Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Nov 1953, p. 10

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PAGE l'EN THt CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT, TBURSDAY, NOVEMMER 20, IBIS itemsa tee ias minces nias ne sulaned ta 220> se sent ta tis aais champion Otite. inMBlten, -Des't mâlse readieg aboat Bai- -Bru. Rutb Brame andl her staff tee's eniries le tise Rayai Wistaa t Grand Unies - Carrlî's Lsd. Pair is tise Fus ewss rlumn stre mue the banner and awards Mhia mcek. tuarItNoember fer "Frieedty Store -Mes. F, Budd. RU. 2, Camp- ufthtie Baeth." Mittnela th irstaa bllville. ebserverd ier9th is siti-s- tre tawne iis rumpeitian ia day Wedeesday. Cneuatulations tu Canada and preuentaiiou as made thetateteanetasriae itbr din-tiamek trirt-Bembera a! MultasnRotary niais -l'iranen ofegt u brigades of dserre hts etishe uar is u Tam tise Maltas Buteat Aid rgaizat-daeisiatseralr upr Ian ie.d thir tst reglar meetingmetnasosad ugere- et BrosSa, misen fiitms ram tis teeded. Vire-presideet Mise Led- Fire Margaslofefice ere shoewn. euh reedartea tise brie! pmogram Oiet Baba Ciesesi afiltas pre- frtue tsegreup a! 40. Filma an il sided.mre ubame by Jerk Tamier, ad- elea. ertisieg manager et Trinidad -Donald Fester ut Milton mas Leasehlders. preesteal witb s $2 Internatisnal -Reaideets repart a eumber et sirvetar C. srhaiaruip ai tise rabisertea have been akisg plare eommenecement exeecuses of Iaii amrted Campielivitle district late- itoitas Wetdaie Secudary ecisoal ly. M. Heasieiegsa baed 32 pigs ridsy eventsg, tçaember 20. e s staies ram os bars andRusai nom lei Grade, XI, aling aute Cauluan bas rmissed lac oritles. meaeete. Mamey as taken fren tise parue et -Johno Nicholsoe, 14 year aid sonsMs. Dan Smith and meuat andl bas- ai Mr. anal M. Jabez Nichosisn, ter ram tise refrigerutar. We un- Kilbrlde, taasd dynamite asacised dertaed tiey bave beenstealieg ta a tiashiit attîery andalolst rtle ram tise ields areend tmo ingera as is leftsaed and Guepis. Âattered a seriauu injery ta tise -le tise baye sala, ien ad un- rtght aide et is chest as emal as der stase, et tise Gaelpha Basic ailier ligiS inluries. Me is in ha-Fsiai, gld medalliat maBar- pil ai eHiamiltas. old Wilsae; sucver medellisi, Rue- -Bus ISsigsheubasesnoancealtise aid Hapkins and liird place ie- dealine fsr geling a psities us net, Gary l'humus, al ai Biltoe! une efthtie Roaray inar isockey Otiseru inneru tram teme and tise teans Sus tanSaeday mien teamu district imlade piano sla crdit- iii ise pirked. l'ise eight and icule, Euire Nerris, Mfat; beys rire yeacs ld mut b e eaperted t sl, ucianged caices, Alan Em- tise crena t 8.30; 10 and 11 ai t; ersan, Bilton, aecand; Guelpis Mua- 12 anal il as .4; 14 ta le ai 10.45 . ie Fetisal A.sociaioan sislar- Tisse unable le attend but miis- sip, Carat Stesens; Robert ing te play sisald ieturmn Bus Simpsan Ca. achaiarabip, Haroid Esigis Wilsue, Bitas. KEEP TRIS DATE open, FridaySucre party taie ieid Wedns- Derember 18. Lîgay scissl Christ- day, Decamber 2, 8.30 p.m.. St. macencert. c Gerges Pariis Hall, Lamilte. Georeton Ars ad CrftsEx-Lunch