PAGSE POURS Misa Emma Latte bas retsrsod from o weekss vasitaetriraisnd n St. Caharines. Friands il be glad ta, hear tisai Mios Alice Bsrch la oui of hoapilal and is enisylin a ceai and holiday ai Manitoulis. Mc. G. B. Harrison. bis mother. dasibte Sasaad son Burke are siotsa'acg as Baffais. Detroit. Ceve- land and ditrict for a frac dsys' bohiday Mr. and Mcs. George Keller and Peggy and Bob ai Haveriowa. Prn- nsylaniaa.are bolidayitg mitb Mc. aed Mca. Jobhn .Ciaysos af Hors- isy for tacs eeha. M. andMrs. Neil MePhai and iansily ai Woodward Ave.. and Mca. MPhaito s osier. Mca. East- eriscoola are vacatisig in tise soctthIis reeb. Vsiag Mr. and Mc.Lewcis Reasimas, RBN. 2. Miltas. reestly. mees ca eadmans>moîbes. Mcs M. Aaasml.anad Mr. aad Mca. John Aaaom and son ikysal] otToroato Mr. 'ard Mec. Jobs J. MeCaccoa hec se:aaned borne tram a vac- aten n NvaSeta,. aherertiaey a'aited 'lairsonc.OSS CharasE. MeCarean. hciao a aith theRBCN a', Caseaallis. NS. Mc, Arihar Dames. brother ai Mca tLais Sittara. is aile Elles daagbaec flas ad cbam Commis Mlter. al AIMinneapolis. Miss.. mece oesnight vistaca aI the SllI- arabhorne os thear aay ta theia la ain nNaciheco Ostaios. On Tlaocaday esesaso. Aaguat 6t the fasalyacith seiglhorsanad frieds gathesed aI the C.P.RN sa- ias ta say good-isy ta Mc. and Mca. George Dawoni. aad aselead bcdt ibea tofor ae oeean voyoge. a prasasîo\aczi'ion asd a sale ce- bics borne. as tley lrît lor Mact- reaIliatohe las heEmpree.o aIScoi- land foc Ecglasd. le hoasia ofthebecen~,t mrig ai J 'c, Roelise Claysos af Horsby ta Mc. William Floydl Brigdes, M..s Versa Pries held a paaley -h 'oe ai the borne ofMcs. Enet Pie.andthe membersofl St. StephesaAnglianaaChassa bela a miscellaeouz-ahscec A mîscel- laseossahocae mas aIse held a-. the A. V. Sosofficeeabecelhe bride wsemployed. and s aaaprez- ested acila asnalomaflictaatec. eletrie oila kand iras. HORNBY GIRLS STUDY FLOWERS, GARDENS Os Satuaday essais g Agast 1 the Horshy Home Gardes Club held lhisr tiard meeting ai thc borne oi Maciha May. The mret- ing ajesed mth the "Club Sang- asd Evlyn MsKay led the gicls ia prayer Tiserl calal. 'Siai Floaes andl Containers," mas ansaceced wmIl. masy pcelty flamers. The gicla bobü sales on "Ctliag and Carselo Fîsacers. Watrrisg the Gardes. and Wisy FaIt Piaaghiag ao Deaicalle- Mra. Stan May ilen gave as latecmsiisg demanstalcaoc. Margor- et Mtach 'hasled ber and cesetod hec aill a a mal it lramthe club girls Te mstagmwaalosedand a delîao'fllunlassa muahen serd. CIIRIOUS' Te..i4.,i 'Jobasy. lM sarsaed! Dos sais avaisay macs jakes labe Teachas -,Weill aay aller .,claol" EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE BOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. STOCK, TOOLS. ETC. Ths e .dac.gceýd hasýeeivedca iaaalucos l..ii ra IME. BERT BROWN To sla5 ypulialîaseio allai> borne.Cons 2, Lot Il. Nassagaweya l'a mI - esl ai Motai. 