PAGE ~OWT THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TEUEBDAY, ZULY lird. U FARMERS TO LOSE PROPERTY RIGHTS = 0 = olivei eepsube'bo'tatyu Foshion Hint 0 N T H E are gelng away. They'll keep an eye en your house. FISHER CHARGES 0F ZONING BY-LAW ehdaltrthswkfon one of our friends whso lefI ber Chargea thaï; Nelson township'a deputy reeve Fred Walker pointed H ME houserlo the, rare of ber ts'sfly new zoing by-law tekes ewaY 0o1t that Miltono wter lUe extenda i eand weot off te Europe. he bas tbe femmer' property rlgbtesud, turer nmiles ibnto nhwest Neson, let her poaition and ls gong to lieB suiad Hiler denies thens sud aked hoin the by-taw would FRONT stay abroed as long as her oe the rlght t1 eil their land er affect possible expansion or sunex- last--about the end of Ortèboer directed et lue townsip counit by ation o that ares by lue county tîhe holses). The letter wee frein Peut Fsher, chimnsofetthe Inter- ton. Ne said development t o!tee à St~ockgolnguge rapîdsi t n"ernityt Urban Area Beard o Bueingon- section mou certain, sud luat tRoarin- shaeOrth n Nelson, t a public meeting beld ers alog the water lire nboutd lie byt Kop0cr re niy bofwu hae tchraer uo thSoletSIu umi eatoe 1 ellt tlm hn N msuy people arr OwOY on O ,apprerlale tbis part of her Glerwo Rebout on ThursdaY ve crer for umll bhumes. bu days (1his wmrrh Wrhave ter. Whrn the uhip stopped at evening,JlytIl. imilarlprotesta P . Aloeco, plannng con- goeoouors yetbtIhv e Geroh.Soln eltofsri were heard at the rt public meet- sultanStae te Burliugton Suburb- heeping on iny deak a bito e- aegr e rl." ie ng uJuyO heluprpadoplnng erdsdtete- mindero for peple tnjavsng On ceme aîong and played lue bat by-baw reticting lots sold by lue sip rounicit replied tbat i omaler hotîdayu. pipes. cotlsud loelsed green sud fermer te a Oive-acre mininumn oas lots wece mode available, Nelson I only hope I basent ot it bu- hilly ater the Scotch mist ttfted. irt disruaeed. farmees oould be poying srbeel tore we go away. becauae Il gises Qeoeada aSoc ey On hurda evnin. ormr ml for peope esrling in Milton. sonme goed pointers. I link yo0 moke us ealy to se the Clyde, Milton rnlot later occh senexation might be interested in luein, ai- bt att t coutd oee mou fug. An and tabe over the chmul reste bol thoegh it10 more for home omners Irtohuansasid the Scotch wecre _______________--- a ve-ocre minimum retriction ila who are gint tu bc oway fur long- ash meot of their country sud meer Filmy nylon dreoses alwayr lobk B Wn needed toc thr preseos. He .st- e than o week. hidt5t 1IV' cool in sommer, altboogh msuy gested btat Mr. Wather ind eut il . Arrange te have oui, waler ard Lihe curry other touriot to the uoy they are vrry wrm te wear. ýBertha B. Mrw siton woutut service the tieransd lectriciy sbut off. British botes, Jel a id."Ccoing Their odaptobility te travel eut- pyprofteedoration cooto. . Dsoet the rerigrrator. de-tret is dangeroso! Rues lhoogb meigho Ihal consoderation in many REAL ESTATE BROKER dlIr. Wlker repied tht il srmed fr001 and dean lit oaud eave d>oues i hnum mhirh h my right bond. I couer, asyuoy. Wile styles in anuntir te peet arte tandowneeo open foe airiof. aolomatieotly look tu thc right oud nylon are repii1>000. the dres RA and ~inthe north feom mkiOf money13. Checthebroofuftrcleas andnery grthiîed by rs comiucoareof vefctuosandpatterns. GENERAL INSURANCE ellisg lots lOe ther neighbbueelit repirs before leauîst. Alsou dre frein the let. Tu auvuse boving ber Oerst sheer the ouolb. leoustfroutlrs andtheduclo- Two ous setutfortheAbaey nylon fresu fou't torfel vos nerf Mr. Fishe roogested thattheb>sPOuts n gul thecighfbus osuing leoalip of ultus reroyon wilh m- Main St., Milton I trmecobbepertittef tuselluinall- 4. Clranoutthefocrac andtuh- urunfg>uoy.Wbrs eue isoly got brifery! Nylon sp u stivuurf05 e ltsbut blitmtef on the nomnberericate esoiof parts. lu the Abbey taerer mo uch aho owitb nylonudfeesuon brigbt Over Bus Knight's I luyceuldsunli n o ytar os hou 5. Remoue dangers ut upuon- queue Ibot me meut lu St. Jauîeu. feys. bers fusesinEtuhîcuhe. Ne saif eousecombution by cerasîng 'W Paae inueaf ( tee colaiou Very ubee.ruuey tunesi nylon PHONE 237 foes fla ispossesues 200 te piles ut eogs, ltbrosud couub robes anf replesroftcromuu The stueings lookbebrt mîlb nylon 30 frmes i hert ft he asd rinuf If puit, i ad1 ' u f nd If oobs redrssesdu upen, cool shees. townhip. rsisg uray Ibeir igtt golinr cars. usbelievsbty