Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 May 1949, p. 7

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N tort RESSÉiý arts le ftamcrcil jeno tsadut. Sie t1 to 1 1c $15.95 rat, :oATS cr 1tad goisardinre. liag. Cettrs Neop, r and Grey Qui' $47.95 ITS iccl laits la Gr)y, .ar Jie 12c 20. ;CARvES tilt ceactes and 95 te,$3.z5 SLIPS an titis raa, ceoi t t-bitean lcals 69 to $3.9 th usutiecceet 'ANTIES t irr fita qafî yallrcc piat, bh cccl. Saza S M $1.49 t lhcdct. Sîcri 2.50 Pi 't..- -- .- s i Important! To Ail Veterans of thse Imperial Armny AsM Ain Wdowa et Ofuns etf the Iauuw Amy - mant" theo Soastsetm il" at«- ti iLIBLRAL WARD) MEETING Of Wusd 2B Trafalgur, coepctulsg tise New Soreey froan the 7tli Lnoe st thaTomas Unei mîlI sbe ll 1inMorly'n SaisirciHoaic, No. 8 eonCisc EVg 9.of MAY 9th Pc. tisa Prpes of Orgauiaiug for fisc comiug electios lI" Wsleis LemS CE&SU l-38.aus, Blac, WiîGt N AS EXCURSION «i qlty tpe SURliÂT5 MAT 5h lcggd, ri PA Mlontan uitaaamit INTEE Pnom u ihLEFUND ,hm -e:teLao. MILTON Prog. Conservative Association A Pub lMeting wM o e Mlui tii.CornCbSsoe on riay evmng, Ml" eh ai 8.30 p.m. (D.S.T.) For tise purpm eeut sg o Md s usai le delegates te ths envwentis". beleunm àw iZ lon BlUet FFIZGUAW EDEN MH~S "" 'Unitg DJYITSprays ln pupsitiaulla0s'ntIn DàîryrBai ,,l t l pe us\ta KNOX niPtt M. sa M T A.Initcael stumsnia.0" wu A sumber a soaf s hv ai 00 uflnÂn ica$,,reoje Cam"e19111111-part amu i a Landou PrOeistasiappeared receuutlu lnUnited niat. Ion esticeMeLm grduaed Hai R-ew.M1.P" ton spnt %Mw ms*,wttb auat foeiball club. eoflem htiseh ecrit lsut tishe ilaes McLeu udaiadMi d~.~~a ~ McmTed atts ud radas._____________ _te use uf DDT sprays lau day1 Tornte. anApri 2tb. CarDretr tbaOS s . ai LA D era ns.Bre-ofsrhe atasunthmt and Mm T Bruwn sud SUIDAYMAY bis, 1949 lDntadATJCTJON1SALE DTJOla reddpasbie for -virus Xr of Parleaspent ihe euh- Mtea lay Min Caret YleM s bar Enter A M N U diseusefama sud -X dis« ess"u Merand MmiR..tC. Erin. &SundaBci 0Col tissUt 1030 a..hutidays ln Tnr*iAa. - atte. Chrstne Cuior as u is1i1-00 t-leeWorship M " M I pnilMMMGrd MWCo MdA-osiidaethmb, e Mayers f rveshorat Hiateteg Motae' mweek-snd %lth ber friand, MisabNa m b En5Tu'* lb- made b heiL.iutedStates uai tir es a meh wttMies etai5îoii f Prim ,for LorceeThoras ib Gudlph.imuLtArcaitr fe e W1155L Nothecu Chir M sud Mcu. W J.Lorlr sud C<a@peisr, Stesm and Fssiire teg ai te principal sovecuma 7.30P ma-Divine Warsiu- Lech- Mis Isohel Lowrie sceomapaird by N ageclesraocerued with tae utilis- P C. Cobin ut Pert mo- iug a" ,Mr. and Ma James WlsnofA- ntris oludhv eredio 0eeirda"hr ao Ntew Jersey, la elutlug her f-scEveeiug Gepi cf S. tensest lest Suday