TIRI2BSDAY. FEBRUABY if, 1954 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON. ONT. Long Teri Records Show Thot Canadian1 Cimtols SteadiIy Getting Warmer The csmate of Canada ha been rage temperatarea have riaen duringr gettsog warmer, fayo G W.Rob ert ts at 45yera ageneral. thia aona, meteorologist for the Diviaion carming up amounted ta one or two of Field ffaabandry. Seita and Agri- degrees but at Fort Vermition ta cuturat Engineering aiteCetrlnortisernAtlberta it caa nearly fivee Experimental Farm. Ottawa degrees!1 A tudy o tong terra ceather re- Temperatare Data 3 cords at fia stations in differeat The temperature data for tiss eiaatic zoaro rso Canada reveat otody cere taien troc the recordsa that bth susie an ad cinter ave- of six waafer statios toated at End f te sesonbrings drastic savingi on this seasonat merchandise. Buy now and save big money-here's how ... KELVINATOR GRlEAT SAVINGS ON THESE KELVINATOR APPLIANCES DEEP FREEZE Mode, FR93 the perfect size for t he average household, fuit 9.4 aubis- feet. 325 tbs. of frozer, food. Regutar price $42995 SPECIAL $343.96 SAVE UP TO $100 ON REFR IGERATORS Nof asillustraîed ANS MODEL' 7.1 Cubis- Fef Capacity Regatar $25995 SPECIAL $199.93 RANGE *NO UfflOE fflov, poiny daaimd GLAfl. ISLON ROLL hsadlul fuooY ablP - jesImm wa. as oe ba whiO lu euhaga you ..asa n s b"aadkM sp an th dm aa s Mchos meti& Roguiar Prca $14838 SPECIAL FOR $114.95 MANY OTHER ITEMS AT BIG SAVINGS STIRLAIRE, the parfact room frashenar, te cisar cooking odora, smoka. Doubla lamp, reg. $1700. SPECIAL $1.95 Singla Lmp Modal reg. $1450 SPECIAL $695 'Experimental Farmsa scam Canada. L a iy tise Itafiansa cis aride modern Theae.tatiana are: Nappan, NS.; SpeakerO utd i tettots100mttirn ur Ottaca, <Otaria; Brandon Mantito lre-s opia ,50ise kogdom c Hutt b; aedhFortdgermAillona;ingaaex ife in Addis Ababa Setanie. ta ils capital, Addis Ais-' C.; ad art ermlio in xtcane Tbe Junuocy meeting ot the <Sm. aba, 10t degrees narti ai tise equat- noriea tht.agts Womeoo f stitute wuu lteld a- Or- 'The description. of tihe sehoot g taccommodation Maathehom Dus iatob inse veamme seanltrriseh eOf Mes. George Dolby aod touchers' acnndto n ta ctaer nettie, he eante- rreotiy. Mes. Clame, vice-presideot, hanse ife was inteceting, ioclud- perature for tise stx stations increas- urted for Misa Joyce. s rsdn ing tiseiselp cf a moniserrvunt ut el frornsan ueeruge of 53.0 degrena Terolca naroga lb ri ras$161 a mantis and ogirl ut $8 a s. duriag tise first 15peuasaiftise 45 Tsecticai T eu ass adest mastis.Food cas sot difficuit la year period, ta 54.3 degreers dueing bat" casonosy respaaded t na obtain uod ail cutu of ment cere tise pastt i5 eura. Simitarly duriag cay by Mra. Ciare. Mes. George tieseainme price. Open marksets of- tise fiver intre mootisf the averuge Douglas. Miss Joyceraod Mes. Ees- feerd gond fruit and vegefoýbtes Hello Homemukertt ta tisere ap- L.. e. 8Bo.» tesoPeratare carmed up frac tf8.4 rst Heoderso. ho taaked cary cucisas greesniseansoand fomatara, degrra ta 20.3 degcesciTisavaerage rcý,in s: is' ldar tyas. saeve months ast thse yaas Scal tiiog tisai fatro la gond us uboci 2 capis lima beuna te'tl'ltlc ith ibsainsfra:ss awürea hugis! 4 of aIsteamisgist sspao a chiity 1amati crated turnip saass-:sasa-aitia ieatsssss as lho aassrspssssalassa as. thena1saIsiFruit cas Sa9c per poosd day? Ctear oup isaafirstcoureefor Smalf mineedanioa tisa iioissilly ssssd aissre aif052- rad slby tiesa ascrtary-leeaas.ia.u ad as alftepr le- dinosr aod tise moi-e sabafantiai t1rata tumatbrs. caaaed 53 sens 246 decrees. 