THE. CANADIAN CHAMPION bcttee pcnc th preiecAnyonce e-nnineg nontd tics that neewnanera ent a patliig,ancd Poultry and Llvetock Feedn nethee thcy necce inte-edtfoe reduceieereeeor eerec-jet a "WHRITE ROSES" Pacte-y Flour deensete-tiee etfte-igexerc- AtlfleTemthv Aliee Cloner, Seed Cern and fi mnust bec -oeg ti nectnette-c Permanet Pasture Seeds, Fertilizer elitecs e bgin tte ar-e-eeeine tteeh Aiter menth et eeliltn-y eonfinee- BroodersHoppeM ,Troughs and Fount" mnent, ne-c cet . pheonecaUtittt GisnTractors in ÀA CLOUltrv teieds te-ceeBrampneten aneerii "BUT FROM THSE FIM e-BAT BUTS FRW O ,J n-th te-jeedetfront Gananeque. o corec e-e telightct, nnd ktne Lane hy etl ns ene e eeprompteiltat Milton Mâling ~Co. 11YI jnolieCOr a ae htMnig h red M ilt n _____________ eccrent stncne-ticg thecaend teee-Ied tenstart etf tht -colorante thene.,ytence. We ee-gd the weth aqneteti eete-nenntdOmar'cak e-hh bg od on. Adill But theren. tbelieve, l'Il qunte bnenent a mite tae bg ort v _______ enyne-ne. Hc eneouds ment netebtee cnmb cnnectcn. Whtnantee vûtt te-e-the-ne be-neetildays. necliait nith thcm i. And etleput Colee- tIlthe Cnp, and en the- Fiein te Ucmeent teer-moeephoee of Se-eing c lse-d cd -mitng. Ofeonec thinng ec G ET ThefWnentee GerenntfNe-pe-ntne cn b e-n e 1erne-e-e. me -nepeýy et] etwayl- e-e irofTie-bas be- t btle hes, jent ne ment evee-ethieg ee e-e-e-Y esneinn hneteeite-. Be-nhecetf Te le-anedL! the Bii ne dnl t ncdbeo ht n Wng. elle-ne-eted benne-hes. But enngh ~~ Now Nt e-ele- the bced oft ndee- jenegond eeeedn-jehed ie betneeethec Tour Nlceful of e-wengs of e y description , worth livig and he.r Snmerwenengee-ear eieg Tlle-e-e-cnlntnte ore-ece-eeeeieg e-ne-ndsne- ne re -cde-enetneg. Yee- qe-letenn-Id libetre epeee; the-re le-cda ee- lne ihtdanfine-k ti trec emine-moe--nbeeetitnleenebee-e-. ne-ne-enen e-ce-ing eeds inebehe - ee- Fer, nlicete-einte,- ne -e-en.the re-ne Prompt Delive-iee.on An tieale -ae, Stove den. Th sonneg jelnene a tleek Le-erand gene; NutPen, Stoker Con] and Bequ.tUm fet neee-olnrecd le-co e-e ncentere- The tîneres eaonen- tehe ee-eh; CEHENT - ZM taned. And nhite thene hie-de eny the ime-of the ing~ing njfceede ne reeing inen-ete. ny aittersee- ne-e e beelcl o-lle-e-ie-e te-en n ed tce-gsn dethe iree--flcte-h e-llce-che-nd cen e-e-e-e-ee-ne orte-stenIe menthe oue-le n d."-c F. H . R obertson eienus. tnamdncnide-nbe lIence-gthe pat e e-ndee ence-then "BLUIE OAL" DEALER - tIhte1 e-nnhene-or ne ae-e n c Hoe-nby, Ont. - Plone- 76e-id ee-ndl-ethee-lae. We- did hiee- v -ee-e-nI1tkee- tlîineteynenlt1tn --------nuetea erobien stee neetn et gn WooI Groe--r' Organinction e-icght e thn h-e cbnl thet ce-coedrn iblta it ntegadiaàW O O L le-cee te- neib heree lok- i ke hI te-eced, btlteebegce-e-eg te bheSHIP COLLECT TO denhte cef ne-e-obinsn ne aney'0cr Regestereni Warchousc No 1 maete-h tee-her ce-n-eg.We- tll WESTD2N, ONTFARIO bae- bng ne-ne-eneenand be-enlentg- Re-Iinble