2 mils osai aof Campblslvîlis. as SATURDAY, AUGUST 15th Comm aI 1 tam .thefi-l FURNI.TUIIF.-Nsm Scaltyci. tre se:Eielrîîux aand at'aeh- met,Clar,'Jewcrer eau coal ,, od angse dar chest; 3-lies îîdsîîam colla' O 1h lasah; ilsd, soaclele, a larga quaail.iy ,f beddiag; blankeh51 ilasia lalca la ofla bed On e lîalarokss,h ccsioea. tcajr S end.I 1a Cuil',cal si;8k. shý hsiii,'l sý'Iile tblets; 1 la d is ishs,(I iss-;a.s ai s Pl echic sa cali lahîs re hrc-a-,i,a 2-aaocies sîlectrplate 2 sap lîlîls; eetr.e table lampa: bottela.s;ai, ialinch ia cabinet; a lot ofi polura.': Ca-sisal Eleci radia, 25 lis60 cycle; 2 malt eabina ý-s; slisia baookacas.; draps cosiing i'its d maey thei tems liir! :n.eao mlilarnshed home. LIVESTOCK i- 1Heraelird co due taacsîfî,ie;le1lJersey eau frsh sali ai ide; 50Hem H.împý ahîc' a llta 501 Hem Hamealairf esekerel.. 50 Mscaaeadadc.'; geee:t8goslinsa EXTtA.S. . ton toaes suaI; sx tensionlsladalîc, mheelharcom; har tels: maîî'r',rcagh; lsed happer' calaI lisr: turbo, haies. baol, TERMS: CASH l'bio ipresidno ese la UsA th IN in( Zfa Si,ý is Ex Str Pr, Th bi THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO N RECENT YEARS trench and horizontal silos have bacomo incroas- samdast, shavinga or s(ram. With (bis silo it bas boss foasd tbat ngly popolan foc stocasg grass, logamo, or cors silago. Not 05ly tha spoilage a tho top is only irna or thcoe inchos in depth-a mach n sacb silos bo conatracted ai consadecably loss cost Ihan (ho amnallor porconiage (han woald commonly ho foand sn a vertical silo amiliar tower type, bat mith the nomor kind, spoilage is sot escos- se. One of the loai and most saccoîstai types of hori zon tal silo holding a similar volume. Thora is no side spoilago if dressed ( ho ose illaa(ra(od abovo mbacb bas been andar test ai (ho Central lamber as asod becauso no air cas posotrate be(woon the tightîy apocimental Farm in Ottawa. Il conssis simply of (mo wmou con- fitsod side boards. In cons(rac(ing (ho silo oach sidomaîl should ,rcted board fonces sot pacalle ol 0Oo anothor. Tbe sides, rnbicb siopeo oamard f rom (ho perpondicalar by ose foot, Ibat is. if the aoald bo of dîossod lambos îigbuiy fitted, may bo banked miîh bottom mailh of tho silo is 12 footthe tbo at t ho top should be sn(th tc, a boaght of about bcoo foot to gise support agaisi(ho 1d foot. Tmoaty foot in longth shoald bo addod to the mainsesction 'essore of the salage mithin and provont (ho enitry of tao mauch air. of tho silo to allom for (ho sloped onds mbich dovelop as (ho silo aoe aides msy also bo sappor(od for groster strength by diagontal as f illod. Thoso are sctually (ho camps tca sow ontranco and exit races. Spoilago as redacod if (heotop of (ho silo is covocod mibh of (ho sohiclos aaod aches filîing and packing (ho silo. LOWVILLE OBITUARY FriIIy Caps, Band Clifford Waite j Engagements Milton, Lowville Have Nursing Past' School's Director Ms. and Mca. HaroldBReed.M;- Resident Interred Wby doisa a