Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 May 1949, p. 5

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L. Elliott 1 Auctuenes md 0Frm 11,3 -OISES td$1.79 celisa fo~ $2.49: t$5.95 i -9 Is cufe Ble B.98o H tELDtDA« yett hscouty, 1Iam sting _________________ of District No. 3 "Black Arrow" .uu0tujet you kbout how tu cuh ___________ Hog Producurs yu iPlause ppeiteas Plust htbe upuitu.at WEDNES, JUNE IST lutut u I:wsaGutsd tome. il On the suine Prfgr98 blpud ute a Ouest deal tuth rtion- BLOC S Letcheoft armsing and the cool of livsingshtgh. BLOCS Litecrof Faina Robert Cumoisge I tuuuld ey tsuch lihu Os dousk r CEIEpi ami12 DS.T. NoonsBrian Doslevy,in you in petsou, but 1uts ufrstdI CINDER BLOCKS No. 7 atghway, Z2l'/ oslnusat sha1 have ttubbucontent sitb osit- of sflaaa "Montana iMiie" ingt-ou, as e live O fur spatO. I ALL EMS AllHogProuces ad fmiles Itottu Ibis ltter pluamus l's.aut- AIL AIl Hog P t-desd t.sttaig otayur lOsir as bes e eeed sud COMING-..ft BIed appueîated. oncuissrs bues I B. SALE] jBrittg Lunch Basket--Tes aud Chamecte brinsg ditltter t55 ca s, taul Plise 24w, us. ufte rsiedWn.1sdx u you seuy mach for yoe geneeosaty Coffe Prvidd Wn* Bndi. in and may Gsd Bleu ayoL." ~, Adh~ Progrea dtofe 'Te Le f try' i1 Plaqtiearen: l.. A.L Patem; 10. leOouge la; Mi.1 'A c l, s ahe S is ase I OAa thse wand.rful THOR combination 't - DRAN Ceone in aed SEEtise TH0R AUTOMAGin lactien YODAYI seRifl B » ý 1 MEDN IBIIIDAY MATUb~ 94&THE CANADIAN CHAIIpION -~~J Robinson;I,.* B& M.BuhTonto, spent Rte_ id;lIMA. LAdstron;1941, Ibllbhlday wth reives in OX Z 136 ila nesn i ebr ~e. udMu. ouna Bow sd CEWRREV. DB . CT BCOW Allen 14, B. IL McAsdleu; 1944, Mr adMuaoranBow ndTootoGore hte 90 oet 'os ut yofMostueal -slalalsg 101h Mimmb-av.I aIre NW T m loPtaO, Mci. sud Ms. Gordn aud Be Dr Chales Taggat auott, 1940, 1usd Johnson; 1947 B C.MDU MaNb ls=:= 0ý 8,de uesatte iltyan ab;19, JamstaKenedy.t va M. George Petadbamof st dmautu NAMAY 291h, 1949 sud Unied Ch-ILeh. t ad usld- bujuole outheosTweuetdAulves- to, lerais a week-end utsitor 110.00 am. - u .S d la Trontuosbit ulos tirementaray ofthdoslice osBesucl,14Csuadiaeona C h n e 1% in th ~1100 arn -ýDtvieisoW uBb- in 190 Utt whbtibsne ela Lgils elebattd art Lation ll o h n e ittb relativeusud Suenuedou a lest Tuldog a Vaati laun.~utero -MlseUniJtedOucichdsMsnday slght BupresesOativea frots dostrit. 730 pm-D 5 uadBt ulOodebtpttul h ucuta oesdWSIe rV.Lnr Mem J. Stîser sud ssonbv r-W bus italat tlu1 l tmeoer asatoae.teorvicalCmmn, oe.n Tben ttoh tery n aloo o te erices ofMr sehbourln anschls wee lai " Gue Cwt isuturdtu duyiwlkt Me sud- ACotedaWesttsne Aisan td Ms ctt atLutaed gles, wi.