TOWNSHIP 0F TRAFALGAR Requires One Assistant Assessor to oct as filodman in the atuosamont dopartmont. Somo oexporionco lu dosirablo. Applications îtating qualifications tnd other details must be je writing and delisarad to the Clerks office, Municipal Hall, Trafalgar, Ont., flot later thon 12 o'clock noon Tuesday, August 4th, 1953 S. A. FEATHERSTONE, Clerk 1BAVE 10% WHEN YOU BUY AYLMER CHOICE CREAN STYLE N 24-TIN$31 CORNOASE$33 SINGLE TIN 15c - 2 TINS 29o RINSO DETERGENT IT'S NEW PKG. 3899 75e CIVIC HOLIDAY SPEOTAL 1 CORNED BEEF HERFOD Tm43c SUNDAE SAUCE Chocolate Fudge - Butterucotch - Naromallow 12-O. JAR29 SPECIAL - MONAROR LE. 5 MARGARINE 2Lez 5 FREE Piokie Recipe Enaket wth HEINZ WHITE PICELING VINEGAR J 66 COOKIES 25 SLICED AND UNSLICED 24 oz. Enrched BREAD, Fresh Daily - - - 14c SUNKIST ORANGES, 288"s-- doz. 25c 26 LB. AVERAGE WATERMELON --Each $1.09 ALBERTA PEACHES- 2 Ibs. 19c CABBAGES - - - - 2 for 15c LEAMINGTON TOMMTES---- 2 Ibs. 19c CELERY STALKS -- 2 for 5c flANCHAPION MITONONTRIOPAGE TEXtES FASHION HINT r== =o ýU R, a * FRONT SUC totoKato Dr by On0e oaIthehappoostt hoga abouaD taisomonne s Ds wiernylon c hirt leh natit or aothr0 he her Faswr i.I gc i inos dihpuO fullofsoapty sel ,1io 'co oatrr. After t ronor it reotty metl,inI o ~ ai Ilhaog it ouahanher orbere t cao 0 ~ Oj drip-and trace it. sih When il drieo. itloosgfie. tr o'have tried pressing it a little bat F We se mre and more sheer the shirt did't tlok mach' dif- Sin nylon dresses ach oammer, aood fereot orbon t dido't pst te ron Sir orth them me aotice thecostume l.par treed n inerie. Maoy opaque Ho do es'oserm lu thinkh t'a slipo mth fgattoriof omridery ai mauch botter thuno thor shiirts .-'es the top and hem arr made specially eilher. Of caose, anythiai thoe do for moar oitla nylon dresoos, and duyo os hot! chi the camiolsetopofr benoth nylo Wo oticed soather thing about mo blouses hecaume very popuar thon thotnyonso hirts-thr y dont loo 0h pust year. icosoyas qcoicly. 'With ahrulh dresses in onood. the Aod oith the nylon hit lhe to otommor snipa are now ammde. Soce n'eues a dacroooo be jusolansorash-be are very sorm ihastrupless topc abte ond on-iroaubtr. Ithaveoheurd orecamioleatopas. Someeralytl- odarocaita ar e god, und ouod reod liobo slpsarue fur oear bho libeone oeatb 00001. Prello' cpt fo*sammer secoîhor L Aloeg ther oro. lingerieo ode- are my ocraahartsocf obole lerp dot veoapis e caa cbco'of itos ors. loth. They wos oh beaabtiflty. jooc lua. Pyjamasocotemein ahotio lob aoe loooo.and of core ont o lcccehs, are golhco'edOoils'acsPerS.cootaoy icaonioociler. ' cli Sorneloob lob,' pedoal pasheco Ar.- Otb'otjelc lîes aef üther coca,'novatiso il;the drraa a t o'oly doessasl0Mulloca airpcot lenglh elebteoro S oooco.op Occoocag.Il s'as royal bue r lice oloroof thooso'ligbt alaminma t o wnchairs. Il cocs 'loco tra pIon'. at AttI!.t, te aes. jocol bc ) oo Prs ntP t ton bcg st1 t oItabcoter -wr h m Pres nt P rcei 'oi ochte,'ionstoo. Tco t bc.a' at loociai'tcotottoodbematlch- fti -L adcel ccl oco c]bine.She hos ReZoninginN rh t li,:oeoe rrgt ho , l l e ab1 couoot toc lic Ac lbti,' liOo.i o-1gIloc 'tOcOOO t 000'tltOO'O'O0000'icmot '1 Townsochpc.ando vccccini 0I.otococlnio0Occ oiioth,'occot hacd"l' 0,0 the' occoccOc v ti'0 c oto' ot. ccc"O O ichct. Il Oc c coo' mart. I th, no,.eOh 'aýc c'.iid coo'-0in lb,' Po-co rucn'O lhe'c' oti l d oc t OotOca Thv' pocccdecccccocegocticlan..cviisceoc'- te."'e iccOc.c l il,0 cI doi to NlIo n Tcc o cdcc ccoccei (>o (if the10 00,0. orallies n i 11 "'bils 00000 00,O.aaMond'l a-veeacc cIluoil h' cctc' o eo' cooi toc he,.t oib-aw cc.crotcoe racheotc' l:- it, cOhc'OO i.oO .1 tho 000h.' eeve