Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Feb 1954, p. 3

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TISUBDAY FEEUAR 4ti, 154 TE CAADIA CHAPIO. MITON.ONT JO ANME HENRY WINS HALTON PUBLIC SPEAKING FINALS AT MILTON Tise county finals of tise Public Inapeotor L. L. Skuce cangratul- Seisool public speakngecontest, ated the mînnero and contestants epanared by te Ralton Princip- on their fine shoing andl prenent- als' Association, ma'eld in thse ed the iirst place contestant with a Milton High Scisool auditorium on tropisy cap. R. Bornhold preuented Ficday evening, Januaey 29. a book ta thes econd place winner. Sixteetn contestas representing During intermission and wiile ail districts of tie county tank part the jadgea mere dellberatlng, a and diaptayed a higis degcee of or short musical prograso was lrovid- utorical talent. Tise judges. Mesrs. ed by Donna Clements, Jiso Lsus-1 E. J. Wilson, Oaisville; W. John- biy, Barry Banne, Donald Wilson o-n. Hamilton ald E. Fater, Mil- sud Raye Lacis on isada difficult ta-k to dectare. -_____ Niew cistu tor braken tipneusaloe Eacis contetant gavce a prepaced by trealing plater ai purin ils a specechs and atua a short impromptu plastie rein iaslead of mater, are seecis decribing a picîus-e. Thia stronger and ligisier. Tisey resia ealled foc a great deal of imagin- mater, permit better n-raya and ation and quicli tlinling on tac save the doctoro ime. part af tise contestants. Firat place vent ta J0 Anse Henry af Kil- Plastics are a family sf mas-sonde bride and second ta Frances Heno soteniais soi a single materiat - off Stratiscona scisool. bath being in eues member ut wiicis bas special Scisool Accu No. 1, Nelson. alvanlagen tar certain end uâs. Origin of Canadian Names ToId to W. Mrs. Harry King was bastesn ta tise Moanlain Union Women's Instl- tute for lise Janaary meeting, In tise absence or.lise presîdent, MiE, H . La ngtoo,fiicot vice president opeord the meeting isy tie seofn tise Institute Ode, tottomed by lise Mary Stemart cotteet. Tise minutes af the previnas meeting scere seul anI approced. Tise seaorernse- port vs a ivnsand correspondence reul. Plans mire mals- tai the assuat aiety mciseei.tue hiele ini-Milton. Donea tîisu uneeseidetuthe l s.c Feotival unI tise Marccisof Dimes. The distict fes ere to bc paid as wlan tise mancy ion tise poaisa iefr th ie canvenen's canfcreere to ise bell in May aItishe O.A.C., in Gaelph. Tise reports ai tise stand- ing rommiltees mccc ivn. A duetlisy Miss Edytise Powell and Stuast ing mas cjoyel isy ail. Mrs. R. Cashter, second vine presi- dent, ial charge ofthtie peograso, In the absence ai Mrs. Ranhioe, Mrs. Il. Couison vecy ably gave a papen on Hamea of Canada, tetling tise arigin and mhy the Indians gave such namnes. Fottomina tisis, a con- test mas ieil mth iamily nainscoas There mas a dinplay aifihobby crait. Mrs. Rilen Readiscal actel an caas-esy convener, tbanising lise hostess ton opening ises- iome, Mro. Coatoon ion tise paper and ahi taisýng Part to maise tise meeting a sces Tise meeting clasel aflen ait epeat- îsg "Whis e mii ismsle and tise emngnofatthi Qtii-'în, ftleî'riy the- Inîtilcîle Grccr Theisc istn ad lunch committe tisen servel lunes and a social hiall bouc s'as ennycl by ait. Farnitace finisises lisat resist the action of aicoisal, mater and isaro- iogrcigas-ets anceisina devetopel by paint and vannisis mansfactonens. Are You Expecting ai Happy Event? AN INVITATION FOR YOU TO VISIT OUR BABY DEPARTMENT We Stock Ail Your Requirements CURITY flIAPERS HANO SMOCKEO WOOLY BOOTEES BABY BLANK:-TS COAT SETS NIGHTIES VESTS BABY PANTS NOVELTY TOYS RATTLES, ETC. YOU STILL HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY 20% Off Regular Prices of Entire Stock of ... Ladies' Coats and Dresses Gents' Stationi Wagon & Top Coats BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENT$ Special This Week MEN'S NYLON RENORCED MEN'S NYLON REINFORCED HEAVY WEIGHT WORK SOX, DRESS