Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Apr 1954, p. 5

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q'SgITROnAV APRIL Mis. 1954 THF ~N~DIAN CHAMPION, MILTON. ONT. ~AGE 1113 Musie cilI be suppllsd by a very J. A.ELLITT Mlton Debonnafres. Dancing fron 9 tlll. Ill tefreshments are at your becis and Lk.s.d Actloh.v nd U..L cati because ln tise searcis for per- RiEnsdAionTrand 11U fection 'French"" viaitera (dont RE L E AElaugh) l c ieused. 1l School The admission sa $125 single and -Phono 1 77J - $200 for a couple miicis la very 50-50 cage- uekleheads 31, reosonable for a Fermal. AUiln b Second Guessers 28, Merry Rollers Milon a very delightful evening lasin the 20,Loess' SIisera 19. prosiing san dont mina tis gala Hîgh single fiat, Donna Grenise evesiogF 5riday. 301, Dave Bruns 270; with hondirais. by Rnny artAima Hopii 271, Howeli Mopkln by tsnySIal Anyone who woutd bc klnd 207. HLgh triple flat, Donna Grenke NEIHBURHOD ! Tise cosss are oser but thse enougis to tend us card tables and 673 Erie Toletoba 022; ils handi- NEIGBOUROOD orst of ait O pyet t0 corne. Whst checkered table ciotits, please trs' toapcu' Aima Hopisin 662, Howeil H-op- Sewig M chie 'old ie orsetha rtmng exasus? bave thlise uttamthe lihîgis ' s457. Hîgh average, Lilisan Kas- Sewing achine Wh etngte b, ni ofcourse. Thuruday ur Friday 01 010f ut tise ciki7Mra îue25 1 SALES AND SERVICE li taIrai ieîurraGuenttrî2h5. Georgetown asIalar arbats M101rîords î~44, Milioir es 16. MîvC7- YolI lowntnd o hliduy at and buusonas-meisave r. bi.rnv76ceyfý l'Mîlae uWîpcovpce TR. 7-2802 cen oc-r-perulîve uand Sith a littie more 40. hpesapr 0Guaranteed Repirs to l ordkonasarprt card. buckisiof e thisi tisaI your '54 peur Ludies'Afernoua Leauue-Ruby , r . Prpaaton orth "oma" rebokuillctebes ot eer Ch ids 65. Narma Braon50 Pisisy make in ull win.W'I er kboomtise Sec yuu next wecis esdl 4,EilenDob.33 0 Electricai Conversions ho yth ieordecorators )hgh îî p. uy, hilduSmit. 33 0 We ran SUpply ports for r inseThe a, andwitZIMMERMAN hP Lîtrip, ubyChlc rds 618 g esu adrbit ista fa"Ngti aetis in-a -Greke 57.Kath Coules 54, Mary any make or age NgP a er, rom- ADreciative Group Ha pel 37, MotlCouison 34. machines Modoratiy anod murais. Awnîngs mode nifsuout-,HgsileMuelCuso 23 priced ti-coiured teipsuni crepe paper wil htil.Kt ots69 * i Roti $500 rnonth bisereected arouod tbeoter esoge o r pnn ih îi riiKt ols09 tise auditorium beneathis isci tables On Aprit 2, tbe Young Peopie's Bu gt erms iii be ptaced. Tise sery fsio club of Zîmmerman and Lomeitie Caiisda's iaresteetldbi1ia si Budgette pnsain wr IroingUnd chur hhely do ih eipo uvr vu aitn nj. A SCALE MODEL of two neru 23,000-ton stream-Iiner ships now on order tay the Canadian Pacific *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~pa prhuosrie imne,0mida uttt rais vu niisitoctietiDnt Kado nthep Sty-nddfica eamships for transatiantic service ivs sorn above making a realistic triailu rts ak h lood tisee rasu sagloSe, 1ko ieswthrks ie nepo-ndcswl rnga"e ok oCnaas100Ml n bo lb uegrn