Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Feb 1954, p. 2

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PAO TWO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. THURSDAY, 9IIBRUARY 4th, 1904 No Move Imminent t s obviotis f rom the inaugural meeting cf Mlton Public Schoal Board thut the site for the nom sio room tchool miii remuin unchanged, un- less, before final purciase some of the members have a change cf opinion. The site has caused considecfble controversy but as the Sourd is ready tc0 point no one ha come up ih env better ideus. Perheps if the tacts on mhich the school board based ils decision mere bctter knomn il mould be e more acceptable rocommendation. Suifent feature of the mhoie situation is the Deparîment cf Education and mhat îhey miii upprove. Popula- tion figures of the present schooi indicate thut ai- Msost Imite as meny pupils lice south of Main St. as compured mith those living north of Main St. Of course, the development of the corthern section is imminent but as yet the houses arc col built and the Deparîment of Eduction cun col ai- lom development of a schooi on the busis cf mhat r expected. Nturally enough, cri tieîsm cf uny mece by a public body cen originale mithoat full knom- Iedge cf ail the fucîs. And nauraily enoagh, t00, the school board s in a botter position to deel with nehool items than the average citizen mie os col emare of ail the pertinent information. The school board has deul mwith the situation n mhat il considers lie best interest of the îoa-n and ils future development. Double or Nothing Litle did Canadiens think Ihat mhen il mas cnoted Members of Parliament and Sonate mould e-ove for higher salaries Ihut the present salaries would be practicaliy doubled. Our high level cf taxation e-as supposedly t0 maintain an edequate military sîrength againsl any eggressor. chee iscIt any taxpayer e-ho mouldc't like his taxes cul in haîf, And ecen thet mould col have the same effact as getting double your present salary. Wo stili mintaîn there are a lot cf hurd working Members of Parliement and heads cf governments mho are ccl sufficiently pid for the esponsibilities they crry. In the House of Com- mons and Senute there are lso many mho borely qualify for the present aliomances. For some beicg a Member of Parliament i sery much a part-ime job and for seeh the alca-- unce shouid be in accord. Wth proposnd soiory increases Canada coa-nil do a-,th hall the pre- sent representutices in beth the House of Com- mons and lie Sonate. Perhaps the pincent a-oucid be o goed ime te elimînate the Senote or cise muke a start on ils elîmicotice by makicg no more appoinîments 10 Ihat body. le the mroctimn it seems to be a a-asIc of pablic fends ta incrmase the liomance for Senators and fie pensian llea-- acte for members hiîch hus rncnntiy hem pat dno effect. Canada's Story Worth Telling For neeriy 100 yours, Ottama and Londor have benc the te-o ends to most officiai Cacadiar visils, In recent generetions, Washington has be- come another place mhere acyone f rom the Primî Minister to a miner secretury might firly regular- y hang his hal, Neyer before, hce-ever, bas Iis countrys f irst minister taken the story cf Canada t0 millions cf people righl around the glcbe f rom London ho Bahrein to Karachi 10 Tokyc us tMr. St. Laurent is doing cn his morld tour. Canada