Capture First Placet lu Five Win Streak E1 Umtan Ca-opa ntaved istoefiaitk place la thc OMHA. big elettIn-I temediate teague at Tuesday,i Jamuary 26, mies tbey dtcatcd tise Georgetown Raiders 9-3 - lb clintax- cd as mcceoaioat mcek far tise locala noihisassmtisentclaies virtacica anar Vergus, DucIsam and the1 Saiders.1 On Friday sigkt, Jaauary 22, tise Ca-opa dested te Durhanm Bask- tes 6-3 in an eoriisg gante mhirk -0w thc tesassu go ino the Oirdj oeind mîîtk h score ied 3-3I The i. ,-opotarled the 1k cd pcriod off1 RATEPAYERS 0F I Te notice that the Municipal Trafalgar wl discontinue stayi of th second Wednes This mas isstituled a year agi payes oho cold sot cornet business hoors. So fean haset has becs decided t10 iscoolin ONTARIO MINOR Hi PLAY (wo gantes- Milton Juvenili Vs. Si SATURDAY,F S.30 AT MILTOI ADMISSION - 7.30 p.m.-Canadiens si H-O-C MILTON CO-( MILTON WEDNESDAY, FS. 10t Fost FLOOR COVERINGS 20% OFF MIUD-WI NTER SALE FEBRUARY Sth TO lOch INLAID LINOLEUM AND TILES ARMSTRONG'S QUAKER FLOOR AND WALL COVERING PANELYTE FOR COUNTERS - CEMENTS AND MOULDtNGS *AL SALES CASH AND FINAL eI.swae FLOOR and ROOF SERVUCE 426W MILTON CLUB C RE U Friday, rebruairy 12 Milton Arena CAST 0F 150 SKATERS ALICE IN WONDERLAND HAMILTON SKATING CLUB 60 chidres SENIOR DANCE GROUF TOP HAT BALLET AND LORNE SCOTS FIPE B AND SHOWVTIME 0F 1954 ELAINE RICHARDS, OSHAWA DIANNE NEILSON AND "Ragtimte Comboy Joe" Solo ED COSSITT ADAGIO PAIR LES NUTLEY, UNDERHILL AND OTHER COMEDY GALORE ADULTS 75c CHILDREN 25c at a fast Page and daninated pay maso pumped home tkree goals and tkroughout tise final session. Tisey chh.nked the Hushkian lto the ice fired Oisee usansmeed goals, tise ikh hie pake ceeking. ioser rumisg tram lise stick sf Durhant yaoked the gostin ibh Smnky Wilson.,mies bis slap shol a minute icîtt la play la nasse faim the blue tise gaugist tise rIght wmiic pald off toc thees agaisat hssd corner o!fUicheLt leasing tise Colingmasd)inl fasor of a ixth Durham goallie ittie chance ta stop tarmard, but goatie Bye rame up il. mith samc sensalianal saves in the Tise tO teas met again aisa- dying seconds ta aune tise gante foc day, January 23 at Duhamt and the Ca-opa. once again tise locale tank the The ganta producd some caugis measure a! 1kv hig>,h ftylng Muskies hockey but thse osly extra lime by tise score af 5-4. This mas the penalty dished by the refecemas fons tc taight in toc the ced hot a mesaooduri gives o taFerri mhes Ca-opa and goalle Terry Bye mas be pusised the oticiel. Art Mctao- territic au he turned back sista o- Son satterd s oauy rut oser thc terht traint every angeaof the eithetieoltminuofthegame ire. oaîd Jo e Con rtirerd midmay Ncy Ferrci as the scoringhcro thtioiithle thrd tio ith illirs fotheCo-nps Itheltrckgioiiiiîlg,î0ienîili i ls hie.' Thec Mlton C-oas pcotcctcd beir grip on icol placc mhcn thcy detesîed the at place Georgctomn Raders 9-3 ono Januacy 26. t mas bth itistsraighl is for toc rRà%F&LGà% TWDI George Gigarrcosrhrd Ca-Opa. Scsny Tamnalny played a greal gante and 'led he Billon altaclo i Offices cf the Township of ilh tor goals, Ben Simpson mth Imo, Ban Fox, Zip Tiompesonand ing open during the evening Nîcky Ferri addingsgeistca t round sut the Miltn scorisg. sdey cf each month. itota baS ctrat o!fbie tant "hfrant thc peoîng mkstlc and kepi the park hemrncd ito tise Raidecas o for the convenicoce of rate- end. The Ca-opo ras up a -o tead to the offices doring sommaI before the Raiderai fisaiiy orored takes advanbagc of Iis that it on Teccy Bye. Georgetomn goalie