Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jan 1954, p. 6

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PAG SiX THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. TMUBSDAY, JANUAWI Ttc. USE 0 -«-,Dý tmm;- From Halton'sFarm Lands an i icit Sali and Crop Mieeting itequesi.i Conservation cnd Lacnd Une Tour Requeci Enlorcemenl et t're &enfreement ot Weed Coatrol Act Dan Maticrwc, vine-preideet ef Weed Central Art cci Dr. D. N. Hantley, hecd oethler the Heiten Junior Farmer, rerpordit Feiiemieg a revteasofethlie serd der Field Huetecndry Deparîmeet aethlie an a ighlight et the eperial coursesituatiion by Agricalturel Repre- pril Ontario Agricallurat Ceurege, ine on Conservationancd lice Land Use cenletive J. E. Wiiteiack, lice meet- T Guelph, a, ctlie apeial seaker ai Tour, apensed by the Ontario De- mng enaeimeucîy paserd c reclulien ed1 tier annul meeting eft he Btalien parlescet et Agriculure, in whiceh rquesting the Cemmiller ce Agri- Hea Sait and Cese Improeaent Av- he partîrîpsîrd thie cccl ecîlmer, culure ad Retoesetatione fe t ula sociation, icld je Ihlllîcîi esec hall Mr-. Mtlss dis)lt %ih a.îrn t tnltîeCsîîiîtvCii en esrlcee sei cn Wrdîccdsy ofet eesrk. De. maede t tise Alird LeatheelsrîrowWrrd CstroeiAclîi Haltev Centy che, Hutety apake sic crea produccion, ftrisesil)Elere ei 195. ( dealing specitirell> euh cheice et Thic partirsler epecter, astt crops te relation te presret day lîasilrd capital. teek rever s badly Pael Diacussion cre needes ceas varirtirsancd airaina af caedawe taras in 1946. This taras. Ciaired by J. E. Wiiteleck, a pan- brai hecie cerealsaend lecumra, etc. Tice tated Mc. Matticeme. je clhgcvd el cempoed et Dr. D. N. Hutiryma audiorium wasell f ilié r la theslice tî type. chicîrty biowsa ad. As Proesser N. J. Thoeea butce tiesegit prnvciîg addrrcc, w asie receit t fgceccied terîciig. etc., Scicceiler, Nec' Hcmburg, vice-pre- par iii enaure lice apeaicer et acather tcre pecatar bac beeable te -.aident oethlie Ontario Sait ced Crep b invitation la Malonien e lie crcreaeetlie produiction cepecity et Improeraent Asscaioin, Gr e guture. lice taras 500 prr cent. "At lice tîme Atiiccacd W. E. Breeken. decl cr Pereicpse ceiigitigct oethlie est- vie mccc tierce.- cepecrd Dec, "tier citi a mulipliiity o et a crsp standing deys pregccmt. mhîeh gelt aras sac carcying acsscd 50ltrend prebirme. Tisi type et pregccm as Cal underccay et 10.30 acm., wase bIt et eel raIdle, 1liS bsc. e isying acuat mac pepuier mile lice mem-. Wl shor reparlts ram caenteigitcl flc oftie0s a n ed 1000 puetes. Grass bet lite large audience mice teek te1 es-eperalera. A bi eiiiviesary et iiege le a cprciaity and lc ted net edvectagretoflice appartunity tlathe thes iîîbeeofîeîereea. eyîteîtheccaîîîr butteîtherpcîltry tfic queestionseaet tice penel mcm- dis, "Dates cf Seedleag' and markcet hugs.-Reterece mac iera.la Wttn Ilb o t hefrmr-Fr. NreRe-Elerlni President ocea l. tis teptaJ.rd Wcemg hitonmaîlrcde heptaetthlie Lralhcrbarcem R.R 1.reprte soinghissrnlltaras lie ceevryre bell mic ccn- Tice crwiy rircîrd diretoacrteer ( areda irrdcliercced ateat et onhie erre grase clage tram lice trenrie lie cemiet yeec ia c asflcaws sut inter mieelt tsaor dilereet daesr. ilte lcthe drdckchor manger in Peel Preident-C. F. Pichet. and eamcly January 2 February 5,the lsatîng barn, etc. Preident-Fred Nurse. lab Marrie 31 ced May i. Gcisg te tic tc gGa Slde Vre-Presidrct-Reac Segamertie. cg ecrelet mitre conditions urwMhkniGac Slae Secrctaey-Trcccuree J. E. Whitciir