is respecîed cna-erid affaîrs. No on- fears us. Most people are or frîends. Or utleust they dont think pocriy cf us. Bat, The icanciai Pcst asks, hom much of the morid's gocdmili have me mon by defacir? An, howmumch of il is ours tc hoep? We miii nover be a greut pomer in military might, cor do me ment 10 be. We wilI neyer push anyone around. There, homever, lies cur oppor- luniîy. Our appeal to the morld miii have to bb through reason and understanding, col thrcugh brute strength. Sy using our brains this land tan give leadership bo the Middle pomers ameng whotss ee find ourselves tIse foremost, Thats mhy Mr, St, Laurents trip is 5 import ant. The head of our Governe-ent milI have a lotk at the e-orîd. And the mcnid, and parlicalari Asia, e-I be reminded that me eoist, and moslt ca nce is please-d t ths e mrail of rntrcîos.The rec coetrvi is uner cf thecast iv go. Thena-ii be cases a-hem londiords miii for a ime take odvactage of remrovai cf restrictions. We dont belicee cnymuînici pal couccl con sois- fuctoriy administnr o cocîrci meoscre that has been tossed oct by boîh federai and provincial covermoents. Reet controls mighl us wmou go ouI nom us cîher coctrois have gene. lhey have last- ed longer then most wunime restrictions. Other Papers Say: Hunover, Ont. Post: -"The soocer the politicians cave the farmers and other îcdcstry aloce 10 merk out their ca-c prebiems, the better cff the sehoin nation miii be.- The mise mac and the one -uc o nts tb lice longer, adcîses the Wîcgham i(Ont.) Advance-Tîm- cs, -f ids hîmonif a hobby ear.1y le lîfe. A con- structice hobby, no malter h"N chldshiti may scem, is gccd c suracce ogoînst ieredom ut ucy ime." Theres stili a peaceful puce cn the smul l omn The gioming promise of the morning suc, shaded if et all1 by trocs, nol buildings. The noisy silence cf an idl noon-hour. A sky ovechead unpitted by hoot, Tiight on the front porch. Day's end" These are stilI things the big cities miii neyer knom these are tIse îhings mhich millions of Cen- adians miii neyer knom. And mhich even me-ory milI soon forgel so long as factories insist on standing in herds instead of by themnselves, says the Rosslend, BC, Miner,. RM14 7-9. .A.HTHNOQ 1 NAî E fsiseI arrisier, Solicitor, Etc, MILTON PRIVATE HIOSPITAL Otec caDerCmpo X BAY - ïWS1 i Oflir- Mun St., Milton CoroerC.PR. nd CaulSureon Triephoen54 ST. PAULS UNITED CHURCH iKNOX ~PRESBYTERIAN CHURCN G G .SYR BarsEroGEitE, ELLotTr ub Minster-REV. J.L. BLAIR, B.A. BEy, E. ORSBORN, 9010111cr DRG.ESER farntr oitr.oarPhi Oui'gii,- f Mu - Harcold Magsc j Mr.,. Burhura Rechebhd. Orgaif Phynician and Sorgeon Office-In Facmers' Building ATCM- Office-James Street Main Stceet, Milton SUNDY SBURV 1v 935 SUNDAY, FEBRUAIY 7tf lu1954 Phono No.3Is Teleplione 70 111110a e- 'ieBRau Scluiuf 1 1000mc-S5enior Srhcil. Offire Boucs, 9 ans.; 1-3 _____________ 1f0.0u0 ,e-hJu,îvcSchaîîî 7-8.30 pe-. CHIROPRACTOR 1100 aem--A Mcs-.ugc tCorY-ner Juro iriof ;N iiccrv I - uta. e- HeIvComîe-e-,îîv -TheCroe 20 liii c- Cluuî,h Oc-hmii1 ,irslt fGî,d ______ _____ A, M. NIELSEN, D.C., N. D,-aihni-mbrtiPl) u0îui ifhr.ire. and DR. J. W. McCUTCHEON Dactar rof Chiropractie 00pem.