PAGE TWO y NOm T Il. THE GOOD OLD DAYS. Ws MAY HAVE SEEMED W OE TH BETTER Homes Ahead He mon noverai awards. t uf Trafalgar townshi p clerh Sheldoo The article goes on ta say tat FfyY usA o we y ur A o The WrongFeatheratofle reporta that about a grumera had considerable trouble - scs Cornes ut Last h rn e tet dozen land ownera near Qakville having their specimefsln 10Perfect From tise Issue or the Champion of From the lsue of itse Champion et After what seemed an endless and fruitless There has been consderable discussion re- have applied for lot registratio, condition for the show date. Somne Thuroiay. m'ly se, 1903 Thuseday, Autant 3, 1933 lodlcating considerable residential dillues of ltuba mere picked a month- amount of discussion, the good nems has corne cently and plans are being put forthn to have Po- building. Att the applicatioîn rmsSbeore the show asni carefully John Readhead, of Nelson, han 30 Between 75 and 100 men il go that the Koreun war has siopped and three years lice cars equipped with radar to apprehend those bie approved berore any new or uOe hoarded in reoirigeratorar acres of cals, the sllehs of mhich are back ta mach at the beginning of of strutigle has endeci. Peace reigno again. On whc cido nt obey the speeci limir. To our mnd are orderway. thouih. Net Reoponibie six et itn hight, oral week when two plants of the 'allmer Store Wer ccl this jolkr ciaurneci th,' The 0,cr Who tood highest at the Mlto Brick Camp any resumne ope- Monaymonig te omatnt wihdemthirthe police are doing very vmeil even mith their M.adMrs. Paul Billbel' oi Halton merhly pupero, and o't rstrance coaminatiunuso Halton ration, George M. Kerly, Toronto Monaymonin te omatatswihdrw her earetomOd have opeord a branris talle aoy responsibility: mere: Jean MeCannell 910, Milton; manager announced Tuesday. The rmies. preseut equipment. ai the cuunty store in Buta, and Douctor: 1 dunI lke the labas i Ettie Harrison 855, Milton; Wiflie planso ili mach on ful l tne, and To Most of us it soems an if conflict, mars and There is littie use in bringing offenders t0 plan ta operate it in the summuers. your hushand. Mrs. Jon5es. Hume 836, 12, Nelson; Frank Altos mill lihely continue in eperation un- unsettled conditions have been the regular part of court until our courts are prepared to use corn- Thala Bastcres lemelîoer, china go ones:ith the idon. ut esq8u3 eson; elio 1,ltlltt etfl.Peiiayw life for the panI 16 years. The second World War mon every day homse sne and quit quibbling and gitta. AY oHatSla ohrg tene ofhegharo rann thra thermays Iltschept rc ended lu 1945uand inl953athe Korean war Htall aaout points oftlm.dFortnoverai yearsneghan tthe AheioarenlYyMussthakiofunriaks ened dn14 n n15 heKra a t-aoubtflpoino of .Fsevga yarJstice hofthe lar mith the Barbersasau ith îmaoy We read tiismeek that mben T. W. Criers tarm, oear Boyne., has beCOme depleted ta the point ed. oubtul onorof ervig a a Jstie oftheothers in Hallua. They are able Trafalgar Chiet Fred Oliver pich. The bars, ehen completed, mill add mhere a nem sapply in necessary. * ariclalyb hoo hohaeloved odes in Peaco. ln u or nemîpaper mork me have listened telaxi business mitto picosuce, ed up a bundie ut letteru on the gceatly lu the appearance ut the Bmitchiîig its tail ta discourage the Koroalconflic the os on od hanvgfeay ae ncut luchily. Laheuhore Highmay near Bronte place. The trame morh mus dune annuying attention of files, a herse the oren coflit th nes