?MUESDAY. 3ULY lIenS, 1033 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PAGE NDlR COOKINS col$- -Mo See the new... Ab' " AUTOMATIC OVEN TIMER s PUSH-IUTTON CONTROLS " SPACIOUS MASTER OVEN " STREAMLINER DESIGN $17 per month On DIagIoy New Milton Electric Phone 259 Milton A nec day coachs mdaycmte thse Canadien raicoade $130.000, a dine ing cee $190000, a sleeping car $200,000; eueofoiequpeset ina transcentinetal teaeinsla$2000000. IN GRACE ANGLICANV le a cisarmaing cncning cercmosy os Fciday, Jonc 26, et 7 o1cteci, tise mariage et Myrna Edso, daugister et Me. antd Meo. Thomeas Wiieclee et Milton, te Angun Doaglas Turener, snof Mes. Eliuabeths Turner and tise lte Mr. W. G. Tonner of Toçon- te, ca oetmnized in Geace Angli- cas cisoci, Miltos. RSm. Horman Grecsn fiiated. Rouquets oetwite ciiryssnhemums decnreted tise chures. Gîsen te cerclage by lber ftuier, tise bride wrne a baiterisa tenguis gowrosf powder btae organza ovr taticta, and a iscaddresirrriored cuis toned peacis and proS Sceri- brarteroses. sce cannsed a wite Rible cis cwhle and bise satin streamers and a corsage ni abute niirysaniiscmums and pieS cotes os top. Miss Jcanne Turner. yosasgesi sisrofuthtie groom, cas matd et bonne sn a ballerine tenguii goasni pinis aeganoa one teffeta cis a maicitng floral iieaddreas and bou- quet. Jobs Milne et Toronto cas istt mue. At tise reepiion isnid ai Haw- thorne Lodgr, tise 30 gucrin attend- isg wcre nennmsef by Mes. Wisee.r orotise r otthe bride. cearing nusy rince oser irsfnila and a certain of Tatlisman erones, and Mes. Tarer, motisnnotthnessrom, earinghrro' tace and a corsage o inhroses. Atedîng gueris cecc teom Miltos, Tornoto. Coobsîtte. IBcamptn eand Burffalo. Foitowng tise necepion. ithr coupte mii tfonrune isonrymoon i tise Mîrrsoisa distcticthesside ci-seing a ys-itwsu it cis hwite and nany accrsriis, Mr.and Mrs Tornerciii enîrde in Milton. J. A. ELLIOTT Licensd Auctioneer and REAL ESTATE e Phono 177J - Milton alil Hou dci ELECTRICAL ,c wo9 CONTRACTUNG ;K1:tci FURNACE OIL BURNR SALES & SERVICE the NEIL McPHAIL Cho Charles St. Pone432J Mltonten APPLIANCES end FIXTURES thi -t te cd HIOIL HEAT e BIT ornSuer installed n your furnace, complet& witm los commios end 200 gallon oil tank, An $36950 adj FREE - 200 gais. Oi - FREE th Wth eveey Hi. T. Borner ordered end instelled before c August 15th pia Your OlIHet Dealer STOVE OI FURNACE 011 - GASOLINE G. BUNDY AND SON w Phone Mlton 313va - EVENING CEREMONY 1101 "Whtstsa deice fur ourseine s e salis fer as' -J S. Weodsaeeh. 'osandee of tise C.C.F. Stan. Allen says: CAN THE TORIES CUT TAXES ? Mayisr iiey ai i sbt ei get hi" What did the Liberal tax ut mecs b pyou ? It ynuarecs a marercd man sis tw chisrirsn arerngtise average cage ot $24001 a yea, inoani a resdetismir oi ONE DOLL.AR tsi is spread ruser a ticcî o mntis perrod.Voue incorrir a cuuid ti ! It.00fricrise ycacR. ut if ysanccs'inc$1,0fititlirmdividr'nds drn the samc year rtaxsihiave icnredacedrsutirat yrr si ort nh anc ti psy ONE CERT. Rit businessupaporrtcsss tsith niripatins. Tiai > wroi sy aiy tiat aTory i onuial altesnative to a Libseat CCF THE PAUMER-LABOUR CANDIDATE FOR HALTON COUNTY Thehisseelsnst an onerall reductlonset taxetsbut a edoitibutiosnIftise tan iurdenifrroc tise toc incosme gope s otisme aisare esi aiset 50psy. The CCFwould: i.Raiexmpiooieesforcincrcstas 2. Aiois saes and exoie txesos the necessitintsef Ic .3 Inconaro'tors ratss fr ric nsprairîn' 4. T as eceus protito and capital gains. i. Paulfitmuinicipaltaxcs ons aitfedenat peopeiy 6, Aisstiss taxexecxmptions foren soeee fmecdlvi- dends. Sponuserd and pad for bis tire ittun CCFP.Aitueritint ~iiI 1Essay Winners POET'S