nuseas acar a csp? Tase.anitedaaee thet.agement of Wisy docsathe style vace? Whal ThoUcacal Cluins: tiaîdaa ibsr dsgalrHaret Marae, ',, Mac Itardge Boita. acha moard ta a ibe agnabsaace of tise band? 0eoacam ahaeall amscCraig. soaofMrad M.i.Miîalto asi.aîmaailleain1943, pOSs- No amoasi ofreeach accsaee ced acîtaiiis. dorues tha' oWsîs SeidNra.Mrigt.d mvthersdnc Tos Nacea. Marîags todtht.e 71,hie eealed te atal orglaaofthe Aircton fd a as '1 oîer etaCs iplacee laOmagla Prchytsriaii St- Milton, oaisAcaaaat 7.Rsc dard. sap, bot thoeebave bren mrny diolsaao s Clilîîîd Wale. Chrcsh as September 5, 1953, a' aler o lengthy ltarsa. aitishe age afiniteceaaisg saggestions cegscding Thece Oaa an average atesdace1'lasse sciocla, 67. ils parpase. ai 45.50 and 27elaldea ,eceivld Mca Bailla. the foaaer Florence Hitacy eerata Ibat lise liseage secti fiasorlacpenlet atlsa. The engagemnt i a ass.aaaîd oai telbcl la i aaeeled lac ose Ceaft. Bible ciody. games ceg Shiarley Gertrude, daglalrof aiMn. aldaîche,'Jean, atbhame. Aîaa ce- ai lie cap dateasa la escaly ducs ag andmaeashapaere the main s Ah'aa Lowe and caslais Mcc maaaîg ae oe bcchatb John L.mises dcnig thebrdalralig- aetiaeiaea MrssDca AcCaceil ad Laies t a rcIThomas. snaifMe. MoareSpsiaeaa' ad(brresstecasaSsfid a Young wmans bamilily chsrge ai the jasasr gcaîp andlaaad Mcs Wm. J. Wilson. Thoardr- ica Daanald Waldac iJennie)a As- and ahedasase ta hec hashasd. Tis Mca. Bacdge Gasha and Mes. Er- dat ta tabe place in Geace Aaag to;laas.c Metacas Fleming îMacoa- eusnin aaacacommo t theRomas land Collîag. O"sisted Mns. Wate sati Carceh sn Saîasday, Seplem- ati. SeatleWaasgton, snd Mass and sascr maay Borns rnatrsns malh Bible scoudy. Mc' Thoas lae 5 ai 3 aclosis. Charltt More.Milton. gaiaed renoms foc thier andsrit- Bomghaac cosdu eled the calI HRe E. Ochsarn sosatucted the shie inteceat in nursing. the "veil" classsanad Mca. Homard Coulasnfta searvicer aI(ha MarNals and hesarne (ho symbol af their service dirceed theasgiag. aillaMisAr S~~., ~I ~ oana liserai cbspel os Aseusi 10ta isa hmanity. A similar isead con- Iar e IAcîlaur an planst. Mrc- Appe x --Re rTap ('alîlacaceca mcc Lrosacd Coolson oief is mors hy Casadian Nursing Arthur Johnsonasasaoic'ed mt t ~ ~Ge'orge Coalson, Boy Colter. Soc: Sateos ( hoeaarred forces misere hec atsa'stiug ltaaaelgcaph. 't AtEffct O ff ce dge Gaslay, Douglas Harboltin and i srve a sprastiral porpase. Ther syrnpathy ai ibis scnaanlty -Feoiaataîrse Colling. Interment maa In some instancrs Ils parpoar s extesded la Ma-a Jean Butta, NapierrMarer in hacoluistin ti Limalle Usied cisorch cerne- mas trietly atilitarias. Sari smu Milton as the ta.-.