praided. Admussionel0c. c hibisuen and Sale, Sturday, Nus- uchre and Dance, Tratalgae ember 28, Gergeamn Legias Mal, Hall, Friday, Decemiser Il. Eachre 1.30-.30. Ceafts demeenstrateal. At- 8ai0 p.m. Dncieg 9 p.m. enliys terneon teat 3ic. c Haltaeaiees. Luncis seesed. Ad- misian lic. Spaeaared hy Hrnisy Drumuluis W. I. Euebre and Hochey club.c Dance, Trataluar Hall, Friday, De- remiser 4. Escorce 8.30 Pmn. Dasce 9 At mereisants are cadialy in- p.m. Gouedarchestra. Prizes, lunch. ited ta place a tînat n the OSta Adnmision 7ic c-25-2 Clauas parade, Decemhrr 12. Tise dutaf sa pieuse adcise Pete Thoam- The Firemee are holding their as pisoee 21r23 ietare Hacember Christmas ista in Billes Towme2luin nder la plan lise rder a! tise Hall, Thuruday, Decemiser 17 ai parade. r ti15 p.m. Pciues, ciices, turleeys. vouches. Cameand is yaur Gace ChurcisAesslPBaaaar Chriatmas dinnea. c-22-2 mil haeield inteseParias Hall an Wedneeday, Derember 2 t 2.10 p. Burnby Girls' Pll Club Euchre m. Paalhs et neealemaris. hsitled anal Dance, Tiuseday, Deremiser . tuadu. apruna, candies, easelliee Eachre t 8.it p.m. is Hereby and hume bahing. Allernaun lea. orange Hall. Gaaad orchestra. c-2-I Lunch pravided. Peaceeda for girit jacinets. Admussion 50c. c Gnt target tise Rachre and Dance, Tratalgar Hall, Fiday. HNo- Annuel Beeing Trante Bila ember 27, under auspices et Omagis Siippers, Eiaueieg Camcnunily Saftbaîl club. Carda 8.30 p.m. Hall, Stemuetasen, Fiday, Nssem- Dance 9 p.m. Bentteys Hattnaires ber 27, 1,30 pro. Eletias ut ultar- ie tteedance. Lunch peaided. Ad- ers and appinimeel ut detegatea mision 75le Eceryisady ecane. oTersante boad a c24- SALARY DISPUTE CLAIMS TWO HOURS AS NORTH HALTON BOARD) MEETS Mre tisan amaiosof et meet e mien trthrmhba$0ttayear 'ngeo th aisRsDistrctsHtgh fa bee yeare Tieebcites$200 Scisusl Board mre tahen on Bus- a yeae. Tearisars haed in 1953 have day nîghtadeatseth asatary dis- aeteeenmaent oft$20ttayaar. te- pute. Tise teacisees lbad rentuastad caeeaeettective teptemiser t, 1813. tisastishe Faderauian meeltishe beard Otise adianimentu us fIntînss.Miss te enterre tieir demaeds anal S. G. Parkinsoe te $3000, Mca. Hase lu . Hebinsas, an oallarafuthtiesaurs- $pieu. Curird.' er'gaeup aedPrincialaîLambertetf Teabv aacnandeedesnam- Geurgetomin presenîrd tise case tue enalmeet lta a mtian seiicis had lise eacrs.becs tabird sisal "iineder ta keep Thseincideet aeaseeaasbeeaisse tisa race anal iarmasy tistait leurs- Beard mue paynetota littie but ha- ers be gausteal as iceuse ut $150 cause Be. Renone bal been engaged Per ar'" an tise Actas staf last year t a sl- Theis aenseaie naeeseaol aynof$30Itt. tsnlamd tiatble moinsesuslGeorgtumnmwaiptaed ai ehoulhance reineal uly $3200sar $1t,ttt0sitis MesrsBarber und crding ta ties aredule. Tise trans- Evnsa badling tise business. le Ac- eru n a meenaedum te lise mue-tonn $11tu0u0 mas plcerd as tise nam agemant rammittea saad, -Tisaslise isent nitis $4,0tt gins la . F. teachisrsmwere usuimuin requast- ean and $35,00ttlF. L.Wight and îng tisas ail teacisers empluyed priar t3.,,tt ta W. R. Heacise. lu 1913 ha ivn a $30t adjusmeet