeeun Fidue ioi ced moey can oeiy lac raised by taeation. Tonsieooitheneeinlnnt of msnv fiemeri tIsaS are adding services and makinig progre anduod ngratulatioen,. n se Ducthy Rnfdv, ofMito, h cant enjny lac taees. We must pay for mItstaI îueed on the "Putu' hockey iaoo,l ce gel, mhich may ha an oid sayieig inreerse. uf Tornoliai veur nued P'o Mon- saloli, isu of Mito, 10e guod sofi- hall pluvrsaeSos igind ih the EDITORIAL NOTES Lukesihnr e m.. oOukeiiin. - -- -Aie, T. Moores fariner pupii of Mltons HigO SeSel, hoeing paand t may besabitneariy tebring inhis remed- the finalenuanieiiithe hnoecourue ebutmnueuderstsid Falhes ay ismeek ef Comercne of Finane, eeled frem Sunday. ion degrenetfBuceounoutCuise mmcv et Commneneetasofisce ----------- Uiversity ef Ternsto, insi Finday, Youo an have tIse heme paper meach yeu naiS DIED csnk mhiie un belidaye. if ysîî 051 arrange for .iARVIS-Ie Trafulgur Ton. Ssise- usej, Jaee 8. 1929, Agiios nron- il at the office before geieg en vacation. niduge. bened oife af Roed Juecisin e an 81kveun. Wn on lmuet reuchad the tIse suce tstus le hie part et Ontario that cake famous some oivfrerst The suneshinles muet every day Floyd Mariat and me get nu raie. Mue inSt.. Milsn, Phone 463w. The letae camPaign mîth eely Ima meeks J .CASE froc Munday tc go, is gettieg inIe higher geai. rt ruer go much hîgher in tIse Toronto papees FARM MACHINEET *PXC o»OOPAN '»o, lq 90 ohd E.SUshSCRATCIÎ CQVEât PL a>c DADeO CLEAf4I8S$ ' 140 SOCIETY DOO VQOJP 140 soCigTy CÀT FOOD >V1-ip Brque's SIMKSE , Mec~ NIDLE aSee,,,,LCORN 1 FRLENC11I'S MUSTARD - 104 13e Pure Daiuae M 25".' ~V29C Unn." PZmVT IL"TTERZIt.29 ..4 Lul -voyou « 400 NMW ON APPLOS ..............u-- 25c NEW BlETS, lunch - ..................... 5C . ...................,.... 3 4 c TOP SOIL CHOICE QUALITY No Order Too Large C. W. SPECK PHONE MILTON 77r21 'MALADA' AL N BADY F0008 BISCUITS LE.25e4 AYLMER CAT SUP -O 170 HARVEST MARGARINErIhNT3190 CROCOLATE CAK E MIX n'KG.5 'TILREST BROWNIE MIX nes 31.e TOMATO COCKTAIL CN. 6 na Tomato JUIC ~320-07- 25C Aylsnr Cuabed PINEAPPLE -0t24c TOMATO JN Er8-r oso210 SilverRIbbonPEAS 2I TNS23C Naturels BBut TOMATOES 2800f ISjc TANGERINE JUICE oi'N"5c SUNDAE SAU CE J 2 ~25c LUSHUS JELLY noas2 nous 17e SHIIRRIVF'S PUDDINGS Z2 noue 17e 2-D4 WEED KILLER m L 29C 450 Quaker WHEAT FLAKESZ 2 2:90 .sn sTs OsaOn fa. & Paoleea. ua5s ly p PEZ Maple Leaf SOAPS Filkes P'».3o., iPACKAE Q0IX »ArPOWDM 14 »«.33o Tom Himees PIaA= DAN" MCK GRVEI5LOON As POOL STNE Phone I1 r22 B«E a% Gosmgee GIMII WIUI Coppnn prionshac VoS, sp Se nvu, dit ha nn no inn esuc ii 22 ynea gs. entiv such ieeCs.es Yi We'nbroke ai haven'shrnsu ales and building ta sm bungain h.s n Sbetterservice at th THE BELL TELM Buines Directory SEV TM BTE VM*M LECTRIC APPI Miltonas «:Nmb j MOTORS lREJ Cas SeliMi5e N.ceboe Mui RE-BUILT WA Dr C. W VNUG Dr. W .7 EJ. 0qi FS A Office HOM.ONE + Sundays-Enooemd.Oniy o t -MILTON PPIVATE Foatei Cor-ouer, CPi., and GeaiStureen RepairSe, MILTON ROSITAL oensvasa_______ 2.30 pas , sOO pas, 7.00 pa..t eSMpin. (IaElidrean asie 2 RATES. IN ADVANCE eem-Pzinate 591 Paivata e PHONE 216 - mUT DIL G. IL SURB PbyneSa andmagore« Your Phase Nota,38 Office Houri 9 sa.; 1-> 7-8.30 p.m. Pop M Coroner Promt Dci, DR. J. W. McUTCEON CRENT F'.cosn' Buildiang, Main Sae 00O . u ssesour-O aa&ML;-, tF& Tsiapisosss395WF.1 Rasidasse. 395Jt« LEIGAL Hornby, Ont. DOCK & DOCK W. L DIM I . X. Y, DIOK Barni.iers, Solieltors Bi-om Street', opposite Area Teinpthone 4 T. A. HUTCHINIO Darie, genou-., lue, Offla-Next DoSieChsamion 09C% Moi tBreeî-Maitas Teiephose 5X GEORGICE &L LUM BarrWsoa, 0o95s55oeNoisey Pés Offic-In Fausas' Builn&,N Street. Milton Taiqihosse 70 LEVER & HOSKIN obartrai Aa.sssaaaats Succeos o1 JENE2NO à* sIAUDY 1305 MeSiopolcan Bide, 44 Vicoia sSI.,Toronta Eig. 91.31 DENTAL DR. G. A. KIZG O DENTAL O5JGEON Office sn Rayai Builinlg, MiN. Houri M-5. Evnngo hy Appoltot a.Fer TICKETS ontd X-Ray Sernice Tccplsons 10t RONALD DR. F. L. BABCOCI Ues, akg DENTAL SUEGEON- Office oe PrncesTisaise Niet iApplnimnsmaay b. aransged X'Riy Service-Guo Extrauhmll Houno 9Otte5 Teiephone NIRISEN - lhe Clir 37thiYear of Practèce 6 Ladiy Attssdant Mon., Tus.,Tri., 2-5 pas, Weil.,Sa0..2 -5 and 8-9 p.., Ciosed Ths.54ay Ona Douminion Store, Phonae 150-W CARSTEN GLAEN Suseeuor 50 IL.qC. LAMB Foc Appaininseosa Phono iO S. A. FAY PhonelC m205a/u PLUMBING Y.- ,so ie.ovi ~ Q.* lIiirec ycurs, SALES SERVICE Ili