Kîippers Clipped BEST DEBATERS, PUBLIC SPEAKER Dy Co-ops Friday CHOSEN AT JUNIORS' COMPETITION Tise Maltan Ca-opa edged oaîunre olboc Ionise Farmers tageal a Tise negatave dertaredal ailftise Oakivate Kelton Kippera 2-t an1an saresfai debalang anal publie tarai mac ta rome ta Amelca lised, action parisedal ae at tise Oauis pring romprltaon an Mlon higisncc-operaîrd anus one anatiser te 'Villr armna on Feiday nigisi'îî anas scisoot on Friday evenang, Nevem- fagiltishe Indians anal endure tise tise fient gameoaf a home uad home ber a--"Rnatvrd tisailise ineresta aodsips ai pioneer living, anc exhibition erira. of agriculture can hboni nterveit by mauldtalieh rrr today. Campeti- Tise Co-aps botl tieir ranc in tise a roanly taie rathor bisun by a nom- bloc striven ta pramate individuat- ruffral pluying acal auttuuteal their ber oi local fira in tise raunly" mas ise hicis has pravral bie doanniall ooppanentsin thlie al-important goal bise blair of th irsterbate. Tise of citionsIfi farmers co-atarrute ta- getling eal cf chingu. Munis Gai- ffirmave ide aras aphetit by Sa- gether tb suive liseir probtema mai- braithacord thfrctfgoatof tise boit Co and Dougas Andersn of ually abccreau ageneratfeeling of Igame andJuniorcBeaumon tirditbthe Brouisville club. anal lie nefa- brobhersoalodamoog tise farmers up wiisa ce goalin thesecnd tive by theova rr enaîvec bisrîsrvrand aiseaumscgnaions pertoal. Barman Bird anal Brbara Con- they salal. Maidway ibrougis tise hirt fier- ninghsam. AI tise conclasion aiflise debatea lad. ily Vaughsan rame op mts Tai ilencci tebte tise ludion announcei t teir docinbun the innng galafte whch he Tpieof te sconddebte an tavor of bise Bnnrai anal Palerme tise ninnng gal, a bermisiis t seBeolvei thtisI ompetition han dune trams. Ca-opa fougisi off dtermineal bide mure for lise prosperity oai lie iarn- Ja airo nlBruaCn by tise Ktippora. rJethon han ro-opndaBirna"aDaune Ca-paguaie Tirr Sy, urcalAbbeoît anal Joan Pattersn ofaitise ningisam anece chonen an Une beal in a outtandng oal endig jo ttebaters ana l tierprenent Ballon In n otatndig gal endni obPateomo club apiselal tise afirmua- uir nts rvnilD in te limit tise Kelton Blipperu ta unr tire shile tise negaive ide anas JSeirts i h rvnilDbt goal, C-aps lord Ibrer trong lines sapparîrd by Bibi Kelly anal Jim -el"s anal acting coachs Benry Stansi îngram ciflise Milton club. Public npaiig anas anoliser in- sifleit isulices a bit ta give lstrreslingfeairuluof bise pragoam, trame more nicecgtis. Zip Tisompnun Tise affirmative anertri thtisitise aili sa kriers rompeling. anal lue MrCacc ptuyrd brada-up seiote economir syslrmi is bannit un Mary Popr ot Plaerme pichedthtie liocisey for tise Ca-opa, anus Thsom- lise taw of napply anal demunit, anal tapir of --ar Great Botistanit.' Sise psnn eading urveral dacferu if tances are bruit toc higisaules tuais lie audience on an imaginary rusheu. drap off; rompelilion anal peoaperity tnïp tram Aaska an tis e sraaros Douf Vaughsan milmuise isaare n direct proportion. Bran de- tise Borth-WealT eritorien lu tirai appearance ut home Thurii- velopmenls are brougisi about by Churcillnthtaie eaat, an area rouer- day nagisi mien tise Kitchsenereaompeaioai; marisinecti rompantes inf 1,300,00t0 square miles. Tise ciief Greennirta play tise Co-ops is an rampete focrbise tarmers' truite anal sourerofî ineome in Une nnrli causa- ,exhibition gamne. tisefarinera, findinf tise rosi ai tabur bey liecin lilu vusiamoocta ai val- Vaughsan lis strtiof hin second tua iigis, turc lu marhinery. Con- oaist frus, but. in rereni yrarn, yrar as a