TEVEBDAY, JULY SOIS. 90 WATJrMSS At a vacation camp, a 1111e girl Claeil for a wile and thon Irew down ber pole in diaguat, tamped ber ool. and crled, 'I quit." Aset or an explanallon, abo sail. 'I lus cant seno lu gel wallod on.' DANCING HUTTONVILLE PARK EVERY SATURDAY Sing Song - Movies Amateurs EVERY SUNDAY NIG14T Phone Brmpton 357J13 A vigorous lady o about 60 aked, the airine reservation agent about avacation tip to Chicago. He quot- ed the face and the ime chedule. "Do you meas to ay it labos leos thon tbree boura o et aU the wa t0 Chicago?" she demanded. -"Ye, bwo boum andl 45 minutes." The lady said, 'Then I gueso l'il lake the train.' "But lots at the ime you'd save by lying," the agent potested. "Young man," she retorted. "Inn b ces saving time smnce 1 ms au young a you are. Nemî1intenil te use sme ofi t."-Reoder's Digest. "Lttols 18 yearu for Canada'a automolive fieet 0 reach one mil- lion veicîco. and anoîher 15 yeaca or tbe fiet to reacb toro million. But the third and lalet million vehictru wereaidoil insthes tarI- ling sbort perid trom l1948 b 195V' William A. Wecker Presideol, Gen' craC Motoru of Canada. SEE JOHNSON BROS. L GARAGE Your Chrysier, Plymouth and a Fargo Dealers FOR BUTTER USED CARS PHONE MILTON 586 CARLINBETHI PLUMBING BERT WALTON Quici Service - Any Sm.e Job PHONE MILTON 274R21 ruu TREMENDGUS VALUE-HABITANT 28 oz. tin PEA SOUP - - - 2 for 29c REAL SAVING-SHIRRIFF'S GOGD MORNING 24 oz. jar M AR MA LA.4DE - - - 41c TERRIFIC VALUE-FLAVOR PULL J. WILLIAM HGRSEY BRAND SWEETENED 20 on. lin TANGERINE JUICE - - 2 for 27c BISCUIT FEATURE--STUART'S PIRK or LEMON 1600z cello bag MARSHMALLOW BLOSSOMS ; 33~c QUEENS ROYAL - RICHMELLO RICRI IN STANDARD FLAVGR FRESH SliCed Peaches GON 15o.tin COFFEE 2 for 31c 11h. a EXCEPTIONAL VALUE 95C TABLE TALK CHOICE SLICED_____ P INEAPPLE BUDGET - IDEAL FOR LEFT-O VERS 2toz.tn 25c Wax Paper CLOVERLEAF-FO R SALADS h-lb. ts SOCKEYE SALMON - - 39c SAVE ON SOAP SOAP POWDER OXYDOL - - - 19. pkq. 32c FIRM GOLDEN YELLOW RIPE BANANAS -- b.19c ONT. GROWR FRESRI GREEN TOP Large Behu. RUNCH CARROTS --3 for 21c ONTARIO GROW-LAROE F150 HEADS NEW GREEN CABIAGE -2 for 19c ARRIVIiG FREIN DAILY - Ontario Grooma Radishms Staked Tomae«s, Green Pascal Celery, Greens Omeis, Califlawer, Nom Bots, <tcumbenew omeite«.,Lettuce. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO Tour Liboral Candidate ~ ~ ! . Hello Homemabers! Witb the Checon and Fruit Slad f weatb r moror as il is. me loch or 2 thops. getotine f col erestchmntoh'l'afl.bcdore t rap ranned pineappeice IL pabed of tlime. onrrril and 3 rups cottagecbcrsc paciin the retrigerator untilthe ' ; csp dried apples thon elei satsado. Cool and in- Vs cup mayonnaise vitise piquant in Itavor, even tbe t top, sait simplest mixture bans appetite ap- 3 Ibups. temon juice peal. Soten getise in piseappllr Fer stires ofcod roast Parkoce jaice and heat; imne until teaderloin prepare a mold of gela- dissotved: ruai. Blond cheese, cbop- tise mode mitls appie iuice and the ped appie. pineapple. mayonnaise. addition et a raled crrot and aît, mutard and Inmos laite. mioced caramber wilh one piscb o Btend gelatise tto cetenon mixture cinsamon. Il ns sometbing ta re- and uen loto motd. Chili antil iris. member. Also snre potato saltd Pun extBte a MURRA MePAIL ith sticed radishes and top the MURA