- Viîunig Peotle',,Rafly "The Goed Niew.. - iand Notaropathy ,uiP,îîCrdfî iiFinaliîîin,îth(-bîecd-Office Hous .m;ee-4 79 p.m at Pý,r1 C limait pF',pcceed un-in St.u., c~vhich. ti Ibuav ,. i,ai ;L iFrricc5 t'ipe.iuu umers' Buiding, Main Street i etera 2-5 pm. Ciosed Thurs, Feîradîhîp ce.s and. Fo - Sîrrar rpa lN Teiciabone 395W j >,rie ed it. ii! . SIiiduî- F - %.1 8 4 m iesudece 395J Lady Attendant M 'ciu Ilriic0 h ri Moofhls elu-ngilýia-din f 9 Mais St. N. Georgetown Badi 415tM c...fhi il iiDENTALPhoae TRiaagîe - 7-3612 Bn;7pm.COl.T. nil.-ilul- Taîcd.y. F, biiiii y 9 2.45 fe r9,4 i,, 9311ei. i,, j Wuue-eî. M .,,e l.e, R .A. KING -_ ________ a G -il-f l li ud itMW1iwrdr.F-h icWi A.ETA UREN WM. G. RIDDELL, D. C. Love. Fsritg Diii uî f W.M. v Mc ficeun ci 0 Mît Decorrof Chiropractie Wii uiîii. Pll1.17 li i u P -b, Siuiysi. Boucs 9-5 tirante St., Hilton Vîî,,ca tl'i-iir ntioiinii .][ Evensgs byAppointe-ent i By Aipointmenet M, etiflattIii-c- "i le i , i iST. JOHN'S, NASSAGAWEYA IX-Rey Secrvic TelepIsane 107 PHONE 102J X-S.Ay- li-c îr e-îfttef. isuli bî.d1 aand ___ îli.gh cide i- -uictv. _________ Ttîcrudav. Fîlîrucey il- The- Af- ST. GEORGES, LOWVILLE DR. F. E. BABCOCKFNEA IETR enilun Ausiliacy ofthie W.M.1 (Anflican) S. e-fît eect ai tire hbe-cf lie.R. E. Pocritt, Nectar« DENTAL SURGEON McKERSIE-THATCHER Mms. R. M. CIereti: 815 lie-.. Office in Parmers' Building FUNERAL HOME ah trM. aîud Mrs. Club e-îff SUNOAY, FEBRUABY 710. 1954 on streot floor Fanerai Home, Ambsulance Servi«. ment attire home afIDOved and Pîltb Sunday afîe Epipbanv Evenings hy appointment PHONE 637 NIGHT OR DAY Rlim aweses; 7.30 - 9.30 1ie-., 1100 ae-.-Hoiy Comm-cuioand X-Bay Service Tel, office Of Taxis - Trait Raeger Boys. -Cburcr Sehool ut St. Georges. Roa. 2f Sincere. Coucteoun Servira Frîday. Pebeuuey 12-7.15 pe-.. Ty- 2.00 p.m.-EveriîîfPcayee at St. _______________ ro Bays; 8 pe-m., Seniorrrhoir-j John's. ACCOUNTING TRAVELLERS' GUIDE - 1 Ail a-c e Wccoen _________ __ ________ BOWS APCE CHURCH LEVER & HOSKIN CANADIAN PACIYIC RAILWAY ANGLICAN BWSRPITCUC Chartered Acceountaits Standard Time lIc. Ncean cee, A.,L.T. (In the Ton- Hall Succenooro to Going ho Toronto - 7.401 am Re. rmnGen BA.or Th Pastar, Rcv. R. F. Snyder JENKINS & HARDY daily; 1.50 p.m. dally; 8.30 o-rn _____ dily except Susday; 9.24 pr. Sta- -SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 7tir. 1954 1305 Metropolitan Btdg., day anly. SUNAYFEBUAR 11. 154 0.0 a..-Soda SeoolaadAd- 44 Victoria St.. Toronto Cnmisg fcom Toronto - 9.35 alan Fits Sssdoy eEBRUAEiîihat1541000al Bible CaySa lan A-e-. 4-9131 daily; 6031 p..daily; 1.00 a-rn- daitY 800 a.m.-tloly Coe-musios. 11.00 e.m.-Morafng Wacabup. Pas- - __________exitSsd. 10.00 a.e--Sanday Sciroal. aorn auhet: "I am tire Resur- 11.0 am. oi Cemuoîuî rrtis ad IseLie.'hls JOHN J. KIDO AND COMPANY CANADIAN NATIONAL 7.00 pem-Eveniaf Peuyer. ibe sîxtb ,sere-acin these ories Charterei Aceountants ALA ____________________ entftled, 'The Odeat i Aen-' oing North-7.5t p.. 7,- 00 p.m.-Evnings Service. TIse John J. Kidd, C.A. Goisg SoulIs-7.10 p.. CALVARY TABERNACLE pators message wilihc "Tire James T. F. Doctor. C.A. ____________ PeteooaiHoinna Musuffere Omis 0e-e Heurt,- 63 Coiberne St- E. PUBLIC LIBRARY NOURS BRteoTE ST. neu bring tIse sixtb sermon in tire GAVILLE FRAUT Palî icOe .S.T. Sca sories. "Saints cf ther 014 TeirphoncoFO DU -- Thîursdav.A.PC.r.uaara4TestamW-t-"Offîce: 1399 - Ns. 2383-W Monday- --............1.30 10 5 p.as - __________________4____8_-_W3-Tuesday ---1.30-5 p..and 7-9 p.m. Friday, FebrearY 5. 