THPANDANCAPGNEHLON N. HRSA, OEBE d.10 Wh ch ili mke thm desrableem- CMPBE _VILeequerled slarm remees twa years senentis lire. tobcbefinanced s o1- 0 'yswbicb miii makeetbem eblm- CMPELVILUa s Coner T S1falgara unil ago, said tbe clecis, androdtW askcd cal impcoccmcrls. Tise subdîiio 0 N T HE tme arers.again. He aildeil Ibat townasip en- mas appeoeed fiee yeacs ugo but a tWeit, t dont boom:if that appiies Express WAecome MY GARDEN IN FAL *igmneees badibeec wocictona reesrllainsol sepicitacis HOME ,ytay,, b t 1to tirt GieBrdeGift r by Mary Elle: Varie> Bias For Industry plan ta service Elten Park, Cedar- want injr rder, cekFahrtn HOM ig ... twa oeofsttbse articles Thecmlle surot atmsies. Inoabidtfr oreridseyTris-ccwrradbcciwold ackcillhe c- Ifthecacais tt bciiiOtd by clip aat, ansd kcep antil bsase- Mr. Doaglas Inglis mas hosress Wile the becs an pucele flamero talgar townsbip coarceil aI ils giocccs bar anathcc epoct. scwcrir a copicof yer.- aid My cOsosIsipeé thir Novi embe meeting.stuidCflrsR-midngslcilueciîMaur, i FRONT IePrie maet an- ltiNvem~~ s Wt it for se Oalnille-Toaiagar C$2.500 o a temes foc 30lotdot scwyte atsp atccacîce ki nek clic c-beelsan opered tlie areeting witis Att bromo and back tbe dry mass bro amce $500 10 the Tor- as Wilson Heigbbs. i0ju '-ilibab. mrrdm Itsgttr lasi t tbc call b norbip. Aer singint iigbse r do ommeciae omsso, __________ teroloipt Irbibto fioeeslahymn 374,îbe pcsidentleld in To the rorksshr crrircketrîrgs' camd assistentrbcikîJohsnWhite Tht baby itbec bas iscrmoquibe ail oe on e e i nesortise middeetfcbadei 1he tiarboferint meeting. iTbe inoion appovingthtie $2.500 a receot rational irstitution basu't snirer. ntberewilbematty alto a report on lise bacear. Tbîs S 1a lisdagaist tbee'ali tor lise Ciamber stabedit Oas a il? And nom tise geverroset bas îrîeresbed unthtat, anycnay' rerport Oas veey encoragint. Mes. Wbhile tbrogb the day tise tatisirds conrirbebion lomrd tise e.'alaisii pteaut a baklsltabot ib-"A 1tbet someatfYeusmart btieeoD.întîisread tome Iaisyo cli men ofa ointbidseial rori- Guide tee Baby Siteet» tbîs, bt tbe article f saned sad robes. rom tbc brancestoa disrebiog snon, in conjuionir ils Oubo i. Baby rttirg migint reem tube gliblet 'Ties ril ir rot nery impert- t wOss eqeuedbist tiseiolîday trecer, uTi$50opamsin las Toorbo b mark, but it ioaaljbaof eflidetabtt art." , bats bc bondedin 0arsonasopos- Wble tbeinytfusresinothe beeae. ds sicieomsioeaa10a0.01 importance. A stSer rbesid be able If ya're blisr dor't de mdll ir- sbe. Tise presideol gave a bci i er'ctt efagr e te atter gond beaitis and gond side tbebose.îbt'nlibrlb'ntsethe report ofthe Prnbybcriaimeetint Wibirmyeartere is noegriet Wbîe's pay bîootbbikes eltnîîîoî- ebaracter mierse appîrer lac tisesil Ial's ta blame. field on Goîlpis. Tht bales weii' Na sadars oslcr t allir boaf, ' mcdiabcly. iaiibemtbrmWst Here's tesystlm. senbteBitletondianhocOanulBrraose mitb beutymy rosesrsway Cunil membrr dccidedltorcýt beittird tlisre day. Is tuber tram is toeigit meekba os. Ir tommers drerr for atsmr's day! mutiste Bronle cooocilloro 10 the for'aatoadideatbeboablettsOHya- Min. Sewart Cîamp ccod bise tomnship. get. for a baby iber ba anc rigu- cîritlîsotdu roc rro t cîire lîcoon ioond in Epises- Cooncllar Piillîpo 10110 itd fr T.B. X-rayt, b ecause rildre iulsoîisr0e th mot gtotraîîy grow ansco ~stis oaptr. verses 1020. ELECTROLUX '.w. bicp aller tise iigiwsmod l- are erpeilly susceptible la tober- 