THE CANADIAN CHAMPION -y.TUIvo P~o1l ai ~ LOWVLLLE MILTON GIRL GUU)FS MarbsNahasp.IGUARD OF HONOR sl~hasis OTuesday of last week there FOR STIilTSMITH WEDD puaw a oy in this comunfy - DON highly ateemed cesidet intheMitan April 2-Faes. white DeMOff-At MUtoit PaScale Has- persanoi f Mr. A. W. Coulter . Mr. dragonss aod Candelabra forme f1.on Wadaets, Apr'll 13th, Coulle in ho lierd 'eer sban hakgroundin laSt. Paula 1U p 5.tMeatdMaJoseph et Tweedi, GOit. butaitd eided iCn c Aelld.oe aoalaaRs PUleaoOthia aomuity for ii00itle 0s.*He Elabaeth Stilt, Milton, daught was a hmbe of the United Mma Geai-gis W. Stitt, Toronto Chaaech, a tecohee aof th« Bible 010 s ae the bride of Frederieki DUO__________ of the Sunday Scheel and a mens- SmihHamilton, son of Ma. _____-OnWdesa, pi ber of the Church aeaion. He had Mm ary mit, ilon 13h 99 -theGelphaYGebaral kicca Clech of the Session forac amesL. Blair aiciiated. D John 192.Lyon Leille, ila aoaohe f yeaas. He leavea ta the signinagof the cagistar Mn. YeRT. moum his la ota haas iodate. o , ays'ard caadeead theL The funervû woilha halai on Fol- daaghle, Mna. Ira Coana, Paler- jPcayer accomapaaied hy 'il dm3' aftacaoonet 02.30 0'01000 a a ad Mcm. Chas. Lochlay, BondI- jLethbiidge et thearogent. the MaClre Fuaeral Homae, ai . OnatcÈetowa. Interasent t Greeen- ft three sans Roy and Jack of waad Caaianey, Goretwn BLoocille and Mernaa oiWelland. Gicca anfoaciage by lher ha Theatfnealas ehld on Tur-Wesley A. Stltt, Toroato, the WINFIELD>-Ak St. JoePha 100- day afteanooa frais his lofe esi-1score a gasea of wehite ai pitli.Guelpha. on1Wedaeaday. dece a thUntdCuhfosai' sinewt aute Apeil Lo, 1949, Williami Gege et 0 afdCaaofc 0 ,fsiad0a s Winfeld beovec huban ofFAiýserice Thesericewas long train. A halo oforniaiei S irrate ad disse faihar of moRv. AD. Paonumasaaiînedy mohldhlir long eiland ClarnceFnglnd;_lex.To= ev. EGffjddoffs of Brantfford caid ahbouquet of cedroe Brasinidlice (Nosa) ofPort Hope atdiwu a ocely aftended. Thi e ef e Hcafcdas andi Evef TiorooIs 78th MaIe Quarttteang000 aiag the Powedl Toconto, Mma. W. A Yser serice.Toronto, asd Heathecann Hayî CAnneOF TIANED T. olI oaceF. W. c osoci J . bhI aandl yelloo taffeaarespect ___________________ aaloaF. . Hchti e, . B ~î ith aca ae ecklies ad bh JaMMe th eoias10000k01 Coofaaa. GDca. Coflaog, John a-Thl hedoda is o beaiencde for the i l .c, i- baffle aad Bucdge Gaoihy. The wcece of açaiag flooes. girls acrda shaeceiced di0ngforaI heaneeci ece Russell ad os Mla,0asfaesa Dcc isart opoittoit Thos. Glen. Elariianid Stanley Fredeejelo Timoheas, Milto, ~Jcy. Howard Coulso, Roan~d MusicRaymonad Glenns, Taoonto, s his thanka e h&10 o ad te an clith Couaofaanod Sanley Aa the saddfag Pacty lIci or m t