sle. pa prerd Vcoeryeîiatfl a ex-CBC marisci up u $2563,18 detîcitladprin15ad197 centioai.Tl l ac y au eo - o TV optcralios; aiso, a radIo1issu c oto of the transatlantic route when lhey go into service in t5 n 9 ru ii acireoses vi vameihivg lbbc $3.000.500. Coin- colntledune. Eaeh ove seemed f , a ai r Vcud' pr I j a~~~peciully afuisted'fretheis port amerciai raiongV.uis vsr LWI ~ sddî vr gu ib t~ t ia ra ofOBITUARY Freak Receptions OVIL 1~A ud îavr ooeea vjil b o i t he ec surofu vloule.e Widely Travelled On TV Explained Report Play, Clubs, Ts yorda\ nighte's audencevof wde 3 DAYS ONLY Was Born in Milton dueed to usderslavdahieýt-t- Soloist, Meetings EV~RloThe dseytemh soinacuon sdWedonday.laman ternssh;ne rus aeter miso The monthl eiynrgs f thlie lad- 1 adssu1ite vî n ctost,,wduisofiHarry B.Hifiobo- 'Ttransmit teievisiunsiîgnais i mut aItishe hume ut Mes. George Th e ru.ae ied.svri Fauesonu .0ad94 Mes. Hîgiuhothum oaa hors 'I they hehave in machlitresamon- charte of Mca. Stanley Coulsoan w-.- wlh a~~C ii Tefoe ae t eay eeofFaaeshw S730ad94 Mtunay urrdagtru rrasliîght marcs. Tisn, under ruhu calird un the floii ta as- t lus o dierevi places. and Mrs. John tiativu. Tiir ail hut the suost anusuai uuudî- sisi her: Mes. R. S. Heatiserintfin. % renshariycongratulteir hem U iy mlAd t oot h! ios vntems oefltlascitr edn;Ms .M ed mnit Y S D afra odjo eldoue. Seeinuu u as aeciid.her other beinisioniaîu anvmitter uac vsiy he hea,uuommrstary; Mrs. C. F. :hs yoUSEpeCple mue mn tt uv y nesed nlubTu.rstmae'î iv re iseaI pfriaitre-ofurîtore rading; o.tJ. M. radc- 153 Custom em dd o1 o uIn190ase areied Mr. Higi.ii- abouti40 miCus. Beyuud this signais ius and Mev. Georfe Cutliio, miso 3Ford CstmSedan i kuf îieare omte rerp smart fi hamin London. Euriasd. andt lis raken. piesevted tiese .udy booiscisapter lokn Fordi -- iai ofth 1 rm1he u tilher ue and s hshtradu ise ouruatenduto oeAtsrioeCut '53 Pontiac Deluxe Coach coantry. s liit ament frons the Sus Lite Assîîurtavei inastrigtlire raillerthanMes. Meevyn Cauuos and Mon, '52FrdCustom Sedan i1(1' pu taheoad i Seiim. Pru.eýsa. rrtis. a sitabiu vocal durt, accornianird * ai Ledwithý's, Blues EgypOC, ,tapat andEuiaL u Il is possibla. of courue. (o bave by Mou. V. MuArlisue. Tise presid- '51 Meteor Coach Tk ilstir isturto Guaelph -5....... .elet receort fotrmuohugrvat- uni. Mis.Homard Couisso. con. tht- e tabiFhd teir ome Kelerdisance bewee heght ofdacird tebusiness and fisai r '49 Ford SedanTk Hockeyrie Cavau on TyrcaiiiiiruSS. Hersistei. lad. Thero are eases ou record et eangements rurre ruade for tise n O ~MissAnne Hattîîî. resuded ir Oh Iiriargueuh but rteadp piclures thansofin.sferevice tise Sundas' I~~~~~~te uohrlîbgmrgîonhnutiltlbar dralistrv 1944. An'taicivi stions biisdr-dv ansd even altealer atrubev Misa GwersiGar- * -he aA miutePBA7c ColO ssonl brot her. Wiliam Haîtou pue- ul?u,a.dofutmileu umay. due tises- dirar,rturued miissacy floo '48 Ford Sedan 1 ii.hs isisSrnyCusos f 0 eed tsAru/itsati. u ie retteutios vi tise tmg- tudia, ruîtt bc fueulspeaker. * '48 Chev Sedan Li.d tH rdiiwt ars -1id Ler. 6.FlirtI ~ era rvicewmas iseid Tisea. ais ram ieab atmoupherio iay- Tise usuat reports o-rer ieard, * mons Mît sHudîrar 2-iPrîdae .