Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Feb 1954, p. 3

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¶'iIIfmSDAY. FEBSIUABY 11. 1954 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. PAGE 1~ m*ike raumn~ Councot aceeptea thse tender ofFP. TRAFALGAR nIRni DR. E. G. rALUII Maxted of Toronto of 35 cents per cuble yard te cruah townasip gra- vel for the roads detartoent TO PflREZ NINIG FOR NO T Thato 15 cents botter than tast Teafalgar counicif, ae t is meeting t wnship solicitor and councotbe year'o tender." sot d Counctttor AI- IMonday o!fooat meek, hired Dr.E fore Dr. Fofodie gos te controot. 'e htio W'eaiodado tise omer tender too." G. 'Fatudo to poepre a oonrng by- Councot appointed Reece Emer- Rood supefntendent Jerk Orr law for Norths Trafalgar at $425 per son Ford, Councif for Fronk Stack tne a o o mentis. and Cuclo Donatd Bath as a id that tise tne a o T.ara ebezodi C oocif for 10 ih Bene ebe good and salftd enocit shoutd theea f af o ned~Oo- of c 1mmitte e 0me tr and orntecheck on tisefirin and bave the hefraf concessionn 00db of Dus- councif conitte rn d mors tinacmlenbod r dao treef. Thse cntrect for ourssome agreensent for Monte mater mon teo ag coptetionbond. Mr.d 6 îto be supplied to oeocby fowasisip Mxe gedt ebne servcesr u hipromine t tist tise 2,500 cobie yards sr ies fato be apjroced by tise resodents. of graele woofd be croaked bly ____________________________________________________ Joty It. t954. Aossoc distit en- girs-o Phifip Bet~pt oefd the D,'parftmrrfof Iifhwysr xprcted he oet trndero tbcorrcepted. AN NOU NCEMENT xtdstne a71 ctslw ftiOs now possible f0 obtain foreffy e roospfte essortmenf o! Fre er thon any otiser tender. Extingoisisers for off types of f ires f0 soppty yoosr Despif e the protest o! deouty- reece itobert Marsbhalf andtthe FIRE PREV NTIO NEE S mrning of ronce Emerson Ford FIRE PRE ENTI N N EDStisaf med better dram tisefane Yeu mayishace nomedoafe assurancageonst fore fossesisy consufting somembere os mere branebing oui Ontario Fre Precention and Servce, Toronto, or yooo forai agent tofar.fe Trafalgr counif c oted RICKETT'S AND GREEN to accepftishe Sftiring Dynes tender of $3290 for a Wilson Body Ford t ruck for f ire bri gode number tmo. RE E T SERVICE STATION turcil a r ig tnalpanne te o POE60MAIN ST, MILTON puCoancifaiode ognpantruckpfen o sisting of Coonciffor Aen Piifps. Chief Fred Wrigist end Jark Ore saw modeto o!fishe new type of Wilnon hody and deeided it woufd foe perfect for the fobi ntended for fiseftrock and ceffed for tenders onn ~ * tht type. Coontetlfr Phittipo fotd tiot» fo r ift-wis counrif tisaf miiftise truck moutd THE LOW-PIICD co t mo ofd be murs more Coonifc eceiced e tetter from GEIhI/Y AR Nort h West Properiy Qamers' As- sociation secretery Dan Pope. stof- MvARAHIO N lng tisef Omo buildings ln tise dis- trict didn'f romply to tise builfding H.wr.a uaivalue ina ag"- restrictions. Me rote tisat one of tondGoovca musais faona tise boildingsmaso nomosrntm 6»0.16 no-ka 1ao ted-si tire dmetffng and tise nfber a garae $16.5 btte bult or ong trubl- ad tisat botis mere ton close to tise 911.9 buterlouat fr log, roub~ tot f mes. and yeur (na iieage. Buifding' inspecter Anges Gregg Old iretotd coonicif tisot Me. Koisao. wiso omno tise nne-room dmrfting, bas a TaCpermit te brfng it tise reeiired floor spore andt bas moveot it te tise fot ine lmits bot thet be ment woking cery test. He oeid tisai DO 05hed coctact Mrs. rtrn Morris. So ioomno the gaae.and get some P14048. 