prs'i, oq* aadta Piac. loofecntcs0k plac in choech fray 'paied heissa J" is adanid the Scotch Block Evegen CecaeeyMilon. ac0oiibaadeee Wnmma s eiltute and Boston a wyo le n ht i ChloreS Ladfis' Afd far fraie gîitas Spcd aister Sevices ilI ha faeised hy the faf Comapainy of ad carda daensg hia rccct ilnei. hld in local charchas seof Saodoy Guides, Mitia Athehamai Arthane aulsonavilbas ta tûk it -fh apaciol ,oaslc. and Mc. Fcad lfoyward. Mi niis tppai-aiity 0f nsisio h~ i a ____t_ heldes iofhecevead ik »acbeelhanisa &B aif 0-ha ýdiys paecca cy ci-coe dreca ith t esneaasseid ins olIithlaties, Carda accesacîos ad corsage ai isisacears aise autographai aithea O AG rses Fr wddigjfl t MataisMahir01, d5ll icosa.Foro ecdia fie ha st Josaphs Hopital, Hailton-. United States, 0tehe rdeceh. Me. Rahbet Bcowatldgeatofeaded sacclonbMacla iloweaad drea The iaially of the late A. W. fhe Waal Goes Convention and hareolisg Pnk bat addi <jeulte sh tait exaipresaithei anquOeino th0e Royal Yack Bafel cokea cool t w8h lach accuer ha.etaOfs anasppeiatiisaut hrsay te tal oaip=Lblede ad sin,-_____ bars foc rai aits ni Misdaiss, Frendis 0-il ha pîcosisa kaist ases oi yaapefrY anod heitof- thof M. Toc Cafbaoh tiswOfe Port Wheis minutes court,nasil , 11famtrsi ebut- Speetai frisolotaCoîhocactla bIspovinas lotly oll r ai tifte1,hMa f e nitpa f5 R«. A. . tPeaaaia ansd Bat. frmi-ose lefaca eOived eo dpdinolwarh. JL G. Efidoflisfor fraie consoislainca asti neic toea lsfs 0ef.oall aI Qs-1 Chrittine& Me. Cobackt oas ceia- sf0 ee applylsig the pofllh. Allsa &Iiau l ai <aiaen oho Omted tag filsar aoc -10 kappcnd aabdfisha tips fta dr-y ofahoat votpl dusIisg tlsefcreecat 0d bis10500in larandl Jocped fomo50fand Ms leg in seveealplaces. Wishnpa Breinmonabeites abutagan. Notice to Creffitoi - ~~~Blefkiday greis ta Me. Will 1fTiEM -GndFidyfosteos. Robinson, ao0aii Miofa, wseincla- IN 1*1 A aet bsesF" -GodFrdy onoro. rtaed kis elghfy-f kif d hhdsy CMAWLSM mumrETALW -Spealalservfics un Chaceas lutFidsy. "Y " et th.TsOhlp iof Te dneiag the Essfeefidc. Mca. R. Turnraac 055haifstesaao *' a the lountror eHll -liis f cai och haoce811eTosday ffeeaooii t0 the iseailoes Teisabsa, d.asas. -Mi tet ok e 0e fe f Befhaf W.M.S. Thea ilisinispiln ciea-up. deeaionalsevwui n hreo hAUlpersona ainci. mois 05 isecla asla lieg 0 0e astatf iCislidanryA -fini Co; ons000EocfeBunnisMca. Stanley Tucaner0-hoavnoe o a wlI. itoth0e Tatenafof0f ad Eggs area nich is the Meus fin a 1008 the lactlf ec"Chist ia iolgae, 1Infthe CoosaY of Ioaa thaïe, days. Gcfhsecae.' The sfady booki_ i-c- rdon sein wodieao al~3'aiao oas by Mca. E. Bof I.Twetabfyoetefoiscofoil f il0ehasa -The bhcaoiog ap sod levcîlin ighi fladiesaswesored the coll coU. tfein is ed-igaisaionfse fcon