wtthte for- asrw a aier ti e aiDTtemurd auce wUtt suddaasst M- T. C. Dais met at the homne af Ma »r.) muta 11dasghter. MaJaes Dari te self hy eushllcasction ait teir tereremmeudatiosot ari nsciu >raILeHarri s hBbei, Nogis .tonue& insud Mc. DastetiteToronto. surt stu~ as uuu ercihaeraae NelenBeckfrdcnd Mis speker I MMaTed Barden sest jfleurai e LMtMe, 2 Ai, c l hldwes Oaueh. "dayalutn eek wttbaer motaer 1 n sX fMi-horasusichnusdse te the DDT it- -sdeis i th aome ofihecelratr meting outhte W M Tesirser. TiISAT, MAT ft self. ifoweeer, miser teair amop- S wlt ha held inte tuday Mr. sud Ma rly o ini7fj100 olc5 k iosdayha riosCietod t e DDT Ma Narold MeMiuias. Schsmi r0oasu amday May 10 ai sd Flod amraaud omhes ai ira oricdt isus mayuhaaptdcaed ynhcDaeT 245 -Brionspe est utSuday wtt EEG HOLSTEIN rCGw sud and te prartcotty ail otuer itecit- Liste sud Charlotte Camp- M.RNoma moter st Park N EIPItS-Gleureue Minute, tdrmitaru, 'enea te te rhameittuai A Cardal Welcocme Amuitis sorhd; Glourose Marias, l'tf de ltr Tise stotemeut dr- verkt ar sesdlsg tae wtier You aiKnuoxsflom, rsd Feis . tGienro ar- ucoes os "totatit ittot foudo- _______________ ___________ bahrtein bm fowbrai Feis 1;Lily tira' rublishrd reporis tuat DDT l wu lett u tmouéme- Bonheir Pt tineinfullflowm sosbefrte&-ald"iu hced Ja. ti; racy Pas Pietze'rrauheftes-ted"is Sr. PAUL'S IjNrrgfull flow, hred Jan. e; ily pË X" diseose 0cfmmansd ratte. Bot Mic. aad Ma .Perey K laMSiosC. I:aI Patiuder, uâlilgflred Dc. 16; these dissases, the Deparbueut msy, oIe M.ainWeduoc were lU Aster MYSt, ES Ltiy Pauah Girl, makteg blfresud Oct.h gsre sd M.Cecirakloyge andMis ia1aw1;.nam ,a l ienosBeairicu, Ï yssu old ruese gr od 1r,.Cml lule ud - Re5itter; 1Glefr aelu. or posaitaite Powel-Gordeu wtt- 100 m-R.Sciseal. rla i etadoal eCud ilog lan'rorotoenouSaturdsy ai t10 .m-ohrsDayService. 0Gisuse Plus GRADE NOLSTEI CWS sud crae udsu te provsons f te i lHIFR5-Gcsrreuey cow doe titr Pet Catra Pradoala At gadmis- i-oas AgiaChorch. ChrisienlcgSecrvice. Jouter Optiral Raptr utfsale; liolstein Ceat.inteulltflom, lierai hy theDominionu Depari- Sulicat hred Marris15taHlastenCowin Saeet gartai tHawtherue Fana» 7.30 raa.-Mothcra of mca.Ju- lm Mdj bdj fullflaw, briJan. 16- MiAitmeutnt AAgriulture. Tis la doue hîeladrd Mr. sud Ma .W. IL Maairy la. Char irmi g. SAMDAY gwin e fulflaw brean e. Si; teproteat the farasar tram houytg ma Melcia Wison, Etaet AnuasThe Mismian Ba ilmliomerit enLob "X11111e4;HlteinCow mit ha r. eils rhihrdgck Ila Mr. sud Ma G. tM adtey, Mnaty ut 41. aoMetho4;Maltet C!w titsnbrale Gct 2; olten Ôow 9,aase bisprepacatieusNo rpasal lis .Whrelhsud, Mater Gorde Tise COl.T. wil mcci on Mouduy 1 t to a7.45 pin. Gct 3 sti