onMonay ornig t man caes i cort.The Blue Goume cubinu lu Hala Bunday, lhe started ta laugh. On by E. Henderson. In the cvenisg the omned by Gordon Joyce, Trafalgar was heartening. To evryone mho abhors the Our ouporience hus been thut the courts are are operated by a Mitonla. mho the letterheads mau printed bld- yoong peuple enloyed a hop, Jor tomnship, had the said tail casght blooidaheciandi mate of men andi materiols, the te blame for the luck of lam enforcement. A reseta penteinMithn. ue O ur sly HarSe Bute C pompandy. ad emusctautMto sp the he lsat cîoery Whited u headline, 'War Stops Today mons joyous noms. typicol exomple maes the recent case ofi a charge Dilies o Lilies ire peoot." He cheched mith Tor- On Thuenday uternoon smohe iag ta relesse the horse, Joseph Here lu Canadate mars endi did not bring the dismissed oginst a driver mho mas caught doing Nothyourerciteruint ubociylete ospoc an eaouenugts he mur oc R. andorhiag throughtanibleteabdoeigHboras rhihed tin shoting and mhistle bloing that the end of the 90 miles an houe on one of our highmays. show in Hamittoapou iii beci- bren tahes tramt a sale in the os Mais) Bt. The alarm mas sounded is home mhere medical attention If ny ada orothr nw fngld euipenterested inanu item ia thelreofr- oftice ut the Toroato companY and th, fire brigade torned aut aa secured. At the time itmas net conflicts nom in 1945 but in the hearts of every- fonrarorohromagedoipettoms nemopaper. The Bost as- mhirh adcertised its producs aus promptly, but beture they mere Posible te determine exact etent one thero mon praiso and thunkfulness that fight- is neede ilt shouici be brought mbt the court pmsing lily in the sowu, an It-toot burglar proot, and mbich had rrady te commence operationa J. B. of iniuries. Part of the tait mas lest hac case, trceha ben odean a rooms. The fauI does not lie or the correction beautymas eohibited by aody bera crscbed by thievm mwhu had Larenre had pst out the ire mith by the hocr. ing a esda rc a enmd an a Best ut Toroato, son ut Dr. aad put the companys boat te the a tcm huchets t ater. The tire Many tramt Milton spent Suniday- hope that mon and nations may ogain tam to the Of the fault connot bo bound in the department of Mm .Chartes Best ai Grorget)wmaes! aove he iing !the ote. Hum mh a Aere thep teied tahe o, s paeu usiso aigtewrdabetter highmays. The place tb look is iu the deportment t urigited is a mofate ce. day he ttrinueda!te ateepcoSun-a pecea prsis fmain hemoil h orgntvedils ag asebaîl m atah t i onea ter.tes d place te live in. of the Attorney-Genoral for the province (anci meTh ienigbabilmtnbsya mot admit mie dont eoen knom mho holds thatAS ST. GEORGE'S HOLDS played ai the Agricuitucal Societys Miss Hume ut Guelph Y.W.C.A. offie atthe reset lie).grounds last Friday atternoon mhen and Miss Metotyle. of Kitchener Many From District PICNIC AT LOY/VILLE Milton de!eated Georgetomn 34-1, Y.W.C.A., are enjoping a boat trip If Otaro isto ave ustce ad fir pay ormas lau one-ided ta bc intereating. domo the St. Lawrence as tac as If ntomotheahaeMjstie Bduagrpla nfo -The visiteamece a tine lsshing and Nem Yack. F o h alB gthat multitude of torista andi citizens mho are îam njy Garden Party St. Georgeus Church. Lumvilte, gestlemasly lut ut yaung mes, but For the third successive yeac l Perhops its the heut, but our mail doos bring obiding andi deserve protection f rom the fem mho - brd its aunuai Sunduy'Schot pic- tbcy mere nem ta the