TKWESDÂY, >AUGUST îIth, 1953. HORSES FAVORITE NO PANHANDLIM ln Edmonton, an amateur photo- Two men ising from a pier had grapher has photographie evcdence varied lock. When one of them that et least two horses lni the camoenced catrhing quile large Northwest Terrtory prefer eatng fish, hé onhoolard them and thon doth lu hay. This camera esîhus- he promptly threw lhem buackta ast retorned home wth a moVie the waler. Mtter a time the otler showlng two big, whte horsea et- fiherman, laving badi no btes and lng a pair of! Euh. It seemed as i appalled t the action o the more they rould net get enough, for forlunate one, aobr.d, *"Whut'o the when the Indiens hung out fioh for big idea?" drying ansd cring, the horses To whieh the other replied: would come along, pull them dows "They werrral tac ig lu lit my and et tbem pan., MILTON ICE CO. AND CARTAGE PROMPT PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE PHONE MILTON 373M S. A. FAY and SONS IPlumbing and Heating Sheet Metal Work 1 PffONE 205W MILTON, ONT. ,,o1: Cu1PSE 1 H-AVE APN ESTA-TE d "My Dad s building it for me right now, and nt'a going to be prelty important tc, me sorte day." And a faher knows houa important it is 10 have tlat escae proprrly administered, no macler how small it may be t prrsrnt. He may recrîive advice and assistance from experiencrd Trust Officers oa the disposition of his estoîr without any obligation. Write for free bookler -Blueprinl For Your Family". THE STERLING TRUSTS C 0OR P O R A T 1ION HEAD OFFICE BRANCM OFFICE 272 a.y at., Esisos1-3 Dunlop St., Bonre_3 BACK TO SCH< DRESS Just the group suitable for the re summer and for sctiool cl FANCY KRISKAY, CHAMBRAY OR WOVEN PLAID1 YOUNG LADIES' STYLES. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PAGE TE=F P y. M1u6 ne of the greateot names in the ITME ONTARIO MNi4CtFAL Egyptian field. when he opnedls BOA» >tomb. ofNTheEMuipalTER 0F SO.~Wîhln Ibis coffin, Carter dis- .9fiTu he I M,aiilA" IcSO.evered atthird,cut solld gold,ad 0 I N THE MXTTER OF au apslct- inside Ibis was the Iisg's snmssy. Townohlp of Trafalgar forr0op- were 143 pieces of îewellery a! vâr- Proval et reglre fl ro y-law _______iaqs ins. The 18 year-old Pharoolà =bos.e 1953-54, iotifld: "A .a literally wrapped in severat By-Iaw te enend By-Iaue No. GODS, GRAVES, AND SCH-OLA31S loyers uf gold and precios stones. 1953U." by C. W. Ceram The auteur also, diseusoss. APPONTMET FO HEAMG iGods, Graves, and Srholars is the "cse of1he Pharoaha," o legse Hello itomemulseral White soin- peas. Coota sntil milk la tIblrtened APONHN O EBN mposing tille ut on imposing sarveystarted aiemrthn0pesa mer vegetables are sa plentifal ons ow heal. 'HET ON'TARIO MICIPOAL o! archueulogirol dbrcovery - bu o ore ith th n3 e san h why nul maite the musc o! thenr'? Menu (3) Pressure eoohed moaiBOAR3D hereby appointsday, dont pas by ibis bouok an the Mil- eaaneeted wih er unelu ig iuh. Throld roast cll be more accept- for 10 minutes in pressurce sauce- the 21al day o! Aogust, ADf15l ton publie library ahelves, for it lastances. able wbes 2 or 3 fresh vegelabtes pan t 510Ijos. pressure, ut the bouscuf 3.30 nelueta in tee enlbralling and eseiting reading os go wilb it-und on interestint Parslry polatues afturnoon lDaylight Suing Time) cell os acholarly. This la asîy one a! many