w-- THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. -r~~5 ~ From Halton's Farm Lands gplcssdtd Pragre by Hallons lieerp Ibot mas a detegbt t tier Hotts ln. audience. Mies Pope catît repre cq eln a s enjopobte erersirfO enlertaieemenl -iioo Ce be eld ib Toronto inste at tbe Milton Higb Orbool os Fn -'monlb of Janoony aoCteeJuosr .J.. day nveningott iclinreTisca Froer' Canfrenebneld in e UIVcoDV aW tien oncasioenIfithinonneol ci î-oncionwlhe Cn nnoal onvenni- A pna în iE ctob deboîno oand poblinetvobced ono e tn Otario Orderatoof ta cI ilmetn o s eompelttoe , wsle erpresîottivsc, Agriclture. cgosi.ab-a-sc mre selteldîo rereOrot Haîîon -/nsblingthe berroiing ofti in te iner-ount acivite 0fer Ce porposeoet rrrntinga fl beite-osl octiîcs le italten Judgtsg Teafor Roaa publir sebel etbcrClesn. 7. fols wbsineer in Ibese tmn fids. Sam Harrots. Miltos; Don Mat- porary borosing opon tbe s Cerlo.leelp tbe officiaI jodges. K. tbemo. Actnnand Bil Wilson et ity et debeetones sp te $64,000 Y. Dire. Edoie Hrrop aed Gro. Asbgroven sel be tbe membres of atso possed. E. Ellot, bod Ceir sorineurot th CbHattlestram ib tbe Inter- AsoCber bp-loin fined nemi to oetectthIe ecnesrincebolb the Cooslp LinesoeninJodgisg Comp- ond rlecioo datesrotoc eCb , pubtine prakinetasd detllg. Tbe eiieson thie Royal Winslec Foie. eip. Couneit aerepted tbe t 10 yoong people sebo patiipaled Tbis romptitioi o e n o tea Cosee Ted lsdd for pantiog tiE in tbe tmo o nets dspicpnd aotCree yong mender 26yeare CenorOflbhe garage, eatîbof talent and solorl ai ob f ea0e ebo bhave not preeioosly AI tbe regotor meeting of ty. Alosg citb Iis wsosofoed et rempeed so n inîee-onCp jodg- qeing orosseH on Noeemb humer andoasoanrolt Cere wsIno' cormpetitin albhe Royal>Durr- oeeil posed corots for'v noCing slacd or sîodfy. Needînlesoisg te pasi seeeb tbe Ibren ong ielt f$9t-50 and te AcCes add tbe odiee iboroogbty es- men bave bren gelieg oa uina joyed Cbthe esingo pregros.e ebîn oe-ota from ibir co. Art tnrloded o piano sole by Mîtil Bennett. ceonnieCe ogir s orp- tOreofetAtos and a humeroneeltaliven.Bec t f eckbos ey eil by Actes club membens. boo olo ie ot w n onoe, y owl be wooCby reprrcrniCcvens fro b th , Nana!laand Paterne Win cooccly ni Hlîse. Inte ltcirsdebain. *Reslved ibol tbe beol iieroest oragroîult- Nigit Orbaul Classes Open os une cose bebo-t svd byearont> Naveneber 1tts fair raisnsboe by o nombere ofl A totl of 512 opplicrtons er omlrtnroonebi irs m Norman ce eosd seten o-r serre eng BrdandtBarbara Cunningham.rr cci as1.0to.eocoolourdo nmrre prrsentng orel Joniors, opbld- ieg loI .420 o e ti fro-- ne ing tbesegaive.Cobl tedcn;iscnnofthtcorses otîererd oMon neer RobenI Coor acd Daoglac o bren teclosse nTaioig Anderson oethse Brobeille Junoir, tmnring. Millieery, E Ile cr cabo sepparîrd tbe atirmosiver. Welding. 011 Pantnig ibtb is IHO E Tise secosd debole bnogbs te-anod scecd ycanc, MccC-slrrot.Box gtber Palermooand Milles cluob. Loo essWaisg and Pbelor pbs, Ofectbe subject mos, -Rsooviledosalrecedyfilîle t soeefleseos tbat compesien bo- donc more ion aed nstrter appicatioeno n ne CLERK'S NOTICE 0F tbe prospenccy etfte taise rtan arccd. bias eo-aperaeiue. Patersea, nipre - s-nled bp tisane Abboîs and Jean, 6601 OpestuesV TE S Pattersose, pteld tbr otirmatice-H, rer ceCdinRC eo O William Kelly and use tecrnm etfA T.Wevrcaodi o re sear cn te MUlten club te egaicea It mac ýace-tdc ate b oen MUNICIPA n Poe r uala rc a a is e-Eleseetory Clottine; Ad- inibnte yeang mene bad te inn runrd CleIieg; Cbldre's Clot-co gis one moîrnal bot tae SucI ccing;Ceorhting, Merdîrpeon and ladies, mitb tem m.nning pesce ,1 Tacsccg; Farca Buserss; Efetnive \7tcrre iscrt e-cIiern ta