ELECTRJCAL E WHEN MADE OdeILMPHI w res st. -Phoas 432J Hilton s me cas Bine yos 3u'ia Blinda at 70e ' S Requfr ClARf< FISH & CHIPS Osileru b oEloe AwF oenhait beur nwoastemnoams Supper Tine A FULL LINZ 0F ACUI FABMEUI1CR CREAII lnduduws New T"ila ce Creua Biicka andi Cuva The sane m andnSingenla] imoaphere Isialde la Supply Your ater ealer.talnnient ansand "STARLIGHT" Poultzy andi Uvestock Feedss "WHITE ROSES" Pastry Fleur Alfla, Timothy, Alsike, Clover, Seed Cors and Permanent Pasture Seeds, Fertilizer Briiodeis, Hoppemu Troaighs aud Fountains Gibeo Tractonq .I5UY FROM THEO FiM TRAT ÉVYS FROM V" Milton Milhing, Co. LIMITRD MILTON 50 sanst. et, insse ppe.. $14.95 THE CANADIA.N CHAMPION DAinoa9*) E UB MacNab &-Son' HomENJNIUG ERINOA VILLE Werkmii cosisnrephoTa os For agirl mho nsere Stand se re-hedidieg the E-l _eniepi ri'ensh .ne tther denier ie a raens ephoeelino trans Eins tola utsia ais yi-,Kete Rid han dace heeneif and instaiing a irunir cahie. The prend. Its hstrlosie hitars-sons, mach iS 0ea snperied by Sali Out iat Strday at the Testh Cen- Telephosae selyaen and mOan trst Otarie Drama Festivai, thin eeMPIeted mil allevate s a umber'tintes Yeung Onhrite oa ofmve-ire. jUns, utg te nste Sar pey sid As arari nisher et taiephanenns 55 gibigb, tee hesi ntress. Rer paertassetes as tmrsty-sasn anino o ant ori ,ThenBeautidniPeple by Wi- Sehani Ars No. ianal 2, ant Brin' mtd tise tive-star pretea at Adiedi- Sdhaei and represestatives af th&' ratar Roeret Speghi and the siat- Township and Vilage cranseliae a-uente tant synhetizeen a riiiiast nsemiesi an a meeting in rin sehoni hest oTuesday asN" or teehs e pureWhes ha seid tire et hie hest ot teether ditssing the tarmlsg bisetea onme itaites Orndere iat et a itgh Snhnnl Ares, i yens-, M. ArUïitiurtagg metIshsema Mr. ad m d- sOse .Lnnh ai Oalte tieir. rnepy sartad on} Ornas, seEirîted tititiletis pfi. nanethin n a iineMineal.se versars- at their mrdsiing o a nreb Otticiais et the itelntein-Frlenlens 2?th, 194, atheir homeIn Orom Assciaton annned recenutyGth Mr. N E. lçKimn accmpar ime hasbudrrd Holstein1 huiela iiast.- Me. . E.ifçilpsw atens-aioam p Me. Slags initiai shlpmnt hy hie hretlheit tMr. Burs M4ç >4s- hy air tram Wloa nsas-s. nen. esperienesias erve-wreenkisa DUnder the Ratissai Haaning ordeai an Tuesday of log iS 5k Sehense, the tirst oetwtentyrilyaj mhrs thes- mere lss-ninad la &sih e.s os lbudso h gi caP "t i -'nt- tff - iheir ranf troualin tihe Vinwl OL.e No. 6 ighher soth oftHamilton. Stewart Street. Thehbousesminihe -Adveente. iargeiy erceted hy thremniefe- fotse etthe heueheides--n.heO snmher ofet aneeh m mawrin BURLE%î,GTON as ina thra s-et o i inahoe.jt ---RecordStar. John A. Dryden panard ayaSi hie hanse, Tansîley, tat Wednsday FAiW STILL A mas-ing ta hie Min yeae. The de- GOING CONCIEN cased woseahet Tanaleyand had resiedsi ns the disteict ait hie lita. There ta se indication, eessrding and onsthe prenant tas-nsteeo oerraepietaein liPstiapt 60 yeaes. tenseireoste ridenpred ftrcthat At e meeting et ina nnaington aeehasizatias iii ainninataeor Hydra Comssinsheid on sttr- haveseimnasestiy disatruean ete day ateesaas, Aies Siesn asa ap- on taamfasits iota. rojstrd senretaey-teeannrer ai ine The quetinijasmr "Do yen eear Commnisinas. There mesr tety-' the rsus scal r thaies-ie, at snapelicationso the position. the reeoted deeise et the tesiy- Ms. Snnas han Orbes ans enspisyraaeratedtea?" et the Cenaniseiona tes-the cet ses- While mnst ainswersesahowsthere cai mntsih. -a heen soute des-tese, and tant tirante ilebaOedin sedaaesiland ecesnaieconditionahave matr sytentasere is apitay hn etrted, thes-e s desagreemnst5 gramjag poltion. Water na meUs abouet rhat thase etfetes hase e Oes. je beiag ceitotesi he sepienkauHe Ramr, nasal agrehat ftojs antd a nembes-f eops-ae haee en ofls s-sthe enm amlnt ur n ational waesdsetet drik the*e es-I e * tcjeaestnas imprtat isjli watrhy Dr.Mather, Haiten'a ned, scalaspect s-teei