Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Sep 1953, p. 2

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Don't Be Fooleci in apita of the fact that we are laît racovering frcm the hotteat part cf the whole cf summer, tha calendar and the events herald the announce- ments that autumn is here. This week the child- cen went back to scheci. This week will tee the close cf the great Canadian National Exhibition and naxt weak will usher in thosa events ail over tha province kncwx as the fali fairs of Ontario. This mcnth, toc, will sea the end cf the deylight saving pericd. A trip through the ccuntry, a stroîl in the gar- den, milI also bring the realization that harvest time ix with us and that the pericd for storing against winter is t hand. The weather ix tricky. Wa might have expected that hot streak in July or early August but it's laIe comixg need flot tedl us in this part cf Canada that w'va had mest of car summer meather by the time September ix raachad. Each season has its attractions but me do like the later menths cf sammer and thse eacly days et tali. We like the tal tains and the cppertunity they give te meet cld friends and te get a view cf the producis cf car farms mhich are gcadualiy shrinking in this ceanty et Halten as indastnial expansion ix cccupying more and more cf the farmands. Yes, summer has aimcst gene, but autumn in this part cf Canada is a glc&icus season cf thse year. Reunion Every Yeor Quite frequaxtiy me hear cf folks both t home and away f rom home who are ansicus te have an old boys' raunion. The yeacs are slipping by and as we grow eider we want te meet those whom me knew in other years. We mant te swap yarns and talk over boyheed days. We were impresxed whan me visited the fair grounds in Saskatoon recently that a small per- manent building with neat percis had a sign read' ing, "Saskatchewan Old Timers." We judge it was a place where in sunshine or rain these whc came te the fair fer a reunion could meet their friands. lx mas a ralying peint for cld beys and old girls whe had more fron eut cf reminiscing thas ceuld be secured by the yeunger generatien on the midway and it prcvidied, tee, a place te rest awhile. Pechapx its an idea that might be incerpecat- ed in Milten fair grounds. IThere ix ne tiser place than tise EauPFair te meet ld friendx, but se etten as the fairs grcw lurger fiesais dont jusi happes te meet. The building might be uxeci fer otiser purpexes during tise year. But misether building or nt dent let the years pats wixisout makisg the bent use et every year te meet yeur triencis at tise fair in Multes on September 25th and 2ôtis. City Turnups Reardiescf the fact that me had csly re- turned home os Tuexday, we cculdn't resist the tamptaxien te attend the Exhibition os riday mhich was press day and a gathering we havent missed in years. We like meeting many news- papar friands whc are always at the luncheen given by the CHNE. on that day. Thix year me cculdn't select soea ld friands te sit baside dur- ing the luncheon since the ordar cf the haad tabla max choses frons reprexentatvex cf ail branches cf tha press and advarising organizations. Our luncheen compenies on tha right was a rapresantaxive