71 ati non the mtter. p11O~I FUR TH IImEsl "11M IOF MAUtit? oor moceo t tat ctertî Stefd. M on Featherstoce be renoorotrotIto o- M MR IIIII formR.C. Mery thatoatoo'.hipI Crushed by Cars Us Fatally Inlured Caugisi betmeen two cars fin a sisoniing operation tintise East Lon- don CPR yards Thursday nigisi, Ed- ward J. Boissonneau, a yardman suffered fnfuries thai gaused bis deatis before ise reacised St. Jasep's t bospitaf.1 Soiaoonneae, married 13 nontisa ago, ta Loitie Alexander, formeciy of Brockilf e, mas a son of Edwardh J. Boisoonneao of GardessAve,To- ronto, and a brother of Delores. Jeanette. Victor, Herbert and Ray-a mosot Boissonneeu of Toronto, Mrs. Yvonne Millerrof Hamilton anàdMrs. Evso.yoo Sosnoshy of Mifton., A CPR yard rrem biadt'kinkeot"s tisrcc cars into tise ire bouse siding mesf of Quebec St., wisen Bisson- neuturned oa sitris and jumnped on tise aide nf a coaf gondofa mon- ing loto anotiser tracS. Tise tmo strings of cars did asit separate ouf- firenti y in passong andt Boisonneau wsfaiaify rîsed. 200 Pounds Turkey Iron Stove Capacity Milton Inn test mrek instaffed e nom Gertend fodustriaf restaurent1 stoce Oat manager H. Weberz prody points out wllmot ois 242 broifer rhirkrns eit one time or 80f steaks. as weîf as 200 pound.o ofr torbey.1 "Il moff bondIe a rromd of up tf0 200 mtisot eny diftirsfty,' Mc, Weber polnted out. Kojipped t mt tO oven. broifers. grifl end sofa bornera, tiese tsce is fired mush propane gas.1 Wof b today's ojick-drying lec-1 qoera. decefopeot iy tise cisemicat industry, an automobile caon e f in-4 isisea in bousoiastead o! tise meeks ieqired 30 years ago. flof on Crder Groce s acaitabte a. a prore setisy an independenf ec- afoafor for road purpooco. Me. Mercy pfans ts bisifosrerbuses. If waos afno passed tis aicri rosonriffor he poid $8 for rani seos- sinirommttce if not onarreg- ulrcounrit day. Mrmhero efoo voird f0 give the Hoffos coon fy music festicaf $50 aood appoinfcd Counrîffor Ernest Hrîoderossta tise committee. nei/ jde Smoothest, safest, quietest on any road! new'54 IDER[DRY L161hp Canada's neîcest V- 8... -s. ly lise !iildi'r sýf ofeIrV.8's .......... o.. - . tlsa ail uîhersiialors coaîbincd! Powered to make .- ail your driving easoer j OF BEFORE YOU BUY ANY NEW CAR ... ROAD TEST '54 MERCURY! GUILD MOTORS PHONE 239 MILTON, ONT. 1 _M "'o O A AusB rIN ýUE . I . E O RMRU EIE Fox Bountios and Stock CIaims Ordorod Paid at Esquesingo Council Inaugural fnaugural meebing of Esqoesong Wolson more appoonted to Eaque,- Tomnship Councof mas betai recent- ng Fre Ares 'o. tas repreaent- fy n Stemaritomo. Afier subaorob- atoces o! tise tomship. ong fo tise oatb o! office, tise mem- A by-tamIos provide for raid ex. bers look tlseir seusats eo fotom: penditares for 1954 mes passeot. Beece Wlffrid Bird, Deptty-reece Witlfrid Sfrd mus naaned cepreo- Walter Linisan, Couniciffors George entotive to tise Grand Valley Con- Cornie, Spencer Wfson and Camp- servation Autisocity. Tee reeignat- bself Sinclair. ion of S. Wifson os Liveqtock Val- A isy-fam to permit tise reece uator mas acrepted. and treasorer to 'isorrowm ooney to Messrs. Liniso n sd Sinclafir Mcet the cureost copeodotuce ofmcre apinoed representatoccsoen ho townsshipmwaspassed. Esuso og Pire Ara O. 3. George Tho fofîsowosog coorot' irr osr- Currie wao oppointrot Esoioring doîoo tsood: Bell Tetophone Co-..rrprroentative on Milton fre one serro, $1 2.70; BEP.C., Brampton, o2fsf04 figistoon tomnsip half, $37.0;1 fh Georgetomn Herefot, nomfnaticoa0 Te od ouperinfendent mos ap- pusters andt adcerfising. $1590; pointed e defegate to attend tise Miss M. Manfed. treOourer coonty Good o aud o concention. Tise road of Hetton, 50 per cent. hoopitef speritendenot and reece mece eccsunts to Deccmbcr 31,193 empomered f0 purchase a sanding $06.75; Arthur Scott isotors. spmachine, procideot t iss afisfactory plies re fiee are no. f. 5822 Tomn andt epproneot iy fise Deportmcnt of Georgetomn, ire reis,> E. Hod- o ihas gins rer Nsvcmber 20. Geo. H.. The Panning Board for Eaqses- Leofo'o brn Noemer 7,$100.;BR.ng forf1954masnamed asfofows: R. Thompson,ouppies erforeearea Co. G. G. Brown, 2years; George . ,f1.3: Associafiosnof Asscso- Somerciffe, i yrar; Edmin Merrop, cdg Officrs. 