tajetoot- vegetable plae con repace a cas- Whate unions a the Township HlaIto! Trafalgar, The bouta dels witb four ceaIres ing stories dealt wilh in tee baok. ormaie diot frrqucntty thcac days Glazrd carrots Trafalgar, for the braring ut ail ut diarovery- Greece and IIly; As cr11 as the actual digging sp of Tac meut apprtieiug partiabti Gere tmsprie nctcd in suporoafa or Egypl, Assyria; Babytania and Su- the put, the author includes a re- ans andape aig ppasiuf Ibis uppliration. menia' and Sot Amercar-and the construclion a! thelite o!thtImes, is preparrd in a wayl mtet c Suahptutues; pert union Iad 3ATED the 301h day o! i0ly. men who unrovred the past in and the mylhs and beliefs o! the tamitiar disb eeum arc. Company pierre utît fort; scrape carrola D. 1953, ut Tomante. teeaes rbbl h icv.pol.Ohrscin elw h or nt-the vegetables witt dissp- and shetl lima beuns. Place la M. B. Sanderson, SRCRETARY.teeoes rbbl .edsoe epe tersein elwt b pearl pressure rocher hin piles with unions Tw ip et Toagt 'rien in Egypt are tbe test bnown, Assyrien version of Noah and lbe Menu (1): Oven mel bard tamr on top, if necesaury. Add %b top B7 wNe 195354 for the golden treasores uftIhe pyra- flaod, and'the tewer of Babel slary, bout 350 degrees in preteated caler and 2 tIs. sait. Be sure lu A By-lZtowa oNend fly-low Ru, midsanasd the Tombs of thee lngs, the labyrnth paloce af King Minos avc.tun le9n t3smm40.e 1 1Partirstarly that o! Tultahomen, s! Crele and tee terrible montlr av, tarnetemnstuashmerwrn WHERRAS the Corporation ut bave been widrty rovered by the the Mintaur, who devoured seven ltu-ufed qush bts. pressure is indictîd. Place the Township o! Trafalgar dldo press. yausg men ami seven girls ev.s' Cbeese-sratloped potalues saucepon in a pan ut rotd mater ai the 4tb day ut May, AD. 1953, paso The auttors account et ttc open- nine yeurs. Green heans end ut10) minutes and remnove lid o By-taw to provide for the set nofTtkhm'sobi ne Thauorisl ayteboc Raw carcoto asusoon an pressure is normal. burt ut buildings on cetoclin couda os tTtnbmso1m .ue h uhrhmetsy h at Ha-staifed sqahab Select 4 Drain. Place vegelabîrs in 4 bowls. AND WHE31EAS application bus Of alcool anhbelievable optendor. i only o synopsis, moving train sommer squash about 6 lnches Sprinbte potaloru citb paratry. bren mode te, amend the said 5y- Filling interior ut thc sealed banial peuh tu peuh ut archaeologicat long. itemove ends and puboil 15 Min a dunt ut nutmneg and bttrlacrbhanbrrcuua7 byIltbY 9 eel Iartievemnent asdas suh itpre- butr NOW THEREFOSE 'PHE MUN- titt shine entirely cveredwilh amIts nu difficutties ta tee layeson, mina. Cut a tin lite from une lu uninan. T urn rarrots fer add- ICIPAL COUISCIL OF TISE COttP- gold. Insode ibis wao asecondslarmne 1Tctnlcalilies are avoided and thee side et ruet squast. Scoop eut ttc ing / cop carrant lty. Chop a ORJATON OF THE TOWNSHIIP inside Ibat a third, and musids tul a slary o! the pant in rleuly and seed. Min 2 tops diced tam. 1/2 taIt ac appîr and min citt green 0F TRAFALGAR ENAC'SE AS fearto golden strone. Wttin ttrse; sicply unfotded. top. sasitsU tp. Wrcestersboce limas. Arrange vegetabtes netty FOLLOWS: wsaimmense yeîîuc quartie1Tsfuladcorldanaf sauce. %tot tp. dry mutard wiot un douner plates. 