gante, ignor- talta seed ccaps have tailed Ibis us mre are pecmen thee dys.Lastwee we brook loms it s time a different viem mas takou The commufity lu glad teo sec sic on Tharuday eesing. tJuly 16, altof ils pointsanad badly in mant Year due toeeessive heat. In ther usl more areutspecion theske oystatekme Boy Ford ic recovriogftromt his ut Lomilie Park. Aboat 75st ut practice. Thuugh they appeaeed yeara the failure han been atribute toi yu bot ecevig bokot ro te e-in our courts mhen cuipits are brought into them recru t accidnt aud is rotlacboae domu to supper,ad races, sot- ta hee diacuuragcd, it is teolbe huped ta excessive dampness, bat titis peor ciety of Gocis. tl deesu't mtter moch mhat tl mas meading ieely. bal sud gamea tor the youager that they mii icklet the gume. it is reported te have been camseu about becouse if me trieci toexepîain il yos mosîci by the police. Wesley Ebbs relsroed ftr a childrera tclsmd, uder the parhns There is ao reasort mhy, mith peac- by the scarrbing droaght, mhieh lan -. -- --rrb-- weklt Hyero Beach Camsp. Hc Iicodligbs. ice and rapccicncc. they shouid nt many cases dried the bloonse becoeo ot s cenfosec os me more in the frst E iec rm B ianreports ian mjoyabie vacaticu and Prize- ioîirs in the races mere: Imfrove and by anuiher urauoa be thal lhey drop ait betore tull de- fem pages. E ie c r mB tanboîrislii atensd again erut yerr Girls. Sur undod urlder, Versa able ta mahe thisgs interesting tocrrlopment. Similacly in many fields Thi mek te riz pakag cme il he sy A noms item frem Britaîn stalleu: Biggest Qieasmr rîmtî o-ThcisiiJoycre Poritl, Diane aaY tramn in the eounty. mbrre clouer mas lc!t ta seed it did Thiswee th prie pckae cae al te wa 1 uit a nmbe frnt tis om-Powelil.boys. 0cr aududer Mur- Hot Weather Bargain Attractionssot derelop bal drapped et! due ta from Bombay, Indiao.It mas from soeoprofesser contribution te an anticipoted iucrease in Com- muii.rattiided icihe isormin ran ll:îrîo. Cîîri Middiebricb. Hoinrake and Sons. Uslrimmcd the brut. In same cases the !irst mo cilei) ho od oos ine te muntinssud monmealfh steel production wîll probabl coneprerne anîcîcîîcric ici cdîcod ain dehciBHichrlyDsii, arts. ee u tumas O Grssmmencoshamsteed euoy (sysrtials d)iichibicui iiiniodertBishey loirsiBîsaur Pnw-tcîmmed hats, 50c. Children's stram ose mhu mould taire it atf. As the receiveci spiritual1 andi magnetic pomers. Ho solicit- from Canada, sais the July Baleti n of the British -q.Brid ur: bîîvs oenanud sailor hais, 25c. Womens lnes resait ut the repetrd seedtailurou, ed iquiisandagredtcr oteeythng irnanciSteel Fweeu<-ena .ea idei. lisitd Tbcmiicon Normau uirlu. 98c. Ladies' sommer capes, seed is commanding a hîgh price. n smin n rocitetom mut vethie. mon Feoroîo. - - rritArunold Powîellirls.oils)t$1.25. Mrns u Sommerecambrir shirts Rer. J. N. and Mca. McFaul, end f rom fits and diobetos, business, as affairs and A year or so ago tl mas thîs samne Federatien Week-dndîîîd rr tewrticiHyward, Sue 35c. Mes's Panama and lhum bats: daughter Betty, returned an Satur- soive even love probiemu and have overyoeolive thut poîntod out te the morici that ef ail major Infl wing Ns tO.i Hysc.rd, Rosuiii Piieritt; Inrwst slyles, 5Oc Wr gire you day moeniog last tram a tive meehs tel-roucngconrisCaad bs adthil. 