8O îîe-Prayer e-rut Micsiueucv Soîc t tWednenday-.......9.30 a.m.-12 nocl mrrLig ic tire rhurrir the homerof Mco 47nitcgz, Mor - ALFRED J. BISHOP Thîîrsday - 1.30-5 p..ond 7-9 p.is SUNDAY, FEBRUARY tir. 1954 to. CriidPbi conat Fia ....... ....13- - 10.00 aem-Sueday Sehool. Wcdoesdav. Prbruaev I0 ut 8.15- Crtfcd Gaee corgttn Ftridy- -1.30-5 p.m nd79 Pruycc usd Bible îludv ai fthe Main St. Oagfî- audy.. .05p- n . a 1100 aem-Morsîng Worsirip. 00reoetMi% und Mn ilFerd Triangle 7-3351 Publie Moiday nent tnciioded 7.00 pem.-.Eeaafelistue Service. Raibice. Office oprn Moeduy and Fcîduv Sebool cIildeen have neparate AIl Arc Welrnmn Ail Arc Weicee-e eceainfa. Isoucn Publehed in the Heart of Hatton Cossnty Pohlished every Tfsursday at Main St.. Mitton. Ont. Mem-» ber of the C.W.N.A. and tIse Ontario-Quebe Dioision of tise C.W.N.A. Advertising raten on roquent. Suhacriptîon payable in adeance, $250 in Canada; is months $1.50; single copiesn 6e; $350 in the United States. Autlsorized an Second Clata Mailt, Pont Office Department, Ottawa. G. A. Gis, Editar and Pulsher BUSINESS AND E DITORIAL OF FIC E T E L EPHON E 2 20 j w oi er a( Pi hi tF is vii a e ti THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. 1FAM TWO TIrURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4th, 1954 001 T TNoitTu Jl1 I/ilE AsT S ourH Baud CnIn MlhmtRMt Radia Report Approvine ttceiigheot etimate of te i te Georgetown Haraldl ~Anfl ege c road expe'hditaren in ile hisi.ory, Loto Monday afternoon, firemen Halton neighbor to tise noifti, Wel- werec alled to the home of Rimer- LasI weeok m wrote on our Canadien f lag .-lington County, witl tOto year spend Stiet, Temple ltoad, when a trana- vithout rcalizing that in 1945 an order-in-council sortie $1,013,400 for that purpote. former on the radio tarted to omoke Appî ooîmately $451.000 of this fig- and threateoed te cause a fiec. No of the govenment of that ime did came the red tire a-ut have Il, hi- ecised by taxu- liamuge reîcitedi. nsign with the Canadian Arms inthec flog of Con- tioee Thec eîusty rcoril aise eatedi ailis inaugaral meeting that sale of Wrd from Women del 'until Parliament shall ecIr otherwise." Christmas trees nettrd the corîiy Telfîog et trouble incrued while Primn a o eir d c rie, oCndaches 180eepise motorist-parking meter ce- harliantihas flot eand tho 4 rmie, so nad cfee L0lations on a legut bcdl, Gakville sas n oficaI la un ils to cd onigo .,,..i ., RraientWorien poticemnao Pote Ouvenits oboerved: î. Aceoeding ta information feom "Mon aoueîîY dont talit baek. bat Sorcy 000 missed that ordor-in-Council about G.~ eorgetown ochool board, thse Hec- the momen . i. Somne of them cait ho fleg. Il's quite stisfactory and thece soally aid reports, etileost two and ponibly me anPrintalie namtes and I drent is' lgiseaymr xetfor those who three emcaseroomO witt ho needed replyin b ind. SBesiden thse momen sn't~~~~~~nx e a su nymr XOIal tatitacape mith eling ubi ooud wnt eclameî f delee oheriso t , ., neholeneimet. ith080pubicwoeargecand use strong angaage, woul wat Prlimen todecareothrwis. I scoolenrlmet. ith580pupilo Corporal Oeeenish added, others a-as very difficul back in 1945 t0 keep up milh t takie cuenoa nom in the publie don't argue but stllii code the coin sehools, there miii bc an aniiputed distribution by inseeting substîtuten. alu