THPANAGECAPIN ILOONrouxUSDY ZL 0d.U lmm.1 AUOX44 Mlton ch.ani Mr. and Mes EA. Prenttce are I d S n ou ef town etvectitet A t ndUUUt M. and Mc. LoydSinth and chttdencrettecled tast mach trom Tentative dates fer tccqnency litnge1 Winnipeg. Brampton, Acten. Milton, Campbellsitie Mes. Chartes Kecc and the boya wech hyi the Ontarie Hydre Cemmisset are nnmmrng at the tamnity ct- tated this weeh Mhat thene tennicipalit tage at Batte Beach. iatonnars eaL,rtrmpriting an 888 qu Mien Jean Dewar and Dr Witl- Sotth Wellington, Hattn and Peel. am Dense of Torontt elie4an Ttte tentative nrhedtte et chane Mine Dntrie Posellt oftTroy. cycle potwer. Jarnaica, vitited ever the wek-ed Georgetont~t Hydct-Etectric Conm-*- veitha Mien Eizabeth Fitzgecald. misin, drnestie 1t3t; cemmere- iat t75; aecond and third wecens oetf Mc. ReUtie Martin of Anceca June, 1954. c spent eerai days last weeh wth Brampton Ruaa Opecatlng Area, c hec coins. M. and Mrs. J. Brin- dernestie 3,10; commercial 325;b ttw. at neek nf June, irt mecet fa Mise Janet CamractnontToronte Jnty. iret twt', eetet nfSepteet-w spet tat Fiday mith hier anc te ber and month et Octeber, 1954. 0 and seant. M. and Mes. R. Mc- Acten Public Utititien Commis- Duneaione, doretit 850; comerctl0 t20; second and thirdweceins Ai1i Mrs. E. Dawes nf Tronto je jaîy. 154-i spending a teen daye rnth lhec Brampton Hydre-Etectete Cern- c datghtc. Ms. Laie Silset and M. miesion, dernestit 2,i0e; cemmeet-d Sittac. at 360; let mee et Juiy. third 1 Mr. nd rs.C. W Clrkeandand fote ee et ofAustn, 1954. Mc. r augdtMr CtuW.eClame an'd' MitontHydre-Etectrie Commis- thefrom datc reeed a ntHall- in doenette BO; commercil day teeln sy. etayi at t50; tantt tomecesetfSeptember. Mr and Me. Wynne Boereraoe Casephetîvitte Hydre Systete. Deceden and their tbree dauthtecn doenetie 70; commnecial 14; second vietteel mith Mr. and Me. E. E. sereino Qeteber. ti5i.à Yte tatweeet. tecetneiUle Pablie Utitities Cern-1 misiondoenetie 400; comereciat Me. and Me. Ctaee Robertsn. 6t; third seeiet ofOttbec. t954. andl Mrand Mes. ydney Rbin t te anticipateel that tee the et Gergetwn tetttat Mendsy ta 90 Bdoeetiec eternere in thene reter te Ottawea. teatjcipatities, neine 40,000 ap-1 ptt acte', tejL have tei bc ebangeel Mca. Peter Peeldie and Mr. and ',ecc Thenese itt inctade an e- Me,. . A. Etitt retnrned berne ttrnated tt.0(Bt) ashint emaines. tat Frjdeay teet their motte trip 6.B0 rctrgeratnrsa nd neeety 4BBB to Aberta and Vancottet. recttrd ptayern tn addtion, il i t-Xpected that motre than 6..500 Mr, David Smith of Godstonee ci', h attd 20Bttans,,', tteithee bel and bier cdttohter.vMiens tilent 'ttdatdtzetd orethogdtrtc Smith et Wnnitpeg. i ited recet t- -rvete ttttdeta. Mi.; Gnbvof ovvll. t)fthe, tt-ttttttcy -s tî sct-ive tt p.p rui.Mt t',cc vAttttt-M-y-t ,,nterand ttt-tjtrtht- ,-ct.t t c ettt ettril pat. Tht- . t M.Pt-ýrMtettt.- and Stn ', .ctone tnas' ctn,tneti tht', tnt-rtý (te,.',, ottltît et N'n-vl.ctt it n ,,,,tctttttdtccntcttt ý «tttitton Onic -tsa 1.iitJr. et Monttt-.t ,ttl,-fiitttt-tt tt-tettttht-t'c,- rilottdttn-t.