TEURSDAY, MOVEMBER 19, 1953 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. PAGE MIME <E**EUEU<UqEEt<qEEUUtIEuuEuuI<uutg*uc..eneunuuq*a If peu dide't boom beforebaed thon Plpmouth os a Io-priced cor, pon'd top, "Ail ihit n nsimplp mroriloon bt miti tep budpet bapson mach lanury?" Andteomoder! For theet OCanenittabubir ete noflaenrp lethe long, lbm neep of Plpmoth't gracefal liten ... -io the elegavt tom chrome -... the gem-btigbit celonru in o ide choice nf nolid or tOn-toto combinatiotu . .. the richip oppoinîrd iterioreniîh their fient fabrico and neft, twhte iraiher-graieed iepl. Eerpohere pou oit therre'sne heeip...,mith inoriotmfort tbol Note theuntentelird clone-in 010w of the rond ohead . .. hem eatilp Plpmouth hunieînod cliego te curuen . . . hem pou flion cond-coft on the Balaned Ride, tehile pen relax comfortoblp en the chair-high ceot. Feel the timitie pomer of the Plymouth eeginerlo g- and tbenrneetb octioneet Safe-Goord brakest onstop. And for ee more inerient driieg eoser,pou cee edd Ppmouth H-Deioo 'n-thifn" tranmission, andFPol-lime Pomer Strrrig- anolabir mn ait 1954 Pipteathe. Drivon oeaed jndge for ponreef. by Kay Dee Fred Jebîaost arrred bark frem a foor-mentb roate et Earope taon mrek, and mon fuît et torirsovor threnek-ed. I' qitrsafrtoorrme te pont terne et tbe mot amnoing on te yen, olece obe trot Moeday for St. Jobn, Nrmtoundtand, and after ny monb, ajobt a Sbr metoaQncre. Nt oneQoe, aefortuaoety. Sbr mo n leLondon an att tbr mreeg timns oieeCanadian garden partieo or any efthte otker preetatieosteben obc mlgbt bave bren lgibte. Royatty obe note beeoset Quee LoeofetSterden, a tati, tbie, nnrro tooking meman tudglet by lbre pie- tur. Job iead bren atteoditg tbe conrention oethOe Peofrosoent We- meet Clubs lentockbotlnmbee tbe erounema nieod tona garden pavty et tbe palace. Wilr tbe torde paety begat on thegardrn.it evded te tbe palace wtererate drope tart- ed ptattereng le tbe peerb orange crroob'areerdief tetrb.Tbergruup remrd tObre ippieg le a tare reete and tbee tbry terre tetd tbey may ette meet tbe Quee, Tbere etere 1500 or ne et tbrm, aneduume beaettenronb teler fne te be le prime condinien te ebake tbr Queet b aed. Otkero befan ftetieg tbeie bneroand anbieg vital questoiee abot cuetoiro. Ne 00e bneete unetebat man te be dore. Tbey feemrd a loeg ncabeeg lrer andmwent tbreag reornaftner oom. Wbetbry approocbed a zoe ofe re- opettol qeret Obey borwteby terre nerQare Louiser. emI eut beete- teg mieut te de, tbry peererd abead 370 12HAVE LVELe'POWOER AND PICK-UP 000 HAE teOEFLVISItO CeER THE COte 0000 371 ouc FL.UeUnIqrs FrNc-Cee coMeOeR YOU00E oFE-000nD BOOKEt FOn SMOOTH, 0OE STOPS MAIN STREITPHONI 586 in tbe lier to aeeboht tbe prece- dent wan. There wao thr Querc, standing ait atone in tbe centre et the roern, mearing a pink dreso. An tbe Pro- feoionat Womec pacoed, tbey gave ber a qoick nod et the bead, er breakgostp, andfor evney four Peofeonoonat nodo, the Qoren gave on ere more professionot one. Jrb tbougbt ber ned te tbe Qoren a asoceodasoacyoor'o atboagbobhe bade't prueticed Oeine ber nrck Site St unghtethe enfler serviettes cutetutty hben ean envetope.. Wr terre Ment anaiene te saik Jeb about a lettereobe badltrottborne, oayiog ube found bersetf ail atone ie a ltttte Baarne tome about 9 one ereoing, and bad gae nlto a borne tero oe snote eige on tbe mie- dete.-Reom Free." Sbr wrcton about tbe bond-mode prouant rot- tores le be ett, bat me rmoders aI borneterre mont anteeised te tbreb bot e O bd tbe courage te 'mo t o thOe nideen mreb et a benne tbat moatd offre yoaeg Cao- adian toorioto a frernrooefote b eigbt' "N,,.n.