Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Oct 1953, p. 2

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venutwoHE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TKtiRSDY, oeiTsm asui, lmo r'rv T'rtflT Y j NOUH jTHE GOOD OLD DAYS EAST MAY HAVE SEEMED WEST IBETTERt M nils i Townai cornes froos Foot o' Green, Stirlisg, Fit Y ar Ag TamnsY asA a Tho smporaisco of Ontario "textile Seattand Ho larme 220 acres wbere, FfyY usA o T e t e r S towne' ta the economy of the pro- ta 1314, theo famoun batte et Bain-- Give Thanks No Need To Travel Far vince was stresied tsy BICK Gun o ckunaa fougbt wbon the Front tie ue et tise Canadian Promr tise Iasue of tise CandU set apart on which The ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~de Champion ef Onarouradar, Ootobec championdese te nna met Sot ndr obrtth ruate-Chmiohooruadar.c Oetohmponofberda, etbe Monday noot is the day staatowhc Thfoagofntiscutrid stking of the Cuoadias Waoici and fratcd the Eogiob under King Rd- 1903 13 Cacadians gîvo thanks for ail the bcunty that ant on its automnal lînts and for the neot fcw wooks Hait Goou Maaufacturero Associa- word 1l! Baonockbors is asothor- tion un Toronto iaat xeeh. The tex- Hait on ooonty spot xuth anismmi- The building ai the G.T.R. satiori W. A. Merhiay, xho brougot tbe nil-wse Providence has bostcwod. Whon one gaes the roaplot and othor treos miii mokea blhazeocf tile indaotry fathe -largeot menu- grant name ... it xoutd be isteront- here bas bots campioted and Agent aid corling rush on Mill Stceet, teF about hin or her sosail contre of activity or travels csloey boforo the beaves are shed and the seinter facturing indostry in tbe province, ing for the Irssh and Rcotch plox- Harper bai maved ino t from the having the building tara doxa rea Caadaof urs sesonstats.Tha rote ithwhih w ar sawith 354 milis and 36,00 ompioyei," mois ta viait Kitbcido and Bannocis- car wbich hoe han uaod as ais office ibis xoek. Mc. Merly neya ho into other sections of Ohms grtCnnaoous sasntrt. haruewth hchienoo ho seid. bstin if tey biadt timo. for aime time. The satont is a mon- witt buitd four tramne dweilis ni aie are humbled by the goodnss which han bien familiar betmoon Acton and Milton rivait autumis The sosatt toxn nature O! the toit- F0507 Looks modiaus building. noatiy and tamite- the site ai socle ai poneible. .Thie bostowed and the opportunitios that are at overy scenery to bo found anywhere. Whon the now tule iisdusiry us no accident, hoe totd There muni have beon aimne lsnny fully tinishod seithin and xitbooi is good nexis, ai it seili gise merlu -hore is a definite hintoricat. rea- loaiisg yn pepl in Gere and the xeitint ronsi are cm- toa e iumbor of mon. hoed for not only the bottermont of oursolvOt but nigcway was put tsrcugc tho vieW f rom tho brav ow n "The textile iisduitry mai toms lent meeh. In tee bigh aihoat fartable turishcd. Thc Waoos of the Wisrld on- for maey pooiplos of other lands. of tho hili locking away to the south and Lake ostabtished un early contres of Po- sews section a! the Georgetown Miss Fletcher bas a four-year- tortaiised 50 bretbreis troos Toronsta Ontaio as iproed.pulaîsan Os fiut the need for ctoteing paper me read hox the grade nîners aid sooach troc tIn her yard xhict ai an tanjayable ouchro Party Is Tho 12 months' that have passed siece lest anal a nrvd nd texile praducis. 