PAOR TWE[NR THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON. ONT. BURTHS#; MARRIAGES, DEAINS, Lo st and Found FoEN lIFRliN- r 4n CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS ___________ Wbonne .d. S TDRFOR INSE19TION-1 FIL WDNEIDàAY aon BOUM IN MEMOEM yMM , iilna ieo O~--RATES- X 4Milton 110rl4. C f Be&leAchooLPerr pilon37. e 0 AMOURTROFINo charge for annourieements of Biethe, Marriagos, Deaths CLAUS-Ur. and Srs. Davd Claus SINCLAIR-OoIn 10 memof aa 1 '- and EngagementsR ntaCroTr k (ne. Greta Joyce)>of Broutle dear huaband ad»Air.,BeI _______________n TRAT entO Mmola 5epls acpr 1orfr eoe Atils orsae sass umoons is rrvi ~ Smcar upae wyMr ent, etc.-2c a word. Minimum cash 35c.Box No.lta is office O kil a n YMLhf2,l954slherGoalwao bu heurt, his friends>osp AUICTION SALE _412lII3 A tLloner, OaadOoa olgeetaeprcutueScmsnumTu ena su aybta e VotSt ardaý of thankoS5c. Billing charge o 15c added tna ai accounts = 'bIl.__________________________ ike f fotp. di tO ailter insertion and added for ee illburenitered. Loaadrsectait by ail arounit, EVERT TUERDAT pe BoumeTrucor easor ZAViTZ--Mr. and Mms James R. To- ontrtul lfe came a oadden 'eipais.E oeT i oc mdl Rasa na lora qMCrquo- eneomolapproveol. Vt sE . A.ELLIOTTI SLEeAil cars folsa dolle) ut 1068 Yle Loue, Oawa, He di u àshL lved, everYOtleu arian toupeeCtion for yoar protont- AI]o ca FRNoda ro unis fogr ei are lhappy lu anoouo Oth a- - trienoI. ion. Al hindo of caille, tresh euwo, ForSalFORSALNILan xtratrukfo_____g rivai uftheir daughter flTues- LuvinglY remembered by bis nprioger, fai cous. lambo, shsep. kne Acinerai ORSL le lve ud DN OGE o Euc Pnoulouad avuable. day, Mach 23, 1954. wode Elizabeth andt family. stocher. feeder, fat calle.dvea SISYDER - f4r. and Srs. Martin~ R. . P. calves. bob, fat hogs. ouckoco. REAL ESTATE Phone Milton 288r3. c flowers ai Jark BOantains Barber I e2 Coiborne St. W., Oakville Enyder (formerly Evelyn Stok- s_____________ hoata, sous. Or f ail kits. Shop. es) are happytOu anaouunoe tise CAR"S OF U*ME.8 Vegetables. Me lane-ous Lems.FOR SALE-Baleittrow. wheai c433 Phone VI. 5.0791 ______of____________________ aOna of Ontarlos litest aolabiiabei - Phone 1 77J - ansi ryr. F. Lebon. phune Miltun RTT Margartt Mount Hamilton bos- sle.Il Ma HOWO He ueu lr fils fo AU TIN SL Mna.Mr 2,15.Mr. and Srs. Wiitred Tompisins, For truchlsg service téephoce Milton FLOWERS for ail oerasions. Gor- 1954 burofdciP ourroics eary. C IO S L on unayBads 154Campblltvîlle, wiuh luobtakous se 2293-W-3. te Bro. lOrîl c-if Cahon a194 b dia ng pruvait lied oWble f4yo.lalat u i -peuple wbo duriog tliir recrut sel- c-M8-t A. R. LINN. Auctioneer.i Bru.Fi1osKlrie hoo.O.P. irait White Leghorn and fliRt>nbaek bad e bounsu rodca FRSLE-Ru ailoa Legborns, Leghorn x Red, Warwick lsay, haldaitdoitlouar; 700 bas, uf lmd l on Marl tutse2-2. dfrerniMRf u iLEls e. onv48 iieu aif srainlRhodteIslaud lied uiîî give oeei oats; 2 horues; à1mus ansd haï-. 