PAGE FOUR TIIE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. TBIXBSI3AY, FEBRUAIRY 18, SUC S.S. No. 13, NELSON, TAKES TROPHY RECEN RIE WAS'C AT DRAM FESTIVAL IN NELSON HALL ,, rc nlcn :rh itn A large crowd attended the uan- acy 13, for the wedding ofMarinsa îoc drame festival on Friday ev- Elizabethl Dance of Milton and coin, Febrsary 12 at -Nesoon Hal, EarI Dase McCoy of Actos, Ver- spossored by te North Nelson iegated romssl becs placed as Teaohers' Association. Seven e afistar for the ccremoay. wlichb alsoola cosapeted is the event with mas casd-ucled hy Bey. NormanS. short oste-acf pays. Grecs. 'The bride 15 the daugisser Tlhejudgs, . Skce f Càp-cf Mr. andi Mro, Sydney Dance of, bliîlfe. . Sel lars and 1fr. Cas-Mitnadhegomhesnf lit of Iafac, ddlisl Mrs. William MeCoy and the lte t .5 , on ra ifiuyMe. MeCoy cf Actas, f etosame c'îocera e Ma.sMargaret Mzixlsd st Mlton Thse tciplsy cîp sevas won 5 li S. plais-d ise sridding smusic. r S. No. 13, Netls, ill e iciepro- Gîve iiimarciage lic ler fafler, daclios cf *'isePriseesas and flic tlirbridei mare a waltzlenfraSIl Ssisehccd.'Cansoatlion awacda gawa ofcfie hI ae nylonaet a rt L mwoma by S.S. No. 9 S.S. Na. I5, catis. The sîraplesa lace badîce r prctins 5..N.1 othieilnas lspped mîitha lace jarbet. pradulias. ~ - e . ec fingeclip veif cf ire blse Freddie Feaftseslose cf S.S Ns. t as casegliltaoanafclisg cap nf 5onssthsespecial pece foral ,.0. satinansdlace. Sse caccied a wte arIse or arresa. Slaeeing in a c i Bible, cita pînli cseliassandi lily- sohela spfay mccc: Fred Feallier- of-lbe-valley. aloc. S.S. Na. 5; WînselcaNa nre. Callies Bacra, maid cf lionar, S.S No. 8: Editis Powell. SS. Ns. asd Muriel Bislow, bideomiaid, S: Arlease Ellan. S.S. No. If; JO more risolinesi, lalfeisa fengIs Anne Henry, 'S.S. Na. Il; Carle Sirofaasof royal blar nylosntaad-1 Downsa and Glenn Gofdcteac-. S. * LIZABETH DREGAR of S.Sý No. berceief rat nef avec safleta. Ns. 12 andilEizaaleth Ocegar, . 3,Nelos hot Malchisg sel Jaekels mccc mrs No 3.1,Nesntowssîp O thea5 r t he I plse badices and bolli Tisebaîrman of tise Nelsonî Ar- rophy cup her school wsosin the wore maîrliisg milteas aand lests- ea Seisool Board. T .lHaw-lins.. sic Junior Drama Festival for North eresi braddrccsea Tbey rarried eus- rnîrd lishe prises aed spolie bncI- Nelsos Rural Schools. She star- cadra cf celfom pomponmtaoms set ly on flic fise effortpat focîlilic ecd asthe prîsces ~ s i h rou-i locaenet, ail te scholâs.H Spepr adac-asGroomosmas mas Fred Allentf mate o ermoie oi te v tlion of Hans Crsta Adrsn Actas and aslieisg w O ies fra. play "The Prisceos asd the Saîse- Danre cf Milton. DomIiitrmsocs.ots , eheed.-Follcmîng tise cremony, a rc cugirsb neamissiooliwre pliss Oas lielsn theflicMltvan c e Therbrides soller more ise aeîd Mary Dims ofl imrstoinie i esrded sal ltaîlela milliblacklic sseol. FORMER MILTONIAN cesoeîs and a corsage cf yeflom roses. Ther grooms sacîlerchseor CAMPUBELLU NAMED TO, POSITION drrss of frcc carded taffeta mils ________blaacocessriead acorsagesof i Dr.Margaret Gastlc Hill, isooira en d roses. Bety C ultr H st ,-csll apîîestd Acting Sapre ae rFor tie meddisg trip lalise1 Betty Coulter Host 1Mediril exaie.cî ceidîng tii she I rh h rd hs hc Grace Mission Band 1 Q:'îiîîîîsîîiihdIn 1.1ii iiiathngac(srj Tlie GrceccIMissione Baed hIscd-Nlieisigiiisaciî,,resi theer Feiraory ceetingo aI Ithe home r Di lli%%sai-lsrsi ii a fatiMieiar iIn f952ial of lth, î cf Betty Coîllcc os Salîîidos aller- Mi liiiîe hichi 0 clilfl i eposscs- , escîîg Cai d.