TEUESDAY. NOVIIMESIR 26. 1952 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. PALOZ VIVE H-O-C-K-E-Y Opening 8.30 p.m. MILTON CO-OPS vs. OAKVILLE MILTON ARENA FR. DEC. 4 - MILTON vs. WALKERTON WIN AFREE TRIP TO NEW YORK BY AIR FOR TWO A T S"The Cue Balil j * MAIN ST., MILTON * YOD GET AN OPPORTUNITY WITH EVERY * $1 SPENT AT ONE TIME B 1M fo laisadMete e * rwt faelaie andthentlemen'sDac *eeme 31s CAMPBELLVILLE BALL TEAM mas honore4 ai a dance held in Kiliride Hall on Wednesday aight of 'as' meek. Memberin of the teatonmin front lacked by the copacity cromd more presesleci mitO cmnall trophies cammeoraîing the inning of theOnGeario championnhip. The eaont climaxed the soason that nom the Campbelloille entry smeep the opposition and pose the may 10 the Intermediate C tille. ORUMQUIN r y-2 Dêclare Depression Exchiange of Bulbsà At New School Site Four Palermo residents deetared Meeting Feature a etn fteTaagrpb The Rovemher meeting nf Dram- lie nehool board Monday of last qoin W..was hetd aItthonaIame o eeln ts iterthe raflgrpuh- Mes. S. Fuller. TOe ode anas sang Commercial League four ronm village shonol oa os and prayer repesîrd. The tmates Maaroais 57, Misficin 44, Hay- hoggy land. wccc read and approvrd. Plans cards 35, Briehers 35, Miloosires HaroldBiti.woatda ancre mode fose thc ruchre and 31, Whipper 26, Botcerin 26, For-,pk drnaBfrai.Jon Vack , dance, The Chrisimas program wOO oess23. ' soEda nglfortJOs ain Sinhie, disensaed and plaint mode.Rda Inrat d Beind Memhcrs cnjoyed ain enehonge of Ladies' Mtitnee League Smith. staird thal 10e schot 10 i halOs. Eaeh aine 10 la hring tOe Norma Brao 38, Pinky Teasdel a deprenionsaed ehildeen skate hulb la a meeting mOnoil lsin su4, Rohy Childs 34, Rileen Doanos 20. lOrre in the inIer. oonm. HigO single, Mary Cahoon, 250; ChianRJJmenidOl Mca ElteeOy wan gocot speaker OsgO triple, Pearl Mainwerl,603, tchardmas . . ameso! 10ede- and the memberro anre mono inter- P.L.ns Ladies' Leagu e tebadwsa eo h e esrd in 0cr imnpressoncs nf10e A. Mary ilcipel 43, Rath Coates 40, pression Outit i l nad bc hehînd C.W.W. roofecence. SOc tld nf thc Donna Genche 39, Muriel Coulson hescont, ahich mould Oc 150 lent atOrsn meaes fand s fasns i nad- HîgO single, Rath Coates, 258; high Il min decidrd lOot thc township and cf lhcir cototns. mlt Lois Evans, 654. ergineer and tOn Ballas County TOc meeting nioscd mitO tOe Night Bambin heaitO olficere ohooldOn oskrd la Qîsena. Mes. Alderoon lno h aorge l-ay coids 7, Merrita 0; MDuffe av, oi ' cocaan- 'mî of tOc sore of gifîs for tOc 7. Wndovr0. repoet. C h dembs AoMea J. utire lachi's i 1eafnd arJ.tent Inltcr-County League William MeBain and George sîgaian. tMca. oWdiar eathor- Mlî.no Dakville 2 lohi, Torontotaarehitents, proennti Englnd. rs. illrd Fathe- .ha irpcclina sk aetches.oaIthe s orisiîed thc hostlcia and a soc- 50-50 Leagýer cn"it. ehinh unît Oave 100 roama ial hall houe foitao.d Merey Bofle.s 10, iionllhiad . an cao O side altOenrreidor. TO ni, Club Beldo Dance Lîiciy Strihiri 57S. .nd Gnnc vo silObcn crime. TOeniath lina graup aI thd. North Trafalgar Cammooity ClbhTOn schoonsill h ,iros n aa o held a vey saonnn'oul donce ut Hih singlflat, DonnoaGrcsske, 5.60 sqare fet.and inniodro Traflgar Ral lasi Fenday eveiaf .î4; higo single îlot. Rob Brown, teonheen mroo. Me. RaobbtoMldIn- A numhere rom tOc districti 7027; higO single icith .C. Audrey ,ourL . tOiser tai Ocre %oualO teadrd tOn sqnore danenoanpnîsî- Brshl, 239; OngOsngle aith B.. clicnroooh sacinot i the boiter roam las ait the Rayai Wister Faie lasi Bans rit Rphia. 241: high tripicle in;ý. tisore'e Or ncitai o ots. Thorsday ecnsîg. tDonna Greohe, 666; igh triple fiai. Inspenu an- Shoar aiffesîrd lOnt Mr. P. Satiho is ill thi hoame Bah Broca. 594; hîgh tripe. ib cil oota On taaccd in lanalocations in on tOc rigOlO lice. Att1 inh Oîm jandicap. Auîdreyerus. 