10 mas, in faci, xere reqaired ta, baw and scrapc bore sasse' sec- large fruit ibis iheir ldge cuosm bore. The meos- ThnsiigDay have beon gond months for ail But, of course, if you realiy want to rovel is the finit cei indusir>- Is the pro- beforo their seniors. Did asything uere ime ta c isres-ers hofd athe palty once a osanteo Canadions. Many frcm othor lands have como o togcyc uuss ccigyuhv obv ita testile osili. Over hiall of Cas- Grs aadydifenMes. S. G. Wood af Toroisto adl- durisg the foul and mînter mossite Canada and are this year having thoir jfirso the highways and lot the bock concession linos ada's prisacy mailsa are located O Gse - toira haifr e t socbs, dreused a large moeeting hcld Is the The Amici Club bas engaged for Thaksgvin Daylaeso ne 2,0 n side'o othr i pick caris; iisterest; af the Humase Society their neat four deesces hoid oison lhnsiigDyis the 510W homos. Liko those ecvolop ycu mhore the trots tèome right up Io the popxlatonilgso. udr2,0 Toesdoy, carry ail boohs un besketa. xarh un the taxis hall last Tueaday Fciday sight us the taxi hall the poollis.Shine ail senior girls' shoos. Wed- afiersouis. The schalars of the pramisetHerb Netoni Radia Or- cf us who have spont cur lives here they wiii find rcadsido and cftoni make an arch cf gcld over the Aie lier Rlbbiiss ocoday. Jeas, carry taoth bruab- public achool, xiih thoir toochers, chestra of Humilias. The dance Canada a gond land. roads, and the ground arcund is a mat cf golden A fient prîce Jersey cax eit Hilton os. Thorsay, carry books os heado xeee pcesestinu fuît farce, and xiii lasi until 2 a.m. Came oui and louves. Thece's no need to travol far afield taen~- fais caisirntidlly air-lier ccd ribbais. ut ail tisses; Fciday, xear blousesxuyo!hepcta ad ierhepbssxclbetasanni Is ssany respocts Thanksgiving Day bas a ro-lidta ecinf-nofle!,mn ifhePrn.adohr eptisewlugtasaad jyaulumo 1cry any day foc the neat fow meeks. iî o e ron ophlatoio id bo ics. Wco hre arn-isectdxr ls nuioose ave a good lime, alsa xby go oui sombianco to tho year end and the starting cf a Y y Y yA chair of yong wmssesaong sasse of taxis ta dansce xhes you cuis fcr ---- The prrlsris populatiois of the Hoys--Hosday, box tics. Tues- appeopriair sosgs. Mrs. Wood xas daisce ai home? New Year. it might meil bo ot oniy a tim or ouhoiiieTrafaîar arrua ouh Of day, opposite sochis outtide paris. cpcal res hitedcr e idM.Gig .Cdoe givieg thanks for the bounty me have enjoyed, biisftlaîîsoadylhihlao lrsaicaîissrhaiheDs- Rouage aisd perlasse. Wedsesday, atias of deod bîrdu on hais shooid Miltons, aissousce tbe engagement butalt a iss fr ddictin orsovesb tko ecaunt thry arc flot ta oc latte -4uii dt lighway lias hert establîshed ta short pansuaisd haie eibbass. Tlsurs- ,be dîscooragcd by ail wmses aisd af ibtr daoghiee, Fraisces Melvisa, Tysad ent aai idiitrti a irs cai-e jeans oîs mo lancesxad Frîda girls. and abso ihai the older boys ta Allais O. Ciemeisis, eldesi sors cor part in koeping Canada groater and a miiiing- - - - - -- -rssarcsrlae avle -rs -air ta -e -s bsee ooad stt as esaxpir of iisdis of Me. and Mcs. W. Cleseis. thc arosihiahar tut annt rat aIs tht toms. cachs bo ecr aher and to the asimsais. marriage ta iaht place the latter nets o shro cr pinty ith hosoahohavenct e Agee tloaninsg