or of Hlihay No. 25 la coaag aMs. C. Fordi-deedcal om-lafe rste19t day of April, 1 loeoocy ihnemn at itas incars.Atecaonfaos0-as tarvand otis te sateol ha decil oppracialed. Woek ontmil aisoctal hall hoareijoycd hy ail. s-lbos.wthu ear at fraisans the moai aisotog. The jadgca ai the esay coateat GEORGE E. RLLICY17I scoooorad hy the Ocoagit Foin For- MiltonsOnao. umt h ave oanoaacad haf Vers Soffcitairfoc the Roacut N S A A E A Hosa eand Johoay Ecas 0-ee the Mlon' rh200h, 1949 I NMSA(; WEYA innc. Prilas ohooks 0-ea pie- SS. No. 7 steil bY the preasdeat, Mcar. E. Pell.The jadgc 0-eeMca G L" Monaycneonig No. 7 cheoc wrdge ad Mrs.Maa ac Perm, Radio Forums kelai theran-ooBeat0y. nalsa 1,1e fppai -i the hie cf Mr. ad Mc. . Lochacohi, I metfntf7li0 oclock ta eaaoy fif ap- pie focauca noyooce tale, eat salade, honns, ellicas adpickles. Ta1 5ofin eaish enbldo oassead[aWIeyprcM ~ier dwsas Oece lpa sedof eandfahosutnsia sta o madses eady presainechmndobeos ~beated ety ptayad, Hlgheifsiscoo et ta Met. N. Knnesdy. Higkegt lady oas Mca C. L. Daepoct t nd ccaod Mca.$2 Wllns Tucl. Hfginat genft0w0 $ jlr ealsd Hendesonanidasecond tic. GDai Hcadaca. A motion f thanks on inhali of ail waota MEN' socisai 0,Mir. W. eaand n anda Mm. Lochee for thea so0f the ADMa a Cs îht o tpra bonis and hospitoltfy.Cot h aeol ifi We st111 bacc oa ich isa Masso E, l0d-50ho osat sart dependa a Ferak, fasci Balph Prieanod Mastec Jihoile Fra, litie Gos-as neBEST Years$1 Robinson hoa ail had the flu. <of O r Lives" We ar ccry ta hearofh il mes of Rac. J. C. MacRil of Ras- CMN 5affwea PeahytcciaiChuracedoi May 2-3-4-5 hava hae la mo eIl aga. Mm, Geocge Rcdmnan od hahy Box Office Opean 6 p. - A fine selction of t( daogitire. Orio, isite itk ihec Shyws Start 6.15 - 915 ad double breesfad parents, Me. andaiMca.OscacLochs-c secal dayo lait w -.x Pil M. Gecold Heidsdcoo, Windsocr, *a~e wass aaek-ead gnof olMr.anad O lice. GDai Haadacaaa. T ARNOLD')Sý FISH & CHIPS Ors ofaTesAw"y on bit hemr otie.,noces&Wu A SLUN .FAVU FAUMU II CE" %W TOMÉ lS Q u m CoseBdgs udmCff ~~ -. MM" uonls am r l"idela 4 TEmNCLUB NG PRESENTS faed isn r0f aFR1., APRIL 22 ed. Prae TOWN HALI4cMILTON iam Mui By The Merrymiakars her, ADMISSION 75c de Frocersista Milfie EeisYCplub and ... skia and ,ank PRINCESS THEATRE velyMILTON ONTABJO cd (ToNight) TBURSDAY, APRIL 14tia aid andi Scott Bcady and CharlfesRussellinc ed. the "CANON CITY" Gias Coi-face Cii-cas To-day" Mi-. Wacocc Pisîhc News hite FRIDAY oaid SATURDAY, APRIL 15th and 16th ho Grecr Gai-son andi Walter Pidgisaa la "JULIA MISBEHAVES" Coi-taon- Gognfe Pishing Baac" MONDAY and TUESDAY, APRIL 1Sth endi 191h Veroalca Lake and MoaoFreon In "ISN'T IT ROMANTIC" Caoo--Flip Flop" Skiait-A Stocking Vorn' Aid- jeoaelac