Grading e-le- hîlI hiee-the-nce- e--e hey re lc Promnpt Settcment FORe -mc- -e---e--cte- be-ee-eThe- e-ee-le--cn e-e-on-e-he-ee e-- -n-ee-ic - Sbi e-e-e-e-n e ieeb n c ee- ne-d lie-l ue-- e--e--eee--e- e reee- Ece-e-e ecine-c e-nheet e-brge te-e-e R E ï1dy,.lc v e-e-e-e-n1t-nee-eandpe--- R. A. Bmýrdg-e,Mlton e- inAlbe- en Il e-en-e-tee-l e! beMeldreineStan-k, R& R. 3Milton be-e-ed 1 e-e-e--e-ne-en. e-e-be- ee-tîg direet-et Ne- de-e-e- e r e-ee-e-e -ee-ee--be-e-aite-e- CANADIAN (O-OPEIRATIVR 1:ýe-eccrng tle-nb eee de-e-e-e-t hie-- WOOL GROWERS IMTnftED le-be-E neItabe-lene -e-einceeg.îIle-e-217CBay-Stetreînto -eCnada Ote-nehernen. O-coere- int _____ CO SE VA Ilbte-ietalrieng find sa e-tent Une-lnebtule-ele- ethIe beene- ce-eneg e-e- e-nte be le-e-gene--eet nencBug: Notice to Creditors e-ithee-leinue-eetot ee tnegse PARTYe-wneg neat and tide- nte-ncee h e ei n t»,. emjien- e-ene-e-fntheee-ite. tee ie-eebleee Le-enttlaieefthcTwetntoMl tbnegb, te- e-ne ehen te- bîld antin the CnttYofBallon, Pro- bon-iee-Ne ishccnge eane vien-iCntbehtDe-etd. che-b i e--d n-ee, eneenite eent- tbehe-rnng ne nbentntele- tenu. Ne ^Tbe- Cee-ler, ie-t tlene-d dee-al brethof irstrs ned Let e neneh.e-IebeTe-n-oe-tMce-- sPre-e--n-e- B e--eligbt e-ne-e-bonfe-te- eje-entlc2ee-eIe ltee-e ed, ehe- ne-ete b eee-ee the-ewIeest ne ýra ýh na psrn t e- cb--noen-en.boutd nei theed% of meeebe c-,end. e --- lnen1. n ýtiailie sneea,-c ce-e-eecc ea hrecbye-tttled ta ertid be-gent, pe-c geetle be-ee te-nn he- eet. ten e-id one- ecrcse le- deeinee- te gce-ther teenendf the -e-dMente-t. cegdne& Ayleneeetb, nru e-ecdt-the cent. Yen dndgtheGe-gene.0tecnSteecee- te tbcfg'ie nde-cgnecd Adeeieinte-tcj e-t snae, nd taee eteerche-b tthe Estaie.n.tthe- nid EtneeedSte-c ne-erbtheenw neeetng heeezec een, Pe-vn-iltContatblede- bnee- ifted nd ent dw netd-e er, one ne-be-te-teeined dey m. You robably ee, teIt, thete- enres, nddre-- dpY ecenge.Tepc",aee tdeeet-eecntnd fl tet ee-tce-tr nees-gtte h prin-lrtte-ned etthe-te- leimme ent the natteeoe etieg octthe tireacd neetieg tef teeeor -tce e l cd benc repat he erfmaS, nd n tiy Mcly, 1949, n-n~thetmntr- e-eeneth ecete-ence Ad t e-e tta-nc deeiteibete- th. teecetimeaeme-ltnind bnen hestbeactetece=tdeeceactedantetgct the piefeue tec eend the ltenethe pte-e-titlettcd tbeeto, ntg Leader ene-ethecg nebete-t nene e-bieg, t tt enehave so e ddltinleet e-ectietieg DT e-e'-eo ti20e-b dcyeI Mac-e, ofthe uneeeloe-neeattentinn et e1949. rm ssm CONSEtVATIV be-enle-icce. He mntetee-nit Lecne Ardetîn Leene, deig y Adeeient-c-te- hieeve onig aine lme tn-t be- Lcgde-e & Aeleee-eth, PARr î-end hee-e andmd eee-ededfy lier o-ct wiII speak Si.nuwie AUCTION SALE Thursday INight gari 5110?,15 fik 1,foI OI)FMNTR April 21sf "#M2 nte-ectiodnsccedbee- -e te ne-lthy-Pubtie- Auclionece bit tene- n Htgbe-e-y, 2 mlle- n eet ON THE SUBJECT nt Pce-ere'n, ed 6ente teee-ofe et e- 0'nleb, nthe olînege- "THE NATION'S BUSINESS" Modere Dtele-g Ne-e-m Nette e-en- f CIBL 7.4.5 p.m . Oeennnoneet Ue-hetteeed Chair:E--e e-enie-n Table aned e- Chabn tle- - c le-e-e-nude-ne-Le-eee-tCbeet De-once-, ON ie Wetent Be-de-Sprintgs cedj Se-e-tg Ftýeed Mette-ens; e- W nI ELECTRIC APPLIANCES t WkeetdIcte-e Dne-teArrchat- 1 Te- jLare Old Feebtece-d Wctect Pr neeCouatve atienalent I d unrMOTORS REPAIRED Roend Tabtc Od Otele Bocroi cc« c..