frcm ea weil-kncmn Toronto pub- iihing bouse. We told hlm in introduction our businessas ware in Actes and Miltes. Haeisad neyer heard cf aithar placeaend didn't kncw whara they mare iected. His travel teck hlm only tc Montreal and Detroit by train and ha ksew littie cf Ontario. Our luncheon cempanies on the right had been born and rised in a xmali Ontario town. Ha ksam both towss and bcth papers and avas conversant on mcxx other parts cf eut pro- Thet aferncen me strolled about the axhibits and topped tc maka enquiry ragarding some items in which wa mare interestad. The saiesman didn't knew misera Milton or Actes mare lccatad, had neyer haard cf tham, and thex me perhapx axpicdad a bit and esked a pertinent question If paopla in Toroxto sever go eutsida tha city limits. I-is raply max, "If ycu drove around tise streats in Toroto ail day long, ycu meuld be se ted up ycu mouldn'x mant tc go any place." Pub] Pubiabad av Payable ine single captes Secoand Clan BUSINESS AND E DITORIA L DIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO t THE GOOD OLD DAYS MAY HAVI SIEMED BITTER Ix was a bit diîturbixg îc us tc tars up a Fifty Y.ars Ago coupla of max in cne day seho knew se littîa From sa et tae siapain about whet mas xaxt dccr te than and jusf eut- atiMTbrsday, Saptombar 10, 1903. ide their city limita, We mare ramindad in soe Oh, I muniteogai la the Miltas far may et that cextroersal article mhich appeered And beauth the blmy coustry uir, a few mentis augo in mhicis yeang people reered And whltllc c shahk and taok ut tic hacrs in tise rural parts et the province mare eterred te And 'cham lbche g" mth paiticat as "ounry trnis."baoaes. ex~~~~~~ "cutytrnp. ant ta tlooketi thecountry stocks, And drink samn milS iram a dcicy Thbis Controlling Age AxdcalkattIhe pig aasdadmirecthe The tarthatfeuseverNiegra Pux An Ad try and fargat thul its bat as meshed amay soe 900 tact et the cmxxt sixca thc dackasa. 167B, accerdixg te ea nemapaper artule. We dent Fargat that thacas usny petititul ring- kncm the kept the recorda beck thrae huxdrad Juet thisiaofet he butter ced aggs years ago but e joint Casadian-Amaricen Cen- and shinga; Se mah offtht buggy and hilch mission ha anneunced e plan te slow dloms the ap the muira,. tlom et Niagara et night mhen the visitersa cccxx And wtradlgoxout ta the Miltoa mtchisg it and thareby sexe a tam hundrad teet Fair. The Sueduy chooi ai Att Suints' fcom the crext fer a tam canturies longer. Tha 1Mission, Terru Cailu, hcld ilsasnuel ccxx mculd ba a mare $1 7,500,000. hast ycalatrdcy tterexas xx the a lapa ai the mautie buchaof ha We mail remembar geisg te Niagara Plls a jToconto Prearrd Bricb Cxx i wrb. ramber et years ago and tf mus possible tc hava 1 Tht yauag peopleanud thiaîr iîda ta the sambar ai as, sprtat umati arcem attise Gaserel Breck isotai tacing tise faleu caixche utarsaxe Suseal l(ie or osa tecisg semae ther direction. We hoaghx which the yaust tramansahaed haveailtisecou sth uptituda), swingsanud cras il mould ha sica to e al ete Hr f iagara'uv ae reaisnjymeelntt ira ruma me could get in car short stey. About tise middle toa ucloseauter uascarelenux ad distributios ai cundies. et tise ficxx night me mished