~SJSDA, NVEMER 2, 953THECANDIA CHMrIVIbsIMILIUNTr UNI. 505,1vV P1BBEE IL 311 lu I [b ~He.aHO ELECTRICIANS I Maintenance and Contractlng 'Your rasqu"tstl our command' TOM HAYDEN Phone Guelph 6534w STAN NINDERSON Milton 232rl1 * Harold C. Fay PLUMBING AND HEATING Court St. Milton Phono 423J CLERK'S NOTICE 0F FIRST POSTIN O0F VOTIfS' LIST VOTERS' LISTS . . . 1953 MUNICIPALITY 0F TRAFALGAR COUNTY OF IIALTON Notice ls hereby given thai I have complied with Section 9 af the Votera', List Act, and that 1 have posted Up at my office ai the Township of Trafalgar, on the 7th day af November, 1953, tise îlt of ail persoos entitird 50 vote in the said Monicipality at Municipal elections, and tisai ouch lisi remains there for inspection. And, I hereby cati upon ail voters to take immediate proceedmngs to have any errors, or omisions corrected accordng t aw; the tasi day for appeai being the îlot day of November, 1953. S. A. FEATHERS'r0NE, Cierk of the Townshtip of Trafalgar MILTON ICE CO. AND CARTAGE PROMPT PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE PHONE MILTON 373M SE JOHNSON BROS. GARAGE. Your Chrysier, Plymouth and Fargo Dealers FOR BITTER USED CARS PHONE MILTON 586 FOR A HOME YOU WILL BE PROUD TO OWN CONSULT Davies & Davies Ltd, GEORGE ST, MILTON 193 igh Park Ave, Toront. MUrray 3055 MEMBERS TORONTO METROPOIITAN HOME BUILDERS' ASSOCIATION AND N.H.B.A. DODGE REGENT Pick any one of these DODGE beauties 01101 MAYFAIB for the newest in colourful styling ... and Iuxurious driving ease add fHy-Drive With Dadge Hy-Drive yaa aust sht itsb higls - and ge l Yoa cas drivealal day withautshsiftiag ... manoeaver threagh raffi. ... stop fer red liht ... glide off again with a amoath, silent sarge ai power. Vousosen forgea about gearaift and clutcls. Thare's nthing neur te learn - tf yoa mistu te bock up, or aaad extra power chas divisg tlreagh ssew or mad - aust shift in tisa familiac way. add Full-Power Steering For tha mess effartleas parking and steering yea wili fnd la any car - try Dedga Full Poear Staarîng. Freo tha marnant yaa tari year angina. hydraslic poear akas avar 4/5ths et the stcaiag affort. Vea cana imagina hem aasy la la te park - te drive tlseasgh traffic - ta tara cernera - ta contrei yaar car on bsmpy. ratead reads. Yea cas urtahebswheel wltls osa flnge - avnswbaa yaar Dadga la stoading seull. No mater which 1954 Dodge you select, you'Il bo thriiled and surpriîed ai how mfch moro your dollars have boîght. n the Crusader loriot you'ii enjoy the longer, more beautiful styling which distinguishes ail 1954 Dodge cars, with smart 00W inttriors and îeating comfort, sofety and fine vision you expect of a Dodge-all ai a price that wiii ploase youi The beautiful Regont loriot brings yoa styliig, fine appolîlmoîls and comfort hitherto oniy avoulable in more costly carî-with, of course, ail the many Dodge engineering features which ceansas much in driving ease aid performance. n the brilliant now Mayfair tories you'ii tee such stylo, aid experience suck luxary, you'Ili onder how any car in the lower-priced feld could offer ta much. Their interior two-tone beauty of rich, woven fabrics aid soft, ivory, leather-grained vinyl, with every appoinîment designed for you r comfort and driviig ease, are seldom surpassed by any car ai any price. Theres performance ta match this newe Dodge style aid beauty, ta malter which serTes you select. Theres a more powerful engine . .. the famouýs Dodge 'three-way- smoother" ride . . . your choiceofa Hy-Drive, the simplest formi of no-shift driving .. aid Dodgo Ful-Power Stoering for the ultimate in luxurlous driving oase. Whon oie of those boatties ts your Dodge you'Il drive il wilh pride. See aid drive one to-day ai your Dodge-DeSoto deaier's. FRANK McMASTER MOTORS MI IXlMILTON PHONE 171 ýil Federation Holds Esquesing Evonts At a receni meeing of thse dfrec- tors of Eaqacsmng Federation of Agriculture aithtIe home of Mr, and Mos. Mac Alexander plna er made for several functions la No- vember whici includcd a dinner for lie directors, a cuchre, and the an- nuai meeting. Tic dinner was heid on Wedoes- day, November il in Limnehause Memorial Hall mith Lïmehouse W.. as tic cateriof group. Each person attending was responsihie financiai- ly for is omo dinner as tui a0s t a compiimcntary eveat foom society funda. Afier a sumptuous dinar, cuchre waa cnioyed for tic reat of lie eveninf. Ail reportcd a picas- ant lime. On Friday, November 13, ihe ecre mas hcid in Stewarttowri Bail mien some 20 tables of carda mccc piayed. Lunch mas sarvad by tic Federation directors. Tic prize miasers at