'IIUUESDAY, FIIEIIUARY 11, 1084 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION. MILTON. ONT. Nome Winn.rs At ~ First Bowling Party Mosday nadght mas bowling night foc 42 membera and friends of the H1aikan Chapter Order Eatern Star when they held a bowling 50-5t0 League- Lucky Siikern 43, party at the Miton Bowlaway. M.erry Ratiers 34 Second Guessera Theo inning tean was headed 33, Knuckteheads 30. by M. Clilids, rotiing up a total of 18gh single fiat, Normna Brown 2155. ffigh singe mon and lady 24&. Murray Grenke 269; ih han- more Iais Sillars 210 and Vera dacap, Aima tiopkin 216. Hometi Wendover 189. l8igh lady and man Hopkin 287. on three gamen wan Vers Wendov- High triple flat. Littian Kaacy- rr 518 and Ted Stover 517. ahi 580. Frank Kanoyeki 719; wîlh Teamos were pieked by drawing handicap. Chailatte Toleîzk.a 574, and onc of thaetderly ladies bowl- 'sNidy Graasm 558. .d six grime. Mr. and Mis. Slais 11gb ascrage. Lilliaii Kaszyck. Chsihslm were hosto for relresh- 188, Murray Grerke 213. menla; and cards ai the conclusion 45ommerciai League - Brickers of the ovent. 21, Butehers 13, Farenlers 7. Hay -___________ ___ wards 24 Milosairea 24. Misfits 31, Macaranis 32, Whipperanappera P. L'a Ladies' LeOgse -Rath te. Coates 20, Donna Grenke 19, Mary Ladies' Aflernoon League-Roby Reipel 16, Mariel Coolson 15 Childs 24, Norma Brown 17, Psnky High single, Donna Grenke 286; Teendet il, Eicen Domms 18. kigh triple, Donna Grenhe 875. Uîgh single. Mary Cahoan 283;' Inter-îown League - Milton 5 îlgO triple, Olive Cannon 560. rGeorgetowni 2. Insulation Don't HIBERNATE I1- INSULATE 1 f rom oar stock of 2" BATTS, 1 5"x48" CARTON 60 SQ. PT. 3" EATTS, 15"x48" CARTON 40 SQ. PT. Granulated wool packod in bags, wiII cover 15 sq. ft. 4" thick PAINT Up WITH CIL. PAINTS AND VARNISHES THIS SPRING1 R. S. Adamns Stores Ltd. PHONE 48 IH-O-C-K-E-Y - Detrout vs. Rangers MINOR HOCKEY 8"e.30 p.m. MILON O-OS v. ELMRA MIL LT ONOPSAR.EAI FRIDAY, FEB. 26th-MILTON vs. COLLINGWOOD TOWNSHIP 0F TRAFALGAR Trafaliir P.O., Ontario NOTICE TO TRAFALGAR RESIDENTS Re DOG LICENSES Please be advisod that commenclng this year, t1954, and henceforth, until changed by By-aw, ALI. dog omners wiii secame their dog license or licorises f rom any vendor as isted betow. Lconses must be purchased on or befoee March 151 in each year as per By-aw No. 1953- 23. VENDORS IN THE NEW SURVEY Mr. W. J. THOMPSON, General Store, corner Tafalgar-Es- qaesing Baseline and Seventh Lino. Mr. G. W. McCAMMON, Store, corner First Lino and No. 10 Sideroad. Mr. H. RUTHERFORD, Store at Omagh, corner Foarth Lino and No. 5 Sideroad. Mar. R. FEATHERSTONE, Store at Drumqain, corner Seoenth Lino and No. S Sideroad. VENDORS IN THE OLO SURVEY Mrs. W. E. DENT, Store 81 Trafalgar, corner Seventh Lino and Dundlas Highway. Mr. R. B. McGILL, Store at Palormo, corner No. 25 Highway and the Dandas Highway. Mar. P. NICHOLS, Store at Kent Gardons service road off the Oseon Elizabeth Highway btween the Sinth and Seventh Linos. Mar. W. FERNIHOUGH, Store on No. 2 Highway, near the Fourth Lino. Mr. J. SEEDIE, Service station, No. 2 Highway East, Lot 3, Concession 3 SDS. Me. LAWRENCE PAUL, Gonoral store at Sheridan, Qaeen Elizabeth Highway and Town Lino. Mrs. GEORGE GREEN, Residence. West St., Bronte, snath of No. 2 Highway, Township of Trafalgar. S.