-tendaceus veU aa largesnumbrS« P eu u lo__ewdy t r adM.dutuisuwu eted saSui yuaus uts tf paStPreut doutaansd CbarteurlseigSn Toas De r. Sou et Knox lundal uburub. tumest os Mr.eaudoMssSet-snueasut amiJute.Du. ucott wut htusin Milton sud Mllsthllsbbthc eenusthde BLOCKC. AL SEM Slat stOfHacslton sisited eldo Mr. Sacrusseot lotasy, un tuo isgauatesd teum Vituos sui-uveili uSOfa .oPetut Ploque ila ft LJ. oOKE Il ed-edMet.wllbehBeu t hehoteesuleye f dctu f er 0y asseveeth MaslasîbeIlwa and M Ber Beasey rver he M meeing f Mape ilvrut-y lt-u u8doue. t I lît houusud dnoropst hushilnsueoh VT 0 ,um. SBo uu . otteeud upus bics by Waslysu ftuuded ilutell. Oul t oe sit~e Bruce M.cKerr VT I dr. F. Jack douotais sud m. TucuoY, Jue ladut85P.tsThustugsual collaeuMIl uni att Pusodoobi s hu bad!sedc, tus ggPRONIt«M s FrankPlieeaios aleut a cary us- cuuslty. Gaednthe ouMedhodist tuereuenut, oscrat baclug pasud Cybrehwesud vIbo Fnourd Pstb- miUNTE sttry, he suussd in Csntrtal us, twbite uot s erunablu la Cturand hooe bio. CErsy S.PALUNrm ebteel, St. Thomat; Gundat Cem-attend. T. A. Hulsto. dciVice- tartanChurehin Chnage.t-u, Lodon; Douglas, Mstueul; PeeidetuofheProviucialCum- cl!Ie COlOme i., rantord-Mtuspuli- mtund uttiutted uat theunvtuccbg Bect vsitteaiutHawthlorsu jameut ldgululued M. AtCm- BlIAS MAS 201h, 1949 tan, Vicoriea, B.C.,EBrige Bt., Belu- cuemee-. lie uuuseululuted the 1000_ cHuenrvil; Howard Put-, Torot-o, sud besuuh fordohesurvicesIl hadl 1er- aud Bevurley CampbellO vle, TMrrtestThoua-ter rotistucut. stpesuo EIL wj M. ad sci.Bd Smith sud Carol- 730 p u.-Wot-ubp. Thossu "71eDr. uScot a sissuant iu te ofbad untieilyI txpurtud the Leglu E AM NE inu, Labuetse, Dr. sud Mrs. B. C Oaf uS hue liMouais." Tstu.ty Unitetd cbouue, Toroto. A oveitsnluCsuada. lRe urtpualud E A I Camtpbull, Torot-oeMr.sud Mem MOdY-CtG.I.T. I m lut -frer ebrofteWsean0teYune eeah ubcm BoruasEnstlte, Bt. Cadoarnet, tutestert lot o Obuobactonlu-aoge-mm Sthe Wuolcysuand lu minbu t-sa Sue vthe-aul btuoe STRA 1 M..G. Dean, Toronto,Mr.sand tttuol Isiose muet Kno leutabig tfuboaedemmesddt5hetsultbo Mut Boe oatInlmu, Mlto.Me.sud Chtttch aept I. gucet-s e butas alto ou doe board he umosctecldthueSurth lIteut Mm. K. Kbottelia, Milto, Mm.ttO.Mt-s M oft slmut goeosrtftAlbert collaeuln body of outsud people lu doe JUNE 4 p-eut dodeMieoosuneruTorn-u't h su Bllevile. 1He wtsa mestbur oSftsuud. JUNE 18 OutleduHuisss ouss, e JOhlOî, tlodyMoku Wludesuuu UnitedlcuttobAcacia mphuinlg thlle iwuta concet- tMom. G. C. Goulasd sud Susttît- vets Wlctss ludge, AF. sud AHM. C. su nd d fot by a subvsvle group u 1-0lu.t 5pn SYBIL BENNETT, K.C. a$dHMm. M.E. Gowland ofMilton, I.G.., srud the Feld Haalta udutmie theery rottuofCarte Mr n r.J .Mrsal u-sýC lub. ien illoessbip, bu urer!dmembeus GRIM'WOOD PorsieConseratuîe Me sd e. . . athli Bt- RÂEANGICAN CcCii i u-ie h i uduudusdCsuudiastolumaireutusofthdoul liOgo, MHbu M. . Grabats .9autIt Butor SHt-mee Mluiu ibyhswltl5u, th eblurltisd-tet-u-uPogsse Ste Marie, Ht-t. Sarah M Holimu s. . ooUn Fot S.,fTorer o eelhite wth to sbwhufrancsu eebom ayto Prmuot- eele Milonu. Mes. S. W. Gatluy, Mtltot, .mrFns __l__hdclbae her6t ed h on,-ifedn amay O O R R LO MsstPtultiia Gutlcy,uofToronto. SUNIjA. MAS2 .h1949 duosuuicet-nuy; adaugite -s. enugavecdeiolivstfot-it touso- MK"nst maton voouiost-u~o~u~ Artbut- Keln, Montraaa lict-t"fltesut-est tuayto- t s e 8.0a..HlyCmuno. son, D. Douglas . Seott, egpubito the dangerst ut the Cou- Teepoe 11 10 l ýn-ubneaCl S ch e 00and toc, Ky., sud tht-e e ct-uedhildt-en o nustpty tt it tuideas oS teu:- ----. .