-tsittMilton, cte t'ttcttt ,dnttttt i ly. a'ttctc.ttttt re vttd bht- t1t-tdeo Wrt, tt ,hot t'ht istttn g AC t Fed Ambro'isetf Milttn e t custonttrst tccttttc-Ien t-ti-cl tnt Tttendan trrn tDlatet Qtue- .t-tttiaect-t ber,.t',,.the RCA.F. bene at Noth ~b Cbatren a antdrr. - inti ttc', Lu-feha. EeOtod weberhtsn'ittttetigpat tftt a-Utare b statjtendfrt',nttcyeeet. Gaetpb, Fengtto. EIero, Rtchseetd and srou'a'dtgttstrtst.Change- Mn-.'and Mn-n T A Hutttti',.tttovecetitecoIttor thtnt- deevyrd jte t',',',onnWednendne seit be an',',aet-d at a ten-tdate et tst ns-rn-bne tbrin- ettor ntnt} A B-eyctrtraensfr erstttin S tente Western Canadaaned ane!,tohecbnit ta ct of.,52,0t spedig a eeb inthe No-th. 'tbreetmle etsr. t ofBrampton, l Mr.andMr. D W Brdlv o mich attt dnabtl e reet' Mn- ,nden DW B-od r amn-tptn. Gcretoaýe scctnand Kenmeer Mca-York, and Mn-n ý ttneettettte.1 Lenee Bn-adtey ted VMn-n Voni The Cfflhactt, Tra', t,r- Thinen-of Hthland Cn-eb vj.ied Statoen a-ttt b,. djeantted an M. and Mn-. Geen-etMenties etrnPtetittttofItht, Bramn necetlvto t'meeet thein- vephese jet, sebtch te , let ft'r thef H F Hatlsandl Mn-t Hil ted thete sumrneofet1954.t tarnily. Frerquc',cy eitv plac tlott 1ing t,846.927 and ',.cs-d bhr Vistttr. 'itbHtiss C .t',n-eaed :22.432 Sttttt hte Ontaritott ydro MeFrnkoJyce forthetee-entdca havtne-r,t-t,,nctttteit Inetttded thein- iten. Mrs.Oneon- cyt-t()t;tttttnt tto ht p,j ttt ttit Pidnnn'rt 'of Onn-vilte:theirnu- -- tcotttlqu'-rter et t953, Ontacrio tn Misz Ha.el Cotttnceen-tb aed tt tttt-ttChatrteat R',h-t 1t, 'i tnc Me. .ted Mn. Rontetd Pttmtt inl Mes Ltte Woree MeM on-,o.ret (t Ofth tru ntt-ett total ttt tems.nnt tnrec', ed Mine Vaterie Dtoee. oal! tt. dtth, hgherrtr-- ',t t 1.t433bcttno tt -.' Dr ,ni Mmn H F Hal ',etd tfth, 223.r,46 locks etntditTfir and Aeeeettnnt-dt'th t. t.Bjct,l. -0cýoz f* fres eN,tBn-taj,. tCtnnecrticunt. - gttt itttt receene t', vjisitOn- tal',tttttst tt ttaitl. t,ttm. t t .- Met. (ittcn- ,peies ted MrMe',-n - intadilm, 1tî 1- ie. Dr. Hallit je n', ,.htt-. r 49,;t78 geneit thPNew -Hnittietn ttt h,',-n .nd tatt r1 t Hspittal and the tanite Plitelaoplayct ýh.t',,th.tttttln wt , rttare >t', tht-mn- tntmer ho-me te .taed;Irdizattt, ct .t t htt. Lethhn-tdte. Ahb-nta, at,.,.Drn-peograno wa', t'a'ched nl tnt199 tt. Hattlcrtrn it, traininet aren-c statt;ttratintc.t tnlt l-q :itfs fot what, you do t Sure hobby opproves ai yooe heo',y social sch',dole a .- bat whe', t affects tht * qoality of bts dtn','r- bett catch out! ishow you *È E:do it Is quality of attetion that coonîs. And tht goe foc he display advettising car ed cn the co ceins of the ocal peper Everybody'e in- terested tentehat the local stores offer. Adverising meets the bayere. MANST. MILTON - 1 la SetOFFAT ge-Over SeMrs. Coxe ots ~mber'~ A To Mission Bond ?m er 'S4 Mu. Elmer Cexe cntertataed lb,3 Mssion Band ai ierhem see on rstandard cton ot Georgetowen, Fclday. e and Blreectan le are cevealed Uis Mc. and Mca. David Henderoon lon.Chaiman obet H.Saunersvisieel ith lthe latrs ansile, M. en Cacsan oben,, aunemsJohn