rosulîtant E. G. Falodi has Th 1ri 0t,0t<6h Car Wr undeeslosd thal the meetingf pari of Oetabtr. been sc meli blest. staîrdbd tht isisig iy-lax bciisg Th ie hoausdth vehicle bas has already horst fruit ta the Miltasn populo mois the Thoa. E_ Que big citits arc for toc big aiready, thinka prruscd cor appeacal bas peocided caeo off the Ford planti us Trafal- faascdaias aI a Hand af Mercy is Hiaheiach ieophy yestorday ai min- Mna sCanada's Natioal Thankigiviisg TeFncilPs.gae aosemhiy lint lest ithais four the seisior focmof a the scbaoi, and nersofa the Halbis High Scboot<' Dynot juil another holiday but a day sot apart MnraadToothod tahr eae ai 54t00 araîplr. 'isiasih afr tht 32Aa, acre plastilbe- it is rapcctcd that Hilton wiii soos Isiter-ochal Alhlotic Meet. At the Metrpoltan ontealand oroto hld ne ,sîlî ,h rrcrd theh adthseta gao praductian. Aboat 1,50tme bscis fait of Basd af Mercy girls asnd fusai samiýsup, Miltons sehoaF ta ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ss maxea areks.infxplayed iheroout fr naboyse uarIl ""dsb haped. e sidaisohn adihai ar emhadd he23bys.poisîs.e. lsoGeogehalt211xnieoretwn 39 teivothaki.n fveCatdias, ccontforncaiy nt ua the rot 15 ta, 20 yrlar-s now fix igaures mna rise as high as bransdi aI the Huaoe Society xili and Actas 124 pointa. cf the country's total retail sales. Pleane Naie t 5,000, mc rrad. aoas ho startd sn loxs. Ai Loxtitie os Wtdisesday eves- Im otn ekLook at tht cosis of concentration. Offern Imo liis Casada af 19.53 is lîhrly 0cr>- Wunt a Fsr Ceai? Ther cancet given as Fridiy usa lasi, a lare isamber af friesds fl Im ora t.ge rllrfa ai t l hhmasmhop- S eaao'ry arrrîas radritsmerncoueig althtiaaohallasdtr the met ai tht home af Me. and Mm. II sometirMes appoars that is order ta makt houri o day geîng to and frem mork. Big cîty rcaele iaiyad euy o, paN.a ereonfi atasie fteLdes i fteMuieRaha nbnro r ptasures. Incidence cf ulcers in dcmntcmn Mont-. bai she stii ilsves auiimals' Cathy ire h Dscb Rsdduii. isha bas tuai Meibadîsi charch itdactd a feai and Mes. Baedgr Gaahy and pros- etc year ccdtciy car calendara shculd ot cnly Arebhid at Hiisb Calambia, mhsî recril>- gosiar s thc businrss, dis- xai af thoor woa tîsiter! tht fair esird ihtm xith a ssisceilaseaus roth tsi or Toconto ccmpared mith Main Stret, mase inr s aî îîos as Miss pydbis rhinchîillas. A chinchilla ta sia>- a luttle longer. Ail saas shamet. giv to inuescfthtyecsandth dys f ht Tuetitfcrd, Sask. Caaasrmig righi hac ta the cui't cuisis estl-en $7.000 and $12,000 ronccapîd and tht auadiecet Frda- and Satorday specialas aI week but shculd designale tht multitude cf -1thssolai.d.isuiitabe vars ta lie a scer-- sn case yu i sain hsbîg sf ose . .. as prbuta the largrat rote a.- t ht Central Mcat Market. Sieliîs There's stîli a ptactful pace th sml on.ral Shtxwillhrgisia;dirsai Evrs toise iota thr busineso s n eshltd for a Mia tntitii- steak.l15oenaiuposdl. Peameal spocial meoks that me art asked te observt. Tht gbcming promise cf the mccning suis, shsdad the O A.C, Guelph, sn Srptrsshrr cif reus'.v. Orteil. v oc "s rss xmeni. Tht recei pistowee btýImtc. ralis. 