PAoe UI~BT THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON. ONT. TIfUESDAY, FEBRUAIiT 18, 1054 NASSAGÀWYA S.S. No. 7 HiJ ePlantsR s o Eeg»s D& aalnenton branchea alte thy arc 0 N T H E . .rO S So val V rr5 four yeara ld. O N TNU C ccc. ÔÔ c uaI*A * c. e. ht ahedding of ne«eice y ~ .~I. ln n ,unter-.ime LOsSo lrn OOGIOs suaStout pine treen (a five- II.~~.. For Bazaar Plannd h D0etot idiscppcinted if yeiut urttrrta bt m r pi iu s vrycns HOME Tht meettng cf tht Busy Beestometime or ficteerlfweehtiy. Tis needie ai ca ptef ittc ut a poits o y cOS feeesa Mr. ce on Fetruary i0 is a reuing ptriod inueed bthe~ est tranches fait fcom thetrtatt and Setaeoter older branches of Ams- usuatiy mithin a retatively shorti encan-artornitat i(Eastcen ehite 1 1 W ~ ~~~~~~~ictîtthe wa edt nth e ccaar bsotr a!cndtie o fr tmncp cr- etttc fabriatcd oya uut1.Aotmd FRONT 0 oL<~ i h hi.sotrdy m ietmr tiime. Loau of oteditu andlfitiage cedar) turc browo and s0000al Thstime et opcntd i5 ladies fiower in winier have bee e - ty eveegreec a ieoct a msa de- off. andtfour Ode h presacrt h ae o lomn uigth r-foliation au la truc cf -roadieuf Tht tenu of needies uod foiage i ~ l O I rot! cuit mas avameced ty "a trip ceding moctisu cf sunruner or aut- ccoc., exceptinicthe caue oft larches, hy these epecico means bore t waul i tut mate." If me ait umn. othereitihty ouldt oite nutied traces, tut ty ttcecsaie peocess loy Kcy Dec i orwa.wewud tec ite Driof te wntenrrbouse plants everfceece. acnaiueainoiisouict o bul up Hune you cnoyed readtngofcd somdiace apaY c e miatessol eeies clteamn c aseo oso earte irces. Tis stoctd volt e rée.ipsfroi hanitqu coat book amof th pat Thmng Nýr van actti atdre euaii th1ai tnn cosL n uy ntoeu ees c Od yd. 1 tnug t at asae antu cta s a hîitîiýi ii.inta i. Aitniatet vic h te nt idatreaitijcrytcionit sin- O iarcheittiii, taiiihid at have Wel, ths iscertinlYthe Mi .iinggaeou ilo tîiiate gramt îtiaiid te top- havsetfavored taie fait grot .Thetc eFrs usr tto h r mat ee ofut i-und Ihere are tc mes andtable cnthstelie ort- t ped: irs s ate netded; repoltong enu!! iii tie.firsi, a bonigder'in wtieh thet rees asiatty mec a fent home emedien thult 1have no c -d fe i s t t Sbrin An deubl.scm cf y redcrshave or te bauae n tiefaitlM cd cool diourhnenuthouid te cf needicu in earty npring and, a-ecn actn Jpcc.Rc douît.t'sre uny ftt id .D gecv u otfriCit-avnoîdevi. ter on, tom cof needien. Unteasin oper ae .Deg av u or--l- ian, e moinyeurunetdtc fuit lrieu th ur m an of thiutaotd ting articles fcr ttc sanie purpout. Fairty tow tenptea re des- jricny erycsevere. Ireco are noct tegiosIn fo e ant-Oioter. "lies' Humowed copieBot' ivcod Mro. S. Coxe gare a puier on iratin. tut ao ttc armteitof a necescacity pecmuaetly iniured ty bNiccat oemio dce o e c -snane, mHoymitCokt o fo ' tt dorpublic relatiaos.Mr. D. Hendersot taoteis muîntaincd ta uit htrnonsucettos cf nedtsNeitter iii . avereyaloiffeetice spies.o btfcct îhy iueur the fane a readief on White Cuve. Mc. ctiser thon pants, ths a col ai- tosf needies te cotieatit for long prmseafectnntonnfe tre cictt tey ptthi etr futbe entedeJ. Drcdge gave oaîeudîng eniltea. ayo practinat. Ttc ancrage coom tenause todu. front whit ch ew Frcathpe unpecins it dcnheltl "Countryi Living"Mrs. Doddn gave tempecature of 70 degrec.