theoerders-in-Ceuncil that more passed in the ~- 700 hy 1955. emerences iaco ~ .A Mean Swindle Water 9001er Morrien enegnisof Ihose da,. Il's groat . loarn that - ,Aaridrsdmacplt Worried about complications whichl the f lag mas one of or emergencies back ic e-us bniefcane andsuauve munner r onPuli tlitcse Comsin tant 1945. -- - - - ------------- ppeourbed un ciderly Burlingtan Pbi tlte omsinls jcope eceaynd entuatfreatmrrbkdecreed investigation ofdo- O eau lHo rTHE GOOD) OLD DAYS freyadsidig At thse ed ro ftobilns hwmre MAY HAVE SEEMED Paperad thmsigedandrooudit u-s iu ated tbat smnemeteeain 0cmr a lunch the other day me coccersed vtpschdhesin adokhs h mithb "lis'the re d oba onmayhv tb lealyt friand mho is quito a connoisocur of cheese. B TT RIrc. h aîa urr ottab lm myhue e iegytm there are a number of kinds me liko ourselves but ~- - - - - ____urd con-man cshed fr0 $360. Police Eleced Fuir Prenblenat his range mas moul beyoncl those me h ave san in areca-orbiau oc the case. A touler Actos district fermner cd.~~en He bld s thatoace ofehe(impoted faif.y V Fftv An cd H tldustatmay f heipote frly Twenty .ears Ago Fft ears Ag ,,,'Burlington nor Nelson meibado bacc atterted mide in- varieties mere actualiy sellicg cin nada et lomet Front the Issue of thse Champion otf Frans the Issae af thse Champion of pla ta do asythîng aboot reeing terrat, Jobn E. Moleo mus named pricos thon our omn Cacadian bracds. That Oued - Tisarsday. Febrnaryt.194 Thnrsday, Frbraary 4, 1904 eai cccli îls mbieb rame te un n d presidrat of Acton Full Fuir et fao Maueeblst. fltaus thre entionaof socetys aai meeting. MtrMoles ly eemd cncevabe bt h asure ussuc MltfoCeay Couacillthis eeeb laser Rel fira Jamery Junior tbeîa-o ouseiîasthai reatotraîrcsuceedacucpromlmwhomas te l~ seme coceiabl buthe ssued s sc arbe tefils 0h aoc îcesaey. hacî- .îu ar , J ucior Mafrirufalion vre r pimaily deitrd fer larger ia- socielys Couafeat preradent and ce- mas the fact. icel oredincl853aa-lscpaaîd -acra cl. Taraheli. Roberet duteîale"es. cent isser cf a Lord Nuffield 0f course, the conversation drifted to other front Wcaitw lb hCourt'iv. BeÀtîci tield. Elhel Chapmnas. Pearl , Sîgisi-Seers Weicome sebolarsbip. 0lune 300 1afteadedthe licaliaiMai,iii.Liivit,liOeesta Btiiahly. Arerangremrents , peocide the is- oddities in out marketing problems sueh as Con- ole,, iigf îlh( lFaitoa Garnie, ud .Johnitwayceu,.Walter Rouch. Jus- lereid public mith a loak et the adien cancod pork being sold ie Europe et a lom- Fish lieî-î-liîe Associationsfieldsin erBell. SsanJaredine, Emmu Fed-uclielnshe ec o- The merrird Muan iîealed tu the etpiethan Canadiens py.Butter, mheat and t(Pl 7l" Caîiiit lîf i-j ,iiPhefi pieted. Sturtisg Fereary 1 tours tsyebiutrist:-Yoous-e foltauhelp me. ortie pr daîce may oreodti. o pi dareuveiin, Drlck ,ehashbeen eecorecoua- -ii tube in tbe plant Monday darter'"Ai day longlm antto eut texile ac a reu may oreoddtie ofpries Pi efiiisace e-,ehbaa begîîo(trieileir f Ti ulular foe 35 veura. Due- iheog Feday ut 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. urupes. came intothe conversation. We didn't reaeh eny tfli' cr.iid ise et Esqoeg te-o- sin Ibitlie he e-îaaed bat one Speriai aroup tours ras ho accuse- Well. fhinb sothinf of tIsas." conluio onth oditesofprioscfcomod- hie lel-ec Mlls ad ctscltilis cd. il ia lnarned, and a corps at goid- aobe hedcteEcerybody outo concusio on he oditis ofprics ofcom o ecîî,îeoateîc te taigonea.alarge r.li Paliîîp bas sîilhic prize-mî- s rbas bren murahalird 10 randuet grupro.