13 cests a paustd. Haiied pot This la Firo Porevontion Woek. it's aise Nems- tf at ail, by trtts, cet buildings. Tht ncisy silence't Piseale tarai-r adom $4an00 .cg160 par 'r$14p0 yand.TeSral o - lar orl ,hnrt a0 ,riand. r paorWek.Wesrnos te auecfth cte of an idit noon-heur. A sky cvtrhcad anpitttd 1shthir tu gi tIo OA.C. or isai grass af ahîch the optsing saxher Hoseitos stex bref. ihcec psusds, lapping aftw uch important thinga in cur 110e byso.Txilight on the front pcrch. Dayes end. KIl ' -brIde -and Bannoeckburn Compile Eight Rules tht isaurtette HasshVs '*Saccri and tue 23 cents. wsofsoedb h fuot that thee just artt b ct O îe aithe ii sic es caspetig in Rid" Uc' as one sof the ges. MARRIED was cccasietd by tht Itats are tht thinga tht big cits xiii ntoti lise a ,,ed ehsespsssshîp plaxssg FrBc le rs Hsilisrahe and Hoa's. rchasa WISONFSE-i aoi.o oncghmekali tt ta t gveon fr vty- kncm. eah ai: Csuhî,ssug ibis xrrh casses 1__ ta lie Peaple, shoo. a mile aucari - Septemrsht 25, 1033, Margaret thn.Thus the prcbiem cf anycse nihe mculd arhlhng ho îîso fCo iras Kide!,' . leia mest ini apltsdsd high grade fan. Marie. ridcsi daaghttr ai Me. and thicg. T aet h hnswihmlinofCn1ýloFg.li' ,ridci9heaz Tiec i mbrue Neeh Haffcs Cabars..i Mca. H. M. Fas af Multas, ta, maea calendar indicative cf days and etents bas adaNmiiote om And' whic ecn ofmry N.sstraor priies ail ofl bis'. rsd.rig o.ý lrattr iarClaccC rse.Ocy Kncbalisi.a bm ofue fretle en ndrae.IaI',,s fures. bot a 30 ytar-ald ta liav as en1 s- fla as t is. ami rapieeat ts ta $10.50. j andi Mes. E. J. Wilson. Miltas. bocmoccnusd efoe ve bsnguntrtke. iii seen fargtt se lent as fadtis inaît on IlieIss fria Kîllîrîde, Los> i ale ,.Ili tallie ancd hie>- s Fie Preventico la ont thing Ihot evtryoe con sadn n hrsisedc b hmovs isehia. iitsijý1 hi ro es. Hais lie lis r.gîs' do scmething about and during this wotk the tanigi ed nta fb hmev i1Slsusan op(iiiù iiili. Hriiseri No or aiciog u Milton firt brigode is brsngiog hoe in mony sui ss , ts Assiasi. bu iz,* 'o-. s assi ot te boo,;Ias sý.ces tht 3 W,,,1 asIl , ' i. PR F SSO AL DRE T R ways hem ycu cuis cc-cperott in stepping fie s" is.s't Cas isL s a'! .ýj il . l. isi isîsaîs cissi 1cr o r c1 sg t1, I R FS I N L IE ases. tf han been said thot tht bstt xay te ktep c;!las) as ici, sdd Niý s'h s~s,,.,l , 51 sii griso aildse',,eaossf cin io'..Is g dloms ft lastes la te prcotnt fîrta. Thero bas 1' CUi e,sotsý 'is l',.,I"iss listiss .iîsissssssioi'5 to pi onsii.e i.ug i. _______ been much mcnty apent in prcasding fiee fsghting C aii, lvt 'ss l.. 1.b z,, .isosu, sss sessiaiîîiLs .',slsi ,s sd ts us in l sais y,ssii 5ua, !., so e .,s.i Lot ls oquipment. Vclantttr firtmon gian much tisse b' te.', t. Wss5' 55 as.sl Kais !ss., liissul. IFr555, h 6 Nev sr s I .ssi s.ý s MEDîCAL ACCOUNTINO lt'ilsa i Adesassas de 'sîk, -1 î, s setca.o ..ssi' lk an .s.ss tla, e.tin su usre and. stpsn Issus rst sa v sisss i sprtoding. Thty ansaxe calia at ail heurs cf tht -lk i "su sus dles, usll andsaii ' Phones: Ctsariercd Aceouanal dayornigtr ndundrgilconiton.dOie ttst TLr afilj contdsitionsssse.aerscOflafs>-qsst!e , ,. sl-.î's Mlo Nmbo 2tacroar t cal oldb necsayifw ee uta IiI ThsilO Guaranrees JENKINS &HARDY more corafal in car hobis; a littît mort tidy in Oeotht leaders cf a large jabot ergn'iau Dr R. SG McCnlsb 440 Vctrora i., oras mointoinicg etc promises se thot a fit did net get tien has rtctsstly bcen odaecatsng a guarontetd DOtî r' aîRs ES.