izo ErM THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TEI2HBAY, AUGUST 2t, 1ML Births, Marriages k D ~ ~ * DuhEtc. WR U lieras for tig colme cial ce phnned to 220 or snt to the Caccadiaci Bons________ LATEST TUMES FOR INSERTION - 2 134. WEDNRSDAT Chamfpioni Office tui Mut, ZANATSA - Mr. and Mca. Linde AE -A etimaeil$4W ossresutedZanatta are happysto onnounce -The Depariment of Mighways -an thoe 40looriitdOe birth of thoîr son on Tues- No charge for acsnotmiceoenis of BleUis. Marriagea, oit t painted fresh wrhite lineon High- when about six ace of0 standing day, Augoal 11, 1903, in St. Jo- and Engagements way No. 25 tait week. nais burnod on the farm of Lorne aoph's Hospital, Htamilton. In Memoriamo 50e plus 1ie pet lUne for volae. Ar .ticles £w. Sale, Bird ti un, Equelng MndayESVIN-M. and Mca. Bruce Ervin Roni, etc.-2e a word. Minimum Cash 35e (If amo paid um ata -Corunty Magislrate's Court mutl mornuse. Tbe Milton tire brigade of Milton are happy ta annaunce insertion, 5ie>. Box No. ta titis office l5c addlisonal. Cohcng bh ed in Milton on Friday rath- was called ai 11.30 a.m. anid pre- <ho biotti of their dougitter on Eventa-lie per caunt lace; 5ie inimum. Carda of Thans-4e. er than on WrdncsdaY. vonird tho blaze troon apreading. Monday, Augunt 17, 1953, ai Thtuno n! b Firemen tik o opark trio the 'eMilton Prîvole hospital -Tefudto ftepumpcombine morkiog in the fnied bcouse at the 00w moul bon bren saijliecr MULLBN-M. ond Mrs. Dan Mu!-i ooimpleted by Jones and Van Gîln.tre, h ie leu. R.t. 1, Caospbettvitic, are FoiaeW ne -There baehm2400iîîk- apyta announce the bictb of -Jusi a itte avec imo woekn -eted tavde e th cugar teir non on Fciday. Auguat 14, FORL SALE-lI2 301. and R. put-ý WIANTED - Furnisad cooim in uitahonisagn'Su et u teo'> ater by the Mutine 1905. ai Milton Privat hospitaL. lets, 3 mentha aid. Phono 308r2. c Mittoni, vîcinity of hoopotat. Piton sinci bock to ibeir studion as laie Chambe i Comre d ticket PEACOOR -Hlank and Ivy Pea- n.OWE1tS toc ail occasions. Go>. - --i - 14woenna I*itarbe ofy Coatin onSpanbe cocit, R.t. 4, Milton, are htappy te toc Bcos. Floriatai, Kilitrido. Pitont ltlLP WIANTEÏD - M-I1 or le- dayie allaisonSptmer 7h. Georgetomn. Streeinvilte and Sr-announce te birth ofthieir con, 4IScil. c-u mate. Apply St. Lawrence Store, fichot elian roo th ii Kennetit Edmard, on Monday, phono 11Uj lîieL Scolbeginn lhI ayte he îîincîona el as frtnteMlion Augoai 17. 1953, ai Milton Peivoto FOR SALE - k937 Htudson re- WA EDEdeytdya bollday. itrict. Winnecc in tant Salucday hospitat. Bolbi ding moul. bath, in excellent condition, $400. WATOOjerylaytek _llany fron> Milon and distict nighl'5 dram more: Mren ltacy MarNAB - Mr. and lOrs. Bruce cash. Dr. Biddeit. Bronin S~t. r-tf boune tor mîdomer Borne basai attededtheHighandGaies a Chrltn; G MaNab J. . Cmp-MarNait, NBR. 6, Milton, are hap.