-A. PEATHEOSTONE, Clerk, Township of Tafalgar rOlan Bros. BUILDERS- ALTERATIONS - REPAIRS [I a i We Specialize in modern Bungalows jL W9 CO9T -~- Miles St, Milton Phone 407J1 [ ~ RDa SEE . . sse sm ss fosd han , le 2papsis JOHNSON BROS. "ejyclk;r GARAGE lwo od Your Chrysîer, Plymouth and Fargo Dealers UIe«ùffl FOR BETTER USED' CARSr(- '" 2.50 laa« PHONO MILTON 586 U-250 1e Seir4 ____________________________________ A hossdaf 10'"daett . OSat, ist5hd In 5eass 0550 r U tfenu.sas,, t cil * ilng white esftne MILTON ARENA ITHURSDAY, FER. 11h-m I RURAL AND INDUSTRIAL HOCKEY PLAY-OFFS * FRIDAY. FF.SRUARY 12h- a ANNUAL 1CE REVIEW * Sponnored by Maple Leaf Group of * Knoa Presbyterian Church, Se. beparate advt. *SATURDAT. FFBRUARY 13th- j i PUBLIC SKATING P Afternoon and Evening MONDAF, FEBRUARY 151- *JUNIOR FARMERS' HOCKEY * PLAY-OFFS *TUIG4DAY, FEBRUARY 181- RURAL AND INDUSTRIAL HOCKEY PLAY-OFFS * FERAY 7h Laa i PUBLIC SKATING * Atternoon and Ev.ning surfase.,St.aa ad prsos s sp-inaens keep5g bsb Ira.lifter. PREMIER lno.0of edom is csmploW.,The No, 33 sho. 50e. Is2" slop, 4" Idd.,Mode of hssop galvnss!d pime seeli eh 4 blude folles! @dite adiustO.lenos pohind rmd, With or aith- Ilfranq dn-snpend,,d b.sded snd bs.nd e .eS Oseatssd anet anse of. - Sansd for e scriptivesliisn.lae. end e Celosg No. 33. Addose Depi -t. O THE NATIONAL IDIAL COMPANY FARM FORUM MONDAY NIGHT HALTON CO-OPERATIVE SUPPLIES Milton, Phone 127 Georgetown, Phone TR. 7.2981 -Free Oeliveey on RouIe Days - Dow. Morhants In ' 13-7 Co-op Victory Milton Co-ops jaumped back ioto a firsi place lie mta the Elmirs Polar Kings mbes tlsey defeotedi the sixth place Forgus Mrehans ai the local arena: Il mas a lypicai MiiiosnIiergus gamne neted for their tigh secring spree. The game pcoduced very uitile good hockey, especiaily in the tirsi period when Co-ops tsad dit- ficuiiy getlieg il oui et their oms ed. Tise Vaghan. Simis se.Lemmon ire rlicked foraii ,î olî ff ins. goli., initie V.îigigl a ind Lseii1 gelliiiz imo raeh. Raine, Townsley and Ncky Fer- JOE McCANN ri eaeh soo a bransaith singlen Rturnod in Friday gamne against going t0o renke, Thumpson asd Frgus recover.d trom b.d knee. tien Simpson. Reterce Hugh Bar- low catird oly ix penalties, fosser if choie gaing la the Ce-eps. J. t3skhîe opened the seuring for Ferguihnke th1kvgamo was ls than a minute old as he iaiiied un a pay with Gear. Thece more a total ut nase goals in the fiest ses sien ansd the Cîî-ops shaied cfl îit a one goaliioad. The Co-apa tank cunleol efthUe play in the seeosd period asnd out- acured the Meekhanlu 5-2 in the middle canto. Gosatie Terry Sye mas very sharp sn lkLs period and the agite cmgo capma keaton esly tmice. Tmo penalties