1. TIIAT ttc tonds set out incaaniit Thsfîadtoruldmaa %, csp tucata suup. Staff sqaaa TE UETIN OX Oredules "A" and "B" atlached srcophatus witt a goddess spread- 1 ttatory sbould te a mont on evecy- witt humn mixture and ptace in TEQtuIO OX retu and frcning part cf tho mc gPrtertive inis and arms suer onco rading tint. bahînt pue mt o, oct ocater Misa G. T. aokso Hum co ce y-taw br and ttc sane are ex- ttc tout end. crcdsqush. mat a rict rdHarvard sauce? emped fcumthe provision ofBy- tnide thenarcuptago, in turn,- Anwr Ml bss u ter ac' umber 15345. 'cas a golden eftoty otite boy kint Clseee-scalîoped pstataes: Pru- Ase ut2taa ate READ a trst. second and third un ttc ttd ut anottec coffin. On te paru your favorite doat et sel- Mabe a poste ut t ttsp. crntarct; ime tis l3tt duy ut Juty. A.D. faretead cas a iny creuth utfStc. *O teped polutes; top citb Yst, lh tIbops. bruce sugur and t00 cap 1953. e ."t uttrcî feigo Vînaigreblet Cal uoear and s0r inoabutter untit E. F. Ford Recv ru '"h ta arwl ofrn- of MB ADLEY Gren Ban inagrete:Cutmiture toits Add 2 topo cubed S. A. Fratteratone, Clerc' ttc cidsced tirt quete to ee u endtrallbgrenbcne eeabets and printte in t top, sit. - ' band ..Amnng uIthIat recat n biling caler or 15 mine. CcL stand an nammer teat unîfl SCHEDULE "A nlcdur ta rya mgifcec Drain;[reheat witt 3 tbotoo. vr. saceisu oFrcebod AIL and Sintolur tat certain -everycture tte tlint ut îotd - INMSU RANC ctcppcd gres. peppems. 1tbttp. Met C nMcei. k:Fr ehdparcrî andîtractuofîlndand prec ter cas ntîng su teautitul us A E C us ituateyn and bin comthos fuciterd floers, stitlre- choped geen eppes. 1tbs.1 o cooing ucchni.pcsed ut paru ut Lut 26, Concession taininutei' tintc ut clor. Ttey A E C picoe retiat. 1tnp green onien.1 Asswero Want cuectono; du nut 4. Souut fDandas Street duntrib- îtodausmt auntort peciodîthre top. sait and a docb ot pepper. port. Cul in ttnc recaucose sices. cd as tottuws: tuano tre uddyasral F E RA INU NC Menu (2): Beol meut fr 20 Sautci tcraes trhacy greaaed atl- .COtuMEHCING authIe inte'a-ct- csbtIrrhnudyasrîy GNRAL NUAC elmntnanpa ov nctaes tra . elfrti r1 mats tro te Ttord Lineuccd te atea'ter ram In tact,tat ltte onut utof COURT ST.,MIL.TON elmnttvu raracaaracasoacty. Seana'tt sait and ty Politatof tcwy No 2, naturruade tt acronlanduour Phone 418-J ahite an trait. hetocar.THENCE sauttrastrrty aicengthteoerrn cudoiactinton kn These Spicest rarn nîbîiso StOre ceeu Mrs. T. M. aube Do youea cou attoterty unit airtc Ttirolore t cdcodeetHaward Carter. trac teficue rare-en-cet. Add t fiotraor t.ave.ofidiitaeplaceaoi tona distanerofaonettndrudundi licerd taccaaand i'a se uoetto or te tating cotî pictetr' taelty.-sx fort. rghtt acte 10'vert, _________e____",or______s and sait. Pace iotet ofaibrietre A.8a, pa.Place minute stebakssr;nbieoi AmeroAtltosseoaaaOo cbea TIENCE otbmrtcrty and par. pihan. 