eoensmis-aty. eica ttieeof hrath. Ontheradie Pas-ne t, esherae t seensa tain of DrEA.tBery.hadeofthe aa e tes-eatieg, seai os-bc ainsnes- inîjea divsenofaithe Ontarioa De- ies-ny Os-sentienstal apreajeeIl partmnet oetisalth atjintnmeeting msts-eaete -..andteHantotuIy.. et thse Broneevselagea coeemisin witis ettererreetosscal tie. At- aned he Taagar Townshp coss-el nasott a-ar e aretot asody wli bcOs-id te des-eee the station. seald Orcnmade ta e sas-xatis ehat DGze neishapeing te theiestettoesos the taaeiy-eans snCanada; tee. thesk et ie ikeiy te deoas-ieas-. AUCTION SALE à~fU4TIId~ Dual Pusaea r iln Csltila, Hsrses Rag.lay, Grain, Fnrss nîspîrmesas ans itllu ftIG H T S The uieeds-eed haes-es-seed i. tr qt'a yt j r -s moto J.F BLACKALL ta sle by PuejcAatjaa et hS iP EC-1A L Ces-se Lae7, Cas.'e, Townshes- et SHOWI G o ,afeilgee, th Lie-s.5mtlses 'w SH WING F 'If See'ljsand S8nmiles est s-t IMMONS 1949 OATUR5AY, APIL aa FURNISHINGS CO th5efolowing:OOe messa-raeeqniek-sad geu Clyde-Geldsa e ys-s. eid, geeod aes-ks-s;ii-s-Perearonear-e, 10yse gest iediing raines lu s-me... eId, gend e-sk-: 2 Sets Deuble Haress; dd Caltase: Ejekets. CDWS-2 Reas Des-hans Cors, due tise et ente; 3 Re-d Des-hen ham Cewes snh 3 wessh; iRed and Whjte Des-hans Cewestse4 ringfiledlnbgtest wres; i White Dos-hans Ce es-h' 3 re-s; i RonsDus-hans Cees, ywberr ..$29.50iikisg OsetDes.; a Des-hans Cojvse; i Red Des-hans Boit; 3 Des-- hans Hsits-s, rsees2lyse; 2Dos-- haItens Ss-es-e ctn 2yse; 4Das-- hamt SOjas, O1os-. 'd; 5 Duramn He-jtrs, 1Oye. aid. C HDGO--6Vas-k O'ees, about 100, ib.; 6 York Pigs, abote0o S. HAY eed GRAIN-About 2e tese Hes, Aiteite and Ttnsaehy; 200 Ses. Date; Qeastjty ofBs-a Cloeess-- Ttahy osd Aiflas-ees-d. FASM OMPLEMENIS-OC H. -s i e BiSesdes-, 6h t.e-t; MH 15- Hos-Geaie Driii;M D.Morse, ft et M H. Has- Loeder; 1.3 dmSal iee'le-s; 2Denes-Ra PO; nosetioesDe'eg Coltolates-; Dise-; ~ ~: 1 WSs-s- Caieivtoas; 2 Wsliseg Peerîti 2urr wCcshhti Weliig 510e L ar esnsWagon; es-lt s-as-Rack-;r Ne. et Ddd Wagon Whees; Sagas-; Cutters; Fanniag Miil; SeesO Rceap- as-; Meotte Creaen Sepratec; Quanstits et Lernahes;RumSes- et Seas-Ses; LaregrQeentist fFe Wood, toeensgeS; Ne. etTes- gos; 20 Cedes- Ans-hecPosass; 1S Dm0 Pese; 2 Sets Hsrams; Roel et Ctis-en Fs-ara; Oietiserais; Set etftiens-O SiaigOs; Craiset tS w Wes-O Sens-S;Vine; Toos; te Bus-I s-es B C Sirgees: Heg Cr.es; s is--Seitd Walsut Suffet; Seese Hengtng Lnnsp mtS ine cra'ed sonde; Seeiag Mactine; Grand- caeeuidl ieiid a I ettereNCinats; 8-des- Ciack; Chas- àsi fa sasstertieldi and 2Chats-s ta nmatch; Large ExtensinTa blnhe su Ross Stores Co. LtcI. MILTONS OWN FAMILY STORE ,Siuggçetionn for FEASTER For the Ladies SUITS DRESSES BLOUSES SKIRTS HOSE PURSES LINGERIE ' dên a' 4 a-> >» and For the Children SILK & COTTON DRESSES COAT SETS BLOUSES - IIOSIERY BSOYS' SHORT AND LONG PANS In Gres- Flannel and snaqspy Twe-eds with men stylesi shirts la go long wilh these punie. FOR THE TINY TOTS Oss es riiaiment Spescalimein reasly-ta-ear foc [fille People Brighteîs Up Your fluse for Easter Draperisss-f Damas.s Cretonnes ansi Chinte, Tabla Olelch ansd Congolennu. lu f act evey- lling far yonr Home. We are as Near as Your Phone MILTON 490, SON ACTýON Congr-atulations go toe.roetAn- ton $ esengenerias.Ms-. William AN MaenpsizeeSr. mhOntoaas Mateh S 31,I mrsahis nisrty-naassd hirthdas- Ms-. Meespeize han hardis- miard a day nil ristes- i lus mnsdg ris- t dora tees anad toe iseet OD- ties. Estpieyeee o et inWnaiCansina Cor-poration i AntasiSs-reine enisreinaranceahesetits an a eeseii et magengtlatiens hetmenu COr s-mannansd otficiisnoai Lenal 721 et the Teatile Weoeken Unies et Anses-tee Seddesiy tehes ilii riais-aihie wrs-h.ASiRaiph rseard smeons -rialehst ai theGuelprh Gens-rai Hospnita in Gaelph afte eing tOer-fr e tnsdes-. -H enuhi hie tets--ninhs-ers--F-e-Psrs The U. S. A. tanisnttas aunaire #maregarin e !ta10tents a inoui; lises ýree ne n-hait s-enta. oL 1