were eatled, koik for ligk ticking. Ohm N aine upened the searîng for the lucatu in the ihird perîod anhon ho lasted ose pasl the Fer- gus gosal on a nico passing olsie o'ith Niekir Ferri. Biity Vaughan MURRAY GRENKE and Tommy Lemmon added Io tthe Sad kn.. has recov.r.d end h.'s big score. Bitty tippod is a shol trum Tommy Lemmon and Lems- back in the Co-op lino-up. mon scorcd ose lter os a play slarted ky Joe MeCase.t Grenhe and McCans rotursed ta the Ca-opa lise-up and hetk more a lamer of strength te the Co-op altack. Gordie Cruiekshanks o ap end aeotasd afler Iks opration and ex- pecis 10 ke back in action in a cuople otfmonds. R.R. 1i - MILTON fb MONUMENTS 0 MARKERS Il* CEMETERY LETTERING GORDIE CRUICKSHANKS jQaotaîîons by Appoîntment Stil1 absent from othe roster but j *xp.cted to retumn by play-off Phone Mlton 158r32 timo. Recov.ring troi. oppen- dectorny. Co-ops, Walkorto. Raffle To 4-41ri. The Milton Ca-osanad the Waihertos Herchants hattiad toaa 4-4 dram in Walkertos Mosday nigki. Ih mas a four point gamne and the nplil lot the Cii-opa sdaa second place lie mith the Calling- mood Shipbuilders. The Ca-osa mre a minute asd fine seconds amay feoco a victory mhen Keamnechuca lied It ap tar Waîherlan, wtade Ben Simpson sat ot a double penalty handed out ky reterce J. Body ot Owes Sound. Art Miinasiî, playîrg one ofthla, halls sîamas cime sic cils 100 kig goals, ts lrad tho Co-apo ai- taek. Nirky Ferri and Gîlie Rainç added singles. Sparhy Weiler mas Use hiegosu toc the' Vaîkerton club as ke pancked home Ike!e fienttwIo goals. Goalie Terry Sye turned in one of kis keal gamnes ta date and camne ap milhso ne spertaratar sanea in the second periad. Metanson pst the Co-nps in front ai 7.15 of the final period mken ho tinioked off a play wiik Kari Fox and Bilt Andree. Sparky Weiter lied il up ai 16.22 ohen he scorcd on a break- aoay. Reterce Body catied tisree peinatiesin lise tirni nianxa. The Ca-s us straeh early in the seconîd peciod b ilead 2-i oben the smoolk morhing Eaet Fos put Me]- ano n tise clear for his secondt goal oftIhe nigkt. Tomnsiey also dreco an assis, on the goal. Sparhy Weiler came bhack 10 lie il up ai 10.07 and Mortimer put Waîkerton in the lead mken he blasled one paut Sye as 15.35 on panses from Zak and Weiler. Botk trams kil afast pare mkes the ikird period kegan and after mnissing noverai scoringecanees. Ollie Raine leamed up milk Lsay- den andOrenke for the Oo-ops ikird goal. Trîeky Nieky Ferri gave lise Co. ops a one goal lead sI 15.52 mhes ke srored anaaaisted. The Co-opa sere enisying a one-man advant- age whkm Simpson got tais double psnalty and ilIbis poini Walher- ton scored ta rend the game in10 siverilme Fon. McCann aîîd Smohy Wilsons acre the pirk ofthIe Ce- opn. The C-sps trancila oColiing- wusd Salarday esgkl and the tsi- tns'sng Frsday play kosi 10 the hsgk tlysnig Elmira Polar Rings. Canadian mantactarers nom are produeisg nyton-rorded tires mhich are ratrd asneing amnng the safest andilnoentmearisg aaniiaki asy- wkere. 