1154, ai berhuma Peaihili Foi-o. O uouid itot 0 anis the ductorso bsay oua tri trosinenioductpsfars; 2 lino houe 7awimp;2le- Rooaisaariy. Aberdeambhire. Seul- nurses anditaslff ut Millon Prioste a 1 oF a. iosatisevey panegon Ppodar-fells; 2 yofnghors; pwimpi4em- landt, Lydia Barclay, Sbeored houpilal. also my oeigbburs trenmit--FOR SALE-Mtan's 3 speed hi- heary breadu bred for botb mailg meula;131 Ford, a coupa; cadar Wfr ut William Finunir. itrr mi,- andt relations, for thaîr h udumu ,,Ryde99 aa- u gs ih osx idapu;balast otfrea A$u-gSussex, Sussex x Mampshire auvil; taraiture incluitiug (lt an- ena. Misa. Lizzia. Jim. al ut stuy iu tue boupilal. Hmsiex e nW.OP i ilonthasofhaioamle. on SalantsutRa t N i arsarAg FOR SALE - A trw seat lana. Barrait Rock anit R.O.P. sirait New Wilb eda ot . on Siomby. . Km Pr asa. RN.4. lopuaHampshire day-ulds asd tarie, tuonsip of Raison un Zimmermnan, I osis tu tbauk att my trend s Wvol Milou OtriS. b-43-2 chichu avaitabie urahly. Wrilt lise, on- COBiflti- At amiltuo Geerat and urighbhrs, Si. Poulsa W. A. t l-dg y -Thocapsuna Poultry Farm TUESDAY, APERl M hoapital un Friday, Marrb 26, group unit lro. Blair for the flou- a FOR- SALE-Rit ncover saut, re- andtRachery. pbuse Georgetuo At 1.30 u'clurk. 1954, Wilam Cohuru. heluvait ara, fruit anit gt-weil carda o re-cland $15 bus. Brure Smail. Tii 7-2020. - -f Ro reserve. fuston fatiser ut James Bayton. ceived itarsug my slay i he bus-Q iln2t4 c-Ukda o sala. Waerdouss, tn his ltu yaar. the-urses. Sincreay. O AEBidn c nPieSEATADGRO EN Fanerai ugo front St. Dauit's Barilyn Fay.S. itn rt o 6 aa- W n BurOingtan Preshbyles-ia, clsroh,Camspbsell- ian Champion, Billon. e - Execalaro for Charleas P.Cari- ville on *nSi. Mii n2..InWr-ite Boxta ibtopCanait- t vileta M=dn ac 9 aar a alb e uprauylaIuiqWANTED -Got hume for sx richt Euiate- et. cemetry. exted our heFORe SALE-Nerhpirea, tm 6sqair- pappias. F. Lebuu, phuua 8,23mr5, S9Nbirdey ont Elliott. Auctioseers. mentSi. avis manate-y. exmior herladi thano tanrd o0F * rlmkirý,brown). J. L. Wrther- Milton.c BCYAhshm, tetvle ilton and Gergeown fie rg Sm , phonea8r4 itn Monay Mrc 2. 954 Oiad de ath lue f hetie.WeG. W.GOLDSTRAýWRosi Esiate- Munde)S., Ma-rh 22, 5154, Oranitarode yape imaot ibe t a W FOR SAL-De LavaI porlable Braiser. Listings ugnit. Phone 9cl A4 ut Seie Gir. dear aliser of Mrs. Omagh Laties Ai, Bastun Loties'iphu lon - r~ O5l Willner Maun (iBlîdreiti oct Aid. Scotch Block Wl..Waterloou B4r3 userct 7cns G . ito 4O5 Ct wisier ut MM. Amy Neusirat. Smboal Euebre Club andt ail ubo l O ETu aeuye-WAOTE>-People