Dtnaghy et Eden Milsa,mine die terra part ot Hydmo s standard- la under thne dorlors came. uce te e esectonin te coure et Mr. Atex Buchanon visted ils tindn te Orillaonet unday. ,cueeoprratten s ttsenllwsith Banely geteat the humentf vevoldt,,liretate fc.ttt.,atnertoit0 Mrand Met Gordon RHeecl erre Ht-e. Sarath Dodsatt. Ht-o. John Luxtn and Mr. andr. Douglas Msjrind elchildeen, att et Port fequrncy ilefotere25-cycle se- Stanley. re. M. andl Ms. Ruenet Etîtt at- Borne 9i,ii custernere ot att tendeel the mrdding et Me. Finlay claenes itt ultirnatety lbe autteîd Crnie andl Miss Irving en Frttlay by changcovcn. andl it is the stirn- eventng. KEN ELLSLEY recouniet tcd 79400 doetci custoerer sein rnaie titepeject the tactest LW IL perienees on a trip Bc ot itls ided er te be undertaleen. _________ sponsored by Milton Rt The steady peegmees beine nmade at he clubs regular m( ons Iis trernendeus peegrmrelai- Large C.rowa Enjoys Tuesday eeenieg. The lenlcated by the tact that appros- ti ncluded isits toi tiateiy 100000custoerercg ail Local Gardon Party t~cig n ee ctases receverd thne igier power bidnsadmei dueing the yeac endint Jute 30. -prirnetinisier and 1953. Tine St. Gerges AnglhtancLearch generai. The trip mas sning mes a decideel sucezen. Mr by the Ottawa Roary C vuc Holid ay Fred Daviu. Aldecabet. mas manIer students f rotecrs otfccerenonie and a good vaiety vjsted thea nouons capil It's Civie Holday on Monday pentesm wsa enoed by lina targe and le allowth ie saff tihe enjoy- censeelin atendance. ablie long week-end adverllaern Mission Band Macla are asked ta chance Illusrations The MismenRend et the Uniled fer dlsplay adcartlslng on OStur- Cbnrh eth ita the pasunagz tocrI day mersing r ertlotSaer than thircr rguarnonty meeting un Tsesday aiIlîa.osTise usalSa ndayrneccieg. Marilyn Lace« deadile of Tsesday ai 4 p. m ii tes cendnctcd the mecehip evieceRI apply on regular dlsplay advertis- Mes Homard Cenisen bad inharg lng and Wedne. aynenoClaa- eoftheenuiorstudy greup andMiss sified adcertlslng. Shirtey Celjcg teldel t r y Reporta of meetings and eenta thne juniors. Jeanettr Pee wsa ut- - 1~-- tceuldble appreerlaid asnsoonsal. pentedtathe positiontoftaerta-y 'tHE EAGLE AND TH tee tise avent as possibsle. ttt John Lahes place. ___________ Ht-. Osear Ceattet- attecded the hp Feancez Winu ordtttt.t tftht-t-attet-. Mise Patreiea Mes of geitt riree ti Teeti, Said Worse Io Mr. Davidit-edt', Mn-.IO-tcid Feedrc - ick dtttOtmcd tntttbtoee tu With Civilization t.y .ttittj Mr..ata N;î;cThe tt teo i jta l10 1 -ýttttifeh( t n 1aitetp d \'tt tt îttt ,i the tnjtcd th- cFth ttcttitttt tntýiri tien t o te i t',re-,t-n . 1Yf., T.ttttetnr othiLarný, i- E -ttvttttht'Fra,tvtc ;i A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 tttttteeGrtncttpotn. orirdt gilth itetd lt-c.titht ttttttttalci .ad tho.tta IT KIl om aod Distict lotrttatf -eo-etantci tltie i titttantdce Ar ued ro Cvla 4 Thetîtiethe'Ru tttttn nt tt td itttt l boiveg, h, nt ti,- b-ttntttecjt.i Tttthir, tttt , ttteo ti a ,tt )in a ,,1,.tit.t - npathettceo t-c fl c -t I s 'I) Jý,i.., %ýt.