10 thr boute, althoîîgi yoo peciaf- Mi,. Roger Maisoo. Mn.' James SALES, SERVICE & REPAIES parîmint" aisout a tafclibgOt ,îi ,uoi sts'iliihave more. Walace and Mro S.Crama Oui tise inesetion oîtherigithiuu coloris. inrls nte ok Tesoilsboldrcotaî qite a opuiluîioaîomîinabingiommiîiec Dasealland Commercial ond QoeonElizabethsWoy. "If ui- btsbrrmabirs riitin teo be bilolsoosi Pe as tabou m'i Mis. Robrî llist reasi on art- Cleners, Flsar Pallhera ous irbînies go to, thedeporilmîu tae for uisyoier atyiseels tbem s ssrn btn sryadmrc le îrum lise GbosiTidiogs entil- anthisyll do romebhiig" mît:~~~~ bepteesots;bcsssedno f n go s, -Wom n ils Visior." Tisee cd- ugestd axý nxl bsry. ~~~Ater rotint, sialer miii and beep io îîs bi îîg a vtbe, OMTl ergrîr ie îe ogsî a,îî Tise boobit aarto mith a wariag theb bi ano cool di bpr IIeipsir lbi se oeeoî Trieo- fi Bartms Drive, OsEvIfle yo epiii be olb aever ta heave a baby alre. An for iasosmint. Drîcg this So l eigt sutoliicolAsoits P NrAVIL edîîre bunis iorruain g. beepiot ciilder iusy, ecn e tsteis iiie tise roal systbem ir de- Coi.ýiryom.Ier o tise otd T HOFrNE oyl utEltr Pois2îss teer-ageiabytsitterssoaldbcnoW srlopoîg. beplthe soit moisot t syme.foî teencemas "HaoFakTylro'lonPr a rame imple gamnes, rs ossdtsar- unoîidrynerr or saturatonot_________________________________________________ ieTat'rpartb eqipmt5t Wsnbthe topagramthisrabsoototanis e roonry mmot, os an indiv- fer ber job. icrislong, tise pots sbold b cned daanthoghesciylk Ber a you0gcirl asses eeetoa ligbplaceîintbeehastmettand an ativepart 10 international " O L N T fj\/ rpcasibilîty tac a child, sbte soald shaulsi remalo Ibere ortîl a sîgit wrI* bave tise maîber sbam ber bom ta chsage an rlor r'om yelias ta, Me.tWlluîe geecacishortbut'bolDN T HA pick the pogter sp and baid bîm, green octors, inereecio Goosi Tisogisimesage t£n ra ba tNY P J . F U hem te charge iat, warm bis bt- Prom Ier or tbt blooms may bc on Couiage. Love waurtise mord A Y P 1T O le andgive it tabim, andfirdaout fred iroam tbabîisrader tbar oid i ossorringthlie ral ralAesetul mat posiinise isbesbtolecpin. cool,ibusotodîaogity,idamîra a A fIs ordmof awieleameihome cfA moentîs grs- cét "" -l'And neithar would my Dad. Ha knowa tho Almot "erptua moionmac-Ibe lving roemn-atrr tbe bail oeaa 1ccc given tb Mro D.Agsem wou nuigga-vlu ftutcmayexeinei ok ires" are tbe lots fronm 18 marlbr uprotable plate. Tise blbrsasid 1isasi ieco absent for a lew mocîiss i ite or marbie, .vlaRtrscopneprinellokg Aosfu "porpfietal mtofmar is-remirtisere ortil the le aves et- niîing ier parent n Englacil; ai- rybsign a d e- eftran astate. Ha wouldn'o ha without if!" lafr do ln y eas t "sA il-" pond and tbe cio e bodr appear. su a isileome bu Mes. Ciarlie Cor- rtaad eera , many ira mer to-day cly on tha asperiance sud Il tabes Oit and rbomiaa te beep At that time tisey may bc sateiy rie. Tise meeting ia sar ebreyn- ia perpete, ceot osiia omay moes iito asrarmer tempei'atore. peaing theLoo's Pryer inaun- iagfInsseousd- .