MacDonald and Lloyd Nolad la Tîa~ ossgNa hrdy rdyndStreArl2-- az "THE SUN COMES UP" dislc - SHOW TIMES- - Ail Pi-ogromo Itact ai 7.30 P.M. and Matianea olt 2.00 P. 43-a rerie derie iy s Suits easshesl, acomsa , gebardoseecovertos and -fine acorkseenship assa long eerce, sngle tyies. Osad twd laces Pricea at 14.95001$55.00 VS TOP COATS faour ths spricig. Most ici deasanai by asen l b l a o a t a fo r w ac er in e& u n a d r in . P ric e ta BOY'S SUITS beya' sand young mene s sitosain tweeds anmoudaed, ningle dwith isorta. lcreachis nd longs. Evary suit hon two pai-r las. P ric d $ 8 9 5 to $ 3 2 .5 0 BOYS'COATS M)v' oaiýf ,iheàpfonos-eh PtoIfl i tn il a d 4 ý a4s- Ij LilJ - $98 10 $10.95 SHOPRRR AND) BAVE Salosfeeflua Gusrenteed or Your Money Refueeded Milton Dept. Store Sar. effl umft >"MlUUI S 9P.II, FR0112i THE. CASSIFIED SECTON Buy- SelI-Exchange-'Want.d eonipsY fiae advactia.nut. setisiSon ilg inm l n oaci aiditionel for each wood «Uee25. SimaU atisaaue FOI SALEISam 51Z tCs FrOR SoL.E-Regflccad Tork-ns aa Oa.=-= as.a ohire Bote. Phonie 7irZ, Miltan. ene niainefise. arai s~a 7 had oosIcle rc.ciso. c~ oe, Md IWc. Hamiiltn, ia ei2, d-Gus Sns Ld. ~~ jton. Pca19%, nr 114. 4 FOR BALE-d JaeeCowsteo 0FOR SAILE-Rco 14lue i foesite ih May. Phooa 87ci2, Mat l- iTruck;.fONe BeigilrWt ton. 1Facgosoa Teatrts; Nese45il FURt38 SALE-Baity ccionîae hî n Trctor; MacoMueisls o108 whitteinca. Apply Choampion nos- saS 1 od Tisn office. Faegssn. d0fotuarq-, FGR SALE-lOiS Model A Ford Step ap Transisisioa; Y-ia oaistac. IRay Varley, Pihone 5a0J, Tacor Difra l a aIlcaamsra Mltan. ___10/20___ is MoCaruaiel =en e onaube itcoth 3 fus-cot pis FGR SALE- ChaoîacftcId ses Ne Cenent Minai-; UseaiaMs club chaie.Clrop las- quic soe. Boy Loade; sli. man Pboc aul27M. Traclae Tiller; 1037 Pacarsd Sa4 Cas-; tsed 2cyel1%lotEaBù FOR SALR--Gray Baby aetaaGrain GrInde;RNewokyIJs (kt in goon coniion.iaPhaste ZJ, Mil- dec; Rogers Manuce 1-agie W ton m j.coe. niersl ump aasriysco tas.Mrs.J. Cle.Cockhutt GranBlaylse JO FOR SALE-NaIlo, ail ict, Aoc- Gise Sead Gi-il; M Goedak eiaiins creas, deiloc reaOcrd horse droaM o Pc time. 563w, GskcIli. IlInearu-eatacenipitfoc ________________- cdiale d.lcscy;lsa ..a FR ALMassey Hocc 3,5eeodnabnthr; aea 0eca 3-faiccatepiogl aIngoodnd aaltaan. Mlrue Bpesdr oesf Phonc i57c13, 0M100Il 4-3Satea; 3f" Cire soseb hlso _______________ _ uidngj- 2Merils FUsIlBicylnas ny3 F01SL- arian oti o E. Bencaso, Gegetaa 1 Woodwarcd Adae. i-iaRîgo, _________ Phaa one48w to,04100 ANE FGR SALE-8 ton-Ileut cte. WN cnd tas-h af theo sIrote. Noy -WýANTBG - Graiofa08a c Coolte, f0. 4, Milton0. Phasene relMUItat. FOR SAL.E-CGRM. Man's 10- WAiO'IED.