14 and uîîdec. Et arinePosc-1couponsoon yosr parehases. Ast toc vîsit te Mr. MeFau'aiaîtheelit Bush- happiiy together. Seipooig onreCndabshdr0 t.Esittowell Wîsîtrrd lobes:lItbrm. Tbey estîir POYOu1teSituer- milia. treland. Oh ysthere more g ci lsck charms aci a greatest percentoge increose in steel output be-m tl:iiicliiatinibig i me ni05 c. 14 and cindi r, Stwrtiri itîva. ci,.Furnîlare tic Croeery.- yos, 81938OandO1951.iCaada ha.. u gciin'navy-iios. s l ot.iîc iaywscrd, Raipto Thor. Wo- speciol perfsmo tht mosid get 'ho or she a veey abo 13 ndt91.,iiu t 7005.000parilîime. umait-hut smpn irare, Miss Mrgireri cer I hcghl a nem car I Men have leas courage thas Sol roman otsie ad prsumblyimpatia sas Th Fiancal Pst.mendoo't have te trudge avec 10 the momen. Imagine a mas mith enly Acourse in hypnstism mas aise avoulable. The sorce, the Canodion steel industry is crediteci Evrtc the ,,rmri. restrîcîrd trot- Wriaotruaiirlh.bntemley ek dpss.eihcnsini okttrign vrityîîftauary cci*s"'ciailoraiq Mr George Biadi rimciv-d thec -Sure net;jut drivesuver. eh?*siasitssofclothe,tfivehbats and cath, f eorecam tat ilthee ooc ting aith record steel îndastry expansion in the pout cotiaudîci. as ,.mui-ccatt sipprri p'S "Noh sdu pccopeua, ; jiildont mate aay. tfour paies ut shuen. ctch oficorsecamu httiil ihseigid itigs iiiiita i zefr er reci tbe giron to mankînci by the so-caileci professer andi the rupectation et record steel iedsstry ex- gctl iiaiireida. Il',sa gads.iand Nancy Richardsn for the _______________________________ more availaible for certain ssms of moey. The pansien in the future. i :0 c ,înd mnre , tidiiiiiresi more the power esîreci, the more money the This evidente dors net support the election comm ti ati th, im.îtt rnd ftlhe[ TUNNEL TA(TIC P O E SO A IE T R article cost. campaigo charge by leaders of certain parties that risiuy ts.,i iiar2:10 b:î.t-Iîid- Whi. ioiriurd a dia wsitom R FS I NA IE T ml as at this point that me ealizeci the heat management of the Casadian prîmory steel indus-i i aaaLasi ecar lhy ii- AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDEda fro try as elibratly rstrctedstel prducion i 1, it i..îsilrh $B mîltî.îîî-- 1 Lodon iii Bth, uraîrd brierae N T A ELR UD masu't respousible for the illusion. Weve put cr m a eîertl eîtc the poiorin:0iuldîilîithec 5-pouticii , twi. viiir-tiird rpinsteis. No cnc literature safeiy amay util after the election. order te ebtain o igh price fer its steel. Nom iguir ,1iipoked dornna the lîog josruey.1 Such thingu shesici neyer be set ot largo omong dtu ni other evidence. Mii uc liii ioctilonv-ithl.,;h.4îi .- uii iiitcicd alcii athd thein _____________DENTAL __ the public. Someone is lable te spenci money If any single fadtor may bc blameci for bîgb t, il t K. cici Hauliax pot theck if uthic had ii hl'eli;it ,;,,;tiiý,i ci M. is 1 aî made losd hiasiag THE STEVENSON CLINIC DR. G. A. KING mithout ony gsorontee of refond. steel prices inCanada s ionneofthe blame "-r be auc mai. -i îîîCîîcîî . cîîîcc. andctuî mrc i, hns ETLSSGO iiciicu acthtrid iti.ii I;li1i5hahi- o iiibd tcim uic t.thebm Mlton-Number 2 Office in atoyal Building, Mllten Themal dosbrig omecoieu lrerrue poio n tgeemauci toef ad in steel msorbte îtuîttî,uî i:dîîî liil tu ther ut the stuitird id iladi ies, o. D..Roevn anci pemapa the mar timo cevsorsbip from obrooc o sgs qo ebuepîii îclmlse tetuiii tîîîyîdis bat uîîd saîîl iiih i mis- r .K tvno or - shouici be mode effective agoîn. Uniteci States. M..îîîif ithi iiiui . îiii thcsiisi'ishii Toii bih iii DeFred Meinyk Evenings bp Appaintment a-inadvi,id C'.c sdar \ch î,îbi pu rarming tadie,îîo t indebted Dr.R. S. McCoiiosgb X-Ray Service Telephene 197 -- - - - - - - - - Atciiand îtîitishHioduraii sm - tir. hut miict dcliîabtrîintelurde?