TEE CANAWAÂN CHAMPIONp -~ ACTON -'r -Roet Peesy Wattson, ut o thel a FA. RM kownus inkessmen uf Autos' B aRnS i bisMh, homeoi Autos. He la i is oS N EW S fi~~~tY ooth ys. Mr. Wto mBUHPITN "!skoss iSumuo- wua she titi,,, FRE ESTITES &sss isss gitSpanrsare ea patfthe praunisset ,OsSî-ssussîoos J. G. FAIRLOW & SON Hy Ht Hosin, ansd Mih stnot as liasudistelimspor-tasst ta the eel sunceno Atns ot- __________________________ Pesdseers iCst areas aesome ps-huies as-s CluV8tl nlddAe m#dnm The oui Theatre Nihsp,, tt cane ridîoton heirRocher an iCssefTrno srdb atnHlti reestrr;wtotvr u change -p',o vrýs 34% and ~~~~~~Hlo,, Milk Proerss wsea tn their es-ste,, osf fas-susg. W,,fWr ae YnBn LtWatAsSeY r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ or soue mue betyb harcr aebenmr rle ocwn indeue h,-hpased the5s,,snuuas soseofthese,, ons,,ofaim. for- TharMilto, ,o n Wedssesduy the, puti te,, ears uor morse anud a svnn ut. Captai,, the Re,, .. -euusus od tses,, as li-luus-s-s Normas Rasss, ut Cesiuuars-Ps-esis-os.lis-du,,iiis-pofit- Churc. Hailton wasthe usst ahi,, t,, p-as-tiu,, aiso. Ruwilp f HATS sp suerWi li-esi ssp to iss-uetsiasue'uof tese tstsue reuainasuone of te otsasii bave fad vees- easy t,, prauîise Ccootieefo. F. O. Hrler,, Prsessdest we,,,, ow Egri rost L hiefro ohteHolâti isseedees sud ý * dass ai rsa, Eesps t th ikPr euds, ,sas uhaissati lovrs- gs in dloue x, a Bat Youeil ~ iitus-e. We haveusesrie sw,eî! places' St is cue ch ouisiadi,,g assista as, il is the ihoee liait ls-es te ol YoI enj sopng for sacrelf and for user>' meanher of the aly You'Il eta Mas-s- MIra,,, piughe d,,ss-o. Wsi ,se; uM rsee be delglsed ih thesalues. We arehere tjpleuevyo, shae,.ltn h L LeC Tl yus-s-aou do, , iossipea; 1,, n acausuilte sasi hIe. Featured >> Roan wh ficgie a atya emdehyo lsls Caaaisms ue;;zZn atrct fct z y:s toin its and Shorties rigSaes u n e M nin fayp-ugs-oo; and Ruu Lesti- one, of~ tise, has-sake-s tisai cusi lu I os cee agi-isan. Ail tisee tise tatks n apooeee r- C a s S i sa d S o maetssuweeersofsuthe sot. Tieose hv iedti IAL$S.OO Anthriacite bu,,,, g Staker is os sn prouto id Lvig and Acsos Shisus GrOsest . lot u botrlas-e islied thias- ,,a u iesueitp e R Crp.Aute e-soaîaseyscu s ps n aadssre IL50 tnadiheeaast t cto k n BianndEupe. iAnotcects- eut issue1, laie, bot tisus do lav T'su aea ahiei o e guh dclco ses srsed casud suss ucdeptes s H Hasof-Log ,Dtc Prokuti, 1 a us e ald fo leddiog. Hasueser, fn ls, ali o s yle,, hat are feaur d foc Rprisg 1949. See oue .àSelf Remos-osg of Asbes iietro h osenFisa odahyco seet uios frgass usoi tino Canada. The s-es-p- silage and pato-e. Itousuats tuave Burn loti price, mnalt suces Of untbruaite Met ee M. T. 