-Mmfnscmoai 5 cycle, ,lihenw e ao aoh s-cc aIai oftop seSE.flisoorth, pk Cacelts garoge, Mata St. aSSr , Miton,. FOR OALE--Sltaha tas-salc. coi WANTOIG TORENT Iie in foltlengLl.ThIo-saiJackson, bATELY-4Riassc sior sau Phao 381r'.2, Milton, Renaano okject. Apply Gtsa FO AE- I Office.n Sdressr. Appt evnîgs, WANTEI3 - Ah hinds ni FOR SAL-Bcd Clocar Sacai, 3845 34jitan' ihna Gi-ada No. Icclios-oata No. 48-10,-.Mitn 394. Phoe r256r2, G. E. Gonfle. WýANTEG,,,l. PMUie o FOR SALEF-i huildng lofa, 23oas nlge,5 B-ocde Streea, i on Woodward Ace. 1 .ebaipb3un~ W. J. Nocilntora, Phonte 14, Milton.1,civ M& M FOR SALE-W hlta aaacdl Ie eo-Ada15Teds 1 aalg o bo. Apply Mci N. 1IL Gaiht. 1aa mpfa.da i ounrChales oaeorsMMl-otcot sppaie l Md91. ton an QuenSis Mi- AioS'Iphne i-hich mud9is FOR SALE-1940 Ford Getone WWl cc MU) dSfo sedan la pereclaonodition. $1700. owl. Pon c tinM Onuh. Haowtho-ie-Faces, Phone StGad a ino, B 379r3. 30eI FOR SALE-la kis. Bcd Cia c WA3fTED.fU e psA" and poweri- leaced $320 P7 bas- thora Ossfsd. Efabsat IWlaa Sel. Gordono Humse, Phone 1 r14, phonea BadnislAiae, Miltoo. 141, or W- eas. 13.t, M ifn ~lt FGR SALEF-1936 Claco Coupa and., osaislisa Eea, excllecon -adiin001tlac haghi rasnaaly tac cash. Phone Milltn ~ 159r23. LS FO SLEOny 1.0 dwn LOTHereford hefallo-out 1949, Bs-attc Wahcc to yaoc hbore:Mltoa. Wofta Raid. Phone S. A. Fac. Milton. lFOR SALE -Ceocnt geacel. LGA)FAs taa Princs noe gcra.hi-bic notdcocreta tw0e~lc mik furnrhcoo oona.,f11 i as tO Si E Soadrt, Wcduteaday ecaalag, Apil 6iE -Plana 291. 'I ptY ta Mrs.LorneaClesoN - Gai., R.R. 1, FGR SALE il cod lA r ltr airecasodtion, aacd tires.Ap- LG&r--1s0f eetacere pyGaeta Hocrn, LamPllvilîs- ci-o ta ame oai Cochy' lasa Place cOol. Anyont in whereahouts pleans-get la F011 SALElOred cai-.ocgade j 0111AIheot -Scasley, Phase I1 No. 2, $208 aoc uhnîl.Sosetai MO,*no Hilton Hardwscar-LoreHrd - 97,3, Milto.MSCLAaOU FOR SALE-Stai-rd hi-,k,. 1.10 L sN.. APhî Als- a 7 ONd Hcoco HAIRDR.OoaG--Eveioa as-ris. ppty o-hlaal e, Y, îc.Sal eStysngandieaba Por67aMilton. îcg. P asee tnS. FOR ALE-CsTrator moe otestry office. Phouie S, flly eoopp-d ocncalie, e cct conditiont. John Piche Hoccty, R. No, IPloos- Milo FOR SAI-Preirtathsey deieed lc i n J. A. Elfiiott 7 Pm.LiceeSeaiAuntineer asu jFroN t > 7î lic apacîty Roi Estete 1 K -oiacg hce ox atycieîs-o- iltd oda lîcls-Phoe lO-2I. I MillaoPHONE 177J sitoaianstock Ca ale odoea ILO tidIas 'r.0EH P Gno ltoc pai- -________ Gogtw. -MiII Stca.t Grctactaîsoon act t-O-ta era catai- ratereanoSi Ogtsrsaii-ct sondulas Attn-, Gacnac,,Na. S Hlgloay, Netsa Flanc Blington 44,v-4. ' 41. po j- I"i _,11lýve Ha rold C, Fay 1000c strncS oalso lîmted i501 Oltnats, 0.Malcoltn r.M- ohnt & Sols. lot 7, co., EqcNao0 UMBING sud e PhoeGGeorgeiton 4c4 s q FaATIN FGOR SALE