- Otice Hours. - liiiaîiis:ci~wth ilmlliii uufi*tt îc Tbchei h clsepuirî ouit. Iîsuinî thi 1A.M.-By appoinîment onip.D.F.EBAC K Figures Give the Story 1 'siun.1 ry cens tv1,îî ul tsccc liiiiultrs gaisa cispic.i usl t P.M.-l-4 7-t.DRF.E AC K N tA li th FiasAnnual reports of the Ontario tiqsor Control i .oî.c iiieiiisrtiilc ach to îer. SUNIAYS-Emergencîrs only. DENTAL SURGEON As me go clown the homo stretch in the pre- Board te the Ontario Legsature makie rather gri ___MILTON__________HOSPITALOffice__in___________Building sont mletin e cannot hein but feel thot the readîog from the stancipoînt of actualiy control- XRAYn retfl elcten rCoronec, C.PR. and Gant Surgeon Eeings by appeintment selection of candidates or parties iii not be on- ling the sale of liqueir anci beer. If reveaieci thot _________________X-Itay Service Tel. oftice 65 tireiy decideci on the oratery or pitforms put Ontario cîizens spent a total et $228,008,216 on D.G .SE Res. 20 forth lu the campaigu. if's qote the usuai fhing lu liqueir, ine anci beer doring the yeor ending PhysîUan oiNEWSo schooi or other standing fa pass jocgment on the March 31, 1952, This mas an increose of $i7,- Ottîce-amaSrgeonMSELAEU term memk as melo as hat the student doos lu the 53d,d01 or S.3 per cent. over the previeus year. OemNoSret. 38LNEU final eoominotions. On the bosis of a famîly of four persons, il is KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BOWES BAPTIST CHURCH Office Hoursu 9 a.m.; 1-3 LEVER & NOSKIN Weve offen mondemeci st waht effecb the acciateci tht the average Ontario famiy spent Ms.R. Eîh T. M.. Orga M nîst PInth eI. . F. Halo-83dee Coconer Aemntnt campigu speeches anci ther means useci bave $t90 doring the yeor on beer, ine anci liquor s.RWigtATCMOgas Ptor, e.R-F.SyrConr Successnrs te -- JENKINS & HARDT ou the actions of the electors ashen tbey go into drînkîng slîgbtly over 67 galions of the tbree SUN)AY, AUGtJST toiiJ ii3 îm Sidy mcî u d - DR.J.W.3 1305 6 Victrorita ., ocen the poling booth tua mark a cross opposite the beveages. Toues aicine asoulci amount fo $93 per h iao uu,îcW o r-luj i. it Bible Ciaci hcid iii the Oftice Hoors-t am.; 1-4, 7-9 p.m. Emn. 4-9131 candidate of is or ber choice. The ballot being family. Ther , No tiasid Tbuua WuiI .Toiwn Hall. Facmmrs' Building, Main Street le Wiihh.iîd.«'700 ;)iii.--Esriiua Service. Hcs. Triephone 395W ______________ secret, et course, vo one iti ever bnoas the un- Only three parties colci take any satisfactionOUptil thiiend uitAuiauicthiiiconi- itD,îtîi Whiielam. pitour or Heidmoce 3CH95JATO saser. But me believe that nef as many votes are froas this unsavour y recerd, namely, the distiller- Weatiîîîîîf St.t Paciulshui ch i tcbmui, icc tubBapist cbehh HRORCO ciii ciii uîii itht h,, -11-ii Scirboiiu, ciii cuirato inflaenced lu the final campaigving as one lu les, the breaseies anci the Ontariegvrmrt îautîuîift Kniioclsiiih i liiuy Auiguuît 5 ;i bi5- LEGAL NESN-ToCiorco sometîmes mci to believe. There is sucb a muiti- the later reaping a rnwaad of $11 KnoxOlO iv ____________and_____________ hlîtheîî.i t Mu-aîThi Mcii Ccuira tude of piatforms, points andi otber items put taes. Morton.u DICK & DICK Druglesn Therapisi forth anci offen tbey are so contracictory that in a Wbnn Ontario ctuenus puy io the suas of ST. PAULS UNITED CI4URCH Ail Are Wecomc W. 1. 