prevaiied le Apri , May ccd Jeine ai Fred Bell et Berlinglen 1.R. 2, ce- jerk. . cer 1953. ail datas ot eeedieg gave e-perîrd oseirreperiiecce ie aiack- Doec aasc relient remulle. Mc. Willassti, hem. ring cspped geace itage. Utiliing Ecqercing- T. J. Brewnrtdge, ce, eere. ie eaid se the advisabiliîy etfsow tencce. h reperîrd tica aftier Joicn M. Bird acd Robert Miler. acmîng amati crede on inIer ashecit illîcg thirr it ils, tbey hut Naugaasry-J. H. MePicail. lRe- pir in the eary partîoethlie inIer. a clack about 22trrtic diaseler nIene and W. R. G. Johnason, ii Nace ic reirdPa"maaedn Nelson -.Fred Gril cnd W. E. i errer the aeting. reparîrd tt onthlijsîde oethlie snc esa mcc aHeu reken. as ics caseinitiative, he hîmserit iad cicr acd etrîcsîlcrai lîmetene an Tratagar-George S. Aikina IL trivi t la simlar teet. In hie race tep. Mr. Bell reperîrd lite epail- C. Hely, C.H. Lawrence ced J. H. lier ecelere serdieg cave mse h lc e e sontep but cîcîrd thal lice aie Wimetl. iseie recuitseverire c c crc enrliaid gstinselsil rther badly ose.c, Aris îtrit-Calvin Aitice. theriealitforAprii Myscnd Juneecdee d recîîtedîinalscstfceariy ttllrd 10.0iincea squartero e iceclage. The sdccc. Pcn far Serd Fair "Eroson I Serous" hsssrerrssîrrîd licirl0headeo t alemeeticgsofthbrniy eectcd 'Ersin l Srios" Hoi,riiis osil theelciter part et De- Boasrd et Dierclere, Sclîîrday. Msrrh "Broson Serinai se, 1 h~.e itlý rember and sîderrlier conditiose131h wsa seirsîrd as lierditi'fertlie et the reeport dii icryArt Bennett. ehiehrxisldîi 13 abrsenduertsseilCacty Srd Fair, Dmîglt Tis wcc baserdonse rslteeobtsacedseaetiere conîditiose at brunbce asthe tact test theauitriumeeoas thlie freaaone vrare resrti proeclpssibl tsîeîia e ay terexperi. Miloaîihlleseh eihngauerdeasa ci the G. CHydeslsîiraiStation. menct ed tbrenursrehhitr rtasec,,îse lis sirsassdale lice svrr- Gielpt-a statione ssh w secreaie.Additjs-eei reports by tfour slhrr flow ti-unilier Milien ubalire h,,sl. tisherd in 1952 useae esser clive ca.sperarase ii er dralst ii a tireet paes cell for eiesieslsisg baic betasrec tbi-Deparîiecîts oflfutrai trîr s-eerdlthe pcevioscveeicg. AtriceellrrliEngineering and Seita. The Prjerta ccdrr sudy inclade 1l. eneacreervlof oi acd .aIer lection and acatren etf seather da- SIssue tartliîssi resits hieieec front one acre ic May, 19153-nicen aidsvn ee tssI s A N S tons ofesoi ad 1.6chrsofter lafi thie samne plotiteier- litd May te Aceuse This piot wsaePROPERTY IMPROVEMENT eedrd mîtic cale, se and de cubee icpe. Me. Beaii-torastecrd lb sCONSOUIDATE DEBTS te aneliere plat cnlice amne seves Prr cnt lape wbers- the apper halt REDUCE MONIHLY PAYMENTS alliher ptcI seeuded tl atalecerd cd acostea s l olpe ccd cctheaser ANY WORTHWHII.E PURPOSE bsîit ef the Plat waseini by-brrr thrcv mac csiy a tracy o atesre5 rs-ettceadenoesoit--ras.ctt de« FustSevc tterlsd. 'Why tice dîttreccee' ach- d Me.Bennet1 ht .euld sem reas teie1953 re-IN P N E T sle tat cîrîs crcppîng ccd acreva1 DE E DE T FINANCE Cicr lape cltîvatice iii dc mure t tar l oiteiercciec and materCO P R T N LM TE iosesce. Fer teether deteile cI ihîsCO P R T N I TE am.eieg and aset înterrvctîg pro- jeri. vie asaaid ceggesî licai yau 75 Coiborne E. Oakville, 2390 e spy a ah ofCircalar 16 athe lu _________________________________ Miltiîn cIlice et lice Depcrtascnt etf Agrchîcure. Tise crelar isepat pr in avry attractive tcrm caspiete asile riarlsancd Pictare.JANUARY J. A. ELLIOTT ALP Licen.d Auctioneer dccd CLEA AC REAL ESTATE -Phone 177J A MiltonTHIS AD I5 WORTH $50.00 ON THE PURCHASE 0F ANY VEHICLE Pollock and LISTED BELOW Campbellî 1 THItS OFFER APPLIES UNTIL MIDNIGHT JANUARY 15, 1954 Menufacturern et HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS 'i52 Dodge Sport Coupe MEMORIAL ENGRAVING Tso love -heer -exccillet conirition. 