94Y »11 iNt c THE CANADIAN QIAMKPION Eirsctoey ccif 'his at ai - E L C T R IcA I bad Viiietwr. fcure Wl Boards r CONTRA CTI NG ýAs iuctaSS$Sbt t hefow5 Plvoilton Lumber Lt Mulinu éatpq BAS mamc ing ta Mdo regratta ,he Sooli NlNvmaetomorco la avec, for 1 loir thlb.a c m an fs NEIL McPHjJJ, VWotors cen onl boy. floun bock ta Prianlsroat __________________________________broer ritre, ood il1 Lai h u the UP THOSE OAL BRIS FOR NEXT "Mu.Lane drpe ekso hol.-dn1 Ioiol-Bric WINTERot i OBPnaL WJ Coller Gra ead gicdecdeg, and go bock te th bruR NW yrSî Gr cill freghi "Ice and vigour". Tlicre Codqrgroto Sidtog GBotliK=la eollieg 11k. stlmclallcg ocd lni- We have for tuuuuuedkte tliuuug Mum Gp lOiS BoruaiLorge becum bavc thoLa spit dO friands ta pcp one up oMd colaroÉc diad d-ago o.. cf loe ceo te .eocri.dayeof e Shifgloo CoaJ,,Ndot si toe Biseg Mooooiîo @MTAL vnlbe ndogc Laa lt lb. acieo itig 31110111111 qeilo Possible and cooy te have o -in .Cbnh oUse Party. A boue perly cao b. MOIN'1ED POUCE PAL funta, Poeicaely ce e .people 110r lu. cel conmo "ac ai 5cry ccogeial Landen's Police albcrties bacc Oii0CE mai ae bile enje> lb. ctocpccy cf f4DOtiighte. Thoîr lampa arc clcepp- DA oecc elliar. l'vc Juot lirre bactag ed tae licremao riglit foot, - n c a oPacly-ic face. l La stli goLag Ucdcrcd tbot ctoootc police cear on t, and ibis coUrnla Lain wrte cccr the si-tp, MAd aie e whice ocra. -bfrfec tley gt ep. Weil, Une <aecI iight lnc front and e ced ligU in tce boa get up mad cabe lir dreoctue e or. SYMan thc eci> traie, ini Ucdcr ta lir 9gmmm cUelaO ta Mf atomorro ai i,3 l oge otellcce c. .10 ded loe .cerld, SkM Mn O Orc mecc utl i bis clatr cf tbhe uuyI1I~ OIO o.oi. u-s lpc-cccllcr clorlcd. Tbcy eay noc ccccndccieg eclion eert tocll gle 5 10 Ji1. liacoo e aceoce ceecidcrae beeles..r ___ ___________ Thc liece bac licco ap fec boaco, O~uo VACUUM PACKIfi ALWAYSi H Cue ceeieeefocko aenoccl m uP&VN11111111 UTCION cc ce een pclicbccshctclcc mîlecc Mmd unt ____________________________________Wlieic je b rsort cby lethe ell c b c I. c h.k ce Ès- i mehcboietaboe rcylui f,ý 1c." Ik. ee,î,cc hat cil code ceecpiicaled tbc e- mewn, t1 cccl ne <e, th e Ibily i be a U f r th e cfk. .. b ",c ej¶i7u"t cree, h lhlei chors . bie te i ai bin lO . - eccctlc c-d di-,c-,, ce -ed uoe~~K '! Il K e eeust stay cf hoe c""lIce cel' -cc Lee, Ice Icc Im Mstrong posblad lceicte i tctcendc ali cl (! 'tc- or~ ~~Fu c, and four cceo te bel Wc<11<1~ l< eI A l dc'î asiere" forj cmfortohîr eecchcc le gcl t'a arcelcciy happy ceicci- c MleE&'Eranitford c. m~imfc HYDRO CAME TO MILTON DnnfI ~ ~ ~ n' ne rd ur slhct wrle tir Buceg Ct na. df theor Uco e heer îlw cas hriei aecsntec is w morsoi is fist fullycea a omembof e! bHydco ternily 35 Ulm"Asmar dcca eer knw hat ctier ceccfocoirbceetLac . - ',yccUo paty is. tallc. e acte thece te Lac cmeeiry catie- cooec foc lbe cliocli i p af. e 3ltiua à" ied ce thcy'lI cceccmeed hice te, tlii eigli ef ccc hig city douies .li.j alec j ton ~~~~beeco. And that Laoppecs oitcc midi t.Owen ce c poule seer cne icgot asncsaiyinovdcniuos'xaso 70 Brontferd Reofiege. pctocce and ie thc polpil t ofcccy Sc cmbba ccsri eocdceiecc ae "Ti Becefrd cciegCccpae ~ place. Scoce lace Scpt=ebc cir bcc le pcoeidc cdcqooîc scrc, acd chc Milice l-ydco-Elcîric Commisseeon )>SKIN Canadien. It bas oce 40 ycacc cf ceacefacter- ecol, echcch, ccc think, must bc utcnos