-io mucctgrowtit milte puce, mu re 1 ned e nttc mancer des- lite these. correni eencto. io tigt for mos! pant.s clcring main tcaltiy aed trocig. These oriedhvadiîcidange A Brou eai nd Mk Peultice Mc. S. Robinson gant a con ici! inier tinte. Olena compromsiset oocd -te examinent. This condition crbd aeadstnt-vnae Put one teaspuonfot fte crutete wict oaa woan ty Mrs. E. Case. cat te made ty kecpîng ttc plants ia mre itcty 10o cur wiish yoovg cf stute bread mbt a gilf oiti, Shscked ly 5etb in ttc coottot roote. preferatiy ont trecotan witt eoattinted treco. SLiGIITLY SCIIAMBLED and gvethttc hoie ont toit op. Or. Ttc iarmtiittity iras shoeised by inv cthett temperature faite to luisertae bread ccumbs. pour oner the nîîddîv pcting a! Mr. David c60 degrees driot te ngt Hum- With ttattisttd enegreenscaîth A newopaper accounit cf o dis- tem boiiig mater. and toit titi soit, MPtedran, a-ta ciii be mîthi dty cao tie iseasent c h eeup- ýSoslieadAeia ro- sru hprc ttd Tevs otiieing ccii; taise front te firee mîvoad inithi' iamtecvity. cratingt pan' on radialirs.o i ia.tsei o nfotiage.n oa tirael an cditpacSEer. Stexceu and gcduuy ticiin a itiltcgtyct' Fiin 'aofMaster James Fiant f iatti niai httair doits. fiedicrn e ffle.ndhistteeaaiv cr e ldyatageomhe antoid- rine or swtetcinsaaseloentder tivis tbctgia-tt na, ie ivurabl o S urepne, nrd-ciotecaof re-I fusai argtpigiadeon" poutice piable seten appied. te arot-iiiid t cthes faoc-.wng Av arnty office tad listsi ScLs an..els eslonr- ihpgig. A lHop Paultie tht aveidedîsie--had a-tus ttog' cay-in dîîvîng ron t.SiJoihns' h Boi onethanduotof dritdhops in cannesî riciestsîtîut eg rdrat. -Re.i1dqsto gfa huit a pint o f ssaeruntiithttc aif Tit i' i-m îmtet alte m ml o tterabd ru pinitereducedto a gtttthennsir o.aniîd Ms.APrige oaiut xet h o iSsin it enogt Indian meau t iiî- Mr,.îand M- - HarildBr,,n, ii' ,i e it. aid ftîte i -d e ho e d Y ii,'ii Siýk ,,v mul Far Sick tipr..Hc stwtet eadacte heMicii .M.irrP MiL ,'i a- heofcT he C ock actc-itdry ftacnecnver it. pt in- laid op %, ith -îbl Id btoiot usiard cate. ands wattos Ta Prevent Taing Cli la d h e e An oon as yosî tee! tht!yoaven IIU A COCK, ceoîshing tht groood for sometlsing toi acod in thettead pcu tranpconfîî1a ' '*,..i..f.i ttaiota.-'i-et of nogur in c fobtet. ccd invt u ic dropsvofc ateist v n r s fit! tte gicco hait-flit0ci ate ir , unit! tte scur iv sd iovais id. nBUILDERS taise a dssertoSpoiti-ce minutes .This n ,îacitr eture iitk TEAIN-RPIS e sdteeîtrd. If yoo tas-re RAON - EPIR 'hanging on", sntit ins t__ __ __ __ __ __ __ bcd, a ibecat drinîcbo c aite We Specialize in Modern Bungalows jus! tefore goiso to bcd andexr ted civte s gacd cithoutt te MclesSt. Mlton Phone 407J cn.Grawlng Pua Crti Wring a tome! front ated