3,000 SQ. FT. PLYWOOD FIR WATER BONDED SUITABLE FOR SUE FLOORING OR OUTSIDE SHEATHING. REGULAR 14c SQ.PT, WHILE UT LASTS 1Oc SQ. FT. CLEMENT FLOOR & ROOF SERVICE 426W Milton DELIVERY IN TOWN ONLYI On, Point Margin" Barney Cnuisnn's Btack Hamks defeatrd Hîhe McCssnet'n Leafs 5-t s nIte misor hockey games Satucday aI the aresa. Bell and Riisnn led à te seorers mîlk Imo goals eaeh, the singeton going to Dedge. Mnrley Raserry s Braies detrat- ed Harold Learmasst'sCanadiensnl,. D. Blak was theegganfiring fine Braîn goals foilomed ky D. Peddie mîtk tkree, W. MeConseli getting lise single goal. Sinclair, mt the bat trick, Ird the Canadiens. single goals ging to McIntosh and Btck. Jack PeddisnRHngeres ganed these tiraI is defeaîsng George Ficîcheres Bcd Vinsn6-5. Bill Braak ted the Red Vinga mith four goals. Luehie getting the singleton. Satarday atternson the Rodn de- feaird the Blocs 2-0. the scsrsng ho- ing divided brImera Pearson and Prdalia ilk Oeegoal ech. Saturday Sehedule 8 a m ,-Detrnil ns. Boons. 9.15 am-Rangecrs .Chicago. t0.30 a.m.-Leafa ns Canadiens. a30 p.m.-Bluen vs. Reds. Leagar Standing P W L T Pla. Boîston 8 5 2 i il Chicago ...... . 5 3 0O ]1 Canadiena o 4 3 1 9 Lirais 84 3 i 9 Detroit . . ...... 8 3 .9 il O Rangera 8 1 6 i3 Enrol Four Leaders 0f Kilbride Guides OLtlrlcCommssion,, for port Nelson. Me Saflord 'nnrsllrd tisar .îseta19 sairotlsaders n n is.Oie; Guides Campany ai Kiliseide ose Nitrlidasreennn Errolîsil as pot-I iii, leaders inere ,lasrilî ry. Fianice. skobrtsniJianrîns Peer and Caralons. Mes. Vers John- s'nii. mr charge soflthe croup Ihal beld isimeting ai the nekool %aîlh 22 girls preseni. Ao pCesen i aIlise enrotmriii waaaCaptain Meo.Smîihmîîkhpatroi leaders ftrrîMHilton. Lynn Buady, Neatiier BRme, Gayle Waldie. Mary Msrley. Elleen Raley, Sun-* dra MeManler and Gail Anderoon. The distrîitraplasîs for Frerman' lias aimopeoni. Edg. Regents Un First Play-offs Irthe fient gamr ofthie Rural arsd ledanlesal Legue piay-oftn Tuenday of latanio'ek. Arum rdtged lise Riornia hy ose goal 011k a 6- 5loin. Tise play mas very eren an nei- iker team owaa more ikan one goal oip or damen ike isole gomr. In the eond game. Zîmmerman and Malfaî played a vry fast, rîrar camr. euth Zînmeemanrerg- 1-lrîng a 5-1 vîiory. fi tobk 32 minaten of playr before lithr e trm islged the toise, thon Zimmerînan gol iheir fîrot imo gaaL., ini lenn ikan fine minutes. DOT dîîst bîsma mb eecacks atosg bissekosrda. moatdisgs and aroand hut-m hkitchen ropheards mili sîsmisale anmrleoretenants lihe eilieerih andrcorhroaekes. Over Zimmerman In the tirai game Thurnday night of Iast mecta in Use Rural and las- dustrial Leagse, Zismnaersasaa de- teated Hoffalt6-5 in o cloaee pse. Cadmore for Zimnmerman bagged four of Ibeir ix courtiers. Ie the second game Tisnsasday nîgkt, Regenls doarsid Acs, l t enen the play-off munt te ose gamr apiece mitk a 5-2 min, Negrota ketd Adtonsacarelestiti isaltmay lkroagk the tilird pariod oken Ben Baytins scoced on a long ihot. Palermno In