CORNER P Council Contest A FARMER'O PLEA l l'mnjast onee oftisose country hicks be rintenof the 10 peine aie- Wisotcornes froc acay eut in the Sin an ensay contest uponaoeed sticks, of the County Council for 52 ltot- To neice my me and maise a ptea ne Cossnty public sciioS popita Foc ailth tieiher hoohe tike me. f oatiesded tise Coancil meettng May 12 have heen aneouneed. We wock tise isecis six days e weck, p le stijeci ef the essaye wýaS And when wacre dose we'd tike te H yVisit te Halten County Count- 5teeak 0 and tise peine wtnners cere: To sac home tean te boy eue este G t mese etle o A Assd mcci eac neighbosn o the H i Dingte Stratiseonae Scisot. streets. N son; Douglas Wrlggleacecth Ci egetoase; Caret Redsisew, Cen- We casit taise off os ceehing day, Scisoni. Oaisviite' Mecityn May, And if ce do tisere's beck te pay; hi attir No. 7; Rai pisGeitatets' v' oir irîis in stome don't do tisai cay w lington East; Maron Joisnson, Vail, o yrrîboiy iogs-icy day. t seagaceya Neo 6 Audrey Fea Adtstsriytdottssi 0tsc Ssiese, Gtenwcd Scis. Racu-An htswy1(o'tiki' e in; Michsaet Marshaltt. CesteralT igisia sol. Rnrlington ; Heten Lande- Tisei tise sireis on fermee's nigisi; t, rugis, Acten Seisotl. Yeusve foi your cari paeised on tise g ire fottecine n is e lient peine srefoe ih da ect y isy Alan Emeson.Teafalgar Bfr ehcsstdw ocl Tisco ce must stop isogi and feed Si [ VIStT TO HALTON COUNTY tise secs,d COU-NCIL" Coax ailthtie jasce rfom bossy coss 'Iisasiseen myaiisi or eercs Pichup the eggs.eerpatpitheie, - ces tisai chre t eeaciscd Grade Shane off tise nisissers iii ronce 1migisi have tise peteilege o! men'). nding a meetinof etOue Caunty ucl Ho eypesdIwsDcs noeal n ai lentheinitation camceandssy Sinces'oisathbas got neoss-tareod otl motetcise me ta retresent lw r cisoot Ceank is r th(- flirose, ir, ise Fne asonchlildin tise Coancilît ce lmisoin Milton.,cisere thViseTr'nnttforetscn-buniasthie eden. Mr. Lentie, opcned tise iose set ho aisigis iu cepeatins tsn, Thse Led'rPeaye. The trsarc irnrdfar op nd tic tisen weneied tiese tadenir, cdewn... -sodcdIonteCosncii memt-Wiissasofoks who isre in tscn .rs,andisadcatcisofaustelliDurWsei o iiinkiscuie a tsen nneand thsncssî.iicccepreisnt- oscls rbs tagru h "Tise minates of tise tait meet ie eead. foticcd isy reponets ttibistter jars and tees asd Dmvarous commttees and dis- cem isin ngeneratCouncit be- RaBtnay.rittaisesatlot oftteam By tisstime it cas nDOO suYou althsotilyouafeetgel se m ent te tise United Ciseei sentl eoem isere a mmi detisa Yaaeshostdecs ache, yoa*ee sceeng nnec cas seved isy tise ladies ed tise Mauniai Unien s aitute. And miiss tisai yoa mccc home in Tise pesgeam whris fol].oed lied. nsitted (if soins isy tee gald And tisen yaa spy tisai yettea peint datr.-ts ofthtie Haiten Music Eco- That's putst ntciece tise aits va.- Tise guet speakser, Me. R. amit. Roenisstd. Assistant Seieatl Is- feo, ef tise Csaniy of Haltn. Ttitsser ares cisere iheee shrrsrd risc ta as. peaising tise cor etfise ihee. ir Scisoo and advised us is gel Thermie sieaddted tisai thece mach. tise edacation so ceoutd receine. ysa sec. On ectarniof Is tise Court it'seaertecn toa.suepease bctar, ause. we weedinidedsentsgesupr We wat tsspesd Ourenîicts tsee. iisiet the varius ofiies and Yousie watched us long enoacisto Ppeeteenta intehie Cîanty Raiid- sec kg. Tise jai cetlstheagisoffnt- We nccda parktng place,isy gee. ret 10 ua. mahe ustlithaisti e -Asn rouldnt rare te speed any part sa tu iver tisece. In tise Sare- ate Coartfittece ewrsh n ?Ils and tl cas cnpiained te u PLACEMENT OF BER COLONIES c use and caris of tise Sapeeme- dCounty Ceacta. Seed grocers whoceqaeat honey "We eetaened te tise Cosmeil becs icom isecieepeca for tise pot- raciners hece tise Croce ai-' tination ef ced cloer and etiser orce, Mr. Dingle exiptained ta teguese creps, shoutd insist tact tise ýhec jaetice is adcisisteced is colonies ise ptaced Is thisciefields. le Coanty. and urged usto sh Eprimetsecariedeout fee Ice mptaiom. te guard oae goed reesens by tise Apiculture Division, toet and tu es-sperate cr10 toc Central Expecimentat Faces. Os- tice. -tea, have sheas tisai seed yietdu "Fartiser discsseions1ooh place decease peogrensivety au tise diz- itise bseer wcistihanc migrait- tance fcom tise colonies inceaces. il ieoEqeqsing. and are foeoding In fields iiseee-quacics el a mite me efthtie roads. f esm tise epiecy, tise efiectiveness 'Afler orneraI otiser miser met- et petîrnatien isy tise soney becs ru wccc discusard. Douglas Wcig- cas serioaslyrdaced Tisnindic- escoctis thanhed tise CealentI fer aies the scceseity ef ptecing col- eing as tise sppeeianîiy et attend- unies aeound or cisis a field g iheir meeting. ,cisece ibis distence iree tise ap- 'Afcer singing tise National ary esay bcsexeceeded. inihees "Ood Save tise Quers.' ce tlearncd and dcpaeied tocr _________________ imes cis eacidr isoctedge of - ec tennisosIa Csasiy Caancit end 14 masy presisciswcis cwhics iey mat deai to maise Haltcnt iris a progressine and plcasani t .n as Iace in cisici te tise." M urrayiis~ "Tisai - uaMGrenke Thtnerisisor if yoars is am bit of, a osip ise?"PA N E A D I olntgo ihet lac, bal1 I NT R N 'ili sac uhat tse camne bacis froc acatisocis berlongegasotn- burned."DECORATOR _______________________Phone: MILTON 366W 'I I Gardon Party IN ACTON PARK WED. JULY 29 PROGRAM AT .30 PM. (D.S.T.) ACTON CITIZENS' BAND DAVIS CONCERT TROUPE, of Hamilton SPEAKERS HON. WALTER HARRIS, Minister of Immigration MURRAY McPHAIL, Liberal Candidate for Hatton County Bosths Operated hy Acton Women's Insitt. ADMISSION FREE PLENTY Room Fou PARKING c m A SHIR T TO SUIT YOU TO MEN'S T-SHIRTS 0F COLORFUL FINE COMBED COTTON OR LOOSE MESH KNtT. EVERY STYLE F0R HOT SUMMER DAVS. 9 8c to. $2.9 8 FELLOWS SEE OUR GABARDINE Cantops"Y Park Pie Style Hats DRASTtCALLY 0EDUCED FROM $269 Now $1.50 Eue SHOP IN AIR CONDUTUONIED CONFORT THEROS STRESCO. .TD alermo Girls Lead In Rural Softball At tise cosclusion of tise lient bal >ftise Raton Rual Girls' Soiuisell isedate, tise iees standings are as ttlow s: P W L Pie, Paleemo ...... 6 t t 12 nernby........ 6 5 t 10 :magis..........O 3 3 6 Sen W Ilties 6 3 3 t fatonnilte ......I 2 3 1 lorvet . 5 t 4 2 saeisdlVitte 5 P 5 t On Tisursday stigbt tise second ýa of tise scisedule get andeecay riti Honniy and Palrme sattling r a 10-i9decisian fnn Hoesby, Ai Dmagis. tise Rervalgirls acre isand- eda defea by thsescoeeof lt-t, and at Camp'aettvilte, tise Gten Williams ees teoaneed the Campisetînitte trle 24-4. Cars siseutd be parhed in tise shade as muni s a possible becase le eeg suslight itsone efthtie mont amagisg natural elements te paint. COUNTY 0F HALTON Tender for Coal SoaIed tenders addressied to Mr. Win. Deant, Ceunty CI**k, Milton, Ont., end marked "Tender for Cool" wiII b. r.celved up to 5 4dcîock p.m. on THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1953 for the suppîyinq of approximately 150 tons of southern domestic stoker coal to the County Buildings. Farther information may be had from the Coanty Engineer, Milton, Ont. - The lowest tender flot necessarily accepted. ROY F. SMITH, County Engineer STAN ALLEN 1 -illýILLI -il a Aaspices of the HatIon Liberel Assocrirton In Case of Rain the Event will be h.Id in Acton Arena THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PAGM N= TMMDAY, JULY 23rd, IOU