alitieo cnd icesaeoncepawr %onnccB-e~ rndcicdLa aotjdeBuscat ins rdret anpcanî r- Vens'Lst Art. and tCi anrdecdîret ci tc e crnrr fis ya.Towrnesip etTrufalgas,.1 Pateua -Ou-iCg te an ncutticceoC smbe etfaIt pPri-oneretileid Cc t applîcnnl Cthecoruerses ce Cee- eleiosasd tboî sobtli Jean eatro nd Barbara Cas- amies; Adnanced Letiser Oic, ninghsam Topu Aouseueold Merbanie taverbren And, 1t brs-by cl rainapa Tooret t ne obel debaler , raerelled. te base anyerrroro, or oe on the evreieg'operforeane o-s a - ast doyfor apprat besngt Most diffirol t. Hem ithe lndgec , Atan Canrses derision caet ta Jean Paîleroon et iTiecenrses le 011 Paintiog, one Palermo, snd Barbara Cueoiegbha frbm ler adIenîe o et oreot. Tbn-e tino pouef ladies or eiadenmnd theodeels. fode oedoobtmdlp selprove ssortby se--Moieavncyego se t Arent. Wbrtde- presenlalivr ton Moltion in tbe in-or nl tbresuese le PobtieSpeb te-coosty debatisg field. tecidens- oi e teaodPseinsPcalie lmnolun c alp, lu tee iet rond tbep ell on bnquelstiots fi at re is-6 debte tbm irt topie ofthie vee- 1on calîquepstdonte ibm l esis e teg "Conlpv. towshiip taies.' adiotioeotpptotis nuerr ofe At Ibm moment me do sol bnoc addtoa plctos rci seteer tbmp citi spbold Ibm seg- r ibte pot cee-end. Mer>- Pepe Public SPcaking Champ Tbe courses Leatercmot, Cer 'Tbe PNor-Aaskato te Ne otamies and Meîatmeutt cait alt goone Pote," as tbe tapie of Morp Popes ai Georgetown. te alIbre ors- minigsaddres.noamost inter-e, bomeveec, brer case stl os stief snd erstertoenng msenem, tee a fein mere eben lb s caa be- Mies Pope prented a molttb of in- sec canclims. ca formation ons tbe gruainortb con- Earier Iis serein nletten a try and ts iteabielants. Seeltot fess e trMilton oftice et Tbe second speaker Miss Dore- tbe Ontorio Deparîmeet et Agrec- us>- Ingranf t fMiton, presenird alture, odisief al opplîcant' mot hbosrons addrees enitlid cabrer tbe respectivecoorsees are te O L N "Babies." Fcntp, ce cer very be trtd. tecourosr to cabset eaeb gtad me didn't bore te moine te oldel bas bers asigoed etc' Y COME IN dmcisios h mst havmetes a dit- EigtI enset on Tedpre- fient ose lu mae-botspeakers ing nerul ili ee tem- t c ctSec tisel dtspiaped an rase utf sioform de- ion. «Tou fhnow wvhere Io gel me, Janie" Vous mn go out ilS on casier mnd mies pou knooetise telepisone is "rigisitisere". So sean>-times, f0nO sp maps, pour telepisone contibtes to pour sense of security ..- ta casier and more plesant liing for pou and pour famil>. No prime cas measarn ifs uefainesc THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA 's Tese tinteo tender tf Es- ber 2 rotent TO0URSDAY, MOVEMBER 12 1953 Gereoenfe rgaeUo $5Mn n CARLINBETHI PLUMBINGI BERT WAITON Quiek Service - An>- Size Job I MILTON 274R21 j ýFIRST POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST LISTS 1953 ALITY 0F TRAFALGAR )UNTY 0F NALTON at tuhae ompbied calthSeetion9ofetthe ut I tue pnted op ot mp ottice at thm cn lier 7thdaof elNerber, 1953, tie lent cote cinte euid Munnlcpalitp ut Municipat 1 reseaine lierre fon inspection. ahl voIneste lobe isedeate prornedisgs missionnrorrrtrd acrording btoma; lie lite 2ist doy ni Nocember, t953. S. A. FEATHERSTONE, Clrrk ofthfe Townhip oif Trafalgar ID OPENS TODAY NAND 100K AROUND largent selecton ai tops in $ows cf SERVE CANADA AND YODRSELF IN THE ARMY Listen te "Vaicetfthe Arias>". Wcdneeds> and Pridas>-evennge ever Uth eesonidn nncorh. 4ab~CANADIAN PACIFIC RMtIN CANADOB BETWEEN TORONTO AND LONDON NOVEMBER 9th ýill bý -te.dd t. Dýtoit - N.