la Jain in the cuuoi nuo svv4 veot Fuerl eric ws ed t hehepe i cywasorîrsrasfattsicIe cas-nival at aroOs. edut o r -s lsoean be satr- Weslu. n he 73-ityoa. hirit buan onyifus toucs . ecrnic hiris brouders, 50M ikSalas-day nigll, -e FLeeosadKserra ua haioiimo isndsseso onthne 4r, Bdanatîunonse l-oth sidg untc La u Kie fse-i aa Taisyos ail, vms-y very mach.jwn finity Pun 4r, llo, ateo Sresilo hray ac icrlWANTED-Houaeuurisusreabîs h.brdg o ts 2iralav2.30.n hrmetut den Bas-hSnMr.andly. Hrod ihFOR SALE-Quaru oil brooder 8.30 and 3.30 p.m., twn deys a This la really a teaihar bu tise eteaI .0.uerelaRisoe- c.ntB. Handi Mha iotvm, in gouit condition. Emmnetiiveeh. Phonse 364m, Billon, ccap of tise ruunty onginear. Tu eieoy ont amilMaGibon, phone Miltton lrl. re .~ gai a job ut this proportiont MARTIN - Aitishe home uthiec Tise rommailime in chargeaouthime - WANTED - Transportation tu siariait bu les ian a yew rota. taughtar, Srs, Thsomas Robin- Laver Baneftlfut uîsh lo thanks, t FOR SALE -Bayas bicycle, n (1svîile for tuo gicla, office tlime the bridge cutiapseit la, soSLra iK e ero emyunm uhu assisemuin a UE fu utlon. u ihrtlIts, vorhers Phone 61v, Milton. c ce: ainIy foottilue, SaiuayMrc 9,154, ay a.ieret al i u ao hW'RS phune Kennaih Dîcis 99,Miltona. cýh2 aywythL hssoi eara atr Il_______ofthTe s absait Sa a rtae Lacer Sha Capbiv amvlh ha- WANTED-3 or 4 ruumsous-ap- for the county boisera talabe- famîMaiyTheresposse to tiouappeaul t- FOR SALE--Cummarciai Nu. iatsu uttrta uter«5 baeA in uu, laie of - bas bars muni encourags n as iotn uu3 au bcs anu- meontMîlunu338 o, reO.Box 43, usbnto n ieahin therutnu- fui, doa ooher of Jasuie iBrs. audtu t aalmeni ut lais foun îî -- -OICICYAIF in___bus.____________ - pihons Thomas Robinson), Kitc Sar; epublisbed din l Mlnasato 33 or_.O.Box_43,_ussonsnte_______of___ May . Hmltm Ni, ito e lo ihi ten uur.gen icealet. Phona 92r22,Blln. r Billon. c ing the muginoermo joboatful l ima, MyHand îllor; Wb ais ulstio thlais neu - - - FOR SALE - Set dilbl, Bsuy WAItTED-Three girl boarters, During tlse lime ilsal lais ontAr he. riteeoa. nbar84hpapar tua Slping lo moallibtis .. - p,-R. s auccphoeul nilicn.A.olcnaics.M.JmeCr,.bdgSsSanuitcmi- pan.Sie s arîvitSpsix poul issoun to Oha public. Vuars osi4 n the aselsars aalh R N onU, phone MuOnsmes0rCroHsghbSideSlnise abusouunoatcommri &,rautchiltrenandntsix ravevry traly. 