-ttt, t t s. adht-tti h , i nt.e pttynttnt îc tes B , w e ttcga-1 ctî-t.Th. tt t r oht-n tei stti tott , l e r îttcte nttatccttt tîtiitttsg ttinttti n,ý i itttttaitte hnt-tof t, .tttmte a or oitsi,-tic,eecigtntttryv ntnl tt .- tictte ttYitîttt,.ttcr ttt.etfotýoLcn.r*ncitttîteccah.tîlt.t,tthut-nd E, d.;IsjNp F.ttttetl ',t-,.t.hrn t, tt a uthIL. __ _th *M U M*UM-ca i f u U M M Mrnantit--at-t- Atibtttgbstttty.tnd to îtttttte tinî lier cent. of the popult-ion. %%tt reast g hT. t e Ntt anc itt.ri s nt. of thetI.ttpic cBut anoon as the Pt,inC ne t, Cttî etittt.tmn (;,tii Tltctnlt.,n, living;tlytradn-gestttcrI ctthi oat h i., go' trionstandttttthest.tbtd eatcirtteiacit 1tet E ttett -ltin tt iltt-.tttrittiitctth- pet- iat% d Anivil] r', Sin hi ro o t os ri r u itte bi ttt Ttt h te tttor t y tî;)i n .tt.cb Mgtiî-itsteh-toinStttt tctitt.t Thtaahtr i undo-1 opposiet attitte coditions. tthtsIned îtte.tttce btt ttttt tttt t-dci noesttt al t nqnr t, ,.m . T e tea e tt.t dt the b at.fu itt Lo- MMMMMMiMMMMMMUUiMUM dtttenenttin sfoi.,ettnste ete.t etc tt, eetj 194a th;ItI4tcof ttthttf o )'ttI ttt 27. s -f tîtyt. isonntt nt A ,, L e,,; *cvtttMcetra iti .a.itba, ttttdttt tetmout 376gie-t-t- hoceha',d eomprfil 1n9-521e.mnhiej aije-fi'. agi. if i1 . ini n h . t IS , Il o, Jet1 41)Il-r i-t.of heyo * ,-cod i-oyb tebntttî Tntnrnat rm-ri mpihttth.nfat-e j11,tttttetl-je1the1e!,I Ittiots.Al!a t el inn. if Id 'vMattthedt-iert-srye;ni pnjt i en. A th, t-1 Y'f . Ael t eb 21 puicurit , jolot. Il with- 1'1,d1thcfi e . - ed itjsetjm jný. Sý ilstfilaitta mi - ryt Iedicl ebane :,h un 11-te tondc h r- a F;sn he Ivntse ici n - verc etett.', et if atd isadtiaibte te e ' sin e th eli- stnittaier r t Icfi, eye'....,. tt pfis'el',tety , rcdeie dytten atr et the tithintfil,,ltotadeseoserasofos ha cnrnpîeteî erya f * pea o t-t t erte n il te e t. titi.e1 th' rasre. "ei ai r pr a* d. nt1,;I rcsT ctei oaete12 tthectil er t amd an ts ty sit e LIcol.;L oli-as t- f Ltrest f ncet,1 fin tds Api i awt trnnttjte thete. ,Oves A 1953 etantbrnati chitdre M thic111nfinatenof40n-i deChaleetrni 1111oio- fon I) o Pa--tir,o., t wettt Dd yendset A llergi, e s ei hierggedte ran h e it r I' o(iErtiriaLaodig I)(* ý ft set- yhove vr y eTnt t',an .ýt,,ot byt jý1I Lrý fhtT-, -r, bo t r eee der. Ttiie riatt seirt&ir PHON 120 * vh,-nttttrenicndttsintesgtmetohsa.nenle b,.ost-l b d t thar ,,, e esrble rg ie. Tht-y est .11I, M tiIULL etet a d ntebs aite ýIiswlii 1 . -. 7 -7m Deep, Broad, Long Boom For Prairies There le a newboom ln Western -Canada, deepeer. breader, longert than ever betore, reporte thse Fln-t anciel Pesta Gorden L. Smlinh aller a sarvey othtie Prairies. Il la rnaklng expansion blueprlseis - oelete alaneal as sets as drawns. te even fiiitg est and oveeflose- .g these apaloas cLlyr boandarles that mn-ce laid ouIta the early po- neec days. Areund tast-climbang tEdrnontons,tee exeple, new tact- ore ntaree gttng ap miles ieyend ithe etd tjnttts, je country that teas igrowing sehent the yesc bctnce. chs iethe boorn te baned cen