î Ssii i hii li la]- n5t0n. The presdral.OfloriaPirdy, s1,n ,1 t. b elc l i ci-il,.-sQetr. op-nd teieeincigirilllisecallls î,,s t,îîîîîoîîrîîî Dr> 1111lois oOtro morsisip.1b,-mm,iinec-i-d ii sî hii iiial de- The Bible îîadîso sac iven IsiiparîIii-ili Sarnsia frliii iiie-ii- Diona Mîitcli'iad ocryMilciscil Froîîîî1942 10 1944 Dr.i. 1h11dil gave a caycî fRllraloicsanseoir serial pîîîc,îe insîsSarnia. From ~(Dbf1~ ri cdliv sasiiioa countiiliv oflthe f945 I., 1947 ie aurs o.Assitant e- wold cl ffce o Halh n otn ad RR1 MILTON j Mes. Geelecsgave- lisestoey tie194 sie rlrsdlouiSarnia andj fcîîsîtflicstîîdy liokiMasy lians icce Ilims iao scs-n dcîng anestisesia j1* MONUMENTS inssany lands." Theaislrret mas and publlîiscallisîmîri.l Bri,.Betty Coaltcc cva rcead- 0 MARKERS 8 ing ;adlthe meetig as acled wilis praere by Beecly Robertso Therrr BUILDER BV TENDER îecr21 grfs. lmo c"lisand lac lit St. Laoais. Ma., a c 0rao jOCEMETERY LETTERING adoi esprescrl its rsîîîc telunch iilrdo 35.I5sîdigl, uotationsNy Appoinitaent scismisfltsmed. un", 1 a easii isal isad hit- la ns or lise sieeîîîîld lialrishicr ggs PhnMitnl83 ex pla-sîd: lIm rio b5.îd 1lien hoMron1B3 - isl ect5ola Idi iws-i cracl.. A e.Çssfeede4Hm2la vsnioin nrmenpopote L sono car 8"y B ylindrlo.l H82 ln.d bsppeo 24" d»p. 87" dia. pan Is 4" dnsies. bes oncire gIpta.itnd bn. olde 50 Ilbs.,fata., à*". boots boBsehld pan i. îyBssder. Noohs ma.dfaolbleo p n asconilesosirei U-230 W 1016<VU SA b.aey doiy10h"dos, r.- Bas« inltshnd i. p... tons Ultaolr.ei iila gno White riflessin &mises. Stel gurd profocsiop-ns kanpinn blb Sonlion,,. PEIERuBeO assidon I comoînaTe No, 33 sf,.. ba* s,2 slo'dop, 4" otdn, .mI. of bonne galt..oizd pime. steel iih 4 blado rslid .dge odIasiobin rest poed rad Witbor wn On OodIiviabli ene e $Mndaddooodo oamsnod soi te mne se . Inod te desripiven ilîroloro end non Ci.IaaNa. 33. Addreson np. J-B. TU NATIONAL IDEAL COMPANY PRMEREu=MN FARte FORUM MONOAY NIGHT HALTON CO-OPERATIVE SUPPLIES Milton, Phone 127 Georgetown, Phono IR. 7-2981 -Free eivery on Route Oays - SEE ... JOHNSON BROS. GARAGE Your Chrysier, Plymouth and Fargo Dealers FOR SETTER USED CARS PHONE MILTON 586 TOWNSHIP 0F TRAFALGAR Trafalgar P.O., Ontario NOTICE TO TRAFALGAR RESIDENTS Re DOG LICENSES Please be advised thal corsmencing this year, 1954, and hescaforîli, setil changed by By-law, ALL dog osseers wili secure their dog liceese or lîcenss fromas ay sendor as Iisted below. Licesses must Ne purchased os or Nefore March lst in each year as per By-Iaw No. 1953- 23. VENDORS IN THE NEW SURVEY Me. W. J. THOMPSON, Geseral Store, corner Tratalgar-Es- quesisg Raselise asd Sevesth Lise. Mr. G. W. McCAMMON, Store, corser Fiest Lise asd No. 10 Sideroad. Mr. H. RUTHERFORD, Store at Omnagh, corner Fosrth Lise and No. 5 Sideroad. Mr. R. FEATHERSTONE, Store at Desasquis, corser Seventh Lise and No. S Sideroad. VENDORS IN THE OLD SURVEY Mcc. W. E. DENT, Store at Trafalgar, corser Severth Lise and Dssdas Highway. Mr. R. B. McGILL, Store at Paiermno, corser No. 25 Highway and the Dosdas Highway. Me. P. NICHOLS, Store at Kent Gardens service road off the Quen Elizabeth Highway betssees the Sixth asd Sevesth Lises. Mr. W. FERNIHOUGH, Stoee os No. 2 Highasay, sear the Fourth Lise. Me. J. BEEDIE, Service statios, No. 2 Highway East, Lot 3, Concession 3 SDS. Mr. LAWRENCE PAUL, Geseral stoee at Sheridan, Osees Elizabeth Highway and Town Lise. Mes. GEORGE GREEN, Residosce, West St., Bronte, sosth of No. 2 Highway, Township of Trafalgar. S. A. FEATHERSTONE, Clorli, Township