Aeeouiits pusea iy lise Finance n adalataun lu tiennual nremees ensetter amouneteal la$13,468.17. teahaincsthislarluiesioitalinemaïtis A letrrrum Jf.B.Macseswieand tise salaay wmisîsise usaestanal as Son resepltneaf lotstsepaymeel un bren uctered lu a iecaher rerrnily tise bilîdng ai Arme ater tise appuinted a trnedîntotesaprencitant -eeitetu ecasficate sal bren pr- schadule hbamnld ot be art tint seitird.Tmu motionameae puaed mre tias $20tt."iy tise Hard autisaniinu paymrnî TieBoard pinedaut tuthere-f esrenit auresnts onnbuildnggand prsntaae tat tbey bildnutde- inemoeriasutiýseîeaeary tamaire ias rantusy aeruangemenitsmwitis eqitiitîuonneaeisseaniipulty ae tisa teasisensmisen tise sataey itritets paageunertilieatee mrc erbadule isat bren daptealtise me- reîctaety preeted. tianessearint iad tstuefltusis is-.lGeorte White careaber t Milice cludedi Witb a proiiun tisas tiese erbnt iscal tor an inereasa trese Hard hatise rîgtin lu musa any is pesent 'alary nI $220 per yeee. unsatistacrentearbar trum tise TiesalauY masiniereascd lu $240 neiedule and tiat mies hiisnaa tiesnme as palain Gocrgesawn, et- nae leacsca. tiseBParad ceulal cary eteueterislt. train thesnedule ifteeesaay. Teusrealaasuautisaaiaedue Tise Bnardin a preauedrd tue iY35tftuaun addîtianalt t thtis tine ota su tas n umeroas MitnRiis Srisaaimisastise sale othaerocasionsinreanes abece tise arrangements sere eamptted. A seisedulea itadbran ranleal saucises lenee a te ha erecîrd. mth noucammaenoreriiriemstaaom M. Malien alsoaddresed tise tise tierlrabheas oatisadistrict le Hard acgaading tise insallatias et lise rasaetfM. Bronams bincrease Publie addressyîlemî in tise lieal been $140 user a shortuelprted. irisuals. Curspendncandqueta- . anu snthis iiem sere raviemed Mr.RUbisosesaidtliat salarie, andmil ha dealtmwitislaler. itl beig petidtlise eachers mrc belese ihely c Publie addess syssemsel lise averege tac sciosofutsimilar beis ealleal in lise Actas scisel siua. Ha dial et thisi tise request i miiriaisa rempîeteîy sem building efthtie teachriss ms uneasenable bal insallation us tise ther sassais anal drese atetiesnl ie thedtetibss selyet bean deided apen. tiselrbaid ettareal le havelise in- lreseel aslise meetisg belal in crecase spread user a perinalof thtree Stesarsîeme Tomnsi Hall an yeers. Mssday elgisi mere Trustees Canei, Tise tnllawiag ameedmeni la a Ceook, GuIs. Carbers EBeumonet, motion wes sasscd must six o! tis arain, Rid, Bieba, MUsne aed il onenibers vsauhg ine ai ofltBrame ite Chirmas N. t, Pitieti "Tisas ail techers empînycal prier prasidissg. ta 1903 be gises e $00 adjutetnet Tie Board sel mecs agatene te addition ttelannel imrement Masdey cvenieg tla dem sebol wbfeh wosdd meins tiaitiseaeeuel eqalîmet fer tise sew buildings, COLONIAL HOMES LTD. Manufacturera of Prefabricated Homes, Cottages aind Garages Tao-onta Sales Office- 279 Rascesvalles Ave. LA 4451 - Phases - LA 4452 Canadas leadlisg prefabricators will deliseer and erect your home on your foundation for a dloms payment as los as $559. HES THE FIRST STEP IN COLONIAL HOME OWNIRSI-IP Write or phne for our 1954 catalogue, enclose 25c. It las ail thm information you'Ilimant to know about Coloial's 20 modemn homes. Please find eeclanedi 25c for rny capy of the 1954 Hmre Catalogue. My came . . . ..