Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Apr 1949, p. 5

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m'Ky, APEiL Mlm i aE J. Phffnla fa ttenifag oofrnc nChiago Ibis week. lirs J. P. KIfiln af Varmillian, ,pgtta. paii a t-iit- ta Mas. Jas.1 t-o, g KiSt., talas weol. Xs Floren-atce -~Caapcr af Tranta Ven the week-ad it har par- t-, lar- ad Mas. Cecit- Caaper. 1 gr. ad Mms. Art-tur Pl aist lý,aasspent thte week-nd mith ..tt-t-t- inatoma. THE CANADIAI4 CHAPION IUMSDAY, APIU SM1 ,corating MN WALLPAPERS ,hVEN ,Dance L lOti 948 Farm Income et- -oct-ma - -t-t-os.Blasa akes Record Noe hanof ip-sa. A Ct-riat- WOtomr Amits Casadioa fat-m ptfrics dit-tg 1t-attet wece 20 pot- cenf iglirt -laiucseg t-St-t- as-ftIc lit-st isue f "Thea FF AU' U IE Carren tt-cm ai ofAict-iiral S CHIJL I ED Coditios inCanada., pubhfisri d .CHU l 5AR R-S y t-t- Et-oaomt-ies falafan, Mokt- udi-. l.uBiA t-g St-tat-c, Dominitoa Depactmeant- SUNDAY. APRIL t-t. 1949 of Agricultt-tur.10.00 s.m.--soot-oSebot- Thet-oRrt-et-mt-b potasot- tait-11,00 am.-Wo--tip, Tht-mot-Tir glaeporsofai tmmadit-fr ansoi RByal ist.L ro- sevcs Ie y ferrascas faofuitg 730 pras-Tîrmo. t-alnt-m e t-t-t-ot-t -a--, lat-reoed by astlt- fl and so itt--as. pu ent at ring thirnmaport-ai, Thte-Mistn andotitrtt-mort-to Bitrat-- rtr lott-t- oDff a Is he MoayApril t-t-hai4.t-5in b9pe taiHoetr ost-ic-t-n Tthat-t-frtiag oaaot-opca. impaatarr ot-t-lt-CGCt-T. Mariay et- 7 t-m. la SS. go weL.Boomý Tt-erpreltmiay fiuat- t-titneat Wodt-ot-ay -'fra11 Rangesa ilii lueofaiCamoditso trtoras as mott-at-i7t-. la thoSSt.ret-a-. t-0,ast- $~ 1,743 miUt-lce an ail-t-it-i tday-C-ai t-it-y Serv-eot-O-o-I rcocrdsond -ocasa, nrss f41 per a astfet-ortho 1947figurofai$12315 îiraWhas Tiret-t-rtat-t- imat in t-t- fai- asorigto r-atheRveathai ý GRACE ANGICAN CHURCII t-ero roty brsat-ine otlar in t-laeSr.tar eaptrt irmami for sane a iom Rco.PJ.5i0nOar FenilsB.A., UTI. prot-i-tt. Ut-orettt-icoserami fat- SUNDAY. At-Bt-t t-t.1949 faimorodt-it a1949 mayet- aooo t-at-t-t-1980ndoi pt-tamt-mat-ed t-ty t-t--oSt-tday laistoatrat-petai tarmalnaiot-8.04a.ar-H-t-aCmmaunron- the t-t-dO lrt-o tlafltîrmat- t-Bible -m-Ct-do S-h-a tt- lcsaine,-dot-net-iot--ar teandtof1100.t-m Mat-at-tg Pt--t-tt-t di It-a-t-tt- ait-tt-tamrkert- domamd. 