--.... 1100 aum-Mosuluc Pcuyet-ur and__ ectu:u Engagements j Sermon. Ftollcusoc u brefetbuesssesin 7O.0P..-eing Pt-utet- ued In Acott-limsoiconserva-tinComrt-dut-psubkShannon urseb T A. Htehiosos, KC., sud lies. SSi-CatharinsetbusltPL 1oCh.' oucbsmg e. T Sotsbiuoou, suocuce thu ~oselwtuSlly. or tbeougb ignoeance , tscuctPt-olu:l hMi ausg a,-TIss Hucobuanuceteegae hllbe tlltwtuselaueiusd uch 1 ucdulthu ba..ýolue S lp r. "'Stree-t With No Name" lu Dr. Willium Roy- Baldwinu, son of g 1H tsulldte iue Su me Meuo ou . . udti, ot Pasl.-N. tH. tOowz utcis'oSuthusutuo haubtERRG'<)wMot-h Stevensu -Richard Wibtsarb Haemilton. The mrutt-:ge illi te lathe- Fut-ters Blinblg itbue c.untpy tot belpiug tu p _a pIs,ý..ouMut- ltth. 1MtNDAidesTofSDAY WEDNESDAY.P SUNDAY, MAT 291h, 1949 .fcrtes.gucta the Clot WrdWr ODYTEDYW ESAY-TlleURAns Mr. aod Mct.Edgar Csim-usotn- 1030 S.totot- 0h00. ho sibthe t-ouge steeas caome FRIDAY - SATUEDAY Ibnc teenogagement ce theit- 800 su .M--Cveiig Secuce. AR ST bc t a sprorporm f Mt..o 2JA UY3 3 edt-ut daugbtte, îtie Ilieus, l usTt u 1 tOPue u hbltt JohnubldIbechu-Mmmm m u C. Nit-boscn. sou uS M. sud Met. 1uOh 3ie a 8Stody an TAiltaio ha dd t-utde mmu m Robrsichlsbuon, uf Milgroote. The' We., lue t ut 230 1Woues T XIuu an.HoestOIhsat 9'pu e They'cu Hu-Hu Inin weddiug te tube plut-e inSt. IluotOs SiI.uoaptGît-Is e.Ail Pucsengeeo Folît- ut thu esisluliandu tu bte lrsA rouudHsagug * WRETAYOmy Cbpch. Csispbollsillu, Saturday, ,OLL AREu WELCGMMB Ieutst-d Cn bî2u Legicu. ou theit- hbsît tue, llth, tt 4 t.st. _________ N n mLogsoe uuCousbe Bsd Lou OIVI. LtI *t o ri 170 Lng Reenl cosn on Cmmndr Abbott Coutullo mmi ouI Mc.wulsub HilutA 14dof or105di, ws reEBVICE M MU Brtontu. uutobtu sunuooc the PENTECOSTAL HOLINERS 4 OU Sl adOut-bt-t -spotCet, usss peestt OETMT*U enggcliwnt oSfterdsughtec. Viv- CHURCH PHOubne-lebr ed i stpttl oceu is "The Noosei sun Elozahetht, to bout-tSteustet, BEll. St.WOODS, Pastor POE218 MILTON Wcouiam Aron, OakutLt-loules mer ou of M, sud Mes. lit-t-su W. Ot-det- ufSet-uiceus pcc tof utthe Miltou bt-suuh, t, b Ct.tup . ofCatot-ellvîllu. Msciaeiocu ieId lu 10OF. Hall dslaeed the Miltou besush bholitu i 0N Yfm i' t,. tuh.plce ioCheitt Chot-sh, -t'UN tAY. MAY 2.01h 149 stcs t hrtt-ugh the tssc oeas,tib Br0to, %at ur5s day, Juno ttb. 10.0 ( --s ut bob o 5180.st- o n ud tuouoetu tue Douonuu Lt-ou Etti-ol Csuhy Do O 11112 o Mottug t<o-oIlt-fus ptoo.dtucocttuteth7 mes MINT WILL MAKE 73<0) so .rnuagelstic Service.oesvicg theucouttry. Shel t-l-et,__________________________________ 3,700.0N0 DECORATIONS WPt,8 1nî.l <us l u,1.tîucsBracus puhe tiefly. COMINt, SOON " Man Prom Texs" & "Dsreduvils of tise Çl9udo Th uîî,oou l...tîgd, l, lhîbri-de, Tlsutru Acton Th t-lcsiuttO ltt-- s- Tt-o .,,.t of uuu tiu vryoy ecoe n tItIndluthe agous sof thte______________________________ goe t4 tOhe t-u sîsupu shtsthsl-Wloe Note Plyng- baht-o-, ustb s lsarge tt- ol u capýig sas, la ush Pco, T l oldiet-oeinuîsigsandt-sssl- ht-tse.gcslyuOti