Frnddie Lever sace kcoping the office open. mas especiatly sharp as the Co-ops CI rifted 39 obole ai bbc acrobatie S. A. FEATHERSTONE, Clark cage ntp. The uine aI Tomootry, Fox -and ILMelasson shomes sonne fioc passisg plasoaod camc ap ilS nve goants. - Zîp Thompso ptayed a stand-out IOCKY ASOCIAIONgamc on deîens and ted sescral DCKY ASOIATONdangerraa u shesa niot. cheGeorge- baon nd. '-OFFS Rarnbiers, Moffat -goals t0 cousil In the icol garme ofthek Rural and todantrial hockey Irague Thuc- sday of lat-i arc, Ronlthîs le Hockey Team sapdAln93i ieoe S:ecwoeî for the RBumlcs c.ld raynerduiohtgwoga necu1, fsar goatosuand tIlse asots. In thoecconid gaine Tkrd.îy :EBR ARy th sglîl, BsIol n uwlkcd oIt 00crth FEBRUAR 6th Bogenis i n o shinîco type ,ckcýy foneme inning 6-2. 0ip.m. ita Sscoied hsî toutsflacthic Bcgoi nsahile. Mofao ,sdcd a ON ARENA hall doaco d Il ect oalf getters - - 35c & 1lOc t_______er ix s Defroit-Minor Hockey AUCTUON SALE Thecuîdccsigcrdlbasocccrîs.roi- stractions ram JAS. 3JESSEMAN If To sli byauactîoîî u thc furm M ti28, con. 6, Nassugameyu. as he 00 K -E -Y Bise Sprîng Baud. 3 miles outk. wes of Acton, on yuu Boston vs. Rngers MORSES - Btackh oe.e 9 year! MtNOR HOCKEY 7 raMEt; S -eyHera osoace,r TEAS A îîg cuîlîraîse; Mascy Marras on. 7 7.0 1drill; 13-kor Frost and Wood di-. .30 P.M. scaffler. tond rmiter, tamher u on; ighl naions;Chatham ftrinait miil; hag trach; soop sligh; mhe, hua'; w:hoy rock; kay fork aic ropsc:Garecy srucs,2,000Obh.: gr.ý vei box; karro)s;mas sey arei pteia; i set broon msanted doahi, hors. chinso nhsvebs, ceon' bar Friday, log hsok; crosnzcctsa': Bai-de sue hndoosa ; e eam opacolor it Feb. 5th Mo ostension l,îdde, 28 ft htorksmibk anvît; tcf visc; Isci 8.30p. m. and htsmer and drill. HOUSEHOLO GOODS--Cliîe.,ti ~* ~ dramers. woeksIostad; hat s )PS vs. FUtK UU xeso ýls 1la al;d, rham ýrn, oi der: quilts;b-; llît nîs. t intoi le; ti'; lii. latis.: e Y ARENA l TEBMS CASH. N,. rse e a' tti trt , ol eh-MILTON vs. OAKVILLE HINDLEY AND ELLI.l0r, gpndGame PoeRnhod Aactiieie'ir tponed kwod19r3 uc 177j _____ ____ _____ _ _Mittas. CARLINBETH BERT WALTON Ouicis Service Any Size Job PHONE MULTON 274R21 - NOTICE- SPECIAL MEETING of ail members of HALTON AGRUCULTURAL SOCIETY COURT t4OUSE, MILTON, 2 F. Tkursday, February 18,1954 for the purpose of saie of a amati parceetof tend ROYM. C UR RI1E, MRSS 010. E. READHEAD, President Sec.-Treas. SOFT GOAL FRIDAT GIVES KLIPPERS SINGLE GOAL LEAD FOR 4-3 WIN A stigoal by Bruce Lasgdos bath oui mth gampy knems and gave Oskvilic ittippeai a 4-3 vtat- Gardie Cruagksaaks s is nhaspiti ory avec the Milon Co-opa as Fr1- baving bis appendix rentaved. Ca- day, Jasosary 29. t esded as uphili opas' eul gante is sel for Februacy rtimb for the isiiors mhicb sant 5 mhen Fergun Merchants play Okeon overcome s Ima goali ieod ere. builtt p by the Co-opa la the girot periad. Co-op defensenan Smoky Wilson .T V 1 7 I gave the locale s 1-0 tead in the L JA Is > iraI pciad and Tomnsicy added a nice goal betoethe period ended, ToîIteînd-pîod2-0sccanoht T gi se ik)nd e opo a 2- ea.l t hmeolta iilhh olktr amo mn.2 ina orrng chances. The ittipper tîoaiiy srored lisrin te second 50-50 Lagu-Lurky Srkero 40, pcriod mth "Bîseke' Graisse Merry Boitera 30, Second Gumocras denning the Owinr. assistnd by F. 29 Ksarktresds 27.