TM CAuN goeamop THUEIDAY, AlUiL OF DISTICT 1 COL TbTAN N~ W S 0 F D IS T R I C T IeW O O L Group oe Si. IN V ITA TIO NP a n n g & e or t n Our ReItrod Wareboume e No1 DaI dtttt Ttee Ciet eg MthISZ Iem Mas>' ut01w Iteaei Liteot able radang UttdgComtyCltb.dMr. T PiAUtinRe I REFTIAK IE bushtreettrete Reabe Dzg.prsted oMt~.he TeMtoi GOOD SELECTION 0F PAINTS AND WALLPAPERS DRUMQUIN PRICE(OF ZINC DOWN tewt hutche frnt Onar Vt SikleJthe -t Btwetg onItt e; etdtg b in soued ted technicolor PROMPT SERVICE Zn lv nzed ect s we e t M f1 <bLk ,.J3 M t e5 tta d M s.Je sJ W tltc es lo t THE TRIUM PH F 2 - h n 4 w M lo d.iy fron t te nt y tteedd$ ato a rilainCaad. oi ANoAb wiiSng rc toz titMs. tey Adeson; tle S e hee n i tetarlothlaeMsW.H neuinpiayzn.Gtteet be Oi d soltt ,byMt. Htley Adteo; soloît 2-4-Dbc ne44oMllon Bilr Cihws hte h tn ed St AAJIN C-PIAI by Mr. Robert Elliott; duett y Lois Jdtt eeteteoeitn u n hr toSt dnisadwrwe ila WOOL GROWES LIStt'Iyj1ad>enle.Atrte PI 414 Judes cmetryOakill. 27 BaySte Tet ootottCnafs je eetingtatet l Atet ht The W.Lan td W.M.S of ette lunh atIN td. hi~ PIJ,14 et tht hetttttei ot R Tmeting __________Mr.__________ d M. . A.ttettahamSttiMr.NORVAL JUNIOR FARMERS aitttomtotm.R.T rnto ad er. .thm e e et. 1. C Sund Oettdh. This bih the Etter Metst h r adM .RC m eetint Riteetwttho rtthanpav er-thtn atttk P U R D Y & P U R D Y TgeNDERS daede MisatRteabedt sete Heeti 2.30 pan, 0Annual Spring Dance endttd Mretd M. Dth.Hut- C30pm wufil a BtelCurh nSu- E DE SMr. ted Mm. steeeitLeth and 1 Het wu] aiseliteaawtt,*'AT NORVAL HALL doy hut ointef te t luhtt td dt. Witiî Me.EeettelyetMertt. A IINO 0FvAii APRIL 8th Hoeer. e elie ataryr- yte nesgn frlheth.Eretetdeongtt ttetitty tttt rttprth ALtt M vn .l.prhaeo rm anMet. Wliem RoSertettetaet0f tNERTt TO ALL FAEM- Tea e g a o r p r t . r n h n r ete d e y tt te e e e le y t ta M D o ris H u li s O r h e t t tA d t n 5 0etfO eoidîtteteoccaseiettf e r t hettbithd y. , Mmyof heYoug nglrswho Prsent location lot 12, Traflgat, on te e Rtte. Seeel thildretefeett heite tat- t"s - e itigth e oteot teha Ritding etust he meved hy Octoer1, 1949. ed to ertteetitte leMiltn etn the cstieiltît, y 'MIghtyc llihghet eot teptenedert te esseily eccepted. Mtt Jeck Whetlhhneeet taietd Mr. Datvid tteey ie j1he EDGARI LYONS et Wedettdey eiettero t e ho or ape ete ofeethie ecidothbuildings R. R. 2, Steetet hto fe deghtet MaryHelententht bY a cct of pettetocaeionf hit iteeth hlthday. Atethe, ete ieedteeek hae dit- Phoe t240JI2, Bretetpoe. hyetteThip eti th odNASSAGAWEYA eppeetet 0.1 Tht hee th el mIlemnt asmad ad S S No.7 RossStores Co.Ltd. Heet and Heettteefo tht lut ttet ttet.ttRedit Fer nt h e!,hoe hal enMre. elMrs tehM ILTON LOWVILLE CxSi. Othîte AnadM.ndMs C StaRbnoAttte potMnsrMt A deltghtteî muicatel etoteet wetive d ejoyet soiahît n peeetedby Leetilit Cheith FASTER ethet t odete igN.7Fr Choirithe Ch,,h etWede IL e s p fo as e tht leadership of et .M uictet ittaRaly a okieeeb e H1 e, Rtodhed t ,l lee gave tota5ple-vr noal vnn rn hse tttehtpettted te tht tedidnee SOON ate titi 10 retd M When ish Fee teercStelitg, Jtil Inesnotaatatrhsjt Walh teoide Y--, CO-] Wattt. il. BE ucesin tht bettital. Ydeut Laed ted MY Lnd. Meet- Ms ereRbno lcn lîgli Ste. ld Mt Rîte. 