't-ht-ptm. tt-t--- eigPt-t-t-t-att- lo ad atilt-tt-catagtot-laga t-otho t-et-m-t-t iret- t-rt- moat-It-t-t-1949 mo-t- -to t- 'Pit-rt- -t--t-- tt-t t--t--t-d at-t-t-tt-- tt- m-t gt- n uit--ttg tha ft-tt-tto0moatI- a --ttt'-t -ml t-t-t-t-ï wiI t-t-distit-tttt--- at-t-t-50tpt-t-coat-oand pri-tt or ai-tlTuesday, Aptr12,2.30-tpm. Mte-- Iat-r ot-fttlivet-o-ti thtac Igitoaaf at-t-tBt-tt-th W. A t-t t-t-t-tart- 1809. mare t-ootgoa t-t-dt-t-gt-ty, At-trt-t-lt-h,.015 pr. t-lt-tone t-tar ale. Ct-t--t--t-t t-t-rt-t-,; t-t-t-t, the- Alt-rtt-a-flprt-rot-mot-ohiglor tat-t-t- Lt-tt-nytaid Adytt-. oft-t-rd mit-i at-i trt-ast-fotc -ttthe .it-, Aprl-t---7tprot.,t-Junior- ast- t-t-t-t-ortatlt-t-t1908mort-8 O oir-,8ipro., ht-t-ryCt-arr prcet t-t-hctherlsamepriadi dtt-ty t--tt--it-t-ott-lt-t-m. lt-tt - taa ya--a, bltinl-tras -__________________ aid prodatt-tt-ondrraf tho ittt-r-t-- matrît- f t- 4-r4 taptrt-ty att-a-t- t stur-tat-ro.Atpt-t-t-tporta h.e t-hstmibia BAPTIST CHURCU 0 ptr t-t-tr ta-tta t-p t-o tht- t-t-ic-r-Fat-mot- iltding midie f ebrar, 149,ovr lst SUt-DAY. APRtIL t-t-.lit-t No Supermano Flouse Flies t--t t-ttar Stt-ot t-t-ht-t- Sei. o rt-g it-ri-tt--- -a-t-i 'Rt-t-t-t- 't---t-- t--t--t-tp ti atth t-r-t-tr r t--tt-t-tt- ent- rtt-t- t--atc-ta- t-t-t-t-t-.t-t-rt- (t-a dl '-ta tt le. T'ht--ort-o ot- t-n oiraao t-ot- DDT a-rottat-flîro arrtosmat-t-a Ogooda, aidif stastiftuat-ioiart- rst- t-to tt-t-tt--iproallît leatt It roortgaf stmall perct-aage of iii aot- ocaeidoat-Itsatric-eoal as thlotdoan-.ita tic UDT t-a talc tarra t- t-at-l cit-ortly. So Dr. Tmt-t-tsttrat-gt-y -caammrada tac rootooi aseofaiDDT tor rat-dot- aprot-lf, bhtt adis thecamoton t-bat- in fly rot-trtfol ma-tigas, pt-apc- ompîaza ustoaeIr it-cata tac la- Portance aai valae ai gaai sant-- tat-t-a, lact-ailat-tfac poaper dispoai t-e freatmtaoftai ssore. tsrbaie, ami tîar fIt- beesilnmme-riai, as ticun osf im iasfciiosalan, ciaat Is rapecita to to g hfly setatit ct-- t-t-y t-alts. ENOX PEFBRIFl'AJ CRURcH MbouSte-4ua. I. . Fl. Min FsranacsI« ctitOraag s SUNUAY, APSILt-, t,1943 100 ict-.a-Sent-at SS. st-to sre8iamrt- alacI. t% aNeroif te Lt-ci1 7.3t-DItt-e Wamlt-p. Watt-han att-le Cota'. Et-t-rt-stg Da-h MS". mit -t-e ld New Playlsg- Robat-t Hptton Joyce Reynsolds,-in 'Always Together' Plus aSnowbud' RU.-E & SAT. APRIL 8 . 9 John-sWayne MontgomcryC01f t- in RED RIVER Spedl a Mellse Sel 2 pi. es Wo tom lsaa BTop Al <iff Bsd lunr Crsa1 MON. & TUS. APRIL 11.12 :PMW*DIjNE: aEUBETALOR- WED. & THIUR. APRIL 13-14 Douglas Fa'irbakjr Maria Monat-rot- THE EXILE Coscng Eauler Mon. & Tues. Jonc Pt-arllt-Wall at-o Sc y Xý Date with Judy' Spacial Mtinee ester Mondat- GEORGETOWN Nom Playin-so Lt-t- Ht-t-ari Jat-Blao "Black Arrow" FRI. &SAT. APRIL 8- 9 Jahn Wayne Ht-aty Pt-ada "Fort Apache" MON., TUES., WEI). & THIJRS. APRIL 11 - 14 Shao St-attt-Nigît-It-at- 6.301 Bto Ofice -oOpens lt-t- p.m Sugar in Nectar Varies with Plant Crosa-potiaatfoa la esaa ftief aaongeatarg