01CR, Q.C. 38h er f rctc feas aseoks the electors may mvii becomo con- $228,000,000 in 12 months te the liqueir stores, minstee-REýV J L BLýAIR, HA.___________K___ . Y. DICR ti Lady Attendant fue.he alusadccti aso spo oîga iit" Mr.HRobertK. Care Pacristero.SSlicitoes Mon. Tus., Fni. 2.5 p.m. fosci.hrn prlors nc coktal brset hisprvince CALVARY TABERNACLE Broum Street, opposite Arena Wcd., Sat., 2-5 and 8-t p.m, Conditions un dem micb mn bave li for the il i s net srprisîng that ose sridom hears oday NtJii)AY, AUGUST 2îîit.9-5 Penterssstal lHolinesa Triephuine 4 Clusrd Thuraday tî,o ium Muuîiiuî Wiîhiî ai HEONTE ST. Ovem Dominion Store, Georgetewgs post teras of goverument are not forgotton as a the once-common rcmarlu that conditions mcm Kniio Prsyteii ic n uosPîiî raie mben the elector egiters is vote, Wth asl ruucb morse onder the Ontario Temperance Acf. thrncîîh the i;uiitiiofuit AiHu.oods,* _____ T. A. HUTCHINSON, Q.C. Phone 150W the meons 0f the disposai of Canadian einctort to Hem meuici tbmy br any morse thon lu f953 is im- Frnis' .tJuîir3lu O p.nîî -Pnuye Haeeintcc.Solicior, Etc. Ieep lu toscb mitb the affairs of their goverumont possible te imagine. Court records andi igbsay GRACE CUSUMengAV.andBileSTtod. tt Otîce Mai t., rChmpon DoGRIo of hiropeC.i the issue is not ail decidec ini the mneks alottec i tagedies invoiving innocent victimu tell their oms ANGLICAN 100 Us. An uirSebouîi.95 OffclepoaiBnn St., Milton co fCiorci to the election campigu. sorry taie. Rv.N rnGeenB.A, T- 1 700 p m.-Enuiiîgciiotu ev. ephn54BotS.,Mln SUNAV AGUT 7d.003Toodp.m. Aoîcist4, O p m . Puyn GEORGE E. ELLIOTT PHONE 102J XRAY SUDY UUT2d 93 ad Bible study. Harrister, Solicitor, Noiary Publie______________ S nth Sandati afîeTinitti Ail survices heiag heldi utthIe Otice-ln Farmera Building 8009 a. m Hoiy Commsuim. hurch.) Main Stceet, Milton TRAVELLERS' GUIDE ~Iir (L a u a btat Q Jlia m pîtx 0 a m.-Hstp Citimunoin. .Teiephone 70 ________________ a n a -a a Th emililbc no evin g service CANADIAR PACI5'IC RAILWAY da ing Augusi. ST. JOHN'S, NASSAGAWEYA Stasndard Time PuIMedi te eutofHate Repyi.let e theST.fGEOGE'Sd tir andPUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS Ooing te Toronto - 7.51 ain. ST. EORE3:LOW1LL FOR ADULTS dailp; 2.04 p.m. dsily; 8.20 m. Pahliuhed enecp Thursday at Main St., Miltes. Ont. Hem- (nlcn dailp escepl Ssndoy; 8.57 ber ut the C.W.N.A. and the Ontari6-Qsebec Dieision et Bey. R. E. Poritt, Rector Munday .......... .. 1.30 ta 5 p.m. day only. the C.W.N.A. Advrrtiuing rates an reqars t. SubscriptiensnA SAINTS' CHURCH SIDATurndap .. 1.30-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m Cuming tram Toronto - .04 s. payable in adivance, 2.50 in Canada; sx sonntho $.50; ALL A UOUST md. 19531 Wednesdap .....9.30 arn.-1 noos daily; 6.31 p.m. daitp; 1.00 a.m. daily I D sngle nopes c; 3.50 in the United States. Authacized as Milton Heights Nlnth Ssndoo af tee Trlnito Thursdap .. 1.30-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m eacept Satsrday. Seond Clasa Mail, Pot Ottice lepartment, Ottawa. e. Oitia Tbompsoii, L.Th. 9.45 a.m.-Morniaf Praper and Friday .................1.30-5 p.m G. A. Otla, Editer and Pobliaher ectar Sermon ai SI. John Satsrdap ...1.30-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m CANADIAN NATIONAL SUDhAUOTC md liS 11.0 .m Hop u1an5n3n Publie Holiays net inciodeul RAILWAY TRURSDAY, JULY 30th, 1953 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO a