Je k, At h rm , ed M oc y, W T- ' he m m b rs ci ctcdl-Ffe n uanre ce p et nu sea tene. YS T . Pe r JI Oen' tttt p e - t994 t hs a e bP ther om ni n 40 ed c ent 10 A arg v rl ty ile.P he te14r tSO BYInlotn mmcc ge -c Tl0e0rcOd005a i ls t stche mlinsau FnnlonPost__ _e_____M__HaveaLNeSO IIoptoofcB uyO e (tîot Mitc a Lge-Ec t a ti f P as£87,b'enadG eh. fM dn I ot e odI n the twnto or eGlft eettes odei O e'. c, Per ton, gene a3ee, t , xcrunewn 0" theDominio ando15. parbcet d0 d. Soi 1949 a Otcc it « tOi$Pite fthe biot, cdte waby 1 te s ri ]HM ="" k W a ceon , Ii - a g o d 'attenanee. to 2 forde. d ditf cedw oals l p arwwer W e a elI ecce he 00 e hr ghf Fcll c', g1I47 c eli g o ee y -M IL TN.H gtc . M tto .e aBlceh M aeem e6 - 1d1- IMs'rs. Id e s teCl h oee elc e d e suehoee cooaIres --n<ftm .--...,Soe RSL-tohcDoe Tf or cc d ocee & Jauum nmacayel Bb aoloo c cc oeg A s 1e cote ole ene cc (cal, good copu. A.rintaeComepancder, 500ehtek aIs SeD Utc cpecttrtreceic m_________________________________cee ((R.O, Mhce cinee' Jet" cs25ocr m 4c4c199, dAbymt e e ae Wlog ccc s ten t e as, Modta e FORn. SACEA 1A S L SALEdto Sae le ohear en e ce 0a0000 in Ju e 1t P ler Ocîleet Cbin Can daeeehs,,2JacPe g Poe 406r5,ll Mt. t o R Sl-D IMhALE 949 sEB P b , 7W eodi tireAeuMocte1(((go, % . j eFO R SA LE ((ced ot millions, t, t6.8 MdlliRn01111crthce- lmtkel alro;Mm MssR uto dococ , rS iOReg C U T RFO AE-99Mtercueoe C m. ockly, M ilton R:y Poefheceds cOSttheMtltoMc$404rmilion ceta for194ceAc-Bolt tee1M Wa l d. Dtrctbecto Soitec o W; allmatrthesas46pcecntincepecot at s p e k e r t 00p100o O c U tci c mpp aoD e.. S e c ai iltndM lli 0l a1e a nb u_ _d O I soaiy n redta w LOFOR SALE -1Ao r o 001 0( 5W% t' ord fress. cat coDeOBdIngoe dectg he o re _________________ sutP roec, P D.Laso, hone100 e o e-l Se 0 hLdeA'uy7 cteCogAU TIN SXLEPo157 3, Mito 433 Lode; 93 redcWAFe 3-61, c4e, A poiptfoRbehtSeM gosle oxOcdtOc oratlec tdM thoac fontethea creoce0 coitlco 00F ItosMm C.Re.UA E j -TaeRoandPTheatreardaFOR SALE-eo tocclO c 5o e(1( h. eety moh Juct Kkd a foymcyncoo m idc. e ntiyig he ir(cas onb arn or heHOE 1 ITN Hgfs iton.00 ckoGtdc;Slo rodc eileeco ccc h Mec Caend oecoîHunierÇeWeiloood iERGTOVN_____ a d wrsw abacpc. FOR OA(tE-Qoi ,t e to tc, eci 4U50(,occrl amwy M eteofi.coc' . i H lt(s md(g Gft an o(heco ey toe FOR SALE n-QOoO e T ro t o bro d er c ic ame , k tusa et ir sm r ee ooe 25 Hiwg kcý roy, etilca oe o, essston-Thc eseelo o sat deL tter rc 'W od 00 marcoteas:3the,,o0 tOtO 1(0 000cr ococirce,1,er hooc -Oe ed Fridgorot rc o 0(2 Ortepte, y the Wlelin oe'eg, B fiers 'ttteALE- building loB on cli t BateuprrentifisMonMentsst HOerte-d îo iRorct O'occ -T oe 1er he e e ecl Olickcgandtococenp Rit t heR o e l o nt P oec0 wMlt n cta-e t tct yeeS eeteeto Oehr on e t Trucck, te 6001 Mttew;NTe uhlr yad nd cfeecee1 er eoa oe c gl d of usc alr;Eo FOR SALE 'i'eeod.