icb louisg cupe- Gleaminsufblack patrnt leather lu make a litte mosey. t. bock uecetp al doues andi ially the goldI robe >uicb n eall sondaIs are smart ibis ycar. Reain- Inteecuptcf seurral times by windows, paeiclrly Ibour in the esbeotcrec. The Dobe of Efin- truc torbîng, gu weU mwith the pplus, M. ishr aiditis n-cetsar4 but do sot dram biJnda3. boefb'.e mou a beautitul rieh ref ueyopen, ycl beeled mummec -- applmie Mcfraunberson tow«ThiscatIs attention te lue tact thot The Qoes Moîberu f cess 000 ubo. C a ecause lutaces inresn ins- The ebouse 15 unorcupird. qite ploesp. sb eclw ow rvtsares rig.Te a 7.Diontinue deliueey utfiilb "Wbrs me akef ose 00v bocb a À L 1 frm elnoma pirerofalarme an esapr, andtifyeure te the MsslYu Hulel, the minusaisi, body i Swer sic t h le Champ- T A * y sig taxepire ut tondeues ging ta bc gene foca leaitltwO "MonstereHotet'? He pcobably ion! r Behnd Rd ad Whte lu anngbsrdtasesdHefoeed tlhe echatemporaeily fiocontinue thîe lbosgbt mc mere smo ut the emun- I hope youoeerinterested in SetdRd u hte psnu hadasicu lhne ocservice sud late afuontagc sIereslber nrms 1lihrkly hase ether Store no rigtteopeentthe faceeetcm et the redacef rate. Alsofuuuc e binmste rrtuf cîrufusbradpi nwo MILTON, ONT seing a lot ohen be monts or tcpJ fieetyu annrt e shesanoebot treve, u taler sro tleand pliet as e wa se d u ni a dr h t a y n arsiisg afdrem .iv the lett r ste peourd s hcarus cîit reinbre attec she rets barh matig totfacet-fybhas teguo, . Moharacangemesr s onnce- be abitheaotty. "If Yeuspt any> to Cnada, to, hm boenes up P hon. 635 ta Ecainusa. use te in0euthe toa> nundmater the ut this in youar obimns ue sa, tehccucuodet1a 24-Hour Service townshi intoourbanand ruralsaeau Lasaruyîrsbouseand t mas" houmespodnt, ou uly en' ormdyaot trabee- mou afass soogestesi hy Me. Dca- a cseser affrenu utba sigh e el. l'sase ad eh e y ac hforc ut art estne rejo conFuinrtm bi ceueChs.tuhoe aa c ncecy StWeil nhoe and'tth in uy- -semfoueslasd> aia-wjo PanîFmer at onishi ev s.ursg na retec, Stchl-n o' hnkay i efud le fores a metropolilan arra. Wben sscb chasges esay ruineis a fem vears he said ilwmss rt taie tee the sth te legilate toc hose ins Hihest Pnees thenorth The nortb usho __________________b________ alloed e Tnke heirownplans. Peld For Depoty Rerve John Atisse. chairasaofuthle emeeting, raid the BATTERIES roasseil intendef lu et sp a coin- F R Y U SCRAP IRON, STEEI, METALS, mulleertlu rtsf the Bulunglon MISCELLANEOUS FARAI pan SCRAP Dliver.d to our yard S OP N 175 Caroline St. N. Pollock and SOP HAMILTON N 1. Wa mun &Manuactureru ot Sonsj HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS Phone Hamilton 27061 MEMORtAL ENGRAVING aud 83611 62 Watr St., North GALT OV N EC I TELEPIIONE WUt S.A. FAY and SONS Plunibing and Heating; Sheet Metal Work PHONE 205W MILTON, ONT. HALTON REFRIGERATION CO. Phone 600 - Main St.. Milton INSTALLATION - SERVICE REBUILDINC, EXCEL AND PREMIER DEALER Gem Milk C>ooer - FarmEiupuent EIetric Motor e Svicî .nuv>ieeormake Elec(re Ree î in l> alc. $00o<J r cent $500 1pr roontb foli g>ur1-I RADIO ANDS TELEVISION SERVICE COAL Get Your Bins Fi lied NOW wth FAMOUS READING AND PITTSTON ANTHRACITE at Summer Prices Halton Co-Operative Supplies Head Office Free Del very Route Days Branch Office MILTON 1 27 -Phone- GEORGETOWN 86 "PJ. And that our staff may week LEDWITH'S FOOD al day Wednesday andc The store wiIt also be op evenings. We trust titat I factory ta our f riends and continue ta enjoy sitoppi Iow prices buy f ine qualil New Low Price Sales & Service FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS FOOD FREEZERS STOVES General Motors Products Kitchen - Bdron - Chest.elieId Suites Studio Couche. Simplicity end Thor Wasers TELEVISION SETS ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Fre. Transportation to Georgetown Store ~e64eteHOME FURNISHINGS Main St. Milton Phone 304 DAILY SERVICE TO0 AL LCANADIAN AND U.SA.POI4 CHARTERED BUSES OFFER IDEAL SERVICE FOR AU. GROUP TRAVEL TRAYNOR'S VARIET" STORE PHONE 404 h ave a pleasant work MARKET wilI be open - closed ail day Monday. ien Friday and Saturday iltese hours wiII be satis- 1 customners and they wilI ng at LEDWITH'S where "* y. CLOVER LEAF S@ckeye Salmon __________ 1/21lb. tins Big *Value OnIy 35c Giant Ice Box Jar 42c Double Suze 69c LEDf WITH S L'~7 One Pound ~IC 26c FOR BETTER CAKES FOOD MARKET THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PAGE MORT a TRUPMAYI JULY 2ard, lm