* 4-0131 itoi t ,Toot a stort. annual magt fer meuhers. A short tisse ao tf mas 'Ofc -ors Emui.,,. AM-y9131tt Fie Portoenticn Wttk la ont cf tht moat os euri ihc a talkcd about as thte îa ~~4 "-.. P.ft.-l4 up.9n. - JOHN J. KIDD AND COMPANY Wo'tyo c-oerte seurtywhchwa ge5 UNINAYS-Euorrgecso aly. Ubariercd Acciontauts poctant methi of tht yeae ctyc ccpct nttd. It ail sonda otry sice. Mh ILTON PHIVATE HOSPITAL Jobs J. Kidd, C.A. n the thinga thot ycu are asked te de by yeur fire Wetailkcd te a faretr tht oher day whe bas X-HAY James T. F. tioctor, C.A. brigsde and keep cmn the lasoes. Municipal a big rcp cf pototots. Last ytar ait paid $2.50 KNOX PRESSYTERIAN CHURCH1 ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Coraser. C.P.E. and Gaol Surgeon 65 Caiharne Si. E. authorities and brigades in Halten oct mocrkini o bag and ment te tht form and get eue aiinttr's REV. E. ORSHORN, Miister I Minîter-EVic. i. L. BAIR,& B.A. GAKVILLE 14s R Wright, A.... rait Organs, Mro. Harald Magne DR. G. E. SYR ffe 155 -Hon. 30- togother is f ire peeventien. Individuais cas do suppiy. If ait rtmember rîght tht yeae befere i YROfc:19 e.28- mcst by being conscicus at ail tisses cf tht noed petates tcuchtd $4 ce $5 o bag. Up in tht i NUNDAY. OCTOHER lîti. 1953 NIJNDAY. OCTOBER Iliii 1903 Physlclan and Surgeon _____________ foc cire in proventing fires. pototo grcming district this ytar's cecp 15 being 1 100 a mn JSnar teiseI. î0.0a a m.-Sno bshasui Offdicp--Pas Sto. e 38RPR Perhaps aie ssight aiso is this item inject a ssarketed for tess thon $t a bog. This gromer tcid îIOt a.m.-Thushsgssasg Servcet. tiFmal Sesvice'; Narsery-îsiaso Office Haoers 9 sm.; 1-3 A. M. NIELSEN, D.C., NO. thcught that Nomîpaper Woek is also important us that by tht tisse ho paid fer sood, tertilizer and Tbcmr. "The Soul, tbc Samîr asd Janor ochaob. 7-5.30 po. Dno i ilopuih and thr Sctd.' 7.00 p.m.-Cumhbised cervcetin Coroner tt Dani Naturopaie this moek, We aiho mcfk on nomspapecs, et spray, tht ccst cf raising potates mas ovor $1.25 luit p.m.-Escnisig W ors up.1 Knox Peesyterias ch arc h.an tuoah coarse, hv vr eknwpprwe.W peba Camhined service wiii Si. Hec. Arthur Page. gauespeuk- have ovecy meek neaispaper meok, We per bog.Pauais. Sermon b>- Res. Arthur terD.,W MCTHENRus25pm.CaeiTu pat in ail or onorgy, rescurcefulnoss and ail car Thore isn't a dcubt but potato gromees mould Pagr, Heasir Unired cbareh. Tacida>-, Ociaber 13 Tht Caran- DR-.W cUCEN f ius25PM lsdTu» funds to make ycar nomspapoc a melcossa and like a guarontetd mage as moul as tht C.IO. If Tatoda>-. Ociaber 13-2.45 prm W. abuas Oraap of tbc W.A, mil, Office oirs-9 ....; 1-4. 7-9 P--- Lady Attensdanst M.S.. S.S. eoam; O p.m.. Evani- meri ai lie basse ai Mca. Vic- Farers' Bisslding, Main Street importont visitor is ycur home every meek, Whiie crie gecup cf citiztns art guaroutecd a fixod in- ssg Aooiliay. Mes. Edgasr Ho- bar Noris it 2.30 p.m. Teeb 9W10 Main St. N. Georgetowni brtoo'o. Chuare Si. Wtdsesduy. Octobr 14 O p.m.. Benidrisce 395J Phase TRiangle - 7-3612 a naespaper is privately omned ut is pechaps the cosse sueiy it la cnly demnocrotic thot ail cituzens ______________ Peaya> AraIuitelc most pubîucîy ssisdtd institution in tomis iti pag- shcuid have tht sasse guarontet. Formers and jSanday scbaobtecbcra, Session os each moek record tht histccy cf Milton and productes cf ail gccds have te bavt markets foc CALVARY TABERNACLE Fomrs te>- Chdd A Fim usGA _____G.