TISE CANADIAN CHAMPION TRI2~8I AT. MAI 505h. i8o~ km chine lOes o ubved mlfe efa I-2rd Rb s d b c frand not Gile- Ai.6 t0=e n'_i 0Lrenf er i-day Are thoinwholn e be ei. Mr. sud Mmi Wlilnam Wilsn Qiert. wbo paeid amas Moay oftedof n e emnme w et An i he sealeeps a pe-ftul Brevities - -The weather lboa heet qeit obauteable lattis'. -The rifh oBasai the C-NRla recelin10ta gtavetingf -tinhmas' No. 25 las eing eled teonanpeyside le Milinom -yocr loalispet dll ad n 00w feat. Wo ml inciode c crtoo eah wttb -Mios' Itom tht mblt dittict enjoyed 1the fleeerba deptas' ai Campbflttlaonu gnodas' retolof. -_The nenten arm cns belaf laid on Eust Main Streeti and mwonuvil o 1o e c1inth main setion ofnitoma. -Thi eatensionui 1theacerna i progrociiof Tht tot la belof ccdded and 5the inalde 1a receiing c freh eat Of palt. -zE rl cpsiis retfonext mcci, inse dded le Or bus' ithedole me bacc an item nOf Boy- ing la take lto conaideration. -Nom Jo the1Ue tinPlan pnsie sommer holidar s s'o a tacMate re.aeratlmm The localncisc iU tliee pou if s'aa notils' ibla papet i polr change et addretc. ..ietu,taxereow inodec<for thon maklaf 1the trip betwen Acloa and matonn via Ne. 25 00gb- mis. The tol deac m as last Tieudas' mheo mrk efan lat 1e- loB 1the mounuolo. -Roaidcostruction on No. 25 balow nenyid mnakit inladola- able t a toc ido igholas'ai ail timon We uet 1the fortb Unc .i an alerntivein10 f0100 laand lioa Milton and Atnn. NEW MACINE FOR PICKI2OG STONES 000 reat the nîber tas' tbt a farmer in Mnanoa bas loenet a ilone-pioint mchine epecatod bs' c tonetar. Whai a moeimortnct loy the atteteolnent Ibal thinvoen- tiono eeoly wmrskbWhal c hon suchbamachnemsladate bren the pionnor tacmsof cI staroî. il mouaih bued, peebabis' Cpon- ible, ta etiteate ltheamontofn tedoisoba-btoobtac laber ili manithavebaccnoetthtenryset-, ien oftscebtamaîshica as Mon, Maimue mnd CeotsIn tome places in lhesowsnhtps slcet eresonspleaitul thal tbe fIses oet thes tee building stonc enlese. anoîber bae-brooin je, toc cIls' large cioone otait 1e uset foc the botocla et theser toneonSmd il mao harys' ba h e onand rs' the.i ioaplace.Hartes ueer piebed Stant on a focsn? The orier bas nt eil hbas rnemorrs oeth11e tiumma aioflbhejob. the malinog bath nd oth to 0gather tht lieles ant then cres' thens ote 1ewagcn, mtie ma ueto10 al the.s to nmetencensorer, or uaeoedcteeee of groant. mbeca thes' ere pdicO oltfthemos'. Therfacees ofthat erier geneationutiqalocd toe glocco la pratet Ibeir hante. Tbey dit their anrk bare-bantcd. eea la mooc pioblof. Altec sas aI 111te lob skin a nt nailic mcc ors ahnoco la tht quiob oct tht ceegh atone, gare the pioher a jngIet, .we etfed feeling 11101 oas ans'ling hua, pieasael aniS lai r rco tcit ct. heacflt i loerîts', the hesi ofi toit te this Motanaofrmer and isin Ricec Alemcpo Lt., an asoelaie f Btislh Eueopecc Airmapo Cor- poutitcn, ba i tiitalet a soetele f dair-erry servcne opeeatlog tnts e pdy eattc'aac tke 340*ei eiicnel bimccc Lpmpe àR ai &Mt cc LeToqail Iu France. Tb* f ersfretémine ohoi2i.pI dito ,r au pm n 12 h.mit ing- WANTED! Accommodation in Private Homes y FOR FIGURE SEATERS From 11 to 18 Years