-.,îi- a-* Aprio tr ien b strets it reat alitudes. I ~ ~J ~ JMaruis 26.iiradg tirerd bots fotls ïA.~r flfk4s-Is Pli__nt_ amunf tiscrn ais item on tise titd- '4 - odgeSeda tor tise mi osrs Sinclair susr d for ,as' couin Wuuîdiaruîîemelers'rsyodiuu iesauii 48ilPlymoardt-ur.edan- Figures os te hairai hiait ut 1953 -Esîs evat Alairs,- a United Nat- jHarvey Briîvh Stlues mon tise hrteai Uniited Sateuborder on liii Cavudis u.îiaay operating iosupubiain, rad by frs. B. mnrias eetnLarneCandao nwtr o rdrx ,.sborîdingug ard fs Gluahyr. L. W.Couisun dus- _ 3 PotccCoupe H ,s,n* es32 eufeldteCana. ~:hastoperatuug revenues. p]a.,.icd20 crib qui ts aiare bain« * :~: Ply outh Seda wivni'ithrt o goae rtin dsr nmIe mîbbreisers-___ esttoluAfin a rm tise Presbyte- Sseoigo.Pasonief ilildus ( i ai supply depacîmrvî. scrn ,teR ds. d att ise t iMosec ihaii nou-bird ot ail Cana- CiLîiadiliiaiý> >il t. ) hem-ra 5 nentoa ae olnia wlms ho ed ndusta ' n reeuiesaruah ofthse Mos. Rap Coulter, prsialent of * ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ lb '5 nentonlPnl*sseriCi is ei rivfla ' ,t k iibh exvsle i-v 1,proi i mCanadua as,ýstise W.A., canduci a short basin- '46 Chev 2-Ton Nit'îay-ot, wrou. r a peind C t dory, d h i. s sionsrwnlas wee ade %%r rvd ihhdg plands____________________________ May ruhen Mes. Orplis Houton, iý Utyyth, Sîî'îeîcluis Wîvî :maov a the Cedarvail cool for THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL je sîlrrvsii ui oau ~P Looking for a Carpenter a? Gs, eakeretw uuv, miii is guest PHONE438JILTONand tise mretiîsf gOiOOd wîtli tise PHONE439JMILTN [ heme prayer is uiiison. Reirms- 194 HILMA SEANmunso u r0 serred hy tise isaeu * ~~~~~ 198HLMNSDNGENERAL SUPPLY T D T VE ai.strmmittee incharge. *COMPLETEIX RECONDITIONED C.TMD 4 LIHTGREN-oEFET oplete Unit *~~~~~~~ FIH RE EFC our firslessu otise Lowvilte WHOLESALE NEW HOMES- ALTERATIONS- CUPBOARDS Laauios 4-H club csmpteted tise Just $Fr.00. EstIC matasS Prompt Service -Seing as-oitdretsed and meil * CTAC FIXTURES freEtiae ronura unit of tise Homnessaber ji OUR SPECIALTY cu n partîcipated tn tise Acis- Complet,_________________________________f ievemeni Day at tise lonn hait. j opueisee5 iMilton, us Apoit 3. Donna Cieru- etri CotratorsSuplie erst, Joyce Guvby. Aricane Me- I NORM GUILD MOTORS LIMITED 1* 6 FLRENrCE R. osSple OW SI FNLO rthur adDamia Couitec caris re: tmile voulu of Mlton ou Hîghway 25 ' Cor. Kerr St. NI vVI. 5-2395 T W SI FNLO evdhrsle po n r EPHONE 239 MILTON 0 A K V1L LE [ctrue tiArtiar iser second certif- ~til.imuliMM5tlmtI.iIuitMiIMtliMSliitutll. mm îiiîuî.iiUo iSeaîed tenders wîii be raceivedi by thse sndrsigned until icuiraf aciievesuent,. -5.00 p.m. April 10, 1954, for the Purchs» of the following PreseaI Csasedy vacant lands:Tise LowviIie-Zimmerman Young People saccesslulis' prevesled tise three-aut cururds' Dont Keep Hîsu I/jLots 22 and 23, Plan 476 on Waiting" in Lumviitr Unitedcsarei on Thursdap ueving. Tise castiuf - ~ ~ ~ narron Street. oh arseluen mere as oiss Gunbp, Nares Suruden, Elvira .