Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Apr 1949, p. 2

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aov [eeg the aHoingseoi? BUIA S The bousin8 boom 'wEfl fot luat forpus, B " SI~ £mmit. (Iam iuu manathie Fnancial Fot. it tite$ a ratnt %-. OAKVILEaa uamild nev ont-the hetanng of sprint, R ofetin NRUVi) II PM-à"M-7 T-."yAft- 73ma TM g tane - , d :::tu - SaYs The Post: 'Whil. no olmila r fM v .~ u J ~ t 1 j j lt Omarmana. uia.aîabtafor Canada there armsoa tdictiaa saari lA~~bai- that me mAy lb. facing thetunna.situation hora ina o mnli im.Catinyth . Twenty Years4Ao !Ll»y g . W. c r- grtand picturt in thetwtva ountrita li aimant R E N A LD I e- e e ii i4i -y n *b.ta Pr"-a es o! nevly ronstructed bouma Oin bath - -t--au * Sit4a3 7--& aoa~~.o ses..oa C40 a ndUnited States are tva ta threa Mr admm;-S . Pr - h and t'mes thtelevai ai provar, have junpad about pecat thewitex with relafvean eaqnaa b beanbnan,, ai an- 50% in the iast thrnea yera Bath tauntriens t oahv eunibra ~~ b ~~ naa~~~ bave been building at a tremendous rate &Ine hhere ane 1ais teehaammontha P O EU K U IJ~>E ~ ~ 6 seV.e - u aa e.nmandIlMlo lu ag ueu sl the end af the var, though an a buis af pona. laneaoie l mou"& ti lw Banima B. eaiideate M 1 ~~ i ~~~ltion, the pace hbuha.. faaiar in Canada, W. and rural fM& Aveeatrai a n elle UMUUUUUUaEMUMu1ugiqe1uu1u *aaab W.=Zbyma ,maa~ added 82,000 nev bauain& naita luot yar and per dey 350Q t a AoRWtaUa L 79000 tht year befora. Far 149 atal o n FM"dnyenainoiut aasoa ___________________ betano.09fr.sud distictwua vinted t wth the 3iOn Ma.SrIu araound 90000 iexpeciled. vorst ceeaa.icausorina aithe yeor. TaimOnn ~. -It s perttrtiy true fthnt ecennoic tondit- Rata ooureodcdama in torrentsanmd ________RA______________ tToESvaIN ions in tht United Statesa mat nov are net qaîte tht i6-iie ooaak overtlaed liea mipaIute --------- ,as tutoyant as they arm n Canada. Thorare m a hY ltugMsboaa ue ,wu he :Iec ric a lot of capital gaada, mncluding hanses that art damagaed. 7 e E e t i notseiingas astanthe wee afewMonhs Wia. CoopbeUi nho ba hs e- EDI T (RILLButoBuetgseornd ri ~aitv. am aitlstw adFu rnace Ma oie" adMgu Legwaltl"afair Ail? tnhtaitby attitude, ntoght wvoSlho dnplicated an bhm hem ,vÙàitrbis isteau LIisto î f. a q -a, Tht Mont viconsa pet. of rgostation jrntibis aide of the int an vae move ittaspring.1 adCharottie Casspb.eL Victorio Anthracite harning Stoker is 0w in productmon by Living- fie 9%u;1 many a deyiaflitttof tht Charitable Gifts Act CMU« SrM o l The Miltn Hotitsual -iSociety stan and ia tht nearest t perfection ot any Coronrer mlach as vvi-srte ta Monday vas stilt hefore Cnpjoytmsnt net 'J n We r asi uqoo int h eastiswinaheatiag soit an tht market. the Lcgisiatar ar rn heefcs nis Contputsory auto accident insrance stan ds bI t-h1, r veae54tu The wa asusul à ran suces. 