'II. AU tR Mutes G fo ettgt R fii a d o Thteogh tht Nîgt, Geje Hoe. E EtrctndPnenn cOmmunitYlt I toMs.WI H e etteieei anam te show, saeg Pheil, Ceteibllllet d es;lytin t.0 gttepeis f ieege, -Beght the tthet ssofa lceethet teec an tegiet, Dete Lnd"Aptil Sheow- edtlht teeAl c r er tte- Tp ot ete er. Sai Tteeeegte,' Theit dt j.^rI Wtdeda et tirseserc ate le eeteltpeied j FOR BEST SELECTION t ee Sp Ui: Meble Millet, taetteta R O REýSW acsrr oh the ii-îhtîlî..PRCI Gue ,is.w, ole.t ILlES EARIY S 3ltFttIetri (n - 1 ~~~~Ele De-dgt, te Milten Prite Gbadnvtut Leth.-,Tt oroeto Mîltet ted .Ate M. td Mi eIn Clettthee (isaadinets, te h n t Mr and Mrs.TSetteRoentottvih-teter, Hîintîtel FSterith Styl th fcýo tt he eî. et i Me. CARNATIONS DAFFODILS TIJLIPS ited teth tht ef eee. ithet, Me. AIFT ,NES(R u sE ,i CLtnt enýt Odt.. Pi...IIIAGeJN S ElM.Rehî eît , teit,- teteî A» O9 s R t -ItT J g. Pleîes grae eehoding MEN\ S SPORT Iiii IRTIS c, b' Neilo.Oeghegren-yeeetd yveigeeîtingsb Drtqtot. teiaelY dtlighttd tht * OW RS I tD NYfl E -S s St t uth e saaeYaued btr SLWA 39 tht cheir ttttteted Mi. MuetSet',d Mhisd itAa iekte sea d Milton ee 101 ttlteet'd LuncMillet stth eatitiatd îeeî,,. Poe151 .trlttttc the ett nde te teetet Lt-eth cee d hY tht W.A. Phon tîlttui te,,c i re etd tetet M N s t1 Ev h R tht CItnieh te tht e tte t e t fthtetete t alls e thoi ted theit e tiht th tetie th ît yeît. M oeil t e te pntheieg ycr Thte wethet te Ct fuîst leot tor ibis occupetioe thie epiieg. lhULBRIDE TEELATD den ofNo.7 e betain- tthe 5OMtte tt oti PRINCESS T E T EToeGdPnst etWt p ee Utitd Chtet.On Thîîieday ae- MILTON ONTAIOWRNGAD ttm th nefSte a ie'eî e tFOR RN G AD prisenett adwred ntate lt d urlttv te ; H h ltstclosan eý teg thteteeteg. MitA. W hNIcHT) THURSDAY, APRIL 7th Atpeth eti o e MeittetF. Vhathm cIthtteîtlteîd ie engte metetipt. es . OieA.Rie edt<îctt Milt l eWatti courthatGuetph, Otthe: Gabardines, Trttie Worteed and Cteerte. tI Piltje c"'ft-ReIClt ted mtestt JUNGLE P_4TROL" eof utîîeeld, ueîtytu havingfi) uit oer Ptceit wetti abyttt he Sto.tedy e.E -dtt u aeeetail Otto e n Preston,: MeAtthur. A dtt t ug byandHerey OIse In ontct 1eee uettetetttîthit geedt IMATS, IlELTSt, TFSAND SOX ALI, AVAtILBIIt MeRt îgtR Mted et d Me,. M 1R E ~ _______________________ 'ede Afineet of $0Ccd tti tet sNW ST STYLES AND COLORS hiM " Ftî.Me.', J W Heolii- iegee.tejiMetJ.Htety ad Mîth lifestt ee-ettc gt F. Deime Th, t.lineg ,i eh FRIDA't & SOrTURtAY, Atlî.St iS eTutc et.,, ,id yti ffcro Mttteh b httj.te llait îttî. . hli ithaùI ,ýw,',ie deilith e eent-1 dcd y M,. Dsve, AI oiso a d Ace F r Mh t w i OlEhl and Sl['t(flA, SOIfRon__ o__in. __ 1 by 1luii ý ' ,td 0FW'ýAttIGetOOSiitet teE Week-endFor the I. "dOCcîtîvet Mît Wtt , Mr . d OceeW bet thinttbil LE Mob.. nF DettPFe ac eenn Me .d i,, sJeheete CcdN otheutMa 01 shaa. re P a teh ie es ag dr.entdî -ittMilteMîMtll Tiasy ehela ett. etee ti e. HosptePh eeia T-Wsntttelv