ticc lSos'otýiclod Oth 'cel ccfilcco dcc o, c O' toý. toco depuaool.Occc 'Il'. :,.0 oc re' 000 l- t;11ki lsccc..and thel ibo c bd q000001 poclortn hoocand00afflects amny saccito'1 cccalhiol tvcrioeol' aco l.e to i 0va, coo htec' li000 , 1 Fred W.lbr..ctforer dejocoa c"eo ilO.clerl,'0001 dd't lobk Oc0cco'occoOo'ýlud ,c cocoto ramlltoto'acccc' the oorlb octet nc sohip. T c cchtclriicc toaoa Nelsoan cc chsFoc e District NIcl oco c k'tcach f0 mnd u, No, t Volocler Forn o arm c cta .o.0,0e Sooclo'. When oce n'as r.aioished ho he-,occ'. ill o rot riedot;il theo' -orcoItherroo'vos cooeocolaooleralcoJoooary 1, cthcccder crahocooo'rhcad.tligbtco- 1954, aod pravide proection " 111 doligrst 1oadonio Ihat PiccrOo f Nelsconowlocacb 'ccare occo ic yhcooog tfor Ihe cr- Cedar Spi ingsHcad nrblco ad, inviit, zucd thereaiorocas ohin cscisdcccg Lotl7,.at linod Loe.o1con'oni' frotorcdheld like a GueltphbLioe oroi o and icui- 1 *d 'a.cccil. iOaura-draae raulosusly cn otl.V'l" The deicotOeOt.ainOiOs coococoroo oftblsoocaas %itocrurcccd ltc Oc, cal Moin000lo. ecora tf'crminutesr,.the rolt fore(-dc0o.oelcocest"on hol portio o g0, oc.occeclcods acrltp byu of the00 voýhcîo orlh oct the Sec cîcI.reoOccO c'cocyhi-i,-tlbino f st- ond Coceocoifocccdchncc'ro'ccco'tc cr lookooThe lighnog hy-laws n.s.coccOoca.citccas rveiglok.lei %toc .o ato.hl.leooo'otfcosh- ha ocîoOOOOOO .ho o ii ýti.ochathe' ci tc a'0 i.O 0' 'hcibclocc fQ in cocore c cOcodurccc te ntio uocomo ie cc ..'trocos he crr. sac 1 iccco c.c ,o h ftoc' et 000li$ oi.occ.l . co .O' hi le, i tt00 h'ocoir ciu $,000foc non-;,,?t0000 Occi.ot',c"crý -, o ' ii c cotntre.od- l'ors t.,'! b'cldicoct c'e0 in0 othe cc o 00.00ecO' nc. hthe o Tte- a ' coo1.1 ti c" cacismo cc"cccc c Ocofotcc cccluý1 hnio,. oo ', r SIhiocOcc., cotic 4 soi'..\"e ,, d 0000 mot ,ill i $ 2: . o', Oc .000 c .c the o' cocccocc . toccto .and iococc tio.,S1000.0 $2; ccOo 000000toc Ltg M-n w ment ofccciicch.cct'0"Oicc iloel, ct ci the' roccot.ond ch- $50,05 $0; -c octo ScOut $SI: ortcoo' ci e ofas 0,00 beicce ai0- aiitosfot$500 Oo hSt, tS.;OcoOOOr,'Oi Ait ocacocote accordong toc froono $500100 00,o $2:Si. 20ccO clino1ac'hc'ctoie. Ou i-eocd loobkoltf1,r ioosot $1000, $2; odemaoly $I; ad- Wino.accnhotr no' aaed froonto cc- velt ,cro e drcer.$2.;oneo'r aroc em caic' ococor ad cofrtrloe.Thetil garge,$I;t]. ga'rage>ecoo eto'tc to tloheacommrolornc $2;. m ry gresoo oictccotoc $2; rach againolo..thogb il hadl sppdrdni .ddtoonut $2; shedast. itoc ciora. Twos ¶y-luoro atfteiag anieso- The ocrpori hadt ertainty ia- mrcolomrre pased oe o'encdoacaspirdnusotbconfidoeeThr the date for rertcofthe rollforwa's noosugges'tin ofranc.'loa'4 60 duvo beauneietma felttIhe plooro à rtrorsatld ont1lhe ompterd by Jolp a the tome ore are sa ppSed the rrcoured date, September 30. tb il tiousartiurenad rajsy al The olherr y-lum set thr date for the fruits (ad vegetuhîro and rrlara of the roasOtbor1 lfowerisfsooulbs. But very- ih Noorrmert1setlfoor cmmrnc-imrtt1lokaimysccea lfattoowr cagrcourtcof reecisa . t ltoapro-hreds Ira'lhe soderiguasout vids fur aatrment or refund of nrnlyear. Ncchr have 1 ver taxesorhroluindis vacantlforthreto'rsclohiehstofmyannabooittre- moniliasor longer; f a buildine a arool thenaselvro. I tbhi soosado. bsrsrd r dermccishrd, saorraon iOancod socoorimos looturas anocd porta- tiailolertoc psytaxes omaiîoetoIsec..Butcabot the rrttdoa't scbnsecco exre me porry:oi, noThrrccriny are disad- oosr-ch,'reeand for'ss0,ar aass o bc'ioeahbookh-Mardo'arr. caenbra sainsscnalcarried an tforlîts coraoth. onteenrmpmnsl aitullror. A lurîher h-tam croainforomative orrd cralogusellot vides for aooirne doaccoacsofa 5cl'crih of