- FOR SAL-il White Rock pot- Joseph Si., Bramptn Fergos tant Saturday and certaînly bel RR 3; A. Peddie RR 3; . py te anoc teeirtyno lts, sania aly.W.A.Ban sgooe iat Fo cu liaac a B acoyCmetle, Mcrgton Bil- on Tueaday, Augunt 18, 1911, al phono Milton 96r4 c WAŽITED-Bricklayer wishea ta, braw_________Pipeband__________ cent apariment. Wîte and two ion highland dancing and massed Vaughan; Helon Sabcocit, Mca W. PRESIDENT E. S. BYIRS ofibacc.rsth iit o tth ieo th eMiron, Bellat Edmpiar.FRSL rafs utchlrn g n 1 i band pao-ados mccc amongtihe cote- Brat NBR t, Kaibryn Ford. Bit Ontario Steel Plant on Mondoy where civic and company officiait TEGGABT - Teceaso and Donald table, 4 chairo and bufftt. Cheop. give day lace t0 chîtîrn Apply brto'ahglBi&4:J llyon, ien y c . P Arnon omn gahrd for the brief coremony followed by a rocoption at the Mil- Teggacl, chitîren af Mr. and Mca. Phono 176 Milton. c Bon 20i, Canadian Champion, Mil- bo aa gt hi. .M i~on; . HorC. arsn Milon t ah S. M. Teggacl of Woaian, are rt'Qi ovcîopita ton.- -Water wil ho ott on Sonday. Mca. S. Cohen. John 1Si., Heno-y ton Inni. 'il tur this sod with the hope that the plants that wilI be happy te announceth ihofTYORSvrgnpn a Aragont 23. msilo n0w valves are Ramsaa, Campboltvitle. L. M. rectod on this site will bo a symbol of the conîinuing expansion of thisor tarotiier, BruceutAllen ou $1.00 quart, $3.75 gallon, McKim WANTED - Livo poultry and put in ai Main and Bconlo 91<> Black; F. irabelh,'B B 2. M. Mac- th nal te rdcsad a source of pride to the Tome of Mil. Tuooday, Auguat 18, 19--iHcdae iln.poo1 Hetri e alnaid. e ao tith th Otai See Poucs nMiltn Privat hoopilal. FOR SALE - t.sed cetrîgerator, pouty free ot charge. Pitone Milton mutl an ho mithoul mater lin. Boolînglon (toc the second ton and the people of this district." Mc. iyecs deciared._______________ 25 cycle. Bcitim Hardware. phone Randoîl & ion, Milton< 143. or Won. on Sondoy, Atoguol 30, whito a limel. crs spti t Mai an Branle _____________ IRD Milton M8. c Dent. Millon 92c11 or write Marnas cran itputin a OUI<>0Zoner. 18 Croydon Rd.. phono Or- ta lie in the nom 12-loch Pipe Ai A EFOR SALE-Srom, largo qoaci- citard 5133, Toronto. e-tr with the alti oight-ineh pipe. ADNMSTRATOR'S S it'A TONpEER-At Hamilton. B<>nî<y, Au,- iity reosonable. Wilt deliver. W. N.______________ Al ant M m e A ITO S L are .ter e Barries, phoane Milton 384r2. c-lt-I -Wrkisudewa hi wloAIC IO eL lv bu.bn of Annie Hamît -______________ enor ise uxtndion s mheo AUC IOtL Mrs. She rwood Dies 0F FURNITURE. DISISO ETC. ion and bear bither s! Eteanur FOR itiLt._2 mtsool traiter. in For R.nt min and semer concoctions tetht IN -AOATWSI Sciteen, Aldoruhol. in his 710i good conbition, 616 tires. Ccil jm-oPeciy ofteOtroSelPo IATRMCIEL.IMPLE- - ase The prapecr ot yean. tormecty nI Lomnillo, Ont. Romîey, Broadway St., Milton. c fFOR RER'! - Office cpaoe an ni he nios SeelPro TRCTO MAHINRY. Mes George Shecwood panI A. C. COLLINS FaneraI service ai Kithride Un-.oadIor anB. itn