6 Hugli bySei.,3 curels.Preabyteriasu ", - et hie ave Seau _________ wekbn C4-3chrc.c builSdin«. es, uo've bSean bad- Fanerai service vas hleutTues- Rev, J. IL Maxuell, F. A. Aut O SL- Vr io,8vai, WNTO-oorgc iSa ng Op Oasusut oSoukkeop- da aIDuffs Preshytarion rhareh, B ri.Edwacit Roberston, Afredit.OR ari-cAitYoak is rom reîiklIoAnTE-y rap, .Ham tog supplies, office needa uit al Pýilni. nemsiCon ml it n adtorsSlanley Hall au oas roreis linMonday to PFît ,leavingf kints, aocial sialionery, gueai, neLItemn Con sele- aSark. u red smad. Stan Robinson, RNR. 2, Billon 7 a.m.. retarnung ai S p.m.s-npothaySu, ve am, oslacb Rcub Write to Box 129, Billon or 17 diaries , daiiy d'aricsanoctas-ta BOBERTSON - Sattenly ai theFOSAEetolaCcer George Si. afttr t p.m. isupe. xttm y w Gaelps Generol hopilIon .~437800; Loaon, 437799; Es-Sou 436- WANTED....Bortocorterîy; mn oto v. trop in andtlool ThrdY. MarcS 25,154, Deug- Saa@filflg veflts %-031 24. germination 99 par cent. Colinrvua oc ot ahvul.aonit. yasr, betSsSnt ut is27h Ti ffc amt i. Aier Mî rwmn o eod ok at-s la Mba BSeriosnofAlice tof: casaiSerepoYhl Milton 282-12. c-43-2 for new- Huma for Agait in M] Gteis-adaBcElisiruJeanitnditear o efiela oesa coaILLUSTRATED CHICK cota- AplySaparînnteni, t57 fhrAibs fnnie Jo enontgeu- logue. De nul Say ulil yoa sen IL isîmtaoytnapit: Ssisr fieSpl oAnasnfGegeR-SEE THE bas-cal rare ai thecar- Wmieus-phone tha Fishser Orcb- Melo meitl pon- SBai St. POffe 20 pMieo- bealson ucilMilon, ast Scther nivaI. Mlton airuna. Salai-dey arts. Burlîn1gtn.Ont. r-37-8 men. _bainI._Pone_20____o aor. S. W. Quinn iGeorgînai oughi.cWATD-Apn higa ut Fort William: Mos: W. J.Ma. FOR SALE Dump hoxuand ,sporeDo - Aor onse hvn Kuighît iJoan) of Actu; Mca. G. TheCuanastScoustLaiemuAux- Sostrmaonabte. Apply Bat Ei- are îmonot om i itnt E. ltkn (ean an Godon ilarYwil belqed i th Ton lo. R.R. 4, Acton. or-osa fr,îM a moair visiling tii-amen tar hotu of Guelph. Hall os Munday, Aprîl 5S 8 pes. c Ne 2. gconntiovn uy3oSr 4 Fanes-ai servce vas helit ou RaI- vy c s mmrat a n Fi-e Bigut usday ai tSe Brîntyre ont Wblis:m Ladies Division ut Halton Ag.FRSAE-Mieto lfîaas somro s osile.n c-43 3g fanlerai huma, 1 DeliSi., Guelph. rcultarai Socîeiy are fus-lanate in FOyRALsEreMulot acodurlf a onTED -ssiFe.alrienv3 lutermesat mWotiava remalmry. ecring thm Brenda Vos-k Cous. oAp;rgsedtin;ymao. dyearot1. Guielph. lng Scsoul, Canada Pocisers, for iHuari:bmrd e8tait. ph oîloo AmanfPEi- FnoîP. pier vis HENRY-At is home. Billon, on 288r.,c S4 c-43-2 Suhugxareurauncp : AO i tittOO4Uit4eO Waituestay, Mairh 31, 1954 Tho- Mr.-Jmes tercet baltn, t sut asoiailysaeu Ioît 708S1M00P1< omas Alvin Hans-y, Sluvedis - MaJmsMlog utnFOR SALE -lied Clocer ed ay.Go Atayt h i 5 lrt OI ant ahEtoOacIuta Wbutî ui eeing.OursPasyl ai grate su. 1, $15 bus. Beavec and plirant. rAp the Bauk ut Rova, oc aSs tMervpo Nfaga WM.ois.Ta r hoto p-i U U J J Loaia s ats. graet l ars pal.Sculua. Milton. Oui. c Fauls, Oui.; Ms-s. Gui-itou Lcy il 8 ai 3 roi., i he Ssntay sehon1.925 Sas. Rap Coheon. Billon R. WA (Siella), Mes. Lamne lvot room. Ail ireicume. r 4, phsone 79r31 ocfeaNTuersD - Lbve poailcp ont (DrMs-s. George Fetcher - uthes also oit feathan O chu. (Jean), Srs. Bruce Ervîn i ettî> Aprît meeting ut Cusphellvilo FOR SALE-White hîtchcs rab- Highesi pri-irs petit. Wa rsii. Phone a"Edn fMlo;adbruts Wl. yl Shl oe ofctvilS pub-in table; roud ex- ,Paddty Wilson and Sos. Milton 30321A e utfSos. Osee Bayiez- ut Grand Mca. George nglia, Wev otay. t snilos dîsng rouestalhe ast 3 us-Wm. Dent, Billon ISeOS or a rite - Sent sud Mca. Ada Lsmley ut Apeul 7lat 8pes. Ail sew members lasers; alsu uuîb living room lable. Moeo Zener. 18 Croydon Rt., Windsor, in is 7945 pear. arc coedialiy invitait. c Phone Milton 388r13.c ahuse Orchard 5133. Tount. c-if Resting ai the BorNaS ont Sun OUTSTANDING VALUF -CLARK'R FANCV 20 o.ns tis - u chopai until Fsiday noons. Fune-ol Escisreoant tance, Siauartov FOR SALE Rau Favourite WANTED TO RERT-A 3 or4 service ai Si. Pauls Uniecharris Hall. Fritsp, April 9. 8.30 *pin o-T I - fp p Mat Foresti ocraaoi-2442; W30 coum saf-containet as-mat or Mitn n rdyu 3ocok.I i ullorhstra Adissonn50C. r TOMA O JUI CE 2 for 2c r Intersiaional truco on caSher; srnoi Susse in Milienai -on. (Caskat yl Sa open in Horshy Girsl Bail Club. n-423 HEAT AND SERVE-CLARK'S IN CHILI SAUCE 200oz.ln berc Phoue 284r4, Millon. b as-S5eni in Hamilton. Please applp chsrbDImm S p..antil mes-n-. ta Stia-vot W. Hume. 356 Hanter menemntof eric.) RabakaS Aocsal Blrthiiay Ba-FR SALE-Ores t-cas trop-m Si. E.. RamiHon, ph. v ýHamilton esenramed uttterair.t s- in 0 F. PO K & B EAN S - 2 for 33c mils couler, orarly nmw. t peur JA 9-9297.Milton l8OrS. - Adocatycss o Ansil 24. 2 1111 S pes. Candies. humae EV O C~ O UC able mils couler. Wiii oelatsaap O -TE Young male. lrie-h bsiigapron, sariaip ondtiusch CLRKE OSODEFOREDUNCne Phone 158-12, AntoRiws ru c Osiy thuse wvuS tSi-repeas higt neat yeer and w. prediet y.. Loccl - ews and all boohs. c-416nehoni nituration nse appîp. At- won't find a ùsad car demI te Loal N ws oe ah bnS. cFOtRosabeSALE-I asut Norge ne- tractive comeseuruf salary wvus match the avinsa oprunto -Yoar Eaoe r eai contriutiosn Esehma. Tbumsdta, A)oril 2 fora23cmditiSop$50; alsoi O set Ciare Brus. thenies-h shows nouimai prugraso, )50u'Il f.nd ut EARLY MOTORS. Mii T heluu a orr2 orl23ccu foutvus-tigcou-ragutarbnci-csesall.s-MainovSti, Mil-aoIandrunIfla iiiislp rippetchu oon. usp100.eHalC aincerg 4 isaroci-lecir stuve. in gond lso passion plan in rupb- Look at oua present stock end pasradete brougis lite. Tabarcaimis Cummiitee utoit d- STOCK UP to.AAieNanr.Ploa D RAVE-AVLMER FANCY UNG, t5oz. lin onditîion. $40. S. A. Fay unitS ons. s-a-nce. Appiy tue Bush of No r taa faituvsaontdliebekhi. Atmiassi *5fl5knr ~ or pisoneMilton 205w. r Seulia. Bilton. Ont. Nov -Bembers outhIe Kindeegartan SOc. Laun cpooteit. r-41-3 W lU E - -I>C FRSL-LuSxîo193CsvCac - class attentait the play,"Tise Tiu- DE-- OP £ BAfrI5c FOlSLE19523DudeRCaon tac Box" ai Toronto ons Moi-no20, On Tamsdap vauîug, Aprîl 13 ai --- _______________hîchvay 4 miles from tous: 15 tvMisceluneous 1951 Foi-tSeasn travelling hy bas. 8 pes. in Knuxehurcis tisecz-iru GET AN EXTRA SUPPLV CLARK S FANCY 400oz, ln hlock high huirrvl nt 0*6. iW wilpeci .Sanrs"h r-diled oel Can live bu bouemesi - 1951 Meteom Coach vSen hpedadCrlii pr eno chJ.otiro Tlbea-isedu hlIP iite buildinig a hoo.vTzrms Eutriro forlise satiof race ut 1950 Chan Satan Rai-tp ere in coliionuMouda on isy garni oloisis. Everpon oit TOMATO J __1C__2ca.Imta att-i-o.sss. -a iion so- cornilu SO SeoSpes. Ratoatop. O 19H50AFotinCaton slips-eypapvemsent ai tise cornr fcu t ne. ctc atrC vs el e,,eo o55bfr ..Str .c 15lA si ea Main andt Commercu ial. unitlARAMOUNT FARCV SALADA bo n Poe 5r2,R.4. Mi]- -LAWR MOWERS tsai-s-nord unit 199 oteas - Esche: ndDncTrafalgar SOC KEYE ORANGE PFKOE tnc repaireit. PiSet us- and it tivered.1 1949 Meteoe Coach -Damuge echima;cd ai $200 r- Ms-oi-il Hait, Feîdoy, Apri- t ih *.--.FR AEJ S.Fnrrier, phsone Mit;ov 62Dr21.i 1947Austin Setan usltiat3S.e.TenapviroEucirrl830 p.m. Dncin 9 pmA] FORUP A DAe i Sut:u NC.A. Vint or con- z-1l 07Micr o cars drîccu loy Charles Miii anlvaps rnhrt*ra. Lunch pi-,i defl TE U>1'S bnivor.sot wer s-loyrne- DAS Krýve rmyir 1941 Hudson Coarh Jae urywr ncl!-o iAdmissi-on l5c. Auspices-r or. lin puSD3hsic r 0c- oadstiin- OFAakOE --scettrt, -ICI 1946 Hudson Radas Jame irato fP eairob tliind B uti-1 A uen-v-rClub,. Il.lsid ii; ca [uilt, $10; lari-et aitu roms-IiP foi- nilarpolis-.j 1946 Fort CourS uts-ari3runiPin- i- t . Ps t iuzh s range, s-vo-posai Tciephonc Collent: Billon stis murs -nionply unitse ed y 37 hot osier fot,-Oi.cri:m csomýl, 110Iii-r Toi-onto EM 3-3636. I 1942 Plymouth Coarh siM lion T nd unraslapJ-niottit isi o val tire box; 2 eetrir l:eooitzr. GORDON YOUNiG LIMITED tB 1939 Dotte Sodas Mliitd oîvi svo Fi- -s IOWDERED 1l. W. A. Hamilton. R. î - 2. 1930 Gudgm Coachs -Emri McKuovon, Robeit A M:Itton His Shi-.ol auditor imSI ILOE______,(tvlepoe2-3 -3- L ENOEcageo hn Bcovnritgm unit J.EWiînoiaiii-tys-l2. 0.Wieoka nFia.Arl2 .15 ps- Mus-'KMMLiDlSFIXS nsil- -îîz 03. c-3l PES OEcag teoî is ihcniac tentet the Conadian Co-operati-: irail nra.neent. Atmissou50.îîumbu-r. Moi-uerToinssus. Sur-. o o elwihcniec WoolGroers luchen a th SPýnscredbY orny Uite T R LAC Fruit Cocktail SEEDS-Alfalfa, Ostario vrz-u- Mîlise tise -ro t aIetEARYMTS Bayai YrkVosbbtrlinsTorouto la-I cuaich choir. r-42-2 leaoz. un 211 oz, tuntati-t ont Wesvernv trimes. Ned Brampton. s-houe 1872. Paris av-- Thusay itpThYuuPrscutLvîi-tclovs-nitgle unit do hie cut Tien- a tahîr oh Milton Hardwuare. c-42-f6LISED TRUCKS AND TRACTORS TheYongPeoleofLowile.othi- Common. Climox unit Me- -ThaChapionragra isiZmmermnan UnîitdChurch preroni 37c 33 >.c don.