(( iche $ o u ae e e Tee ers kttpd & ancs i eheor.o, g cma chiet 000"1 toto 000W tos n - 5-6 find cei c! ad.The dcacoteoce Medicicek D.olee; itceoFap -Mr.tned t o dy. ooes aerc epl ; <eo et Dcl' lio ea s EW BA Y ST AL RERIEONT.$ 95' OR SALE-AROI t. ats W ; oitcy e oca Pheat fil thnk toth Door an saffR.Weterit.Lo 11 Cn 5 ap. wand0 pOîthet prerpl o fa te 't o nid . t e H sCta and dc to fteirr, P h onp s1 0,Ch o it cf O roocecoro a Groeio] his frie(, whocec Oo lycs10 s o3c-d' eeic Aochic-O r eee'e, i , oc nAition. Trator filer, sdM s Élirei.ot1 CaI; NDcc EofPone ' B 57r13 itn 33ae;131 ' P onit Ai Far T h eedadiecip c 200 operte 0n -h20 tele 1 h a B atty Gi Fedi n g n d Lere 0>tFaaioec WaaoitOFOR SALE 1'l6SCho Coic ul A~'I Cîtn cd Fe Tuhie; OddeDt ieg Boom Jinder; Hha h oaedvrosatc eOFy DOocSIOcopes. ied Oee lEqku c 'lATheatreQOc-dit o ttote a Toi, ct;04 )etc' 'ieIn foot ltll or a fol H r he or he'd Ing tywy u a e gt ,ae;Pi eRe0< o e P102, Mi- iltn. tog e Maccc Lo e ar a uc e s hedr w on th G O G E O WW O R tek LE 000 iot P o f , rt div e g 'pu p n a ly n h arpe. 4 B igDcesSortoooO copee M . 4 V aloorRe.,k tens E er Plie Aecrlo O i hs , ER S AYBE RRNGr>FOR SALE--QrdantilyCrct-, 41-5Ne S peot taeaIce ohe pnd(e TEOesCl Settcce t h ue'iRo oie thhPE29 LTN43OcoItr o n 0e oimita~ Vclc, olr ecactocet, - Oct Ho B o etac Ma reAcoiticCilg. hc STei0o>t , A ~ PccIL ictoc shdwscotr 001 .tct 6 .d cRSL, (ooot ,dTlo ede ie nw e -G .d Frd. clsf- -- ai 2 'lokth f U w " B x iilon Op r, LM p ttcc . ppy A lott 3ttg Oc ci oterpart lime, sntccce Chaccsfint. coco-ttionA1 Tb0 coniteonn5ttiescand eo, b5 ocpcir, oo toe c he 00e,0> ho 0, 00 , itn id th u te acoccoce 70-7d. fSrAnt e000000 ttcn________nwhite_______ mc hefcc 0ih dg f the ncoco>t'tt'abltttandct6 Cha0,r, o . Ponet 7r3Mito n. -An adv rtiser rites *Enclos d matc ; 2 Pie ePhectioal Bo keas0;0ee Phece Bccdail! ho seMoecloc.t Md tas. buredte ex lempeco ervtce L s n ,Hl ek F O Ro E BB SRL ERGRTO 195 O R SAc E -Reot cae No"81.,ti-'cit o ltryoec; o 1 0a ho tp c m dgceradc e o 1ee r' C 6al ccd courhairs;nDropOcaf Table; Davtd o tt tot, caM(090>0 .1. li o ocpiOlc FOffice. WHltoc ecrac ico the cor e'th a lttirae s ,-l oceortrine h t ose cantl-t alooge.1 h n 12 i-f w. n olct ut n Chcoss e yta r new pPairg pCallfs-o c andeg«>to Rn A EF.o 0 ,0 0 0 0, 0 ,E G oh M Sth io n,'e r mpt taidnacghtcccedcbSandwcecdryriln; 2 Secon ceAYtBed CeaN ponts, co er tpioneligbt o r'tcO eO00teme t sl hie kS o er m idar n d ecc r oc ed T I l es, ol a% w t 0 0 r p e o o l rc c t t d h c tdtub eo' 5A0,,.E 1ion é oE RSstra I. . fftyPh. 