of Trafalgar CUB AND SCOUT NEWS MILTON (US, SCOUT PARENTS NIGHT HONORS MISS A. BLAIN ON MONDAY(a, The big event ai the cear, Psrenta' and the messnin attanhesi ta the Cali Night, ment avec the top wlth a and Scout Pepmises D.0Dvis thants biang an Monday nîglit. Dse ta the ed "Seotec" fac bis asidreos. sptcndid efforts ai Use Ladies' Auxil- bery, the ficat Parents' ansi Sons' iTe lioys mcc gises a short cace- basqset wmsshel inlahflic Isma hll. cisc fa ceieve the strain af sittisi ue os long. Aheta started the Cuba ansi Leaders expressed thlii thanho to their siliar skit. mhicts mas a pre- the varioas people aoss agosîcafecss sestateca cf sthe vacîcas stages a bocy foic ilir hlrp. gie flirsei le rios fisc fisc hi-ens- At thebqe-itiiie.,a lissetflsioibrea, el Iris c )rl s a siMsswgtî. sntit lie igcee-eisci-sas îriesiidliclthels(-.ivticCslis as as(s-cieod StarCoil, Scuts'. SrýiiirFleeming. ffied wscil ~LiapigWlf iaigsa tcen- cmmiosioer. saisi the Orsse, ansitIrthflicots.c everyliody flics sat dama toa oos- Nrii«se lr Fostcr flics foffomed per served ic ythe Ladies' Aaoiliacy. mth aesmîa sretl ffi MC.R. Hcmarlh prsented the ieciifr'of a Scoutmhieisoasil- vacicees vitilaro ansi afficiaiss 50fol- lostralsd lis eerraIcf tise Scouts. cmv :presidroft Grccp Commnittee, A D. Davis: Field Ccmmissianee foc Ater zinidlsrrssort earrirse forc SoutliCentral RegionsOntario Scot-- cs, lher ansoaf Gecap Coin- ii-" Fleming; president Ladies' Aux.o- esslfMeetingso as cal led fa ceder ilfaryMes. Lueas; see.-fceoe ,Geoup liy litidint D avis. Nominatioens Ccmmitter. K Y. Diek:ts: i ceeve, li er ilr GiicîCammitte1cr 1954 Cael Mactis; Aklet Miss A. M.îcerrnmade, srcîîndrd ansi adcpfed as Bfain: ScutmasterK. Poster; Fieldfd losllîctPresidrol. D. Oasis; Bec.- Cammisseasce for Soutli Saskatehe- 1'ccac R. Hamarfis; rarcativemem-t wan. R.Crocl; Leaders, M.Nos- ieresRH. Ccafsn . RMcascy, O. lirrry Ed. JcssingsG.Cacuticrs Mrriît.-associae rmlrs. . C. Watt andsi McNHcactli - kJ. Be-fl Aascoscememcoffthie cmliined Tfeimeseitgca clsd ad a chliieceiceefor GidesBrown. Camp Fire Sing-Song ma led by ira. Sts ansi b ws Mode foc r.laiitn ci-at Sosday Thec mes orre Itm' Ialoos, teisc -ii-sid isear iG. El- asbrd to hclp the- Leaders eear leetîl tises bld tso fcics cf in0cr- oacfy he taleis andarrange c tstiiisîilis bys adarets.Vlie chiars, wmlutrtise mstlics osi cd leccf liadli clireeef tlisg's is a Alla and MRaslircciasrmlifisg m-issieeinils cIicîssoay serasom flcCîsfclcrrsingociife. -ciiiiariri ttractici- fa people, Asrmi-re fe sfeecmcd accnunisillli-s,art,-taeinrs ndue ly lie ciamp fr. Celise onthle insiedrîssiii silevcsio and franssîcc- tlies tishe Scstseiththieparnts i d it sol, sss-thîtîc attractive and the osaîreserm-circer Tie-MC heisrs sîcielThisîsrterrrd tc flic Irans- sssrsdacecd "Scsis- Flemisg.saseîof- lformatliniif lîle-boyic sIColis fîciel rcprenentîe cromca refîoal ;sisd Sciais ilus tle snticlng efforts af igveca shrt tafli A(iis and lScsiisors. of iolrre.t tslieiliboys andtpar-j Tiws- snl stiirs-iad diecti-e i-cils on tfi iiieatssn itScfNceitisg .