-. l\o oa rstcopay tisre cildrec bealtby. happy, and Tise full bloomrsill lbt longer il bson Mii. Wm. Colter, a nOs instoetpeare and I Write for fre bookler beodrd: "Blurpriat For Your booy. bept out aI direct sansbire. bride. mas preecres i ail a very beatty, a tribale Sittingsitb rhildrcn oltîveoand God lai' Adbcsr aboutsajobt rlctioup aodsaucer. A pîcasont of respect asd F l" oeigsm set fett d si5er fae n vnodrlie un0ih hswe? hl boIt b00esa-eroyeii anri a rus bosor ta tbe dead, a ronsat source cf la- mînîstfatsan. selaaerbet bytyp A marn at approared byoanin- oltea. piralor tothe liing...i lter, and the tiller gels o lot 1cms sui'urerorvutteî' ood arbed il he, Wrenmptay as agents-pes a py nsesommis- TIIE bameOsorisdore' 'Tiseeyoongters wa isueda in' alae sin. Day direct-a card ar letter mi l rlag are capabler aI loaing aller lbem- "Yes" raid bie tber. WOREING ON PiRST MILLION sur service ta osu er seles in mary dîleret respect, 'Orglary!" Tycor Be af ithi yosu t once.doe STERLING T RUS19TS ard yeb bhey are mirieius and 'Weiyt;riesi aaist Beooiir Voa dont reesi ta beAVLE OU ET OK sRPOR tbaagbtlers and iftbey are tne- "Are Yusros agins oodsr"snîîuly Oniy dffrcrnîe ibmcrosns CLE MTERYETRIOK cted maydoaalmantaanythirgl "*Floods" sid therobbîr. samirg to is tlbutyotmknbig yoornser- -EEEYLTE Yos oeid a prrîly smatnyong inbeest oblaot. "Hoido yauttaet n ilmlioandtFm stillaworiig on -MONUMENTS CLEANED- IEAD OFFICI DAMoeow mItter, 100, if se bar Ibe taI Ifbfooss?" iny ii st. 90 Calsrne Si. West 372 Bey Si., Tusanin 14 Dunlp IýSoude stayirg Oitis aconalescent lot. 6 lthyvne ierbd toc a wimbu tbryre art ta avec in tbemtevsi tycre alomesi ta do just mis he tram tise moîber just isoosmach h ELECTRICAL chisisr permtîrd ta, d. Il you bore a diugber-aree a son, srbaoter do i, toa-hoi CONTRACTING mabîgraome porbrs morey a ittiag, yoa eitht emird tis ta FURNACE OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE il s't or onîmportart lob tal jais and il gines ibratan triellentol IcP AI cpprtsoîty b pati mary habits Charlen S. Phono 432J Milon - APPLIANCES and FIXTURES LET US DO VOUR -t D-0 mwi e BUILDING CRIBT HAVE THE Construction Co. PLMBN GENERAL CONTRACTOR SERT WALTONYO NEDFRM ,SHW AD CE Phono 485W W Quiik SerFOR eUD. Any Suas11Job PO. Boa 36 Milon ucSevc - AnSi Jb7 PHONE MILTON 274R21 B R A D L E Y .e '"- INSURANCE - ' h - AGENCY General Irsarance andI A, E. Le PAGE LTD, a.k F e COURT ST, MILTON N w Stores Limited Horace Tominsonj BRAMPTON 165CR j M ILTON HARDWARE ______________________ Carry Gesalse Sarge CAMNTOTN LOAN S CONSRUCTON'PROPIRTY IMPROVEHENT GEORGETOWN CONSOLIDATE DEBTS AT YOUR SERVICE RIDUCI HONTHLY PAYMINTS lvry Buildng NeetI ANY WORTHWHII.E PURPOSI Dcorr yooc poblemr Fast Service with as Phone:IDPNEN IAC TRiangle 73894 NE ND TFIAC 156 Guelph St., Georgetown CORPORATION LIMITED (opponite Dominion Soed Hoorti 75 Coiborne E. Calille, 2390 B. F. Goodrich Mud-Snow Tires, with thir husky flexible cleats, give you 24% more pullisg power in deep raow thon regular tires ... stop pou 2 5 % aer ... give you up ta 25 % more traction in gooey mud. Sciantiflcallp designad tread with consineous centre bacs gîtas a amooth, quiet ride on clear pavement. The widar, deeper tread also providas he 'Grip powaer ta get pou through on ail roads in any kind oRfsceather. Avoid trouble this wintar ..-. ask pour daaler ta put a set oR B. F. Goodrich Mud-Snow Tires on pour raar wbeîs oodap. D.F. Goodrich- 11LIFESAVER" Tubeless Tires Fa, saie y.a-nd dina n ndodenmsi. .ippary bpemin, e.nbless. "LIFi.5AVsn" TabuI.s tres orenpuas besf baeTThn LFE-AVE' seshe ssfy tirn irtnt emsecyua sosiminast f«, eaaans udd kd.,A.k pur 8n . Candle orse teule. Ha canofaier pou a verp ganerous trade in alloscance n pour 1 Drive Ilawer. y.. ol mohtiras.I S3-10 JOHNSON BROS. GARAGE Mainst. MILTON Phone586 . 1 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1953 PAar EIGRT