- Musne. High single, fiat, Audrey Brook Eaclyinothe hird peiod, Bîsekie 235, Bibi Boyd 36; mitk handicap, Graham ied il op an a sets et- Audrey Brook 244, Andy Grahsm tort and fin-c minutes aler, Rap 258. PatOcraon sput the visitoco sesd igh tripe, tlat, Dams raminro mhco he lobk a pasm front Ken Pot- 596, Frank Kaszycki 735; ils han- lock and laalnd t pasl Terni Bye, dicap, Atlma Hophin 580, Andy Ors- a tom shot mnoshe corser. hamt 893. Esci Foied il op mben be High sverrage, Lillian Kauzyrki pickcd the corner abter takîsg t87, Murray Greohe 212. pannes front Tomntley and Meas- Commoercial Leagur Mararonas son On gise Co-opo their hird goal 30, Miaits 26, ilsymarda 24. Milt ofth Obnigii. lionairot19. Birbers 14. Wipper- Bruce Langdon okot mbat provrd anappeco 14. Foreniera 7. Batokers ta bc tise inner nidmay thraugk 6. the third penid. In attemptisg 10 Ladies' AftOesnono League--Rak: rclar the poch ram te coroer, ise Citda 19, Normna Bromn 15, Pisb: il ose onthe Co-op ioisyers and Teandri 11, Eitecn DownnaIl. the park rirkted ino the sel. Higk singte. Pioky Teasdel 247; Coach George Grigar had 10 kîgk triple. Pinky Teandet 612. joggie is lises as be kad anty P. L. Ladies' Lragse-Katk Coat- igkt tormardo dreased. Tisa injury es 18, Donna Greohe 14. Mary Hel- riddled Co-op defense came ap pet 14. Mariel Csatson 10a ailh a gond diaplay ilh Smoky Higissingte, Mary Pleilsel 280; Wilson and Zip Thompsoptsyisog kigis triple. Kath CoanOs 661. terrifie hockey. Coops mccc ils- Inter-lowmo Leagar - Miltons7 sut Grenke and MeCans, mbo are Bramptoni 0. SDANCING. EVERY FRIDAY *MUSIC 0F THE 'MODERNAIRES'M * Modern avd 016 Tyme *THE JUNIOR FARMERS' BUILDNG * AT THE FAIR GROUNDS BRAMPTON MILTON ARENA TIIUR455AY, FEBRUARY t- RURAL AND îNDUSTRtAIL PLAY-OFFS à Bearcats vs. Maffat Regents vs. Aton FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 56- *INTERMEDtATE OHA. HOCKEY Ferreus vs, Miton 8.30 Rantiers vs. Boston 7.30 *SATURDAT, FEBRUARY 6h- * JUVENILE GAME * Stayner vs. Miton 8.30 * Canadiens vs. Detroit 730 =MONDAY, FEBRUARY ti- fJUNIOR FARMERS' HOCKEY fTUESDAY, FEBRUASY 9h- RURAL AND INDUSTRIAL PLAY.OFFS jWEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16- PUBLIC SKATING IN APTERNOON EINTERMEDIATE OHA. HOCKEY E Oakvilîe va. Miton 830 f ' Postpon.d Gae Conte and So "RAG-TIME COWBOY JOE" F.b. 12 Sponsorco oy esapin LeaO OSopr.Knxvestrniya* bm.Im.ItuInhuI1utnImeloIImmîîmaomnîuilcn OtSUBntAY, 55iOnUAOSO son, anas He.&He ELECTRUCIANS Maintenance and Contraettnq T.V. and Applienes STAN HIENDERSON CAMPBELLVILLE, ONT.n Phone Milton 382R] Arze You Planning Alterations ? WE HAVE G.LA. GYPROC BOARD WE HAVE GLA. GYPROC LATH AND NAILS WE HAVE G.L.A. FARISTONE HARDWALL PLASTER WE HAVE G.LA. INSULATION WE HAVE GLA. FOPLAR 34- FLYWOOD WE HAVE GLA. F10 b' F LYWOOD WE HAVE GOUA. FIS 5 F LYWOOD We hanc s complebe lisie of C.l.L PAINTS AND VARNISHES R. S. Adams Stores Ltd. PHONE '48 LOANS PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONSOLIDATE DEBTS REDUCE MONTHLY PAYMENTS ANY WORTHWHILE PURPOSE Fust Service UNDEPENDENT FUNANCE CORPORATION LUMUTED 75 Coibomoe E. OakvilIe, 2390 THE CANaAfIAN .-CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. G si éo gw le,1 inl Le Se( foi 3-i Io, ci t, Bi G Bi gc L( g( ai F c E L c E F ý4k lm& -. 