------------ --------. .. . ...... Address ..... -------------............... -.... Phone No....... ... Province ------ ----- COLONIAL HOMES LTD., 279 Rascesvallea Ave., Trante MILTON PHONE 448 Tmo Shows Nightly Contiseoun f rom 7.00 p.m. Maiseeas Salardays and Holidays ai 2 p.m. HURRY-LAST TIMES TODAY- ALAN LAD» JEAN ARTHUR iý FRI.-SAT. NOV. 27-28 MON.-TUES. NOV. 30-DEC. i ANME BANCROFT WED.-THURS. BIG DOUBLE BILL DEC. 2-3 DI n ~Births, Marriages~ DuhEtc. BORN BUECRON-At Trafagar Memor- ial Hospital as Mueday, Noean- ber 23, 1911, ta Br. anal Bru. George Brecisue, a daugistar. CARUOTHEUS-At Milton Pracata Hospital en Baeday, HN.ember 23, 1813, ta Ma. anal Bau. George Cureutiescr, a sn MsCOUKLE - Mr. anal Mas. C, A. Ramebue iss toanasouece tise birtiso e iiegrasalciilal. Barbs- aru Ane, bore te their daugiter anal so-ie-iam, D. anal Bts.4 Robart E. BcCorkte, Cerisatti, Oioiaon Navemisar Il, 1953. DIEU BREBNEU-Sualdeely us Oakslia- Traalgar Bemarial isaspial an Susday, Noembar 22, 1913, D. Alexnder . Peemeer ut Pater- mue, Ont. Fuserai sevicemas elal Wad- oeuday in Gakelie. letermasi St. Luies camateey, Paleemu. FORD-At lise home et hec dasagi- ter, Mas. Hamac BcCass, Traf- algar Townshiip, an Wednesday, Noemiser B5, 1953, Lottia Etea- sar leglehal, idese ut G. Franks Fard ed mutisar ot Bru. Fistay Joyte iRditisI;Bru. ROsser Me- Cane aAdai; Alfreal anal Raipi et MUltas anal JoiseF. (Jacrk)o! Tu- ronto, in he 945 yaar. Resiasg as theSanie o ehr sus, Altreal,ftuarti lune, Trafalgar l'use- ship. Fuserai seevice as Omagis Preabyieriaorisarcis, Feiduy, Nus- ambar 27 ut 2.28 p.m. letermeet al- juiuiog remetery. The cauket mi 5e opee in tise risuecis tram ip.m. unti cemmencemeet outsmrvice,. IN NMEMOEIAM THANSOM-Ie tuvng memuya a dacesonunscd braSeLloyd Trasuum, misa paouad amay Nus- ember 2u, 1952. Ris cisaming maya anal smiiisg tare Ara a pirasure le rerali, He isal a kisdly mrd tor eauci, Anal durd beloard isy ait. Sadiy miunad by molbee, sioleru and irtbeeî. TRASO-tn ltansg memnry ut u dear fasher. Lloyd Teaasam, misa pasad amay Hoermiser 28, 1912. Thy ii be dasea-etms bard ta say, Wisrs use ser sseal bas pascal away. Suma duy perbapi cr11 oundeasiasal Wbrn me meat agats en bat ieiter 1usd. Sadiy misseal iy RennaIs. Lloyd aldErnest. THAH0OM Is tasisg memary ai adeur busual, Lloyd l'aasam, mis assia say Husambea 28, Ris tant pating sis I aul iset ta base erd Anal seautisealin bis ce u as pating merda. Osty Ibase misa base tat are eble Tise paie sn my hert ai rsesayis; farraeit. Sadly missral iy lasisg mu!e Sica CAR» 0F TIOANKS Tise Billon branri ut tise Us. Creos isb ta exprers beir apprecý laties tu tisa danuruseba cantIns ulea lbioal aI tise receret HtasalDOn sur Clusur. Tise casneributione mu appeeciaird.n I maul ise ttanaismy truenal. relatives, tbe dacturs analnrs ad espaciully tise empiasees s! th, Autis Ci., fnore isusidnas du ing my recent ilînsn. Dsug lHaetaî I miis b tisasi eeighbis, trieal