-c-,Tabte, vne;ZOd De-re-e Pcae- Pro cet-2 e.W., Onawil, REBUILT WASHERS Henne- D ape s cec, tc ene- 1 wneh tu joie thc Pe-ogeeteicConertivecParety. FR AL e-cge-b, ne; Pcte- Certoen aàaydc-- FORetLE on-ne- Drae-een cdVelnee; 3 PairteMcteeg Meqtctte Cee-- PHONE 3M4 tainte; tecte-te-Sanntich Gritl;2 .41A NE- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --................f i-e,3tc35 ttube-; Seeral fpepr.)Deeen Fte--gnJce-e' Odd tiube.ctd ~~ ~ NuneareenOthee-Ae-tcea .......S...... ..... . e S rcxmccu-ofttSae-ttentwt -5~~~~a S-Id tbig Teer t lu t jk Q dàSTJTUZNCY. ......... e h iy N e- e- 0*S4~~O Httdley & Etttett, Actieneee- W. C. Enteg, Clce-l. 40r21 Fred Mils MEN'S WEAR LADIES' WEAR BOYS? WEAR Present Easter Features Ccnndn's Fie-et Choice fee- Style-. Hee-'tanHat Yoli wnnt to tcke- plccens! It te smanrt, ke-epenuc- chopee-Irta e-xte-c contfortable. Featured jne ne ew Spring Siendee. EASTER SPECLIAL$5.OO STRMIGHT CUe- SLIPS Ladie' Ste-igiet Cnt Ce-Intece-Ceepe Slips, Ietçe T'int, White- OnIy. Sinon 38, 40, 12, Il. Reg. $3.00 Ee-STER SPECIAI, $2.69 GIRLS" BLOU SES Cl.te Whjte- ole-ee-eStrim Pnete-r Pet Coller, Short Steevee-, 'luee- 3t tn 6 Ye-nrs EASTEII Se-EIAI, $2.39 -1~ NIl LON- JOSIERY )ebctneShee- N-le-e Hieey eilh )a-l Sen nne ethetew Se-ring Shdee- Sizens 82te l 11e-.Regnîe- $1.65 EASTER SînECI hI. $1.50 BOYS' SIJITS Junior Beoyse' Geod -Qcclity Tweeed Suitn with 2 Pain-e nf parcsShorts ccd ILoupengneShcdeBlue, Gre-y ced Sand. Sinon 6, 7, 8, 910 EASTER SPECIAL $13.95 MEN'S WRITE SH-IRTS Me-cc White- Mercerized Brocdloth Shiete, Sccfor- i7ed Shrunh, Fcncd Coller, Sizon 14 to 17. Re-g. $350 EASTER SPECIAL ý, $2.95 BOYS' SHIRTS Boye' Fine- Dee-t Shirts mith Fcce-d Colîcre, plint White- ce-Neetie-.Colore-d Strieo.Sizee- 2e 2 le 141/1. Rfgnîar $225 EASTR SPCIAL$1.e95 '7 PHONE 215 - Me-ne- De-Prtrnt isnnone ehownig the- Latent -- Stye in i Sport Jache-te, Sport Sicin, Sport SiO, 7Windbreie-eaned Re-cdy'lenWe-cr Seits. Vinit Ounr Store- acd See-Ocr Rangc. j I.iee- I ted Olcelite- Eteccet Siocke, drmpe-dstyle- mith the- ne-w Zieer, Aduteble Witbccd. Sinon 14 te 20. e E- ASTER SPECIAI. ..... $6.75 FRD ILLS 'eYour Favorite Shopping Centre" <IILTON, ONT. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED 690 ihe, Furn Anthe-ecithce- etet acc Bue-cc Sciteeble i EASTE] WILL SO( FeOR BEST ORDER YOI LILIES CARNATIONS SNAPDRAc FLOl- Miltoi (hart eî for Your Thit te- eOdn tttetbee-acd bee-ee Mtntg ple-tedirect e-neteetibe-,Thte-nc te-e-m eail te-le-Uta c- te-et and ece-ventene For- ]b