'terzer dote ih editl i.0 aalom. ce use the altelt 00 No. 2 Hogboay. a distance______________________ 'mara reoe e r.din arditt ad andabouti4 inctets tao igty-ne feet ('): matacoreobbeotogaa otte tie.. '.. I oare Tt1F.fCE noeerltvon aI Brabîrd tossatoeso Store tamaccu' cao fgdit tthat cas drerd tact caiti,corceroaiNorth tarty-faur degrers. TrED STO V ER - Carponter ato aon, and oplare aloocca de steats.os, hads ooîy ioty-siuminciutes Wroi (N44 detrees NE HO S LRAI S Spiet e ineoa. dry crcmnbs 5W)a distance ai une tendeed SE OE LerTi N moucd ooth moinr.d taroer. De net Mes. C. K. uchut H em tan e and enety-ntne fret. utitt ner ADDITIONS - TRIM CUPBOARDS tar auatca tr mc; e oo at ro ee catotoorefroon tarnont 0t99'0")o taHottcay Ne. 2; oun 10 matce en me bstun, reca otecoonu TENE etba -eryateeg the FoPr Free Estimates and Prompt Service Cream peouuoSbaittoeeaooad par- Anssaro Add serrions of a ot br.oo'erty lomot ai Hghîray Ne.i PHONE MILTON 438J AF'TER 5 PM. ai ac.a ditancerofet itty-cne fret. botfora8mu ýDran. Mcaoohiciotrtabooointa'rr. Kerp coov' face und une-tatfinero oO'4l'o, sat bp.ierd onon. t otced redanad boffngunt]barly coket. te aceiofrega rinnnt ___________________ Oureet pesper n 2 ibeps. butter. o di. abotac 15 mno. Add sait a.d SCIEDULE "B" odd 1ttlp.fiocr. sculsmi t. t1theoodeoito. Overrocint n satty ALL and Songciar tuat certaino Isp0 m.ocrd obyme and ite grue 'caiorcauses breannena. parcct and tractlanod siioaietly' .g and be onopa'df partof. Ltl31, CocessonaTac, Soutut - - Dcodao StreetI dr.aeibcd as olacs COMaMENCING ai a pint in tte souctcrsleriy tomit ut the ruad ut- lamante bulceen Laie 30 csf 31 ditant une tuuand. ttwoadred anod fîtyface tret. fau cre nu FOR A HOME YOU WILL BE PROUD TO OWN (1241"'eacrecd norttcrs'oerly tercatung tram ttc nrtta'elrlyl licol ofthte Qarro Eizabett Hott' ~LlCIUIT cay an codeurd by Pion 261; Cw.e~ON Ses. TIIENCE nrtcrstery alast tte saod sctcrsierrty locit et ttc eoad att.owo coe briceen Loats 30 ** nd 31a distanc oftcatundred ai ood ftoCy fet. on0e andoode-h n Daves& D vis Ld. elos tloiai a peina; Daves D vie ~ y5ENCE sothwcserlay an a urs, orSuh foty-ourdegrers, GEORGE ST., MILTON ,aoooamooocieWrst oS44 de-ý groeos18W) a diaeofretey w _à -allpp or ft t tfor ioceo 4014' o a pont: T'tENCE oooto(r.e'onaorse 193 11gh Park Ave.. Toronto oof Soooo'ioo.ey-ft egrreos, if- ty-te oaminutes Eat (25 derleto MUry3055 52*F.o aod. lanerof t o udred Ili 'tirac fr1 2331 toac pint; 9mÈà MEMBERS TORONTO METROPOLITAN HOME BUII.OERS' 'tTIIENCE .asierly ona orurseaof Noreoit-nibî'onc doro otoohrty- ASSOCIATION AND N.H.B.A. ogli moloci Eit 89degres 38E) a d..iootr of otriy frrt. breerinrh- a 4i"3 i topopint: _____________________________________________ TIIFNCE nrtreaotery on a coreofSNt fariy-fire dereos ___________________________________ ht mnutes Est (N45de- g, lE aE dostanre of nnety- a erjo w ncboa 152")totahie )OL EEN GER "Your Floors are /OtOiF~ "'hot's theb.famous ansd abo. dispbysnover beface ahans emainder of the t ,~ j oua C.N.E.I AsdtIsis ysar, ta the public,.. spine-chliîb theres teaturésendastIatrat- shrilîs, oastI Iasb.os Iwo lions galore. The 1953 éditian grec# soc Midway rides... >penng.o"Canadiosa", starring Victor the tamaus Walsh Guarsel Borge, Damas asnd Jlia, the Easd ,... a tal-stalo tco show. DOMINION Lunds, endth se beauty and Yos, thbeos someo sinqdfflr LINlEU TIES wasdermmnt of "Dancin g est overy minute at tht. MATERIALS, IN SMART'O ARMSTRONG'S NAIRN'S DOMINION INLAID LINOLEUM AND TILES HUBBER AND PLASTIC TILFS '7.95QUAKER FLOORS AND é7e9'5CONGOLEUM CONOOWALL QUAKER WALL PLASTIC WALL TILES VENETIAN BLIRDS PCV WOOD ALUMIHUM HOLDINGS Waxes andI Cleaners ra w zz q h dSandong machines for Sent &Au. sosesso s. s, ataaubo SIZES 10 TO d4X $5095 t. $1 DILTNOT IIoa F.M'4mEI y 1