relaiveîs, haspitai staff, dariai anal nurses, for kisidnrss, iti tlowmrrancaednarrcevd drîm my recenit ilîsese. Siscereriy. Mr. Gratby Steple, We wsabao etrnd ou n er thaniso anal appaceunemas te tb srughhaaa, tienals anal $t. Paunis V A. tee tise ieutut floral !tr ingo; alen the pailseareas, duein tise bercusrmet a! ther uIc F. A Damis Gordon anal aeMiard. Plerm Miscel laneous WIHOOW WASIIH, sienr mîosd.puettons. raafiug. caulbir anal 55ure ciras ing, etc. Pisar Milles 412j. c-t WATCRES - Nem anal rpaîre Renie Scott, baerment marisahu net inCun Huit. Main tt..Milter Phone uts. -il- CREtI HUHION SALVE reriev ts ant, mear tytisi shabeussuo Drugginla udt Crese Carn Sets to. c-t NOTICE -Bilton ShUbeRpai null bc claseal as Mnsdaya. Ope ait day Wednsduy niaaling Ha' ambere23. e-24- PEUMAHENT POSITION lu yaung maninsgesarai dry gsei stora atteisg eppaaiunily tar ai sueremesi anal gaad puy. Appý Hex 16, Casadian Champion. COUNS inssuntly relieveal it Loyds Cern and alCliaus Sale ald Pal. Gant saUfra any long> Suive 50c, Pas 25e as Piriseti Deug Store. DEAIISTOCR remoeeal tom you fusen prempiiy fer sanitaey dil pesul. Telepisone Celleet: Bilti 218 or Tronto REM 3-3636. GORDON YOUNG IMITE» UPHOLSTERING-Gamcsticana caommercial. AddalmSs anal ceesti witb siilleal rc-styting. Tour turc tare cas ha as bandsme as se agate.tom cait, tree estimates, ai mecS service. Phoene Milton Eleati B59. VAUT *'>ADS LATEST rIME FOR INSERTION - I Pl SWED)NEBDAT - RATyE S - Ne charge 1r aseauscemeetnts fBtisu, Bardiages, Dealisa anal Engagenients In Memnoriami 5tr plus lOr per tie tfor verses. Adticles ter Sale, Reet, t.-2c a mord. Minimuum Cashs 3Ic (It eut pald unsil ater insertion, lOti. Bau Ha. tla lisfie c Icadaiienal. Ctxang Even-ltc parcorat ime; 5uc miimoniCarda uf Tbanks-1ý0e. For Sale Wanted FOR SALE-N.H. pellae, 3 anal.1 G. W. GOLDSTRAW, Bal Estale 4 niantisselal. Phase Mltun îtiel. Braiser.4 Listinsgs seanleal. Phase ___________________-Milten 44r1. tf TABLE TUMNIPS anal carrela. Jes. Pichets, elîr2l. r-2l-i WANT1ZD - Capablle mamnan te _______________________ i are fer lady isnmiseal chair, Phone SEE US abouta cCattiall eaear. Milton 387r23. e MrKim Hardware, pisona Bilten 28. WANTED - Custom chinsuaw FOR SALE - Farc mat, almasl sa.Ket us on, lel. r- newsule 14-16. Phase iMilton «1.on2l.- -56 WANTEG TO RENT-Tme tare- FOR SAL-lt pigu 7 meeku aId; iahho seaeepiag reema, is er aise t pigu, 9 meeka aid. L Bt- scar Miltes, by meiher anal rialal, Cready, phoeeMillon 155r22. c Apply Biltte sOhm Repais, e FOR SALE-O..FaatisermeightiWANTED-Cacpester maris, mn- iran, $0, Phase 649 Mltoin car 8kasal, nem or remadellisg, kilcisen p.m. c capissards, rarreaties ruema, root- j ug, etc. B. Martin, phone Ne 4- FOU SAL-il Laghore pullasu t061. r-2l-2 2i small pigu, Il meeku ell. J- WANTED -Tus rvrfer Hiastruy, c/e W. J. Mailon, c . hit panai tracs, riSy ide alie- FOR SLE-40tons aled a ,ry, must buse ahasaers lierae FOR ALE-0 tes bird ay;anal be usar il peare aid. Appiy P. 9ue bu. es; 300 bue. iariay. J.O, Box 5Bt, Bilten. Stati, phoeaMiltan ittet. c ________________ WAITS-Jueiurexeecaticeanasd FOU