1DR. J. W. McCUTCUOt retrtactive aspect an a viii alreody mode, il nu chance of being adopîed in Albertaacod- Ts tteadacen btingaobotut M OUa. ing f " aans.- 530 14% 194 givra tht impression t! an lected govoromeot ieg ta tise tndiags o! a tegistative camtite ora o- i-r, aiol Ou.a!anGaiul es H tO p0W attenspting ta theottie a nevopaper nhici bas n-hicb for tiesets year bas bren stndyitg "att COMtLS0N - ta Nets-a Tais, tanauldnea W given tpposition toi their course. phases ut automobile insuance in Alberta." The a ~su~i? usonCul- Sootable for any bot air or bot water furnaca This mlnont lbe tht case, bnt certninly the - usewsheddbyHn . .Ho e ril otha-rton.belvsdy.n-su ariiserutecorirofais.loo alosa vaal e r eof1&A thoagbt is in mony minds ilthosasle o! the Star miitro cnmcafis tel oonnBrii e Th . See t Atd oig ai ot DICK & »IC.K Tht cons snittee forfavanredople sgouail outrfs-,W. L tatU. 8.0. ou h rvneare vandering if ail o! Tus-- safe driving and aoidiog tise imspositionrout ftyXears Ao --yCon tSy ot' esaesare by varo amans to csnspusory ccident insuan ce. Il cenclnded S o esL d ENETM y. ntatoU. conmenatter contrai o! une ibig ccmpany. We Iat accident preven tion is more dependen I Taisen ta-tathae "ti«aaa the R SO * * St reOoeBaritelra sSoiitttan hae vey tsec fr h rntalin i tretupon strîstes-es fortemnent uf troffic regutatiots Canade h. namnA.M Ial ma L(NCouartHo Milito4 have very espec for he cotrollnmureersevpere pennîtiçn tilt nom have att butone of the oevspapars and possiisly mr eeepnlisfrvoa-Jh try oetSra il in tht ciii' field. Bat it vili bie a shsort and inta pntnuac oeae purcisased Bots as. Chas. Holiarohe and Ed T. A. , W DM. sorr da foranycit thesiz ofToroto he ander compulsion, 'disgaised' us-rushervise. Cuti-cel utToronoss ei t c 5'tqoà*w 0nThe cummitîre cooteoded thas compaor- on Wlaum rays. bukmb tdes MaNWI fic-et rCoisi ita ntuspoper s tertsts are cantroiled sy une Talanpilimhoan 54lckenth de graup of popletevtn if tbey sbould publisb suance n-as agoiusntishe rigisîout odividual ai Hombyhi-. sesduy. atei- a mustu anSre-ao thre ifernt ewpaer. he ied s oofreadom and tise principle of fi-ceeorrise. liai-su.Ht Sas Sets a resider of at £n 5 tura diteret avsppers Tie tad s~ bc village tur several yeuen. large for soch cncentration of power. Tise tommitt said the Albserta Butor Vtcis-'tOs Moodayrigaesa Charest ER~ ,EM~ Wekynwppr edntwryoe cIa Accident tsdemniîy Act and Sashatchewnar's Natius' ss'as tlassa the tas-s flOulto e&ltue. N Ta establishing a! Charitable Ftandosions for the compulsas-y isrsance did aus pi-avide tht cris-erctrais Marinlis s Main St. tuete as-e omiiiaau diapaition.o! thaïs assets. But tisey do naed plate ansn-r lu tis aoccident ioiilisy pruilem. utguneut is healu aI 55 iu bee eohoe7 ta bavt tancera over tise principîts'sîis os-e icame ail, and ioed acatasi thteO~ha7 vilatedin tisa Prapased legistotionwurd tht EDIM.'RIAL NOTES psc latssusi-ioas'et the tor,,ER&HOlI