docia bcn Mtin St. rTe mater MENTS. GRAIN. FURNITURE. amay >Saturday, Augusi i. 1953. ai Onai tGogtmlt lletnb onno.Itr- FOR SALE-940 Ford rach, In l.pply BloMinS. pl*n. BraleBt an u Min i.fronMilton Pivote Hospital, inher8Ulh Main St. North),. on ment £.owville Ceometory. encollent condition. ,Appîy D. Clan- MIlion, MCcean c-9- Btee Sct.io ant te M ani St. Them rnesge ae cevdy. The former Elizabeth Ferrier, SATU.RDAY, AUGUST bled BAMILTON-At St. Joseph's Boa aco, phono 193, Miton. c or he ecod lce.instrctions tromi the Adm>inistrai- ste mas biran in Nassagameya tomc- Ai 1.30 o'rtoîk, the ollomiig: puI.al Hamilton, Fciday. AlagusI FOR SALE - Girls' C.CJ. bi- M seIn u or the seond line.or uftihe Estate ot lte nitip and ronidol at Milton Heights. Apartmont siao Mollal olectii 14, 1953. Bannait Hamilton, ltt cycle, gond conditian, reamonaÊe. scla eu LATE W. G. CHAPMAN She mas a membor ot Ail Sainta' range. tube nem; Wectinghtouse ni U43 Windccscore Ave.. Hamnit- Phono Billon 178j. c To seîl ity public aucluon ai his Anglican Chuech at Billon Beighio. vacuum> cleaner, complote, new; ion. mife of the lte Josepht Bam- CUSTOM COMBLNXNG. AnClr I.OWVILLE loin rosîlonce, lot i, conceasion 2, Sarvivice are hor husaac, two AdmniraI mantel radia; naturel fin- ilion and beac moton of Mcc. J. FOR SA.LR-rc choice bitslb- L. P. Emerson. phono Miton Oc, c Eramosa. sîtuolel on the 3r1 lune, dasghteri. Mcc. Sydney Donne (El- îsh china cabinet. nom; 2 gondoldî Donaghy (Liar.) Mes. Chrîn lot lots on Sidney St. Phonelo n LB!-Lbo'pc n At i tmule not o! No. 7 Migieay. ho- ni) oi Billon. Mrs. Nelson Nom- upitolsiorel arn chairs; goad l jI Amon (Anota>. Kenneth and Et- 14. checiT Laies'c oa i Sowrd. Local G cil Monterd l! Bilnrvocker; t oak bînîng chairs; oakl mer Hamilton o! 'roto;l Mcvcekalwete ot Imoon Guelph and Mockmood, o l(Hs fMitnHoigitn; riodn tbte; Congoleum csg; Ammn Frnt Jhnin isupîi FOR SALE - Applen; atm boy Phono Milton 461.c SAUDA.AGUTlOa ganbchilbren. one creot granîchild. olor rai iil2; opring bel; Sim - B ilon; Edgar Hamiltoo, Kon>- mare. t yoacs ulI. Phono Billon Ryerson Sessions Cnmmneciog at 2.00 o'clock sharp Fv itrJn Ms isnofmsselledspngadmt ok O.28r.c-lt-O6 NOTICE - Milton Shae Beail thefllowinfi: milI close Ion holibays front AsiE- -~~~~~TRCO N 1e.PLF,jsrgN'S Guuelph, Lottie Ilirs. Lam) of troon; steel col and n>altrcso; dress- Service mas bell Bsnday, Aut- FO- AELtl ia n s 41 0hicole Ja-Acce McArthur, Jeacette Peer ManyBri44tceraiy Guelpht, Bella of Can>pitlls.ilt, or; small bobside chenco f dram- uni 17. snith intnrn>ont Propeciits nId. PhosLte Broge a1nd ons 4ta2 ncuie and Jonice Stuart have retunel nom; Masnoy Bannis 3-Isrnsm trac- Lasco iMes. Wilîoxi o! Hamilton: ers; ceen o! I-amers; manh stand; Cer colt ai L. Secord's. Ihird tino, Oak- CRESS WART SEMOVER-riel- tram Nyersoc Beach Sonmer ton 'plom; Bossey Barris 17-teolth Lybia i Mcc. N. A. Corre> o! Milton, landoîcere