icg epriece. Beheces je hegli qeclicy. And ccnetc in cf a ecocd. Je moche uocîl il is ccm ce-lifeb cf thicrosI ie 1914. The record epceke te stands eclidi> ieid ils pcedoces. That ton bard tee hccreecc gcod, andfo te. L41my cemietieo' onebleic" Sccecoey tcerceg ecce iet s.teasct O Bldg., Aok for Olraeefrrdcl orcc. mct ccad hci ic L a bd cil1 LTrnoAiphale Shiegleî e lold-le lidieg e Rail cf rcef, hec te betmee cel peciede lie Hydrc-Elcîrc Power Commissicon cf Ontariic s bappy Rooflgs e Dailiag Poprs o Rot Cooliogu 'e the c<cg os cp lef her ain AshltM stc Floi_ atrrofn pc<ccoilify. Gcace eemec mitl cetal disrbto statio - oce mor brgi markin c h eC oms- Moteialm.eBup Roroigs Jmc. Fermeece,utesmacr of siscord ofsriethe pepl cf Mecon IGEO fhemt, keem Geace, and in thic mig itnM lo u br&ago seeld h sc te Y..dcya THE HYDRO-ELFkTRIC POWER COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO clntebec Coal C'ompany oftc.coc., Clore n anî,i d fcpleerlItClara, le shite le o mecoxtenl ýlephone 5-49 lprscllc haddcoec more Obcc SCOCI <cd,-1,cc0 coy ..fhaf ..l. GEON " cl'eo, rcd bcrocks.f Yhecr "0 Theatr b.1, î l,, cf ot c SonUcg et " ma beZî,, - 1Opre Wcdce's and e - at"«c . î on e . o hed. he ao bas ExtractionIhîco boctkc cf reelcy te c h ei<d ,icleo &N '"do acî<spekecaedsofcccto i dc- iilvitd tO he tlctfe, ehe es meill hom. iceccer ~hmrt, 'oegflday affc<ccee she eced us comle et 5vpr-or ierOv bel pocfîy end coco fore osesd hem xçripIt r ncic, d eler fil Thcclthr prictice il Jeac, -"che hahe" cf uc cOl and 2-5 pin.. the ferecome. Jean moche en a o-O ~~nespcemrcoc and ocacetlr dors Ocn c 8-9 Pin.excellent joh, foc foot meek ehte gef Greocev o latte le car Chat moU comPlfef re jcJJ v g ro4ceofce lia h:àI nxe ted. Nie nf surprise! os 70a0l Jeacc aise moitet peetcy and stoetce. ISlIION 010UNDi Oceiwy 0 et lier peems "mode" the pogresP O U EXHet fCanada's ntiolci celr mat- When you cînk moto the zinc te a recec isme. Yee have La deep uphaietery af your Albile caitely sced le gel entc Cocadice buso sca if remindo yoo ocîce Maae cle Cioec<eoa- af that favorite chair cmtmentson cethe piace rer aIo home. The eaoily ad- ________ cemcothcttcalir, mhee Clace ccl' juable back Dives yoa -- IT nere b6111ol p lyner Ume, a chaice ai îeveral rest- -IA CE FORs Qri UASit, 9.30 4),$ rite je, Sîcc il îeett oftc oee t s0 fui paîitians. Plenty ofTaiai mtre h 0lii -Af. . r 9cýl )vslare 1h, ptao ad ilSt, aieeî leg roaom aniIndividualnri e tnsft &Y .c.p'. m ir4jA 0U> toghec ecdec one reot, moeeiccitd reading lIghîî comploesot ha 0yan fUe 011ci,11, - IisDO' S, ' fec#mar oa mac the picture ai eaisy towd i i h c4 ot 1, « 4 atercoce. She ecicred meleig lhc Ch * Q ec3leni rk f J%#, cîlcem and Iher cnoord meetieg air eaee. «U"dn q&iyse 4Z, sci on2'1 Uft'ne hec, 1,01f coerse, am eicricog ther OTT7AWA $12,03mpeesadct o cibe îcrofl.e pc-'l f, , h.lc ro thcc,ful toC thl-: N Ew1" ý1- and lacy , e s C0 - <e <c ce; "" ' " l <"<< î, le, jt,Eit, - 22.50 1~Ccc, of Uth. fUe 41,1,a aitc ther hace lb. deien ail mcoliod - scesar . etie Cep no, cIie ili oe ee- BMACciEomri.cc 7.40 da ugu lice, nn,, up0 andtce tce -itl Jobswe o.,,. Fve_______ ROUND TRIP l le -OAMISSION Ink (Sbcc e loee PuICE sibtlsie [Des Yo~~lur Local DealermaiMfa mîIcic for k ROAD WOD's E.uamcjCL »2 M0CATmD'o to pqmu yo raata opINTBBNAIIONAL TADO Wr j A EUMN ir2 TUE OOVI UEUT O F CN DA j lemeNootamt