tisa $1 7,000,000 The Harahy diriuion Sons af preject ceald hava been put sntoeaffect and tisa Temixeruece a slanjyitgaanusuui tallateal hav bec turad of avey nihx tom sattaity thi quar. Newr cadi- fall èold ave eentured of eerynigh frM ter ccc htiitgîitiutad ut cimasi mnidsight xxxii dams, axcry meeting, and theautiedaca As a tcurixt attraction Niagara Peuxs ix un- is large caasidarisg tha basy sa- snMach itrastisixmusiiesird doubxadly ose cf tise greatast on thix continent. in the warh. BSca Muega Nixos Tisa Niagara River has had moeatampering mixhhisa ceedmohodneuiaamti am hy mas tisas any otiser et aur scenir menders. Frîdcy rvrxîsg, whîrh wtras- We'ae divarted its mater fer cheap pomer; mes ;ayad hy cil. Edmurd McCaes bats toanceaxa- hava gene tc tieir deaths ever its binik; and tise re thel whe thtes ne leatar t Casadian ide efthtie river has bees made more tht G.T.S. statio as bheax corn- pilad. ha iii ha pcepured ta bey beautitul titis parks end gardant and matve buiauey seaetiîy ot gruen xc bey et the casais te provide tata passage for ships te daeteur aeea r. As umml Hulas monax egaad tise feuls. ,ara ai tht prîcas ai thteiDominion Wa aust hope Niegara milI be let cour day and Exhibition. Toroeto. Miltas horse owarracaupiured tht iatlamieg night tor years te comae. lxx simple te get rooms icicra tharaughhcad saeiîx. iret. misera tise cour s sot distucbinig and moulant if W. A-Lawrrasce; dag cecIherser, baut htrd. W. A Lawrece; haltsry beagreax dîxappoîntmenste othaasasds i tea iiy, secord, Dr. S. Ehatt- apxddta day tise engixeers tergoxt tacs rtise mater os asd banshorbe titrt W. h Scaitt; agais or tisera mas a pomer feilura or break-domsnuicot.îadhrt.sax.WN in tis a mn-made apperatas calcuaed ton cextrel. Mitter peltiry taercalse dîd Tieras almays tise danger teetisax tisa centaci telart e iaExihiiion.Jet.Mriay maealumsi eants'aap weuh vlve migist get cxtiste hasds et soe govers- his blackrh aid eaxHa ttaîhet ment deperxment end exotiser trèedem weld ba riratizin evea cry setri an uduai iac' sia,îititasaîpi onea FrdWaes gone. . jtiaiiîhiimiiîreofprîcr for bîrda tfdîttiren aiertîr. Jîba Breti -'Y a e' a na nueu i biear if Music in Our Lives tîrie xihh it brama leghoras. Rat îecisg ugi s o eaparts et tise masters 1 MARRIED IICK-YOUN(t --At St. G~id" convantion me recaatly ttasdad, me are misdful Cheuchi'îitrcretIî e tUir- et tise great part tist uxmsic plays in exp rom- iayteMet,, Y903î. deit- musity. A toms in Saskatchsewan et 2,500 popula- tea at Sdsry Yaung et George- tics sent xc tisa convenxios anaeofthetisaiesx ciseirs toiieut, Wt I. Dîah, herru.slt. il et yoxsg girls me have ieerd fer soe time. Il Mltn mas accemplishad becase Mrs. John Pickney Thcd ai ail axediesxprcelfa. and hec moxher tait tise aeed fer musical training in tise toms and decidad to do semefhisig about if. -' We'va becs thisiking ofthtie things that ara dose is a musical mey rîghx iere in Multes. Tiera are our churcis und sciseel choira, car choral groupa mises a leader comas along, car orchestras and almays our band. Tiera ix elmays plasty cf talant in our toms fer exy cf these musical groupa KNOX PRESSYTERIAN CNURCH RE>', E, OESHORP, Minialer tut tise lack lies in tise leadership sacessary te de- Mca. R. Wright, A.T.C.M., Organisi valcp tisem ail. Music dccx glay a greax part in our everyday SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. 