~oesa~~j arnet, Gartield Coling, Sylvia BlDock "A"", Plan 381î on Shrphcrd, Mariyn Camupbell, Ls'n- - -iMilk rates high with asietes la trainisg. I sE e Couoter, Joyce Ganiss, Piiau lessaaodantand ecosismical snsuerîUNTN Ofeied.BurSaue. hih s saif04elaestpiît6111W NYorkville Street. SehrBueBweJn iPispratfo lmns:po LROSADStorivg, Peter ltIuk and Donald esiciss, sutis ooadrsdhitiss e; ORETAL A Certif ird Cheque for t0'. of tise purchave price msust ac- iCaliis. Those assisling inis tise __ Vitasin A; and tshiamine fue heaihby sere&e TRADITION Of cimpouy each tender.Plie balance to be poid ruhen deed h 05 ,produnetinrrtiuhe 'Cmpbill, R_ MRS. MIRE" been preprerd. Donna Pallorson, Morvyn Coltina 1 Th hihe, oranytene, .1 ecei,ýy aceped, and Pautine Cottung. Diretes m ere The ighvt r ay tîîdu at acevariy aceped. C. F. Waite and Reg. Cauimon. MissionfBansd ___________WM. K. SIMS, Clerk The mnuthty meeting ai tise Un- R.R. t1, turliugtou, Ont. ited charots Mission Sand mas heud _______________________________ at tise pa ruaîîage mutis Ruante, . E< it protein foods Janet aud Mary Jean Coulsons in fo pysccl i __________________________________charge ut tise worslip service. 1Erm. TorpysDcs vaOurThomas oRamahur ua d Mes. C. s Ca! ha sude rpeacd YWitr cîiuoird tise siuds' perintd t PorS 'for tu e tse seniorsanatd juniao.rurs- tests on thse salae of prote a <fr lHAW THORNE L D E etiey physically active People. We Ondce0 Item of Istereat chat alec..etig dqut A vaiso item un tise Drayton Ad- asunnîs aofilk and otiser doses recule, Aprit t, miii be ni speciai f6<oda 1) feeE more tike peser c og intstiOtolutise peuple ai temuatie 2) ecouner fwerand riefrrummuvily."Ai tise 22nd Lincoln perids f saleess hatslo JlMii-uca t Festival in St. Cathsarines, Marols 15-25, Misa Heten Riddoiin. betterain action standing record. She tonS lira niaisas 1priuc in tise tattaminf threerelass- inROCK HUDSON et: ohurci snoto. soprano; sopranoa toto apl, Lincoln Musical Assne- ssEm ten cousu MARCIA NEDESO ition pcap; operaîic noto, soprano; isasasunsusecond prise lac Lieder. ans vaice. DCI- mOO$ EVICE BUREAU ,,usnw MMuas RuddatIs is tise dagister aif ADiilsio f DCISfomen o Cn Rer. E. G. and Mcs. Ruddaiis, Thor- DitiîlsaIHURON sRE TRNsT O fCs aid, misere lber lathor mn pastur ni ________________________ abs ia a graduate nI Brantford ALSO COLR CATOONCuitufuate Inslilute and Brantford ALSOA CLORCAROON MEALS ARE ALWAYS GOOD Genurai Hospital." Tise sany Lnw- AND TWO SELECTED SHORTS FULL COURSE CHICKEN AND STEAK DINNERS ville fiindn nI Miss Riddnils cx- tend iserliett confratulatmomns01 Celebrato pour bier excellent acisievernenta. ~ ANNIVERSARY - WEDDING RECEPTION - BANQUET MILTON DAIRY PARK FARM DAIRYORFML INR1Ddyukoth hesnlart te j THF -'%tJADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. 1PACM nm TRURSDAY, APRIL M, 1954

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