*Aosihv .Piel bloi-asft -toe ARTI5RITC PAINS . 1950 Fusd -to-luDma -Th Camio reres hâ a3-ast comet., Dent Keep Hm- mixture. Ladino etover. Pasurei- Ai-o pou ssftering front an cuiri 1940 Ford use-ton Express aponaorsip ut the Hucnby ulgbO -in Witing, in St. Dus-bts Presisyler- TREMENDOUS VALUE'-MONARCH 16 5 oz.ja ga uss eluitine Bruma. Meadows pains? ifsou. ..,ms-t e ai once 1IolsSth the areaalasO wrek vas icrrsect- ian Chsech, Caespbrhli le Fncie)PnenilRpratGasssotPa-ua u s. i-1948 Stabebaaer2to ak ]y atriSutet to the Ssii club, Tbe Tharnitap, Asrit 8. 8.15 pes. Ad- S ET "' IKES - - 1~ Ritaits Csnui-y Grasn, Gi-chai-ilton. Ont.. for pas-iuasarsofuthle st ui1octo nm 9218 nurreustai avant vas sponsorool by mission 50e andt25c. e W E IXD PICKLE 19c Ocams.ASai-ysitls o ntd Grs (soi-onirmit loasmeul. onep ?-- - Rîraîn. Ail abuve nords gradea nu.. futdei if pains aienot ralirvat. the Hornby hochep club. Tan une-as-O pîas.pu p-senîed hby FRESH GNEEN PASCAL Wes Couse ont Sons Limitait. -A nuesSer ut Ration Chapter MillesonitndRurval Junior Foi-mm RtSreeclviie, phono 10l. Ops-atuR- menbers-osisiet Kiliining COS-inr 5Millon IfigisSchoi auditimesb-9- tac, Hamilton, un the occasion un 0"F'riiay, A pil 2. 8.15 s-es Mss- FLUKIIA CELERY - 2 stalk's 23C tai-3- Modern Plumbing testensNghadPelCàp ia entes-aisment, saie of home _____________________ FOR SALE - Nouton seat oas, COMPLETE FORORI> AMn IEAT- (herastrs ighi. suctly P eCar aiossg ant cadp. Admisite WEET, THIR SKINRED AND FULL 0F JUICE inuvarrne gra-sie nu. . ci-os-ING SYSTEM FOR A FIVE- las-,r Striss-iile, s-aeni Q i cus-achir. Sp NueuhNoUs1t96' uPraped it vS2, 4.D,,99 s-ar ent. ROGU HOME Miler Buih a u2Mn.pBig Amateur Nighi. spunsoiecdS SELEy SAS e.nreetnove cPainrs - g$525 Ma-h2,NelsnsFederoibon ut Agrilure SE » S GRAPEFRUIT 10 for 49qyc S . eron aslac st Remi Fl. gBacs -Y . Dinh. Billon, vas aeung in NRa,,iuHall, Fritay evannu __________________________ ens Pir.rled. i Firtni-iactorDnAVer neas-ty 300 laupers frues Cents-al As-ii 2 ai 8 pes. Pibsan aas-tn FINM GOLDEN VELLOW owrdFais-.HsMin Roir. co-ec Ontario vhs attentedat a peral ft us- lus-nu08 ont o-ndes- junior 1 1i2, ils seriez ut totures Satactuy un the 9-il, Inlermeeiote 12-14. senior 15-- Ma l 7g _________Milton.OHSO men, The lectures mare prt ut a Talant ut sîl hînto mey enter ~ 10O5005 Unique egaO edocolbon prograoN RI-luo nship ont: urroudng FLORIDA Nuo. 1VALERCIAS large iza ___________ smossu, e Inponsucet jlntly Sp tise Lau.Soc: iamicossnuniiies. Adisiobn 50e ________________ PAim Twiam THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. THURSDAY. APRIL lât Iffl q