'Wats, Fs-eesuas, a hua-s aiseesuaîi tu piuc - aud Meihuen Oeaeiag, ut Patermou. tu,, shc uis,,, lp bid h 1Saîtable foc ans- bot air or bot Wster fucuace J. Ms. Fesse-, paît pedeat. af use soit* h sstiss iep ssdts Hu stels Fs-iesias Assauiatisn utf Cauada suade tise pcoeetaiu uto Tius wse se c-uommerciaSl tes-tilis- suMiuA teli uas suadu ris- hedo fori Tiers nusu.th, gîtes os has-t fields 'a Chasse s-sur Fauter Coul front a grand aneetion, hanse andi fittes whsier ut maue-i tu tis ,,sTeeuhe 0 a ahs suuii s urets tise uas, utyles. Colora, Skipper Green, G-ey, Wine, Black, Cablise Stores Wuoesiey ut atvaga. suis ue latsei s onup the raise Red and Navy Blue. Sizes 12 la 44 Mnd 141/ t 4 lu I. R.S. Adam sS re LtcI. Antusiof Hatus Psu Produecsj more ~ J~05 -rprsdetopo o $19.95 tu $42n50 HILTON HisteHeadi Lises W loapp- most out suas- - tosu o Cisieitai Msud, a ores to tisu isas and pasuase field Hulsteis s toi n tise ised ut Ruts ralier tisas patîup il ail us sh Segsusts ut Ps-eesuao , usu tise s-us,, tuots sud aiseat as sussed ta Canadiao Cisampius tus- tiietsue du s-s-oss ego. Tiss st bislt sp Sas- prcus onuosuis t in s305 das- ss o -cilee ut tes-tslit- s-s-sy sus-i hiep tîsimsilhs,,p Her 8iiactatonstotasufinit os-cous-us-ssdost ned U T i a.suti,94s. f di, t 1 TMs aceath-e anuas. hyddtet Besotifull- taniloresi ha fit perfeets- in fineslt onporled falsem ated Ve.2 est. Thiudsud, Wrea pi,, as-sut an t~uussd snart nesu sisades. Sites 12 lu 44 andt 16V2 to 24/z. Prim EATERSuleuiue Registsraion soda tewsuts-ad sliup and du,,, as wsu se yeo- ars su as sisasu isy Mr. Scps- su sui,,, Sue piussed suish hose.[$ 9 , 4 5 WILL Wth-u is ats, Hatss Bisuis asdsSuipuosu plusussa suis a is-autu,,9.5" $75 WILL SWhite Show.uot oerspuing hsa suth an aissutaisMisithssmoitefls is SWN~ ~ ~ s Rerfomaed uokan n th sica uo ue istdpse dilltshis tas rings. Hec eids doupst,ts bSprcs-, eut dossu wsois u t alsu, 1l nn B E ~ ~ ligh Asuabeits- wsu tise ts-asd whls-, o-ao lce..ield iit is ai ail W a 1 r . t S JIREnd is4u Haltus Blouk sud Whsite tiSs-tuplattauoer crop on il t ut liss- sistss sud lis-tbs-us bas-s Lss subsai aud s- os- tusis pus-s-:. m' ~sasrorte ucmesernt Pcsua-NwsSn - onsttitothsliusu,,u , ps-ous ut Tise suisat os ussois- ba-,vsesd au a'cios1 hasefus use s-sos-. E,on sur os-- utesuucts-, offSintlci iStand-losd dou C Atr Auuoliulls susish lirs-s-te-, Betty, This ha,, s-ut ths- suas ot outs liils- $14.95 '0$JJ.50 suos-, tise suousug s-so-uts- ai tise field,suo --soto - 0 lis-r-centas' FO0R BEST SELECTION - s- isasssis iShous ai Bs-aattfs-d su,1I as ssupuos-ss use tceuts-i s, OBDE YOUI ESTflisn 1948, and thes s-ecund s--Ss s-to- i hsu tids. ORDR YULsASTRus-Yaithslu sssoiisisus- Latsus- w s-us thli tos--ou suiss-e Betty, ~ Sbs orat-s s-ou s,,e surlerfl nmd tas-r as LILIES EABLY Sits- o -i Cisiettai,, Bs-sts, 's aî,,, s-utuiis-e Il sus, Psliug thils,-Is in u bs- ad lises-h ,,be seau aond sutt sleon sus butss finui t isj CARNATIONS