1953 01 .cm.-Snor Saoras. lite. Shakespeare mrote in tise Mrchanit o e a- 1î1.te .m.--Juxiet Sahaci. ce - io.0 cm.-Mrnirg Warsbîp. Thama. "Net by Bread Aixar Tisa mas that bath ne music in himsalt, Wr Litr"- Nor is mor'd mixi coxcerd et ameet - lide>', 8.30 p.m.-ýSamixe meeting. Maeday. Orpiambar 14, 745 p.m.- scans,. Ladics' Aid, S. S. raxes. lx fit for treasons, stratgeis and spolia; Tursduy. Sapiamnbar 15 - Young Tisa motions Oet issspirit are dxli us WMs RbaissaxChriraSie. xigist, _____________ And his affections dans as Erebus: GRACE CHURCH Ltxnsesucis max ba traxxed. ANGLICAN Tieodora Roosevelx said: "Let tise loe for Rex Norma Grecs, BA., L.Tis. lieraxure, painting, sculpture, architectura and, Recclr aboyealal, music, ester snte yoar livas." Gladstone SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1953 mrote: "Maticirs enaetftisemoat torcibia instru- Fiticetis Susduxy acuraTrirîty u.00 .m.-~Haiy Commuxion. mente fer training, fer areusisg, fer geversixg 10.00 .m.-Sueduy Ochuai. tise mmnd and tise spirit et mes." 11.0 .m.-Marxirng Pcuyar. 7.00 p.m.-Evrxieg Prayrr. Visilar Aitheugis music et a sert exisîs saturally, and pracher, tha Rar. Cas wvhether among savages titis drums, cempenias D. R. Smith ai Gubrilîr. 'O mxcabip the tard ie the cf marchisig soldiers, square dances or jire tas- beauaîy ai hlirasa." Psalm 96: 9. siens, matir ot an axsebling nature ix te ha found --- îargeîy in tise concert hall, opera isease or CALVARY TABERNACLE nROtdTE ST. Rex. H. Woedu, Patar Fr de>' , Opiambar 1il1 , * ..- /itt.Prayar Maaetg ced ibla LU s laapîn tdy 511sed n te Hart f Hlto CantV7.00 p.n.-Evaxga¶iatit Service. liaht inlis Bra af alls Canl5Taasduy, Saptembar 15, 8, p.ns. cry Tisaraday ai Main St., Miltai, Ont. Mem- Prayer and Bible ntady. C.W.N.A. andthlacOntaria-Quabar Divisioanir tAUl services belsg heaithtie L Atvartiatag rates se raqua aI, Sabariptian churcisx adeasca, $2.50 in Canada; six manlisa $180; - i St; $3.50 te- lac Unftid Stries. Aulaariaed as li ix the paliry ai CaxadiaRed a Mail, PsU Office Deparimant, Ottawa. Crans ta give maeai assistance G. A DlIlc Edtir at Pueisther lne anergentira. $100,000 mac sprat by Casadias Red Cnestaxi year OPPFI1C E T EL EP HON E 220 ex disanlerareratiasa ad mare tisas $70,000 as civitias mlfae Twenty Years Ago Frisa tise à1mai ait"s Cnef il, lmi Tiscra arcsn 22 prîsuera us tisa aauaiy tel. ira, hatîcerd cauad b>' ihirvas haret tht saaghtarhuat, wtrA Milton, astdeeuaed b>' Charles Mer- tia, Tbarsday xighi f ai utt eck. Fer smc lame titevea isavb ban stailg mml ifran lie staugistr- ioseamiicis vas used b>' J. M. Halmes, batcher, ai Miltos. lb ix baiavedlise>' tare aitawrs egais Tharete>' sight, ce tisedtmc wsec tecat broeeoer. A vecy picasant meeting aiflise Kace WIvIS. mcx haIt ci the Messe as Tuasda>' citerees, misas tisa articles fer the bale eraeon as- hibit. Mm. Day, Jc., reet a vacy isterastisg accouai ai mecS in tise Pace River district. h meas vult uacimaaciy by the meeting ihat Mca. Edgar Robertsona ccava tisa