bmsing it bus an freedont o! the prs. LEVER & -Ho oi hsuc' I' ha-tna OaeaIa _______Nexî n-cuiis sha Easies-id and wihiltittaodi-i-a inksaiodirecitins. cssr e s'atisr sutisas waisavetisteaespaiiciig it W. G Botthers, O-hîtai-, Chongrng Oamade-tan-utcriaiîly ho mass apprapi-iasc. tn-rsc i--c SotAti-li toor 105ilas j -n BIS As a halvas-h tu the Alantic Pact, Canada hialh, has sold aut ha diu -a4tEitra S9,131 nt aleng vils baer neigihor ta tiseaSoth stands in Pieset i eatisar indications arc tisai lacm is u-usud ri-visvid tri- thtPifi the vurlds ryes as sthe les dykeaainsai-ersti-unilgct an coily sai-sortht land ardIlCi-art. DENTA eilgulfing flood a! chaos. Yet n-hile wc man building upti-ations will i-s s agurd long 5-5v-n.[SHARP-OUi-TON-Ou Mati-h 29.. . . MN tisa dyke plug the Iraks, and ursc thesavsos, ,tht MithodîitParuoi0i- Wti-- ve are missing the oe thing htisa-n soi-n Api-il ard taxes isiicis si-cduceibis si-oshht -ia h i-pi- utGlanIi-tDENG T rsiAL SROuN Mi IoAa M.v-rrrurldauhti- ofOfienTRoal Builigilta thetilde. ialude iioms- as, radia licesund utfioui-utJam ronràaiCadhi Sumeane aîd, "Nouast jurests'asting aras- municipal svies soisi- lung a periodivaiiy ANDCRS, tN gtr300X u oehn O quilurs. aClan up thesw namys shas hi-ccd siemn.' thi-uugltut ties rinaMai-ih aI. I -i-h Aud ',,.g;.àgf" X-yri- es lti. 19 Also, 'We a i-uakhe usad i-n rîddiîg use 5d3us si- -a nd 3 r-th L vrld o! se evils n-bu-b Snlin cpcsttsri-s Tah psseiucsac nschd FDETLSiGO ote uisasfth!ie cummunist s-culutiin. li-wcraprics arc svislahîton au eny i-ti-les ATLMER CROIGE QJIALITY ODtEsTAL-SPRGiEa tON- Tisei-sot pr-sitar s in hum an natui-e. Csp- andpsy ini-lapes issue fcn dudusians.Tsia C MThereJi.Ii A coiea m le itgis ed omunstagre ha te thr el-ben uie lftgivcc s- straiîcd y W.'sarane Iawn teds change, Sut uafurtuoately nilhcr RyWhudgcsuRy evie-dsExrcto badges. It s sahecuucageouasmonn-hasai-sudgets, _______2________9 [oral Deulrc & to tisangete usws'i-d b irststarting 50 change RtndYsacutrmpîuiyusLgoiych al lr A L 3ET ET TINS 3 0 NILSN- TtCOor insself. gi-i-Ps-taecomihepurysiavins urshus.WfoD' LCrICI P MN sl ctta Tama th tope cn. ntrstpadonthr i tx FARM EQUIPMENT AYLMER P M K- i-ca 0 à 7D'"Ye pr awi e 539 Poar 30W Overnight Expanitaon ahle. Non- ei-iiipîts havectsu ilgura oas ha su AxCT6 Pone3W CANPDELL'S T014ATO SOUP Zu.s 210 Lady Attendat Canada isOas' made ay o! tea provices r ii-ludcthat insci-cus it t hiir 1950 5ui-ctui-u. A NMus.,Tue,Fri25p. ofisdyti-u- ti-Canii PO K nd E -PS 1 .RKS2'~~15 c WaSsSaaasi.n inutcad ifont and on Tr Ia ast, the NteCagetara ClosAN IN eSThr-5ada89i- . Doiion oddd 42,000 squari- mil-s outeici- Evcn mai-gii-e sccms ta have casghs up PSNTA 5 e has - SWEET ICKLES Omit jus 5 i-ss-DunrinatorSes-Geargeoua ni-y und the populaton ittri-i-sed hy ahutu4 nîi eadadi o'ssliî saaeanc EeoaaanItU aeitO2 320,000. This expansion lari- shmeaut isiscîtiare ou