SOX 59c PAIRAssartd Camers 59c PAIR59c PAIR MEN'S HORSEHIDE GLOVES MEN'S LEATHER MITTS Grip Wrist - FuIIy Lin.d Gsip Wrist - FuIIy Lined $1.98 PAIR $1.98 PAIR e S d IMM, The Ox and the Frog A LITTLE FROG mas playing about at the edge of a pool when an On camne dams ta the vater ta drink. In fear, the little frag smamn home. "Why are yau an frs-ghtened?' asked is maîhes-, "An enarmaus ce-colre ih four legs rame ta aur pool thio macrning," sepbied the little frag, "Enormous, mas he? Was he as big as this?" askcd the maîher Fcag, poffing herselî out ta look au big as passible. "Ohl yes, mach biggec,- mas the ansmes-. The moîher Fcog puffed herecf ouI still more. "Was he as big os Iis?' said she. "Oh! yes. yes. mother, MUCH bigges,-" said the littîe Icag. And ycr again she puffed herul ouI. "Au big us ..? she began-but then she bueit. MORAL: Growissg bigger takea îime-asud hus-sys.p meihoarase apt to be risky. The sus-e way to finan-cial gcoth is to call at The Canadian Barsk of Commnerce. . . Praise Service 0f Honor L. Neelands, Late Rector, Wife Move From Hornby Tise Vestcy meeting ai tise cas- ilarnby Orange Hall man tise gregatian of Att Saistn Cisurcis, scene nf a pleasont gatiserisg as Mitton iteights, man ield an Jan- Friday evcning. Jansary 22, misen uary 25 at tiseisame of Mca. Tran- neigibsis and iettam members af nom Sr.. ils tise cector au chair- Hornby United cisurc galbered tu mas. Tribale mas paid la tise tale bld tarewellat Mr. and Mca. 1ev. G. Tisnmpaan for bis faitisial Lindsay Neelands, soho have maved services la lishe parishs tramtise to a Qaicie aller spending s0 many lime afi is relirement ta tise lisc years in tisis district. ai bis passama ta iigher service Tise eveniog mas spent in pro- tant Septemiser. Otisers included inrenic eachre and lunch was lise sralser afremembrasce wmes redisy the WA. membeen of thec hi-. ife, thse lte Mrsa Tiomtîso cisaci Stanley Learmont ws. ad tise ltlcMci G Shecaoý,ci.mastesof ni.cm:nies.adcalled on ,t h ,as. pridentof te1h:Ld e' Mrs. MJ. Brown, sho ead an ad- Giad uitshe lime etfeclaier assndccii eapemnng the regrets oaute iAugnnt. gatheriog on osmint Mc. sol Mrs. Mes. I. Hilson gave lise treasar- Neilands eao tise cammunity and ecnsreport,mwhicisindictedaasuc- wishisig tiemiseatliandasucceua in cessful yeur financialty. Mrs. Wm. tiseir ses' home. Tisey mere pres- Hilson eeparted -for tise GitI and ested ils a tri-tigist lamip and tel- a sabstantial balance wsnonted. T. episane beocis tram tise commuoity Berr y ous rc-appainted as Recors and as end table tram tise W. A. Wacden and lter was ee-eteeted Ait isinel on singing "Fsr Tiey sic as Lay Delegule la tise lysaI lac Jolly Goal Feitoma." a terraofaitisree yeaca i1. Hilsbn Mc. Neelodn tiachel att fac tise ws are-elected asPeaple'sWarden. lovly gifttaandceecalledasomneam- Tise ceclor, 1ev. R. Paccitil, sol- sint incidents af early lite ast cd tisai liere wccc about 25 famit- Horssy. Mrs. Heelasîs also thanis- e mis a laok oAtt Saints foc ed al for tise gifla. spiritual miaistrations bat tisat tise ________ average ttendance aI-tise wocship secvices mas campsratively smali. A ile cucety oiiyîiieticrab - Tisere acre tiscee candidates tac becs u&d cisemicaltrteatment oi ialy iaptism. cne mere cotirmed. saturai ruiiber maise tires today nomeddngs andoneisacîai. last fîetiescasnlong and castisalf Afie s short discusion and tise as mauch an in 1920. Miteage 30 alsng devs'aonstheihstesoserv years ago averaged 5.000;today itsl ed deliiu sas esisments. ceto 20,000. CARI nd 818TE CNED 9BONS SALE 2dBSWE Aymer 42-D 0 Ds $1 E S Aylt d) >20-DZ * Do $ 4 PEAS Chialas& TINS oIc, Tins I2.1 Aytmner g 0O. ~ ~ 1 BEAI tS P 2rs£TINS'00,Tins CATSIP AL5R 2 S'ILS. 390 Aylmer20-DZ. PEACHES tho:' 2 TINS 45o FRUIT COCKTAIL Ayhssr 2 TIPIS 45o STRAWBERRY JAN Pectin-24-OZ, TINP39 BATH BIZE Camay Soap ~2270 Caupon la Pkg.