Lita Menshecahip tueuat by tht amcity this ycar. A pleaxat hall heur masspart,mhra teu mus sere- ad isy tht hasiesa. Haitoxx rusly Lîhrrula tarard aut in tatiltforexonSuturde>' uitac- run as cituaorthea tîrul ual pic- air hrid in Trafalgar Part.,Guis- vîial, satnete patroage ai Ties. A. ShuhclucS, M.P.P. Addcaaam or the pallirecl questionsaoetheba dy weedehivecat hy M. F. Haphara. A. G. Saught est Mc. Stchetach. An imprrsîvrcacremaxy mas hld sn Paierme United Chuch at Suaday wthra Misa Elizabeth Camp- brll. graddeughîcr ut the tata Dr. AaxrSarisuc. Palarmu. aaxrilad c braulitut brutsstablai ixnsmary ut the ixurdera ai tht church liii- 1928. The insmrîptîon rtuds:'Ta the GloryofGduand insemery eftihe pioxcer mîiiera, prasidîsa citera. uttîctra et tht Suada>' Schaaeand mambara." The srvice mex apraird hy Rae.McGomux, tel- iamrd b>' short dd rascu b>' Misa JuaeSparra. Mr. tawrence Hug, Mr. Herbant Ingiehunt, ced athars. mhaa much vruabte information mus gîter te the caxggatiax ai tha enly histen>' aI tise rhunrh. Tht origunel churah mas hut tut- than up DuadaxOtraitand the praxari building aata rtdix 18M. Mueai if hiieprnxax t irthe aaxgreautiaa weradiretidecend- ants eftihoea ha hut tauxdad tht erai>' aurch. WINTER W5IEATS FOR WEST Srndixg betty herd red mlx- ten uhrutt ta brixg uastiuhcsut the Lathhniilga Exvrmea'xutSit- ion. Bsitra the eeeiity vi hurdi-, nsa. reittuaneta dvtsr epuri-' envy huai. ext intar mhreatasuit- abla for irriuîxttlud it miibhain- a!uedtin tisa hrtrdixg pragretn. Sai tocksahaoutKhurkot 22 M.C and Yauu huve braxpradueatfer diatrîbutiox la gnumcca. Lxxi yar tha xh ciltdrar ai Canatu ihraugh tht Junior Red Cross, Nutîoal Strvice 1usd.car- trîbutcdod.staetbixg, madîcc suppsandxtht itne urucst ai 004.937ý ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Misttr-EEV. J. L. BLAIR, DA. Orgualat, Mc. RSat K. Carr SUNDAY, SRPTEMBRI13. i9t3 1t0.00sst--Staiar Oxheel. 11.00 u.m.-Wecshîp Servire; Nar- arry' Chuns; Junîor Sahaxi. Turada>'. Saptembar 15-6.0 p.ns.. Excaîxg Axiîa>' et the W.M. S. miii haitc put laci sauppar ut Ciamnbcmb Cuttae; 8t3c p. ns., Mc. und Mcx. Chah mii hxns a inuttuasrt aiche * NORTH Si: Meldng e truc express lslglswayc ai tIsa Qucan Ellzaetbatsy limin- etlng thea Buclngias boeincl WinlSat $18a,0W.a0x!TIUSifigure, quaiad tram thea Engieering Rama Record et August 20,comatinese figure metiased by Hlgbweyu minsxtar George Doucette. Deputy-misister J. D. Millur xays thet the bigh-laval bridge aver tbe nbip reset milS guet baimeas $7 millian and $8 millios titistisa balance geixg ta builda e setfour- lana reedmey as thesamaailton aida ai thais ech and fer ieatallsgi cloerîefs et the intersectias wtb1 Nuehr Tms cnd t Wlsdarmraraj Actuelcrnsstructian ila meilg ae goaceed fimm Ottame. Tiesa iara miicithe faderaI gavarrneet tilt ensume bas set bacc essauncad. ta seaineinsanexs, it b as rus as tigh ce 78 Par ceai. Bi0 Par cent. seemsa egaed guem fer the Q. E. pract. Tise bridge mli marry traffir 122 fet acbav. the ater levaI. Aasy dihars? Wa nec in the Georgetomwn01er- aId thut Mru. Ers Buikix, wmoIsi pramisastiniscruftitris and c mambar ai the Arts and Craftxut Gotrgetawn, tuokaisc irai price ut the Exhibitiox, Mrs. RaIsin's