DcrwgJuly and Auguet y PLEASE QIJOTE PRICE PER PERSON PER WEEK Apply MANAGER MILTON ARENA COUNTY OF HALTON TENDER FOR PAINTING Seaied tenders, oddres00ed te Mr. Wmn. Brans, Counis' Clerb Milton, Ont., iii 1be received up to 5 o'clocb p.m. on FRIDÂY, JUNE 3rd, 1949 for paititng certain offices in thn Court Honse, Milton Specifieations and otl information Boy 1be ohiained frons tht County Engineer, Milton ROY F. SMITH, Cosoots Engineer Hawthorne Farm Lodge Chieken and Steak Dinners a Speialty Roons for OVERNICUT, WEEK-END or PERMANENT GUESTS Smimming andHorset Bath Riding We Caler to Parties, Large or Smal PHONE 379r3 MILTON, ONT. PROVIDE MORE AND BETTER TELEPHONE SERVICE To-nec, o EcAVEte r c e iemriployece sbie yer i agit brceir teper nts mre sete te th.ve befrIe .Lgre,, -phttle, cureit u praos ntl frst thr girl it nt usnesttofficestt-o-cibrieg te ir y jobs the sane ittly spirit tht i ertttert eflin tlttgt you bey. litîhe pisi fi,, ve ,ot payrttl liisgoeop liens 20 itttlltetcttr 5t) îttjl1i0,t dolla.tcYtoptei ow drtptte higttr (tt.t. t, tii1ittîr,. tite Ittivttrio tt c res i. the b,tscrit titete r.t, rtttttit22 yceeaege To-date,rt1ttttctntt-tgt.,tt c s btckttg allrcds hut hrece tll odi-- luv, nt benIale te fill. 5ee tine i povie ir an bt tisevic t te îirett t,.egittt,,t'i.stec. dbPHN TOP SOIL CHOICE QUALITY No Order Too Large C. W. SPECK PHONE MILTON 77r2l -DANCING- fflB b l&MAlonmin bsORCUCl1 ACI'ON PARK RAVILION Every SATURDAY Nîte Admission 50c PRINCESS THEATRE mMITOIIONTARO THURSDAY MAY 26th Robert Taylor and Aedrey Toiler, in "HIGH WALL" FIDAY & SATURDAY MAY 27th and 28th Gteno Ford and William Holden, on "The Man From Colorado" MONDAY & TUP25DAY MAY 200h and Siat Clarb Gable aed Walte tdgeon, in "COMMAND DECISION" COMING NEXT THURS, FRI. and SAT. inne 2, 3, 4 Esthier Willianis and Frank Sinatra, in "Take Me Out to the Bail Game" SHW TIMES Ail rograms Siort at 7.30 P.M. and Matinees ai 2.00 P.M. Iioless Oîherrise Advertised Foundation Garments BY NU BACK and E. T. CORSET Chemse yoe Corsets, Cnrsellettes, Girdtes, Gothie Brassiers and French Brasiers from a targe Setection bs' Famous Molocrs Mtans' Styles and Sizen ho Chone front (5uality Merehandite t Loteer Prime Stsfaction Csaronieed or Youc Meney Refunded Milton Dept. Store PHONE 112 Store Open Thcîhedcy Evening Till 9 .M. Il. J-il ¶THE CLASSIFIED SECTION Buy- SeII-Exchange- Wanted Advertisements unadir tibai lg 35reuh iii lii rier, top to 25 morto. Addtional mwt, k 2 r r =St eah donotao- comnsyo'the cdccrtlaem n, luinr . cc50e and le pcr mot addltiocal for eaCh mont ivr 25. Sulsigueat Iirl 25c. FOR SALE WANTED FOR bALE-O York iea omc w« WANTr02-4th cent s dry' t dac in Jonc. Dan ifeGiben, Phono to taelcg tncoie. phone I 393c13, Mlten. Mltan. FSR SAL...