t hir atiualos might rcoco'- poc crnt.01hn'botax.os.oaraocdoioop caoo'n atdaunce. Wlt.l'o]* jsot haee tuo anb the LIopuatci ons a'smpoiciciof'dQItruot- fa ghhooc . orrcampsandincrect smooso ______ HugesroCîrovere cddco'aa o'drscol cath rfornceo'th ibocotataticon octPoet's Corner waotccm.ccs onooNeworetcland toto a aagecold agreement. THE VALUE 0F A SMILE ASfrc'acdoiceocmitlco mc- sett),coooroocd ot cortiu.,A smiltocostsssothiog bot givoo Adbons anod Castso. oith rea" Oorah. Smillte as clicirmioc. I10 rrchos thooeor rore ce t, A rommittee , ora lac mel t to Wolbnalmahngboorr those virao tuintogsata dossire plortoct- givoit. 0o0) and nalciaid. lt ttubut a momrnt, Bt the memory of it nametimes ________________________ lats fbroyer. Noneris no rirh or mighty, Thul ho' cacin e olng oithoat it, And non is supoor, B Wn Thurtlihe cant ho mudr rich hy 1. ýBeriha B. BonA silecrealeo huppinesinohe REALESTAE BRKER Fotc'rn gondoritlinebutinent0 REALESTAE BRKER And.t osa rcontesiganI froradohip and Il houcoco 'est tosthe meary, GENERAL INSURANCE Cioo'r is iloe dincooraged, .hccoctcoartu the'saditi Main St., Milton Actasouble 'a. et cliao s Yo'l O crolins o hotle olt, bogged,ý Ovor Bus Knights Fhorromed or stolca, 1 1 Foii insosmethine chut is ai eo IMMEDMIN jarden Party Has tecord Attendance The Zommerman Garden Party ,nWedneaday eveaing oraa quite ureaaful. A goad program, a rer- d croord, plenty of good booth pplies and perfect weather, al mbined ta make it a financial ues.Speci4l prita woere won * the fottooring: Oldeat lady. Mra. ovies af Paterma; oldeat mun, Mr. olIoos of Lawville; weddioogan iversary, Mrt. and Mes. Stuart ttoatrieb, Mitton; Yococcet baby,- A.cand Mrsc owellci.oflLoonaitte. ooy Hopkins acrs his usal jovcial il! as asutofaIcrrnOoniei. Mra. H. Buorden is vucatiaeiag nthe States. Her neighbors hape he basana enjayabte aad reattoal Frienda orere gtad ta tee Deenia actair able ta attead Charch an oenday. Drnais atteaded a garden arty oa Wedneday eveamng, horoughly eajoyed bootb doticac- os, bad his lonsits rrmoved Thora- y ia Hamilton aad attended oureh Saaday wilh a omite. tan't oderoascience monderfat. Mr. aad Mo-s. L. Shepherd and ylvia motored ta Wusaga Friday ohriag Phjtip home. Philip has 'oen enjoying a mach ut thr beach. ANOTIIER SCOT I Little Aogus was givra a new lollar bilt for his birthday. At the locat drugstore hc had -the billM hangrd loto silver; thea he crossed othe grorer and astord faor a bilt or the change. Ho repeated tthe accsssveracl titues. Finay hi à atho'o aabed for an explanatioe. 'Wett," aaid Aogs "osoner or Là atr someoeisgoin gto make aj nitabe aod it's 001 gsiog la bct ne i I INSTRUMENTS and ACCESSORIES including Ail Types of Electrical Instrumentsj ED. SLATER m 38 Coiborne St. West OakviIIe, Oint. IOurAnnual2torlI DRESS SALE ENTIRE STOCK 0F SUMMER DRESSES TO CLEAR AT DRESSES FOR THE PRICE 0F1 Dresses you'Il wear right now and through into the fall. Dresses that were top quality values at their original prices. Chasse from a good selection of Cotons, Linnso, Spuns, Jerseys, Shantungs, Printed Silks, Taffetas and Criohay. Sizes 12 ta 52 including haîf sizes, Dresses, Reg. $14.95 Dresses, Reg. $8.95 2 for $14.95 2 for $8.95 Dresses, Reg. $1' 2 for $12.95 2.95 5 Dresses, Reg. $4.98 2 for $4.98 Ais. Clearing of Children's Dresses at 2 for 1 SHOP HERE AND SAVE Dresses, Reg. $6.95 2 for $6.95 O Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your L money Refunded- MILTON DEPT. STORE Phono 112 Phono 112 DIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO 'SALADK TEA BAGU YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR NOW OFPERS A COMPLEEUNE 0Fi