Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 May 1949, p. 2

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- dan euonomic development. Thats one side G O G T W uiesIictis _Ïof the piture, but thte ther is squatty iudicat- E R ET W--Je ir« r II nntaabjau lia pu ive ofthtte importance of n community nuch as Rit Eu. Cussp.E.V. MaeCoussack, ours in ntuonal affairs. Geurgeluesu druagist mous eleted MILh £tTN. tt4anuIStitt usine Cextles a nenampte, i tGrund Superiutendent ut WenliEg- bc realzhddtEa sinceThe markt Attalost en-tus Ditriet authu a1t tCunvuctions SIUVEI0N CLD0f A-th-lh.d u -nid ... ani]. P.n Ottî. b slzdtlaoiufhemre lnotu-u the Royul Aeuh Masnnj Grund Phons: Denni, Onta. . irely imited tu Canadu, he buying habits ut Chuter ut Cunudu, eshich mu. hetdMitnNmeà RMSCIOS B ATES-O.p Pet .... in ad. peuple in cummunitien such asutttis assumett ry n Ottawu tust Wednendny and 4&11titMd au a a&e.oes <sI be uu- bod pruportions wtten sdded tugethur. The Thursduy. D.C LgUM 0. lthni ud t dn.nitbul h gsMr. und Mes. Henr MuestuentDrW.. BM$ .b. hua t eug.n id..I.nnt.d. textile induntry depends on Canudmuns fur ils of Gueph Street, uelebratnd theiz ~t,. I. leia-nu h..d<suppurt und umintenance, junt un emplupees n Itthr'ddaunure.e irfasNus theVlcalISINGad RATES-Onof oheikuida..henuembes ofN.e ry AIontrnunt ouly. Mundar -7suhen nuenb.eheen W ut id txtileP.M. 1-4 7-9. detTecapit k. . aorI. « in. ..co. telclmtun buud f te etl auile gtheeed ut theje huome tu udy-.oseuOl* m usth- ..d...ud.ug .ht it in m . wrsde donteprimur extiuduntry hnu hn nti ap c-0b " f. I.hpur«caeà.t»Yutu deudnt ui..lin uabd frkn epwlen n h n utile unueSsuntutupyne-MILTON PRIVATE BMPTAL ret.. uee 6.in rtu tdnummipttt. tethewenn.XR t-- qt.ni Ch .su.b h du t sd Lnnkiug t Canada lu tIis wuy, itu nehued Construction busstuted un the urse. PR dGatl.Y a tu. u ldttr tiun..h __. tu reatize thut tttis eummuuity, and tels itizene uees huudtund eshiuh Geuorgetown t 'uitut.et.lad-7 td lu uitt. ited àatlargeLionsuClub lu rutting lu the puek. Ut. ilo-7 -rnue-a .ntL ui«t-«n.db, anet cuncerued eith ustional nfairs nun truMtNllny und Loune ares ndliug the P-o"e0.ati t . .-bseule. job,Sund the ntd judgels'stnd bau ::.h.____-Pid___th_____ b-butIn sneuted. The nes bandstand Piae tht dut. .e.ni nunueitet bu tueSo tonutheiPrairies ilsOi tand ot i site. il Stintantttd<l 9pita83 G . ARLOF nILu, .Et-.R >8totOi ii bout touretest high, ih a solld >1 i »POL au.i....offi- mis st,« Miltue A techuolugical revutution s etaking place un Putttuun unted onu posta, mith 70 m MPZ luin. n Mi u..ntuu the prairies. ThoCt act ctuaety umtergen runi mIite mueh lu theu ueuud, and RAo idEN uADVANOE Tim. Nne. TeFSu -lPot ncnoi sreyo te heunumpleted eili bu euiuted. RATES IN aA ILSC Th Fnncil uns tume are OutCh Sa.tuY Mnnlg AprlSth ua. Pulvat - una __________________________ engiun. Tht geeatest eCtange, bth uctual and t 10-30tai. t Dlii, Rev. Pthe o *PONae 216 - Ut poteutial, le lu hue rasiug exploitationu ut ttuuy ttetnaizud tht e arlanutPOE 1 MLO the minerul weallt ufthettthreen proinces. The Geidln ugutialTye, dangt Praiiesposess"th ricestvarety IfMr sd It-nE. Tyes, ut E D I ( R L4 ,weltb emmiued b any Sectiuon fthu Damin- SkPl:illy, sun.OutM'.and M.. pOtius-3a"u, estt PraieorsaeRstitd 1iri." puAndtes