* ;es cocepi perhaps that once testes are ecquired forci- il ies Ilrerditee, se .Yn_- i i baek haehoey lii Jos. Tetere, ,the cîsitars Ofts culart friprearilswihaemr esnbemert is Hall os cîlasty: TIse omîs- VS. Wter Coder thse Bridge ______ for mpotodartcle mhch re orereaonale n goeseesment. the provicernd Quille o large oimberem Tans- Agrrrîsg ta lottlhe past bc mater iin price, the home consumpîlon cf 0cr good Cac- th-e,î,ity Nillci l -uO ,,y ee-tird i- Iy atleaded the a-edding et Miss onder the bridge, Ouholle and Tra- At a nîres a thooghtfui-iookmng adian producîs loses ils market and it 10 dîfficuit An uflîlelîr club bu, ber c t,,, mid EmmroeaîofNrlson. te Me. Green- flgar Cooscils met for tIse fïrsi gentleman slaod for a long time, b h 1, hl caîîrach etlheCaroadiaucces iof Klhridc. ilsWednscday of tîme is sers mesths rrcently and studyisg a rumel. At length, Ise Ilu regain. Maybe mie arc pricicg ourselves ouI of Legis ta peemale and encouage flas eee and alse theý parte et aeppoisîrd a lesnt rommittce tose soprd., pirhed op a stcaw, and cur omn market. atihîctcics ogst the ye,îeu mes a in ht study e-ayt and mens aI avoiding pluerd il as the camei's back, OotIs- 1101 Ti-iinicesi1 0ili of Sei-uc MBlcî imnaduplcaionaof services and 10 docter- 5 apad cciii -th i, lice f usy hîsd, Mme an eqoila île sharîsg ofaiea --meosg ti um the man shrugged, (X.l ta l ero-ilîihescore maî- ior'l, lt îîrcaothen alkuiedueur On thieW ay Out itise ,ýOntaioiAthieftie vîvciufat tan cd fothe ealbo t h~m ectrovnl cfosield laew l iî- îl si '";ý' n, col 1h ,iîi,i/Iy laPROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY cne mcthbedumndle inmaccîal ap nlic i tflicuti,icet iii-e.A( îfîî uI.BlakeWhiîte, net othb dmedi te uicpl a. nla,î hlits ,îS>în ici 111e if O ir,cî - li,(Ii d liiify Maïffile Budafi AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE came moccer it mîssed beîcg o probiem of ccccty fiî, l, ilueis aîllhureo,îî fi: WsIlliicAiI,îîî Li-in Maeeh- couscîls. There almoys mas and aimays miii bc t.1"f th'. il;iilsiii, dli h1,,,,il,t. Gorîdo lam,îîl- peopinlic miii demncîad lIgetlehorbîtant ri-iiiiî, i-iillîiî 'Kli, r1 lai i taIiii l'ereMEDICAL LEGAL prices for articles winîch are ci cac re sppiy. This llls d l to [iliiilli ,eI' t iî",îî1-01 IliciD:il .fîîîîîeiVîîîgh;iîîî c 'î,îîlt iI,iî E - iâ,t,,i ui,'ia, ,(i,'lii,- THE STEVENSON CLINIC iDICK, DICK & McWILLIAM& i- lirucof mcrc finis h farithehouling probiem . i --if 1a-Ilfi i, Vat-ov if 5,* iece .I DC QC fîke ail controls evnen i ,ticy arc in offert fPhoniliit.îîi iiîî,Ml es:mhrW . Y DICQC ti etdifiîcuit trccfocrr Up uti nthe 1--.a-.t:uli.it ini,-i -.,,.,i., Iiii,-i i , ,i,,i liv ,O.CKSesesnP. K. MeWILLIAMS fisiiislcd î.iiî 1-.,i ii, i.,i, ' fl l"DrC.KStvno arîaers, Solicitors /carslicharliittiefcoiilrvýs 711-y e ce iiuiid - , fi, 1. ifiiiiiidiii. Diii \iiii lifle fr. R. 6. ines oacasd uiirîia- ~,îrslif iiîaîîîîî,,îî.~Dr. R. S. MecCllnagh Broies Street, opposite Arena cdwe apee n afrisw-rca ei _______________n _______th,_- lîr îîî Telene4 to i a-î aaar. Gfauallv tlîey fa ,-î liclroppî elBuaacefai T .HTHISN C IL 1-- IL la M. M. m

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