Second Place in PIay-offs Second position le the Junior Farmer hoekey play-oft was notch- cd ky Pateemo ihin week tolswisg a 4-4 coniral mitb Miton. Witn point els xrse, Palereowon o 5-3 eiclory tasi oeeh en serni-tinal play. Teamn standings nom show Narval. Palermo. Hilton end Actas inbtal order. In ibis meekos game. Milton goals werre scoreit ky J. Cillies. J, Stark. J. Wîtîmoin (21; assists, j, Stark. J. Gillies, B. Denlin; penal- ties, A. Roodrn, B. Devlin, G. Gi- Paleemao goaln mrre scored by G. RiccisLoo and D. Vicias 131; assit.D.Vrian. K.Vivins L. Vînian G. Richacdson; penatiesL. Viclan G. Nichrdson. AUCTION SALE 0f Far-s and Garden TssI% Cai- tle, Fred, Etc. The aodersigned haro receieed i nntructionn troas ARCUE CAIENS Tosearl ky publicaclson ot his foras, lti4. non. t, Township of Nassagaweya, an' SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1954 AI 2 o'eloek, Use folloming: CATTLE-.i Holstein com, nsilk- irg, due May 8; I Holstein seiter, freeob spcn; i Noan Durhamo hall. HAY. GRAIN ANDS PONTS-MOÙ bas. of ferd obrat; 450 bu. ea- salaat; 2 ba. of NcdCtoverseed' 4 tonsofai ay; 350 haies of sheat riras. ovireelied; 4 bags of fertil- izer; 100 cedar poali. FANM ANDS GARDEN IMPLE- MENTS-M.H. geais binder, a8fi, cal; MOD. maesure apreader; buck rahe. moanled on Boiet a cr; moantcd onom plomI rialbar tired wagon; power stras' cuIter; O, R. polato digger; O.K. potata planter; MD. outîko dise; MBH. cultivaI- or; 2 scaffier; grain drill, 12 tane; 2 wheet car trailes'; tuenip aeeder; rabber tired mheel barrom; harret ahileanash sproere; sati pan and paite; plattorm secatas; aaah anal odd Ferrens; crest et am: Saede naw; 1 Noreet chain sas; posI hale as- ger; pipe ftlingF; pipe; forka; siso- rets. bara. ekaies, oic. FUNNITIINE-Sidebeard; Nrock roota alove; Qaebee heaier; kitohea. table; laege pine table; 1 china cabinet; t large mimeor; 2 etlecirie iromG; mattte ron; manile eadio aed aiker omal hoasehold articles. TERMS: Cash getteme-nt mith clerk day of sale. No renerve as Use torm is natd. 'HINDLEY ANDS RLLIOTT. IIOURSDAY, FEBRUARY li, im THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. THESE STUDENTS froas White River, Ontario, set a nom distanco ro- cord for organized school groups visiting lte Royal Ontario Museum aI Toronto, On their round trip of more than 1,100 mites they visit- ed the masonm and ils exhibition on how cil is formed, ashere it is locatod and prodaced in Canada. The exhibition, the first of ils kind in Canada, s asjoint project of lasperial Oit Ltd. and the Royal On- tario Museums of Goology and Minoralogy. One section of the ox- hibit is devoted to the cradie et the Canadian oul indusîry, sotath- western Ontario, ashere ou mwas first discovered in the 1850's. In this pictare, Walter M. Tovoîl, cuatrab of geology, is explaining lte oporation et a rotary drilling rig. This is the type et rig used in western Canada and rocently introdsced by Imperial Ou 51ltce Ontario oil fields. Boston Leads Group1 Moffat Wi ns 6-5 1 liizh