2 'mmersis for 3ycoro; Wiffrid Bird, t yeer; Waf- f954. $20.; t. M. Bennett, mcitong ter Linisan. f ycar. applicatiosns for motisers' offomance and pensions 65 W 69years, $10. Ontario Good Boads As-ocoetiosn voe mrmhersip fee for f934, f1t.D.. a'. Corner Postmeaster Georgrtomn. bon resi to Jan. f955. $2. WiIEN I HAVE TIME Cluomo totaffing $96. foc fosoes Whens fbane tome, so many thiongs destroyrd in Esquesing mere ord- Id do ereot palot: Victor S indfcharst. To maise ife isappier andt more Befinafad, $3; Tisn. Bennett, An- fair ton. $3: Edmard Rsbertson, Rorn- For tiso miose ines are cromded isy. $9.: John Bark. Miffon. $15.; nom mitiscre: Franks Beddoff, Georgetomn 3. $3; f'd befp In lift tisem from fow des- James W. Norton, Georgetowrn, $3: pair, G. C. Csok. Georgetomn 4, $3.: Wm Wisen fIbhave time. Sheppard. Action $48.: Cordon Lce, Hornby. $6.: Wm. Tissmpson. Mio- ton 3, $3. 1Wiss1ihanr tome, thsefriend 1flove Acceant off 0 wn goncn to somweif Grorgetomn. Ofen Wofliams anotShaff bnoom nsmore tfisee mry, Nornef tecrussc teom. Cfeimo for toliag days: storis iillerotandtinjorroi rorrrcd- 1T1f frad ber feet on tofesent patiss errot paod: GeoreHeîdersoone efmays. relf iottd.$20: A N. Strk.cvafat- And cieerbheriheurtîmoth soords or. $4.: Graydton Chrsttrr one fumh ofsoeetest preisr. n forod. isoo o, o bc kofîd. $20: Wiscs Ihave tome. SProoroWlnoro. rofeotor, $4. Theoro.d sorrntodent % sn Whoyo ihaverlime!Tie frornd ,troooîod 50orfi heCN.R. regrd-ot yoe isofotsa drar ocddOo:rd rails onros.odflots Io. My bcbeysnd thse racisof smet If. 'Ooooor .'ioo.o3 Coonot oerifionrd ntent; the Depai Imtot of Hoghmays ton May ncvcr kosm thet yoso osiond- the suhooidy on 0a0 epprovrd er.- y mranf posodtueofo!$5220f.39. Whr OL]oohae rlime. Tise fOtlomond Oere ppointrd ot Esqooo.oong Commoosoo*r Half Board Nooo' s theor tooo-Ais, frornot' no for f954. Wilfrid BRnd , Esquesov4 toshi;Waler Looham. Esqor'.. Tong eoat iý o f000hon: Mn .Walte.r Laoss reffter fovong omofes end 'o. Steooarttoon Womn fnstit-ssooods of rcr ut(,: Mn. Vernooo Pooett. Avhdeovr hs rui hs ie r Womro- frist-tit000: D. Chertro ' noo drar, Fodonafoon of Agriruffure: Johnci T 0y .ynos mrrt soîo on tise Corneo'Norvat Juonior Farmers. osn yer- JTohno Birot Eoqoo'soîocAdroeftso-o t NN sosthimeoor Sorortv. Wolfrid Býrotanot Spencro-Anion STttCKs fi 'sN - fGAND VAILEY 20 oz.toni CHOICE TOMATOES 2 for 25c CIUTSTASf)fN( VAO US.INTIvRLAKE TOILET TISSUE - - 2 roîls 25c WIN A NfEW FOR fD I1hb.iscg PARKAY MARGARINE - 37c TERIs tFf( SAVfNG - QUES 'tROYAL STANDARD f5oz ftii SLICED PEACHES - - 2 for 29c l'Off VAf.FNTfNES DAY- WATSONS Il,torAoortdCONVE.RSATION Citocolates Lozenges f Ils. tkh. 6:1, on. bot 75c 19C JWILLI.AM ftDftSEY .t. WILLIAM BRAND BRtAND SWT. Biended Juice Orange Juice S o tit i n20 oz.ftisi 2 for 29c 2 for 29c T tFME N DUS VALUt, BAX TER IN COMATO SAUCE 20 oz toni PORK AND BEANS - 2 for 27c Ch AN EXTRA SUPPLY t YNN VALLEY LTD. 200ez.toni CREAM CORN-- 2for23c b ESI GREEN TOI'S fMPORTEI) 3 bhonris NEW CARRO TS --29c Sf ORfDA BEST NEW CftOP VALrNCfAS lorgesoc.. F LORIDA ORANGES - doz. 37c