stands; tecnory; cocker; F-AGulhenr osi vl.1de .Yu Dgitnb Sohoot on Lake Erie mbene they at- drag cltivaton; MassOy Barris and Imo heothers. Joseph o! Cap-sl setra; kilciton table; 6 hioithen, alon-A uelpit. AGono M18i, vlle, t lys bon al e-aur mmggs ellaf teddteIntermediale Girls' bass. tanden> lise; rubcher helt; Gbte belîvile Cc ae !B amp-rd chairs; Viking olmîtrue washer; WlaI on 'Red. Augbaof the FO3 Croco Coc Salv-fe sure reef tondel ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n Jae o rneod small McClary kilcitr ange; rang- ila .Ru.hoado h O AE-Rg obmet 4t Vlitecu Oe o>mniycece-dm1'; chusel plom; BcCorn>ick 15 Services more condscled trsm the ct;uetlbao;odngiI; aeBn AaCsekbrltt-Cornî 595,. oee cleanol and dise'or inth ill;t rcet M.H. uprint aNi ngo iao.lmn omekicites Iodlc eer; flin sîcrte; aen iiRo Anrna Fso esr Boielo.naSaiRBTOhcmvl oi7 Iy incube: Mica Mary Anne MîFaul. tdosh cutul. dorilel; liteadSnCapl itn nimtikthn ait-cte us e fHrl omnFoe a ratd m Ban .. ,Nt EDTCKrmvdftyu Own ocd t h hm o ooe cimpeenatre atutsed; M b« Monday, Asgust Il, hy Oie Mcv. toldung uronung board; elecînie tan. Msskska; Willrose Mugit (Pote), val, phono Milton 96r4. c tac>o promptiy fcr saeitsry On- causin, Misa Joyce Gsnby; MsiudrMCrm cor bm ner Dritun 'hompmon. Inteement mon quanîuty o! itolding' stop taller 1'Tronto; Dondon homos. Port FRSALE - ee miteat, Con- poai TeponCieclMle Munssr Fidr comc ml nuao;lw ct an obreadMri . rooR.cmeca.0 210 or Tronto Eff-S535. Margaret Foster, Georgetomn, and PH. momor; lump cakc; boy led' un Evrgtrrmn Cnmnlnry, Milton. oil vuan; tl uar; et; luan- Cionei andh ervi Jel Aclnoia. 1go sml' GODNYUG UI Me. and Mec. Robert Aikinos and der; Wionee send drill; steel lond 'rThe palibeares mIre Isaac Hilson 'v~rnatagcioie qon uen at he y icar B. oîtly . ommoul.ns. t, gond acolGNTu40LIbI duhesBrenda oasI Sharon af t otr; sculle; iding corn culliv. Wiliam Hison. Normas Huino lily o! bios, gardon tools. Bphona irVut e B ramly . m ton Bc.2 ov ______________ trcoaugitterseRbetBer, oer eMle DESHES & CAMPING EQUIp- FaneraI Home. Arion. citere tan- pto Bamon3n1. <UPNOLS'rERIBG-Domestic anA Sarnia ai the homeofn Me. and 01 1e rco manuce symeoor RoetBay eetMMlnad MENT-Bel Clover boa set, nos'; oral servure suit te beld on Fruday FOR SALE - Eloocin motors, commercial. AId lookc and comicr% Boy Coullor; Mic. and ies. John Noir Idateelte d wîven . rac Vron mort bs more Ira sol. new: diosim et ucfa ai 2.0M octoît Ivierment Faimnicw e stc with chillel re-atyting. Your furel- cutter'~m glavi; Cemmtny Aclon.r Bavoi servic and 2 d MKnw hiwae holwtrccnb as handsomne as nela '!camplesre andEgihcia u ls;gasae CmtrAtn aoi evc.a $2mil. Pontm ______________Milton,_______ tu co tfa simt n femy otand tank;deill plos'; ionnup sow bvtîi chn; tpsu.hon c2amL. Lambion, ai <ho home of Mn. amuIdm ituir: roon; grubiter lulîhino mIma;, olver marc; caîleny;corna- pion 26week service. Phono Mfiltons leiel