62 Watr St, Northe GALT TELEPHONE Pffl '50 Ford Custôm Tudor i Two lone, sur) isor, radio, dyvetose mufler - a res buy ! Mur ray '49 Ford Custom Tudor Contieental beck, duel eheusl.sr) ssor, spot- G en e igh, fiancer ekirle, scet concis allier estras PAINTER AND '49 Mercury Tudor Femily cee wvvll ooked efler perfect forcucstoas- DECORATOR iig Phone: '49 Pontiac Sedanette MILTON 366W Prfecî condition, sew seat covers, excellent fas- ily car. '50 Chev. ½/-ton Pick-up Exceplsoeal conditsen.Neyer abus cd. Tmo ove '50 1/2-ton Panel VIM58sg551 ust-nebissRadio, tseesgease mndsheldmvaeh- 1 ~ers. Good ebepe. Horace Toinlnson- - Ficet Lina West BRAMIPTON 1650R **M MILTON 1ARDWARE Guld Motorsç malijeladen witic maiture, wich milli urm Mac nn rv cauae anpratected parte te ruet cndt -, deterlarate. n (5i) Semave ail bette and canvases êouId Se ChOckea and tore ticem ie a ceai, dry, dr place. Rabber-tired asheela aiceadil Farftmamchines are eaw 1dle aflere ang cerd darlng ltce peet pear id treuubies enceanterd uint t seaaonseperaiieere til' New Procodure ek ecch machine thicreugily, ar- To Convert W asher r nreded pacte. and sec Ibet il es rperly atered fer the inIer. Gnarie Hydre ie ils aearcb fer Thee teleasing peinte are ceggect- mare cenveniecl ced ecenemicel iey Proeseccr C. G. E. Downing. elandardinatian meticedsasha evelv- ad ef the Depariment ef Agrical- cd a neas pracedare in canertien eta Engineericg, OA.C. Gaclth, s'th certain modets et direct drivc sa guien earrrysan ilot lis ss.shig maciness. eci-ap: A ceesccing tis tedey, Hydre (il Check meain trame fer teese Chaseasan Rotacl H. Seunders stat- rmiscieg bette and benciar breken cd thet wbile it hes alwaye heee rcees. A breicen hit cent aprice hydre praclice te change avec bell- iay mece ccl eeiy thce lace eftlime driven washicg macinies an cus- ut the lace et e erap. Many brehen tamere' premicel, ail direct drivet a, sach ce trame iraces, ciceeid e'acig machines asere, au tir- erepeired by acetylece or etectrie ently, lahentot hydre maricahepe iidteg. It repaira are cal practicel tfor canversionc le 60 cycle eperal- dec ceas parts. ice. (2) Clean lice machine ticareegicy. The dirert drive type et cp- bced mud ccd greaee mey caver pliance bac te be aImascempllety ec or brehen parte, cnd aica heip diemavtrd teerieaegecvcr, lice 9relaie maistare asiceic mill ruâti crccase reoerd and the ail bcpartlmhich ia cvered. Fertlizer drainrd acd ilmwaseoriginalty con- lribclerscshaald be give prtica- sidered chat Ibis eperaiencsald r aiteclice and in came caes may be marc rtticieiclly carrird eut in l he t cdieasncmlrd fer ticr- a worserhep. Bat tellewicg a seee gh cleanicg. ieet traIe. Hydroenecineere are (3) Labricaeîr brghly. Clean sec' ,atisfied thal many cypes cf t il ail haire acd greaee ittiege, direct drive wachere ccc ibe chant- id give lice machine c thereagb cd avec rigtlin rustemnere' homes. bricalice. Thea. cil deticale bear- Avy maîhisice wsric mhice may g surtace arc give cpreteetive be îecresscry te the wascher ailI bc oating mhirh ii) stop cccl aed dene vn a mobile e'erhehep lecaed crresa. Chaîne ahoaid be rmmcv- ie the relever oer. Id cnd dipped in ail, liera pul bach Chairman Sacedere saeid the in, bat cal