MPHIL meal witb oracle sherbet and t1(3 munce) package crenom Nooe -odsre euto cookina. chene no ee oa edsitreo rducto Bth the toison and pineapple- % cup choppnd gen epppor ios fodiat oeoiteco osoha avored glatinsomay be combised 3/3 cap)peasul butter voe fralosertoacand oiate, iîh tomato luire or mater ilh 1tcup cboppod cnleey Avoe rvatiCote at cdidae sasanins ta arbievo istrigaioC 'ohtop. Salt- A osenaive.votaubretord lavaro. Wben the mixture bogim Jaice oC I lime bpros an a M.ut. aurenetfobas la eli add cbopped cris grens ta 1 4 cap mayonnaise besniaisaaioVanlr make aoary yet pasasîsalad. 14 cup eavy creaisfehilpod vastiy lsceeased Federal budget Attbaah lettune rames most Btesd att ingrediento and fld in and Criscneaaed tabos c dn. Satadn. Ibere's unonoed ta dirogard onipped creais Poar mixture into Thoe i Dohop. aaottnt 50~~ additions ta il or orget cbopped rerigerator teay and cill unlil of reduced expenditaros rois the apîacb ciard, romaine or a fe ICis. Corsereatven party or. indned. rois natrtiais teavesanad parstey Pepps PFrench Dressig any of tbe splister parties. At the swigs. Almost anythise that you Icsmdoo oaosa sane ime George Dreis bis bc ewi iebes gardes con ho 'Va rap vînoga grob ris la euISons tola bllain cleanod. chilled and clippnd or aO 1 4 caps salad cit polrussiffgahenatiCon al billionHetosuod ualad bami - mint. thyme, .cap s.ga, dots es o ientinalthbdonervHo cbivn.q.green booms. gratod ram "1 top. sois is eex ry omtinl emCnonevta'beel. crrot. tuenip. eadishno. tomna- t tisa. WorcnsteshireeSauce tIvn pety mou solleiniy. aetaon and sueb. When a slightly %t tp. dry mustaed modeaaros mbicueb y alliscreso1bealvîs egwhitn o dribbiod overo htop, paprika Fedterlonpeditue l ta sthte preparedhbol ilprcvns te Dash oy caponne aaîe ilo olara. salad dressing rois soaisg mi tgatebu Ili rn Ibetborc boa.bons the greeens drmin lunch. Plance al] af the iogrediiots. with saint tatk in Halton the Cas As for motn rourse slads o theoxception af the garlic bud. cn e evtv candidate thatsachîhingo rely ondiced coohed meat or chirb- a owastnd mis mith the miser as teleîraphu. telntahanm and cois- ex. lahedil Lb or bord eoahrd eggs.o aoybotrutlmelhndd masraoon b te Cnaiasr biedmthamr caohed vnge' pour dressing Imb a jar or bottin goneesmeot cool tac mach. l tables, or tht itisfyinl quaaity asd adl the ache bail. Il mlli shoald ho picted. oui that cois- orexpert ofa mieal. otiana xr ito rc manicatiam Cfor a ation00 iii ras TAKE A TIP Cavrier anaedxtore i yofa clg ia o aahustastial amoanitorbes the . Whrs mahng moldod salads thal orear oappsrinîcy i urt)f sary. army asdair force are operal' cequire grated anion and inngae ______ meg in six Caeei gn coaxtrina and <use the vorlar rois a baIlle "f coas tarcat inCanada. Amajor prhted oona. amaunt af the approriation ath- 2.Smli molds set mare spo-dly r lunge To Death osied byparllamext ws.forethe taxlarelesmsane cctacd ronstractio. installation and maie - roaxor wax paer caps. W ith Drink Secret tesaxce af teletoae, teletype and 3 Rab the mlle oith a nrry litte miroloss acilities Cr the eni'm isclicilshrteniol or cil or forces, incladosg radar tltovns. Frensch dreasing betare îisg. The leprechan traditiosal Ir- The Tory candidate clrima Iis is 4.To ease the anmolding ofa ay ish nymbai nf goxi lulch - ix said 'rcoles re-pendisg