ýc.be, 30th R A A A A A A kbS»mSm»k>bflmmnnmnnannnmmnnmmmî n Grgtw STATE flMLIURf $15u1. mt Ibeemeetings onnounerd t forum for tteoding fiers. Other aeounts1 T EHA ON R P EFFICIENT, certin o Mondop nigblo. For- serre $7.05 fer 0500e ssppies; u* mscouid bnp by promotng b4 op ittnnc1.5e obeapaBeltrienII UIl amrshtf cares wosd otendifor $4hor mualotedoo1re50ta atenllteln BELrrUL, INL FRUMDli DISCUSSIONS tendeIp cinners oold ttediog- phone Co. for oervices. "h giutrlrpeet.usoand aFederolies meetings Otamoandroenss neser be grrolorl eprsrtic 1ed PlatesThese are test a Inne wseethe ogrinlturol represeetot- ond thend eforme mon onrbe l opinteCh mnynececeaedneoslben ion wilbobherositted amoutdlnodision fonrîtbefiretflarmafnrum *Wbtind of betp 'saneed'd ontierpartisdiscusslo. itinostd $56.ood rond ccosots poid otai- broodroot on Noembe r . Honemen from te ogrieulescatereno- give tbe agrieutural representative ted $5 080.66. noontp bad as ollendoe f52entotiler le yoor rommesityl a belter ondereeandingo f Ibeir Other imes bib e finances serre pensons. te le-rts Tblc caseansweerd by nlalîng bisprobtemesand tbry caoald tIbmre- boopitltarroonla et $15567; lo m pe dirate s eery popotar Cpie. betp liseeqoired more by tees ex- reine Cbe nenrSssry assistance. For- $64.; gaeandoait for firer trrb. tIn cat seys dn tbefarmerroorrîeered aed nrc armeroîicod-ums migtbegin projents, as o $13.59; Georgetocan Poppy Fsod $k5 and $20 for setetions mmes; insyoue forum msrose of thbreisintbmrm e soitcnsenvation noooty-caidr soilteCncing. seirb $42fo inncsooeonepremiom. sereinesontyoroagnieelloralrp andnceooion. Onforum sat-cosîdoere tteinîenestsnofmore Cooncil annepcnd tli en Csdr of rsenloCwî groupes erre ased.ed bcis erdndlteattndcfoms trmers.Lool bol by ne means D Bonclay toc enose pleeccoffonlîncHlîo noonly,' teervicscn of andcduserinformaoie Coite and laso.oon oum.oggrsltltan m- C the weCroaroCof $8tprdoylrcno ltepresenlollven j. oseruesotion -ne.., 'bos et-lerscrgelroneemeetingson time. ystand-by ime aod $ prbocfo . Wbitleet. orserdeery eoîrne imcoteldroarrot tromn Hllon I tebrr nondarmers serd ta plosing. $ r r.eieely jsdging by tbe leegtbp lise conoeC . prartice pssetsalty. -K. C. Lindsay mas appoicted rot- et is orromplirbmenlsc t)oCoil Anoîber sltes bis betp le needed Attbogbail reports tend le ce- - eter of rates tee tbe towansbip by leting; (bi giecng informotion ne for tbe individoal problema ooad dct h eea eln fefc La o bp-tain and tbe bp-tam for bold-rergîsîererd neds, nlover groin,.re.; ieges onsmaing tbe linidodulira te.gperalofete ln lf- ing municipal eletions ais wsIci escosereation projeels, form more aseore efthleosevicesoffererdieronb ptofbeHl ag s appreed bpcoorclt. ponde. etn.; (d) livestoc rlebreders' by tbeogrirsltsrat represennîative rieulttort representalie. Mr. 1- Anotbee bp-loin mas passed set- orgosceolios, Cri dory berd irm-oad tbis ossisCant. Alt forums serre Wilelont. ose rilieism mas made nr ingîbheoanool emooeroCioo for proemeol; 1f1 orrbrdoand pooC- agneedbnsladeingoan exellenC job -tbtloobltbhidealoare putîbe- - roneltes or betomsbi lire probleme; g) pleeisga mtet- and preeiding Cbe nrnesoory erre fore teemembere et oser aineclob. es ibi jocio ffrmershorasiwos-ipe.Tbep arr toieneta milîconaice Coueord djosrned te meet on e;(ljno amr'ognzt cs -December t5. onse; (l aît clobs; ik) orbîer- 'Hein rostd tbe former ond for- farm sabes roîber îboe onavere- _____ ment day planning; (1) orgosiosC usmoelp tbeagrinslîsral repens- age formestable. Tbis tends lu W2, dîifren igr on laoettripe fer farmers o v ou s o etoleelto reorb more people-ibreed disatsfartion and disrour- s, e bit it iffren deree.-placee of ineesinop improe- ssed. armroebeoldooupport' agemeoC amoogsC or moold be Id Ropb Wldo Emerson. metbottbin Canadaoaedcie Unît- metings elled by binmiond bove tormero, soree acd. 1 1 1 PAGE SIX 1