st-omber oaf flomrs for tac pot-posa af aafflagscid. TIc ftomescret n-ctcrtarltoatroot tao amctt- gatlct-iag focria, wmIth at-o thecmoatreffectivecagents thatt-arry pollen frosa toepfattoifaeotacr. Hoacylsa gatberrnetar tram a mua teariof y i nomma. TIc asa- out ad oinoceatratt-ca ai taa nec- ta e rtrtcbIta it-omot- asy irfr- miner tha tt-m Ira t-iallatioaa it- bctmade. Surh t-omecat ctro- tac in tIs maralag and otacas la tha efraooa or ertt-y caralaf. Pipoitels maylbe madin tartratftac nectar- front ladit-idualf totorra ta dalarsala tIr annoait ssrcfai, and ho uso a emgaorcret-t-actt-. ft-e sugor roat-cat aay la oetoalatad. Tht-s sataoi t-qircs ptinccand; a technitquet-at may t-at-t- it-h ecoltypa af flomar t-aiicd. Ct--t t-cti o t-rtbesoa trahfe flamars birafvlaft-c¶. rcmoig fîcit lot-- t-p t-t-mat-Is soi ompt-tiag tIr con- tenoa sa-aarrfrat-otmrt-r, lot- -pt-at-t-diaosimpe motbai fat-art-- t-ar- t-ocratian att-tdit-t. Callectot-sa-mrc made aithetir Daoiit-an Kopat-oatat-F at-mi., Branon,- Man. datiog t-47 and t-48t- tar cot-aaiaod 43 pt-t-et-asagar; mitloto, 53 porct-a-; dat-ictio. 49 pot- t-t-t; t-ta-appt-c. 43 per ct-t-; taraaa, 4f poteret-; irtat- 56pro aett; detphrniam, t48-prt-rat; mig- cootlir, 30 part-caf; Catifrnaepop-f pyl62pr crt. Atlarraaaberaof1 ot-lar faors acro taord t- aveot- siait neo- cttarconct-ntrat-ioas. Thec t-seofaiday amdi ooitng mrat-lcrs conditiorafafetttheoncenratiron-ro mut-h mat-lho ptrt-rat in tachesa apraict- of ftmrrt. Cat-t-ectioaa at-r o potieoftt- -tat-t-tht-at-ishaot-t- caaat-aaop tf any, t-lot-mat- xt-it--n ttatt-e ecat -oncetrtattttion- of ai ap t-at---tt-uat -tpt- tf ft--rtiog plats.t made dat-ty t-t-tm at-t-îta and t-mot-t- t-t-at-t-f-t-t-ctdurit-g Jaît. Theic t-t--hty mît-at-t-tat-dt-i t-t- -t-- nte t fat-o -r t-dt-d ntay t ao-ate-1 t----lo-o--ta--tt-t-we se t-vr-at-iai fat-ta dat-t-tg t-t-ainagora tt--d. Iti mghoe o.l-a--.tat-t-it-t-gir t-tt aa . t-5 pt-ct-t-att-att--y e-tt-ima-rafg s t-t- t-t-tt-t t-t gi pt-t-t--t-t- t t-lt- t-ar hrala, mît-tt- r)t-t-t-rt--th-t--tt- ygryyrt-g pt---tt1-- t-t-tr r-t-gt--o LODGE UTOIh t--t -i d tai t-t- tt-t-tpt-tg tt-cat-t-.- iurrytatlt-gai at-t-tmit-alt--t-trethit t-t-lt-t-t- b-c-t-ro-tt-ht-tg o ht-t-ty t-t-gît-r.t bct-t-t- tgyas t-oottly t-t ant-I t--otady't- lt-rot--t-mo.Tht- rat-t- ait-t-tko relat-gigyt- gthelt-t- -t--- TBt- tat-a-trt-a tat-t, t-t -at--t-t, la at- t- o.. ro, m trhty'r-t pt--tt-gt-t-t-ht- dit-t-t. Tht-pto t-t-t-tpt-t-o.ro-at- b t-t st -tt-tg a-ttabo t-ett--a-tt-gît-y .a-tt--t-d tait-t-fia -t t-dyt -t- si-m ottt--prot-y ttog t-o mat-t-dot- Thia pheomeotoft-- igît jot-t--t