in the Do- mitarup the rontaineras nandl a ro-his crcofaIgolil aithe end ece Departmcent' ot ofa bnal ofhot water,oshake ofttheeralnhomand anyasetfortas- Point threeaoftheoTory promies sidroaynand trsqaicblvnthe' aIresanugh ta catch îiîht af this rais Cr oDamssx.pavicia ta plat inrteil avec them i mp andifltoaihm ta is hiding conrrecrcta rvisac aer hoorIl 5Shahe aheil rensainsao-an Place a. accoedosg ta legesil. systm oftaxtion"sathattaxs .chr r lotdani iv rr.ce y the pot of glittecing gold an homes andl aris landslor c ,ooanilrr. peccra edacalian. hath andoallierrticrs 6-Be soure ta oasb al speles oaIl hrlgn cnuisod cas bc sabslantiallv redosred' greensoc en-n hoosîh il's oe Aneshe lee in. nilelul a Redarog the taxxsxnhnmesasand soanlrtiais rot Gardlen sprays mad amos icar and occîLe- acm tonde tor eduationann ndi .ciinsocibteamay permeaclrcilb.s ilttothe secret reipc, heath.servicesoiducot elimicate Oroah salail aasbknowa lnly one cloniosait the cots aI thane services. IC the Satail Slufjoil Rolte Garidais- theO,'Dachuof a the1 local athcrilics bove thir nboro t sap of cabedcd abkle ieben Housof«tlicher ic Kerry. War-libr ofth css igtne adaeh <o-ir laheil almao) i;cla ter war-lobe Ioc trieil ta o! te nbl.s stcccilaniltarcsthee- t raptai ot rhopped clrrirrv iohll ofothIe ecipe trais the by crtnal thelce taxures.icon rapitlatfrhcppril aooirkooODoocrhaalibhoost uce.es unlil lbh- pthporliate y beri tl hrs 00 bard-o-carIed g. chooppo-il obef o«thIe OBrien clas. Cualta lies goes «p. This mane isoalilof tm1co-rros lddsin. cisc o at lf, o-ireil he moatl tabr secnsslpoaivolscan iscreaac ici Camboor oh Ithlro.ad ta mabelthesecroelba Cmieteincrdornleooood il] so. eierlrroerprs iltares. it ol ihtemxa i Theoilssrovalo eipbomiseo n 15c. Inla aierce botte betiseec the- The Casesatne proxcon 05srviocu tOsclans. Coata bolicil att bat the boasng saesteciat the party wioîl Molols-ol SalmnsSoisI cieisIoftthe Oflancebancd tisa a! introodua o bsicg procrois ohio-b 2 <«pful. 1ofoohd, labo-il is caca. Led ta a steepclicut. they wisl mabcoilppssibl for mialin-' sosmoon mere tbrealecd itb tbir linno mie 00rer ha by ne om res 2 besso choppoil ross peprp.o scs tbry parted i mlbthesecet Thiamoadheilanrby'imprsvnfJ ll' to tItfooeatber win. Tesosretasicl the toriscandi c'ondotions o niler s o.ocf paproikasta mahe hsoomc the secret, piosogeil mhtchbooosros'ean ho- baolttanil 2 ths;în 1ofleman 2ire ta Ibeir death. Tbeie ather. ap- parchaseil. Ho-ce ogain theserthiogo <. roopftjof<Ithicly sniio-d o-o-ery poreno hp aenisg. mhispereil the canon olbedooncrhysasiilysor 1ltoo2itbops.oftrbppndo-aprs rripe isto Cualta's oar andlthcs. highor Foilerol sopesilitores on if ilsirril lacicg is raptor in a ileath-lihe bomsogthen oar-oois bincImode 1ltbh. tpiaic unflavorrd îrip. sent tbem balhtathetc death by Ottawa. glain carryinc the seet mth theis. No country in the martl bas bil adcptai ot raId mater Irish tweedls reîinct as autamo a hiîbrr praporioate increcoor ta Combine the flahoil salmoc mith day in the Hitis o! Dosegai nr a boasicî than mc bacc bad i toe Ibe cbappnd grecs pepper. sait, rois aI stono encsntcounty the mac. Bat il to ditticuit ta paprika. lemon loto-e, relery. copero Mayo. Wnavers of theane lotha Imagine bois a Comsersatino <cil mayoacaise. Sotes the gela- dram as thir colora Irmit he