4.3 dagrees iigis- Mas. Morto. Thisîsioluded a let- 5aporated soitis 40e prtar in leen ap and pures orsuper sati eanr er tisastiseaserrage far tise pasi 15 teraf îisaois fract Mes. Hamer klic 03.25 s ras. Tise esat af liv- or lunch. And tise folks wcis carry 2 cupo grgited carraIs yeas. McCano an tise drafis af ber ma- iog cois itiar fa ours. luncishboxes tise fise vacuum baffle 3 Ispa. sait Otucwa records sharptise irasîtiser. Mes. Fard, a membere aftisa of s505ta tfer tsaayfising else. Si tap. pepper cisaage of lise sio natiosy ldid. wauacssachearful presanre Native faads ransasted of a big Tisere is a conderfai variety of a caps caler Dsring tise witer tise aerage terr- ani for greaftymisurd 0f tahemerS- fa aeiesuea eymle cssdrigm op n ro Wasis and smaisbeana overnigisi perature ut <Ottawa rase tram 200 agi. Serardty, a ltter ofaIibsaeor and eaaised in a potfery co- d sautas tisat ns one iind need be ienctieiercapscoltdcoter. Nexf day degrees on tise ariy yaars of tise fiassi MisJoyce. follord by Mrs. taerî t aras seed cis isat sereed oflea. Gf course, tisrify aasittse s asisadrub perad tsded ta20. dgers dr-Bayle prraaaalplistankisia theise auesaofrutrcmety bat red tari- hocemaisees reuliie tisa soup ofcrs tisrosci a sseae. Add otiser ingred- sogth fiepast 15 years. Dsring tise graatafotaisir iindîrsa daesg bar persa-nrrefn pprsy auetif- rts and cash titi tender, about oaa past 5 yrars. ioeer, tise average baraavemeot. Etetasmetecossisted aof eacis- avecvergetaisies. bones and fric- isasr. Add more catrif aeressury. ctimbed ta 23.6 degrees. Business malIes discaased can- ce- v'îtiog sieeis athera hanses ciss ram meal.Sqahou cread tise fosrmatian at a gardes -aod uanolasal mavie is Addis TAKE ATIF quPSs Wurmer Ottaca u Sasers atuba; se-ere s ise traveling atras Aiaba. They had ta caSe thiese tTa remove excesa fat tras ishot Squash Summers aiOttawa iave acfuatty and lise qaltiat ber at Mca. Clares. ao tunanad as Ifalsas Fiat cr, 1soupsicofilametpa, 2 or 3 smatI onians brendouge e etfig aae attugsse as bis aatssded a past ueS tanh. a jeep and a statiaoncaasnpeoeid- tises resser tise recainder sy Atsp t bte r leen duîngtis laI tc yarocas Tieseaksier tetsameeting wascd tansportation. King Haste Set- passiaf a pop er serviette avec tise hn.tsm ratiser indefisite. Tise average tens- Mrs. Jns Metloafl. misa deseris- asis appeared aI att taaitirat asd surface.uS n eprt a Peratsreedeppedt07 dagrcrstrom cSait aadecean tatopepperteocasotaad iOustee il 5d7.9estaritheasdfsafif bayaealrarrssa57svd iaord h2 Ifsosp is tocsafy drap tome t70 in tis 15 e years f 3.2ta sbiiard oa thaîr trip and resars choolatwhire aad hetd a palacere e- sticed roc ptotors imb sosp and Peel squash and eut in piecea. tis pst l eur. ram Eispia asa watt as thirtr iea cption. boit for len or tiffeen minutes. Boit cils anion fineiy eut ta a smasi Greatrst changes occrred af Fort pears as feacises s i large boaard. Tise cimste aras detîgtflt-- 4. Mince ose slice et onian and add amasat ai coter tilt tender. Masls Versslianîinnocthern Aberta. Hece îsg aschat taorbaya autaide Addi' abaut 70 degrees. dry aad suaay ta mosi soutas for fiavor. and odd srasanings, butter and milk, thr averagr suumer temperaturea Ahababa. excert tram Juna ta September 5. Msnosodîum glutamate added in Heal f0 boiting point and serve at eicbrd 4.0 degrees fromn 44.2 for tise The tria bagas isy air frac Mat- ciscs she massaaa rasas frttin tise quostity otfsih lsp. 10 t qI. soup once. pcîd10-23 ta 490 foc tise paît 15 tas i e aai.trta Eg orreests. Watf fe addyogts brisgs ouftishe best sf ceas and Ecannsmiesl TomaeS sp yeors. Simiiaeiy acerage ciater laad, lParia. lsaty. Noce. Caîra. lauadry preane at eitn. vegetabir tiavors. 