82r2, cto s ,ha. r E Pop toto, r%«t- maite more rapid andecon calcttmero4 OteeuerOicles. TestE 2th31ItTONnrodietAI, beîheethe bidsdvlpeeben t be J P C çle nceti. o f ree cf Sono _____ asc tyma 0tttene1((grecýiouet ale laldy OU gakr oit ce ec e r01thenhe, Ot iNon Tsrva t he on î i" rM24]9t10o c .andott 00 o tur co o r alt fla o n O~~~~~lat tocbeb hetowo9 durpalbetbr serctiiiarn je 10 -- 'Agr 'utualC tlee. fis _.1 h_ ao ndfsMoin i_ FORSALE-GOC a ORSALE cod WcrikHors- pLO(t(Hcyge'M ~ptcogtcd csOco 2 Bcg. HolîtccloCe 0e>00,wtcried. Phone Sedl Hees 0nEMhy, i HAIRcREB' Hod owl ad 020O000td. "2o' - 43-zoo Stl>oocooi, ootrt hth ed t _____________________________ tt>eee tesi 'c rett O f h ce.00>0ocd 0crý R fie ýse Mghe oyfie tre M Oiio, -Rh 'ytu or, t ,, t.,, tttt43T-î3escIcheeo rh >0 t" Gc h' 000 o 'I otbtt o de g tc YSc Atctigceo(0 Stretb hee '2. -.SOMill t,'>ot et dcccli te glao i 0Ma t4 h. ', tc h o peff eiai fie'da 1- . n ikOaO'o> ,, ,, r "00T t gecoou te cerpe ,,'ie I'le 0'a Ooodtce d t, îec r b tbeo W M ill.dd h.ggsi OR SAEu tc c roeigsc coceeRe000 lo o b ol csee c cacootwe feWllgc..,' reetsar Ma'sBeMccot Choc. teoeteîith 00e Oc stco nf ie- lition. inc n 1 0; 'gc pccecet co cb alec UOe ictc tgi bacc mcey oP, ltiee, h cro oî6 cî27ecathit phete FOBSALE ~ or >bed0mO c lerSdcru d rets opclnure turpeople Rnt S LE foc bd ci fi setee chaicirtiht Or wtren i lao. Phone 1 ilton. r con j- BOaw andmook fiO Nfl5ith ABace ie toto cf Sopper cpoeer A gm ower pcv 0 100 Cicbc ced oceetctO foc Per 75 eicho. R N D9U 1 put onorange. Stiofodlego N b ay Ph cobole chct 00 4 tocoko hee ttN.7figw hn 01 citb cehole octo CTO Check thepten at dk tooco ATO acre the hiecks it,.ce cto tc îuct ' coondoci r,>d Or tn ere.Check thePonc r tocokooourceoeeoyti5c1,01 d,, cboOimoticot, , oP>E->e ii - Roxy Theatre- tec tc4 ccccit g ettcreoi CEORGETOWN Oe tc cou cctou eroch.,, 4 Big Depo tel th beooe c000pctc, Moeday - Tue@dc htrdr thccrdelit aS ei b>te j Apil -12- 13 -14 Preret ceecroccdg an trecico e h le t. sboena.Nitelo-stare 80 à 9,10 lf a PUItrYnan Sac h ox lm-open 6.15p.oa Chici welherilthorifla hcltp eeocahcd flock ceody Teletelo oiheccreeg eeeeeas- hcgy Popahar ln Sctaionas ete, toiccient. The oamheof Becc bc" ieoLaa st coco on 10000 Ai.- OtMba tt ach teletalon set ta sUW bty ma eeage ot five e etec ffl mas tht $0,0000Peope are m wgchclasoI ellAubroad- preea or'ctthe d Aci MA V m IB SPRING TOP COAT If pou ace looldeg fis- o Topenat, be it iglît os- dcck.,gabardtine ors- cvert cicth, ingle or double biocoteti, oeae us- sange. prîce to $19.50 'e $35.00 Bo0y's Suits Yc'll findth te Stypur boy aeeda, in a large range cf tweedsa anti wcretel, In a g"et varlety cf patten aAnti sadea in two longs, ashort anti long os- breelt a ndi koea AIl twocponts, Prireti at $6.9c5,129-5 00>,'ýIIe.okL(lIANI)ISE A10LO1ER lolhttES SBOP BRRR AND SAVE Satisfaction Guaciatee<d cr Yous Money Refantiet MILTON DEPT. STORE store Ope Tlsursdy