Mes. V. BeAnlbse. pu;nmlse eetoson menti; huithnwanc; lumps; crochk, _____________ Bepctonad atia tolder rue îv; logtansion mure;ng aEvOfl. The aitive is an entra gold lot o! BN MEMORIAN FOR SALE-Foandolioe unI cool 259. t DedcatonandBatnsit l;er vie sac; iommedro;m dushen 'rTe futoviis un ean avd __________________satunt. $1.20 gal.; 5 gaIs.. $5..LOIGFRA UTM Rev Chrle Ja wll ffiiat B bas; reae grs foks;hue; os-Dane. aray,-ugsoe1, BritimllcarHaor.lancanvis, awphonoer; Billonm HrdLreOKhneNiltnFOR AisanFUe'ngin moer a dedicalion servile da redIisPlipwoa Lomoitte alo sorts. ohoveis; mubiter boom: Ateinsîltaol Building,. Billon Fai Ten.cmlt thpeadPILPSnlongeorofa2c Thore uor and openuo l n omadnn United ctunch nonl Sunlay more- pipeumreccis. Geounds. Mitiar's Orchtestra. Ad- ila 1îI I am oi. lti-R SALE-Set ot ljamo towîs. mg ptant ton a tcOdee yuh icg mhec amemocial btaptismal 1font GBAIN. FEBRTILIZR AND musosu 50v. Lsoch provudred. c-10.2 gm set ou t hair annd tablec pa.smd ao'ay Augîs 22, 1952. iF wilbeicliol heecutaloh GRAIN CLEANING EQIJ1PMENT ' TEBRS CASH. " Locungty romemiterel hy trumnîs, , ueî net more thon tour lunes. tearn lte peictini tcade. Laiest witll isol cecno hr mlaise le - ituBcht artcy. ctsane.d Office o! Roinsoo Busins Col- c FRANK PE1'CH. Auvtuanme Morion anI Omnzul Lawrence. Priced lu sct. Mcim Hardware, eqsipmcnl and pleanont working atatimloeemn ford 400y hou 15p0ua 'us' Baf [cgc open evrry day. Iung Aug- _______________MABSHALL-ln tusung memuory ut phono 28. Miltonl. cconditions combinel mits aiber aicio foitd 0 bs meii y;10 i enefitu. An opporiunuty focr 10in t have thele chilînen ba-uts Cot'vrtt oheat. 50 ho.. fod st, fobrla encotmens tue FaIt Torn William Marshall. citt poisml FrOR SALE-Beatty cnitini ma- noumit futsr. Sitosl bave Grade XL lizol, nais, 5 bon Soitt's Gou Mue 3. 18. mormening Septemite i. it-9-4 ooay Augait 18. 1953.hni odwrngre,$2.duao ndb peae t faaigml;The,..sotuschange thrheotOtt4 iueiloreOoln$I.eaaisslb rprl1 tio. Stneymo mnvc-9fetlzr powerr Anvon in,,e -n No Gin sec. McClure Home Fueviebinss phtone lerm Appty by ltier te Box 10 tinfotWsenUniversityias Sopemuor crain battr; îmatt motve. sith Men's COMm.'irsuat HOst. And frenîn from day te lay. Btu30.' c Citompuon office.c aisîicg mt and iaina <tarte oftefe ege et iBwigAlv, D Nt~~TB ET y NUTNIL CAR B.u! g vremitesdn hi l voloiornnedteniuo rnany îbaech servces in Ballon JUNt UE ETC (Fub 'tsob) Dunng . Aokust 25. i t,.m cu Frrm memomes n say. FOR SALE-21 eu. lb. Frigidaire, Deanecy. Be conluciol ttc service lem table; aidro2 l ùchatea; lau Soiduiy AuguitL 21.K 1953 lit su'l reebee ts. pientoto uaa lcnitionn on Suclsy in Milton Aglucas citarcitoo tayue;, Boieor cairs; uoavd nur'ay A Raots2.l3 M th si r-ts EVERY SATURDAY amtd faiulî ' McClure Home Fumniritings hone and cit havo change uf sevites -bcnd; seutuva de-t. puvr ktchsv u'utt bt taten hy Mm. Harotld Has.tteAD0,I NK O AE Ctea pc for thte