o, ,bealwdonhemrtutl u Sudlrey. M. sud ira. JoeuDram, ai 7 p.m lu ..R. ~Nov 2; fHolstein Cow, Mllhtegjred broulsaysai sud appraved hy blone Chreia, Nrma orp Tis Me attSire clb mumeut SrAIIWLUI> Nov: 18; RelstenCow, --amgm. Houlistde Curleit Nomn CaroTe Maidrhm Si. ud llMa R « W rNov. 9; IHolsiteCow, gulthlug' alfiiaisOof the Depart- M Lsl Capbll Mi Carott a th hmeof r.an Mr. atbisd; EstudieDmle tsaiom meut If saris praparaiosare osai Capbel, Mitten, Mr. BmllCamp- DaerLumucu on 'roesdsy. Mr. Jewellers ot bisd; tPari Gueaeysd Nl- te scordaemt the instractitons Oel, f 'roronto,Misa Eold McCli, Korret flk irt m bii he 4in tefttersa frh S2seh; :Ronasthe iabelttuy mli br eftcctlee mai Btoun 2osteinestr lsugSyers cs Brantford; Mr. sud Ma IL . O.Ag-'rthe Tran tRangers in meuteSllttlefrt yeefl13ar a(fur the Pacpcue foc ich they mu sec, Miliou; Meuca Jhu Harris, the SSt, ountodcesday t PaiHolste u fesudGurasmyRenfreltio eets, dwl ae ay Caoe sud RohetGrasnut 7 psu. Sarate;lianGett..CJi, t mss. ta afete SllngtMiai nilsD. Ttiomhu, To- 'The, Aftcrisaca Aaaliary ut te ocld; ra Cl Tse re mait SproYlug dairyban ihDT sutaisd leveis memruroutthe w.s. il mc ai tise home -Ibs .t)'ruai i zae apl oPri itehral oluos, DDT Miton Ra ry Cloh. cf M.1eorcgu Dolby ounrdea i.Rleamsioacrioymtilcstuusy Thurday t 3 .m.friutes sres. fM lead is teotafficiais ai the Depacracast. shooid Suam gattesai tCrailaoero Prtday, Stay 13th ta famiy ultis NlfeS vPera Get donc teir thls.Se cis aontinh inMary, A. Larissat sud Miss i teCharh. AtoragaulOS erhrnGlin,8tersale pca cr hudb t os MrLoa ofDOtama, Mi"u ilcus arecor-apers tte maire lW 0taraemeilbrutensintgle occdoc le; ta u tuctatmill nsud caum tis oafineevaiaf. Comr sud Thotrene-GAcPercheron Mare;ý.a liraret Mettaccoîl, feria, Ot; biciaftise famlly. As Comfe Pop, gad heater. 'amsd mliutmainstreoat Mias Iraagacde Wctermsu. Of mitose wetruma Nom Pluyng- TRACTOR sud TRACTOS lm- icacisai hy the spray. DDT te cl lsukcobary; Misa Mantie Chapmaus PLEStEITS-Int 'rcactac 10-20 onsuiosalmamy haabsrbed thrausi i Anda; Miss JenWaart Luo flt eraShomtug To-uIdght nient, 1930 modl; 330. Rorir Tats the utte cf theaimob. ssud iel 1 ~Drag Clileor, ucm; lol, Doushle bc faud tethe mlitnsudnte t Haiilon; MIss Mitred alay, GRACE ANGICueaANMHU 6.15 >'15 i. Dise; G iDrums; lint 3-turow Pc e1cm Saulica Dr su Ma . W inusac huiicm; Iti. Fertileer Craie animai fo. 'rherc hmbasben little Hailtn f r.tais; Mm. dWa . WhieThe Best 44Drill 3dise. or as difficlir te spraylug ratite Clarisoca, Mr. L Clarisucu, Dr. sud - . Jome entis, B.A., LUs DIAWN IMPLNMENN'rl hcmccive itDDT, misuai et- Cackesot Gran lieder, 7 t e;tfi. odr aeue n h ae lies J. A. Mîarisuc, Mr. sud 1r. SUNTIAT, MATYt, 1949 ofOu ie Ckht Mwr6f.,n-Co- A. J. Biai, Mc. J. E. Dora, Mc. 