-GIAPIT iC Maple Leaf PAC KAGE35e, 960 PARAMOUNT FANOT BOOKEYE S~ALMON 5TIN* PI NE APPLE MalOZ.TINUes290 CheeZ Whiz JR350, 65e MUSTA RD JAR S13c, 170 Fram Engtand - Fresh jLICORICE ALLOORTI CANDY LB. 35e Tea flags PACAE 35c, 65o, 97o Instant Coffee 2%DZ. JAR530 I K ADIAN PI IZ 15-DZ. M 1 K D OA E 2 TIPIS 25O Boy By The Carton aud lave - Cigarettes Brands $2.99 Scanda$ .6 WIN A NEW FPORD IN THE KRAFPT CONTEST Parlkay Margarine LE. 370 QUAKER OATS 5-LEB. EAG 48 0 Pancalke Floor Jemia-Pkg. 21c Fruit Cake Mix AYLMER or OGILVIES - PKG. 69c Brock's Bird See d 'is DoZ 250 OAT TIPIS PUSS NBOS01 TN35o KENeL-MEAL 2-L.. RAG 320 Size 96 Frda U.S.No. t 1-0 for 45c JONATHAN APPLES3 b.canad a ac39c US. NO.t 1 FLORIDA TOMATOES Cello pkg. 9 HEAD LETTUCE U.S îo 2 for 29e TEXAS CA-IBAGE __ 2 Is.. lSc The Canadian Bank of Commerce rie% Women! Old at 40p,509,601 Cet Pep F.elYearYougrFull of Vim £la sas'IWiaOand- a-ok.a Tîor w. silI atwiSal sai , i m.- Nas s5. .sds .ts 4-b isdu. es Cite Fine Progress Larger Attendanco Tise annual vests-y meetsng ai Rt. Stepisens Anglican Cisascis bellonn anoary 26, was openel by tis esce- tan, Rev. J. E. Maxwell, wis Utce ceading of tise vcatry declaratian. Tise veslry cleris appoinled lfs- t954 is Mrs. Glenn Saunders. Tis e ce- tors report tllowedl given by Rev. Maxmellmiso expressel bis satis- faction un neeing a larger number ai tamilies attenling risurcis, a maris taraer Suoday scisool, and tise mil- lingnesmils misicistise miste con- aretation i.s oi bing ta bettes tise chars. Tise reporta f aiccisorganizattosi sisomel tise Progress lioancially. A chseque for $500 was presented by PIrs. Jobn Busacîl ta tcecisureis treasarer as tise Guils contribution ta ail in puying off tce mortgage. Tise names ai att donors ta tise biliding tand misicis la still open are te ise rerorlel in tce vestry min- otes andI a saitabte stase contalning att tise names ni dosas-s is ta bie Placal in tise toundation ai tise paris hall as a commemos-ation SI- tcr aIl debt bas been eleared, Tise outres-s for 1954 are as fl- toma: rectorss arden, Alan Hars-ap; Peoples' marden, William Bsais; ad- viuory committee, Wilis-ed Tbomp- non, Ken Pesotreso, Robsert Ors-, Guy Bascît and Bill Bradley. Sidesmen - Oins Welles-, Irvine Tisonpsan, Oreille Onr, Chuliffojn- tee, William Bsais, John Bradley aol Dîcis Course. Cemetery Board - Foster Brsain eionarary memeree, W. Tisampson, J. Ors-, W. Roison, CîtiffHanter. Cummitîce for tisebiliding tund- Joisn Banacît, John Bradley (sec.- tccas.e, Ken RIta, ich Welles-, ins Course, Cari SaunIers unI Alan Harrop. Iundsy Scisool Superintendent Mc Joisnson; audîtors. Dicis Weller, Ken Peictreus. Mis. F Weiti' ufiecel tise ap- preccîstian ut tisemisole cungrega- lius tu lacesud Mes. Maxmell tfi- thicr mande.. lt mkach dslfise i-'sdersip tiscoscistise ycar. Hec. Mawel cosuel tise meeting is iiae iiiftel icisausociaisaarmwas ,11uoeid %isnco uieeunI sandwichs- WISH NURSE SUCCESS IN POSITION IN U.S. A tacemeli party for Eîna Bradley s'as hel at tise hume ai Ms-. and Mru. Homard Bradley an January 22. Aboutl 40 irienlu cathered 10 enioy playingecre and dancing. Goal tacis in Lus Angeles, Catiios-nia, whiece sise and foar otiser nuraes train Hamilton General Hospital liane joslaismatîna tas- bemn, as ex- pressel. Aiter a bufftet lunchs,Ranis Pea- cucb unI Dinh Wetler presentel lise gueni ai Sonar witls an evenmng isag ils compact, tipoticis and pas-- fame, tram the woae group, m-io jotacl in ingiog, "ForRshes a Joty Gaul Flla.' lis e tet Maltas ais-port on Jan- uarv 27 and asrîel tise iotowmng las. Pollock and Campbell Manufacturera ni HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS MEMORIAL ENGRAVING 62 Wat., Sit, Nortsb GALT TELEPPIONE MaI LINTON NAYLER Decorator FREE ESTI MATES Wocksoanship Guasanteed Commercial St, Milton P Phone 256J RON FEATHERSIONE Electrician -a PHONE MILTON l51r22 PROMPT SERVICE IliUlMAY, FMRUARY 4th, 1954 THE CANAD4AN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. PAazTmý 9 1

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