cate, wrapteimtîinsîtfîomithe ashte IllUUIU iUMi U U*U I to tntt, cittociiaticg te et id fromt hie bcd, and te vaise t t dry fiannete. tiîcis aed cacmtuet ing tte tiankts abutîtim tîntl e Il coerandrelicf inesure. Tte cic of o toîted eg c te*aFroe Trial : mosi efîcaciocn rrntedytat tan te Far Sort Thrat aM tll Cutissices o! nit port ve taitban- o; sitener a feu- moments inshtie did g viegar anaply o ttc iteoai ausvndie 9 oif.ans tetrout s te rciîeîd. pt yolks vanish in aiocnd a banduge f sot fannet. Siteplesuees M Casedtyî oontccttîloon stise iJ O E teant nty te onireonte ty apptyisg aelotc-eit itcotdcwateeto tdsase tactf t e etk. Andtereauer pienitemoe eie- ds w s dits rîgisi tasdy sintecvsi toot' Asotter wterseetion s cdriotent a *No Intalctoril la iaondeicg. and t ceta iy tea'; No Hand Pre-Riningi have taten a greai deai o! timntCs ttc eaety days h tels sihai to do M Holds More Dicheci mt the cashtabs o 0preenit teIl sianesv fente csmng apuet. and tisai o avi ,LF to teanete fiaitevs on thesoe sr*Yîî.aiîtF.ct-si- ton long tahes te teper oit of si tthe ame s tse cset MILTON HARDWARE Irnn bad h: cprtc- ivni-tir titihin fori5.i stan MAIN ST.,MILTON ed ithflor scks itadvses 19FREFE 'if titis titin, De- It seesstange tutinis ta!t i tîstt 35.Po.4 Ootter ffiY years trr ciii t lx ni $899 hoe4 pevple augtivg t ttc modero oui a tee do ihisgs! iUlMUitiiUlMiUi MllMiUiiiiMiiiU5iii i.i Iii iiiIMS J. A. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer and REAL ESTATE -Phone 177J- Milon 1U ELECTROLUX SALES, SERVICE & REPAIES osmeelle and Commercial Cleanere, Flssr Plleters und DO-MET-IC Refrigeratos fil Baetaa Drive, Oakvillc PHONE OAKVILLE 2247 Pollock and Campbell Manufacturera of HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS MEMORIAL ENGRAVING 62 Water Si., North GALT TELEPHONE PNU Murray Grenke PAINTER AND DECORATOR Phono: MILTON 366W eat tunei u ajewl at au y nane w'<n dropped there. 'Ho!' aid hr, "a fine thing you are. no doubt. and, had your owner found you. grcat would his joy have been. But for md lgive mr a single grain of coom hefore ail the jewrls in the world.' MORAL: lt'a far mare impartant ta have the things yau roclly need, than ta have luxurios. Thts why yau ehauld doasce c many ather fer- sighted Canadians da-build up a savings eccaunt " at The Canadien Bank af Cammerce. Thon yau wllb. cure yau need nover ga wthaut the nececitiea af lhfe. Viit aur nearest branch taday IllOutationbArhrRcam flue Canadian Bank of Commerce You can DEPEND on a OG for DEPENDABLE fine car FEA TURES Yoiillfind more of them than ever in, the 1954 DO DGE 'NI WOUILDN'T HAVME F\NY PA1ý.T 0F WV t'And neither would my Dcd. Ht kaowe ch. value ofAtruet company experience la looking after an estate. Htew.uldnt b. mithnsut itl" So ntuny ise men to-day ftiy on thtetixpeience and co-operation of a trust contpaoy. Write fof fret bookiet heuded: Blueprint Foc Yosr Famiy, covering some aspecte of escate ad- miitration. THE STERLING TRUSTS CO0R PO0R A TI0N NIAD OFFICE 172 By 1t., Tuecrol BcANcN OFICK 13 