landl- govercisost colil gel more houones tinr in the raid matnr for 5 min- scape they kcowsa so mo. lecha buitl mithosat apendisg more aIes, thex discalve oror hnt mater, of hetîhl colora mhtsh mark the money. This la the sort o! linann- Combine iitb the salmos mixture Dosegal twened, arn thn robeolso ing that is sapposoil ta is riecilo acnd tam tto isdiiiual mouds, ce the yeîtom garen, parpie heather. Cr thn frotrateil Taries. Aclaalty a loat pas. prerioasîy rtsseil mitb thn brows brachen axnd a variety neither Mr. Dreor or ocy o! hiscorad mater. Chili ustit fIris acndot shados produceil by the rbaxg- candidates appeor lobet100 amiltar serve. asmolilei, os rriap tetturn, tng semons,.In Coasly Mayo. mves- mthsouxd ftacig. Admitb ail mth a garcisb of ltosasaerttossvers interpret a emang bll mith ibis 101h about "oiaa -nai vi !rtresa.Six ta cors of alose Iencno by blending aap ociy iis: Il theoagh apathy. eght erricgs. orites acnd groys. the gocersosectisi defeateslo Aagusl 10 the evidesce la that Ibthe___ peopleofolCacada andiof aIBota may bave more hoîilapo thon eIt bnoom ihat ta do itlh. Keca Haltan Happy. Vole Libemai. Betore ibis article is coocladeil I mtxh ta ancoanre mny intention oCfF speahing ta the elertorsofaI IisF R Coacty oner Station CKOC Hamil- toc, on Friilay evestcg. Juy the 31aI at .00 pm. Duetng lhs a (j poicteil lime il iti be my pe n inge n i d Q a r e ts. Mueraiy MePhuil W ith Eacn Gilsoi CARTOONIST H. T Webter he fmouscarton-15.6 CU. FT. FRI Ist, dreo o 5ltsx than 16000 cartoons bn is litiisn. Thene irawings ap- pnarednd 121I nemspapes orboso 17 CU. FT. FREI combinnd ircurlation mas Il mil- lios. 'ot the only art instructîion B EFP R Webstereveer bail mas in a com E FP R mercial art choot that olded OOCU ND WAPE aller ho had attendei juIt 20 days. U AN WRPE A LOCUT PCUSFROZEN FRUITS à Locusto haro beesn ating the 1 LB. CARTONS 5 LB. CA morlils cropn store the arlinat Bib- lirai timen. Rnrently Branil massin- radeil by a colums o! lousta 80 W O C S miles wide. This insaet hordo blcil droada. stald trains,eter- nil boises. anil destroyed 8000tonsHO E Ho n * O D of wheat. A 5arsm as oncen lgt- P O E on y GO D led ait na, 1200 mtlea romisIhe ne- ot land; another sorarosmes ounil Ockville rrozen Food 14000 miles rois ohere t mas batgb- * ed. PAGE sEVU Olan Bros. BUILDEP.S ALTERATIONS - REPAIRS We Specialize in Modern Bungalows Miles St. Milton Phone 407J5 HALTON REFRIGERATION CO. Phono 600 - Main St.- Milton INSTALLATION - SERVICE - REBUILDING EXCEL AND PREMIER DEALER Gem Mtîk Cooter - Farmn Eqtslpnenl Electrie Motor Servite any slon or niake Eloctrir ReCigerators fo rsate $60.00 ormrest $500 per month fll guarantno RADIO ANID TELEVISION SERVICE Harold C. Fay PLUMBING AND .HEATING ýon Phone 423J LOANS PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONSOLIDATE DEUTS REDUCE MONTHLY PAYMENTS ANY WORTHWHILE PURPOSE Fust Service INDEPENDENT FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED 75 Coiborne E. OakviIle, 2390 DAILY SERVICE T 0 A L LCANADIAN AND U.S.A.FOINI CHARTERED BUSES OFFER IDEAL SERVICE FOR AL L CROUP TRAVEI TRAYNOR'S VARIET STORE PHONE 404 E E of Blue Brand Beef n Home Freezer tEEZER $550.00 EEZER $579.00 VEAL LAMB AT WHOLESALE PRICES AND VEGETABLIS :IRTroNs 10 LB. CAR3ONS TOM KILLING ON LEE 74r3 Milton or Centre - Oakville 1214 1