sot--t- tc dîoaareaiathtI t-tdgt--1 tho Bt--tt-ht-t-i t-t-Locotmtiver Ft-t-oaoanat-i raiot-rt. F-or t-rottt-trio tt--at o t- mat-mot-e t-td- ot-t-h miatty t-aih. At-i tt-octy t-tat- t-t inth-rit-t-t-ttof-t t-e odagr. SAFE6t-UARDING VflD Lt-it-t-N IBITfAINt bt-it-t-t-t-the t- t-tait- miott-trttat- iot-fa il ata liO inrtBtrit-r tart-t- mat-t- ct-ta-tty. A Bt-tt-tgît-at-St- t-rt-y tt- r -tt--tt-itrtt-- tty -rprt t-t--tr t-tg t-e la ttand at- tgtta t-it-t-t-gt-t t-t- Bt-rt-t-st--t-t-t mat-t--t-t-a-t-yaa- t-tt-tt-tdit- Mr.- errtt-h-ttMtttt---ttris int-a t--t oar--y tt-C-rtt-tt-t Tht-t- r d t-y t-ttr tt-yt t-t -vat-do tat--rt-g t--rt tt-e Otytoot-t-tdt-t-r t-tt--t- pt-t-t-t Ctaomttrt-ot-aCt-tt--tt-rv a tt-fWrt- Lt--t- ht-th tatat-ro- ttt t-t-t-t-t-r mt-t--ttastrttt Halton Producers Ibiod Discussion On Bootleg Milk (Cmtimied f ram Pae Otol mît-h rgardt-eaa mbethar it mas bat- tird. made iottort-caomor ahoco- ltets. Ho saggestad lhe asaociation errot a prooesiaf plat mhlol told uset-p at-t-surpluas mit-k, en the prodooero oat-d obtajo top prics. Ho futoter aogacd tarre 'oa toasaoh spread batmooa thes polar t-tod t teproucerrand ostltathe coosmer, adig the fasiner mas gvro $407 per loodrodmatght t-rs shippiog charges, mhtte tac ditril- ttop rceolod $3.52 tor haodhng IL- Tht- spaker ofgorouaay deidlae mas accblag Ua job of sacct-ary- moanagcr of the Aasciatitonla. argcd farmeas ta select a tatapoteot mnfroas tarir oma ranka. Continumag lts rtioisam ai Mr. Wit-faott, hc sai, 't-tafat-eao hoavt- a rtgît l oto o hat la goiag on, but yoa do nat. Thocofore it la yor mifortaao. Yocoafd kboom wattthe sacootaCy t-a dof. and t-be diret-oaaore lasin prmittiof Ia t-a toocladiag, "theDitolbatara Yoaoirald bcoaaoiog yaar om,. t- am at-t-t- oaoarrag t t-mrig --attoo o tgcther, ta t-Itast Defoadiog the c ationsaf tac TorotoMitlPoducers Association Krootl Sotooerof aWaterlooa ai- mtted ml lad bora altajord tram anouatside soarce, bat lad loto ioapected by Departmeot ai Heotil afficiala beiaro it mas pot-- med on- ta t-he coasamer. He at-sa tord coaaiderabt-o aaoaot lad lama retal'ood wmIr o iad if mas ialf ap ta taestadard. Dtoeedifg Mr. Wtasaatt, tIc speakgj tord tIc crrttary mas neverý%oId mbat ta do î thetI dis- trlatoas, and the dit-trs at off limes rsrdeat-ot-cd ta got tha pro- dat-r-o alwopalt ta Importanat prtbloma. Ht tard t-t-taecsla cent rot-rt-asetIefr ttmet-ro-reyvd troc cet-tta argot-af that M. Jltyt astato' rotarrtowr-oidag theroptdat-rat- t-ot of-ltarm. Eopt-arot-tg t-rt-ad r-aar-d a 1a perct-trot ooitrio -o lia taa attrt-the- -acaa aseinptrt-o, a fermer i tho au-driencr aot-d