Dunlop$#su c Ilere an, sui more DODGE fini'cair firatures Add HyDrlee No-Shifi Drlvicg Dcdse chers the icnesi-printd and sieltnc-chili driigs ocu tlshili into high and go. Hy-ODcnriv ilknep pour sot "ycn" lot mnvpyeare- ntkeItmwoth moreetanatimet. Add Full Powcr Siccrlng Von ihave cllorltee parking and cter. isg. Ait detins benotecu eceter and nates, citis ocdgc Fuit Potwer Seerisg, noie ouitie os su Dcdce teodein et ntoderate cccl, WhennDodge ollers yoo snt lecatures. lhey stand up mt Dodge dtpendatiility. Icîn lok t aionte-andtrteiem.. Feel te Dodge ride-teore leao!, emnotter, coller-a ceai lise-car liury ride, Voue Oodge tags the road. taises curves in ils elide. .Ttos note tise flt, clear vision oit round- lise btler cose-ionoitm ocr tl omisoont. Look ut te qcaliiy of Oodge uphotsterp ise latrice and colt tetter-graised viny --heaulifll Io-tone stades le isrmosize mt sew boidy cotours. AsndIccilishe comîsel of Dsdgc chair-higis seatu- theres fuli!support octer pour issees and tetiod pour tips ast etouideen, Vou'Itloti l aer in a Dodgc, ton. Tieres c tower centre of graoity tocrnlatiiity cicar, ealc vision wilh contant-speed ciecîrin miodehitint ipere Sslcty Rite Whee-intcpendenl parinig bruse-dcat-cpiinder leont-miseci Sectes for cale stos For thriting perormance, lisres a sent, mcrc ponterlul Dotgc engint mils higiser comtpreseion 10 get ttc mont tram miodeen gasoticen ils ino-car precisios engineering for long litc ami ecosotef. RoodtIet tise 1954 Dodge-tiscoe towmumch more Dotge gives pou is fine-cur lectures, MANUFACTURED IN CANADA DY CHRYCLER CORPORATION Of CANADA, LIMITED FRANK McMASTER MOTORS MAIN STIET - MINLTO7 CARLINBETH PLUMBING BERT WALTON Quick Service Any Size Job PHONE MILTON 274R21 CardsDraw, vyn Eseard; bath tl, ti, M eS Cord, DowDance Bundy; di&h ciths, Mec, C. Jam.c- Winnrs t raTy These drets esmre made by Macler Tlht winncru of t eciverry Mountain Union Wocmn's Inatit- waita more Mr. and Mea. Clarence utc hetd a veryosuceaafsl paaty in Gabraith; spot, Me. ain Mr&. J. the Towno Mail, Milton. W. Robertson ainthlie eiiminaticue Thtwineencf seere crodance, Me. and Mca. Colin BeattY. tadjie' high, Mra. Goodwin; ladies' tow, Mca. J. Mont; genta tigh, FINANCING DEVELOPMENT Frank Pieatock; genlu lom, lRay The Commonweath Develop- Carrie. The innera of thtetucky mient Finance Corporation. fuement dram were: chair, Muriei Brialont; earty lau! ytar with te iacking of painting. Mrs. Reg Corp; tray. Mec. the Bank of Englund and ieadiosg F. Paupst; cake. Lewia Merman; financial and indtorial iteeacta. cap and saucer, Meo. E. J. McKin- tas smade iLs tient overseas inveot- non; chotatra and stationery. ment. Thisoweit tbe the rapee equin- Shirley Deforest; choineaies, Hetto aient o! $28 mcilon in the cquty Fetter; picer. Kay Brown; dish, of tise nent Sut Gao Transomisio H. Duchering; pittow ctoue, Mer7 Company in Pakistan. -- 1 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. TRURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 19" PAM BIGM 4 PHONE 171 MAIN STREET