*Jeb anoned ne Sateeday. RuemFree'meat eem vacant Oid yen ever bore troubte mitb tee maoy mitb bottros? Jrb vrotrd a frreed oetoune n leEectaed teb veut crtaeely dtd! Atrsoonon ib mnbreugbt ber mtlb ment tuttb- ttt]ty but n'uuld eut tube uo'uy ane bottles. Uned te Cndian service, Altsouen lotO trttber botttrn cutntde tbe bock doue. Wbetberrerre 74e bettro pited bapbaardty overntep tbe etber, tbhrre mtte truek corne and teek tbeiateay-noernav aeeeyed. t tld yen about Atteennsbenne inthi tben etet oncerbetre. tt'o vrry uvtquety paned anod deerated. Jrb broucb oterd tbnt alttbegb tbe leuoertensmart anditsoteernrry ittteien, tOte sment disoecertloe teuopenethebarb doue and bore An terti an tbe Peefensonat We- men ruetereore, Jrb attendrd o t'rebytrriae Young Pepten ccon- terere ie Hlltaed, meetine maey rnerecetteg yoeog pepte feem ail br theeeld. Sbr atte riied a frieod and bis farty ie eeutbeee Fronce. Senndn t0eeyr ttteao't-tbertandoand eeoenurrervry peee He ina Prerbyternmiororle na onction et tbeecotry tebere oety ceetooto rue be erorne aed tebe beyucitent- CARLINBETH PLUMBING BERT WALTON Qaick Service - Aay Sica job PHONE MILTON 274R21 OUTNTANOINO VALUE'- PINK SALMON - lb.38c TERRIFIe NAVINO!- 20 or. tin s2FOR fln LYNN VALLEY - STANDARD 20 or,.tins CREAM CORN- case of 24 $2.52 STOCK UP NOW 20to0e lice 2 FOR 33e CLARK S IN CHILI SAUCE 20 oz. tin PORK & BEANS- case of 24 $3a95 CET AN EXTRA NUPPLY- 20 oz. tins2 FOR 33e SUN JOY - UNGRADED 20 or.trot PEAS, Choice - case of 24 $3.89 CLARK'S FANCY CHAMPION 20 ou. tre 12e OR. ALLARO'S TrOMATO JUICE DOG FOOD CASE 0F 24 TINS 15ioon tin $2.80 2 for 25c CUT RAKINO COSTS VITAMIN LNRICHEO FULL FLAVORSO FLOÛR 7 lb. beg FOR ALL YOUR BAKINO t1 lb. pbg DOME STIC SHORTENING - 28e JOLLY 0000 PITTED DATES -lba pkg. 23e Peanut Butter t6ien.jar CIR raOiEUN YELLOW RIPE BANANAS FRENH GREEN PASCAL CELERY HEARTS - Ig. buneh 9e ONTARIO No. t MARSH 2e oz.Potytbror Noga WASHED CARROTS - 2 for 25c OSOWN IN NPAN-MILD FLAVORED DENUINE tarcr orme SPANISH ONONS - 3 for 25e CLAUS WILL REMAIN IN MILTON AFTER HIS ARRIVAL ON DECEMBER 12TH AND WILL BE AT Home Furnishings Store TO GREET HIS FRIENDS ON DECEMBER 14,15 & 16. lookailQU lu tAheautlful new 'Y,,M lT A P, on e A rr You have so'mon y outstanding advantages for VALUE ne A Lenatextera co, tPLYMOUT'H Maeofaetored tn Canada he Chryale Corporation of Canada, Llrltad JOHNSON BROS. GARAGE MILTON Malaria Control ,Work of Agency -rbe matarta reetret moek et tbe Woetd Hralttb Orgaelmatiee le Tbaitocd in rotirnatrd te bave pre- veted neme 50000 caeoe malaria le a singte yer,' Dr. Batro, gene- at director et tbr Healttb trgar et Cacuda, rerportu. "Tbe preent- ine et titenvenaees meute tbat !v vne re avenoe . wniirb bnas apop- ulution ut uceeoimateir t28t0,0, thit prunram eavrd murer Ibu 25.000e murkmeeksenor 175,00 man- daye of productive tabor. -W.H.O ineteaet le mataria contretlenTbattaed and etuewhbrer in Anta in brieg retarned mono' tirmesn ere titi thtbopneieg ap et land foreaemmngt umbreîg and mieg, by eaiarcg then average le- coeetheoagb tbe pervetiee eto irbene. iteepitaiationand pro- mateerdetb andrinbte rmovot ot obstaclen te newrterado, darne, Pe'reandrcommunicatile SBy euteg te al tbererqarot et nationateueveremeen te t dernn- strate the une et modern tecbniques i!dinrane content, tbiu apecrotiord acrery outhtie United tNations pro- ridet tactirat pt nef tbat me outhtb Wetre rationerarr artivrty con- cered ere tite ptigbt of enr neegbbosen eemere inteIi verey nmoltu'urtd." It mue n lttite murer tbe uner ycnr ueo tbut thte Hrattb Leogur cf Canada. a 34-yer-otd bealti rduratioeut orcantuatien, mon aeb- ed tu assome the dotuen et a Cao- adiano ittzeet' rommtttr fer W. O. itre that ttme il ban bren betpiog tu muke toeefettbe mork ut tbin UN. ageury better keoten wtlîie Cauada. nte tbene dayn? He ban oety o bundfttl et pareoblenero.. Acnker Preebyteran mibiterele bhe grape country bau a moeros- orerb cb h.Jrb riitrd-tbre, tua. A Freerbmae tebo todird le Torueto, tbe mioloter marrird a Cueudian giet. a fried et onre. Tbeie tbrerryer-otd daebîere dorsnet kbeete differeneebetteren Eecltnb aed Frecb, and minestheb ttee Anking fer mttk, nbe'tt oay, "Lait, pirate, Maman." Nute Jeb le off te anotker Pren- byteetuerbourcb St Andrermotic St. Jobhn, Nemtoendtoe, meer rien iti bc denrunee. If see mites un etereooioe envre fom tere, t-lt j THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1953 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. PAGE NiNE .Yoll CAN DRIVE WITHOUT SHIFTING WITH HY-DRIVE- lb. 19C MAIN STREET PHONE 586