Greensiit anal is pay- petîbve eventa suris as taies anal minerais suris as cobalt bîse anal isi etfective hockefr tbie Shirta. pioafhtnf esatrhs crete a btter pitchistende, tram wsehs radium bs This fume sa expeird lu dram a undrrstaniting ai prabirars among entrarbeit, have bren diarovoreit. large reama. bise farmeos. Tise second speaiser aras Dorooiiy tngcam, of tise Miltais club, anis chose "Babies" an bier tapie. "We bave nul ait bren famaus staiesmaen HO& eor gerIats"cis sait, 'butane att, H * ~ autone limie or ano tier, have bren LECTRCIANS babies. Tisu fart atone Pals us on ELEC RICANS equat grounit. Babies arr import- Mainenane ad Cotracinq antfor tiserein ir tise rittuons ut Mainenane aal Cnirciin the future." 'Your requeut la our command' Mary Pape aas risosen by tise toalges la represent Halttn Juuniors TOM HAYDEN an lise Provincial Public Spoaising Phone Guelph 6534w Campetation telih hetd ithtie Junio Far r Confrncein Toronto on STAN HENDERSON Jucuoary 5, 1954. Milton 232rl1i A Piano solo anal a isamrousniit rrarcîrd by lise Arton club, con- coualeal lie pragrar. _____________________________________________ Jualgeaserre K. ins, George Et- latt anal Edwimn Barrop. Mo. Elitot raivryrd lise congraulaltiosaof bise jualgea tealaithtie participantu. HAZEL C. MATNEWS Chiarman of tise prugra n as Baroud Tyrerti, preideni aiflise Bat- DAKV LLEA D TH SIX EEN ona unine Farmers. OAKVLLEANDTUESIXEEN Ten Feet in Year The History of an Ontario Port New Tree's Growth Tcees ibat groan i feet in one yoar have bren pradureit by tisa 544 pgesBesearchs Division aifbise Deparb- moisI of LansuanalForrats aI mli Souiberis Besearchis Station a 47 photographs Maple. near Toronto. Tise treers crosses ot oupen ilhsilver paptar, * are expectealt10lie avilabte nana 43 ine-drawingi day foc refrest$ton purpanes i lisaproviisre. TheRforestation Divisionasa 3 colour.plates long bren trybng ta develop an * uaspen-poptar isybrial i of t tactsn anal mood cuise, rapial gromlis ana Pric. $10 dieas - g sitane, uiablanfor tise chiale o olfluited 10 aspen. Tise utnout extilst Wisaoping A 8BOOK TO TREASURE ... Crane slends itnsaamuneeain the teruin Troa. For those niho live, or have lived, in Gakvilie -... seho huver a sense of ita historic pat . . . anal pride in the Gireu me snne isinal of coisenu traditions of this famnoos towns ... te remembere so paintut l ii somelimes lueisrep mocru. a me' Mrs. Mthears, descendant cf a pioneer Oukuilie fa- ast ei. iiy, traceasaith cure anal affection the groarth cf a fypi- cal Ontario laie port ad pictores social life at tise vriuros stages of tise towns deurloprent. This la the 1 /u story cf tise people anal houses, ties hops anal chorches Mra of Oahaille, anal its social, political, anal indostrial lfe througistise yoara. G renke on cale ai PAINTER AND THE GOLDEN HOUR BOOK SHOP DECORATOR 53 Coîborne Sreet Oakville Phone: _____________________________________ - MILTON 366W HOCKEY GAME KItCHENER JUNIOR"A vs. MILTON CO-OPS STARRING MILTONS 0001 VAUGHAN THURSDAY, NOV. 12 -8.30 P.M. ADMISIONMILTON ARENA50AN2c TRURSDAY, NOVEMBER IZ, lym <~CC~~9 Me O~e<ù~ ~< PICK-UP SERVICE JACK'S RADIATOR REPAIR SERVICE n Next te Snyder'n Garage YOUNG STREET PHONE HOME GEORGETOWN TRIANGLE 7-2960 WORK GUARANTEED 1 î 1.0 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONT. PAGE FrVIC n-mrR-ctnAv xnvlzmBPýR 12.1053 LOWVILLE Churclies Observe Remembrance Day Remembrance day aras observeal in the United church on Sunday morning. Mr. Bob Lindsay, tisea- logicat stodent. Emmanuel College, Toronto, delivered a very fine aer- on on "Peace", emphasizing the importance utfinding peace sethin our heart through close commuanion aith JensChrist. Wold peace can flot be beoogbt about untithe indi- vidulh astuound poc ithbia- ,oelt. bio neaghbuosond hio friendo." Z Mr. Lindsay tuird. Service ai Haitonviiie The meoibers of St. Georges Anglican chorch ioined sitb the Ioglican and Prrsbyierian cburcbes InWednenday morning for a Me- noria srrvice aitbemonaument t -taltanvitte and cborcb service fot- -------Owing at Nasaagaseeya Preshyterian zborcb. 