1isuicps cansed lomatoes temperatures cient up 4.3 degrees Egypt. Theare ta Enitera. Asmara Ehalai c.00fet aoae ses te-OSuper-Saupttsasgr froc i. beioc aercs ts2.4 aisser fera ita captala. as attractive rîty biutt ar. Tiyry etursed sy boaatt rac t tami ssianis1 Fec sgrisp e for tise iast t5 year periad. _______________ Aden via tisa Rd Ses.,sthe Medît- 3 pints cotd caler FeHP.rcisppe Wisat isas tiis scati but iipcurd about 12 days for lies1ntosrrna s bparemSa- 2s.si pihsîmitis trend in temperoture ceunI 0 tudr Ts e g eincratse l and baser onsDuteisAir Lises. 1i lacucps prari bary iaie n farces-s? Teetawrt uigtde.Teget raews Mea, 'D3oby favored cîish a piano 2 caps ceiery t îlicssp. utte Tieetr ods uigf~~asa ieetis 8 rgtra aa Art1fthas scoe tnfoaosîbsp. fluer tise ssmmer csstiss ias aided in atAaszweehavrg rssooAvoeo hnswsmvd 1pttmte 1bp.flu hasfrniag groctis and catucily af froc peeiod îocreased by 40 duys, for Mrs. MeDoagatî's nddreec. Ne- t large anisa scap cood mabd potala crP.In sor csesgeolisand 183 istise persod 1909-23 la 223 tree'hnfents serre served. t cap cisoppod carcots Y.s aisdpu cassnps. nddays dscisgtheciass 15 years. At The corrspsondetforethis goaa 1tcap graled carrols% ucokdpa lime reqsirrd for cafueily ca de- Fort Vermîillo for tieseasne yeara regrets veey mach tisaitishe Setat- Pepper ta taate Heat lamatoes and scar (straita creasrd by .5 Per cent. tor rvery in- theaveragrfrsstre prriodirsngtis- ember meeting at Mes. W. Nilsas, Hcrisg sisani slsociy la boii in if desiredi. Add seaanings. Scald The ru osfeeere bs e eiautr. sd 10 dsys froc 66 in tise early andi Mes. Tufford's December meet- cater la chichsacil has bren udded. miS in double boitersentis anisn. Tise fnros dee etrbsuiheof ge- caca ssu76 days dueing the latter ing cerersot reetoted. Salis serre Add isrtey and unosser piat of isot MeIt ibutter, add flour and ilead tred twars hghe teperturs. ecars. Asiacesunit of tisagenerai profitaiste and enjayesi by everp- coter. Boit geaîîy for Ico isours. ceti. Add scatded milS firstre.- trrdlcadsigrrtcpraars.trenad fowaeds carmer ceutiser and osa isattrodance. cio greattp ap- Addvergetaisies and sait and pep- aoovg teroaiont. Add tos us taoa <Sa the average tise perisd ibe- a longer front free seuson crapas tend preciate lise haspitalty oatie hast- per 10 taule and siccer anofiser tise milkSlaocty. Seat ceIL Add Iceen tlstutspring teost undlise ta caiture sariser and tisenis ai rues asd tise socatide af tise tcaisosrs. Add ailitfe more coter potataesad peau. reheat and serva fîrut fout front isas isirreaurd isy haut dumaceinsredueed. m-tisg. ifsnecsary. Maies8 srvins. ailonce. FIRST UNmTZED KNEE-ACTION FIRSI IN OVER.ALL EONOMY A GENE RAL MOTORS VALU£ pr ~ ' NE W AITOMATIC 3SEAT CONTEOL Toscis another controt ta more tise front seat opand forcard, or doc a dbck isto yoar cooostofrtabte drivig positiont The controt ta ptaced as.shoca chere the driver oaa use Il coaveaietelyt. Optional se -sextra nos on Bel Air and "Tco-'lba m odets ia combination cils Automatie Wiadoc ConBrots, 4 WAITOMAIIO Yoa juI touch a ballon ta adjast froat windows ta suit tise weather and your tiking! The driver fan adjast windowa on bath ides front hia seul, chite seporale contrat a are provided os the right-haad door for that cindow. Optionat aI extra cost an Bel Air and "Tco-Ten" models in Cent- bination witts Aatomafic Seat Content. aOpfiana aioexrao ei BELL BROS. Sales and Service PHONE 89r2 MILTON, ONTARIO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. TMMDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1954