tie- xixg estry mcx e lises table set, and bar pris-ttc article daen't say that ix mau-wcx doated by John Leaisia Lited, Taronto. Wa master if exy sîber cmuxty ladies basa tas priacu in the traits divisian? Wa mauld car- tcixly like ta bacc ai such awerds. Sabual Traubles Yaung tudexta gaixg bath ta srhaut in Ens bcd mare Ibes iheir studias ta w arry abaut. A latter ta the aditar in the Erns Advacata scid, "me uat haut thet tisa rm- masity bas autgrums ils praseet iccititias tar bathsmbaale . .'."le Erna village, thara i c iivea-raam public acheal, A bigh acheal clas rom miiiha set up in the bacc- maxi of BurnsaPreabytarias chmrch. There is asly axe romm in the acheal Prpran d tisa Erix pper maYx, thcy hbeto abechiatakis cura ai the situatias in ibis mey tac the lima baixg." Net Pa-ateg Sixte lia. 24 Highmcy hbm bacs puvrd tram Guelph ta Erna dist- aca ai about 20 miles, the trahfit ha icraasad caxsideaubly. Thara as tilt c smul detaur, n aswrkis i baisg ruahad ta campleliaxonas bridge user c creh juat acat ai Osprisga. taxI weeb, the irume- mark bcd becs put in Plcce recdy1 tar the tuyîxg ai ihe itaariag ai OUTH the amai canrda aiculucm. Baisa dralntngativlty ma tilt aster- way et twa places baimean Brin est dapringa. na VidataeMania B11l Côites, misa wriim Pttef iram lthc CatasnGis in tha Oak- yille Trafalgae Journal eaeh mcdx, davaiad bis Icul clame te the viit ai Gukvilta Citicsa' 2usd ta the CaxtasxailMener. "Mesy etftisa visilisg continsgent mccc vary agreaebty sucprlaad aver theaeppaielmantsataICenteti- nial Mener" bha id. 'tPcrbaps thair surprisaelatmmat irans lac tact Ihat tiscy bcd axpaclad l te é e building pablarnat a ngsge- caplad insaitutiaxat Unes. "BatthlacMear ix ecytbicg but an Institution. itsa ehanse, mod- arc in averywamy, there semaet yaur ald filnds ara asjeying a pleaest tmitight luit citer titeas baey marking day. Thay wetee yeur visita, fer thileta lc> ara quita tentant ils thair . telrvisian asd tlthand thair quiet temaced- ia, thay s5h11 recis c vcry neturel isîcrest in mbut ix geixg an becS in taws," Tatn Manager for Actant At the atc tacit meeting in Actlas, c antce at maties mac brasgbî bera taustil "thet mc mutl brisg in c malice as Septees- bac 21, 19M, ta the affect thet me hirea c lemxmusaer te castrat att marks dosc by tha Mmx etf Atlas Ceaxait mas setsatistiad wmuS the catual et the Dearnsant of Righwuys te aract a sigs temerds Actlas xxthe Qacax Elizabehaet lac Branla cul-att. Sixte higbway 25 terminales in Actas, tlacotasecil taIt Ihel c sign shea Id sabatIhe mcy la their tamx. MASSAGE, tSMt Disguised as xrdixary living- cuerns ursitura, a ccv spartS avcratxttad chair Staina matera, mular maunsancd tactisg paest anttoed is tearnsrabbcc, reportn tisa Fixanciet Pust. Whax in actiion occupant ai the chair eblaineai ganîla or" vigereas message vIdish ccx bc mcttald by use ai knaba In the ide aea. Unit lcu ae ana ai Ibrea pasiexan-aittisg up, bahf reclixisg or horizontel. Up- balatered in nylos, itl saevuiela in mnay talera. Thrcia roem isCaxada tac e baller and mare intenmive and le- telligmntxusetoffanemeeodiets, PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE MEDICAL THE STEVENSON CLINIC Millea-Numbar 2 Dr. C. R. Sevensan Dr. Fret Mlipis Dr. E, S, Mefflliagi Office Hears; A.M.