cool imo cents aI St. sopitiard; pice table: 16 staîr 'I y R'ader> tHBilton, Servise jî Sîng OFn T ois tar pcouctîdomotbscNieseKulone George's Anglican cturct tire. mrends; 2 itontealu. proru o 7x It an> etr ie ncueams e, LiesdAcine n Ofe ypty 9: Coigleon>ri g71.s9; titchen 107th unvivmrnamy &rnme t Amateurs t soulI tube te titavh att titur pbo.0; atse vacauum cleaner. F. REAL ESTATE Ofe ypty tablte; ktbhen cabisot: band geain Knox, Precîtlcen Chourrî cSix-wh tseisv me flosers ani mords Wabb, John Si.. Miltun. c 'rTe sympalby of lte mommonuly geinder. ten AEVERY SUNDAY duruni my rereut uttnss vKilt______________ I. etocll 10Irs Chates enn GARDEN TOQIR ý,B~h-l,as'.tepn Agust 10 uit il an> and s.c.u' isH,>.utRmm O AEBg onenhiePoo17 lit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p Bxeddt r.Care er73 iru. W. Scomtt Dancan. B. NIGIHT thanertu o stcnanl DpeciaFscunst gol ascetein dufe oe luJ and Mr.rTomas ccornnthe los power lawy mocr bond tolin A. oflQueen Street Rast Chiiembu.r tvesnad r aciae ndaceitd u of teir bastool and later, Citantes mowsr se; sister boots; iu: Troroto.t cit bc tiegstnyae Phone Brampton 357JI3 Kutsg. Irsien. Wmn MrFalden. pitone Milice. Pece, rate-; itsspades; helgo sit,'Oe' The Datc.sn Quartet suIt oung ai C. W. Kung 288r22. Milton, e _________- TEBMS' Catit seultement on lai h morvusug servive. c-erMoreuwrdmananbmepess My FOR SALE-Accrdolun. 48 basa, if sale.__________________________ sivcesrt ltants bu svecyune mît firS mi îass condution. cumplte was a kid duing hevclns and courve ut 48 tessons inctadol. tosomtbnni-sufoArmmu Phtoner2. Mitonuiie 6p.m.C Notice to Creditors HINLo ANe mo-oI tilt thansote MnddU dEeut ry an AN T SAuetu unesco Mmi. Gordosn Farlue. FOR SALE-2 lemate Labraor INTH NTTR f it Rlae C hie t9r3 Boriteold or 177j Mes. Lydua Corur . .Rtrever lops. 6 ceeha. con btc INTHE MAlofn h Llî s ae or Abior lton. AdiibcO__M udBiOem tulemstrliem.90 ach. Colt Ronnie Eres t Allen nil Fomer, u îaili n . sa lonabsd s ee- ted $30.00 ah.f TmitpoNam e A rthFre Buiîl Cîset -. Adinsrao t. la the bits d lruendofutie.r Bares. Hacithiti Farmn. Miton I MAtJN& -r,-~ OID wS the~~~ *ont ofHa1tn Frmr m N OI C sn.Dnadwh ote e enr Do OESN"T MEAN oOily 10 bis itenfit dance, btmrte O AE.Jnn>5yotboI t~I ________________ os f mi l bctri eitie.cteoie restucen. prfrel condition; îayung NOTICE is itncoiy giccn porsa- of uommismuinpnbcock feedes8'long, wood.mtlS ont tebheTrustee Act. BS.D. 1950, WIuu kides wntr unve tbe for-n Mode. cheap: York sOWs,du on Chopior 400, taI att cmeditees amI Poloc Jund SmoII, wi.B Camp -hu off integttn eln ,Mtai. c1- ltheco bavunt dlaimrs or demande Iu Mr.Jh 'l. ..2 ap againol lte Rstate ut the mud rnm Camp el T w o M ltn on. itettvilte i' ,sitrs oe thanit ber FOR SALE -3-pince helroom _:1 ont Allen Lîttyccop. mito lied on O" tuendu. nrugitiass and relatives suite, mt oprint and mattrons; on abhe Bt day o ut e Manulacius of fomr thitem tinî unquururs vinits, sdoard; Idressing lotte; oab 1953, at the Township oftHassata- sards andulowturv alto De. Mac- drosser; 2 chestcermola; lockct . lier lu le aeqined n oimenur HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS S n yA gs 23dDonald. Dm. McFarlane. De. Ktraft hscatce; i titbe chairn (4 chrcome). ou te 27tit day o! August. 