nstyouthetgi-ocery countiers. is i-loi- c..plIF. c pa. Ntavdoundland cntcrcd shi- Dominio. sihemi- ssbas' h ci-en sleccsd, hut tssc i- l -, aPEGLAL - BILVUR LEAP OR DMAPLE I.EAF le is sîdriind-d ttsai h gron-sis ccurs hc udoutedy nt es orsaimcing this a:ASTNLU alarostei-e-ght. It is sot lîhsly t5- ri-again siuatîion, icdrî arl .Fav 11-LCPUREGA ins tht Pi-tuent gettertioavt uloughit issu httn Ti-sîl. t 1KGucceo ta bu r7cienys tiastrita ru -sda bcm rff acdnsi-e said t to esoaretitg U H.NGad C.N a Ao LsusAPI-oeRD Iu pat f hegratDoinonofCanada. Gi-un-listisas dcpnd osae5snti on Fase und sirc-tcnîis IEATING I PINK SALu~MN i. .23e and esxpansion arc tht tisas and prgrssornissaan trailsy. Dcpai-lmrnt r!Higisways £14-L.~~ oears to aiqui-a moi-iai, su lhat Canadu fi gures show ihat muse accidents hiappen in citai-SO M MESALTP!0N TIN. 30 a4 mnoy sec ai-rn greasai- grun-sisthan n-n non- o n-eatiscs-ons gond, dry road surfaces o anivu I .aoEaNs STBUTTETON0 S. A. A c ars n d d -iv e rs sit is au a p p a ren t m e h a n ic a l 2 L 4 1 h n 0 toipr. ,ph sic at de ec . P O E 4 3JN . 1-IR I O E - 5 , c i Neglecting Produtitve Plant Sisoi-riing siden-alhs clear nf sous bas av aYar sali HAING n In tise recen t budget sha Dominion Gooern-_steve- heen o very popous-r occupation, but onM'HATN n menl bas givi-n nrelieftrta indussry, points i-i-sWinniypeg a h-Iris has hi-iny arri-d tu- ke H.A. (Hank) PEASCOCO ACHF N Pica- li-,- t. .Pnalllob-ana SOCIETY DOG 1F 001D.a-o 1 4o hudgeitng thi-ary. ilMi. Ahi-trîtc-i to do layei- ai cetmai-he sfs, as lise hy-law OR eOqE GNLADfi.aînSs - îlton O4C samething seoliy effectieiif oi- stirlatiag oroas- isesidn-lebtltftMain safe.cMiiion,& Ont genes-aleconoary, t axes shoulavbaithen eased teaNeatunfecndton ens e flaMM]%Wain Z 2 S'IRa 23 an captali nvetment iecase is s ttpoticap-. Avastiiti, rarrba-tt Mntsto Fuil italinvetrent that ou e sesy jobs deptnd. Heraid and Wrrhty Star, Ois arldom vrry sac- PU&SM' STOCK "Viie a formrantsngtecta is Ignd, is ma- crifalina the banda o! thast n-ha donIt belirve SHigh.gs-ade Frait Traca CELLO SPINACI& pbg. Tom Haines 'thiney and bon haret, bt ipends a ihyon inîa audeth rnne>y for t-or look on àS r uita edll ý'25c PLASTENAND BRCK hi onpet sotlewl9fnq hiaaaef it ua oneceaaqy asil. AduestOanis ont o! the Vines.EncÀ 25CslbSAND, CUMNT& ROAD witao a job. Th nan thing couit oppan great constructive forces naor mrn acnon. OrnementalTroa. En-ar UC I GRAVEI4 Jab.O...... &_ Ci 11* 4a00mtrY vhOrh negiecta tht prndacti»u. peo my. Ih nhoulddliauaad mth discplinat and gRsesaen nlà. bruba, a POOL..... ÇIAr plaut. 0That danger Mmea aIohoae inteligent eathuaOaan. lit ahauld lha Ioaked on R.ma.n....ba B..Â...i. 7cPOOL 12 Nr 11110 o«OW yto an fthose not as an exp_____butasan__________certain_ Pj oe 1 32 - s' 5 i.. ~L.iut t Si T.N Oh mi] SA For U NO ,Ha B Ps ai Fi w s-i THE I

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