- li' 11:s Ils-- iisicisg iefîoslocf Ils ai l us iindirope.Ahi Sti sM.Itais lises MAY WE HELP DEVELOF YOUR COMMERCIALLY VALUABLE PROPERTY ARBEE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Contraclors and Engineors PORT CREDIT, ONTARIO TAYLOR 2-1192 leaving town and the Pack ater Any Scout who is 14 yeacl or avec well over 10 yeara service. On lie- by Jone. 1955, and who hm. attals.d hall af Provincial lleadquacters, the remnt of lot Clas Scout, ln in£- "Scottie" Fleming read a etter of ible te attend. Itas worth worklng appreciation lromn the Provincial for boys. and me hope Mitn willl Commloaoner and preaented Akela bc represeoted. wlth the Service Medal and cloth , emlilem. Thio mas fotlowed by a TOO ANXIOUS presestatjoo of thc Thank Yfou "Nowmumch milIl cent te &endO Badge from the town Group Comn- mire la Omiaha?" a pretty yOUng mitice, preoentcd by D. Devis. girl asked a Western Ual. cierk. The Ladies' Ausiliary expemsed "That mutl be 71 cents, ego%" e the appreciation of the mathero by replied.exele o presentisg Akela witb a neekîsce . Isnt tbat awfalty xenefo and earringovetpresented by Mcs.ju. tioe mod'oie aaked 'Yeo bat casacao esd ten words Lacas. Finally, Morley Raspbvrry foi hes sarne pricer" pyud isy Leaders' Grp w kmsg dShe lisick IIa do met, "No ai.I ,ih Akela. and petd lie r ose hik 'I ddtat hecaad s cvîigcasv. Nise mare cesses xil esund liRe Miss Biais. visibly moved, copres- sed ber thanha tealsf1wbo bad morts- Nemfosndlasd's surfa«e Io bac- cdi witle berr obagb fthe earo, and ces. rcey, dolîrd wilà pond. and lfrt a challenge ta the parents ta smamps. isrcp se the gssd wsnof 1Caling and Sesuting. The cegulac Cuis lssing. asd flac lowering liy the Scsuts elosoaffa ELECTROLUX cery esîscalle eveneng. The Grosp SALES, SERVICE & IREPAIES Commilîe lanhed the Ladies' Auxihiary foc their splendid assist- Damestîe and Commnerollai ance licoaglithee Isat year, and for Cleaners, Fleer PeBabhers Ier gosd morh of the evening hLONDA A very imoprtant announeemeol w MIaLiTO N D fL- mas mode by "Scottie Fleming 1 .JbokiPoe9- 1955, tlie Wsrld Jamboree of Scoute 6l Bartas Drive, O.&,iU. wiciib lie ld for the lco time in Phone OaIsvilIe Vicier 1-SERI Canada at Niagara-sn-the-Lake.______________ TELEPHONE O PERATO RS WANTED 0 PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY 0 SOME HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION 0 AGES 16-25 YEARS PREFERRED Apply to - CHIEF OPERATOR MAIN STREET MILTON A Mark lwain Classic qeTHERES A SPIDER IN MY NEWSPAPER!" THIS STORY IS ABOUT 80 YEARS OLD; BUT THIE MORAL UT POINTS S AS FRESN AND TRUE TODAY AS WNEN UT WAS FIRST WRITEN. BEFORE NE BECAME FAMOUS AS AN AUTHOR, MARK TWAIN WAS EDITOR 0F THE VIRGINIA CITY ENTERPRISE. ONE DAY A SUBSCRIBEE WROTE A LETTES "TO THE EDITOR" ABOUT FINDING A SPIDER IN HER NEWSPAPER; 5MB ASKED IF THAT WAS A SIGN 0F GOOD LUCK. MARK TWAIN, THE EDITOR, REPLIED: "OId Subscriber: Finding a spider in your paper was neither good nor bad Iuck for you. -The spider was merely Iooking over your paper to see which merchant is flot advertising, so that he can go to that store, spin lus web and live alife of undisturbed peace." Busy Stores Mean Busy Factories When goosis are producesi lhey msst be solsi, For lt's whon salon slow up that surplus stocks acc rue andi prodluction slows clown. Every manufacturer, every reîailer, ever5t business man knows that newspaper adverftsing exeila a powerful selling force, and cas maintain a steady demansi for goosis or services. Andi so, from the clerk in the store kept busy with buyers, fe, the machine operator in the faclory kept busy making more articles to re-stock store supplies, nesespaper adverlihing pîsys a large part in maintainîng high mn- ployment levels, Yes, newspaper advertising SILLS. Do yoo know anyone who doesn't rossi the local newspaper? The Canadian Champion Milton, Ontario Phone 220 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. PAGS FOM THUIMAY, a