> ai herc rnî te asFiossciol PooltMasho erently test tiese auraisg tise Florence NightI- tise lire Ms,. Basalgo Bals. balla;soited a tcttlc't elicta office inaitale crsaches the morld mas br- ut acbam wmccformerscesîdensof 1 a Costosos building. co,, rmis g consco ofaitise tisecy ai Lsmealle. Tisera mas a ounag DîclaasLittle DB T f uyV as.At (bat lime casa mre Mca Marc Ccaag, Taonto, ',thenc. He masa agardeser. Wr * islcsdrd ta ooerr srsngements ai estig at thepascagsciih Mr., aald cleraeaofia tal oNot in Gravv Now log la Ir and samer sanitatios mas oad Mca Clattacd Waate h'h .ad. îob Tlen ot comîdrred sarutial. Ibis hair Misa Anar Bryant, Moorisch %esa iosîtairs aalidhcsex- casa iceqooilc aseleos Tiss dea ianvisiliaglas gaadpasest .Ma ýBasmoremancad moe Casod.mold hvsee exocellentsadil osdMss.E.B.Casiaas. arincd bicuostom. But tbeccald 1,5.-are aaurn g upithiaosat555~0pa0haocao r.ctslaeaitaaoaPsyesd, oat beef reeîearing ca1mgoo SiLnday Se bo] Pirot ir lrai a-a ara m. Th'eocsa.a hasiat9ais (ha' table au the tarn f aihIn luQes Vitaclas day. al ma- The Untelid Cissccb Sodays lancsoatpleted ina scpicais. be r ian a tto.îlmsen arc, liadisg tiicmm , oat cp ndos hi o sehol piseas brd at"lsh aiv 'a.s ei old tiatIthe enicyrmust salýacas'liibasajorprohlem. m aie pidar haol CommuiyCentrecranThaedacgathtlaiglaroutine cbnnaus andaathesyaciauaPost.auiri(ii et(o eveouig. wata elltiended, Alesrabai t I ad he ai leasa t hrea o. la h 0,,a o Florece Nightingale dcigned for 1eaioyiag oupper teosothewa-railadil" -h- li a t oalalgct hsbahox. bs aiof aIalie 1cha wlas ýhoe ioet18iSis6T0mo en tables, a basobslgame mai iifi, ai'u'sug Eaglias n casineOssal' i'ithabsou,iesle h atgoal Whalrt'cnilas nts ahoreri played mila George Colas .aii ola.ns b aagDilaa ui.î alsaaisii htci1lssalfahits cap slterdeo V1aaMAsbeaîegacl' ac.Iihaesýt he ougaIuc a anbs matz al s aecn.anîiyalsad ai1eIbctesifwteapoth a Venn crta tng î ap - g'iampls eale t ak 3t]V o aiyanddc'ampod aaaori. thes mali cloabe-libe cap of Othergom- andeoset a-sel-sa.ped saîcy waisui 'baiacli pradace nore the nsntheo bey dustitafcap ai ail rge, a'i d Mr acesivreMu i, îipciaic soataIhecsoulalgela lis ual thei' mii laanrcusaoaImia' Qsen Victoia, n al of them ere CeremonascaAs u daah isl. cnesyuaauotullaBalla s miald."The eflsnctrsy lbady'aaic.ta oc and the matines aofaaiaorriiy. iaasiia aecagadM W. cmstgo ibcaagb ihe cegalac[l.aushu lamlies.. rieiinessand hariiiy. clsinedinlaceigos' ath ,, a'ac. i D-'aadoc100 -,0 lb. lau, Theaaqueisofhblackband TheTl Dutii hmac amd. "Huit aclay nalýis i.-csg apadiy ahile tialolienoars anda gins tarigin ia 'mat Imait threes doa abwea soc fus liii arnssy ppa1.20a0uflh asîrTeaW.llabad, FUNNY boha bhca' ad pased -Iý400 11).eers sa leominaslinu.gradateaasowsm ilitîjary inf and is lustaîaulsl" 'ciiedt pi'eialioa'd haici anal mal- anse ilan aisttemptilt'aindisate "*Mc baîr is alliangoua." admtrd The' Autrtbîsî taplsd. "Yo"olia 1 i kmrbts abae son haudlc casb. The prescrnt dac inlecpccl- thb amad manaoat(-a(J.uîaaaist.aCa""aaebucyu. Sonncpeoplebase lia usait tilscîsa.aiin of this custm s aeariod il youa ca-cumm-nlsai aiea.thia ,,tua lai-p montho." Cusea'aaîiy. tathit sec orSacthe beamen meaniagieso The otbee i as"' The- Giecraaasiaka ie'r-i- sbîai u-tore markrt are braugîngsuggstioaitihai the hand sigai- dci iedithe " bflccbongcJeoaa. Hrs i.d.