'bird Iandop Aller Ecrier Suoti No aLosr. uem; uttch in ce lise ster spray dpeu out 'riraon; Farce Wajc; Fiat ecarirote tishe su ad tise ceeldu t Bettesal of utToronie; Mr. sud 8.0o'.m.-Haty UComuio. FR.&Aflyonc; ItlDm ttc; lot.ia ntohorhtdbtht issues. Evou lie. Edisflsccop, Mites;Silos 10.00 a.a-lcaday Iser; l& ile FI &ST. My i - 7 Sraflem; itug gne Lsle sd inM.Linsa, las. obHoe istctr1tiWal.;egPl a ufit matersprray, cbo laidha m Astr Lohe ud iosM. luduy, lan Bas Hpc ofSc mon Clîlvata; Suiola- tabea iu arc usai mitbteg oteuutus siGrgetto. 11. N ccc.-Mcclcg Prayersnd Paliae Goddlard, la cama, 4-irrilon at; For lci; Ocol do na rcmr la cantont mitlise- Sermec. rcader Steve; 2 011Rccerso 7.10 m.- eretat rai-cc sud t- u' l ais, 1Feedersa,Etc.; Ecatiiaspray. Irritera. Heir Bapim tp sp- ±uOthifg iBult Pence.; Qaj Rof ce uplis pcietrant. co Cnfa ollaeyu Steed ahi e oun aTuet. lMay 101h) .30 pi..Aller- the Trut Bridles; Siocks cf Long ies! Pe u" a lirge e s rishWA. Siram o IlQsityoffa Wril.(alita> îcsî4.15 p..Jenlar COcradiat aad Ctosoti Qaslycf 01 tcove leo S:re hMc, sud Mc& Wmn.Evase mis ic W.t- Fo, Sisvels, Cis and ohe' eoîd eeo crace therengagement ai trei. rTcue. (May iJîhi 7 pce -Jcaiar MON& TUFS May 9- 10 DADIT EQUIPSnN'r - DeLaval rosir., Katisicco Asute.ta, o Chicr Morrtir Militeri2caltsansd Pipl eamn talil Wilbrson cnaiMr. sud MSire ,,ei-leairaChicr. Elertrapaill Paio ;Stcamnrc Elee .A. Van Fert. The utrriofe ie CIappra c doEeii e plac on Soturds>, June4ahine rsGduc, 2 f.P. Mter P.or aecnd t-cc ibis oricgth ie fon Uatai Cisca. MILTO¶N 4249r FURNITURE - Empsce Cook CN.R. rasicager troin, ccemauly -"~'-"- ~ O~pxn Stavu raserecir astf, caatibcner't rAPTa3Ti UReuaH,6 im 51 Dil Serer SpaeRester; Calkna s "hePranai» mas de- hic, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ su MaJatr -lRes-satietertcRldig ciu il escter, lIterafRam cilad in Hal.ica aty. Lasi soee isaagemenoicf tisir -Chayn n iin uîo ab a le Utrsi 'rsrdrag uice, Vers LueIlRNta INDAI, MY So, 1949 vbetr1séP Cr, ta mutaàqis sisElcaturtern- onth alsthr cagtue aad ire Moaclt'.. t0'1b3SaU74 eut. Ia Fo. ~',t' Stave 4 eiccieato Fldlsy; 4 Kit- ibalance cf tise irais isre ap iyards andMm.MalolmT. eNab,1*745 m.Son iet.Odil Rockes;a3 Suds sud Serngs; Cacrgcto; tisamarlogc tei 8.10 put.-EvenigISrvie. c al 1 --W dd rsreand Wsuhateads fHllThe'isderdflrerai cccrard sisal S rOhsý.0Pa-Srsi sud Mirar; lice Caveriargo;uilcrltfcisniupm. pae rarMay 141h, 1949. treay, Mayb1 aiilest-ra> 'aoatMilntonoda Drhs Namecco otrsciollflcacehildEffrata tac trais mou malilug the retora AIR TRAFFC CONTROL t- edo>da, Mfil1aiet230 - CelaLDeMile 'caoCs uecta iastrie teuliamilton. leNoon te i- t-coao îccrna imeoauDay cf Sae icceil. officiaiosreaortt. arîîatcis ruisahlisigisgtr cor- ALi. AREWELCGMN UNothoýgNota ha ccmvd tntistisi so- Wrrbican cf twocmrecciag crama 'dors en mils wid. T:eywiecriare bave aclil ihair tacetasd worails îghplacisg the irais onetaîsyuamcofavisucnn hgwsme WE).