lîghlrced. greel advavtagretfIhis ncc ar (4t Proeîrraili paliiccd metel 1raneetmrstethal mcey direct )rts, cucie ce piew meldboarda, 1 drive machccc mill bc eveilabîr tac cder bcetlrr parte ccd hcivec, avese the actulee relver day, in vh aaetcgao llor graeEvenre -csce sithin laie or liere n he bec asmpiement shedsatlb air iccers et the cwitch le the higher ACTON PHONEl110 CONTINUOUS NIGHTLY PROM 7.00 P.M. MATINEES SATURDAY AND HOLIOAYS AT 2 P.M. LAST SHOWING TONIGHT "TOBACCO ROAD" and "GRAPES 0F VWRATH" One Complets Shewing OnIy ci 7.30 FARTUDOMERUE LýYLE BETIGER PLUS: "A FOOL AND HIS MONEY' - "NAPPY SNAPSHOTS" "ANIMAL HOTEL" Technivolcr Cartcon Mon.-Tues.-Wed. 3 Days Jan. 11-12-13 THE PICTURE EVERVONE IS TALKING ABOUTI IYiIM HORDN -000 DNIEN -.MACCE McNAMARA THE MANAGEMENT CANNOT ADMIT ANYONE UNDER 18 YEARS 0F AGE WI4ETHER ACCOMPANIED EY PARENT OR NOT lrrqaency. Under tice fermer opc- tem rusiamners asrrr stîheut lice use af- thir e mohere for ceveral deys wmule rcangeever mac being ceas tiiinreavenlenre le ruvlcas- ers miii be rllmincted te a large exteci. Thec rmmiscieloasiU alse be ceved tlic vet af .raecpscticg lice eppliace r rm lie hoerte lice asrkabap ccd bock agate. Daring lie rermainleg prriad nf lice prcgram, it lc esîlseaîrd licol I mili be prartireble le change ever le rastemnera' ihomes cme 150,000 direet drive ahicg macehines et Me. Sacdeec saad convrscion prsred arec are avdeercntant re- viras iy bydraegiveerc and irrccnicicce ccd ibis nec' mrtbsd ic c scccesslcl enampîret an ie- novatioenashirh aill i er inter servite ta bydra cualemerc and ai lice seme lime redar e c rsi et teedardiaing ticrar appîteeres. Paiet--Bat dc. iccaslong bave 1 gelta oliehbrrr? Dansei- tcheertllyt-Only c day aI a lime. PoeYs Corner A LIlTLE WALK ABOUI TOURSELS? Wieee eure eritirizief ethers And arr licding icere and thone A al or lasa le epeals cI, Or caseakeessu ucca lear; When pac're blamicg semeoneas meakne§s, Or arccing sarne cf pef- Il's lime tlic o yc ent eut Te tabe cascalk areund pours«. Ticcre are laie cf hura atilur« In lice average otusac li; And lots et grave charlreasicgs Ie the shctceet acrncd licetait; Bat mice me ticek cf etis Mmeiceald lcy apen lice iervr- Il's lime me all c'eet eut Ta teke acwmdc creund aurcelves. Wr cerd ae allen in tMin 111e Ticis beianring oaI areee This seiet hewm mac te ce wms And hewmumch in as talla; But hetere yeu jadge anelber Juet tc lay iiancethce aiel- Il c'euid be c splendid pion To e a ealmdc recnd pouriâl. GAIVBELL'O TONATO OTE P 2 1mis 23C Freneh Mustard IAN f3o9 17o Quaker Oats "1'3'48@ Quaker Pak-O-Tea P»- 39e MILK 216-0 - 25C1 SODA BISCUITS i za.PG 90 MARGENE MARGARINEm 39c Dandee Tea '/2KG. 590 PEIL-AYLMER BOSTON BROWN IEANS 2TN27cI Lushus Jelly P.wdoea 3 ]PEGS 290 PUDDING POWDERSI;hi&t83EGLs29c Marnualade Ggdorni 270, 47e Li hees ad TomaJ PIE FILLI NGS ]PACKAGE15 M1-ko e ~Milk "35C Macaroni ?r he 2 Ba23C NEW CHEESE L.44C MARGARINE SOLO EXTRA SPECIAL 2 LES. 47c Nugget Shoe Polish Ti' 15C Palmolive SoapB"n-Oc s' ize LIC LGLO Gint FA» or VELIIG 40c "'a 77r, MO 0D ES S 9 PIG-40c, 98e Brock's Bird Seed lG-25c BROCK S BIRD GRAE Pakg e PIONEER SLICED WHITE d 24-0E. 5 Dread LOAF15 TOMATOES Forde US.No.t '1 Cel o Pkg. 19C GRAPEFRUIT MU.S.N.1 eh9s6 for 29c U.S. No. 1 RAPES Eprr 2 Ibs. 33c BANANAS Golden Ripe 9 Pound 19 CELERY HEARTS canad~a o.csp1 5cdI TEXAS CARROTS 2 Bsecbee 2]c .?Acm Mx THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. THURSDAY, JANUARY M. IM

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