the-rpe-aiker t-ht- t-tartm. Ho fatod taec t--tast- a'alimt-oohcmaald reoricleom ro-a-t, tia ptethet-norm Mt-. Bobasot- aid Koate ot-t-adays mort- -tort-g at-atg, and at-t-h --bl 'aosigad maty peoplointhe Ctty gt-rtatart-mmt-t-hroesor- week-en-drt-l-t-al moan lesttco- tamptrarr t-t tlardrlt-. He tai that- itat-ysoot--aood io tho ram- mmomttht- -tht-t-prdati-omaa ht-gt-t- Dat-rtg tbi---ttt -t-prd .E. Ht-at- t-. ett--tat-yt-tfrt-eTorot-ot Mli Ditt-tt--a-a-aArt-tt-tat-rto rd. o-dyrth-t--t- t-aagt-eementt-pra. dayooarot-t-Id tttrt-t- t-t-e $at7 rt- gardt-oo, at-ttht-r tht- diafoihat-at t-adilttott- -t-t. A. .St-trit-y,sponsoryoftthe rt- at-t-t-r. dt-ytat-ainlast-ppt-rt, "rt-t rott-rt-ntrtor -t tgat-t-ratt-tbt-ho t-t-rdrt-rdod at-latw-at-rps, at-r arit-tt-ohae a rtl-apparatod por- t-t- t-t-t-t-m a drcatoat-nla at-pa-- rtatt-t-." Mtofthettt-audrncettap-c part-t-gtaeresrra ot-ta, theas bat- rt-g htf-t----tht- -tot attaira. A. T. Waadt-ty. Ht-t-t-atdirecot-ta t-at-t-d t-t-ymottrtg. Pal Fiahar mat- tt-t--t-r- tharuat-. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE t-ANADIAN PACIPtt-C BAPLWAI STANDARD» T5M Ct-t-ag-East-735t-am. dalfy; 2lXEt t-m. dat-ty; 8.37 t-rm, t-tatl-t- Pat cog Wtt-t-9.28 mi t-fa.t- dat-ty; 630 p.m, doit-t- t-254-ee dort-y at-t-tprSodat-tfa-- Ssalsg Ct-rtOt-tat--'tt t -os: amý;23 p.a t- 240pro. t-lting Wet -t-28 tM.t-tragct-. dat-t-y 6 31 t-à EVEBYONE WELCOME Orgat Pt-at-o ct-tdat--t Naratt tar Ct-t-rtr Pt-tat-o Ct-ht-t- t- t-ttt SILVES CLLECTION Cantate Ciel Mit-t-Ptat-oaa Lt-att-ct Mit-a Hat-n Thompaoe ......... Wm. Ltht-it-a Noif MaPbaih M. Ledwit-I W. V. Wat-ca Mt-t-.Was. Ct-ahi, Ct-mat-at Wilson, William Mahoe MrU5SIROO 5COTCas BPOTIi CLARK'Sa-pt TOMATO t-AI i -LENTEN DISO VEgETARUÀAN BEANS 2 »Tl '27C CLARK'$ CHILI SAUCE co t.2 2c CL-ARK%- TrOMATO JUICE 2 = 25 CLAEKtS--PREADS AMILY MEAT - PASTIS 2 ib..25C CLARK5S-IN CII SAUCE P@RK & BEANS 2 -le29C CLARK'S-IN GLASS JAR MINCEMEAT -.-22C HARt-l-ST ARMGARKINE lb. 42 t-Ut-BEAR-STI) GREEN PEAS 2-Tl .19C TOMATOIS mn. 21C RI56 UMES L6-<OLOURFS -TAOtt-Y OLD CHEESE 49C NEtIlION 0.-DELICIOUS S'Ilt-lfPPS--PSUIT COCOA 'Z-27c ~-39c PUDDING Vat36 att-R5TY-FA5STRY RlCfIMELL0-Ottagr t-t-bar FLOUR 37c<TEA BAGS t-.o35c FLOUR PANCAKE 2a3o TZIFPCOIEPTE OLD TYMERED CHERRMES mas,27c SUGAR SYRUP t-,Z 23c Usady Ft-aturt-Nr Lt-mPtla, OG-ILVM--CEREAL LICORICE COMFITS ~ 19c VITA "B'" r-33c HUMBUGS 17lc Et-riat-ut-t- tri GRAPEFRUIT, St-te 96'a Ontario Graon COOeING ONIONS ht-bida Thin-Skisased ORANGES, Size 216's Caoadian No, 1 POTATORS. FresI Csisp Ht-INACH 4 2or9c 3 Imse --41c t- O29c 2îb27c usa..eam '5 M0.. .t- L NOTICE' to