GROWN IN SP'AIN CoNfîtNEfo SPANISH ONIONS - - 2for]9c LOUiStANA Nos. f TASTY YAMS - - - 2 lb. 25c ZIMMEMAN Supper, Reports At Annual Meeting Memberu and adiserents of Zlgi- merman Churcis attended tise turkey aupper and congregatianaf meeting on Thumsday of test Week. At seveil 0,cfock tbey ail sat domn te a very excellent dianer served by tise members of tise W.A. Wbite tise ladies cfeared up tise tables, C. Waite led tise chlldcen in a ing oong andothtie men ptenned a program for the business meeting. The basiness meeting openeo t t asort devotional period. Mr. Waite ted on rnmomhrenne prayer te Mr. Rogers miso pesseot amay i0 1953. Reeeive Eeporta Tise minutes of tise fait meeting mere read by tiese ecretery. E. Pat- terson miso mas re-electeot for an- otiser year. Reporta for tise year f855 fobloon- eol. E. Campbell reporteot for thse Board o! Stemards, M. Martin for tise Sonday Scisoof, M. A. Campbell for tise Presisytery, Mrs. I. Gem-. fandt for tise W.A., Mra. L. Gomland for tise M. ai M., S. Bennett for tise Board ofTrustees andMiss Noreen Bamdrn for tise Young Peopleas Mr. E. Campbsell waa re-elceteai Eider for four yeari, O)rgan it l Mes. L. Gomfasod; assistent, Mns. I, Sisepiserd; osisera andt auditoro mers af f re-efecteot. Heads of ait nommit- tees mere re-efecf cd. A vote of tisaniss mas expresoed ta Mr. Clarence Renter for tise gift of wood. Report Suceessful Year An expression ai appreciation mas einen to Bmv Almacis for bis pre- Mc. Weiie announceo thUe ehurgis bas 35 actie and fI non-active memisers. In 8953 Usere mas one nem member, four baptismu andt one deatis. Aif dcpartments reperted a suc- cesof ut year. Tise meeting mas cias- ed by praYer andt benedictfon by Ber. Mr. Afmack. Yong Peoplie Meel Tise Young Peopl e of Zimmerman andt LOmciffc met eithtieisome of Mrs. Bordge Gsnby Sunday even- 0sf. There mae good attendace ai risarcis Sondey. Tise junior mens- brrs of use chiro sag tise anibens. NASSAGAWEYA S.S. No. Y Meetings Enjoyed By Ebenezer Groups Thec W.MS. andt W.A. o! Eben- ezer iselo t Itreguf or meeting fust merS et tiseisome o! Mro. William Earîy. Mrs. Trousoe e president. openeothtie meeting. Roll ceD mens "Hunger." Mcs. Kart y hed chaorge o! tbe decotiono. Mer subjecf mus -Chis-- lant Livong Raf isfims." mra. Mcfntons read thesncripture reading and3gMr Freenngaeeaetemperence read- ing Mrs. Robertson reniemeothtie tody isssh. A let f rr o-s read rom Airs. Houston at Cedervaee Home, Georgetomn, rrgarding artiles ra- qooreot for the home. Plans for Use Worfds Dey of Preyer mepe mode. Mro. Trooodaf e ctosed mitis prayer. W.A. Plans QuBilng Tise meeting mus tarneot over f0 tise W.A.. Miss M. Wilson in chaerge. Lrtters of tisanfis mere read for bones f0 sick andt (nef- ins, The W.A..willf iave e quilting et Mss. A. Ffetcisero Toeoday. Mrs. E. Easterirook istaticharge of tise Pcogrem andt condunteot n Biste qsoc. A hymo meas sung andt preyer isy Mrs. Slint cfused tise meeting. Lunchis msserveot ly Mrs. Eadîy andthtie romsnittee. ELECTROLUX SALES, SERVICE & REPAIES Damesîle and Commnereil Cleaneri, Place Paliheri and DO-MET-IC Eeteigeeateri 61 Baroa Drive, Oakvfl. PHIONE OAKVILLE 214? I Pollock and Campbell manufacturersai HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS MEMORIAL ENGRAVING 62 Wabar Si., Norths GALT TELEPRONE ?4411 RON FEATHERSTONE Electrician _____ PHONE MILTON 158r22 PROMPT SERVICE Excellent Cae- - Good Food - and en "Af Home" Afmosphere BR 0YL FLY MNN PAGE Tý THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. TWJMDAY, FTa-RUARY 11, 1954

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