dbService dYS tKouluTsbudLas imsibu uig Tuunght lng """uofîlong go bosut-,,tnsoo f uobsedu ueftltsot- theTtuth Shstl Mslle Yus Pt-e- Jsoe Wyutsu, uino e te c t -l rPpeeistiou use and (IlCaudsuusmenuenduuutocn Ju.8: 32 vdbothe nh andburend -oS ealcd in figucettelcseud THE CIIURCH 0F CHRIST "Johiity Belinda" bt-Comruscse ustetcy A. c Atu ai tawa. OMAItI t- ouucOne loue heBritush LetsFRotTUR T-Pysu hous htstolu uitsbls ce- (Ablt Eîtetcist-uî> St-stbucuughBrnlttb jssSs FOR AMATEURS ..,d al1 Cauodcu o bset-ccd SPt-LAY, MAY 2Dt,,1949 asu SllowstFOuIOESINL dotug tht- Second Wuld Wsc, 10.00 s.t.-ldSunt St-bout. FRI. & SAT. May 27-28 OunbbsîaluS the beub- 'RqFSlNA uoesthon ,700,000 bcurasîtuoo 11.30 u ut Wuettp Sut-tee. tender- uoc bstullt Ibanso r Su he mus b trn ut-o bothîe oyal Cbm o nd letUsReaoT Ry Rogrsnbriggercin museoltosfooubpeels (psrt-tut Cam.ulîpu Mlt iOtt...s. "Pranon t-utt-sEliubths tsobblg Pre-m That« lutomt ti- d a o slot ______"G________ ttrand Cav ut-uet)sututto us it iuionua Of ractal. ut bous uut-poubdsofc Tai" dcorvet-otgc.uotpiceoteu.Th ilt-t-, hronzo sud ucilermtstuiolu, r "o cîhut usst- toletî t-îbcc s-o ttsu t e psSt-lu t u ole- e set s isSltduws noet eealcd. asud belt-bobs. If tcu ub 0d eeu For the plumbing trade or for Gmateur plumbers at home... t-gures fSueniiubî ul betocttous Lto.Gocpy unS t-bu the fut-su ut ubu seplissotu sbhoh a tsuode bt b tfoot-e sthot-îtis Itighest Cush Pt-tuftueBou cy But-o,lu parcselc tuere upueb. t-yus uus feu-s tht- Mint st-e ut slsggoslug.haet ug y r mo y wl Asams vroewoelteld Dead Stock 'Aîîgels Aey" spout. t-l-tutf te Woc Mebul userre.060,000 havu HORSES, $2,50 sacis MON, & TUERS.PMAY 30.31 ct-sofuStuiht-h Iere t a gret RiesH R iserord d utb-tt ortut heot- usoubeesst-lt, $25010 u str eq firit t-et-acesse tB liasubit-b *.---..-.-.-Y b ther AIJolsun, .eu,,u Poweruuc optleussuO the mutuoccratisîîu t-tr - iot s upply et sto tas tN0o tebuloSercceda010lsu .... At- îGS, .5e pler tbAlice Faye goOeeuusut o sable tac ipO t- and galssuisd ppe , V 5- 1 bnot svcue-ousie f Csasauascodtion tunthEescdfisttb f hnk 5eu t-îueg ua-uth.CaliICollect Gslt 271&J "oeo f1ssccuutbuus1uest ntetbscsuu u t-es-u rctcte P.ccl. Tbhjuig t-us bl n0 St-bot-st tbe usttste: 1939 r!eo1o.tou., fomut ue botte. ouS tut s-tr AUT@NAGIC 45 Stop, 20,000;Alantic Stst-4000; 0 ashit5t..ont yo0u s oobet-ul gOcucoolt- ued Oteît-su Stac, 12.000; Pacitie tur, wiae shuug t-oct-Legîcone ut-t-sset C.0 N VÎR T113L E' 1020,ura Ptsut.5:2,et-ouut-Sta SquareWW"ptcl. ou. Sic e scp 1h2,500; lisutstc, 5,15 aîttaar, 0r511S.uases O.lo-Sct yOn* waesher that waghe »:. Sceuce Mebul, 460,00, sub the - WED. & THUR. June 1-2 The msutel let- Scfom Mm. bath clohs and duel. KITCHEN FAUCET Ait Ce-urocpe Ïîlt, 12,000. Lt-biliNi,, 15 Tt-aflgar Nb., S ta a *Chsange$ s os she ahe aa ihwahr Hl otgtse Ilothala uot ________ ________ Louis Huy ct-b bouugh, îuglsob Hssiotg beofoengosa shuC ioswse - iton uce sutota idona uae li, n o,'fths , - lI : ,t-: t , lfin1V2m inutes s t- e

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