TuhimetethantUer tep six tachea ofte cesto e n ibia tentin- mortl. Il's baned as wel on nete wealtin that lies handreds and thes- -anda et teet helew tisaI sil and on the rester tecested and =edyar en thIstretch traom the nct ie li otafa agriclturae to tise Arclit t Circle. Atone mllh miseal and otis- - er creps and ctIle and siseep and thege. LB le haued en ci and natarat gan. on the nickel. ropper, oraniuan, a getd and ther minerais tIm mrld r needsanad en the newty surveyrd Cerenta tee. a oThinin et the aperd Iliht cornes as trete thne sent Lnt ilmonder- tnt'" Yeain. t guee; but then In' ,Iden-niitatlthUe may." Enggeents Mr. and Mca. Vere Wilson telis to anneance Use engagement ot tiseir dasghler, Betty Rath, ta, Anthony Basset Wiseeler, son of Me. Çarnel Winzeler and Use lte Mr. Wineeter et Port Nelsen. Tise mraceage ii taine place on Aug- ut t, 1953, at Knex Presyterlan Manse. PICKLED ? Jirn."Whst'n Jeb peartag on hie ternato tlants?"' Jitet Aicoheit Winst on earh tor" Joe: "Oh. heItins he tan ralse 'ent tetes.'1 LT US DO YOUR BUILDING Traynor Construction Co. GENERAL CONTRACTOR Phone 485W P-0. Box 86 Milton THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TERMSDAY, JULY Soti% lm ipkam mim v Nl tEIW TED STO VER - Carpemter NEW HOMES - ALTERATIONS ADDITIONS - aTRIM « CUPBOARDS LE ROCK For Free Estimaies and Prompt Service war PHONE MILTON 438J AFTER 5 P.M. they rnay ____________ tht- Eagltt> - tý oorne FOR A HOME YOU WIUU BE PROUD TO OWN t,. tint,, ,ck nw inCONSULT rtDle i 011 Davies & Davies Ltd. il., GEORGE ST., MILTON satisy thý193 High Park Ave., Toronto le-adr,- the MUrray 3055 atnd -et, teht-ou ah MEMBERS TORONTO METROPOLITAN HOME BUILDERS' ed. Victor, ASSOCIATION AND N.H.B.A. ttttcqtg ,the rTsetos- ,ne,but nt tht- greit in'c5sNlaio ROCuLAMATION ah frsu.1953 aCIVIC HOLIDAY h. ý Whereas ai a meeting of the Council of the Corporation of I the Town of Milton, held on the l3ih day of July, tqhh tttd i t was resoîveal that I 1it' ~eIo be MONDAY, AUGUST 3rd ,sthma b and the same is hereby fixed as the Civic Holiday for the i current year, and that the Mayor be authorized to publish il ttst- the assaI proclamation in connection therewith. 1 1M Dr.G. F. THOMPSON, -nv hild iMyo tily inprott.IMao ng ttai e rd.t tti'tn td chltd i, oItttttso- h tt hirIivrs WE OFFER FOR INVESTMENT hin nnah bc$73,00O0.00 TOWNSHIP 0F NELSON ,rean ,.a e4/4 DEBENTURES tt,,,, . ilfe DUE 1960 - 1973 INCLUSIVE t-hildt-ttttht t-hrttntc th',t For prices and further information, mail coupon tt twht-t-tttg below to our nearest office phystet-te to g the a-thntts thr ne the BELL, GOUINLOCK & CO., LTD. a netghtttn the cause i 5Kn t .,2 ae t . .ated. 2 igS.W,2 ae t . att the cana- Toronto Hamilton tend and eli 1hb effectet Pleane tend me, teithoal obligation, complete deails .nt, prevtd- regardieg the 4y/4% Township of Nelson Debenture. uct'irntnated Dr. Cetttne- Lenwever, thtNe . . . . . . injections te, * 90per cent. * tccatrd in A ddress ................... -............ ..... rnely teet. oeeattache, Dr attache te ,heh theyar tend ittennt