-By appaastmeat aaiy, P.M.-i-o 7-9. SUNDA'tS-Emargantuan aîly, MILTeN PRrVATE HeSPITAL X-RAY Coroner, C.P.R. ant GaI Surgeon DE. 0. E. SYEU Phystalan and Surgeon Offic-James Street Pisone Na. 38 Office Maunsi t ans.; 1-3 7-8.30 p.m, Coroner DR. J. W. MaCUTCNEON efîlce Saurs-t ans.; i-4, 7-9 p.ns. Farmers' Building, Mfain Street BOWES BAPTIST CNURCN ______________395J _ In lise 100F. Hall LEGAL t'uxtxr, Rat. R. F. Saydac SUNDAY, SEPTEMhIER 13, 1953 DICK £ DICK 10.00au ,. Surde>' Saheoancd Ad- W. 1. DICI, Q.C. uit BîileCict e haitin the K. Y. DICK at0 pm.-huit. eriPa rruntars, Solicitora 7tp.m ErrxuSep enxic6ct .15- Brama Street, oppexite Aren Prcyec est Bubla suat>' brit eh Telapisea4 theaborme ai Mn. and Mcx. Frd At Ana tirma T. A. HUTCHINSON, O.C. All Are Wel______________ Bacriatar, Sltiir, Ec Olica-Nax.t Deer Champion ST, JOHN'S, NASSAGAWEYA Oftfice-Main St, Milton ST. GEORGE'S, LOWVVILLE Tipae2 Rcx. R. E. Parrili, Ratier GEORGE E. ELLIOTT SUNDAY, SEIaTEMBE.R 13, 1953 Br se, Sulinter, Netar Pabiet Fiiiaaath Sunau>' er Triait>' Office-Ia Fermera' Buiding HuraesiThaisstivisg t Su...tohnse M aie Street, Miltsn Brrireaiu St. Gerges cuxcetirdi. Taiepise 70 11.00 .n.-Muuixsanextsermes. Tht Rcv. Menue Robinsoa.SA, L. Th., rcter ai the Charch et St. Jamsmttc Apoein aHlamilton, PUBLIC LIBRARY HOUES ii preacis. 7.30 p.n.-Eraexog and Sermon. FOR ADULTS Tisa Ver>' 0ev. W. E. Jacsmn, Baatay ..............1.30 ta 5 pis. S.A., ODi., Deace utNiagare Tuaatay ...1.20-i p.m. set 7-9 ps.L ext rcttur ai Chriats Church Wadnatay .....9.20 a.ns,-12 neen Cathetralinix Hamilton, tiit Tisurstay .. 1.30-i p.m, ait 7-a p.si. praach. Frits>'.................1.2045pis. 9.0p.m.-.Opasinan ed tedictiasStra .. .01pm.at79pr ufthtisa Peisi Hail, fltamet by Stra .05pm n - .n teluraut stades est a social Pablir Haltaapinet iaelidea heur. Stissal chistires have sapacate Evccyaxa Weltame bsare DENTAL DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEO2N Officinca a uyal Buiding, Milton Heurs 9-i Evealags b>' Appalalmant X-Rcy Service Tataphane i97 DR. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SURGtEON Offiice la Farmars' Buidinsg an traal tIser Evenings by appaliant X-Rey Service Tel. sffire Ob les, MISCELLANES2US LEVER & NOSKIN Charters Ananitaiti Sacassars in JENRINS &£HRDYIO 1230 Mtrapalilan Bldg., 44 Victoria St., Tarante REm. 4-9131 CHIROPRACTSIR NIELSEN - tht Chîropracta , DsgeaTiserapli 201hyear ai Prattica lady Attendat Mas., Tues., Fr1. 2-i p.ns. ted., Set., 2-i ast t-9 pis, Cianat Tiuscnay cirer Dominian Store, Gesrgetown Phose 1501W WM. G. RIDDELL, D. C. Denier if Cirapraatte Branle Bt, Miltai B>' Appelalmeal PHONE 102Jt X-HAY FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIE-THATCHER PUNERAL HOME Fanerai Stase,AsisacenServea PHONE 637 NIGHT OR DAY Sinacc. Courteous Service TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAT Standard Tise Gaing la Taronto - 7.51 as.L Camlag tram Taranto - 9.04 ami. teity; .1 e..tati>'; 1.00 ans, tilly' excepl Satarta>'. CABADIAN NATIONAL S-AILWAY Gaieg Narlis-7.5a p.m, GOing Ssalis-Tl axis. rr

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