cucire wece, ladies' higi, Mes. S. Kiripairici; ladies' second: Mos. Stan Matthcws; gents' higi, Clifford Storey: cents' second, ForakCartwoight. A uPecial poize to the minners at tic i3ti table in tic liti round was givea as il mas Foiday the liii. Tic winseos of tufs prize cere Mos. R. L. Davidson and Stan Matthcms. The unnual meeting is ta ha hald later tuis moati. District Plowboys Win ait Sailtf lest distrctlplowboyu win at sultîieet Arold Bowden. Milton and Juo Cunoisgham, Morsby, two lt-ycar- old Ballon County plowoys, com- pelcd aItishe Salîfleet Townsip Piswing Match held recently, miih John Cunninfham taiing fiesi prize and Arnold Bowden secone prize in tise duos for boys 21 years und under. Jack Taylor ai Appiey mou third in lie open classand Donole Tay- lor. bis son, mao second in tise dues usdco 16 yearu. sy sus DAILY SERVICE TO0 AL L CANADIAN AND U.S.A.POINTE CHARTERED BUSES OFFER IDEAL SERVICE FOR AUL GROUP TRAVEL TRAYNOR'S VARIETY STORE PHONE 404 Notice for Nomination TRAFALGAR TOWNSHIP NOMINATIONS urili be held ai the TOWNSHIP HALL, TRAFALGAR ai 7 o'clock in the evening D.S.T. on Monday, November 23rd FOR- ONE REIVE ONE DIPUTY REIVE FIVI COUNCILLORS ONE COMMISSIONIR FOR PUBLIC UTILITIIS COMMISSION 0F TOWNSHIP 0F TRAFALGAR TWO TRUSTEIS FOR TRAFALGAR TOWNSNIP SCNOOL ARIA FOR THE YEAR 1954 If a poli b. damanded, alaction wiII ha hald MONDAY, DICIMBIR 71h, 1953 Polis mili be opened frocn 9 ar.. b 7 p.m. D.S.T. S. A. FEATHERSTONE, Clark ITipsonTouring] You,4 cWao mhledz. or coco entirely rilmninate, eye airain asd fatig ue sfered onlong trips mitis these thrce rulco: (1)l Kecp lie wind.. shicid spotieao --even Itto tise point of elean- iog il four or five urnes a day on l 'ong trips. Specka of duat, aisoosi Onviibte ta the naaed eye, are at- maya presact on the windshild and they distort and cefecet raya of aun- light and 1he glare of oncoming cac ai aight. Sueh diatortion ia mcevit- abiy tiriag on a long trip. (2) Eye giaooes, ic Windshieldo, coleet àa aoolofamouat of neaoly invisible duot and the mise driver oi ipe hia glasaco freqoentiy, evcry haif hour or oo. Wear light colored son fiasses if the sun or s00w ciare us capeciaiiy strong-and ieep them dean. (3) Reot yoar eyes frequcatly with fiances ta the sideso f thc road, but for enougis aiead ao tiat uhecto do not flash pont ils quici confusion. And take it easy witis a trick of veteran touchera and sales- men mWho drive cveoy day for long periodo; they taie a five-minute break ecery hour on tic hour. Witi tiese cules and a littie rom- mon sesoe yoo miii have tittie or n eye strajss from driving-no mtter how long tictrip. CANE TEIM Cane trim on icdroom ad diaing room pietes, as weit as os oceasionat tables and piolsicred Places b a nwfusiios note. Seclional nofas are icisg Shows minth cne inserts os tie sides. Buffets have siiding case doors, frequeVtly alttrnated silh flots doors. 1 1 . m TRUPMAY, NOVEMBER 12,1953 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION. MILTON. ONT. 9 1 MAIN STREET Much Con B. Dons To Eas. Hay Foyer Siace iay fever, unles h is treated by Injactions, is apt ta lesi 101 ar 2e yeaes and aven longer, mithastisonatways pmane ta ap- pear, eacly media treaiment of lie condition la mortimille, soies Dr. C. Coliins-Wiiiiamss. "Durisg tic first Ocson of isay fever, a ciild is usually thougit te be ssafferiog fram a cotd," the Toronto paediatrieian captaisa. MHowever, tic aymptems do nat respaad ta lhc usual ireatmeot for a cold and mien Shilo Mme typa af 'colsI' developa ai tiese me aeaaon ai tise nesai ycar tic troc diagnoss uaualiy becomms apparent." If hay fever la iemted only hy drssgs capable of giving tamperary relief, tic patient is about a 50 per cent, chance of deveiopisg asti- malser. To cive permanent heip he mnust be ain-tested te deler- mise tic substances mhici are ras- pansible for hia aympioms aid lie musi receive iectiosof minats amounsaoai hese substances in order t uild up lmmusity -o them. tome physicians prefer ta gva lise injections for severol mentis before tic "sesso" ct yeàr, otiera ta give them tic yeur round. Wiicieeer metiod is udopted, it taies a fem years taoubais comp- lte relief of symptoms. thougi partial relief oiould he noted the first season, "If you huve an allergiecheild, do net he discouraged," concludes Dr. Collins-Williams. "Wialcver aller- gy he auffeen from, a greal deul can be donc ta hels i hm. There is a good channe uhat he tan be given suci complete relief tiai he cati lead a normal or almost normal lite. If he dom sut do thisltcli ai leaai he tas be helped a great dcl.' h