1953, te le- MEMORIAL ENGRAVîNG ud y u ut2 ran u-eaidsffoS>Jsphý PneMln971cM tor lte Ahemnseer.ne Siitoursm~6 ae Hospibt. Hiamiltonm, lrmng item - fo teAdiisrtinthirnme 2 aerS. L NothiLTYay thsrsamm.mtl hy a rsest ac- FOR SALE -1951 I-lus Forgo ofd odîiremo sol Ismeite arlcloste TLPrOE- f rom 7 a.m. until the necessary 1omit u ltant lthe lresss o! btody wuth huis. Adliiomal eqip- . um the oaid last menlionol date the ue.ttualhthimei most ismudeotuOading rsmp. ex- th seso hesi eesdconnections are completed sclumi me a braotmtoî dunnon set abeiu mo lrts to oetin t e aimoni tite paries enlitel titerelo. inuv ho cl Ii os hue rcn a g e s-an Prurs $1,500. Gtenspey y dbe iurpriiedi how ay aI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ An mitvi ity shî hnhuente uuttitasu yas îits tlot Forms. NBR. 3. Milton. pitone ouan tiaving reard only t the clare i u aIls t tmnustm outs hmp cu 225e, c car owners Boy ta, get alanâ by DA'rED aI Burlivgton Ihus 30tit CIR 0 N K ___________________________ t,, dmnumnt lotuc mie t sise Yeuu giving thoîr tara noihing but gus, day o! Joly, 1953. mh,ý gft sil bct ae o mnant remivd- FOcil and free air, That's epnie Cleoven and Cramlord e muf lths Mary topmy ycmes ipent FO SALEexniv 5 Carotine St. East. a.imsm yi. Siv 551l,' c.<ED TRtUCKS ANB TRACTORS eceeamy. A car gefs tired end' Saiin Bm liteAntoOt.e ihn e n ht Jack a-ml Phytm, Goos land.- overwéorked juit like its owner. Solicitors _________ Stoh Amnstau. e d Re n ht Medrcine Bol, Albeurla. 3Ford Teocloms. <l'un 1917 te 19501 Don' lot the horeeposeer in your- SoeWr emi te lu mend oui- ietflit I1 1949 Ivtr H Teaclue or die cf neglect. MILTON, ONT. Mthonti anl appresiatmoc for lItl 1 1950 Fuedal ton, Pick-sp M nymati ofiunness, mesasof;mvul1949 Forelton Pict-up 1951tetorCoach 0 M ympstity cd ietcoifol floral of- t 1948 Cite. 3 ton Niake 1950 Ford Coach Phon Price 1 - li nitut ied soti ondnies iM6Fr tPue9e.lon Ot. B 1940 Custn Coan Phn 3 E R emm e e gitiomu and reltives; aise EARLY MOTORS talon & Service 1950 Cbev Coach Mil erBton Privole Bu.pitl MacNait 1949 Ford Club Coupe and Sun . specially tsni lto- Ill._____________ 19 Mery Coacht BTEESNoe lis the tione to sièe a rder Brcv (c itîn rThompson toc hio 1947 FordBeo BTEISfertilixer reqairements for consct su! wumds and botp i un 97PniSeCoc SCRAP IRON, STEEL. METALS. ________- - sal itercavement of a helovel mile , , 1947 Fordia Coacs Mloss'~..zs.. ,'c,- EAUEA DALUI 1 and motter. 194 FoI Cs MISCE.a,.>5ICcna A I Mn. George titermool and lan>l.14 DdeCai Beih B. BrwÇALL WNflM 1 UAD PASU RE 11 ______________ 1940 Poniac Coupe