& TIURS. May11-12 catr isa e farueig -Sari-h cnithetrcsuhil cihoeraeoepired i hicitsof brimca100 udPENTECOSTAL HOLINS uBlock Wtw 1 clîaterliseidamtace. Thris getiar ucrairg, f 1.00 frai. Tmis ie oer afr CHURCItmemmN - fndl e> and ElE tt Ar tae fig sud cracrai collisiano ha- sac o.OP ste UII Ci ltd therrraboutrianiboutrloir. c-t elcacaft erra in pour isibiei- Ocde. f Services i'.P Bris civil nt oliiory lene PililnlaI.OO..Hall) Oe acpratcd t rau ribis SNNDAYMAY 8t-c, 1199_______________________ cccor oîcs miiîcîuic înrietrrhe 71 i.Esilel S-ir il crcecca fie ftieCaiii eîr crautenis ofthtie arcra ill ccii ).seo010 er-SunalaSes R suMR. i. EaBAYS ions t the ploterybdi t-Woensxlacme iraice e isidcgnhécMIONîforaara citt Longdol hommise teise bioutsi rof . and 3.30irvm. In coa minin county a c u SsMiay c th--. on 'r con sdOn M Y 1t, 94 J' A.f telnergoundt s t 'raob She a Mue Toc Pu-ing Ay .,efls o ti1f dPHONdEnt367 o i eayasit Ltsrcsîued Au-tio ee foj aTiffCNUR C oH 0F Cn tT a 11 5 5 Home"_ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ RosOItS. BUjTLR Cnat .ZM STOGaiMLO An e hll nothe ruh nd dui howil e ll) t arageaninerie tirai. rnily potaid qeicis aieaf-up. Ruis-.AAM umece ic ecveati $6.85 $2a65 fer buse tc hin r ELECTRIC KETTLE Thes acaieig fast Geoucai Elea- trie ktue huila mater te a harry --eniougissfor rapstu ints i turer ttaiaChrome afish mt blinis loite iaie, Cspaitiy 4 pa& $12.50 covnRM CASSEROLE t4 cirai capocity, double dii cirai marc 'roe sud deep ilcisuay he aoed sups- rataI>. $1.13 )l)Xtt)Nl'rMON W umnr TOASTER S"iicar finishs chromne pistai, a raiostuefoltcle tsi aea-vro uprpcaes... j $11.75 ' j- -Thut'a flot surpriaing brcauur the Branltford Roofing Company bas bren in business omet' 40 yrara. It's a Cunudian copuny. Beliemet in higb quaslity. And sitaunds solidly behind ita producta. "Tbe Brantford Roofs I trI! ctrate a lot of good -ill. Emery Brantford Roofmng job I bondie briigo mc Gtbr', sooiter Dr loter. Wbicb procoo tbey gime complote, satiofoction." Auk foru' a"Bu'sl" AaphatShingisa s taisai-laSidag s a li laniagsaa Bilding Puparsa soaiCediagsa s phuastmmic Plame- lsg s Watsepesflng Mntseralu e luif-Ua Inooinga. Milton Lumber & Cool Company For thae gift that il "more than a gift- for MOTHER on ber day, may we suggeau... cajori swnhim $7.65 tn lt Us Rcaaer'rc1

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