heee oni Suttay teth thetedoeghtot tht M fPoa ;ul n 1ùdsadticd 10 hs Mr. and MUn.Gtorge Clarkofet Cheele Rdscise t ndVieginia Christiean mtOttt05 Ptt xit t idnfih ci cii HailonwreSudigeýt f WIIVIER'S CIRCLJE" e' pn Me t.d Met. D. Smith- front ut Mi ter, uy ees-cd IGIli11WINt>" ____________j____________r__(-)tirSpecialty A ai arn eee td hy Me.Wtt. Cttttug Nett Thuredety. Apeit 14th aasdcth otthit villatgte Was ttti Sctt Brady ted ChaleResseltie deroire Y iene Mndy ftti. ALORMRHNIEMS 3 nomt Fsetteaely t het tu otoet"CAuNON CITY" whad at th e tmans tht hnitànt anTOy ]RMOE Mmi Thittan iWlsgottJe 5itneg taltU et Guelpht.Gtttand Srt - SH OW TIM ERam atte ttttî f Ai Pegr 6 Sttat7 0 PM. S M tits t2.0F1 *W&REFUNDED * h & M d M mUiJ e e s s O th e r w is t A d e e r t t dJ V au on Sund" AT, APEIL i lt .J. PFlue eeeinleChicago Ml, j. P. EttIlte t htt, paid e ettit ., ief gSt., IbisWC Mite SFloretetCtoet t the e-endwl tg, Mi. ted Mt. Ci )r. ted HM. Athuri .tien toe th k akes Recor'o Carialtetettepttet 2ttopteritent hlgbtt- tut, teet tht latette Conditions le Cmade tep tht Ecoet.tdteDivis laitSerice Deminitn Thtelvite bmpot se-viestititd hy frett lieing tetis, leesd 1 Vert tint duitg tht t tht Itieti teitbttt latten. Hteatlt Thtetetetheroe tht jetete ot Cimadian teico5rd d te nre cnit oter tht t947 Oi aMn. Thte oeetît deieesd ttpttd te equattt1h Muttdinta ittht Stelt thetentel'bchonede, eîpotdttmd toi preduttl. Doestlt td tarienpiedetale l949 tel t ot 948 ad et-mOt 6ae-nette eettpettd L thteIoda9Ieils. thtagh hi one decelto lîetd Inespte of sttong mt heg and ctIle iteeghte tirt twee tnthe et lad9 lhec dueeg thttttttttt 1940, hut ][Dinh elaughu uphby 50 ptrenttand p nIantes ot lieteht th ot Fthtenty t949, w thont e et tigte. Although petîte e et Ibuid eeîlh tnd c lunt thret sonths oet pet ceted heinotihie st l94.ttehoete etosieaI ,et production deeîeg e.titLe et 1000-4t peetît sitttion.Apple tapait E0 pet cent iccs middie et Febreeti. lOt No Superînan Ellouse Flie' FLs e lied et Suere, tIlt dcelopet evhich te ODT= Thtenteoe,,se etc vecoetttnet, appte Tht.irepote et DDT-et et terlti peate et tht U and te Eeropt. eheald ttialilaîetoilDDT ter inCanaede, tee Dr.. C. Reeehoid <ted Meditel Oeit, Science Sertîte. Depeetteent et Ageivel te. Tht det elepteent n hyeictto stecittn! lotia new phttoreon i thtet eti oi ofntael s theiurvitol et tht tille The Division et Entoi ictiid no tttil-eaihet Piel, ot teilate et DDT O, , iin Canada, tee leis cliii ctent DDT-eeeî àtillytecerin the Un le tîîd.tht Depeettît < itu i,,.-sc îceied opot ciient ontoiteti siua t.adîo pplictionse l.iutlieee hate hOitotei t îîîtîeî ini thtie dieti lgtetcdosagehieh t t1iint vste etofth. t tit ittte the peeepeet oft ,tttnttfltteeettttjng dttcttg thtehtknd. Anc Tee t eeso ei DDT-resiisteet tht ee r Canada, ad iftiieh atit niheteeideet inettted ehterdffl..teth tht DE Tiet ttongly ecn ctnetisseanof DDT t tlit-ying, Set eddt thtee in tty ceontrit ettaig teiPhets mn-atit glien ortett ed t t et ted othtr tty bhedug r tht stun eettnsetideatle St tapeoitta in gtve taI ,oi? t-tttttt