EYn@~Liii tm9 a. '~lo112 orne 89-Nc, 46. pacity Aud ie Appra w Class 1l oittesl - Prinal Mereltus ChI À caparcity audiene iriendsvoiced the Officieles000 the aUtel thecncc addition ati 001 tact Fcidcy ccc le tbcoc mbole-becct the ord's ventue clical a well as cwd te etadeats. F'or the f151 tioce t ie ttoo, te Bigb Scboa cal trnaigfor e the hopse calder Thce ewmcon ect oS cetef Sauces the amies l oassItlta at doua rtom, c0cctaitete Sm iteben, ttsodry faeidihca. The second th e mccc g, bot cholkcioce.t la eqel types o!fceood-coic tec-cocithieg, foegteg 0016(00 ociery Both ceiotly dcrcted cnd0 popcly ctclppod colt mee, curtahs andlivinga Th0e principac.J. IL obo wcc chairman fer rt mt purentsascetbey ce audiorium., ta bit open]e ieccrged parenta tenco Sddree 'ce do thote Bt iotaounad the home. 'The beys amc quicbt inhan treiIolescohite Uc beocoincoaopctect tin5 cebieg citatea,' 94eadlu dans in Milton sioo tteoies Chic! Inepectore tuce classa, Depcrtocent (cen, speaher for rie e che Milton Boerd bcd plai declta oflc et e u ent. bct roder ehe Se eecoate lanshoercf Bec 0201 ibis tope cf tc no ci e eceddte i tee rovince. Bcbngi sia aico. c cchoole eButpped foc tochcbogi Prescrit t 0cr. Oo(ioced, the chico tee Prcei loay edoectoc itiîued' deocleprireet beige, deopocent cfich onctoded ogricclture, lu: m000. miec and abepc devcoPcieel of the couS in che hope ccd gicle. Ien lie tcid ptocilc caler hi t"bie toedec parental til cl trice te have theoc 1t diraictcc mbenthcy le Ccotnog lSe fouod geiceeocied longer i wch eeS eetecching croc iocta thon tbmrseshools Coectadicg, be coeect SBicant oard. etaff cedi She fiediepîcyof o!rS tirat etceng. O. L. Plekeit, tipe-e thc North Haltro Selo Board, molpocccd andh Mdr. Dacceo teche codiece On e hclf fet bBote A Martincthaohcd te à lttoeinstructie rooacho, e iipOecrscere the cn hctweee che departocrento tceoccelee Se bed M 000>4 prcccntcafceorb te thc depoctocent tirct Utc ettOohe ad cdcqoate te atd District tac conside An ictcrroting pro&o areanecd hy the ecadeeta tO(oodieg. Seerol dctigbt bers wece ocng by rie Gi tendaoecHply "Alexc Poes"motsprenstd byt grade. Dog HSlt, theStb] w,, cn Soc miter nmiit e! white hic lady freda 0001'- intrigtoes ce csu etto ro posee." tho Stoodeel Coooil for Se the chcot. fratcres oethre progrcote contation ot a flcg by the tonChapte,I1 . D. iK M 'bempeaon, Scientmcrdi setatlon Id the principe ce.. M J. Phice a!fersd t tory praye-, Doccg BHtrit fg frocM bn C. Wcods c t1 the educatienal cmcus Follcolng a dtacnty Ile ered i te tc00kiteber atedecta, a skawtnce !t !eddcg ced alcerAnc Mn'% cota-m-d- A saute seltte eedea*W8mo haine dcObog té 044$ th ac ebol and Bt cbio acd e th th hj in bý th M t. eu 'ti bý en P. wl a. ..Il ; hi, thý tee ler to, Th ser It. tor na 01 DI1 pal stu eni hm