Dog Ownera f or Dag.areIo be posrosApMlàs las * NO 1)0GS MAY RIN AT LARGE AJTERM * APRIL 15th UNTIL OCTOBEDlolt * * By Order *H. WARMINGTON, Chiot ot Police* --Maunder liy Junior and Senior Chiris of Anglican, Presbylcelan and United Cherches Unier Dt-octt-on of W.V. Lethbridge, A.T.C.M JGOOD FRIDAY EVENING rKnox Presbyterian Church fleid o t-a t-- S-tt-tt-r-t-t-t tt- t-o t -ara -ta t-Apira t- r a-t-Id DDTt- The at-t- at-t-, asC-anOt- Bt-hto tt-at a83t-0t adait- tont--tt--tt-d, appt---irs t-o t-in att- da-dt- At-trt- t-3th t- rt-t-t- ct-t-tgarrt- . Mt-it-t-tart- <r- e t-t-t .gt 0. The t-t-prtit-t-DDT-t-orttttt-trt- ALL Ait-BWELCO)M an t-t-tint-pgrt oftt Irttoe itSt-ates at- int-EBtt-tpc. tht-tt-iat- tai ta %tawt-rt-tottd ct-at-ait-at-t--t-at-tr-t-- PENTECOSTAL HOLNES tt-ictttat-t -t-i DDT ft-at-t-t-t-tt-ttt-- CHURCH t- Cgt-ada.,tat- r.Ut. C. . Ttoora. .ILýVOSPmo St-t-mt-t-in-ad Mdit-alt- --tmot-afp St-eV.IL oSemO esta Ut-i, St-t-tt-t-o Sort-rt-t-. oUt-rot-ait-a Doi-t- t-t-St- at-art it-partaet-a-to Agrit-ulture, Otta- t9-titatCPH--- D.Thtedyt-t-t-at-ro-at- i rît-aoa SUt-DAY, ARL1lh 91 by0 et ospk f isctcdsi 0.0am-SnAitSLt-.it t the rt-tt--s i--ttt- n trt- ot-t--t-tin r 70 It- E a geit erie îlr i - i t-t tat-arat- ttt---tat- t-t- P)tiofb tu e f D t cnto î .t-t- lt-m ;tit-tpu t-t-tart- Sot t-- h t- Di-t---tt-nt t- ta t fgy st- rt-roo be el t-t--tt-iy t-t- mtith-a Uitedt- t es.t-t-i t-t-sitte il t--attn tatttta t-tt-tmor-erOt-I lt-tt-ti t ttttr-- tth--o eît t- tt--t t- t- DTt-at-ira St-t-t-of it-t- 't- -t- ,A t r-ttt--" o htI rr haeh D to iu ht-i-- --tm s-- a--r- ---- to att 1, i., . i t he dioD-tttre tions f u t-et-A -t-t-t-t-al n t-t--tt-t- Art-rt-t- O gtt-t t----tta-ttttags it-taet-t- DDt-- L--taT- WRC O rt-t-a t-t-r e t t t r -t -i tp r- t- t t t t t a d r - - o t-r-rrt-«é t-a e rt t-- i intaora a tre - at-. YAt- tt- St-t-t-t- lt-t-nt- i t- kttmo t--t-t tat-.rot -at-pint-- O1tiS -t- gt-yit-pt-tt-p-t-tt-t t-h- rt-t- t- r t- î-tt ua--tr-t-t-g anadi r-- SJt110 tt-L tt- -- ditt-t- thtt- iai Atatot-p-rt- tt--a0tt-D S-do-WDshpSt-hast. ste ,rt ts 't-tt-- tlet yt t-rt thsa ~ialty A Full lan of Cloyer aad Grass Seeda, includistg O.A.C. Permsanentl Pature Mixture et Contpetitive Prims Nom la thse lIme la order your Fertilizer Co-Op Chck Starter and other balassced feeda made dathy ansd guarantoed freal A tew barrais of pusre canse molase, te dear et 50e per gallois, (S"a drusu includosl). This la a god buy as ltse elasg la otf molasses BUY CO-OP AND BE SURE OP QUAUITY muni t- -trtDIt-N NATION t-t- t-tt-tg NBat-7.58 am..

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