1 1 PAGE--- ---- jervais Day's Big icorer With Four £u Saturdoy morning. Harold Lear- onts Canadiens defeated Barney ýoulso so Hawks 7-inte r lame ofthe Minor Hockey sessions. Bss Sinclair mith the bat trick, ed the Canadiens. single goals go- ng to Bock, Stark, Neelands and eàrmont. Bath Chicagagoanta were January 25, the Cub Psck had a cored by Bell. good tornout ils anly a tew Morley Rasphercyns Bru inas Cuba mising but three leaders ab- lugh't Jack Peddie's Rangera ta a sent. Sevoral gantes were played -3 lie. Black witb the iat tricks micb are bssed as the Cou> Ticot looked after ailthOe Bruin goals. Star mark and ntany of the Tender- :7ments led te Rangers ilh sada lassed anme of tlseir Facat io goalI.thecothnrgoal giog to Starephyoicul tests. Bruwn.The Scouts milet a ich Paîrai Mîko. MoConnell's Leasndefentol dLeaders' hoones tant meek and on George Flcîcher's Rcd Wings 6-4. Jaoosry 26 had their cegular meet- titi Brookh led Detroit wilh thrcc ing in tbe toms hall. John Gnuld- oaso the sngle goal ging la ing iostructed the junior baya in Lockie. their mark -and S. M. Foter baak Bocby Gervaio mau the day's big the senior boys. Baya wba have sgarer, sorina four of the Lento been in the Baculs store sussmer goals, single goals going ta Kerr but mbo bave not yet pa.scd Uieir and MeCuichron. Tendertoo testa, mccc given a pep SATURDAYS SCEDULE talk and requeated ta get sostise 8.00 s..Lests va. Chicago. hall before asoîber mntnt pauses. 9.15 a.n.-Cansdieos vs. Boston. Thece mas s gond turnout of 23. 10.30 arn.-Rangera va. Detroit. February 1, the Cub meet kad a 4.00 p.m.-Reds vs. Blues, gond attendance front bath Cubs 7.30 p.m.-Canadiena vs. Detroit and leaders. Jint Straisa and Btlly betore juvecile gante. Lucy mere iovested as Tenderpads Fridsy. 7.30 pa.m.-Boalon v. Rsvg- and milO mear their asafarna. ers. IN The White Six tank top banara PS WLNDI tG for the nightmwith24 points and are CanaWeL.7 T42pisaoiinhe lcbAdthin ycar. George Bosanades........ 7 4 2 1 Carruthers ad a firat opportun- Lestsn...... 74 2 19 ity ooteschasontoftthe boysain Chitsgo.. .... 74219 their Firnt Star mrk and the Chicaot ............ 43 8 Cuho eemcd tOn hevery attenttve. Rangers _ ........7 0 t 1 t Aela gavcthePackaashort talk __________ o Owhe Pack acnuircd its Wolf Head totem pote. In 1944, Miss ~Nin TieUs R cord in re the eMayor of SautI Ste. -. a mot kead for thse pack totem. In R.1 Hockey Tues . The esayor Oaa gonod enaughIs nad In thefirsl Ruraltand ndelriat vetie areard o$0ttraumlf gante Januaey 26. Moffas and Zim -and soon Misa Blaîn recetvcd a mermuan ptaycd a fast gante olf gond nIt head. nery murS ln the ram. hockey to a 7-7 lie. With a littîr advine tram George- Zmmermanhadlkheolstpartofl Ello.thekadmwansoos maurted. play' Ikeirs hall of the camne Laer, in thc park in front of the teading 5-2 at the 1.0 mnte mark couns y buildings. the totcem mas n khe second pociod. tormalty preened 10oke Park by Mobînt .ermned t, gan moment- the ntsynr ofthOaO date, George rm in thi- Oird pere o On îg Dwona. Tke Park io prond af the enc core 15 7-6 in their Inoor ltle totem and still appreriates tise n the tkerd pcriod. Zimmeroos ouogktfotncnn of those in Sault pulted their goal keepr itr ml in Ste. Marie in poviding Ibis item of than one minne 10 play and lied Park regalis. the ncore oitk ..nty 15 eonds ta Fekruary 2. the Scoats agaisi met go. ut the paIrol leaders hontes. We In the seconnd gamne Toc-day ondcrstand Ikat ose patrol was nigkt. the Regenîn olptayed and doing extensive mark on tise issat otcord theRamkcr- 5-3ein afortheoscond clam test&, gond gante._______ Mitîn toc the Regentn fol a pair and ose asoint, mhite Stewaret nf the -Daeid Dokie leftO Fcday. Jas- Ramkters gos att the goo 10e for bt ory 29, toc one year's training it Oam. Regina wilk the R.C.M.P. TED STOVER - Carpemtev NEW HOMES ALTERATIONS ADDITIONS - TRIM - CUFBOARDS For Frac latimatesanmd Prompt Service. PHONE MILTON 438J APTER 5 P.M. oý P. m a- ki lis ýrs Dy <y 17; 30; 7, b-'14-21