DAFFODILS TULIPS s-situ fsuu-s-sa otla ies Issi îsuli uai batt bu bils-d in suisi G R L Ail nuWittas Chap We isssis he pcauiMbt asesd'tS SNPRGNSWEET PEAS iosis iShowss. Stili more aute- u agaloin -tn. isus lh ise l- us A-ls Asailsiie suo-slis- Betty tspi tise i-s-eac 2 i t bu oec s-iue FLOWEBS WIBED ANYWHEBE ps-ud.oecsfrA. ih1,86Is tas thiese prcie aevr ister trs n lis li l a seniorte 2-s das-suo itassu Wituous--tsud usasait use hvel- styles andi fine fabrira foc tin- tota Mds bigger M it ncuseh us s y.rodsuitis1tb.tsiss. ats,, h liaves-esessdstesuacs,,o-ad -girl.AMluewuprngeolors. Sues 2ha x and 7 tsI Phone 151 onuuita-silpcstduuec. Betty and suptus-ue on sotie tas-sas tisai-$.8 o$79 sisys. A br-odieute of -tts- sud Ao- O us itabs-itc ls sis ssedfis Ms- Scpssusct W,, suld lIsh su busc taessue- s tise iig arts-s iS tse tsilig abut coservuton, on thisus Siatu ut Punstsslosio, s s ais,, iis usus tas-sus s-alitbu ia tsutiug susd sVi -r - sie- tus-lsues-ir sie Sa Ssc-- "luotsuliasssn us-saiylsisf BLOUSES - ujnInii - HAND BAGS leigisPa-s. Os-eatsundedaisCiot-- inOdoin bildingsas. k ut\ r W tainsss-stanssdbher s-ss--g. Chuss s-ur accessories fron a grasd selectou Aves-s-otoftssuîa rad,,u- È__ 0. taIM Jsuior Msuke Plast - ors-atuisSttsps-s-oss sux asud tsus- SKIBTS - Wool, Gabardine, sud Alpine - Anual «At Hors," tsttlihs cnts s-cc doula- ut sais-s. - BLOUSES - Crepe, Sheer sud Brmaadcloth ateasi ns - tis Haltus, Junioru Pas-ses is' HAND BACS - CaIf, Plastic asd Benguline suisedoied tac tise Bcut Inn, Bas-7ýA cnnclyPie bîrtu, ~~~~~~~lisptos.uonsTsumdss-e-esug, Aped-rIicainials rcs Our - îst, stal tuanlssey- Jas-. Suss-eta-s BLOCIKS s->. s tha sltso sosus. We tssdes- O au~~~~~seau s e--- Hsc as d e s-oups-s-os-le has-e CEMENT andLa i s R t ! \ baiscuiesi Met y aimes s-d ia INDER BLOCKS (i'artc.~~~~~~~~ usic. Susesd ssong tse sst- .ALish,,ossi JO5,, stslsoIicbsfrtc-tfs,-s, la thse nesu f or Your Club or Lodge Trip Mue. C. A. Martn of sMilon; and Far J. Cusinos Mdershnu BCONOMICAILY PItICED Meiller sud kmepa dow ts-aeuss îea front s-sac 'Caupbeisaisite e o5he Meeutisg plus-e dirct Mo s-as, destination. Yaafi ur sas se i tise aiaissas Sfthe Canitdiee suon ___________ Paruretim. Te eurtou CaadaCoah LnesdrierrelevQUAIITYtur aMERCorstaiNDforSEAIATME CLOWER ATLPRI P I S s67 tYUo ail dris-isg wlsuands suin doS easytig for- s-sas ess- tbe Halson Oo-ris Cssaei. $6r'a75 an lnmcaio Cnfl Soit Cosearvation o M Msee Tisse R oyc .n I)ele SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUIt MONEY REFUNDEI suisse opiion on tasn a pies lauo )N, ONT. - as-as souscjlistenieg ts, rceusl- woornS maEcimc asiec as taosa FA«t EQUIPUEN besff st cseainia mes-. Box 5u8 Pos80 Dias IMm iiduiiatel hn abu tnpsn ACTION Det ebi ln our rien 4and Filun in Cîasg e Starse Opeti 1%UtSIW Entitg tei0 pi&- h"kýanbu cnun Flsow M