SALE - Cmal upara heatar, ite, ne rbiidras, raquire 4 ar 5 bai mater trent, umal 3 moetbs. rmom aparimees er bausea by Dec- PhonaeBtalItl53. r ember 1, Bau 301, Canadien Ciscp- FOU SALE-Useal eil spar a st- er ils riruiasing taen, I5seti $100 CASH balweee nwase nda ruame. Geo. Basdy, phoane 313. c i Jaeuary i5, part-hurne uales mueis. i--- - 1 A car asetiai. Stase age. Write FOR SAL-Fluer tureace. gaad Pusx 27, Cueudian Champen,)MIt- as new, an tact t lu nem. wuîî us-, tee, c-24-2 stai. BrKim Hardae, phonce Bil- ton 28. c WAPTED-Slramy manura, ulal isay tee match. QuPass tt acm or FOU SALE - Kitrises cabunes; delisereal. Fiuher Orchards, Bar- Esteapaise sausage sltter; i uect- i liegiae, Ost., telephene Nelson 4- ions uprier sta bharrases. G,.Biis- >2245- r-4-i iman, Paleama. Branla r14. t WAHTRD - i or 4 rueniself- FOR SLE - Coal nd w cuelnaineal apartmest or smll houma FOUges aLE-a l s nwand ud le Miton er district. Barrieal ranas aariawar, pnase 2unal-lcoupie, ne ciîlre, Write Pan 28, tonm. adar.pioe 8.Mi-Caeadian Champion, Billon. r-B4-i s ~WANTEG Lise peultry anal CHRISTMAS TURKEYS-Plare fetausscs, aisa o ela euier liche. yuraerdeaaeariytfocPradPreast- îgiess paraspaîal. We aise ral d Heonnie. Camnerue Wilsue, phonse pouiîry tre utcharca. Phoe Musasn Ber3. c-25-4 iRandelse Sen, Mlton 143, or Wm. iGeet, Bittason lS ornnrite Msas l'a u miaofso na thieg, tee lilile Zee,lu Croydons Ua., pisone Or- a! uamethieg aise? Use ment scas chard .i133,.Tarseta. c-t! ta teade, lu ueli, ertebuy na maise thiegu comasi cn 'FRSALE-Stuinirns.teel Ms- Lost and Found sey Rarris -Uite-Way itoise ius il. solutionnrcri. RugisScalp, LOST - Black kay rase. Finder pho elrl.Biltton. c, pIeuse trace t Cueudias Champ- pisseion ottice, Mitoc. a d FOU SALE - Silser las rallur,1 auitaisia tor inier coat. is nsodal LOST-Blacksanal mhite isaunal candition.RHauoasablr. Phoe135,ai Zimmeeman. Versa Galbraitia, Miatoan. r phase Huringtae Ne. 44994. r FOU SAL-lIt0iaeeed rcshpa-i LOST-Blaris anal miite Scotech st tata. I maetiss aid, satring sa ay. brdarreluie, iseasn enaiar. Uc- Lloyd Fiiser, lat il, lis lina.Es-:mural. Appty ilirl, Multas. r leuueing. pisane Triangle -7-34. e LOST - Smutl blues aed wmites tg FOU SAL--947 Oldemaiîe.i terrier, part heunal, Anseera te, guad rcditian, bydeamatie drive. eame ot "Peemee. Phone Bilton a.cadia anal baclea. Wilisacrifice. 577. Cuis O91m afttr t pan. c ___________ FOU SALE-Large riraulatue il F R Sas - ieater. easnaaila; 18 mnmanoie FO MSLE Ecel' manie pruirrîne. Phosne dMiltas 341.r USE» TRtUCKS AN» TEACTORS FOà AE- 82Frdeei.1814 ab oitnuePick-up D_ FR SLE -195 For coch.1948 Studebaisar i tue Stake as sowseraum rcnditions.ta mlmieate. 