668: hîgh ttnecaheaams ta tOit tlOren aonld spcedy eeaacry. triple mitO andnnap, Homeli HOP- be o~ as nagestlias Oyptara tat aer- Bicîhdoy iches ta Miss Lynda o.n 574. igadlaig Chamberlaiti mOs s cetng a HîgO averagei- Lllian Konoyehi,îtg Oie'c. ithday tit aco mcdoek 201; Murrieay Geenke, 212. WEAKLING WORKING ON FERST MILLION Lamper: "I take it, madam, that ASBESTOS BORDER Tycoon-Be off mîl ouan a once. your husband iaeldteely." Annneaboder for fîcer beds a Brgar--Yaadonlnred tobesan Beaulital cin:RîEderlyt Be gels fat mcd hy drivlng leflover ashentos snoaty. Gnlp dîfcrenre Ocîmeen os wndd ploingehrnhtrs' oshiglces twin to th LrunÉ len i, -s " A chrewd moveo asnOld SitNick . .. ihis bunsinss I GI sesdisg gift snbscrîp- 55 G tofrierds. They ap- . prOcio e iheir weekly copy of the home toma paper and as atractive gift card annusces the Christmas g ft Avoid those last min- nte shôýpping headaches. CM Qanabîan Ctampion s .ýý9-Pr a n os soss.niao iiiiiiriourniaoingysoursec- TOshiogins are rt-prnnî and cano itsmliliocand l'nisill wnrhlng on bcheredn a vaesety cf designs.tîî ny ient. Trinidad Leaseholds (Canada) Ltd. Regent Petroleuin Products DUNLOP TIRES AUTO ACCESSORIES CORNER 0F MAIN ANDS ONTARIO STS. Milton Phase 660 Draw for prize ticketn will be held Saturday, November 255h at E p.m. AT YOUR REGENT SERVICE STATION There are tlI a few tickets avoulable RESTRICTIONS OFF Since the recent developmient of a new mater source isno8W complete, ongmesîing the old rester source, asy restrictionn imposed dorisg the mater ihrtage for the cnnservation of rester are hereby remroved. Water is beisg delivered to the tome at a rapid rate throogh the nieo 12-loch pipe lise and consicil i0 pleased to note the abondance of the sem sonrce, allowing removal of restric- tios. A. SPROAT, Clerk-Treasurer CO-OPS MAKE SEASON'S HOME DEBUT N"BGEIGHT PUCK LOOP FRIDAY Milton Co-ops will moine their The veteren 6ieky Ferri and home debal of the season againot newcomer Tommy Lemmon cente Oakville Kelton Klippers on Frn the other Unes which Coach Griger day night at 8.30. is stllijuggling teying to flnd the The Co-opa, under Coach George right combinalion. Griger has pies- Griger have lined up a top flight ty of maleelal te woeh with inelud- team. e onsiderahiy o, stoger than ieg hame hrew Walt Wilson, 0111e last ycae's outfit. Tommy Lemmon. Raine Johnny Heipel. Bill Andrew star af Brampton Regentn, has and Roy Layven. turnnd out wth the Co-opsoand j.1 The Co-op wilb e out toreg- eopectedt1o add strength to the Co- ister their fient victory uith1e ex- on' front lino. peose of the Klippers and a large Johony Heipel, Cûop'smost val- oeowd isexpeted tobe on hand to uahle player laot year, donned the eheer lhem 10 vieloey. hlades on Ssnday and the teinka centre ice manhbas lestnone ofhbi ablt.The Kîlipees, who have Milton Entry Draps ic uiga 6-4 victory over theEx i tonG e Elmira Polaer ings, witll h tryingEx i tonG m 10 mnahe il a had atarI for the toc- Oo Sacday alternoon. M ilt o n ais. Millers Senior entey lin the O.R Terry Sye wll ho helceen the H.A.' 100 as exhihition gaine 10 an poss o Frdayniht.ZipThop-Intermediate leam from Gaît. It pontsanrd ay Gng. are Thom- wcas a veey fast gamne foc 1he tiret soner oDannyerge sqaendw- Ico! the tenoon for tho Milton tame nth Mrayaroqsadhoys. Jor~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~al Mine nmave nldd-tn h te rot ieriod, Miltoe Joe cCan, orma vry olidde-too th led îth a goal hy Car- fene. rie fcoso Banco. The second period Up front the Ca-opa have four saw Galt tie the gaineup. Then in 7hasttieg lices with Art Melonson the third with ose boyn lienng, hack an 010 nid eight mief spal Gaît seored lOree moreto min Oy with Fox and Townsley. Sharp a seore o! fourr10 aine. nhooting flordie Craichohanhe 5s The Gait elub Oas four or five doing tOe pivot monO for home- games under their het and proved Orew Bitly Vanhgan and Becn10Osb the stronger team. But we 1Simpson. thinn the Milton oys witllOc im- 1 provrd onhen Gaît playo harO hese 1 Sunday