OR1 ET_ it aceon Mlle i-coMt FI-tY af Loi No. 12 'Ti-olno-1lta1lt AIt00011 otnd foot oc tawnshte, AsPtly WM.. .,oîk. Ltt d a li t.l ho ne-I lol1 il Farnworth Memorials CMETEy LE'1TPIBIG ss LAt Osuey iSUL"Ma 010. - MILTON WELDING Electiansd Aotylsss Bcpalc W.ldfng of AUM" PortalesEquipmiet aM -8 ta ki, il 1 wercg ake Co to CsIl for Te -o Plant Ne3 wSail Boys Ms OeSr Clogod DOSh im May Use Ne smnt Flgie «1 tnCosaneil met oonTisday cen ors H F. Wkisoisl, .V LMorrds,. . 1 la fcldtorti G. F. oîy-Recee. Y. Gleki gginsawer presentn H. H-alop pceaidlag. cty ooiter os. Vie Yd corploaie aiofth, ruction Compsaiy top soif fract tol La lettea wa5 giea ta tahe or olta tkiaCa ifafce tcs reeicsd of She Gntarc iciisp at Loadisn la Augws Aotfir oti ce Owu -k ciovetionaofftheA*a is aid Bises ta h faon oa Ap11 28f 0 h latter oi appi-cfeflis Mc. G. A. Hecoin en "ntat 10 mc ona sy irons Contoaol. hec ai Milton Caou Watcescacks 0-are tù A latter oas ceoil irons fil, iedeiog kis caaI solicitor iffective a. cnd poac kicalfr. Be waald assint las suçca poaisiblfe. K. Acga cepreasfning e w00as rlf0 d l lemisof seeoge iaatail thatthe filcmOnouif caoy for oaljig tg installation of the diopî lthe fini i cOf n occh. Plant caaald ha ciostes in àoperofin ky Ilaesu b2i advisshle fisc the has0e ceta eqaipasea ps The pricas ara la, lac 000f meeting dale.I tthecantoctoc ocd h on ectionofaithe Taeadvisability oai,iat tecala aciikthe teaak .Steeft0-asisicoasc Otaîtai14thaeisgainer,aft lataiîthe latecoa a eparol itîld aap the iostailatia se, ta gel the otrect pa a, aisibil. A number of ploces wo ailaiedon the tiaicea le Ilated or. Mr. Ai aaid 000 bc Olocheai cm odayo for the lastal me.sThe ditch wiilbe asd hack-fillcd the n Ma. g Ac n teid lthe a cal am fthp iiiug aif clc to lobok oar t 95. The Couacil fii t er ins-a noPositionito onId losPeafor 0-as ne if nscedita hireone. Thatrtcanncotinepu, condition aitil fthelaie lal kbut the stres ic in I h Pasable condition Thc Sîcean d Walk, oi Otacode the tona iao *rMaster macine foc the tatea Thls cachii Ilc lut cloggaed dralas, etc las-cal t his parchaîc. Thes Clerkhvils ta Wteaf OXChocical Ca. ltsting ioa toald hbcmade r erv-cice on accoasi lOglbthecserice dacaog thc Ilîho lut fhe rates arc liocal ta sec iftecy aci Aaoc,îoi- Frank Maci ret o lste thaf the .~ora had gioca permias 010 af i Mltos tea oct siîont fo- insa T-he Caocnil ocat i000Cote the Whale o-ith Caaaocilla LI. ch.aîctcîod-t . hi l. gachaga .Cai-hett, Prceainatioa 'vaer Geit.Tas Gedactioa in and Walks aLigitan ad Pole n Hall aita Proparty fing and Costlagencies Alot la the Bai-ton aarnal 'to Me.Miltanilslon aais $100 hY motion Of Cosacil 'i otin & paOsored ky Gici eIel owu passela. fno 1a the "s817Y af Frank ic i