____________D._C. district and tht files cf Tht Champion giva tht thoir commodutits. They bote te soul theat ccm- Peieasa *e s Ind Itihe Sanda>- schaais Deetor of Chsiropr-actie BRONTE ST. cana 0.15 p.m.. thr Yeoung DICK & D10< Brante St., Miltais mcst complote rocord cf eue tomis that is avail- moditios at a ccmpotitivt prico. We kncai there Hen. H. Woosa a stu Wamtns Esrnisg Aasîiiars »t B>- Appainiosest ablt. The spoken mord is often forgotten or mis- are a lot of farostîs and producers aiho aicuîd j il Chair Fa K. oeofCQC intocpretod but tht printod mord romains fer ail liko te havo Walter Reuther, tht C.IO. chiof, have Frida>-. Oriabte 9îh, 8.()( p.m Fday. Oniabr 16-7.15 p.mn. Jun- Pareistors, SolicitarsPUE LDtCTR Peaycr Meting and Habit or cor .. eirchi.FN" IET cf the prosent day and for tht gtneeoticns thst a guoconteed onsusi mago orrongtd foc thess a. tuy soBirotpwn eio hir ex Street, opposite Arena _______________ follcm, te coad. Oniy troublt seems te bt aiho is gcing te give the SUNDAY. OCTOHER blib. 1953 iTelephane 4 ~ McKERSIE-THATCHER Perhaps this shcuid havo boon taie editoruais guarantot and miii the gaanteo bt voiid aibti 10.n0t a.m.-Sosdu>- Sehool. GRACE CHURCH FUNERAL HOME 11.0Oa.m.-Maraug Peuyte.NLIA T. A. UTCHINSON, Q-C, aea oe AblnoSri but ail miii ogeo this is an important moek. ita thort is a surplua cf auch things as potatots. 7.05 0 Esogisii Sersiat. ANGLIsCer Fsutllior Etc., PIGNEnc 03NOervAY Fice -- -rvninWe n esae k Tuda>-. Oaioher iiih. 00 p.m. Hes. Normas Grecn. B.A., L.Ts. Britr olctr t. POE67NGTO Prtenio Wtekt and Ntmîopo Wtek.iplii r Pra yec asd Bible niady. Reelor Offuce-Neat Doar Champion Sincore, Caurteaus Service -Msr ---- -ntte gIsle he-aph Oawiaitizen art Ail] sertices beisg held ai bbe Office-Main Si., Huilasn saui bi acsxee dhc ecire ore ladm orser curch.) StJNDAV, OCTOHER Ili. 1053 Tcicpbasse 54 TRAVELLERS' GUIDE Ose rcason xhyscheui techrs hast drpmndest.(ngeaisand sbsdias -avcr Neeit .uda .e CAADANPAIFC AIWA aixayo bets se pouel>- paiti la ibut ibe>- have xhich bu>-y bute sa contrirai are iras assd Ott0 am in- Commasion. GERG EAA A ELLIOTT Rtnar Ai aimays had a gaarastcad usoual xagt. Anil iris ahle ao mahe ue axe dtcisuans. Tht BOWES) BATS CHEJRCH Ett axLT Stasday Tihnae useetmofacth p-eestuhrige t ruh- lssg-rus solutias apparsa litu, insead. lnIs tht 100.OF. Hait 11.tt axm.-Marning Prison. Isrltr oIIor eayPbl aog bo Toronto - 7.40 a.m- ers is ibat fex people ia-dày are salusfsrd iru appartuis mresi af servcnas itxea lt Pastar, Hev. H. F. Oaydee tpm oris ryr Office-A laresers' Buildinog lu .pm dail >- .9pm xii a gaaeed ana agc.-Echaae. massrsiai;t>-anditebrurasu ce»"SNAOTBR lh 93 Be, Mais Street, Milton dai> yoorpi Sonda>-; 0.24 pos. Sun- I SUDAT OCOHERbibs. 053 "Hlcd are the pitrr la heori" day ast>-. iti am.Sana> shaa ad d-Si. Mailito s5a Telephose 70 Camisg froos Torontoa 9.36 a.m- at Hible laus heid in t laitown _________ _- duui>-; 6.31 p.n. dal>; 1.00 a.m. daily hall. DENÇTAL tacepi Sabardu>-. 7H0 ii.s Escnusa Servire. ST. JOHN'S, NASSAGAWEYA -CANADIAN NATIONAL Tiarda>-. Ociaher S ai .tt Wa-1 and DR. G. A. KING HAILWAY à n à è -1a i Ilnii ime5ns Hissusîsar>- Ausilur- ai ST b-_l GEORGES, c LOVILEDNTAL. SUIRGEON Oaliag Noeib 7H5 po.

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