'Pariners Ail11 Me. and Mca. Brock Harris enter- 'aifird the Limentone Farm Forum on Monday nïgbt sehen tbe discus- seo as on tbe tapir "Portners Ail" wbcb petained tothe part thefarmi aile playa. Il nias frît that a farrm woman sbould bce ronsaltrd about business attera and keep abreast »TRANSITION: A lithoe more thon 50 yeraugo, the Canadian Pocific Sailway intoduced to Canadians af marbeticg probîrma, farming therrftrst internai combustion sef-popoled raicar (ssci Thsaronh the C.P.R.spuacnginuservcetebhniques and legal arrangements four of the very latrot in slf-proprlled cars-the Budd ROC's. Ptterneal along "Toonieroille Trolley" befnerat 0 te ehi linos, the old gasolino-poarored, single truck rail car aras t3 fort long and carrird t14 passeogers. To-1Miss Joac Cartby, Bresau, and day's 90 foot Budd car carnies 89 persons and la air-conditioneal, but in a primitive sort cf way-she had Me. Pool Barnard wccc prerent opon sides. Unimpressivo as the old coar as. sbe con stili loy cdaim ho bring the forerunner of the tram tbe O.A.C. Diptoma Clous. modemn, stainiras steel, streamlined rail diesel cors which today are providing service belmeen Mont- Mes. Caulier Hosies roui and Mont Laurier, Toronto ad Detroit and North Bay and Angliors. The original rail car, built on The November meeting of the a 902, operated f rom Montreals olal Place Viger Station to Ste. Iherose. Woaan*sAîîaitîaey af tbe W.M.S. oaa beid aI the home of Mca. A. W. Coalter on Wednrsday aflernoon a un Turoday. Tercy Syr aras in the und Qabvîlle arr al ocarina tbe brai with Mes. Eland Clling in cbarge a nacta mth Tbompsos, Grrohr, Mc- taIent they con get bolal ut. Sinceofaithe pcogrom. Mes. L. W. Coolsan - POUNDING THE Causai anal George oc the btue lise. ooly tbe firat baruroraaili malse canalucted tbe arorship service, Mcr& If First line as rompoard af Fo ab e piay-affsta ere s no evadesce o E. Foster read tbe acriptuce antis cnretlonhed by Townsaley and aayaslacbeaaogaffasatbeeaoaeap- commnt by MrsM. Colson fat- e S ORT Bamont. Simposon, Ccuirbsbanh troorbes. lo-erd sith a proyer by Mes. Erland andVaugban, anal Rine, Melanson EenFeru b-te -. vs oo-Coling. and illco adeop he the li îîî,,t autec,bhave sccral promias- Ms. Brdgo Guby sang an ap- Sabutautea ccAndrews anal Mon nu a na-icpiayernta lillinrtbe wau spots prapiaute sala andl Mes. Thomas wiiL A.Vengeance iOr.odbuy.l obeu 0m ctbcae eanbv Fergua bas bad a tr oatbsuar bvokmea tbe s eod rp lurîsa. coraras Ferra.ci arbir-ioeh luchor tram in the lata ra h ld oh'b e Quiaîatoofauthruansbhave beon Ira yrars al t emsasevrral of the Sus." Ths cbPtrrdeuilîseltj OAKVILLE'S Kelton Klippeesgftat îuiag about tcuniorBBaumont, a Ibrar are reody foc promotion. -tbeeaceb ch ro cmps in Sianm revenue for the beatang they ah- tor maith Georfetowmialal theso Il roald al riyhody o leoga*e' Mes. F. Colliang presadeal for a short sorbeal in their ficat meeting - eues. Wilh he able lvOgela 0 e- _______ business peeaaal and reports anre withtheCo-os b haninga 4. Icse!heord froar, the deprimestal sec- ýdefeot on the local bacheyaats bore .ur.t.Gametaielusr. u n Tueaday sigbt. The Ca-a ps seae- TUE GEORGETOWN Heralal an -is o e o MrsoE. Faster condacird a short cdtheaaifrsi goalaof theeonlest but îîpanoaatcd jourairl. cameup buasieseetaigforbhe Womanu lialttarned out to bethe oniyone tbey aith tbese words 'Unlrslbvre f .