Ib esorjcesonvurinup utnnal Gug1teN dEdly0 renadiltinm -hyints am«Streetuu WhyFiemiea ae eirmtea ImhehaCent ruaulMRte tOaueîe FrTCET s NORMATION CONSULT Ptanes Re, SB Spriug ime, Victoria Day and filecruchers uon 'si e ues ed - it and aranium. - are BOAL___L__-PHN_4__ffc____: .n; - 8«nt ungo baud inbaud anud Sumetimus tead hu Cwu Mut criticul eues materiats ut nue ime. Teuat tnsthesiut UsueEukg ss ons u s sinu.7-8.30 pan. into a bit ut teoubte. Theres net mach trouble The imeprtance utfeshent ta tbeeuonnmy husiness corporutiosuinutheUS.A. Carotter s-tub the tan iffirecrnebues are aeud sueibly. outhu prairies, and ut Canada, persiste. Tht mheîuh iethey puthe. ofR. . W MCIJTEin Unrtunatelp tbnru is aiote u unuy îeîîuw esrtîmu trend iutS ivetucb ratbur thC heatwshu y ra t1utILeJ. W.itdlug, M tas W-ho vante ta hnld ututhe explosion and bus huser -usrsd, and here seumenruasun ---.- _______________ Oms HBuildings.st. 1 St"«w. un lsars the bt eay. Then there are hu unes nuesui r inihu futuruesbhy un areasu oidenlly HR.nt4 1-e. 9.3 s-bu thruw h esu upspuivnes ide rugurdleses suited hy suture Pur eshat productionu ebuld get Isdnc 35 of s-hore thny ligbt and thers lesuys hu out ut i.II Mort lec eshu mup bu quitetun utd hoy eshu Tht uely cRusu ut anxtiety hu eheun lu hueDIK &DI limoetu playtally hrues thees un pruples eut ur hOsts undue dtpenduuce un a un-crup ecun -W IVEV in dnars-ays. umy But heit are signe ht thut is ehaugiug. W.atyLCUm L( Thenu Plluese shuaild nut bu allumed tu ha.,IAtuum * Burrister, Sutlit-om- Court Hue - minm. Telphnie4 T. A. HUTCMDSON Bacurtsse Sttlto. Bc& Ottlru-Nuut Duar Chamupios ite Mluu treeet-dtu Tutepbaae 54 ârcrakeurs, wenetr Oupare ise ur fiPmy peurs tttre nvtngsiure Necessary oid. Thie use shos Id bu restricted tu hose esho In Oraugesille and Oteelup esheru tht Hîgh SPECIAL - AYLSIER TOMATO use nsthem as anp esplosise should bu hand,- Schuuls merers rcen CCp destruped hy lire hueA S P 2 îra 3 ed-ut asate distance fromt peuple or propurtp. quetion of district High Sehools musC bc con-C T U --3 o I'. this ooish use ut tirecer ,ana d had sdrdhtr n ueismd nne ut-SECIAL - BRIGKT'S RED PITTED hutdisgut ireeorb tht bve mde utus-ing. We ntorally ind he opie a hou onu in 2-E ury for tnany munlipatities to pass îaess rus- tht Orungesilîr Runner und hu Chesley Enter- JI TINP trintisg their une, prise and hu ollowiug is a comment fromt thte T~ SPECIAL - GREEN GIANT CORN __________Orangesille luauner eshîch migbt End inturust ITOUATO or VEGETAIL IN I L E S '- I Su More Messberma to Elee Tihis Tisse "The adsantuges uP district Higb luebuols SUItFV 2 19 Se OLL-AL Nefousudlandse ntrp into Cuntederatio are su important in hiseura ut high cuts hat '.-..-.. TINS...$.. 09...............-....J M E s- asd the Redistribution Act oP 1947 meau s u 1- thep arrant hu caretnl stady of esurp pereun 1FO.ASBORTD TNS OF Ciff a i A CaE TL. @el expansion in tht Housu ut CammTrons in thtesho te iterrsted in mure efficient uducution. AYLMEE SPECLAL - AYLMER BOSTON BROWN Jaue 27Ch ederal eletion and boussnSuname Mr. Duffinesho spobe i n Orangeville a tees cPZ ~ represntaCion by six. meehe ugo, viemttd Cbtsley recru CCp Cu epeab on ÇO 7VIr 119e PO I Nes-Puandiand ix entitlsd to susen Communs largrr sebools. Whilu bis uddress mas e milr r seats. The Redistribution At ndds 10 othes, in sous respects to eshat be said in Orungus il OM YAR IV . AYLMER t2ROICE QUALITT risisg mumbsrsbîp romt 245 te 2U2.Nes- thuru beoue. r rom utt cdi a 4c EATom at u "i,- 4c ousudland is entîtled to sixSeSnatesesats, saisis g of largeresehos pr rmta h ujc msstbersbip thuru rom 96 mu 102. i, se importent that tht slîrut points et bis ad- - - 1 DOZEN 200EZ TINOS89C - 4801Z TIN ZILC Pejur Ce the 1947 act, Quehec mas ueas tht drsss ilheur restutemunt. Tht ideal site or PRANRFO8DuetRD ALLOUETTE STANDARD hasts ffiinngrepresen aion nn the Commneu adiste . tHîgh Sh ,h odhsChely aud- E S2-z3 0 Tequotinut as teuchui by dividng Qouue's ineis40ppis eenyprcent, efthue 2c TO MA TOIES 2 u;I 3 65 eat ino he rovnces opuatin. coottisofSoutheen Ontario have lready beon Aylnue Paaîsp GOLDEN ttltAM NATURES BEOT ONOICE Cne hu 1947 atthu quotient mas arrised orgunized mto High lchool districtse. lmal C RN 20 TO ~ ai bp disiding 250 intu hu contry'e 1949 popu- sohools arr tee testly te oerete. Spuciat OR " q 1TGSSE 2 l 2 9 lationuut 11,391,599. Tht 250 figure rupresso ed coures are bepevit the filoncial resoueceut tht the sutuher et seats n att reas uexpt Nes- Boards et sech sebeolsp Provincial granCs tu t A>lmer Special Economy Packages... foutldland, Prince Edmard Istand and he tht district shoots art pamd up Ce a ceittng utf ylmer TOM<ATIO COCIKTAIL OPEN'Fu 6 '7' '79c Yukon. $200 a tapit and thure l*lo rvn a sit A. A V-TI The qutient arrised t hy diidiug 250 iuto aCncu Pfr tr..sp.Trtation. lu nortburn caunîmea s 5 Ir~ 4 we 11,391,599 is 45,566. Disided inme Ontrios cas u Baseprovincini graume ameut te yo U IO E S R S~ TP 9 popuation ut 3,787,655 it es h t prevince about 70 pur cent. et the cesm t ftteetien and A l e U I I E S R S i N 9 ta entitled Ce 83 members, eue more han it bas transpertation. Tbe average lengtb uftrtane. ATLKER IPAIOOT NEW PACK t prescrit. Quebe s estîtlud lu an udditiunat peetummon routes lu Ontario le 23 mile and te buE IN but. British Clumbia gts eom sore sucts and average test 50 cents pur day pe ppil. Tun P N A En cen Nons Seutia eue. Saskatcewan and Manituoba ytars ugo 700 popits muere heing trunsported n -IOCEQALT eoub loe a seat. Th other provincueCumuls Higb choots. Lat pear the nmbe ad ein-1EQULTT_ uch uged. cr ased tmu15,000. A targe district l sa er E A IWM LIFOR..u. Redistributioni ut Communs suats me sup- rom the viempeint et the taopayur because et a29: , z 2un poseai lu tube place every 10 ysare oltemnghbethu hihsr ssesseu and the t urger unru ment deceattiot ceneus. Tbe oes redistribution weîtesbchmen a igbur cuitmug. District H AS À PA AGUIS loup aYcuER3 TISt 25e ho due is 1952, based on thtcerneus abun in Sebools average 25 pupits per tuacher, b gh FA.NCT PIJIPKTeqaveu. 10Z« 10. S NI 191.sehoets generully 20 and continuation echoule CHOICE WAX BEANS unes, eU 2 Ct.szq90a OA only 15. This le un important considuraîlon fur A TutO- OA An «Important Cosrnnisy thetatupeper nues hat salaries et eeconudsry TIMR PIE APPLES TIN IJ 5c TIN 5f mn.f Ta uften peopte imit tbtîr 10 terests in tbngs chuol tachere have iuceased to au average ut ATIIIER PUNEPLUJES 211a,250 ___ nainlt hce lyffhtso about $3000. A high sebot district witb an A0 E T & ~ ElRIS2J3~ GEINE tuOLD B5EA usmtlC bcu lpoPhm e epoliticse nrlment ut 400 ppisor oser ehon Id stabe i iut "N MP 1 z3 and Hllywood ierouice. This s m e a tu1multe WAXCREAN m"' 20ic, 5,9c Glass W AX qomltnec nth ato h ria possible mu base a higb schoul comparable is et n8-0z. uurssltennuc unChepar ettheoriuuy ciuucy ith Citp sebots or colegiates out emis. jeaIm S SLew VERPOLlUR B-an o 2. TIN 50 menu asd mumen, eshe buiesu, mudettp, that lac elet. These are att important points that CU h eBoq tSO P2cas 5 outsiienofpuUitics Cbuy de melt mun eauibume men eflsud n onieato, , N»amfe » p2C. 5 OTHER "l afar. smdesrrp about thuir ownu eorh udan t auu td ndurMls.84M 51DB tar. L37C, nIANu KGea PAEu &Dance., a-0 c«sat Too tes- realine ut hem important a rele ElITORILNOUAS-O lua ta5a20,lIn. -Tt 4 ELLA tltey and heir mrS play lu h, Cusudianu enu- WhPKGla ..52 . ornp. Tube hu enite inustry for eSumple. No mu husunt been fishiug pet, butmon eomt 580M LIT MATCHES 3 v9c YEAISACS5- 210,74V There i r;l in,..f,, , h . awelg LE14ON OIL a.t. ,1 Clû£R . M ÏKALE LEAF outsmon. But tmîsisparîoîonseftheubse- _____H I..esAIOuV E R ae15-OC K tes indstries is Canada. Tht priutury tetile Pedural etuctions. lusevn u eeku. Well heur E IN PA H TT M T'N 140 CAK laid preuuts snutefilgures tht are ruher stuel- pltsty ut issues un d argumntsul.in the days Ihat F.D. SIIITH' DAIN N 24-zOU29 #a&~ lu their importance lu Canada, are juet ahead. ["290 3e PEG t For instasce5this indatrp emuploye 06,2W0________ al idEs IC I I n 7 Man susomn, ,akitg it the lurgeat emplop- Gardenug and tarut aperatiots are s-cil ad- -'r euafctarî.g Ishor in the countrp, s-mb vuseed his sprieg aad h varut daps ortsîny ~Ie f .6 iÏg.at payroil tn Cauas. Evsrp pear il brnaghî ouI tht sprisg toliage. NEW POTATORS J ..C.....A..,5pkb. !!~mOmbglent of astt Casadias Saurdsp sighî laitg i. tot pputar n tise lc SL» 5 $aMlt adli raler Cmmaulîjun asd Oraugeuil, tteds Its ASPARAGUS 1c sLD g.................. 5 E#Mi te tl* .sMs.sty '0' themfre'il dvantsgeoaa b Ihave tares cousin 'openutil 0» Orn f il. trouget bulwiis- n eCiu. Jelenen 'Cack dut'tug tesmmer moelle. Sarrelun, soantor Not.er, Pam. Officu-In hausser.' IIaildis g" at Street, Mîl8an Teie.bune 70 LEVER & HOSKIN CJtart.ed Acuuats Sucunaunua tat JENKIN & lHARDY 1305 Mutrapalitan Bide. EIg. 9131 DENTAL DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SUIRGEON Office iu Rayai Budin, MUSOR Hui-u9-5. Eseai.su y Appuintuno X-Ray OServiceTsiephase 197 DR. F. F, BABCOCK DENTAL SUREON Officu uses Pulnue« Thuatr. NighC Appulutasunta isap bu a.T585<ed X-luuy Service-G.uj ~Ealut,, Huas 9lu S5 Tulaphosu, Mv Drugil Tssat.u Lady Attendant Mua., Taue&, Fat., 2.5 p«. Wud., Sut., 2-5Sand 8-4 pju. .Clased Thiwsday Osus Domsinion Stars, Gusegetosa. Phase 150-W OttTlAL CANSTENGLABPe IL C. LADtSJ Fue APPalutaneutu Phase 50 MUta S. A. FAY Phone 205 PLIJMRING Mais St. - Miltos, Gart7. ..KEPIRcîup eus b..li, enneu. Thet]ai lntse ebui ladi sur-l Tom Hainîes t. us. te anadE SAM», CEMENTa A . GRAVV., 100E & C- D 'OMINION TEXTII POOL'MNp< .afnteu Phbone I13r22 ~ 0ls~aat %X 3~Gest C o-n Q1 OWHmAw ~42; 4 THE:CANADIAN CHAMPMN -- 'l 1 . 1 w1 SATUE Anni CANADL&N NA Yniur Gi lhe E Fuma Anthracitu burnîni ston and te ha si Burnts lus Suttable ftue R.S. Ad

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