aflerenoon at 2 netloch. MOFFAT Lins up for Milton: Erwnn stt, Achîr Gervais, Secafini, Curce Mill Banscoett, Soath asnd Ties- Ladies Hold Bazaairbes Mon Barn Raising TOc Ladies' Aid and Womenn ov lTo sJ no Mïssionary Society nf Rassagnawcya o lTo sJ no Prcnhyterian chnreh held theor g thazaac on Wcdnesday evening at F r e u kL o which a short progcam was fivnsrr o u k L o and refreshmentsnservedin ail. Norval leads the Junior Farmers' t W.1, Mere Oochey teagar mît thlree wisn TOc Nancagaweya Women's In-Miltocn s second wîlO tno; Patr- cînir etd their Novemser meet- n third snnth one and Acton agaîn ing aithe homeof Mcc. Mac Ander- la tOc cettar with nove, following cois Ore a goodly notoher cf ladies tahatation cf tOu cochs aiae ce- ocre out. The meeinog nioocd nuits. wtttitOe i cfishmeet craminte Narval defeaird Actas 6-3. altO loohîng aflera o ciaI half hsue. Jies Cunninghamse norîvo fOree0f Ms Ir. lod Wilson cpniithtOcNorvain goals. GOhra ore fom %\cL-kç-n vsitng n etrit. Ros Cunningham-candf RsiWil- uîic-t.c uîîoouDnlîl son. Aetoc'cGDon Coer.e enoed WVeek-end sitos athehnomeocf topointsadyFecd Coeeinne. Mr.sand Mis.W. A.Fasrwe.cMr. Two penalienswere eîd outto and1 Mue lOos Bunncti afTorno, john Cure ond BaryArcOr .MisJùannaBraowNagarasyFalls InoagondnclosegaineMilton de-, R are Raisin6 îIcati O Palrme o 3-2. Aller the Tlheccnegbors icnadnoutaveii toe scoecîvs atwooai.ithoniî.a fcw loto 1)Mr. Pec Patt-eson raine his Iminuteosli o Io ly.Gong LeRinhe horn ta scopatane o ne 10,'at aco îd theti-eaing pont. One buredby lnghIningilasuinîg. ticclminuteealtyoonslevicd to A coosr of tOn tonal ladien are Don Vivian. tlendsng tOc nuzhtOl nasses ai Mit- i TOc Coesssnity CluboalSS. N-.3 A p o eStart O See epefesom the commun- Public Rest Roomns sly aliended iOe Royal Wsnicr Fair foliudfe aeOe ai Torosno Cniudfo aeoe Weddsng Octîn arc rnging in thc Fiee. tîgOt, potice.......1311.24 nosssnnity. Town hait ................ 1043.37 Mes. Wimcer ynon spent the Prinîscg. contingennien .. 175.32 oeek-end ot tOc parental home nI Me. and Mec. Frank Hathaaway. $3,404.36 0000 INVENTION "DuO, did Edisons snaent the talO- ung machne?" "Nanasn. Gad made the first one. Ail Rdiso duOanas ta invent one yua cautd shut off." iwe're proud of aur eSOCIAI STrATIONERY CALL AT THE CANADAIAN CHAMPION $7.235.97 Towa foremaît Benne MeKer suggestcd o phone bc instatîrd sot tOn camp bouse te climinote same au Otrp acktetown lan hcngthe eoatcc pressure and an o oafety factor. Be palirtd 0u1 thai doity niin uood Oe neecay tookeep tOc renards ncecsuep. Coneil approard thc installation o! t0e phone and appeocrd popmenl o! thenhoanc phoanp ofthe toos face- mas as Oad b0cm penicouipdoar. TOn laremon oasoougested Ihat tOc resent srcraparo rancit, clunvO au on cnucoamiateîd 1e op- crate. Oncoecanged for a transit taet l hinO Or flt cootO serve 10e ton tertin sotcibuvg lmels foc ditohco and tntlîîg. TOc fareman andcdoamittec chairman were in-. stenînîrd la invectigaîr tOlu poaoiO- ilily. It wos ceporird Ihat cindosbi IOn Fultov and Robert sImd capmp- ung stations Oad Oes Orohen and moutd On espennive ta replace. The 0noonei n m moor nondetoncd taie voodalisan that a scausing espend- duitres nI tOc taspayero money un- nneoosaeitp. Since tOc baildinge 0re heated la protectinistruments, a double losmaahbeing epeienc- cd. ilalton Co-Op Supplies COAL -FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE - Car Steve and Car Nul just arrived! Fi11 Yeur Sin Now -stili at Summer Prises 1 FRIDAY NIGHT 15 HOCKEY NIGHT DAIRY FEEDS Stant yonr mlkîsg herd os a balanced ration for the minIer nom. Co-op 16%, Co-np 24% Snpplement (entra molasses), Cc>-op 32%, molosses or plain, Pnrina Concentraten and Sup- plements. MONDAY NIGHT IS FARM FORUM GM tegether with your neighbors for one evening à week Halton Co-Operative Supplies MILTON 127 1EREONT7-2981 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. PAGE PT« TRURMAY, NOVEMBBR 26,1953