~ " vlA ..o ali..asndithbe hostrss erveit 1- aold pu pastan improved Klipper sauchange o hert,Miiltonbasit- 3y Pr iermo., ioralanbossasîcalby theraommitîein defenar. ToieBaichard eveneditc hope of güaang Junior Beaumont cahe in the same perod and Al Smith i acC-p uiform. Junior bas Plerma reeuded almoat fouerg ratceea asuire focrGObvallo in the been leyang oaut aîth abat term bat goals Ia eoch of Actons anal Noe- At Seriionai Meeting larminutes oftheaseconidperioalio Overlarea froar Miton haveso far valiîtitMillon'v oneinthe fir't Mca. S. T. Coalson, Mca. A. W. liai the visitors abrd oal a nay. Jor lallrn on a0raf crcs as foc as the lau fames nf the iunior farare'Cauller, Mes. E. B. Caulson, Mes. V. Derouesy and Lawrence eath snip- Gcoetron urculave is coneernert bocey arbedule Moday evenîva ' - r. .WitMr.B.Gn ecda marbre in the tant chapler ta No cefinilerecqurats bave hersa an Milton arecu. Footar ors Oece by anal Mca. B. Coller aitenalealthse gave the Kiappera a comfotabte marie for any otbre Raaiters arbo Paleemo 11, Actas 3: Survol t. sectionai meeting ai Ballon Prenby. le mghtconide a siftto he oula Mit l 3,teriai W.M.S. at Gtrnmood Unitedt - morfin. Craichshanhs mas the Mit- a1b 0adrashf oteru-Mttn3 heh echBuo hedy ts ghm~ yonbibasrertprb iefPle ouals mece aren Misa Anse Ward, Dominian al If Tuesday's fume is any indicaa- abiy bie the name for Forci anal tng- scured by Dan Viviaun.oatb assistuSBourd serretory, ma garn spe aber. liasnaif niat ta rnpect the race in li.* byPu Flppncean Jon eg theBig Nine Ibis yrar in going ta ble Nase ihece arc same ceguations on lwa. Other soeswr oneo ib ioghet bohryeaninslathe offert thu i) platier ray Bil0r (2). hornton Tasher. oezdH m ithe Ca-opa bave yeîta appear in malrb attegianre noîoher cu nMurray Tasher. John Pegg anal o eriedH m Opening aamr seul be Navembe; the same rions wilhoui a reteane in Giro ihardson. Jubn Perg anald 2t berrragaînni Midianal.te thtaaerOH.A. handboah. Hoarever, il Tbaroton Tuser e meoalto reediteal od Ive.iiiiefl inStra s ra et Md an on ma Juniorhasnonu aesare îo play arath assinta. Modereaiing yoar home diosnul MSalurdayforGeorgetowna. Acrarding t, ibrOnte lwedofitheascore as moun Yoabave ta romove litagabi- id The Co-opa play an exhibition la- ieformant, lieha bren heard to say Actes. bell i the gomr aralh twocdroofran anal matai a chromians nagbt wiih Kitcheneros Junior "A" ie will not playuai atifGeorgetown goaula y Gornet Suai anal ave hy icimmea l fat derh sith big round or tram. Thr Kitchener club han Doug enforcos the rating. Hprb Spitzer. - hales f or snna ine anal rain. eVaugana formrrCo-opin lis In thecase ofpFerari ender. J.Cunnainghamowaa top serer Toamany homerowners becme~ ransand arrdoing vry weotin standihat iarashed for his re- for Narval u-th three goals. J. moreor lesfrightrned altheides, thercarrent racemwiîbaomr migbty lcsetlast yerfromtthe Raiders utaRBcd, E. Wilson anal R. Cunninf- of moderniing and paaaup oppor- g poarerfat oppostion. Game limo ts ilavanna faelbcoming. The George- hum toangeal the cela for the taniliru for adding reat value Io li 830. tomn earrolave made a sort of thribre Assista airer hy J. their propeotiru by mahiag the n- . n . .f-entleman'sagreemen'arith Ferri oRiE. Wilaon anal DRabinson. bouseraier Mto ive in. ABt CONICK bas rengineda s coach thal af ihe tanisheal the year off sith Geabamo Gillara scourcil tmolu the Most aider hours c as be broaght of the Ca'ops ndunl is repluce- ther he roalal ecurerbis retrace Ibis Milton jucîorca ereri. oiîb Jim ap ta date mith 000 comforta anal t ment aras on bbc benrh Tarnday. Y 00C. Tame a-iltetlt if Georgetosen Gîllira ohoutiig homo anoihor. adalealeerfuineas by the outtay uf aia e Gerge Gregor. Geegor bas intecs to honnor tbe agreement. Games are played oaoh Mnday comparativey smalisuas.And us- oi radetensivoesperarncerin the Incthereventculhing issitedwe courbicg fume. An ouîsîanalang Iosderstacd bbe Mlt on enea lire oî-el,îag in Milton armna. aaty evry $100 spent os thoughb- playr in bis day lhecesaaed ait have afewoatringsaonTerry Brah, su mvdoiasereia tumacdao overturs to Play.pectessoailhoc.hr-andalabreîs the Raides woul ihîbsourd laom valunuebe as orf bs-y. peefecracg la aboy on bis job nîîthacg btter thaca ta gel Terry'c *$200binbe dosval ieaustiliseto oith the Kodak Ca. n Toronto came onn lie dotteal lice. Ho roulal bsul teeenre. tistiki f mhee lhe playeri amateur hockey. ho good trading bail.boesene Coich by theray, endrdbhisuas-. B.Rai ratate appeaisers are ber,, soiation ailh the Ca-opa berouar TUE Co-opS seul have rnosagh ly aoaoo of Ibis. Tbey isnow that hoe sagneal aibh Hamilton Taîra of trouble- on Ibrir bandasilh the remodetlicg la eeonomicaily sousit the OHA. Senior serica. - sttieryen trams in the trafar O f ood strubcoo.ture lCarai Grecioead tmasets ofalefrnae- avibout eaeicg ta Georgetaens - ebupbeighbocieoo.The Cieîîî mec, ihreer orwarrd tises uald Imu novas.Collîngwooa. Mialtanal.Wal- Commerial Leagaîr Macaroniscatro teSceyofRsdit etîaî. Duraihm, Elmira, Fergac. 47, Miaftb 39, Bricees 31, Hay- a priesrcnl a od waada 26, Millionairos 24, Whippern "The tact thai a bouse lu5 or 22, Forsira18, Babchers 17. f0 years olal nerd not nrressaeily t'. L.s Ladies' Leagur - Mary aetruot trorn the ieanbbiity ai ce- He pet 34, Docca Greche 32, Kath modellinfgi, asrclebrrne ouI ICantes 28,MureiltCoasnît8. by themunyhbouses -ih are as aih infle, Jean Wriggtraarorbh mach us 200 yeeasaid anal silît 265; igla triple, Joan Montgomrry'sounal, Propereplannincg andt con. NOM INATION 637. L1piseaarhitctuMlesrviclaa a' Haiyivrata 5, MeGateer 2, Wrnaovers u tsba -inreulment. He con rnjay NOTICE U. ovnecs laatlvg.ow Ladies' Mtiner Leogue - Norma er maint enancre oats anal ather Bri on 33, Pîchy Trasalel 28, Baby avantagea that oocompasy a modt- Nomination of Mayor, Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, Six Ceuncillers Chîlda 24, Elecc Dooca 13. e rn. oP-to-dabr hume." and One Hydro.Eleclric Commissiener for the Municipality ftauh sicgle. P. Teosalel. 3t5; high i Pointa ut obsolecrerce mont eftihe Town ef Milon, aise Three Public Scheel Trustees, -triple, P. Traisdli.6a-t. commua in aialer bouses are: nmull 1 wil tke lacein heminaboaro; ach ut loseis; sauI wilItak plae niheA trttuecm per ecor e mrîow roomu Pooety aranged;al; ohard TOWN HALL, MILTON olbugeuand a sarluonfueo b hcoof lne- ' -lade3!n;lih OW HA ,MIT Nosly rilgeiltout that f a b ener oha actig cf e; ig ant Friday, November 27th,1953 Ithe ruvent of a poil brîng demaaded, h votîng ani tuke place on u o t Monday, December 7,1953 Stock fuel ai the folloseîng places:N w NORTH WARD-At the Town Hall.ow EAST WARD-At Borbirys Apartarents, Court anal Main St. (Oid Gordon Home.) e S d m SOUTH WARD-At the Court Hoase. Poils open at 9 arn, anal clone ai 7 pm. Soe iûe A. D. SPROAT, Returning Offîcer Milton, November 12, 1953.