1946 Fard 3 tan Gump Wiil taise an ldea madri tee traude- 1938 Fard Pick-up n. Termu arrangeal. Phase Milles Useal Fard teartars tram 1942-1950 1s 94. c re FOU SALE -Ciaibs ra lye. Tise iii aune tise buseseite maey raid tingers and makle c lace- n ly Christmas gifti. BKim Hacal-60 mare, phase Bittas 28. c nar EAELY PULLET RRAN Us edaîrad pires as poitets tua EAELY MOTORS Sales & Selaviea 'g aeiry ubîpmeei. Writcessefo hoe51wInlonant DeFibhees 1954 Lust ai brcals and Pbn .BtuO. b pres. Tise Fser Orrisards, Hua -______________ re liegias, Ont. c-22-9 X. FOR SALE -I2grade redual a e ea ,-proeShaclisar cases, frtî ..ot in l Session tgfeîsenendalaifHNoember, la-t- A. pers peoductionsoet11,0t0 lise sser Cnuniy e! Rsitee i 4 pee cent..tmît; aeondsal el uer Tu Witt no u10,00 ha. uas 2yceanid. Cl arier aie eieeb e issts Preaek, phase Bilttas98r32. bS i tielOanhersi tmane hai tise Penne undalssetise Cuunty Cuart ACTON DITRICT efthce seid $6000t.00-100 aeres ut gana l laum CUNTY 0F ItALTON as Higismay 25; 70 acres math-j milbehiel nteseCourt Hause se able mitb 110 als icastage i i h eg suitablr fer huilding laie. ice'l ss ae pend.excelest mel, pressure TOrN OF MILTON tf ytemsuapplyîsg banne asal-ON humar. 0 raam brikh anar lis- 'MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1953 a. lsesugtlarge livngeeamn. disg. alltheisurett 1pa. D.S.T.,. c) raam. iedrani anal bîleesanal 1 ut mbin uit tusllreuetofthee )n. ruams apsie- inladîsg 3Pace, Coronars, Constablcs, Gai- -4 rem fliaI ihlsltait sîesin mis ersandal al etiere renerrnealarc re- saler as lap, sese retîsg foeCquenteal te taise notice andatesnd, $40t mastisîpi; au srmly dienrauta do anal pertarn ilsudutian mMies ed, bai air issatieg. ganal Iniareaeppertantsoiu sem te flbasemeet. Bankbarscn r5dn71 nîtis hydre; itable han i bitox lLMI .HBRON tulin. tir up 30 bral ef raile; 3I iseriti, Ca. Raluen hos istrrallin; adjisiigsgh-bd 24x lSerîtta sOftira, MilIeu, Hav- ir 15; dine seal 48a.24anal ireed'- embera 1ya, 1813. r-24-i n er iseuse ioît. Excerllent bas i ____ _________ V- anal iraisncnsa ý2 ta asnaola. Cati Mc.!on1Edia, Mii- - tas 418j. Notice to Creditors r A.E. LEPAGE LIMITE» lus bý o- ___________________ il the malter efthte Ette et Wal- )ýyter Duncan Camspbell Raid, late FOR SALE rethtie Townsip et Trafalgar, te S FOR SALE tise Cessty eftliIte, Fermer, By TENDER Deceecd. eh Lot 0I e, o , Township et Nasa- e. gemeya, This itasrmcosiste i l Attperseua hasieg rtuims agaeot s bush 1asd seth sasse timber. tisa Rtala ut WALTEURGDUNCAN c There are se heildiege ce te CABPBELL REID, tataaof tise -. prerty. Towshiip et Tratalgar, iethee ner Teedersamliibcha ueepled until Cuunty e! Hates, Fanmer, Gereus- s- nues, Friday, D1: be 1, 1,ed, wm ialeal as or aboutitise iSti in and muai ha os a fuse ebteleable1 day ut Sepseniber, 1991, are re- treni tise rmpany, tegeliser sitis a queuleal ta 9eed tee sanie tathee if mariseal cheque for 10 par cest. A uerslgsed solicitor on or beture - futiser il par cent. efthtie tesaler tise iSti day ot Derembcr, 191;ý id piesuhre qis itisnselie; ter mse tise Esiase aIll hadia- id l de et r.ren i te bi-' tributS Mtout regard te tlete, i- nSe titrt depo ier .cepteece. aaeu se Bai hstl.a! y tender sut ace- George E. tIllit, MOtbos, Ont., se aari1y acPtedl. ISliciter far the Exeestix andl de The Canada TrustiCompanyt Encaeur. il Guelphs phose 70. -Z-i Hilton, Netv. 10 51, -2-S. Il lir PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. nUMDAY, NOVEMBER 20, IMS

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