-Oae bay Tabe. WAItT92 - Ail Oln fo in gnsicdtion, rconsunblc. Mec. vaches. iîgiontie V FrnoCatrd. Pinon 445J. 1lapi 'a ultrs', Wanoa, Ph FS RSAL-Mos' R aris trotc-__-5,_Milton. _____ te moesor, nesr, aise 400 flrid WANTED-Ui PcnMI w cncerels, t mecha nid, phone 189e2. U iten1recpu.C FOR SALE-Wcatinghoe clee- o on Mlino U trie range, rendltestconoditino. _________________ HoadGowlond, Phooe-28c4MU- VedMeIU e4.eho- in1 s'ai stm -Cerentceccl, ,ometa teila. NOçpla e lana eace, brila m t am'lc Opelen, 9Marins, Arn., TrontI. sad,filîl cndtoip ion01 Esoaden, WAM'TED - Chaics add r Phone 295. f Winecup la $2.25 for b s'OR SALE - 7 0l . CB. ie rdon enîoleet, iatto millcingcows E rad 50Sttio, Bri tnans tf baroes ccd 300 white le -3e-lt.ra bora lapers, 9 la 12 montjn , ________&___ P. Carertte, Photo 303,3, RR. 2, WANTOID - LIce Poultrs' Milton. trothersn cctet, HtMPr F'OR SAlE - MdZtlcrs'enceitturcpl.Poe Rnal&Moley rangette, gont candition "(), ailunne write Moseen et,. 402 Div leses' enrnsel bicb and1totmat- cmuet Rt.,Toronto. 32 trees, aime*n no, atiz 18x36, ,-. Phone 76r11. Appcatiens wmdli 1ereeeeicec AVAILABRellel Conaanle tor the Tawn A MI R ORondta, hase- Milor-Detailsofatdutles and hb monts, coadwarin and gating, bal. i- fecb nscs' ho obllct.It teoeu oantscrcapers. item srebhg pollcenCocntabRaHgb Waans ai MultentBs' heur oe esotenet. tinnPleone sate SainrYes'cpee Hamilten Zens. Construction, Aplîtatlono clo juto602. I Strecesalllr, Phone 24r32 lament ore c'appliction notn rnaaells' aneoptet. A. S. BPr Clerk. *M ILTON wolsitrs i ption leuu espeienre not ementàl. I ,WNLI ING ho atcrate in tietationandsud lng. Enceleont opportun" 1 atrancemeol. Immnediate eiig ment bot in net Oc reqotsmd Weldlog Repaie Weldiag of AI TMes Portable Rqotpmeai PHONE - m4 amiLW.- mT Farnworth Memorials Momiirei.ai tMoieuite Prioens CRMETERY LEITTRING FurJ &e t d.aiCissncea OURLOIL ONT. J. IIOEY &'Sont CONMRCTORS CONCRETE AND CINDER BLOCKS SAND and GRAVEL Ridten., Milcon 152f23 Oklilte 1.a, 172 Pit, Ococclom, 0,14 D*O Oeeeeees eit avl iooiandoidroublenwen reic tincil Itai n tnnnltee an ot o.me,, î.H-enane, 1. The illomano for plimiori l-el turing lbthe rnt ration FarindaI ofNniotine 10111. 19480. OnNonniohi 1511. 1949. 150 US. pae èr $100 le th. nai0 of tbildteneiondnr 1l eta lid). qctcd t.oî«ici.t ofCan. .ai suitecdinoîlt US. or$25 U..R. md Caa- taon fonda. 5.spenial llnanoonuart gemittit foer tecls'boct loatrail nen polra ce Forninplnyne. 4. Appllcatooeme rlreecr annants f US. lunda for t'avl fortlnuth or=on. tional pupop nsns nsho modeami specianni ch-ob bammbietcut paiebmi. liaemnmumm COCm0nage MI1M rcoi icii ne M2- ph. ec prai Phone Georgetowan 88W. Un- MMSELLANEUS CUSTM PRÀYING of wBai ln pailace fiel« tence bedS. on er gran, aienOHawthorne te. CaO Mettsrtb Peseteeni. Piai 97r23. 50-: H. A. (Hank) PEACOCK Repreeentiog C. H. Prudoome & sons Ncese ea', o elt NURSERY STOCK High-grade Fruit Trees, Small Pruit, and Grcpe Vines. Orocmentcl Treos. Ene. greens, Fereccnil, Shcnhs, Roses and Boîha. PhOnO Mliii c41a R .4 Miltan General Sessions Cesats' et Halten, Te Wtt Notice lahebccts'gînenn thal1th Court et Central Senlo nt Pence onandls 11e Cnutns'Court ofet seait 1COtJs'TY OF HALTON milI hbeit ta ntht Court Houne n tht TOWN OF MILTON TUESDAY, JUNE 7th, 1949 ai tht bouc o e o'elenb in, DOT., t bh cal Justiceso atae CeoeCroners, Contables, GCca esutndail otheti toncernel aret m quetdto 101e notilce and attens, le teont Peetncm ail Étoiles wmIdd aPpechoin le thens. WILLtAtt J. ROBERTSON. Sheclîl, Co. 