- 3ca Ih.more tahhaytecrs fi,apeciad ofcstant(mrning drgit Here'a a carcdlarrl box." "Yos are.' chlao chidran"' reports the Poat. for Florence Nightingale. Monc of the aIder nehuola bans etaited theas original sapa ils slighi modifications. Borne have s .c-'~-.--- --~~--- haîgrdoutsofai eea.aay siace (hein a originalacap mereocither ot alms- s ~able or (bec had elaboralste ris (bai seqoiced soecial lasndeciug. THE CHATEAU FRONTENAC made an imposisg background as the Empress of Australia, making bar f rs( mestbound voyage uner Canadias Pacific colora, passed Ouebec City os bar may up the St. Lawrcence River la Monireal. The 19,600 (os veasel mas purchasod by Canadian Pacific S(aamahips (o replace (ho E mpress of Canada, dostroyed by fireataI br Liverpool dock last Jasuary. She waa for- merly thes "Ge Osasse" of (ha French Lino. MILTON WELDING RElos1tras and Aretylene Boair Woling ai AIl Types Welding Portahle Equipcent PHONE - 348 rML ST. - 19LTON Mur ray Grenke PAINTER AND DECORATOR Phone- MILTON 366W e-U. .-.- FERTI LIZEI Now ia the urne 90 estimat, end order fertilizer requirements for FALL WHEAT AND PASTUI ALL ANALYSIS AVAILABLE Halton Co-Operative Suppl Head Office Free Delivery Route Day.. Sranch Of MILTON 127 -phone- GEORGETOY Sales & Service FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS FOOD FREEZERS STOVES GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS BEDROOM - CHESTERFIELD - KITCHEN SUITES STUDIO COUCHES TELEVISION SETS SIMPLICITY WASHERS ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Free Transportation to Main Store, Georgetown HOME FURNISHINGS Main St. Milton Phono 304 9 IIEUEBD&YAUGUST OBITUARY Ma'.. Elton McLean (Irei falgar and U. Mary ~ Acto; twobrother,, Trafalgar KOsMUOfit No rt'h ;B ay 1dEdmoni tosses r.Tisomam Mrs. J. A. Ford Dies ie)ofHamnliton and: Lawrence (Maria) ai N Mary Margaret Neweil, wldow of 10 grandeilidren and John Albsert Ford, paaaed away on. grandchildren. Wednesday eaorning July 29, 1953, at Milton Private Hoapitai. in ber 851h year. Mra. Ford mas harontin Nelsn township and moved at an early aie 10 Trafalgar township, misera ahe Bertha B. Bl reoided antil ber death. A former member and worer of Omagh Preshyterian charch and later Beth- REAL ESTATE B1 el Uited church, ahe wili ho .adly and masd by ber mnoy triends aod GENERAL INSUL ocighhars. Lt taocmourn her pasaing are S. wo sosns, Robert of Orais and Main S. Albert ai Waterloo; two daughter, Over But Knig Canadian puip makes cellophane. PHONE 2 explosives, fim and platics. *NOTICE .... IBruno's Beauty Sa B wiIl be closed from August lSth till Auguat 30th for vacation. me) et Tra- Kentner 09 Harrison et ai ofToronto, La Mail (Jeu- Mu. Ferdes rew Toronto, elght greet rown kROKER tANCE %ilton 17 loRj R REe Ifies Mes1