0001551 l949 .14 Thcrc laa srteoer rune und ashositbat Harliss s lent- tnglooý-Noouchiluebt Tht treth et the metterela ibis - tOc ropo-bwhrrrthe besstisn te moeing. Wo have bren lertunote cneto lseuearger quart- cris .be eter e itditic ai White',Ittitîr ýi.ttîlccc Ms'. Nrsas Bro-wnnc, rho Sas tIknener r nehoo ro- coir hep milrcmnoie thc prescat sutap le bocare et s'eue shote epaernecto. Wnleb tblo cluons tac tee- 111r nntottimnts tothe excut dte o o ntg. In the meontime, deont ferget Ihat foc ton soees, deinks, toveititO etc. therra ne beltee 0po1 10 Mltten titan Re.i4.G#46i cWiic. tlisB",i UOe Ê M N on il T j [ew I ,l Hi. Saundem ,1 Adresd mat na lutFled Tons W. Phimps M - tendent Prnied New Equipunent nu Asoher milestorn - mot of bpdro in toa nkplledth11ear -M eWleocits'tla flow PA sawls oiteictet on e meterWly imita i 1- Ibe ocasion Bsn tt I& Mtd ac f Roerot .5 ye. 0.B.5. Cbciem. ; fain its'to Eltcit o ant c hein f other =ons saTrntoand n iM pilien 1 niiejof tht ocening se, ailteo hpll, hof r- adience, iRobert W. i t, lintent of tbc 1 Cooiîsion tar the tai wugicen tbc bnno M he le iteb. mhieh M. oapnt tinonpent is itch wu seau essese z saian area ofth l- drmp, soeing the 28 hronthec onng 1 - lohste il ihrunghniit R ecomwinthceec a& Mien, Me. aaotccs e Mter 36 sears aga c. 1- d th 10 e cm be189 ieo cy 4clools. Ha ntnsttspallts'fotnhel, Inosd of thele Otitem roi therrecvoenue n 10 chie lad t rcil $0,856 In191i4 the su, ette enîs'$7.000 obil con $96.296. "In loi maîed rost, Hs'drt iacyloeetthan ycaeîs ao.c.11stoteof. eterteg te the nhî wnemi, the obirmt Otaio Hyten t dclitered 10 la 12 r, poe ihao a yeor i hipetet bhat roaisw thc îtght placeo and voiis o tep the tucl ORttss alsoehoeît niudS be ne futhler t flI Tbcc mnas' 1bc eý ne aee bptog there Reeostitnet the mac dcelcpenst Iresa Oitig dittîcelties ni lit tbecocnstructieon w forin iideloco He asd t Of soncce oftbetdeceî lota an munir an 14 ramtenttt.chtas' A nYdeso lr ngagtd i lestrtOto plants and le eeating plants in ( 1. Wlcmnlg te tar t rosee H. Damson, ci theeoccasion migtmce "'HYro Nighi in Mii OlanYgusOlo Itht Ictil OStanley' Hall, St Piis. Mitlno Si, Ificir Dr. C. H. Hesoni tMatager nt Promotlion, è PLawîne iManagreot 1. Regien, H.EPC. J. A. btctdecii, Consmer S oerH.EP.C.: ont lauiders, Chairman o M eing bic npcnin r, egetDawsonolait th 3 Miion1 bai ompletet C iniedil etablishiof 1Il statten io Milton. H thc trlnsformou tIs saga and tellrers' ai Pebeeaey. Sce fibailime msch Potgrenset andtoinas', itteoperatilen. etit tbsttn b lanileels p tie surptues c c m ISttlYs talet. terlsioing tht caps ne' Otr ovcer the e ttt l t he. yr i i tît ir.2000 noclo-ten o-crýs it mtiî ien labo 3,8t. Wilb Careeqi otlled iSa clater dtefil coeedtola4,500 bilomat Reiwigte grgowtb Milto lhe ehairman n. tet mwere650 cnsm POtent there aree825. Ir h sainertpaed obltt Inlise pain ten Cenatulalîng 11e Mi Cmision for thele t - unDenlf of tht cili; ton Mas'ae Dr. C. N. I tbathet Mr. PiIipa te bort tons for tht munlol nghi& is sofo ofce. Mentenl entertainmneas f (ConHnl"f rom Pc. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TliunenAy. MAY mal.